Good points! I opted for the Fright Features version for my own collection.
@gaytiestoys5 ай бұрын
She's easily the best cartoon-to-figure representation. Although the cut lines on her jaw aren't terribly flattering.
@HyperdellicDude5 ай бұрын
Great commentary! I loved the pink suit Janine. I had to pick up a vintage one a few years ago because… I NEEDED her!
@gaytiestoys5 ай бұрын
Yeah the first is still the best. I've picked her up a few times over the years because I just can't resist that hair flip.
@RetroToyPrincess5 ай бұрын
Fright Feature as the first one back in the vintage days was another reason I missed RGB. I had Slimer, but the lack of Janine -- and then finally getting one that was hideous due to the "action feature" meant I was too old for toys and uninterested when a more reasonable Janine landed.
@gaytiestoys5 ай бұрын
Yeah I vividly remember getting excited that she was finally getting made and then saw that face. THAT FACE! Those eyes....
@augiepires5 ай бұрын
April O'Neil had something like 10 or 11 figures back in the day. Girls like Janine were a rarity. Ever see the early art where her yellow outfit with the miniskirt was originally to be her secretary outfit?
@gaytiestoys5 ай бұрын
Which, the one with the weird armour and violet miniskit? Like the others... it's CLOSE but no cigar.
@mgmcu5 ай бұрын
While the price tag on the Mondo figures is high enough that I will not be collecting the entire line, I don't think you can call them a rip off (as some are doing). The two pack price tag is pretty much the same price as Mondo charge for a single 1/6 figure and considering the size of the ghosts, that probably means you are getting more plastic in the two pack. For me, I will pick up Ray (as he was my favourite character as a kid) and I will absolutely pick up Janine if/when she comes out. Ideally I'd like secretary Janine, but I'd also be happy with a suited up Janine. The main thing I want is that early head design and haircut.
@gaytiestoys5 ай бұрын
And that's something else some folks don't talk about enough... Mondo IS high end; you're not required to buy every piece. Cherry picking is the name of the game for a lot of us.
@augiepires5 ай бұрын
April O'Neil had 10 or 11 figures.
@gaytiestoys5 ай бұрын
@@augiepires Yeah come the 90s, Playmates went balls-out with Aprils, Counsellor Trois. They changed the game.
@augiepires5 ай бұрын
I don't why I posted my comment there half asleep haha
@gaytiestoys5 ай бұрын
@@augiepires HAH it's too early on the sleepy west coast.
@ashleyvanhammer34482 ай бұрын
Fantastic video! I was a toy colllector as a kid and these characters were a big part of me finding my identity as a queer woman. Jem was my femme, compassionate gal. Janine, she was my sassy, boss-bitch side(lamented watching them devolve her over the series) I had the fright features Janine but never even heard of any the rest of these. Wow! Thanks for the biz buzz. 💜
@gaytiestoys2 ай бұрын
Thank ya kindly! And yes, those two, especially mid-80s, really owned that era. They were so quintessentially 80s.