Midnight Mass | Why (As A Christian) I Loved It!

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Austin St. Pierre

Austin St. Pierre

2 жыл бұрын

Midnight Mass is the latest limited series from Mike Flanagan. In this video I share my thoughts on the series and why I loved its different approach to how it presents religion, specifically Christianity.
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@Chocobear555 2 жыл бұрын
I love that moment when Father Paul has finally heard enough from Bev and he bellows "It's not about me! It was never supposed to be about me!! It's supposed to be about GOD!!!" That's one of my favorite "Someone stands up to Bev Keane," moments. My other two favorites are: when Sheriff Hassan references the first part of Matthew 5:45 ("He makes the sun rise on the evil and the good[...]"; and when Annie Flynn confronts Bev outside of Erin's house.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
That moment with Father Paul and Bev is one of the best from the series!
@shadowseer07 2 жыл бұрын
The thing that shocked me the most about Bev is that she could literally take any scripture and twist it to mean whatever she needed it to mean in the moment. It was terrifying, because you could see how easily that sort of tactic can corrupt anyone. I loved this show because it was so respectful to all faiths and to the act of faith in general. It doesn’t judge sincere piety, but allows the audience to view it honestly. It asks just hard questions but never condescendingly. I’m a witch, but certain things Father Paul said had me in tears, sometimes when the hymns would start I would just bawl. It’s not about which one is correct, it’s about the shared humanity of faith itself. Such a gorgeous series.
@sorfina 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a Muslim and I loved it. The last 2 episodes made me cried. I cried the hardest coming to the ending part. Gosh! This show is not about anti religion, it is about anti fanatics be it in any faiths.
@PeaceOffmate 2 жыл бұрын
I'm also a Muslim. cried in the ending...
@pedo-momo.slayer Жыл бұрын
Which is why islam is f alse and not from God. quran has been corrupted by uthman a calioh of islam. The early manuscripts of quran were burnt and rewriiten. Who th burns their own religious manuscripts lol.
@thebanished87 4 ай бұрын
God bless you too bro 🙏
@pennywise6606 2 жыл бұрын
(As a Muslim) I loved the representation of religion in this show and finally getting a good developed Muslim character in a show. I loved the review 🙂
@michelleespino9814 2 жыл бұрын
I really loved the sheriff. He was just such a good guy. I love that he encouraged his son to read the Bible. Most people I know assume they are right and everyone else is wrong and could care less what the opposition believes.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Sherif Hassan was easily one of my favorite characters of the show! His scenes where his beliefs clashed with the rest of the town were very well done, and he brought up some excellent points! The portrayal of his character made me interested to research his line of belief more so I could have a better understanding of it. Thanks for checking out the video, I really appreciate it and you sharing your thoughts!
@remyazharyyosef1811 2 жыл бұрын
It's true. Sharif's (the Sheriff) representation on the Muslim view couldn't be more appropriate and true to Islam. Muslims are taught to think and ask questions in order to learn. And Flanagan couldn't have done it better especially during the classroom debate between Sharif and Bev when he explained the openness of Islam to learn and read the Bible.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
@@remyazharyyosef1811 Yes! As much as Bev frustrated me during that scene, I was genuinely impressed with the rest of the points and conversation
@remyazharyyosef1811 2 жыл бұрын
@@AustinStPierre True. Performance-wise, she really stood out and that actually question us as people in general. In that, we impress our beliefs upon others as if we're unsinned self-righteous servants of God. But we fail to see the flaws in ourselves. And I must say, along with Hamish Linklater, Samantha Sloyan deserves an Emmy. At least, a nomination.
@robertr798 2 жыл бұрын
Really love this show. Not only spine-tingling and intensely scary, but even for an agnostic like myself, I was deeply moved by the conversations the characters and dialogue provoke. Especially in such a harshly divisive time in our world, this is a show that highlights what we have in common, and how we can uniformly derive strength from our shared humanity.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
I couldn’t have said it better! Time and time again I was impressed with the shows willingness to present various beliefs in a balanced and non confrontational way
@eduardochavacano 2 жыл бұрын
A thumbnail in KZbin Revealed the Plot Twist to millions of viewers. I was on episode 4 and it was so Boring... The Monologues were too long. It seem like Midnight Monologues was the more appropriate tittle. The Muslim Sheriff was a bit like Woke Warning. Just wondering if I was the only one who didnt think the first 3 episodes were too Boring.
@RosieOleanderDallinger 2 жыл бұрын
@@eduardochavacano why was he “woke warning”.
@drexulgeewrangle 2 жыл бұрын
Amen. I have an affection for this work, probably because of being a lapsed Catholic and truly loving the church as a kid. I saw the same things that touched me in Haunting of Hill House and Dr. Sleep. I love this man and will always be excited for any future projects he writes. Robert R., what you wrote here makes me know we could be really good friends, which sounds cheesy after I wrote it🤨
@lucas.daniel 2 жыл бұрын
As an atheist, I thought this show represented religion in a very positive way by the end of it. To me, it was more about showing the difference between spirituality vs religiosity. Bev represented religiosity, and Erin represented spirituality. Her view on death and her perspective/monologues were so profound. Even though I hated the finale ending from a plot standpoint, I would say that from an artistic standpoint that was making social commentary, it also reinforced the difference between religiosity and spirituality. By the end, all the island folk had seen the error of their ways and literally asked for forgiveness from each other before singing praises to their god. Pruitt had seen the error of his ways by the end of the show. When he threw away his collar before he died, I viewed that as him basically throwing away his role in his faith as a leader and recognising that he failed himself and everyone around him by allowing his selfishness to interfere with his religion. Prior to that he actually verbalised this to Bev when she said he wasn't a leader ... he said "this was supposed to be about God" - basically saying that everything they had done was not in the pursuit of their spirituality and love for God, but their fanatical pursuit of their selfish desires (immortality, perfect health, etc).
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
That was very well said and a great comparison. Thanks for watching!
@peterproductions5015 2 жыл бұрын
Yessssss! I’m a Catholic, and Midnight Mass is my favorite series of the year, glad I’m not alone!
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
You certainly are not! Just like the series says “you are loved and you aren’t alone. That is God, and that is heaven” 🙌 Thanks for watching!
@peterproductions5015 2 жыл бұрын
@@AustinStPierre No problem!
@TILLEYJS 2 жыл бұрын
I'm evangelizing the series to everyone I work with. "YOU HAVE TO CHECK THIS SERIES OUT!"
@vivacristorey4728 2 жыл бұрын
But don't you think they disrespected Eucharist
@peterproductions5015 2 жыл бұрын
@@vivacristorey4728 Now, personally - I didn’t see it that way. Creator Mike Flanagan (who also did The Haunting of Hill House!) actually served as an altar boy in his childhood years, and he saw parallels in the drinking of the Blood and Eating of the body of Christ to Dracula. He translated that parallel here, and, if I’m being honest, I didn’t mind! I do, however, understand if other Catholics find it offensive, it’s perfectly fine and to each their own!
@larryjohnson150 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone has known a Bev, I’ve known too damn many and that’s a large part of why I identified with Riley. I’ve also dealt with addiction for a long time so I really connected with him and the way he viewed religion and just life in general. What an incredible show!!!
@larryjohnson150 2 жыл бұрын
And great friggin review by the way!
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
@@larryjohnson150 Thank you! Yes, it’s unfortunate that Bev’s character is all too familiar for many of us. Had I more time in the video I would have discussed my love for Riley’s character as well!
@onesickchick3599 2 жыл бұрын
They should’ve named her Karen I guess... 😂😂😂
@davekpghpa 2 жыл бұрын
I too struggled with addiction and came into AA about 4 years ago as an agnostic. The whole higher power thing was a struggle for me but I had the gift of desperation working in my favor. I went for a generic God to turn my life and will over to - something like what was described in the closing scene of this series. But after working the inventory step, and starting to realize the promises, I started giving more consideration to my conception of God that fit my situation of receiving mercy and grace. After understanding the one aspect of Christianity which sets it apart from every other religion, I came to faith in Jesus. That thing that sets Christianity apart is that redemption requires only faith and repentance. All other religions, including Catholicism, say that works plus faith is the way. The line in the book of James saying faith without works is dead (which is also in the AA big book) also confirmed my faith. How could a person like myself who was all but completely broken, who was then given mercy and grace, not fully embrace my faith in my savior and then not go on to do my best to help others? If I ever lose the service aspect of my life, that will be the signpost to check my faith. One additional point relating to the movie... there's a lot of Bev's out there. It was interesting that she was using the line from Jesus as he admonished the pharisees, when it was in fact she who needed that message the most. Of all the warnings in the New Testament, the warnings to Christians of the corruption of the Church are by far the most prominent and numerous.
@duskydancing6409 2 жыл бұрын
It's definitely not a spoiler to say Bev is the worst lol. We knew exactly what kind of person she was in ep 1 when she shows up to the priest's home, finds the door locked, and proceeds to pull out a large key ring and let herself in without knocking. I saw that and was like, "Oh she's super controlling and intrusive, got it" haha. Her actress did an amazing job.
@Chocobear555 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. That made me uncomfortable.
@ziylicious 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with many of your verdict 👍🏻👌🏻 as a Muslim myself, Midnight Mass provokes deeper conversation we should be having openly about faith and cross-theology philosophy. It's so respectfully woven that watching this makes me wish people could see how much in common we all have actually at the very center of it as believers and the intricate ways faith/religion (sometimes dangerously) brush with our life or personal upbringing. I salute the script writer for coming up with this thought provoking theme 👍🏻 And of course, the cinematography is also something to behold. Salute to Mr. Flanagan and you Sir for sharing us your view on the series.
@katierose6189 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who considers themselves a more traditional Baptist Christian, I actually really loved this series! I didn’t think it was anti-Christian or anti-religion at all. Very thought-provoking show for sure! I didn’t like Bev at all for sure, but I did find it very interesting how well her character displayed how the Bible can be twisted to suit one’s own agenda. I’ve also seen this type of character in the movie “The Mist”. Even the Bible itself says “I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their OWN appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive. For your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, but I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil.” Thank you for this video review!
@Malkav65 2 жыл бұрын
I’m an atheist who was raised Catholic, but I was actually happy to see that the show was so even-handed. I considered suggesting the show to Christians I know, but I was worried that maybe they would take offense to things I didn’t notice. Your video has made me feel comfortable recommending it, so thank you!
@introvertedgamer8584 2 жыл бұрын
I just finished Squid Game right before binging Midnight Mass and, geez, my soul feels achy from all the introspection on the human condition. I think I need a show about puppies next.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Haha definitely sounds like you need a pallet cleanser 😂
@krishnapartha Жыл бұрын
Around ten minutes, you hit a grand slam. “Why is so upsetting to you (bev) that god loves everyone just as much as you?!” Perfect summary of Sister Bev’s issue. Keep up the good review work. May you be well and safe. ❤️🙏🏾🔥 I’m a Hindu who went to catholic school and I loved the show equally and even more for the vampires! Hehe
@firefoxchibi 2 жыл бұрын
From an agnostic perspective, I think this series showed the beautiful aspects of religion, not just the horrific aspects. The way Erin's faith have her hope in the face of losing her daughter. Father Paul's (for the most part) uplifting and inspiring sermons. The goodness and honesty of some of the religious characters especially Riley's parents. The beautiful imagery. I wouldn't say I'm a fan of any religion, and this series also perfectly highlights it's dangerous side, but it also engendered a certain awe and respect for it too.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Well said! The conversations had about religion throughout the film are so fascinating and have inspired similar conversations for myself with people I know!
@komal146 2 жыл бұрын
Annie, Ed, Warren and Leeza were sort of normal , humane but good sides of faith, Christianity in this case. Loved how she, the virtuous mom, told off Bev .
@headoverheels88 2 жыл бұрын
That's exactly where I am! I float between atheist and agnostic, and what I loved the most about the series was that it wasn't a critique of anything particular, but instead an exploration of different types of faiths, beliefs, intentions, methods, etc.
@theravensnest66 2 жыл бұрын
I am a Christian also. I loved Midnight Mass. The angel was clearly a demon. Bit father Paul wanted to believe so much. He just wanted to help his parish, especially his daughter and his beloved.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, it was a tragic story told beautifully through the eyes of Father Paul! Thanks for watching!
@AVspectre 2 жыл бұрын
Also - his own experience was unique in that he was suffering from dementia and frailty before his encounter with the Angel. For him, it was an experience of healing and revival. It was ‘miraculous’.
@ladyredl3210 2 жыл бұрын
@@AVspectre speaking of that, was there a Lazeras reference in there that I missed? I know Jesus is in a cave before the Resurrection, but is Lazeras too?
@candycarter7059 2 жыл бұрын
I am a Christian, too, and you touched on all the parts that resonated most strongly with me. I agree 100% and think the show was brilliant. It was so great to see the things about my personal relationship with God so succinctly represented, but that also wasn’t only showing my experience. I could watch this with any number of my friends and they would be able to find themselves in it, too ♥️
@looney1023 2 жыл бұрын
This series was so good! What I personally loved about it (aside from all the excellent horror and the rest of the brilliant ensemble) was the relationship between Riley, an atheist/agnostic, and Erin, a born again/devout Christian. All of episode 4 they're talking to each other about their beliefs and traumas and relationships with faith in an open minded, totally supportive way. It reminded me of my own relationships with friends and family who are devout, while I am not. There doesn't have to be conflict or debate. They can be respectful of each other's beliefs and still support each other unconditionally.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! I love how we get to see respectful conversation about different beliefs, and it also encourages us to have the same conversations!
@zv8629 2 жыл бұрын
The main message I took away from this show is that forgiveness is the greatest miracle. Miracles are a huge topic in the show and had a major impact on all the characters, but they didn’t draw everyone to faith. Forgiveness had the most powerful impact on the characters (Joe Collie, Riley, Leza). A deeper impact then the miracles
@nerdfatha 2 жыл бұрын
So far everything I have watched by Mike Flanagan has been tremendous. From a writing perspective, though, the show shouldn't work. The characters all talk in monologues. It's the opposite of the way real people talk. But the monologues are fantastic and the actors just bring it! it ends up allowing for a exploration of faith, frailty, fanaticism, and philosophy I don't think I have ever seen. The fact that it doesn't have an agenda on what it wants you to believe makes it one of the best discussion pieces I have ever seen.
@psmallw286 2 жыл бұрын
Can't get this movie out of my head! I loved everything about it. The characters, the story, everything was perfection!
@jennik3578 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! I really loved how religion was handled in this series. I grew up Catholic and still identify as such to some extent though I've stepped away from the Church. And yet it was actually Sheriff Hassan, a Muslim, who I felt the most affinity for in terms of how religion functions in our lives. That talk he had with Ali about miracles and how God works is so similar to discussions I've had with friends. But, boy, when they started up with "Were You There?", I flashed right back to Mass as a child and started bawling. I guess I expected them to kinda poke at the hymns and distort them to make them spooky. But they really felt sincere and beautiful. That quote from Fr. Paul hit me hard, too. It was such a cathartic moment for me as a viewer... as was Annie's short but sooo deserved speech to Bev.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing that! The hymns were beautifully done throughout the series. Some were haunting, but all were beautiful!
@RRTNZ Жыл бұрын
I loved Midnight Mass. I have to say, it gets better on the second watch - because you notice a lot of little throwaway lines in the early episodes that become prophetic later on e.g. " in the darkness, in the absence of hope, we sing." in episode 1, which takes on a very different meaning in the finale. As a Christian I really appreciated how it dealt with Faith in general (particularly Christianity and Islam) against rationality - and never tells us how or what to think about them. Instead it presents all the different perspectives with respect and thoughtfulness. The AA meetings were such a great forum for the different ideas to get thrown around in a candid but respectful way. I also loved how well Islamic beliefs were treated - that the Sheriff was calm, rational but still devout in his beliefs - which were contrasted with the corrupted fanaticism of Bev. There were two scenes that really got me. The first was the montage to Neil Diamond's "Holly Holy" which shows hope returning to the island community, as people find life and health returning in the wake of "the miracle" . On a re-watch, it's really emotional seeing these people who are struggling finding some inspiration and joy at last - but it becomes tragic, as you know that the happiness will be short lived. The second scene, which brought me to tears, was the finale with the townspeople singing "Nearer my God to thee " as the sun rises , mostly because despite everything that had happened, their Faith was such a great comfort in such desperate circumstances - and how the person with hypocritical, corrupted Faith crumbled in those terrible final moments. It's hard to think of Father Paul/Monsignor Pruitt as a villain. He desperately wanted a second chance but also saw an opportunity to do some good - although he fooled himself into believing that the source of his gift was God, when clearly it came from a very different source. Sadly, his folly destroys the very people that he wanted to preserve. Ultimately, the best thing about the series is that it doesn't tell us what to think, but just presents the different perspectives and lets us make up our own minds. I believe that while it exposes how Faith can be corrupted, it also highlights the great comfort and peace that it can grant.
@AustinStPierre Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing all those thoughts, great observations!
@davidmccracken6074 Жыл бұрын
Austin, I was late to Midnight Mass but finally watched straight through last month and I LOVED it! One thing I loved about it is that it demands further conversation...especially by people of faith. I'm still thinking about it; still talking about it with anyone who will listen. It was so good to see you continuing the conversation in a meaningful, thoughtful way. Man, Erin's "What Happens When We Die" scene...I'll bet I have watched it 50 times here on KZbin and it gets me EVERY time.
@AustinStPierre Жыл бұрын
I’m glad to hear you had the opportunity to go and check it out as well, and that your enjoyed it so much! It definitely is a conversation piece and one that really leaves you thinking.
@MeowwwPurrrr Жыл бұрын
This was an absolutely EXCELLENT work of art. What a perfect commentary on humanity.❤️✨
@emmanuelreygo3349 2 жыл бұрын
Something I noticed is that in Hill House he also talked about the importance of knowing about other religions
@KunoichiDuck 2 жыл бұрын
I was so curious to hear about this perspective after finishing the series. Thank you for sharing! Much love!
@jeffcobb2734 2 жыл бұрын
Great review! Can we talk about the character of alcoholic Joe Collie? So well played by actor Robert Longstreet. After everything he'd been through, he had finally turned the corner. After a day filled with temptation when he found himself standing in front of the beer cooler at the store, he goes to see Father Paul. And instead of a loving and generous reaction, he experiences something entirely different! (no spoilers). I just think it works as a great analogy that people often turn to religion or the church, and are often let down in a tremendous way. Not always by a pastor or church leadership, but by the "Christians" who do not display any positive virtues in a time of need. My wife and I love "Amazing Race" and we always say that if a team makes a big point of proclaiming themselves as Christian, they will turn out to be the worst people - judgemental, hypocritical, etc. The kindest people don't do it for show. They do it behind the scenes. It's who they are, not what they do.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Joe was one of my favorite characters in the series!
@jeffcobb2734 2 жыл бұрын
@@AustinStPierre Riley also went to see Father Paul unannounced. That visit didn't go well either! Coincidence? I think not. Mike Flanigan is making a not so subtle statement about the failings of organized religion.
@Janelovesyouu47 Жыл бұрын
Loved this vid. I LOVEDDDDD midnight mass, best show I’ve seen in years
@ladyredl3210 2 жыл бұрын
As a pagan, I'm very interested in one Christian's prospective. People like Bev are not really Christian to me, and I agree, this show isn't anti Christian, it's anti fanatic, which can be applied to anything not just religion.
@ehza 2 жыл бұрын
nicely put
@fuzzace6044 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like a ton of people have missed this point lol. They see narratives heavily involving religion, and its either a propaganda film, or a objective distain for a religion.
@ladyredl3210 2 жыл бұрын
@@fuzzace6044 well, to be fair, most things do indeed "take a side" but fanaticism isn't talked about as distrutuve in other contexts than religion, and there are other contexts. I'm hoping people will start recognizing this.
@user-vu7rv1xf1l 2 жыл бұрын
Certainly there is much fanatical politics about these days, its almost like the latest religion with some fanatical groups expecting group thinking to all be the same in everything. The state of modern politics (driven by social media I am sure) has actually made me take more interest in religion, as its the more peaceful, open minded, less combative option, in my experience & opinion. Yes fanatics can be anywhere, & religion in & of its self is ment to be about hope, peace, & spirituality, not what the fanatics bring to the table.
@mojoRobo 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent review/analysis. Being a Christian and a fan of movie and tv (mostly limited series) - I'm often asking myself 'Hmm - should I be watching this?' And I was definitely asking myself this during Midnight Mass.. I just found the series to be so compelling (I binged it in a few days) - and at the end, I liked the messages/questions that are presented in the show. I don't think the movie is anti-christian in the least. It is perhaps anti-messenger. Fr. Paul was an engaging spiritual advisor to so many on the island, who's intention was mostly to serve God, until his selfish interests were revealed near the end of the series - and then there's Bev - who used God instead of serving him. I just subscribed to your channel, and based on the movies I could see on your shelf, I look forward to more of your film analyses and reviews from a faith based perspective!
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for subscribing! I totally agree with really appreciating the questions the series asks it’s viewers, and became thoroughly invested in what Father Paul was doing, and empathized with him once his beliefs became selfish. It truly was tragic. Thanks again, looking forward to having you join the community!
@Kazooples 2 жыл бұрын
I’m not religious, but the bible fascinates me, history in general I guess, and the part where he does say “it’s supposed to be about God”, I absolutely love that, it just shows two very real sides of faith, and I really respect it.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, definitely one of the best lines from the series! I’m excited to hear scripture is so interesting to you, definitely keep digging into it. I still learn from it every day 😁
@mattparker2681 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your insights in this review. I just finished the series around 1am this morning. I've been exploring religion again, recently, particularly the Catholic faith. Not many people in my family are religious but the ones that are, are all Catholics. This was a very thought-provoking series and a fantastic opportunity to get a glimpse of various belief systems and interpersonal relationships, as a whole.
@callasky 2 жыл бұрын
As an atheist, it never come into my mind of the religious theme in the show. Yes it shows how gullible people are, but that's not specifically religion related, but human as general (scam, MLM, dictatorship, etc). So it's refreshing how different others view this show. The only religious related that fascinates me on this show is how Mike Flannigan "translate" (or rephrase?) the Bible to be suitable for the show/story arch
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
There are definitely very strong themes in the show about how gullible people can be, and how we can use beliefs for our own agendas to influence people. I love how balanced the show was with presenting so many different ideas of belief 😁
@TILLEYJS 2 жыл бұрын
That's the thing with this series. Religion is just the edges of the film. Not the forefront. Like you said... This is the human condition. Could be veganism, political, CrossFit, or anything else humans exalt on high.
@pastasoss1565 2 жыл бұрын
Really great thoughts! I thoroughly enjoyed this series, it definitely was not what I expected at all, but that same quote at the end "it's not about me it's supposed to be about God" also stood out to me! It's definitely one of those "slow burn" horror series but in the best way possible! :)
@rodrigomadera3048 2 жыл бұрын
Great review, man. Loved the series (probably my favorite Flanagan work so far.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! It’s a very close second for me behind Hill House, but over time it may become my favorite, we’ll see! Thanks for watching, I appreciate it!
@CallMeConstantine 2 жыл бұрын
Purely from a selfish-entertainment POV, I’m tired of formulaic depictions of people of faith in American cinema, especially as it relates to the one-dimensional Muslim and two-dimensional a Christian characters typically shown. The language and dialog in Midnight Mass was intimately more familiar with theology and dogma and faith.
@eduardochavacano 2 жыл бұрын
By that you mean cheesy? Cute hairy Muslim Guy as Sherif (What could be more American than a Sherif) in an island full of dull looking white people. Then some white girl defending the Hot Muslim Sheriff from the Town Karen. Then you have a priest arranging AA meetings alone with the hottest man in town. 3 episodes and you still have no clue if the series was inspired by Brokeback Mountain or The English Patient for sheer boredom.
@Yfrith 2 жыл бұрын
It really aint one dimentional, you can see the relationship between the father and the son on how the son is slowly influenced by its environments and friends and slowly becomes a christian and the father trying his best to not be overly righteous like bev but also keep his son to have the same faith as him. As a muslim this is a pretty accurate or authentic depiction between families when one of the family members are trying to convert. If you watch to the end, their relationship and faith are pretty crucial to the ending, without them the remaining vampires would have survive waiting for their time to get off the island to "convert" everyone.
@kp361 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely incredible show.
@mrkemrk 2 жыл бұрын
As a devout atheist, I feel strongly there's something in this series for everyone.
@michellecnebrown6792 2 жыл бұрын
There were so many smart and insightful quotes and things that I picked up from the show. It was really eye opening in a different way, Which I love. And I learned rational recovery and it's something that I went through and I did not know it had a name.
@hayleenicole9326 2 жыл бұрын
What a great review of this thought provoking series! You’ve just got a new subscriber!
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I appreciate that! And thanks for subscribing as well! What’s your favorite of Mike Flanagan’s work?
@hayleenicole9326 2 жыл бұрын
@@AustinStPierre Hill House probably still takes the cake. But Bly Manor and Doctor Sleep are also exceptional (as a massive Stephen King fan). And as a fellow Christian, I agreed with you on all of your points. ❤️
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
@@hayleenicole9326 Hill House is my favorite as well! I didn’t love Bly Manor, but did respect how well made it was. I did a video on Hill House a couple of years ago if you want to check it out: kzbin.info/www/bejne/anK7g32bfqZgmq8
@hayleenicole9326 2 жыл бұрын
@@AustinStPierre awesome!
@micoferdinand 2 жыл бұрын
a deep, thought-provoking poetry about faith & death, or a beautifully written tale of justification of extremism in religion, ‘penunggang agama’; Midnight Mass is a masterpiece.
@skyhigh33716 2 жыл бұрын
Great series ….loved it
@JonAdamsMinistries 2 жыл бұрын
Just finished it tonight, thinking about doing a similar video in the next week or so. Good stuff, keep up the good work!
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! It’s certainly a show that begs to be discussed! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed talking with people about it in the comments 😁
@jane1984 2 жыл бұрын
Loved your review, subscribed to your channel,Love the theme of your channel of discussing faith and film!
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I try to bring a unique approach in how I study films! Excited to have you join!
@masmith8308 2 жыл бұрын
Wonderful review. As a practicing Christian myself this is a lot of how I feel about the series. I watched it twice in one week and I still can't stop thinking about it and pulling apart its themes, from faith or lack thereof, to how easily one can get caught up in destructive religious fanaticism.
@shayZero 2 жыл бұрын
I watched it in a day. So incredible
@FoxtailCinematics 2 жыл бұрын
Oh this is a series. I saw the promo and thought it was a movie. Great review man 🦊👍
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Haha yeah it’s a series (only 7 episodes too!) If you find the time I highly recommend it 😜
@paintmeperfect 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your perspective, I was curious how a Christian would feel about this series. :)
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching!! I’m glad you enjoyed hearing my opinion
@martinnielsen5805 2 жыл бұрын
RLM recommended it and they were 100% right. I loved it.
@carloscordero6695 2 жыл бұрын
I love this series because the christian themes were presented to you in a geniune and unique way. Not the cheesy "god is not dead" way (which I hate from mainstream christian media). As a christian I find myself being drawn to the lord through different shows which central plot isn't about christianity, but has elements of it presented to you so well. The scene where the girl forgives Joe Collie for what he had done to her was SOOOOOOOO freaking powerful. It wasn't a cheese "I forgive you" and I am fine. That kind of forgiveness shown in some christian shows is just shallow and superficial. Doesn't reach deep. This scene in particular shows how as christians we can hate and feel rage and want to hurt someone when we are wronged, but at the same time shows why we need to forgive, and how that process of forgiveness can be just as painful and rewarding at the same time. Not to mention the acting here superb, I mean the guy that did joe collie was soooo great!!! Heck even when stupif Bev killed his dog I was about to ball with him in the way that he cried. Anyway. I hope I can see more of these types of shows from Flannagan. I am officially a fan of his!!!!
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
That forgiveness scene was one of my favorites from the series! I totally agree with the comparison to God’s Not Dead and how disingenuine it all felt
@vermadheeraj29 2 жыл бұрын
As a ex Christian and a non believer, I really loved the Ideas discuss in this series. I personally loved the character of Riley and this might be a spoiler but his monologue on death is one the most beautiful I have ever heard. Next best was surely Erin's both versions which so different yet so moving.
@yer_old_pal_Jerky 2 жыл бұрын
Truly a great series!
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
It really was! My favorite of Flanagan’s is still Hill House, but this isn’t far behind. What’s your favorite of his work?
@yer_old_pal_Jerky 2 жыл бұрын
@@AustinStPierre Hmmm... at this point, I have to say that I think it's now Midnight Mass, followed by The Haunting of Hill House (which scared me poopless) and rounding out the Top Three is Doctor Sleep.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
@@yer_old_pal_Jerky that’s awesome! What puts Midnight Mass over Hill House for you?
@yer_old_pal_Jerky 2 жыл бұрын
@@AustinStPierre Well... they're very, very close! Almost too close to call, now that I think about it more. But I do think Midnight Mass holds together better through all three acts, whereas Hill House suffers from a laggy, directionless second act before ultimately bouncing back with a compelling and satisfying conclusion.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
I can understand that, I did like how Midnight Mass was only 7 episodes, though it was slow moving, I still felt it moving at a very good pace!
@probablysnot3343 2 жыл бұрын
I’m already crying watching this review so now I KNOW I’m going to cry while watching the show…
@AVspectre 2 жыл бұрын
Watch it! Enjoy :)
@johandrytenias1725 2 жыл бұрын
I'm agnostic and I love how this show it's just for anyone. And yes, it's all about faith, so I'm glad they kept it ambiguous so everyone have their own interpretation. The curious thing about show is that there is no evidence of God or afterlife, every character operates on their belief within a story that ultimately is just about vampires
@joejoe8369 2 жыл бұрын
Especially the songs, it hits home
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! I regret I didn’t really talk about the music in the video. It’s both beautiful and haunting.
@CBleys Жыл бұрын
Atheist who was raised Catholic here, loved this show and your review of it. Subbed.
@AustinStPierre Жыл бұрын
Thank you, glad you enjoyed my video 😁
@john-tobeymaguirecena 2 жыл бұрын
I grew up deep in religion. My mom & most of my moms side of the family is Pentecostal Christian, my fathers side being Roman-Catholic. I was in bible study as a young child & went to a catholic high school. Where I stand now, on Religion, is another topic I won’t get into but I will say, my faith is different today. This show is hard hitting for those experienced with any religion. It’s great to the core, & hits home for those involved/born into these ideas. Of course, this being mainly about Christianity, it definitely resonated with me. I can definitely relate to the way the show reveals just how twisted one can take/make the Bible out to be. How evil, one can twist the words of the Bible to make it fit their narrative. I’ve seen these actions firsthand… and it’s, if not the most, one of the most sickening, evil things anyone can do. “God works in mysterious ways” is what i got from this show, and it’s something I knew since a child. Nowadays, I can’t help but scoff a bit at that notion…
@user-vu7rv1xf1l 2 жыл бұрын
Glad I wasn't the only one with Christian leanings to love it, I'm not actually baptised & I am somewhere between agnostic & a lover of Christianity, I do go to church serveral times a year & I love the rituals, traditions, & hope. I loved this story but was worried it might offend some Christians, particularly Catholics, I actually recommended it to my local priest & then worried it might offend him, but I don't think it will. I was sad it didn't end happily for them with the miracles being Holy, because it was heart warming & fuzzy to see those villages get better & grow in love & faith, however if it had imagine the backlash it would have gotten from the media for promoting Christianity, it seems they only way to get good hype these days is to bash Christians. However I didn't see th3 show as anti Christian, it actually introduces people who would never normally engage with it to some of the traditions etc. But while I don't find the show anti Christian, I have found that people see it in what they want to see, I saw in it how faith can bring peace, unity & hope, yet it happened to have a sad ending in this case, but the community showed the benefits of faith leading up the the accidental mess. But I have seen how some atheists (the Christian hating type of atheists) are loving it in a way they feel it tears faith down, see to me it doesn't, but to them it gives some smug sense of righteousness to. Not all atheists are like that of course, but we all know the type I am referring to! But yeah, a great series it was.
@jettqk1 2 жыл бұрын
Loved the series and your review! Having grown up Catholic and now Episcopal, I'm conflicted about the scene with Leeza getting out of her wheelchair. My mom once told me she had a moment where she felt that if she believed enough in God's power to act through people, that she might have healed a person with extreme disabilities. But she was too scared to try. I felt like the series had an opportunity to offer that kind of discussion following that scene. Father Paul is so sure in that moment that God can make Leeza walk, while everyone else in the church accuses him of being cruel. They don't believe, but you can tell that Leeza knows what he's doing and believes. Obviously, the show makes the point that God doesn't apparently act through people to heal (though He did with the apostles) and that it's the Angel's blood healing people. I wished the show would have explored that idea more, but I can see it might be irresponsible to convey that sort of idea to viewers.
@andromeda7758 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who used to he a Christian, now atheist I was curious how more devout Christians felt about this. I appreciated your point of view 🙂 Even if you didn't like it! I like how you analyzed this!
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed hearing my thoughts! I loved the series, and will definitely be revisiting it!
@tdvcyt2534 2 жыл бұрын
Great review, you deserve more subs, Keep it up :P
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU! Thanks to this video I’ve been gaining incredible views and a large amount of new subs! I’ve been incredibly blessed 🙏
@user-vu7rv1xf1l 2 жыл бұрын
I felt sorry for the Priest, he was great, he was a good person, he was trying to do the right thing, he just happened to have been duped & made an honest mistake. It was nice to see a representation of a Priest actually trying to help people (like most in life are) & not the corrupt Priest that TV & film dramas like to show.
@davidferguson1225 2 жыл бұрын
I watched it and it felt scary very because some Christians only read parts of the bible and ignore others this show showed the kinda people who do that this show should be shown to everyone because I first thought it was blasphemy.Then I realized alot of the stuff in this movie happens in the real world not the vampire but the rest.
@tylermanzi2190 2 ай бұрын
Punish the bad and reward the good. Don't control or lie. Don't kill or steal. Learn from your mistakes and do better. Don't give up, and believe in yourself. I think at the end of the show we're they stand on the small bridge is if they could go under it that may help from the sun or get covered under a bushy tree for shade may help or under something small to take cover the best you can if you don't wanna die from the sun
@marvinetnel3556 2 жыл бұрын
I was honestly surprised when you said that Bev was one of the characters you learned the much from. But I get it.
@janjannn05 Жыл бұрын
I love this tv show
@isaiahlynch4113 2 жыл бұрын
One thing that didnt make sense was every One that got turned was instantly killiable by the sun however if thats the case how was Young Pruit after he was killed and revived was able to walk around during the day for a few weeks
@zsaklong4619 2 жыл бұрын
Don't agree that the director doesn't push the "right" belief, Erin's monologue at the end pushed new age spiritually/law of attraction as the answer
@keturahspencer 2 жыл бұрын
I'm atheist that grew up in a Pentacostal home. I loved this series. On top of everything that you said, which I agree with, I loved that the atheist view wasn't depicted as Nihilism and that atheists weren't depicted as jerks who just try to ruin everything for everyone.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed the series as well! I agree, it was very well-balanced with each viewpoint. Thanks for watching!
@fulcrum8583 Жыл бұрын
I think a point - a very obvious one at that - many seem to miss is how an ideological mindset, be it religious, political, or whatever, is narrowing your view of the factual world the more extreme it becomes, up to a point where even when the truth is right in front of your eyes (it's a vampire!), you will continue reframing it to fit your prefered perceiption. It becomes outright delusional, and when such mindsets acquire power over others, everyone suffers in the end.
@plantcat6036 2 жыл бұрын
this was a great show! as culturally lutheran/protestant (but nonpractising), it was interesting seeing the difference in catholic rites. the show beautifully wove together different interpretations and meanings of faith, like at the end where erin describes her death biologically like riley did, but with an additional spiritual side. p.s. islam is the name of the religion and muslims are the people who follow it! it seemed like you called the religion by the name muslim here a few times. :)
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you yes, I forgot the name when recording 😜
@mathewrusso9420 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a hardcore Agnostic. I didn't go into the series thinking about religion in any way... but it certainly has super-reaffirmed my Agnosticism. People are crazy cocktails with legs - and religion (and even hardcore Atheism in its own way) is the main ingredient in the drink. As an Agnostic, this just reaffirms to me to just always make the popcorn. Sit back, and watch it all unfold "over there" and stay safe "over here." =M=
@benwolk2028 Жыл бұрын
Interesting review, lots of good points. As a person of faith, I enjoyed this series until the last few minutes, when Mike Flanagan more or less undid all his thoughtful work leading to that point by giving Erin a touchy-feely, New Age-y monologue to wrap things up. It felt like a complete cop-out, thematically.
@manicmax7909 2 жыл бұрын
You mentioned his other works but you didn't mention watching Bly Manor, have you seen it? If not I'd definately recommend it. It's my favorite thing that he's done (quickly followed up by Midnight Mass).
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
I didn’t mentioned Bly Manor cause I didn’t much care for it lol While I respect it and thought it was well shot and acted, the story was a slog to me and I didn’t feel like everything was worth it in the end 🤷🏼‍♂️
@manicmax7909 2 жыл бұрын
@@AustinStPierre ah, that’s understandable. I know it wasn’t everyone’s taste.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
@@manicmax7909 I did find it interesting how divisive that series ended up being!
@TILLEYJS 2 жыл бұрын
This movie was done so well. Raised Baptist. Now atheist. I thoroughly enjoyed all the aspects of this film. The way humans battle with their own belief systems when it conflicts with the outcome they want. The muslim character was so well done. Not some stereotype and an the actual way humans behave in his circumstances(9/11). I don't think there was one weakly written character in this show. Even the town drunk has a great character. My favorite scenes: Muslim and drunk. Just him agreeing with drunk(for once the drunk feels like he's being listened to)about Bev probably poisoning his dog.......When the muslim son and father praying at the end. Powerful stuff to meet your end with .....dignity. Much as his wife with pancreatic cancer. Side note: If they ever do a Last of Us movie or show. That sheriff guy needs to do it. He was Joel in this movie.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Those were some of my favorite moments as well! Also, they are doing a Last of Us show, I believe it’ll be on HBO but don’t quote me on that lol
@davekpghpa 2 жыл бұрын
Forgiveness was certainly a theme in this series. It's too bad that they missed the mark and missed a perfect opportunity to ending the production with the true glory, mercy and grace of God, which is that we're never beyond redemption. In the aftermath of an unjust trial, humiliation, scorn and in the midst of being hung on a cross to die, Jesus prayed to for those who did all these things and said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do". THAT is the ultimate act of forgiveness that ever happened and will ever be. We're much more than stardust, atoms and electrons. We're the most cherished creation of the creator of the universe.
@jephdanielmendiola1350 2 жыл бұрын
How do you compare this with gods not dead? Also, why didnt u mentioned Riley Flynn?
@skerple94 2 жыл бұрын
This is in a whole different universe than gods not dead. This is thought provoking art and the other is propagandizing drivel.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
This series is leaps and bounds better than God’s Not Dead in my opinion. While that movie villainizes its atheist characters, and presents completely unrealistic scenarios for many of the other characters, Midnight Mass presents each belief, Christianity included, in an unbiased and authentic way, showing both the advantages and potential risks of living out different beliefs. This series made me genuinely interested in further studying my own Christian faith and better understanding the beliefs of others, while God’s Not Dead feels more like an “ego boost” to Christians. That’s all just my opinion and perspective, I’m not expert 😜 As far as Riley’s character, I would have loved to discuss him, but I was trying to keep the video at a reasonable length, and spoiler free and it’s hard to talk about his full arc without delving into spoilers 😂 With how popular this video has been for my channel though, maybe I should do a spoiler talk video! Thanks for watching!
@TILLEYJS 2 жыл бұрын
@@AustinStPierre another favorite scene. Post paralyzed girl walking ....at the AA meeting. Atheist guy. I'm rational. All this can be explained for one single thing. How did you know? Because if you were wrong. You'd lose everything. Great point in life. Sometimes you just have to accept the outcome without an explanation of why.
@thomasflanagan8754 2 жыл бұрын
I find it interesting how many people think Catholics are separate from Christians rather than a denomination of Christianity. It seems to be a common misconception that its a separate religion entirely, like Islam (I'm agnostic btw, former catholic). I dream of a society where religion is taught, in school curriculums in an unbiased manner where people are also educated on faiths other than their own. I understand that these days such an idea is too controversial.
@rebeccamckinney9037 2 жыл бұрын
I finished the series a couple nights ago. I was horrified by the gore - not my thing. However, intermixed with that was the beauty and the truths from the characters even those who were deceived and their ultimate redemption. I am no stranger to Mike Flanagan but I have only seen Hill House and Bly House both of which made me a fan. But MM took me aback with the violence and gore. I totally get what he was trying to convey. It is what I loved about HH and BM. But there were times in those last few episodes I was sickened and nauseous at what I was watching. The show has been on my mind so I went looking for perspectives and came upon your review which is so interesting. I am subscribing. But can you give an opinion on the need for the bloody gore? Yes, I get the correlation to the blood of Jesus Christ but man! The show seemed over the top in that regard.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching and subscribing! While I can’t give an answer for Mike Flanagan on why he chose the level of violence he did for the series, I personally found it fitting or at least expected for what became vampires. I personally have what I would say is an above average tolerance for graphic violence, but I also understand that everyone is subject to their own opinion and stance on the level of graphic violence they are willing to expose themselves to. Hopefully this answers your question 😁
@rebeccamckinney9037 2 жыл бұрын
@@AustinStPierre it doesn't but that's ok. Just thought you might have some insight into that aspect of the show. I have a low tolerance for gore so bloody vampire shows really aren't my thing. The show surprised me with that but by that time I was invested in the characters. Ultimately this is not a show I will recommend to others and that is the bottom line for me. Thanks for your perspective. I am glad I found your channel.
@vickonstark7365 2 жыл бұрын
@Csnomyteam 2 жыл бұрын
Duuude as a christian you SHOULD watch Silence by Martin Scorsese. I believe you'd like it as well!
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve actually seen that one! It was very good, though very dark and serious, probably one I wouldn’t watch again any time soon lol
@Csnomyteam 2 жыл бұрын
@@AustinStPierre Ahaha I understand it was truly hard to watch
@SenEmChannel 2 жыл бұрын
I as atheist really loved movie. It show faith can be dangerous if use wrong way. Sure, atheist or any kind of beliefs can be dangerous if we use it wrong. But cool thing in this movie show: you can twist your beliefs and rationalize away anything even bad thing and make it sound good. Even muder can be good if you know how to twist and manipulate language. The priest in movie twist bible by rational thought show much so even he murder people he still believe he do good thing for god. Me as atheist, dont know what happen after we die, and i dont think anybody actually know. It still unknow by far
@michaeldavis1879 2 жыл бұрын
Speaking of Mike Flanagan, I recommend Gerald's Game if you haven't seen it.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
That’s one I still need to see! For some reason for the longest time I didn’t know that was by him lol
@michaeldavis1879 2 жыл бұрын
@@AustinStPierre Random side note I forgot to mention: Flanagan did direct Hush, and he Kate Siegel wrote the script together (which I find oddly romantic).
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaeldavis1879 I love Hush! I didn’t know they wrote it together
@jennebaram9881 2 жыл бұрын
The whole idea of life being a dream that we are all having together was hinduism.
@robhax Жыл бұрын
Hamish is amazing in this
@tommasocanepa587 2 жыл бұрын
Myself. My self. That's the problem. That's the whole problem with the whole thing.
@thebanished87 4 ай бұрын
Overall it was a good series but the monologues got tedious
@gonaye1 2 жыл бұрын
I just discovered your channel thanks to this review. Great analysis and great video content in general. I’ll be deep diving into your LOTR content next. Subscribed! 👍🏽 Some of my thoughts - I think the use of the blood tied in very well with the horror-element of the show from both a religious perspective and a human perspective. From a religious perspective, it was horrific to see the blood in the story be falsely tied to Jesus’s blood in the scriptures (which showed how a misunderstanding of Biblical text - something that even with the best of intentions happens all the time - can lead to terrible mistakes and great suffering), and from a human perspective it was horrific (and heartbreaking) to witness so many relatable characters willingly put their faith into something that seemed miraculous at face value, but was actually rooted in a monstrous evil that had no concern (or rather, the opposite of concern) for their well-being.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for subscribing, I’m glad you found the channel! I need to get back into my LOTR videos to finish up the series lol I’m almost done with covering through The Two Towers. I totally agree with your observations on the imagery and metaphors of the blood. It’s was an excellent use for the show, but like you said I fortunately something that happens too often of people taking things at face value rather than digging into Gods word to see what the Bible actually says about things rather than what others say the Bible says. Thanks again! Looking forward to having you in the channel community!
@stevenbatke4167 2 жыл бұрын
This show had so much promise. But it needed to show, instead of telling. And oh boy, it could not stop telling. It ruined the ending for me. What a waste.
@jessesmith9949 2 жыл бұрын
as a christian my jealousy for GOD!!!!!!! and righteous anger was provoked where is yours?
@onesickchick3599 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe Bev should’ve been named Karen? 😂
@theresesink1057 2 жыл бұрын
Appalling for any Christian to love it . I did not know the extreme blasphemy until the end ,,, when one if the main characters calls herself” The I Am “ !!!! This is attributed to No one but Christ!!!!! Movie is blasphemous ,,, presenting as just a horror vampire cult ! I hate I watched it till the end !
@Dularr 2 жыл бұрын
I found the series completely unrealistic. The idea there was be a settlement with an oil company and for reasons the oil company didn't buy the property. This entire island should be owned by the oil company to prevent future claims. The idea that a Catholic church would have the same pastor for over 100 years and no one in the church would notice. The idea that there was large donations to the Catholic church wouldn't be handled by the parish. That if there wasn't a massive donation, the church would be a recreation center instead of a Catholic Private School. The idea a town of this size would have a sheriff that is not elected. Or could afford to hire a former NYC officer. A unelected police chief that doesn't seem to work for anyone. A town that doesn't seem to have any source of income. I found the world building in this series was lazy.
@franks8462 2 жыл бұрын
The show's plot revolved around a vampire... and despite the obvious, somehow the characters don't seem to have a concept of what a vampire is. That alone is enough to tell you this show is not grounded by the same rules we have in real life.
@LivyRivy 2 жыл бұрын
It's a show where everyone turns into vampires and burns to death in the sun, and THAT'S the part that was unrealistic to you? It's a supernatural horror series, why were you expecting realism?
@Dularr 2 жыл бұрын
@@LivyRivy The ending is stupid as well. Based on the premise, everyone was eventually going to turn into vampires. It was stupid to turn them all at once on an island. It was stupid to not have boats ready for them to sail to the mainland to feed. The ending was lazy. Lazy writing.
@pumasgoya 2 жыл бұрын
This series started off great. It pulled me in. It seemed very authentically Catholic, but then it took a U turn and descended into anti Catholic trash and cheap horror movie schlock.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
I can understand feeling that way lol I certainly started off more on the scary side with its mystery, but once that episode 4 reveal happens, things just get crazy 😂
@samanthahowse570 2 жыл бұрын
Think you are the other one who didn’t like it.
@Val-ng8si 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting perspective. As a non-religious person myself, I was charmed by what this series portrayed. I respected the way it showed corruption in the church, I do believe that happens sometimes though not always and everywhere. At the same time it left me feeling sad exactly because of that authentic and genuine portrayal of belief in a lot of the characters, seeing the community it created and how corruption that trickled in destroyed it. The series didn't seem anti any religion, instead it seemed to celebrate the best of Christianity and Islam while not shying away from the fact evil and corruprion do exist in this world (and just using supernatural methaphors to portray some of it). Bev is the only character that is honestly disgusting and she, more than anyone, is the definition of a self-serving person misusing religious doctrines to achieve her own goals. The "badness" in her is not related to religion in any way, it comes from herself and her alone. She's also the only character that I'd say is being condemed and feels to be beyond forgiveness. For me that portrayal of the matter does Christianity, or at least the religious characters, justice and not a disservice.
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
Not everything is for everyone 🤷🏼‍♂️😜
@AustinStPierre 2 жыл бұрын
@@Val-ng8si Excellent words and observations! Yes, the show does a great job portraying religions in an authentic way that celebrates the good they can do, while also highlighting that it is (sadly) humanity that adds corruption to them. Thanks for sharing and watching the video!
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Рет қаралды 8 МЛН
Тигра в команде Вафельки! А ты? 🐯#симбочка #тигра #симба
Grandma Cat - the Hot Dog Eating Champion #gaming #food #challenge  #cartoon
Super Emotional Stories
Рет қаралды 9 МЛН