Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Can Have Big Consequences

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Utah Neuro Rehabilitation

Utah Neuro Rehabilitation

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@cannabuds3019 Жыл бұрын
It feels like I can go back to normal at the snap of a finger, but every time I try to talk normally I can’t. It feels like I’m faking this because my thoughts are as clear as day. I can write no problem. Communication is easy through text. No idea how all of a sudden when I communicate with others my speech can’t catch up with my head. Then I forget in that short time. I can’t wait until this is over and I’m back to normal.
@royalandrosey Жыл бұрын
I love you
@jimmyolsen6574 Жыл бұрын
@teriparkin2519 8 ай бұрын
@MCPlatinum-MCP829 8 ай бұрын
Ive had 3 mILD Tbis within 30days. Im literally insane now. Ive started to physically recover but ill never be the sAme. I dont know how much longer i can deal with this. Its been 1 months and the recovery has been dissapoinint (im 21 years old) i got hurt in a parchute accident (im a paratrooper) followed by 2 major blows to the head in 2 different bocing matches. I refuse to accept that im a lesser version of myself. I refuse to live this subpar existence
@Magic_John. 7 ай бұрын
Its too early to judge. My prayers are with you.
@videoWatcher77 3 ай бұрын
i'm sorry buddy, this is unfair to say the least
@GatoSanDad 2 күн бұрын
I really hope you get better
@sublimesamoyed 10 ай бұрын
I’m an RN (in IPR, actually) and I also had an mTBI when I was 25. Can’t believe the CT came back “normal.” I struggled so much, and to this day I use all sort of adaptive ways to manage my executive function. I have to work pretty diligently at it, but people compliment my how organized I am, without realizing why and the importance of that for me.
@UtahNeuroRehabilitation 9 ай бұрын
It is good to hear that you have found adaptive ways to manage your executive functioning. That can be challenging. CT scans are often normal after brain injury. On the Utah Neuro Rehabilitation channel, we have a play list with several videos on executive funtioning. Also a channel called Building Brain Awareness is a great resourse. Daniel Avesar who runs this had a really severe TBI. Many years later he managed to get a PhD in neuroscience. He has a lot to say about functioning after a brain injury.
@ashdontell3084 Ай бұрын
My scans come back fine but i have seizures, headaches, fatigue, stutters and emotional outbursts after my tbi
@mackenzieowens161 Жыл бұрын
My head hit the right airbag of a van recently in a 20-30mph T-bone. I felt ok when it happened, it felt like someone had slapped me as hard as they possibly could. The CT scan came back "amazing" & "fantastic." and now on the 3rd day, I feel some soreness but was told that is normal. No cognitive or mood changes at all. Just fear and anxiety about potential unseen time bombs. Would I want to get an MRI if I have no such symptoms as the one from Amy does in your story? BTW, you are a great story teller.
@UtahNeuroRehabilitation Жыл бұрын
It sounds like you are doing pretty well. Usually symptoms show up pretty quickly. If something does come up later, get checked out. Thank you
@Coco-iw9oc 8 ай бұрын
I am in the same position. I fell last Friday. Unconscious, would not wake up, put in a medically induced coma for 24 hours. Ct scan came back normal… Resting… I would like to go back to work. Am seeing my primary tomorrow. I am also so afraid of the future affect my tbi will cause. I feel achy, tired and have a slight headache still but that’s all. How are you feeling now?
@mASkeD1-v9x 3 ай бұрын
1st bike wreck at 13 years of age. 17 feet from the fence to the parked van. I hit head first like a literal dart. 2 years later another very bad bicycle accident worse than the first. Severe mental challenges. I need help. 54 years now and struggle daily with family members including my wife of over 30 years ready to call it quits. I can't keep a job or insurance. Can you help???
@mASkeD1-v9x 3 ай бұрын
Probably not. Can't get paid means good luck Chuck and the promise of a good luck chance is all I'm left with. Tossed aside and forgotten. Social struggles, sensory struggles, and no hope.
@aphysique 8 ай бұрын
I feel like Amy!!!
@AccidentVictim-v2w 14 күн бұрын
Hello I sustained what was diagnosed as a concussion after a car accident. I’m still suffering symptoms a 1 1/2 years later. My insurance has refused help I still need. Any advise can you offer to help me
@ShowMeWhatINeedToKnow Жыл бұрын
In your example: Is the person using adaptive and coping mechanisms forever? Or do they get back to 100%?
@UtahNeuroRehabilitation Жыл бұрын
Some of both. Sometimes people get 100% better, sometimes partially better. The point of this video is that often people are told that they only had a "mild" TBI and should not have ongoing symptoms. Then they feel badly that they are not back to 100%. It is helpful to keep working to get better, because you can continue to improve. Coping mechanisms are an important place to start.
@ShowMeWhatINeedToKnow Жыл бұрын
@@UtahNeuroRehabilitation - Awesome; thanks.
@lobsangnamgyal1207 Жыл бұрын
@@UtahNeuroRehabilitation my sister had brain injury from past one year, but she still can’t read and independent. Is there anyway to help her out?
@karripadmakar5475 25 күн бұрын
Mam i have no cognitive no impaired think so bike accident i have 2days dizziness and head was rounding ...
@ndfernando7031 Жыл бұрын
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