KWSP 🥣🙇♂️ It’s just sad. So difficult to break the vicious cycle. 之前幾十年的政府種下的惡果,難得現在換了政府,卻被這些蘇州屎侷限。為了國家發展與未來必須改革,可是改了又不受歡迎(還不會guarantee改到,光是提一下建議就嚴重威脅連續執政的機會),一般人民又沒有意識到這個是個定時炸彈,只會用自己的選票來決定個能夠滿足自己短期利益的政府。要不是馬來西亞有石油,早就比其他國家還要窮!
其实可以做一集砂拉越总理,副总理,部长,副部长和马来西亚首相,副首相,联邦部长,联邦副部长有什么区别。砂人民又该听哪里?是首相呢还是总理呢?就好比在MCO的时候,全马人民是根据MKN,而砂拉越人就得根据SDMC这样。那和其他西马州政府和砂拉越政府又有什么不一样,包括移民法令,Out of Sarawak的人进来砂拉越为什么还需要过砂移民厅呢?所以我觉得荧光笔可以·做这样的影片让更多的人知道砂拉越。
U, 马上拉刹车器现在石沉大海.新的政策针对新入职的公务员,政府和国会没有理由不支持.公务员给人民留下不好影响全因为小拿破仑(应该不少人)而政府说一小群.由于他们没有一个统一完整的check list经常让人民跑很多冤枉路, 因为公务员臃肿也证明他们的手中的一票的重要性.Putrajaya大部分公务员那区议员是国盟.这也是为什么政府不敢向他们开刀.甚至内政部需要维护公务员的小拿破仑.. 其实公务员的大老板是人民,但是人民需要看他们的脸色.这令人民不解
For me, government should ask civil servant to pay their own epf contribution included pension scheme. This is to reduce our national debt increasing and more for contribution in field of welfare and infrastructures. The structure of KWSP now divided into 3 portion, why not implemented for pension scheme, 30% from civil servant and 70% from government contribution.
根據KWAP官網FAQ,公務員無需繳納KWAP哦 13. Do employee make contribution payments? No. Only employer is responsible to pay for the employee’s contribution. 來源 在contirubution的項目內有著名哦
@DJYinxHiLighter9 ай бұрын
請問你的資訊是從哪裡取得的呢?因為根據政府資訊,Contribution 是來自政府,不是公務員自己? KWAP: Adakah ahli membuat bayaran caruman? Tidak. Hanya majikan sahaja yang membuat bayaran kepada pihak KWAP untuk caruman majikan dan tiada caruman daripada ahli. Pembayaran Caruman Pencen: Majikan dikehendaki membayar caruman pencen untuk pekerja berpencen pada kadar 17.5% daripada gaji pokok.
How come you don't mentioned Najib and 1MDB take money from.KWAP? 😅
@DJYinxHiLighter9 ай бұрын
Ini tak sama topik mah~
@jaelim64989 ай бұрын
I think you made some mistakes. First, there are government servants chose KWAP as well. Instead of promoting via your KZbin videos regarding how much government spent, then may be you should go and investigate the truth regarding the services rendered by all government servants. To be fair for all parties. There are lots people who work round the clock while people can sleep soundly at home, which is our government servants.
@JunJun040359 ай бұрын
Do you mean that civil servants choose KSWP?
@DJYinxHiLighter9 ай бұрын
Thank you for your reminder. We only focused on KWAP instead of EPF due to the limited video length. Furthermore, we never want to undermine the efforts of all government servants. We know some are still doing a good job. 😊