How You Can Make Money As An Artist Without An Audience

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Mimimoo Illustration

Mimimoo Illustration

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@MimimooIllustration Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much to Skillshare for sponsoring this video, if you'd like to try out some classes then the first 1,000 people to use the link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: 🥰
@loveandrespecttoyou2862 Жыл бұрын
Wow, you are too beautiful!! whomever see you shall believe that God is real and whenever I see you I am always in a dream and when we wake up we all will realize that all this life was nothing but a dream and that only God is whats true and real. I dont know how can atheists believe that such a very sexy very attractive beauty queen like you came from monkeys hahaha 😄 There was a teacher whom didn't believe in the existence of God, He said to his students do you see God?, the students replied no we don't see God, so the teacher said if you don't see God it means there is no God, then a smart student stood up and said to the other students hey guys do you see the teachers brain?, then the students replied no we don't see the teachers brain, the student then said then the teacher is crazy he got no brain :0) عن الإمام علي "عليه السلام": عَجِبتُ لمن شك في الله، وهو يرى خلق الله Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: I cant understand how a man-man/women-can doubt in the existence of God-/Allah-although he sees His creation. وعن الإمام علي "عليه السلام": عَجِبتُ لمن أنكر النشأة الأخرى، وهو يرى النشأة الأولى Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: I cant understand how any one denies the second life although he/she seen the first life-this life is actually a living proof of both the existence of its creator, as well as a clear proof that indicates that another life in heaven or hell may also be a very possible chance as well-. وعن الإمام علي "عليه السلام": عَجِبتُ لعامر دار الفناء، وتارك دار البقاء Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: I cant understand how any one inhabits this transient abode-and is so indulged in it-but ignores the everlasting hereafter abode, ​one God for all of us, all the universe shows unity with diversity, there are different things different creatures and different materials but are all made of particles and atoms ​Even if we will assume that there will not be an atom left of you after death, you still have proven as a created being that there is a Creator,you proved the existence of God even if you do not believe in God. ​God initiated everything, and he redo too, and it is evident. ​this life is temporary while the next is forever eternal either in paradise or burning in Hell fire good qualities are beneficial, and bad qualities are harmful Be good dont be bad and refrain from sins and obey God and worship him alone in the way he wants to be worshiped and you will be saved from Hell fire and will enter paradise and be happy forever ​Whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it, ​or may not see it if God pardons him/her and has mercy on him/her that's if he/she try's to fix what he/she has spoiled, in the right time, When you give charity God protects you and blesses you with more good things in life or the hereafter. A teaching from the prophet Mohammed may peace and blessings of God be upon his pure great soul and upon his great honorable progeny. When you be bad to others you will hurt your own self too, likewise when you don't do what you should in the right time. Having faith in God makes you stronger and makes you have hope even when things become very difficult for you and even when you are weak. Also: ​Drinking alcoholic beverages damages the liver and the mind. Adultery is not good, because it is not true love it is neglect to the lady and to the fetus, and brings sexual diseases, ​while marriage on the other hand, ok there is sex in marriage too and thats not a bad thing, its actually good, &is for the continuation of human race, & even for the here after its good for you because if you get children the good deeds of your children are counted as good deeds for both them and you, so they are a continuation of your own good deeds after you die and cant do good deeds any more, they are a continuation of you, & sex is to enjoy too, there is sex in marriage but marriage unlike adulatory it has love in it, it is a relationship in which the woman and the fetus are cared for, & even if they don't want to continue in a long lasting relationship they would at least be agreeing regarding the baby that the baby should be cared for, especially the guy he is responsible for the child to provide for him/her and to make sure the child becomes a good human being. ​Sodomy-same sex marriage-its bad and not part of normal human nature and life &it brings many sexual diseases. Eating pork can bring cholesterol &some parasitic worms. ​Not cheating, gaining trust by being a trust worthy honest person, & having good behavior, can help bring more money to you, and is good for you in the next life too. These are some of the teachings of the prophet Mohammed Prophet Mohammed may peace and blessing be upon him and upon his successor imam Ali and his God fearing God loving progeny taught every good, & taught people to respect & love & care for each other, & for the female, & elder, & children, & to protect the innocent person regardless of what he/she believed in, ​(If one of the polytheists seeks protection from you, then grant him protection) Holly Quran, & taught to either forgive the one who wronged you, or be just & fair when retaliating, or to shock the person and enslave his/her heart by being generous &kind. & taught to not waste money and resources and not to harm the environment, and to try to have a good hygiene and to try to look good and to try to smell good and to take good care of your own self, and to enjoy what God didn't forbid, so to be grateful to God, and protect your self and others from harm, and to defend the religion the final religion which God will accept and will accept no other than it anymore. & regarding the topic: ​Who to follow after the prophet!?, who are the extension of him and his light, well, try to find out by your self, however, in summery, to give you a hint: Even if you may think that all the companions of the Messenger were always good and all of them are like mountains, despite everything that happened between them!!! ​the Prophet said: “My family-daughter Fatima the lady of light the lady of heaven and Imam Ali and their great offspring's and special perfect chosen descendants-are like the ark-/ship-of Noah, whomever embarked on it survived, and whomever did not drowned and perished-/died-. ​&We know that the son of Noah did not embark on the ark/ship of salvation, rather he climbed a mountain and drowned due to the very high tides and because he didn't follow God command. Don't be like him ​spread the light teach what's good &right its best for you and for all and better than letting the wrong things from wrong teachings or bad desires and ill mind happen, prevention is better than cure ,
@noanevo3101 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Mimi for this video! It feels to me that it’s just came on the right time, as I’m doing my very first steps in becoming an artist who would like to make it a career. And now obviously I’m still in the stage of drawing and posting on Instagram and working on being consistent in it, still trying to build up an audience. And although I know that I’m just on the very beginning of this journey and that may take at least a couple of years, I feel the pressure and worry if I’ll make it, how and when since I’m gonna turn up soon 27. I’m gonna watch now the video, which I believe would gives me motivation and a bit of optimism and hope. 🙏💛
@MimimooIllustration Жыл бұрын
Perfect timing then! 🥰✨
@manda5863 Жыл бұрын
Hey Noa, first, you are not old. You have plenty of time, just dive in now if you can afford it. Link your Instagram and I'll follow to see your growth! Also, maybe put a shortcut to your page in your KZbin bio if you want it to be linked that way? I wouldn't wait until everything is perfect otherwise you'll end up like me, in your 30s still without a shop/online presence.
@jburckhardt Жыл бұрын
same 👊🏼we can do it , I have not even begin with the instagram posting , I'm working on my drawing, and I don't have a degree in graphic design
@loisrabies8713 Жыл бұрын
I’m 40 and I didn’t start lmao
@tiwiueo8705 Жыл бұрын
We are the same friend>< I am turning 27 too this year and trying to start a career on this path.
@rvlpaintings4679 Жыл бұрын
Loved this Mimi! Thank you again for another informative video! I'm still growing an audience myself, but I have been thinking of trying Etsy I must say!🤭🥰❤️ ~ Rachel x
@raheelazam6385 Жыл бұрын
Fantastic awesome work 💞💝❤💜💗💖💗💜💜💝💗💗
@gwiazdapolarna_ Жыл бұрын
"How you can make money as an artist without an audience? 1. Make an audience" fantastic video really.
@ehyzen Жыл бұрын
thanks for making me not waste my time by watching this video lol
@jadedfire4351 Жыл бұрын
dude she said to start an art career you can "Build an audiance" *OR* "start selling right away", to say that if you want to build an audiance still, then great, but also to support the idea of the video that you *don't need to* .
@christianbrown1210 3 ай бұрын
This is too reductive. Watching the full video shows what she actually meant.
@aeoligarlic4024 Жыл бұрын
As someone who is apathetic with social media i need this advice. I tend to focus on the wrong things and let the toxicity get to me. That's why i want to sustain my art career without caring about followers and likes 😭
@dallassegno 4 ай бұрын
Don't go for likes. Try in real life contact. Google the term "call to artists" and don't pay any fees unless you already know your art will sell. Introverts work well online. If you're not into social media like me, government projects can be the best and pay really well. That is working for and with others. Easy 10 years and you'll be rich.
@Ivory_Sketching Жыл бұрын
Mimi I can’t express how thankful I am for finding your channel at this time. Your videos have helped me feel comfortable with making art again at a time where I felt so helpless. I’ve got a quote written down on my wall where you said “good enough is better than perfect” (I’m pretty sure that what I wrote down from one of your videos). You have really inspired me to create freely again without the pressure of my work being perfect - that it’s better off that it exists as is. I’m looking forward to see more videos from you! ❤❤❤
@MimimooIllustration Жыл бұрын
It makes me so happy to read your comment, I'm so glad I've helped you feel comfortable with your art again! 🥰
@daisylopezartist Жыл бұрын
Is there an alternative to Etsy? I created my first shop on Etsy but suspended me once I listed my first item. They didn't give me an explanation. Been contacting them for months then I gave up. I can't commit to a website yet because of my financial constraints.
@Cordelia-again Жыл бұрын
It might be worth looking at Creative Market. I haven't tried it but I've heard it mentioned a few times.
@AnaDMTL Жыл бұрын
Mimi you are THE best person out there who actually shows the real process of things. About this topic, I am terrified of building audiences because of possible and inevitable negativity and I'm pretty sensitive to bad comments. Also, I still don't have an art style, I simply follow easy step-by-step tutorials here on youtube but when it comes down to create, zero. There's nothing in my head. I feel horrible so I try and I'm taking art classes, nut nothing. I'm scared of what I might portray. sorry, I don't know if this made any sense, I'm rambling.
@meiphoriaediting6348 Жыл бұрын
My biggest tip is to look up to some of your favorite artists or art styles, this will draw you to see which one you relate to! If you see an art style that you like, try to follow, do this over and over again with different art styles until you find whats best for you. You can even combine them if you like. It all depends though, I'm not sure what art you are interested in. I'm an illustrator so I draw characters, for me, I'm drawn to a specific art style and I aim to go for that. Although some say you might be copying others, you're just really exploring until you are confident enough to draw by yourself without looking for any type of guidance. I definetly get that its scary to see what you come up with or fear that you might not get it all, but you never know if you try. Personally, I find it more fun during the process of finding my art style since I created more art than ever. But now when Im more confident where my art style is, Im a total perfectionist. So in other words, you never know until you create! Art in general is a never ending race, be ready to learn and fail every other day. I hope this helped in a way!
@AnaDMTL Жыл бұрын
@@meiphoriaediting6348 I get what you mean, the thing is, I find it really hard to pick!! hahahah I love many many styles, from sketchy things to really rendered stuff, I also like realistic and non-realistic/moe/cute kind of things. and I know what you mean about what you say that you're copying others, let's set something straight and that's NOTHING is original. everything is influenced by some thing or another. I really love that you're giving me advice, but I've been looking for a style since forever and I'm 31 years old now and I'm panicking. it's as if my life depended over having an stablished style. But I appreciate your encouragement.
@meiphoriaediting6348 Жыл бұрын
@@AnaDMTL I think its never too late! I often worry about my career since Im busy with art college, I dont have free time to do my own sketches so anxiety that when I graduate and never find a job is really high. I decided to just finish school, and then continue my journey. Theres never any rush, just have fun with it! Wishing you the best of luck 🫶🏻 I know you will get there
@AnaDMTL Жыл бұрын
@@meiphoriaediting6348 thank you so much, tho i feel my skills are regressing, i never see progress nowadays. But i am working on it! You bet!
@thebravepalate Жыл бұрын
I think it's part of the journey. Frustrating but still worth it. Also, with agen, don't let that deter you. I'm in my thirties as well and I feel I'm now only tapping the surface of my dreams and seeing the direction to getting there. It's often frustrating to feel I'm not as confident with my skill but skills are learnt and mastery comes from Repetition. So keep going. And draw all the styles you do like, one day, the dots will connect for a unique style because of what you enjoy now. All the best!
@MangaNights701 Жыл бұрын
Any insta artist wanna be my friend??
@insomniaclamb4652 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Mimi! I've recently been really trying to get my feet wet in artist income so I can be an artist full time, but I'm struggling with building a consistent audience. Patience and perseverance are key! Thank you for the tips 😊
@WedgyBlue 3 ай бұрын
How do I earn if I dont like revealing my face plus I am cartoonist 😔 Yeah, I migrate in Cara for now. I couldn't protect my art from Ai just to opting out and Glazing it.
@ChantelleArts Жыл бұрын
This was really reassuring to hear so thank you for this video ❤ I’m trying to go with the growing an audience first route too and it definitely feels slow 🥺
@eagillum Жыл бұрын
Did you then go and animate this video by yourself?? Damn. Edit: I have since learned she gets a video animator to do it.
@CreativeSteve69 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for uploading this video at the right time Mimi. As someone whos into art like myself and painting. This helped me quite a bit on figuring out where to test out on where to sell my own artworks. Especially on my own site as a test run potentially. :D
@J3nnycat Жыл бұрын
Silly question, but would the first step be to have a legitimate business/registered business name? That’s the part that always stops me. I’m not sure my art would sell, and I’d like to test it out before I run out and set that all up. Is there a workaround for this?
@lampshade1304 Жыл бұрын
Not sure how it works in the US, but in Australia getting an ABN (which I think is the equivalent to what you're talking about) is free and pretty quick. I don't think you need it for hobbyist selling though so you can probably try out selling some stuff beforehand
@LaurieRussellDesign Жыл бұрын
I think it's the difference between a hobby and a business. You can sell on Etsy without being a "business" and you won't even get a tax form until you sell at least $600 (US) in a year. So, you could try it out and see what you think. However, I would say that you'd want to at least have a website or some kind of social media account where people could go to learn more about you. This is because of the Know-Like-Trust factor that Mimi mentioned in the video. If I was a brand new customer, I'd want to know more about the Seller, especially if there are very few reviews, etc. This means that you'd likely want to have some idea of what your "brand" would be so you could have that set up. If you don't plan to create a business and just want to sell a few things here and there, then you probably don't need to worry too much... 😉
@StorytellingHeadshots 9 ай бұрын
If you are in the US you don’t need to start with the formalities of a business license. You DO need to track your income for taxes. To make it easier on yourself get an EIN (free online) and use that to open a separate business bank account, and pay all expenses for your business and put all income from the business there. This “separation” of personal bank acct and business bank account is the MAIN thing to keep your eye on, because you will need to file taxes (this is easy. You will simply file a “schedule C” form in addition to your usual 1040 tax return. In the beginning the income from the business will be like any other side job, and you don’t really need a “business license” Until you have done it for a while as a sole proprietor. (That just means a regular person who has a “side gig” and makes less than about 50K from that business.
@ellascottagecompany2044 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this video. Very helpful to many of us just starting out. I feel a little clueless and overwhelmed as to what kinds of merch a newbie could market my artwork on that would be a good starting point. Any thoughts on that or possibly a video on that would be fantastic & super helpful!! Thanks so much, I’ve learned a lot from you ❤
@benaffanamohamed2001 Жыл бұрын
Hi, thank you for sharing with us your art process, I watch your channel with my mother, we are from Tunisia and we like art in general especially drawing.
@MimimooIllustration Жыл бұрын
How wonderful that we can connect from around the world! 🥰
@dariazhempalukh Жыл бұрын
Being an artist from Russia and having Etsy and KZbin blocking you because of your place of living 😎 good to know that none of the videos from people from other countries will work for me
@HINOK8 Жыл бұрын
@pumpkinmonster5104 Жыл бұрын
I love how there’s really no social media recommendations bc we know it’s all falling apart now. I think I wanna try Pinterest!
@catcat1526 Жыл бұрын
How to earn money to make a living while I build art skills if I am not able to get a job?
@rupu_pupu Жыл бұрын
I feel tiktok is one of the most powerful tool to establish an audeince
@shadowm2k7 Жыл бұрын
Ive been building an audience for 10 years and im still nowhere u.u Thank you for this video
@srishyy_animatic Жыл бұрын
Mimi I really love your videos and how beautiful of a person you re. I really feel inspired by watching your videos thank you for this.
@crochet_rumah Жыл бұрын
Thanks Mimi for showing up 😊 I am following your phase 1 and sometimes feeling so down that my anticipation increased. Thanks for reminding that I show up in Ig and just recently shorts not merely to get more likes and views but honing my art skill 😢
@raeclairdeluneart Жыл бұрын
Mimi, as always your advice is so invaluable. Thank you for all the sound advice and sharing your experiences with us!
@MimimooIllustration Жыл бұрын
Aw it's my pleasure! 🥰
@NicolaHartman-e6p Күн бұрын
Moore Carol Rodriguez Laura Jones Frank
@fuzzydragons Жыл бұрын
I am horrible at SEO, I've read all about it but im sill bad at it lol
@BaileytheIllustrator Жыл бұрын
Incredibly useful tips, I've only just started my art and KZbin journey and videos like this are exactly what I need!! ❤️❤️
@D3ATHMIND Жыл бұрын
I just graduated Art university and this video is inspiring. I am working on building my Instagram and will eventually work on content for my art channel. I do have a website that is a work-in-progress. I’m both excited and scared for my future. I have many ideas, I just hope I can find an audience for my work. 😊
@dydanmj Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your knowledge to us. As a small artist and creator, this tips surely useful for me. I hope that 2023 will be my year of become full time artist. 😄
@barbarael Жыл бұрын
Great video! I am wondering if Society6 is still snappy, do you have specific tips about that platform,or other print on demand platforms?
@hhhggg1800 9 ай бұрын
How to earn from pinterest from our art?
@MariJadeWrites Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video 😊👍 i am looking to earn an income with my art/writing projects but have a very small audience at the moment and this video is invaluable to me, thanks again! ❣️
@Elysian330 Жыл бұрын
Mimi, I’ve been building my portfolio and learning along the way and I’ve only realised that Procreate texture brushes I get from main websites like design cuts has specifics on how you use their brushes for commercial work purposes 😢 I’m trying to tech myself how to make brushes myself although I do like to scan in my painting and then digitalise them but it’s more time. How would you describe getting around this for new illustrators? Thank you
@sophiaisabelle01 Жыл бұрын
We appreciate your hard work and dedication. May God bless you.
@jozumakii Жыл бұрын
this couldn't have come at a better time! i'm working on building an audience on instagram, but i'm finishing college (uk) in a few months and although i have a pretty stable part-time job now, i'd eventually like to start earning off my art. obviously though, i was worried about how successful i'd be without a pre-established audience, so thanks for a wonderful and very well-informed and helpful video!
@OddClarity Жыл бұрын
Nice video, thank you for making it. *thumbs up* indeed
@OhElvira Жыл бұрын
Me with like 100 followers after 2 years 👀
@nickdrinks7604 Жыл бұрын
Mimi, your videos always leave me inspired. Thank you!
@LuluxuStudio 11 ай бұрын
Thank you Mimi for the authentic content! It helps to give me an idea of the direction to go 💖
@thejollyjawbreaker Жыл бұрын
Excellent video Mimi!!! This is great advice! For me most of my audience building has been in person from artist alley and craft shows. Slowly I am building an online audience. 💜 💜 💜
@MimimooIllustration Жыл бұрын
Oh that sounds like a lovely way to connect with your audience directly!
@MariasGlamour Жыл бұрын
Hi mimi, you are very helpful and your style is so unique that I love. I need to ask I started my beauty yt channel. So how can we educate and ask them any query if there are not many people or views. How do we know to educate them if no one is responding, people don't engage if you don't have enough subscribers or views.
@xiaonafu 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Mimi for all video! I'm a self-taught illustrator😊 and I love painting。i‘d like to make it a career. And I’m still in the stage of drawing and posting on Instagram. your videos like teacher who help me how to do it, thank you so much!🥰🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕
@ladyfatimareganit1748 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video! This is like giving me a sign.❤❤
@ladyturquoise8894 Жыл бұрын
omgg can you read my mind? 😳 i was just stressing about this yesterday and your video couldn’t have come at a more perfect time! thank you 💙
@MimimooIllustration Жыл бұрын
Oh perfect timing then! 🥰
@tahteescreations 11 ай бұрын
Do you think its possible to grow an audience without making content showing your face? I have a very little audience. Just made my first video yesterday.
@azzuparis Жыл бұрын
Hi Mimi, this video is very useful. Thanks for sharing ❤
@mindfularts2719 Жыл бұрын
I just started my youtube channel 1 month back.this videos is very helpful. Thanks for sharing🙏🏼❤
@joelcaballero8620 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Mimi! I really find it overwhelming to start my own art business. I can't focus on it as a side job since I cannot leave my office work (yet). But I do have hope that one day I can figure this out. I will not stop. Thank you for the inspiration :)
@alishafernandes9040 Жыл бұрын
heyy there i love your vidss!!!!!💗💗💗pls keep creating more content! and a do u edit ur videos? u mentioned u have a video editor, do you know which software or application is being used? pls do ans i would like to knoww👀👀🫂🫂
@Junaber Жыл бұрын
These video's are coming in the perfect time i'm right now working on opening an etsy shop and doing a lot of pre-preparation right now. I do have a small audience on my own instagram account which has art as well but as the style for my shop and products will be quite different i'm creating a brand new one for my shop. Which will go under the name of my brand name. I'm curious, on your thoughts of using a brand name instead of my own name? Besides etsy i will also try to grow and audience through social media and youtube all these accounts are going to be under a brand name. (question for both mimi and all other commenters who would like to reply, all replies would be super helpful
@MimimooIllustration Жыл бұрын
I see lots of people doing either! You could have a brand name for your shop and socials and then have your name listed underneath or in the 'about' section so that it's still personal if you like 😊
@Junaber Жыл бұрын
@@MimimooIllustration Thank you so much for responding! I know what I'm gonna do now! :) much much love
@ShoshanahShear 7 ай бұрын
Thanks, can you lower the background noise or remove it? It's not easy to concentrate on what you are saying with the music going
@ffstyle Жыл бұрын
Very insightful video with clear explanations, thanks for sharing Mimi!
@ashley_neh Жыл бұрын
Hi, Im trying to earn a little bit of money to help my mother pay the rent and other expenses and since I can't work any other jobs because she and my brothers don't let me, this was so helpful. Althout I can't help her much I still want to be someway helpful so I will be trying my best to let people know me and my artworks. Thank you very much!! Really 🥺💗💖
@felix-xd4mx 9 ай бұрын
i really wanna start selling stickers etc but i have literally ZERO audience 😭 so tysm for this video like... we need all the assurance and encouragement to even take the first steps bcs it is SO daunting
@prexytheartist Жыл бұрын
Lovely tips as always! Thanks Mimi 💗💗
@KristaDoyle Жыл бұрын
Mimi, thank you for sharing. I was wondering are you using AI or PS on your tablet when you are drawing?
@aliceangel6538 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this wonderful guidelines. I really gonna implement all these steps in my art journey.🥰
@EbenVlog Жыл бұрын
thank you so muuch for the info. great sharing for beginner for start up..
@mikaelamaverik2167 6 ай бұрын
@bijoubunnies1344 Жыл бұрын
Hi Mimimoo! I have a question... What do you think about boosted posts? Have you tried them? I have been embracing your method and trying to post daily no matter what and I am about 30 posts in! But I feel like the algorithms might be keeping me from reaching followers. That being said, my page is definitely young and finding its voice. Thanks for taking the time to post such wonderful videos! - Tessa
@lgp423 Жыл бұрын
Hi Mimi! Thank you for the tips! I put up a few fun designs on RedBubble a year ago and established Instagram account just for that RedBubble shop but I've had zero sales and only a few followers on that particular IG so it's very dissappointing. Being found is a challenge number ONE I need to figure out soon if I want to start earning even a little money from my creations because there is no point in repeating this unsuccesful RedBubble attempt with another product. On my other artwork Instagram I've close to 400 followers which is also very little for any kind of sales. I really need some kind of epiphany on how to go about marketing and finding an audience!
@endahayu1407 Жыл бұрын
I feel you🌧️
@lgp423 Жыл бұрын
@@endahayu1407 sounds familiar?
@Cordelia-again Жыл бұрын
Have you tried starting a KZbin channel? You might find that's the best audience for your work.
@lgp423 Жыл бұрын
@@Cordelia-again I have been contemplating that but I'm not sure if I could keep up with a regular posting schedule. I could however at least try and see how it turns out. Do you have an experience with running a KZbin channel yourself?
@Cordelia-again Жыл бұрын
I'm starting one in the new year. My plan is to commit to one good quality video per month. I'm thinking quantity over quality. It might take longer to build an audience but its about doing something that is enjoyable and sustainable. Good luck. X
@giingerbeing Жыл бұрын
I'm not good at art but I enjoy your videos. Especially your editing is really cute and good.
@justmedidi Жыл бұрын
mimi, thank you so much for this video. lots of helpful info here and it explains where i've gone wrong in the recent past. i already have some things up for sale on my kofi and redbubble, but so far nothing... i think i'll return my focus to improving my art and slowly building an audience. i may put some things up for sale here and there, but improvement, consistency with sharing my work and growing an audience will be of higher priority this year. i still have a long way to go in my own art journey, so i'll just take things at my own pace and take my time :) (i can also avoid SEO a bit longer hehe just kidding!)
@aliveriyillustrations Жыл бұрын
Ah I needed this video! I've been struggling with the idea of earning money from my art without much of an audience and it it's worth making videos etc.
@Barbosa_art Жыл бұрын
thanks for the video. Super informative
@ramledger6724 11 ай бұрын
What this image drawing method please
@PurpleHazel Жыл бұрын
AHHH you make my 2023 dreams possible❤
@catcat1526 Жыл бұрын
How did you build your art skills?
@simlemperor8400 Жыл бұрын
Hey mimi! Would you give an insight from your perspective regarding the AI and maybe some feedback on how to not only fight it but also maybe use it for advantages. I saw many of artists, including some of my friends are really struggling with this so I kinda curious at ways of how to face this situation well. Thank you
@lillysummeroriginals1213 Жыл бұрын
Hey there. I suggest you use artificial intelligence to help inspire you. For example try to create an artificial intelligence art piece and then re-create it in your own style with your own personal unique touches. This may be great when you want to draw but I have no inspiration. Or do whatever medium you work with really. Hope this can help. I also make original music in the genre of pop for everyone of all ages. Maybe you could check it out and listen to it while you make your art as well I’m legally blind 😀
@KaterynaM_UA Жыл бұрын
as it is right now it's unethical so most artist would chose to fight it on that premise alone. It's not about technology but values. You can't build a quality community on unethical foundation. There are only certain types of artist who embrace it and there is a reason those are not part of any valuable community.
@hanaaewas6809 Жыл бұрын
I like this idea 🥰😍🥰
@Frovael Жыл бұрын
Someone just messaged me on instagram asking if I do commissions and now I'm here😂 I was thinking about doing commission SOMEDAY, maybe after building an audience because I thought I was way too new to this, but that one comment I got made me feel so confident that I should at least try! I'm looking at lots of videos to know how to start, and I must say yours is one of those that gave me lots of tips I haven't heard anywhere else, so thank you!
@MimimooIllustration Жыл бұрын
Ooh how exciting, I hope your first commission goes well!
@MystiqSoul Жыл бұрын
Missed your videos! 😍❤✨
@tinestudios 4 ай бұрын
Great video…any tips on growing my instagram and blog
@snarkyandsane Жыл бұрын
Thank you ❤
@Sharperthanu1 6 ай бұрын
Real artists are no good at creating websites.
@kickzartbum1507 11 ай бұрын
@lisainwonderland7302 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Mimimoo!
@joanabessa8548 Жыл бұрын
@quercus3290 Жыл бұрын
I use an AI to build fake profiles so people think im an up and coming artist, so fresh with ideas and full of life, I closely monitor trends and entwine them into my artist journey via my profile so that people connect with it, the reality is however im a 50 year old man working on building sites, but im kinda tricky with a computer and the AI makes all my artwork for me.
@honestydavis2289 Жыл бұрын
I use Kofi
@MakeMoney.PassiveIncome. 9 ай бұрын
@winterillust Жыл бұрын
starting with zero on both insta and yt so definitely needed this video
@Cordelia-again Жыл бұрын
Good luck and I wish you a prosperous and happy 2023. X
@marelizahugo8406 Жыл бұрын
Hi Mimi! What program are you using in making your youtube videos?🪴☺️
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