Mind candy - The Jewish Kippah. Where does it come from? What does it mean?

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Join Joseph Shulam and Netivyah as we discuss the most known symbols of Judaism.
The star of David, the Kippah (Yarmikah). Where do they come from? Are they Biblical? How were they introduced to Judaism and what do they mean?
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@Bolaway 8 ай бұрын
This is for many people who obligate another to use kippah, disregarding that it is only tradition. Thank you, rabbi Shulam!
@Eddyspeeder 8 ай бұрын
Thank you brother Shulam. It surprises me that it has already been 10 years since I had the privilege of attending your congregation. Many blessings and good health from Adonai! I had this exact question in my mind last Friday and I am grateful that you answered it. We were attending a funeral and because it was cold, my son kept his beanie on. And that led me to wondering where it comes from. You have answered that question! If you will, a question that I keep struggling with is burials; whether one's grave should be untouched until the Messiah returns (i.e., Jewish graveyards), and whether it is Biblical for a grave being temporary (i.e., modern graveyards), or other non-burial options to disposing of our earthly vessel to be used (not counting edge cases where bodies vaporize in explosions).
@ronjusangma5833 8 ай бұрын
Adonai baruk you, J Shulam. I lovevhearing you .Shalom
@ronjusangma5833 6 ай бұрын
Pl come to India and save us. Shalom.
@Servant_Of_Yeshua_HaMashiach 8 ай бұрын
Thank you brother Shulam for this video, may YeHoVaH Yeshua bless you continuously.🙏😇
@reppi8742 8 ай бұрын
Very interesting discussion!
@mattaikay925 8 ай бұрын
Thanks Rabbi for bringing us the videos from time to time - May Adonai bless you and keep you.
@mattaikay925 8 ай бұрын
Will be a great help if you will post all the biblical passages that you refer to in your teaching.
@mattaikay925 8 ай бұрын
Please talk about the prayer tefillin, tallit, tzitzit ...
@maximedakirellah332 8 ай бұрын
Awesome, that was so interesting!!! 😁👍
@netivyahisrael 7 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it. For more teachings check out our channel and visit our website: netivyah.org/
@Moonchild593 8 ай бұрын
I' love u Netivyah💙
@deepthimendis2431 8 ай бұрын
Good teaching May the LORD bless you and guide you to teach the Holy Bible as people are now want to know the Word of God in their life. Could you please teach Mecah ch5 what does it says about the Assiriya
@maartenwilmaboer1383 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for this teaching on the kippah and star of David, and especially on how to deal with it. I agree on this. It is the same as with other things. As long as the bible does not explicitly teach something we must not be dogmatic about it or force these things on eachother. On the other hand you can choose to wear it for e.g. in order not to affend someone. Not only in Judaism but also in the cristian denominations there are a lot of traditional things which people expect you to follow. We must always ask ourselves why we do things. Does God ask it of us, or are we following rules made by men.
@followingthewayofyeshua 8 ай бұрын
I always wondered why people needed some symbol attached to their exteriors to demonstrate who they are in their interior.
@rogerclyde2720 8 ай бұрын
Praise the Lord I have a Stetson!
@KirbyBWebb 8 ай бұрын
Thank You . Shalom.
@421sap 8 ай бұрын
B''H in Yeshua HaMoshiach Name Amen ✝️🇮🇱. Thank you rabbi, Joseph.
@cherokeesforchrist3695 8 ай бұрын
Thank you, brother, for your service to Elohim and his people. When do you think, our Jewish brethren will return to the original Jewish calendar and away from the Jewish mathematical calendar?
@anavah4yeshua580 8 ай бұрын
Shalom Rabbi, isn’t it written a woman’s hair is her covering? Can you perhaps elaborate on this? Thank you.
@Kenny-gn9ic 8 ай бұрын
Does anyone here know of the jewish man who 2or 3 years ago fell into a vision in Elijahs tomb and prophecied this war in Israel.I have tried to find the prophecy but it seems to have been purged from the internet.
@johannesjacobusvanhuysstee9571 8 ай бұрын
❤❤❤Jeremiah <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="1861">31:1</a>-40 “At that TIME,” declares YE_HO_VAH, “I🇮🇱 will be GOD🇮🇱 to all families of ISRAEL 🇮🇱, and they🇮🇱 will be My 🇮🇱 people.” Thus says YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱: “The people 🇮🇱 surviving the sword found grace in the wilderness- where I gave ISRAEL 🇮🇱 rest.” From afar YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 appeared to me. “Yes, I🇮🇱 have loved you 🇮🇱 with an everlasting love. Therefore I🇮🇱 have drawn you 🇮🇱 with lovingkindness. Again I🇮🇱 will build you🇮🇱, so you🇮🇱 will be rebuilt, virgin ISRAEL 🇮🇱 ! Again you 🇮🇱 will take up your tambourines as ornaments, and go out to dances of merrymakers. Again you 🇮🇱 will plant vineyards on the HILLS🇮🇱 of SAMARIA🇮🇱 - planters will plant and use them. For there will be a DAY when WATCHMEN will call out in the HILL COUNTRY of EPHRAIM🇮🇱, ‘Arise, let us go up to ZION🇮🇱 , to YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 our GOD🇮🇱.’” For thus says YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱: “SING aloud with joy for JACOB🇮🇱! Shout with the CHIEF of the NATIONS! PROCLAIM, give PRAISE, and say: ‘YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, save your people🇮🇱, the REMNANT of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 !’ BEHOLD, I🇮🇱 will bring them🇮🇱 from the north country, and I🇮🇱 will gather them🇮🇱 from the ends of the earth- among them 🇮🇱 the blind and the lame, the pregnant together with she who is in labor with child. A great throng🇮🇱 will return here. With weeping and supplications they🇮🇱 will come. I will bring them🇮🇱, leading them🇮🇱 to walk by streams of water on a straight path where they🇮🇱 will not stumble. For I am ISRAEL’s🇮🇱 FATHER, and EPHRAIM🇮🇱 is My firstborn. Hear the WORD🇮🇱 of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, O NATIONS, and declare it in the DISTANT ISLANDS, and say: ‘He🇮🇱 who scattered ISRAEL 🇮🇱 will gather and watch over him🇮🇱, as a shepherd does his flock.’ For YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 has ransomed JACOB🇮🇱. He🇮🇱 redeemed him🇮🇱 from the hand of one stronger than he🇮🇱. They🇮🇱 will come and sing on ZION’S🇮🇱 height, radiant over the bounty of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱- over the grain, the wine, the oil, and the young of the flock. Their life🇮🇱 will be like a watered garden, and they🇮🇱 will never languish again. Then will the virgin🇮🇱 rejoice in the dance, both young men🇮🇱 and old men🇮🇱 together. For I🇮🇱 will turn their🇮🇱 mourning into joy, and I🇮🇱 will comfort them🇮🇱, and make them🇮🇱 rejoice out of their🇮🇱 sorrow. I🇮🇱 will fill the soul of the kohanim🇮🇱 with fatness and My🇮🇱 people🇮🇱 will be satisfied with My🇮🇱 goodness.” It is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. Thus says YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱: “A voice is heard in Ramah🇮🇱 -lamentation and bitter weeping- Rachel🇮🇱 weeping for her🇮🇱 children🇮🇱, refusing to be comforted for her🇮🇱 children🇮🇱, because they🇮🇱 are no more.” Thus says YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱: “Restrain your🇮🇱 voice from weeping and your🇮🇱 eyes from tears. For your🇮🇱 work🇮🇱 will be rewarded” -it is declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱- “when they🇮🇱 will return from the land of the enemy. So there is hope for your🇮🇱 future” -it is declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱- “when your🇮🇱 children🇮🇱 will return to their🇮🇱 own territory🇮🇱. I🇮🇱 indeed heard EPHRAIM🇮🇱 grieving: ‘You have disciplined me- I was disciplined like an untrained calf. Restore me, and I will return, for YOU 🇮🇱 are YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 my GOD🇮🇱. For after I returned, I repented, and after that I was instructed, I struck my thigh- I was ashamed and also humiliated, for I bore the disgrace of my youth.’ “Is EPHRAIM 🇮🇱 a precious son to Me🇮🇱? Is he a delightful child🇮🇱? For as often as I🇮🇱 spoke against him🇮🇱, I🇮🇱 still certainly remember him🇮🇱. Therefore My🇮🇱 heart yearns for him🇮🇱. I🇮🇱 will surely have compassion on him🇮🇱.” It is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. Erect road markers, set up signposts! Set your heart toward the highway, the way by which you traveled! Return, O virgin ISRAEL🇮🇱, return to your🇮🇱 cities🇮🇱. How long will you waver, O backsliding daughter? For YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 has created a new thing on earth: a woman surrounds a man. Thus says YE_HO_VAH-TZVA'OT🇮🇱, the GOD🇮🇱 of ISRAEL 🇮🇱: “Yet again will they use this expression in the LAND🇮🇱 of JUDAH🇮🇱 and in its CITIES🇮🇱, when I🇮🇱 will return them🇮🇱 from exile: “‘YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 bless you🇮🇱, O dwelling🇮🇱 of righteousness, O mountain🇮🇱 of holiness.’ “JUDAH🇮🇱 and all its cities🇮🇱 will dwell there together-the farmer and those who go about with flocks. For I🇮🇱 will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul will refresh.” At this point I awoke, and looked around, and my sleep was sweet to me. “BEHOLD, DAYS are coming”-it is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 -“when I🇮🇱 will sow the house of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 and the house of JUDAH🇮🇱 with the seed of man and with the seed of beast. Now just as I🇮🇱 have watched over them🇮🇱 to uproot and to pull down, to overthrow, to destroy, and to bring disaster, then I🇮🇱 will watch over them🇮🇱 to build🇮🇱 and to plant🇮🇱,” says YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. “In those DAYS they🇮🇱 will no longer say: ‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are blunted.’ Rather each will die for his own iniquity: if anyone eats the sour grapes, his own teeth will be blunted.” “BEHOLD, days are coming” -it is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 - “when I🇮🇱 will make a NEW COVENANT with the HOUSE of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 and with the HOUSE of JUDAH🇮🇱 - not like the covenant I🇮🇱 made with their fathers in the day I🇮🇱 took them🇮🇱 by the hand to bring them🇮🇱 out of the land of EGYPT 🇪🇬. For they🇮🇱 broke My🇮🇱 covenant, though I🇮🇱 was a husband to them🇮🇱.” It is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. “But, this is the COVENANT I🇮🇱 will make with the house of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 those days” -it is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH- “I🇮🇱 will put My🇮🇱 TORAH🇮🇱 within them🇮🇱. Yes, I🇮🇱 will write it on their🇮🇱 heart. I🇮🇱 will be their GOD🇮🇱 and they🇮🇱 will be My🇮🇱 people🇮🇱. No longer will each teach his neighbor or each his brother, saying: ‘Know YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱,’ for they🇮🇱 will all know Me🇮🇱, from the least of them🇮🇱 to the greatest.” It is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. “For I🇮🇱 will forgive their🇮🇱 iniquity, their🇮🇱 sin I🇮🇱 will remember NO more.” Thus says YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, who gives the sun as a light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars as a light by night, who stirs up the sea so its waves roar, YE_HO_VAH-TZVA'OT🇮🇱 is His🇮🇱 NAME: “Only if this fixed order departs from before Me🇮🇱” -it is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 - “then also might ISRAEL’s🇮🇱 offspring cease from being a nation🇮🇱 before Me🇮🇱-for all time.” Thus says YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱: “Only if heaven above can be measured and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, then also I🇮🇱 will cast off the offspring of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 -for all they have done.” It is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. “BEHOLD, days are coming”-it is a declaration of YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱 -“when the CITY 🇮🇱 will be rebuilt for YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱, from the tower of Hananel🇮🇱 to the Corner Gate🇮🇱. The measuring line will go out farther, straight to the Gareb Hill🇮🇱, then turn to Goah🇮🇱. Then the whole valley-the dead bodies and the ashes🇮🇱, and all the fields up to the Kidron Valley 🇮🇱to the corner of the Horse Gate🇮🇱 toward the east-will be holy to YE_HO_VAH🇮🇱. It will never be uprooted or thrown down again-forever.” - Jeremiah <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="1861">31:1</a>-40❤❤❤
@essenceofgrowing7804 8 ай бұрын
Have you heard that the symbol of the fish, intertwined with the Menorah that is intertwined with the Star of David was discovered in Jerusalem near on pottery in the historical “upper room” in the 1960’s? Protestants today get the fish symbol from this archeological discovery. Was the Star of David and the menorah too Jewish? We in the messianic movement embrace the whole symbol. We call it the messianic symbol because it was found and dated to about 2000 years old. As for men covering their head. As I understand it the men in pagan temples would cover their head, for divination and witchcraft practices, and so the messianic community would not want these gentile men coming and cover their head in that manner. They wouldn’t want confusion. Simply an attempt to be above reproach. It’s a tradition but our gentile brothers caught up in Denominationalism of the Protestants should also understand the context. Scripture doesn’t not look down on wearing the kippa or men covering their head… the priest wore head coverings during their ministry and because they should alway have their head covered they adopted the kippa. So when they took their cover off then they’d still have the kippa- never having their head uncovered. As for woman being covered. In the gentile world a woman with her hair down meant she was single and a woman with jewels in her hair and braided meant you were in business (a prostitute). A married woman would have their up and later this would be interpreted as a head scarf. This is why some Protestants and Jewish woman wear an actual cloth over the head. Still today, in the movies, a geeky homely girl will take off her glasses and lay down her hair to fly in the wind only to find out that she is very attractive. A married woman’s beauty was exposed in private for her husband only. Is this a salvation issue? No. Simply a tradition. And Paul understood it was a tradition but was letting them know, in his context, how to be set apart with regards to men and woman covering and uncovering. Some young men today were a head bun. This not only looks feminine but it would also have been considered as men having their head covered. Paul is telling the assemblies with gentiles men in them that men should also not do this.
@miriammiriam1982 8 ай бұрын
@yedayakahana5149 8 ай бұрын
Was the High Priest, and the other kohanim dishonoring G-D? You can have Paul, I will take Torah!
@Yaakov777 8 ай бұрын
If paul says it is not biblical and has no such tradition in the ekklesia why allow it? 🧐🧐
@heartheprophets 2 ай бұрын
Because the believers are under the authority of Rome, and their traditions/customs also. It appears there are customs that mirror each other in different societies. Married Jewish and Roman women wore headdresses. If men wore covering, it had its association with ‘church’ prostitution. Idolatrous temples were called churches. Definitions have changed over the years.
@Yaakov777 8 ай бұрын
New testament say against the kippah? I don’t think so. They were talking about the hair. And if it new testament says against it, why do you wear it? Why does your congregation allow it? Ironic
@Bolaway 8 ай бұрын
Watch the video again. He is not speaking against it, but about who obligate people to do it.
@Yaakov777 8 ай бұрын
@@Bolaway i watched it. It says it is just a tradition, not biblical and according to corinthians even paul says that it is not a custom of the ekklesia. Therefore, in summary it shouldn’t be used cause it brings dishonor to the messiah. The question is, which is which?
@scented-leafpelargonium3366 8 ай бұрын
@Yaakov777 : Does it not say that a man should not cover his head? Surely the kippa is a covering? But women have their hair as a covering and a glory, yet many women have traditionally worn hats in Church denominations due to the idea of having a covering, yet their hair already does this. So in both cases hats are not necessary, even though many popes, cardinals and bishops wear hats, such as a yarmulke skull cap or a pointed 'mitre'.
@Yaakov777 7 ай бұрын
@@scented-leafpelargonium3366 read what is said in verse 14, Doesn’t the nature of things itself teach you that a man who “wears” his hair long degrades himself?. Regarding the head covering, did that mean that the priests in the temple who were commanded to wear turban [head covering] violate this interpretation of Paul? It would be contradictory to the Torah.
@scented-leafpelargonium3366 7 ай бұрын
@@Yaakov777 I just re-read I Corinthians 11:2-16 and it does say for a man to cover his head while praying, and that the man is in the image of God, and if he covers his head he covers up that glory, or something to that effect, as I am roughly paraphrasing from limited memory, as I am in bed terminally ill with Amyloidosis and tire from immunosuppression, but as you rightly point out this seems to contradict the wearing of priestly turbans in the Torah, so which is it ? I am not wishing to argue, as I have limited energy, but I have wondered about this for years. I haven't read about regular people covering their heads as men, only those in spiritual ministry. Could that be the division where permissibility is granted to one or the other exclusively? I do agree re men wearing their long, even though most depictions of Yeshua show this! 🙃
@adamodeo9320 8 ай бұрын
this is sad - to see that lies and falsehoods are still spread about the Jews - no wonder Jesus said "Salvation is of the Jews" Book of John - the blue in the flag comes from Hashem telling Moses to have the talit embroiled with blue - tachelet in Hebrew to remind them of their purpose to create heaven on earth (symbolizes in the star of David - purpose in Hebrew is tachlit - words in Hebrew have strong meanings.
@JemeelaAl-Sayyadi 8 ай бұрын
Shalom. Love to hear your indepth teachings. Many thanks.
@netivyahisrael 7 ай бұрын
You are very welcome For more teachings check out our channel and visit our website: netivyah.org/
@CanI... 8 ай бұрын
I wish more synagogues would understand that. I was forced to wear a kippah during the service and that prevented me from praying. So although I was the part of the minyan (another non-Scriptural tradition), I wasn't really part of the minyan during the prayers.
@korihinojos9698 8 ай бұрын
What about kabbalah? And the vulcan hand symbol being used by some messianic? Is that traditional?
@adamodeo9320 8 ай бұрын
kabbalah is the quantum physics of the Torah - the 4th level of understanding torah
@orilumbrosa 8 ай бұрын
Shalom, dear Rabbi Shulam. We have missed your mind and candy.
@yuliyanboyanov6397 8 ай бұрын
You just mentioned the Star of David. Can you also explain to us about the flag of Israel? Is the star in Israel's flag occult?
@adamodeo9320 8 ай бұрын
this is sad - to see that lies and falsehoods are still spread about the Jews - no wonder Jesus said "Salvation is of the Jews" Book of John - the blue in the flag comes from Hashem telling Moses to have the talit embroiled with blue - tachelet in Hebrew to remind them of their purpose to create heaven on earth (symbolizes in the star of David - purpose in Hebrew is tachlit - words in Hebrew have strong meanings.
@yuliyanboyanov6397 8 ай бұрын
@@adamodeo9320 Yes, I know that about the blue one. But I asked about the star, otherwise I also support that it is not occult. God would not allow this to happen to his people. After all, 12 tribes and they had flags!
Players vs Corner Flags 🤯
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