蔡先生, 一向豁達 樂觀, 對人生任何起跌,都能處之泰然,從容面對. 這種優雅的生活態度,是尊重生命, 享受生命,值得我們學習,更是敬佩! 願您平安。you have already out- lived many people who are younger than you ! Well done! And keep enjoying life !
豁達 ? when you are in your 80s(how much time left?) and still thinking about the value of those things, it would be called stupid to me. he mentioned tea, I am sure it will go up in value if he doesn't consume them but the value of those things(wine, whiskey ...) are only realized when you consume them, not what the market is going to pay you for :-). If he did this when he was 40/50s, that is 豁達.
@The-Dark-Wanderer9 ай бұрын
@homan2689 ай бұрын
@garyng20009 ай бұрын
@@homan268 huh ? I am just saying he is doing this in his 80s which IMO is not 豁達. But I don't know if he was doing this in his 40/50s, at least I didn't recall any interview or reading anything he wrote about that.