Josh is such a keeper. It's quite rare that Josh spoke on a positive tone when it comes to his identity, while most Asians born/ grew up overseas sound to have identity crisis. You can see he has high flexibility and an open mind to life, not to mention he seems to be so talented in languages and communicating in different cultures.
@leannegreen3892 жыл бұрын
agree, I used to have very white washed BBC friends or very Chinese BBC friends feeling out of place
❤辦婚禮第一步要決定好日子先,我原本好日係今年的8月10但我地3月先開始plan,好多場地已經被booked,所以唯有搵下年的好日。搵左好日子之後場地係最重要的,之後就可以搵photographer同videographer化妝師(唔知韓國係點樣,加拿大的係有package,例如6、8、10-12小時的wedding photography)因為好的vendor應該都好快被booked。prewedding可以決定好場地的事情後先影都未遲。我地睇photographer都睇到眼花,每個攝影師都有free consultation所以可以同攝影師傾下計了解下佢地的風格同平時影相的方式經驗睇下啱唔啱。決定好場地後可以提前10個月左右就同guests發save the date,半年左右先發invitation都可以因為太早發的話guests可能已經忘了或者太早未必決定可唔可以去到婚禮。Josh有語言天份,你地將來的Bb應該都好犀利!幾種語言靈活變通👏🏻 plan wedding真系好多野要搞尤其如果有好多guests的話,所以budget有預算的話可以搵planner😊希望我目前經驗可以幫到你因為我返工太忙了,所以我目前都係搵planner幫我
It's not surprising for Josh to have that fluency in English as an immigrant. I grew up in a similar environment; I was around the same age. English is not my mother tongue but it is my dominant language and in fact, I am probably more fluent in this than my mother tongue. I also had English speaking friends though only a few spoke my mother tongue. I knew people who learned Cantonese and Korean informally through just day to day interaction. Some people just have that talent. I am also impressed by Josh's ability to pick up Cantonese. He might be one of those people who pick up a language just through day to day interactions.