"Wakarimasen But iroiro arigatou gozaimashita" _Saw a mountain passing by in Paris; KONNICHIWA / (こんにちは_Hello) _Sun left, Shadow's leaving like Nankyoku; KONBANAWA (こんばんは_Good evening) _We'll defend as possible for the, KAKO, GENZAI, MIRAI NO ANATA(過去、現在、未来のあなた_ past, present and future you) _Not wondering for ASHITA (明日_Tomorrow) _All the best and IMA (今_Now) _A good scenario for this life EIGA (映画_Movie) _They like droping it when civilans are asslep, HIKYō-SHA (卑怯者_Cowards) _Burning forests, welcome to OUSUTORARIA (オーストラリア_Australia) _Corrupt justice, SOUDESUKA ? (そうですか -That is right) _Ending code ? KIKOEMASEN DESHITA (聞こえませんでした _I didn’t hear that) _Badness ? SORE WA NAN DESU KA ? (それは何ですか?_ What’s that?) _Yes, hello paradise ? YOYAKU WO SHITAINODESUGA (予約をしたいのですが_I’d like to make a reservation) _Thoughts reading vaccine, soul taking system, DOCHIRA ? ( どちら_Which one (out of two)?) _Intercepting ? I'm YOKATTA (良かった (よかった) - Good, excellent, nice) _TENSHI NO Yō NI ODAYAKADE ONIZUKA (天使のように穏やか で 鬼塚 _ calm like an angel in Onizuka) _For the past year, IKURA, IKURA !? (いくら , How much) _As Always, TADAIMA (ただいま _ I’m back) _Industrial food, stomach full of plastic ... KORE WA NAN KARORīDESU KA? (これは何カロリーですか?_How many calories are in this?) _Take time, live naturally ... JAA, MATA ! ( じゃあ、また_See you!) _Healthy GOCHISōSAMA(御馳走様_Feast) _Before the roman empire, millennial infiltration _Traitos for hire, They hide in every nation _Don't have their time, /working for a fast world tour ecological train _Some like watching fire without calling the alarm , /Some like saving the boat like a bleach captain _OMA"and many others" The futur = Countryside _ No highest necesidad _The future better be academised _Not televised :) PS: I'll keep practicing , would you like a feat in a few years :)