後記: 一開始接觸方太一家,我曾經想像過佢哋係一家人和和睦睦地去做好一門手藝。但當我同每位成員個別去傾偈時,先至發現人人各懷心事,當中包含好多好多矛盾、期望、快樂、無奈、埋怨,愛。老土講句,家家有本難念的經,一家人共事,邊有咁簡單。即使心底裏毫不情願,仔女都肯付出時間同體力去滿足家人的心願。諗真啲,與其話去滿足,不如話只想令對方快樂。非常犀利的動力。 感激受訪者無限信任。 黃曉楓 Apple
Growing up the black seasme rolls I always called it "camera film". When I order dim sum as adult people look at me weird when I asked for camera film. I'm so glad these young people are keeping the tradition and business alive. Wish them great success for many years to come.