Monday Live: The ADHD Cleaning Method

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Midwest Magic Cleaning

Midwest Magic Cleaning

8 ай бұрын

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@elonas9487 8 ай бұрын
When I was a kid, mabye 9, I got a book about how to clean your room. The method was such a releif to me! It told me to put everything that wasn't laundry, trash, or dishes on my bed. Then throw away trash, collect laundry and dishes, vacuum.Then, pick up one thing at a time off of the bed and put it where it belongs. This made a huge difference for me and reduced overwhelm dramatically. No one knew back then that i had adhd (and am likely somewhere on the autism spectrum, too.) This was the only thing that got me unfrozen. My mom thought it was kind of a ridiculous approach, but since it worked, she was happy! To this day, if i am overwhelmed by a space (usually because of all the decisions involved) i just move the stuff to a totally different area, clean the space, then sort the stuff and find places for the items. It is the only thing that unfreezes me.
@embananasplit2935 8 ай бұрын
I’m the same exact way!!!
@Mikesgirl79 6 ай бұрын
I used to clean houses and the first thing I did was make the beds then I would pick everything off the floor and put it on the bed and then sort through it. This kept me from spinning around in circles. I taught my kids to do this and it seem to work for them.
@deanawallace9396 6 ай бұрын
I wish someone had gifted me that book or even clued me in to any single method whatsoever when I was a kid.
@KH-wc1vt 6 ай бұрын
What was that book?!
@100anti 6 ай бұрын
I'm going to try this, but I can definitely move out laundry first n than dishes. 😅 ty for commenting n sir for uploading. ❤
@TammyBentley-tm5hm 8 ай бұрын
On KZbin - A Hoarders Heart she is a hoarder with ADHD.. she is decluttering and explaining her thought process. She was going to do the dishes and got distracted by putting things away that were on her counter. At one point she even ran down to the basement to put something away and filmed it! By the time she was done running around.. it was time for her to pick her kids up from school and the dishes didn’t get done. She ran out of time. I think this is a perfect example of what you’ve been trying to convey.
@KLynn998 8 ай бұрын
What is the name of Emily’s channel
@jenniferwelch 8 ай бұрын @@KLynn998
@KaraKay 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for this channel suggestion.
@freewaybaby 5 ай бұрын
I’ve seen some comedic Facebook posts like that and, of course, they’re really funny…mainly because so many of us can relate, and, at least there’s a bit of comfort knowing we’re not alone. I don’t think it’s just people with ADHD though. A lot of us have soooo much to accomplish, that any direction we turn (in our house, yard, garage, etc.), there is a distraction that screams to be addressed, so, we start doing THAT….and THEN…a hundred times a day.🤬❤
@findingaway5512 5 ай бұрын
A hoarders heart is great. She has made a ton of progress and is working on healing as she does things. But definitely has the ADHD traits I also have like clutter blindness and things sneak back up on you.
@TheLiberty1999 8 ай бұрын
So what if you are moving it twice, if it gets the job done that's all that matters. My assistant at work has mild autism. It takes longer to learn something new but once she learns it, she stays on task and never forgets. She is the best assistant I've ever had. Her attention to detail is perfection.
@pamelasteegmann2487 8 ай бұрын
I have ADD and everything you said about how our brains work is spot on. As far as ‘touching things twice’ comments….my daughter is a licensed clinical mental health counselor and she says any method or system that you actually use, is actually effective, that’s the right and best method.
@DVD927 8 ай бұрын
And you may need to switch your methods if, like me, a method is less shiny & attractive after a little while. So I have 3 different methods & cycle thru them. Whatever works!
@pamelasteegmann2487 8 ай бұрын
Yes! What is it with the “less shiny & attractive” thing?! I thought I was the only one. Drives me nuts.
@lindamcdaniel2260 2 ай бұрын
Love the way you clean! You use your common sense. Glad you're deleting the jerks! They need to move on 😊
@anneichenberger4970 8 ай бұрын
Even thoughI am 73 years old, I decided to get tested for AHDH after listening to this video. Thabk you,
@embananasplit2935 8 ай бұрын
👏 it’s good to know at any age so you can find better ways to manage your daily life. Plus it’s helpful to know for family histories as well
@robinzclark Ай бұрын
I just got diagnosed at age 64. It changed my life radically for the better.
@Somewhereintime22 8 ай бұрын
I’ve been in education for over thirty years and the cleaning method you’ve created is actually a type of accommodation we give kids with focus issues. The method is called chunking and it means to break tasks into do-able chunks and get the rest of the job visibly out of the way to lower the anxiety. Some kids freak out if you give them (for example) an assignment that has a lot of words on the page. It might even be something they can read easily and can complete without difficulty, but the pure volume of what they perceive to be an enormous task makes them shut down. The teacher manages the chunks. When I was in the classroom I might fold the paper where only part of the task was showing and then say, ok…just do this part and let me know when you’re done. That was a two part strategy…one…it wasn’t much work…and two…it gave the student a small break and some minor socialization when the teacher came back around and cheered them on and then isolated another chunk for them to do. ADHD also interferes with something in the thought processes called executive functioning. The prefrontal cortex does jobs like organize, initiate and transition between tasks. People with ADHD get bogged down in processing how these tasks get broken into parts, managed in an order that makes sense, and then…what appears to be the hardest thing of all for them.,,figuring out a way to get started. The frustration Emily experienced when her schedule got thrown off is because it’s really hard work to come up with a plan to start with and the reliance on systems of how things are done becomes a seriously important management device in their lives. Not throwing stones here…I found out as an adult that I have ADHD too so I have a lot of empathy. I’ve finally figured out a way in my older years to harness my undiagnosed but pretty obvious to me tendency towards OCD. You the way I manage my ADHD is to stick to some pretty structured protocols and procedures for how I get things done. So…in essence…I manage my environment to create structures that help me manage my difficulties with the organizational challenges of ADHD. It works! Until it doesn’t and then I get frustrated just like Emily. But…I’ve finally learned to pivot and retrench and then get back in the saddle. People get so embarrassed and stigmatized about any neurodivergent issue…but I believe that knowledge is power and that stigma will tear you apart. Mack and Emily…you two are providing a very important service for so many who have shrouded themselves in shame over being neurodivergent. Your candor, kind explanations, and openness about your own issues are likely helping many come out of a dark place and into the light of acceptance and knowledge.
@jesse5027 6 ай бұрын
I know this comment is a couple of months old. As an educator, you have my ❤. My gorgeous, brilliant 13 year old “has” autism, adhd and global dyspraxia/apraxia of speech. He’s homeschooled now by his own choice, but while attending grades k-6 in a boces program we showed this method to his teachers as kind of a “it works super well at home just thought it might be helpful” without being imposing. That self contained classroom has been utilizing “Chunkin it!” ever since, for all students! It requires pure & unrelenting soul to educate & care for both children & adults who are neurodiverse. A kind of dedicated Love that is irrevocable even on the hardest, most exhausting days. I hope you’ve been told often, and continue to be- that you are a force for light and growth in this world. You are needed; quietly and ardently valued within the prayers of parents like me.
@Somewhereintime22 6 ай бұрын
@@jesse5027 You have no idea how much your response means to me. It’s easy for educators to get burned out and discouraged. My prayers are for your precious son and you. All children should have such understanding and supportive parents. Children with this kind of backing will succeed in the long run. ❤️
@jesse5027 6 ай бұрын
@@Somewhereintime22 all the blessings be heaped upon you Miss Karen. 💕
@stellaandrews9119 Ай бұрын
I wish I'd have had these accommodations in school in the 80's. I would have had a totally different life. I'm thankful kids today have this. Thank you. ❤️
@johnkelly9451 8 ай бұрын
Emily & Mack, you both compliment eachother completely. Like peas and carrots, left shoe, right shoe, pizza & beer, wine & cheese, spaghetti & sauce... cookies & milk.
@DVD927 8 ай бұрын
Perimenopause & menopausal changes, get ready for ADHD to get stranger. Everything was jumbled up for me. I’m 58 & finally getting back on track. Meditation really helps to quiet the mind to focus.
@ericaelaine 8 ай бұрын
It's a turbulent mess. I'm autistic and 50. I hate everything.
@patriciastewart930 8 ай бұрын
Omg, same! No one talks about how much hormone changes effect your adhd. The brain fog alone is so frustrating,
@dallbariscak7818 8 ай бұрын
SO MUCH THIS!! This is why I finally had to get the diagnosis. Hugs!
@ThatWeirdLady2519 6 ай бұрын
Yep, I can totally relate. I can't handle any kind of overwhelm whatsoever anymore. I have ADHD and autism and I'm 49. Interesting maze to navigate, lol
@peaches65835 Ай бұрын
I'm there right now. So so true.
@sememmer1 Ай бұрын
So, I have two KZbin accounts and just subscribed to MMC on this account, but have been an avid watcher through my other account for months. Once I finished watching all the cleaning videos I missed, I have gone back to watch all the lives that I missed. I particularly like listening to the lives when I am in the car running errands or whatnot, alone and able to process what you are saying. I watch the cleaning videos at home, in my bedroom during the day when I need a brain break. I find the cleaning videos educational, but also relaxing and satisfying. I, too, have noticed that I have to turn my brain off at night. Unfortunately, I can't watch MMC at bedtime since your videos are so interesting, but I do the exact same thing you do and watch Mountain Rug Cleaning, Detail Geek, SB mowing or one of the tool restoration channels at super low volume until I fall asleep. Sometimes I watch How It's Made. It drives my husband nuts for some reason. He listens to sports podcasts at full volume on his phone and falls asleep to that. It drives me bonkers and I can't go to sleep until he does, at which time, I turn his blaring phone off and turn on KZbin on our bedroom tv. I don't have autism, but I am very introverted just like your wife. Interestingly though, I relate more to your way of getting calm in my everyday activities. My hushand has ADHD diagnosed as a child, but says her doesn't have it anymore, HE 100% DOES STILL HAVE IT. When you talked about how you took your cabinets down and did the whole job in one night because once started, you had to see it to completion, that describes him to a tee. In his case, though, its usually things he needs me to do. We run a small busniess and I do all the administrative work. He drives, we transport students, and handles some of the vehicle maintenance. For the most part, though, I do the actual administrative and computer work, which is a LOT. He is always checking the email and regular mail and insists that I do things as soon as they come in, regardless of the time of day, sometimes trying to get me to do things well after I have finished work for the day. I feel like I have to set a limit or he would wake up at 2 am and make me check the mail or send an email. The problem is that I have to give myself an end time to certains tasks in the day, especially since I work from home and he is also right there all day as well. I now understand, from your videos, that his ADHD may be what is making him so anxoius to get things done as soon as they come to our table, but I am happy to make a list and get to the next thing the next day. I, of course meet deadlines and such, but other little things have to go on the list for another day. It is absolutely maddening living with someone who doesn't understand that I need space and calm or can't function. I have anxiety attacks constantly, which have sent me to the er on several occations. He, on the other hand, puts all his anxiety provoked to-do's on me and expects them to be done, even to the point where, if I have an appt or am out of the office for business for the day, he still expects me to do the normal routine- even if it's 10 at night. I won't do that so we argue and then I can't sleep. Sorry for the long story, but I just want to thank you for your perspective on mental illness. I helps me to understand why I and my husband act why we do. It helps me be a little more kind when I want to kill him. Thanks so much for what you do.
@maryhtrask4321 8 ай бұрын
She’s sweet. Understanding who you are and why is amazing. You go girl.
@Crosseyedmaryquitecontray 8 ай бұрын
My 13 year old grandson has adhd. He spins in his chair, reads and listens to music at the same time. Complete opposite of what most people would do. He has trouble being still and movement helps him concentrate. He has figured out how to get straight A’s in school all by himself. Also he sometimes sings the words in a book out loud.
@lisamr40 8 ай бұрын
My youngest, who is now 15 and in her first year of high school, does the exact same thing. She can't concentrate unless she is listening to music. She has managed to continually get straight A's and now is in all honors classes. When she was younger, I noticed her behavior and let her do whatever it took to help her concentrate. Way to go, for letting him do what he needs to, to get through school. 😁
@innovativesolutions2428 8 ай бұрын
I'm the same (adult) ADD. Others don't "get" how I achieve goals, etc. in a busy coffee shop, even taking my laptop on occasion to have supper out so I could concentrate in a different ambiance. As for the chair (or outdoor swing), I totally get it!!! Swivel, rock, recline-yah!! I'm a swinger 😉
@tracyjohnson5023 6 ай бұрын
I have ADHD and am 58. My son and granddaughter do as well. Movement does help with concentration for sure, but music helps a lot too. Really any low level background noise does. I can't even remember 1/2 the time what songs played, but helps with concentration. Books on tape, I go Lala land and can't focus on what's happening, but works for background blocker. I'm a retired high school teacher and found that when students were allowed to stand up when working, they did great. Some even walked around desk while writing or reading lol. Proven by brain based research, you get about 20 minutes in of good instruction with most kids/people. Attention spans can do that. After 20 minutes, everybody needs to move around for 10 minutes or more. So as teachers, you get better results doing it this way. You can try to spend 40 minutes on instruction, but researchers found that after 20, the rest of the time is spent dealing with behaviors. Blows my mind that schools are still sitting in desks all day, when research has shown for years that's not best.
@coupyk.2810 5 ай бұрын
Wow!! my grand daughter (9) also has ADHD, and is being harassed by her teacher constantly for her need to doodle. Oddly enough, her teacher claims to also have ADHD, but she keeps taking her doodle paper, tells her she's going to MAKE her pay attention and throws her paper away. Then my Gd has no way to vent the anxiety she feels while not being able to doodle. This, along with some other things, keep happening in front of the class which completely humiliates by Gd! Now she doesn't want to go to school and I have a terrible time getting her to go and I COMPLETELY understand!!! I'm about to have a meeting with her teacher and let her know that she needs to leave her alone with her doodling. PERIOD! We (her family) know very well that she can sit with 4 or 6 of us, playing a game or just talking, and cover a whole page of beautiful drawings (doodling) and stay on top of the game or the conversation! There is no reason her teacher needs to take the doodle paper away from her. You would think this teacher having ADHD would have a little compassion! Your grandson must have great teachers, if he is doing so well. They must be letting him do the things he needs to do, so that he can be successful. That's wonderful!
@lisamr40 5 ай бұрын
@coupyk.2810 see if you can get an IEP for her. Individual education program (not sure about that last word), but this way, if she truly has Adhd and anxiety, there will be a plan in place on how to help her in school going forward. I'm not sure where u live, but ask her school, if there is something you can do for her like that. 2 of my daughters have Adhd and having the IEP has helped them in school immensely.
@bloodiedporcelain6320 8 ай бұрын
The bag of 100 marbles comparison is what ADHD is like for me. Everyone has a bag with 100 marbles they have to carry around all day. But I don't have a bag, just 100 marbles. And no one notices or seems to care that it's AMAZING when I can carry 50 marbles without a bag. Then I get treatment and I have a bag now, but it's a bag with a million holes. So it helps, but it's not a fix.
@joannestanley8478 6 ай бұрын
Love this!
@KaraKay 6 ай бұрын
Wonderful analogy. Feels accurate.
@TinkerMomLA 2 күн бұрын
@@bloodiedporcelain6320 That is an insanely accurate description! Thank you.
@chuggadoo3162 5 ай бұрын
Thanks guys! I think I might be your spirit animal! Everything you discussed in this one made SO MUCH SENSE! Keep up the great work 🙂
@MidwestMagicCleaning 4 ай бұрын
Awesome! Thank you! ❤️❤️👊
@viviakay 8 ай бұрын
I have both ASD and ADD so I have to spin kick myself into gear unless it's a hyperfocus. And then, I obsess about having it "right" once I get it started. Living the dream!
@idalisraquelharvey2696 7 ай бұрын
I thank THE LORD for you! I came across your channel by chance, it's been a blessing what you've explained. My brain is so weirdly wired that even the psychologists that evaluated me have al misdiagnosed me for over 30 years! From depression, chronic depression, Bipolar Disorder 2, anxiety,panic attacks bla.bla bla. Bottom line I suffer from ADDH. Unable to declutter and organize my apartment. Just holding on to " things".MY APT. IS SQUEAKY CLEAN which is weird to everyone....but disorganized! Now I know how to go about decluttering and eliminating items I really don't need or use. FOCUS! FOCUS! FOCUS!
@lisamr40 8 ай бұрын
I started watching this replay at 4:30. I came in the kitchen at 3pm to start dinner. As of right this minute (4:35)I have not done so. However, I have cleaned the guinea pig's cage, vacuumed around his cage and the dining room and living room, scraped the ice out of my freezer, got everything ready to batch make cornbread mix and emptied the dishwasher. Thank you for this video. I have always wondered why I get so distracted and why my house is always a mess despite how much I clean and try to straighten up. Now at 54 yrs old, I know why and will speak to my doctor next visit! Love you guys! Don't listen to those a holes who are jealous of your helpful nature. Thank you for addressing these topics. It really has helped me.
@debbyelkins4240 8 ай бұрын
I love watching your videos. I cannot tell you how much I can relate to this video today. I worked in healthcare for 38 years. It was literally killing me. I walked away in April 2022. I started a little cleaning business in the Fall of 2022. I love it. I control my life. My income. I’m sole proprietor and I’m ok with that right now. It has lead to being a property manager for an Airbnb that I clean for. Thanks for being so real. ❤
@ericaelaine 8 ай бұрын
I only made it 25 years in healthcare before I had to bail out and start cleaning.
@DeborahLang-uf2nr 8 ай бұрын
Absolutely. I also worked in Healthcare.
@SauerPatchGardening 8 ай бұрын
I've been cleaning like this forever! I use a basket to put things in to take to other rooms when I'm done with whatever room I'm working on. Because I can definitely get redirected. 😂
@avivabrick2569 8 ай бұрын
This! "Other room stuff" goes in a basket! I clean small areas at a time, use 5-10 min timers and harness the hyperfocus. I focus on creating little "vignettes" one at a time and each one is a win. A whole room is often unachievable. I also use " next most stupidly easy step" thinking to help when I stall.
@tammygresham1057 8 ай бұрын
My son has ADHD and anxiety. He's 23. So definitely can relate. Great info, thanks Emily for your input. As I'm writing this, the train went by...shut your train!! I also live by some tracks and will be yelling that now, every time it goes by. Thanks, Mack!😂 y'all have a great week!
@mstrixyrose Ай бұрын
I do get it! I call it "DERAILED ". TOTALLY understand having to talk myself into EVERYTHING. The amount of energy, emotional, physical & mental that we use to do LIFE is exhausting.
@tiamotzz 8 ай бұрын
Remi Clog has a small cleaning YT channel. She talks about having to deal with her ADHD, and she also says she needs to give herself rewards for completing a task or an amount of time cleaning. She also talks a lot about neuro-atypical and mental health issues and lifestyle decisions and approaches to cleaning.
@JaniceS65 4 ай бұрын
Remi also has executive disfunction. I use some of her methods too.
@potatetoe 8 ай бұрын
It's always great to hear from folks with similar life experiences and hearing what works for them. The constant Brain-Ping-Pong (BPP) can be truly debilitating. Thanks to the both of you for sharing: You are appreciated. 🥔❤👊
@beebkapeepka 8 ай бұрын
I am so sorry people are not kind to you. It is bad. Some people are just jerks. 🤦🏼‍♀️ You are such a nice couple! I love listening to your comments about cleaning, to me it is very calmig😂❤
@GrannyLinn 8 ай бұрын
Beard looks great! Emily’s hair is beautiful! I don’t think I have ADHD, but your cleaning method works for me.
@GrannyLinn 8 ай бұрын
Oh. You just described me to a T. Hm.
@fbull66 8 ай бұрын
A TRICK FOR STAIRS. I do the same thing as the day go on I put things on the stairs, but my rule of thumb is regardless what’s going on during the day every time you either go upstairs or you come downstairs you don’t go empty-handed for example you’re coming downstairs you see a cup you bring it with you You’re going upstairs some fingernail polishes on the stairs you grab it and bring it up with you very helpful. I’ve also got My Husband to implement it regardless of whether it’s his or mine if there’s something that needs to go up you always take it up don’t ask if there’s something that has to come down. You always take it down.
@cathycoryell2351 8 ай бұрын
There is a young woman with an ADHD cleaning video. She did her bedroom, as the example. She called it June bugging. She is not a cleaning channel, but explained her approach clearly. Sharing only cuz you're so open minded. Thanks for all the great videos!
@jordanlever7857 8 ай бұрын
Do you know what the name of her channel is?
@DVD927 8 ай бұрын
I saw part of that video yesterday. There was background music that sent me up the wall like the ADHDer I am!
@MommyDontSeeMe 8 ай бұрын
I've only just heard of June bugging in the last few weeks, and it makes sense to me for tasks in places that just never seem to stay clear. I keep making myself go back to the same place instead of getting distracted in another room.
@melaniehutchinson5306 8 ай бұрын
Another tip, use chapt got and enter something like “break down tasks to clean a really messy kitchen” or which room.You need to tackle. Then the to do list is so,it donefor us ADHD folks. Big help.
@katieegan5178 8 ай бұрын
I don’t think I would have ever thought of this, but what an ADHD game changer!! Ugh the years of my life that have probably been spent making / losing / forgetting / misplacing / remaking lists. Funny how technology can be both our greatest helper and greatest distraction!
@joannepickering1646 8 ай бұрын
I think its great how you both deal with each others adhd/autism and communicate so well. Couples not dealing with adhd/autism have more trouble communicating than you two. You both take the time to understand each others way of communicating. Kudos to you both.❣️
@tammyburch5729 8 ай бұрын
I've had a Parkinson's disease for over 30 years, and identify with autistic traits. I get overwhelmed with sounds, seeing a whole project, instead of small projects to complete tasks. I had a stroke in 2016, so I had to learn a different way of cleaning due to my short attention span. I have learned many tips and techniques to help me stay on track. I also have ocd. I will concentrate on grout, cleaning obscure areas like under the toes spaces of counters with toothbrushes. It's been difficult to find a happy medium, but, I've learned to be there. I think that it's why I appreciate you and your videos so much. Especially, with your educational aspects. Thank you so very much. Much love and respect to you and your wife.
@00Mousey00 8 ай бұрын
I’m only 20 minutes in to this video and already completely relate to Emily! I love your videos, how you explain as you go, your sense of humor! (As I sit here surrounded by unfinished tasks). Now I’ll go finish watching 😊
@nancymiller9559 8 ай бұрын
Mack - you are so insightful and helpful to us all. You deserve that car for sure. You work so hard to help others in ways you’ll never know. Love you and Emily!❤️
@evgeniya_elle 8 ай бұрын
I can SOOO relate to everything Emily says about the adhd brain and how it works! It's different and it's difficult to explain to neurotypical people but it's important to understand yourself and make all the necessary changes in life to make YOUR life better, no matter what people around think. Thank you guys for talking about it!❤
@kathyehrisman1759 Ай бұрын
Gosh, i have always hated cleaning because it cut into my creative time. I am a creative ADHD person. I live to problem solve and create. What a paradigm shift you have just given me. By the way, i taught special ed for thirty years. I knew i was learning disabled, but fugured out the ADHD more recently. I had blamed most of my issues on PTSD.
@shawnaepich5991 8 ай бұрын
Watching T V is almost impossible for me to do because I can’t sit still. The “move it twice” method does work for me, but “body doubling” has been the most effective strategy. Over the last 3 years, “body doubling” was the only way I was able to accomplish anything due to my chronic fatigue and other medical issues.
@edennis8578 8 ай бұрын
I never heard of body doubling before. I'm the opposite. I hate working with another person in the vicinity because it's too distracting for me. I don't know how I'm going to cope when my husband retires because I can't work around him; he talks nonstop, gets in my way, tells me I'm doing it wrong, etc. If he's home, I don't even try to get anything done. Just getting ready to go somewhere gives me a panic attack because wherever I need to be, he's there fiddling around, blocking my way. The other day we had a big event to go to, and I told him that I was going to be getting ready at x time, and he needed to be completely ready and out of my way by that time. It almost worked. He just cannot help himself.
@peaches65835 Ай бұрын
I have CFS too. I call my Mum and we both do housework while talking to each other. It works brilliantly.
@dallbariscak7818 8 ай бұрын
Diagnosis recently. I'm over 50. ADHD explained my whole life. I'm glad to have stumbled onto your videos. Thanks for what you do! Hi to Emily, too! I just saw her for the first time today. This is the 3rd video of yours I have watched, and as soon as I saw Emily crafting I knew we were kindred hearts! I have tried almost every craft hobby in my life but have always done paper crafts. Plus, my favorite name is Emily and our 25 yos name!❤ Thanks again! 💛
@nellieb4252 8 ай бұрын
OMG I would love a guided meditation channel by you Mack!! ♥️❤️💗
@melaniehutchinson5306 8 ай бұрын
It’s one method to clean. Worth trying. I jump all around all,over all day long(adhd). I also have a routine now, that each night I do all the dishes. No matter what. Because skipping one day puts the whole kitchen in a disaster. Stove and counters and sink are cleaned now as well. There are no pre washing before loading into dishwasher. Using quality dishwasher tabs and a good dishwasher works. Anything that does not fit gets washed immediately. This saves time because the food does not get crusted on. There are still often random things on the counter for way too long but it has to be easy to put something away and not just put it down, so drawers and cupboards need sufficient space. If cooking a big meal, one sink has soapy water in it so I can clean as I go. Decluttering junk we did not use was key. Each morning dishwasher is unloaded and dishes drying on counter are all put away and go away easily due to the decluttering. It feels so good to get up and see a clean kitchen in the mornings, that is my dopamine hit now. My kitchen used to be a regular disaster. I am really proud of myself for this. Dana K White is someone else I follow and she has great advice about dishes, and laundry and other regular upkeep that really helps with how our brains are wired.
@melaniehutchinson5306 8 ай бұрын
Also when you are caught up on dishes and laundry, you can see what is actually needed by your household. And often we have too many. And it’s ok to give up parts of sets. Like who needs 40 coffee mugs. ( yes I had that many) . Now if no mugs, I am forced to wash the dishes. Same with laundry and too many clothes. If I can put it away easily, I have the right amount. If I struggle to fit it in drawer, I have too many.
@beckyboo1433 7 ай бұрын
I knew you followed Dana as soon as I read the start of your post 😁 She's great. My guess is she's undiagnosed ADHD 😂 so she gets it. 28 days to hope for your home lays a good foundation.
@beckyboo1433 7 ай бұрын
​@@melaniehutchinson5306I need to really buckle down and try laundry day for a while
@lucymcrae162 8 ай бұрын
That is amazing....I'm 70 years old and I think Emily just explained how I've been all my life....I never realized it before.
@ginastryker6775 6 ай бұрын
EMILY. You are great. Both of you with your honesty and kind ways. It is so refreshing and great🎉
@susanjgardner2310 Ай бұрын
I love you guys! I am almost 72 and was just diagnosed with ADHD. (Female) I am going through the medication trials and for me it is frustrating. You guys talking make me feel like I am not alone! I go to sleep like you watching videos! Everyone keeps telling me that is wrong and my brain won't shut down. Doesn't it annoy you how others tell you how to deal with it!? If only they really knew how it was! Thank you!
@Hafhafnhaf 2 ай бұрын
The first bit about getting distracted, then being exhausted but not done with goal, has been my daily existence. It's also very unfulfilling.
@juliestade7529 6 ай бұрын
As someone with hoarding tendencies who has both OCD and ADHD, I just want to say that finding your cleaning channel has been such a blessing for our farmhouse and homestead. Add in physical health problems as well with advancing age too, I have such problems tricking my neurodivergent brain into actual action (and out of overwhelmed paralysis), and many of your methods seem to be distilled versions of partitioning tactics I've used in the past. Now, I don't have to feel so weird for having pristine "islands" of OCD cleanliness right next to hoarded areas I haven't gotten to yet. I really do have to put blinders on when I'm cleaning or I get so sidetracked by distractions that no one project ever gets completely finished.
@EndThe2plus2equals5 Ай бұрын
Hey guys! I’m a fairly new subscriber, and I love the channel. I’m undiagnosed but I believe I have ADHD. Your video on how to tackle cleaning with ADHD was SO helpful. I set a timer, and only cleaned my kitchen so I wouldn’t make my home more of a mess with my toxic gremlin piles. That method was very effective and I plan on utilizing it on the rest of my apartment. As you know- living with Autism and ADHD is extremely difficult because this world is not designed for us but I finally feel understood here 😊
@teresagnadinger335 8 ай бұрын
You could put a basket on the stairs on the landings. Put arrow up on one and arrow down on the other. I’m ADHD plus INFJ and probably a smidge autistic. I totally get the figuring out the brain thing. I couldn’t memorize my times tables in 4th grade. My 5th grade teacher showed me how to break the numbers down so I could come up with the same answers.
@TheAylain 5 ай бұрын
“Shut your cat beak” 😂😂😂
@hzm397 Ай бұрын
I don’t know if you will ever see this comment but I want to tell Emily that I also crochet (as I watch your videos) and I also have ADHD. But what I really want to tell her is that she has the most interesting crocheting method that I have never seen and I’ve been crocheting for 20 years! Also thank you for everything you are doing. ❤
@pattifromtexas 8 ай бұрын
Just caught your live. Emily was especially informative, and forthcoming. So genuine, also. So proud for y’all and how much you have really accomplished. Well done.
@susanevans1294 7 ай бұрын
Love what you said about paying your employees well. Bravo! We need more of that in our capitalist system. ❤️
@virginiamichel3112 8 ай бұрын
Emily: be glad you're only 35! Some of us find out stuff much later!!!
@hummingbird275 8 ай бұрын
Emily is BEAUTIFUL ♥️‼️I really enjoy watching her on your show ‼️Your explanations are SO VERY HELPFUL ‼️ Thank you very much 👍🏼
@kaitlinhillier 8 ай бұрын
Idea for a live: hoarding and personality disorders, particularly narcissism. Would love to hear from you and this community on the subject.
@kookykreek 8 ай бұрын
Not sure if there is a connection, but my brother was a narcissist and a semi hoarder. He wasn’t the worst case, but definitely out of the ordinary for most people.
@audreycasassa1683 8 ай бұрын
That would be something I would be interested in.
@innovativesolutions2428 8 ай бұрын
I'd LOVE to see how to work on my disorganization goals around a narcissist!!!
@innovativesolutions2428 8 ай бұрын
@@kookykreek Yes, I see a connection in my NPD roommate AND when I saw the sister's mouse infested hoarder house (in a nice location and quite nice but very outdated house/garage, it may be some MHealth issues??? How do you live with mice droppings galore, yet have $$$$$$ yet act poverty stricken and deprive yourself to the point of eating rotted food and looking like a thrift shop discard, let your house fall apart, etc.?????
@innovativesolutions2428 8 ай бұрын
BTW, the sister was placed in a nursing home (2 so far) some months ago.
@MulaRahmanovic 6 ай бұрын
Greetings from Bosnia and Herzegovina. ADHD is difficult and I manage to deal with it. I divide tasks into small parts and write down what I need to do. In addition to full-time employment, I succeed in the company, although it is difficult, to keep my home tidy. I appreciate what you are doing.
@dream__soda7900 Ай бұрын
I relate with your wife a lot. When I’m in the mood to clean and have my plan in mind but, let’s say someone comes over without me knowing or if I’m asked to go hang out with friends I get stressed and completely throw the whole day away.
@leftfinned Ай бұрын
💯💯💯💯! An unannounced visitor is a nightmare
@lasvegasbeet 12 күн бұрын
@AG-yj1jv 8 ай бұрын
I feel guilty - it has taken me since Monday to watch just up to 47:53 as the hoarded back yard I'm helping to clean up has required a lot of brain strain engineering, construction. I found I couldn't lift everything I needed to because I had 2 sugeries this year, and it hurts, so truth be told, it meant hiring and managing men to do things I used to be able to do. Which is difficult itself, as I also have ADHD w ABI/TBI on top. Which is also why I keep having to go back & rewatch because it's not sticking, or I start to write a comment, fall asleep writing and it posts incomplete jibberish. But here, at 3:30 a.m. (again), I just really appreciate all that you guys do - your modeling of care, compassion and the effort of working to understand the other person, and how to communicate in ways that work. In helping a hoarder I care about, I've desperately needed and made use of that reminder. In addition, thank you for giving me the words to explain to others why they need to be compassionate, how their demanding or yelling or putting down, or threatening, is not going to be productive. Thank you for helping me explain how other ways of being unsupportive are not helpful also - like judging things that don't need to be judged. For example: He hoards firewood from fallen trees in his big yard. But firewood is valuable if taken care of, and he has an extremely efficient woodstove that would heat his house (if he could reach it) and he uses a wood cooking grill in his yard. My goal in building wood racks to hold that wood, is not to "enable a hoard," but to be able to have opportunities for conversations; to build trust; to build his confidence and enthusism for whatever our next step is - and with it, an openness to the idea of seeing a hoarding therapist. It doesn't matter to me if he could burn all of it in his lifetime, or if his reason for saving every stick makes sense to me. [Singing Monty Python style: 🎶 "Every stick is wanted, every stick is good. Every stick is needed, from this neighborhood..."🎶🤣] But that's truly not for me - or for anyone else - to judge if it is stored neatly, and safely; in a manner geared to preventing rodent infestations and rot, a sufficient distance from his or others' houses, and if the thing he is burning his wood in is safe, is being used safely, and is an approved device being used in an approved manner. The racks have made his space useable and tidy; and they've created space for cabinets to house his garden tools and flowerpots. I cannot clear all of his hoard, but that's 70% of the mess outside DONE. Ta-dah! "So suck it."🤣 Thank you for being an online, daily support through your videos! It has really kept this on track!!! Emily, thank YOU for being so candid about the struggles you have. I screw up so much of everything I try to do - have to unscrew, rescrew, t
@valeriepeters245 6 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for this video. Watching your videos has helped me begin to get control of my mental chaos. Before I would start to empty the dishwasher & take a spoon to hang up by the stove & that would remind me I had to take something out for dinner. So I'd go to my deep freezer in the porch to take something out but I'd see a coat that needed to be hung up in the porch, so I'd grab it on my way to the freezer. I'd hang it & notice something left in the porch so I'd grab it and go put it in whatever room it belonged & so this would continue. Two hours later the dishwasher is still open & unfinished and I hadn't taken anything out for dinner. I'd be cleaning all day long but nothing was getting done. I'm starting to get some control. I always watch one of your videos before I begin ... great inspiration. Thank you.
@anitabarra810 Ай бұрын
I have just started watching your videos. I commend you on how well you explain the reason behind the actions you take when cleaning. It has helped me understand my son’s ADHD behavior. I can multitask very well, so it has been very hard for me to understand what goes on in my son’s head when I ask him to clean his room. I have seen the light! Thank you. I have always thought he was a sloppy person who had ADHD. Now I know better. It’s the disorder !
@TheJcs555 8 ай бұрын
Thanks again for an interesting video today. I look forward to Mondays to hear what topic you talk about. Emily was very insightful! Yea for your new beautiful car! Bless you both. 🤩🙏💜
@dawnmcfadden6670 8 ай бұрын
Our son has Asperger's and ADD. We had to teach him to break tasks down into logical steps, and he always needed frequent breaks because the mental energy of keeping everything online is intense.
@rg-mi5hh 8 ай бұрын
Something that helps to keep things in the room they go in, is to put a basket in each room by the door or on the stairs if it goes upstairs. When I pass the object I grab it and take it with me when I go to the other room. Saves running around all the time.
@kathyehrisman1759 Ай бұрын
Wow, I am so glad i found your videos. I have had many years of therapy. I don't think hoarding ever came up. I was grateful for covid giving me a good reason to not allow anyone in my house. I recognize myself in your videos. I have spent the last week watching and cleaning and purging. My old trauma has surfaced in nightmares, but your info and my past therapy helped me process. I am hopeful for my future. I am alone and 75 yrs old. Thank you for your acceptance and understanding. Oh, my favorite room is a sun room I added so I started with it. After a week of work ,I rewarded myself with an AC unit.
@snuggle_nuzzle 4 ай бұрын
I have ADHD in spades. I start out like you said: kitchen, and like you said, you get distracted when you put away things. I have noticed neurotypical cleaners, they don't get distracted. I end up cleaning everything BUT the kitchen. I come back to the kitchen and can't figure out why I still have dishes piled high, I did all this work. The way you explain it is how my caregivers do it. I appreciate your videos so much. I even started having my caregivers using APC for every surface to make sure it is hella clean. I was in ICU and near death from kidney failure (Stage 4; stage 5 is dialysis). My apartment was hoarded to the max. My church came in and totally de-hoarded my apartment including removing old bug ridden sofas (I had 2) and made it hella clean so that I don't get sick again. I spent 60 days in 2 hospitals and 2 skilled nursing facilities from May 29-July 31, 2023, so, I am not able to walk very well and at 61, recuperation is slow. I am ADHD triggered easily, no docs here in my area will prescribe ADHD meds for adults. Anyway, thanks for the videos and the knowledge of ADHD and Autism. I see myself here and feel like we're good friends. 🥰.
@libratude9595 8 ай бұрын
#TMI #Venting #ExtremelyLong I'm 44yo and for the last several years my mind has been forgetful and locks up when I'm stressed and overwhelmed. I have to make notes or I'll forget my plans. When that happens I just completely shut down and go into "do not disturb mode". I have sever depression and anxiety so it's very hard for me to be around a lot of people or people in general. I don't enjoy company at all and can't wait for them to leave. I get moody, bothered, triggered and short tempered. However sometimes I'm pleasant, friendly and actually enjoying myself, but it's in short bursts, and then I'm exhausted and done peopling for awhile lol. I laugh often, but I'm really not happy, if that makes sense. I've been trying to get tested for ADHD and Autism. However according to my insurance and Behavioral Health case workers, there is no adult autism testing. If I wasn't tested as a child there's nothing they can do. I mentioned your story Mac, not getting diagnosed till an adult and they told me that's not possible. Needless to say I'm upset about it. Also I've had learning disabilities in school such as not comprehending the topics or what I'm reading, most especially if I'm not interested in it. I don't think they knew what learning disabilities were in the 80s, because I'd just get looked over, considered lazy or be put into another room with troubled kids and do nothing but hang out and talk all period. In fact I got held back in first or second grade, I can't remember now. I went to two different High Schools because I screwed up my grades my Freshmen year at the first High School. I think I did even worse at the second High School. They put me in all these AP classes, have no idea till this day what it means, I didn't know anyone at the school, so they kicked me out after the year. I ended up at a Continuation School. I didn't even go for the first three months and we just got packet work to take home and bring back in a week. I ended up graduating by the skin of my teeth. Basically you got credit just by showing up and showing a little interest. I have a tendency to cut people off mid sentence because I'll forget my points in conversation if I don't. I never stay on one topic while talking, I'll have several topics how ever unimportant going on while I'm talking to one person. I'm just told that's normal or that I'm under stress. I have a lot of wear and tare to my body like you Mac, but yours is from working, mine is just aging. I have Arthritis, Tendonitis and Calcium Deposits in both shoulders. I just had X-rays done on both and saw them myself. That day I also received a Cortisone injection in both shoulders which did absolutely nothing. I have clicking, popping and grinding with constant pain in both shoulders. I also have Carpal Tunnel in both hands. Some days I just want to cut my arms off you know. I struggle to use a can opener and the pop off tabs on cans. I had a back appointment yesterday, the X-ray shows Arthritis in my Lower Lumbar. So the inflammation compresses my nerves which gives me Sciatica pain and restless legs at night. I also have Arthritis and Tendonitis in my hip joints as well. Which causes constant pain, weakness and numbness at the end of the day, to the point I can't even walk or move without screaming and then my entire body goes stiff. Anyway I guess I needed to vent, sorry about that TMI. I just feel virtually close to you and feel you or Emily can relate, if you even see this post at all.
@maryfolks9368 6 ай бұрын
I seen and read your comment 😊. Even though I'm not Mack and really don't know a whole lot about adhd, I think your description of your symptoms were laid out very well. As I was reading your comment I found myself thinking "I feel that way too". Especially when company comes over, I can't wait for them to leave so they'll stop interrupting my space. I'm a wife and mother of 3. God thought it would be a great idea to give us a baby at the age 45. I turned 54 yesterday and our youngest is 8. Our 2 adult children are in their early 30's. Neither of them have add or add but our youngest does. We're trying to research how to help her without prescription drugs. Anyways I wanted to thank you for your comment, it helped me open my eyes to what I'm feeling. God Bless you and keep you safe always 😊
@libratude9595 6 ай бұрын
@@maryfolks9368: Glad to help 🙃.
@w8what575 Ай бұрын
Amino acids…try taking supplements…I’ve discovered a lot of my issues have been due to nutrient deficiency which a lot of Americans suffer from because the fda has allowed these food manufacturers to replace the natural ingredients that have nutrition with synthetic forms of the nutrients that’s not bioavailable to the body and gets passed through as waste instead or stored in fat cells which is causing obesity like we are seeing now….its sad cuz it’s killing people….hope things work out well for u
@Dennise_Who 8 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with ADHD-I and depression in my late thirties (now 63) and cannot tolerate the meds. My self devised coping mechanisms no longer worked once I had kids. Your channel has helped me more than any channel that is exclusively dedicated to ADHD. Thank you! P.S. Emily, your makeup is on point!
@susandallessandro5076 8 ай бұрын
I loved this one. You talked about the exact thing that I always end up doing. Clean one area but put something away then lose my focus and I may end up doing something in three different rooms and finish nothing! My youngest son was diagnosed with ADHD and I saw how his brain worked. I am a lot like him with having to do what I need to do immediately or the thought is gone! My very good friend used to tease me by saying that I am easily distracted. He says I am going along and suddenly he says that I "see something shiny" and my thought is gone. He is right. Easily distracted! I am learning from you both. You hit on something else that I do. I can't do just one thing at a time. It is almost 9 A.M. and I haven't gone to sleep yet. I am watching tv on mute right now and watching and listening to you. I was doing bills before I started watching you. I usually watch video's until I get very tired. I keep my tv on but turn it low when I get tired. Then I can fall asleep. I am learning by listening to you both.
@user-co6gb2dv7j 2 ай бұрын
I've been watching your videos for about 6 mo. I'm 54 and never realized my "cleaning method" was attached to my ADHD. I would always take everything off the top of my dresser, as a kid, and shove it into the top dawers. Cleaned but always unorganized. I started watching you tube cleaning shows to make the cleaning urges go away. I'm lucky enough to have a 2 person team come and clean my home every 3 mo. If I do it myself nothing ever gets done. I struggle with making decisions, and agree with Emily if something interrupts my thought process then I'm at a loss for the rest of the day. I, also, am a list person (post it notes are awesome) but never get to complete a project. I was pretty happy the other day when I washed all the dishes in 1 hour, not all put away, but they were all clean. This video really struck a cord with me. It was my "Ah Ha" moment, that's why putting everything in a plastic see through tub with a lid doesn't work for me. I never go back and make the decisions to get rid of things. I have a basement full of tubs, out of sight out of mind. Btw, From the start of watching your videos I've thought of you as Midwest Magic Mike.....not too far off. Thanks M and E!!! Q-bert in Southern WI.
@ErinOBrien-cr9dd 29 күн бұрын
I’ve only watched the first 15 minutes so far and what you are both saying is really clicking with me. I’ve not been diagnosed with ADHD but strongly suspect I am. I have used this cleaning method by accident more than design sometimes and it’s the only time anything can get done. After listening to you talk about it I’m going to try to implement this more consciously and see if I manage to succeed a little more often. Thanks ☺️
@gailkingsley9857 2 ай бұрын
Just enjoy your lives ,you have made me understand that all my live I have HDHD..Will get in touch with my GP..❤
@robyncooperramsey8323 8 ай бұрын
I thought your analogy (15:00 forward) of losing your place in a book you’re reading is brilliant. It helped me understand what life is like for a person with ADHD. And, congratulations on your NEW CAR!!🎉
@elfstarsaka 8 ай бұрын
For some reason when you told Frank to shut his cat-hole my cat meowed and ran over here
@Tori_TLCR 8 ай бұрын
For me just getting started is half the battle. Once I start, I'm good. But I also have a hard time stopping once hyperfocus kicks in then don't tend to my other responsibilities like cooking a reasonable dinner. One thing I have been doing lately is I come home from work and set a timer for 20 minutes and then I clean something for those 20 minutes. I usually don't have a plan. Sometimes I do. I usually look around and see what needs doing then do it. Once the timer stops, I stop. Periodt. Even if I'm not fully done. I stop for the day. You'd be surprised what can get done in 20 minutes. Slowly but consistently my home has been coming together. Just by doing this. I also set an alarm for one hour on Saturday and Sunday. I do the same thing. These short bursts are working for me. I still find it hard to stop when I get into the groove but I do because I am trying to avoid burn out that usually follows when I overwork myself. Ymmv but so far so good for me.
@whowinshere 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your insight and wisdom, its really helpful!
@chlonh 3 күн бұрын
I just found your channel yesterday. And already, you have helped me understand so many things about myself. You two are amazing. I've never been diagnosed, but I am thinking I am A.DHD. Also I was really interested in the starting your own cleaning business aspect as well. Thank you so so much. To both of you.
@kathydumas2745 8 ай бұрын
I m a grandma( old) but still work, full time and I can’t sit still. I play with a mini slinky, or a marble, when I m stressed or bored. Something to keep my hands busy. Thank you for helping so many people🥰
@user-vo8zq3iz2o 23 күн бұрын
I love how you explain everything so well. You too are a great couple. Life is so difficult for so many people. Getting diagnosed with what is going on with yourself is important and helps you to deal with every day issues. 😊
@perfumetherapie 6 ай бұрын
I just found your channel, I think it was the day before yesterday. I started binging. I got inspired to make some APC and clean my fridge (not the freezer part yet, though, it’s not as bad, and it’s for later today). It was 12/31/2023, the last day of the year and I so wanted a new fresh start with food I actually eat, no more leftovers or ketchup bottles that I’m keeping just because it’s still 1/4 full. Nope, gone! I tossed so much! I wiped everything down and took out the drawers and cleaned them shelf by shelf in small steps. Now watching this video I realize…I might have ADHD. I get so distracted and my focus gets pulled so easily. The method you are describing here I think I could apply to my whole life. Even if I have to touch the same thing 10 times later on, it will be worth it. I need to keep my focus on just one area, one victory at a time. I really don’t know how to thank you. This is a game changer for me for 2024. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍
@bonniewinninger4896 8 ай бұрын
I am ADHD and my apartment has lots of “collections” on the floor. Tou have taught me so much and I am really grateful for the methods you give for dealing with the condition and learning to clean despite it. Thank you! I love the channel and all of you. 😊
@kristinehard9419 8 ай бұрын
My nephew has adhd and I hear you
@aleahcurrey460 8 ай бұрын
Emily, I related so much to what you said. I’m both autistic and have ADHD, but yeah ffs do NOT throw unexpected events into my day, lol. It completely stresses me out. It’s also next to impossible for me to do anything else if I know I have something scheduled later in the day, because if I get zoned in on something, I’ll lose track of time and end up late, or not have enough time to get ready. But I mean, my random hyper focus method of cleaning works okay for me. It just takes days for me to gather the focus to mop or dust or put away laundry, haha. I relate to you both a lot. Hope you guys get the house stuff sorted out without too much financial stress, we all love y’all in our household (and buy all of the recommended products now, haha). Oh-and my back is completely out at least 50 percent of the time. Also, thank you Mack for pointing out that yeah, it’s not necessary to keep everything. I usually have yard sales, but I keep schoolwork and books we don’t even enjoy for way too long. I’ve been thinning out our expired canned stuff, too (partly because some of it came from Grocery Outlet, and I KNOW it won’t stay good past the best used by date, lol). ❤
@mdoe37 Ай бұрын
Respect the hook! The lady is crocheting! Something I have never mastered...I have to stick with the safety of two needles and knit lol. hook on!
@loridemann6699 8 ай бұрын
OMG! This is me…I must be ADHD because this is what happens to me cleaning! I start in one area, find more messes as I change rooms and I start picking up in that room…..I never finish anything ever! I like your method, choose 1 small section of a room and clear it, then move on to another section.
@coupyk.2810 5 ай бұрын
Oh and Mack, I''m just hearing about your method of getting the steps down to two...I've been doing that forever, so I agree you're on to something and probably why A LOT of people are finding that so productive! When I clean my kitchen, I move all the dirty dishes to one countertop, clean the counter over the dishwasher , then unload the dishwasher onto that counter. Then put the dishes away. Then load ONLY the glasses from my "pile", then the plates...and on from there. It is that artistic thing. Getting the glasses in first is very neat and organized and sort of a creation. When I get done loading, it looks good and that is satisfying to me. sorry I've gone on a bit, but in watching this video, I've had a ton of epiphanies!!! Like making the lists!!! OMGOSH! I have to do that! and having EVERY tiny thing on it, so that it is absolutely a complete list and I forget nothing! AND being able to cross the items off the list is incredibly rewarding to me. I'll even add something that Ive already done, that didn't get on the list, just so I can immediately cross it off! ha!
@marisa7462 8 ай бұрын
Love your Live❤️ quote that got me laughing was “go spin kick a nun” quote of the day for me. 😂
@nicolab2075 8 ай бұрын
'Shave a horse..' 😂
@rorenee5245 16 күн бұрын
Emily and Mack...I'm listening to the both of you while trying to push through segmented tasks and being on my timer. Whew...listening to y'all's experiences makes me feel so seen, heard, and understood that it's a very cool, moose-like way. Emily, thanks sooo much for sharing your experiences in such an honest, vulnerable, brave way. I can relate to sooo many things that the both of you communicated. And Mack, as someone who's fascinated with how brains work, I totally respect your psychological approach because we owe it to ourselves to understand how our own brains work and how we approach tasks...and LIFE , for that matter because we only get one brain. Allegedly...🧠 Since my brain can be a dopamine desert, one thing I find helpful is to not only break up tasks into very, very small pieces (so much so that my inner critic sometimes goes, 'Really? You want a cookie for doing something THAT minor??') But I resist the desire to diminish even the smallest wins, and combine that with the Habit Tracker bullet point method. So once I get each thing done, I write that puppy down. Each segmented task that's completed is recorded and acknowledged. And for me, it helps with motivation. With self love, too...for me. Of course, every brain is different..but yeah. Cheers to the both of you, thanks so much. And how cool it must be to do life with someone who really "gets you". 🙏🏽💪🏾🎉 Oh...and the trainface can totally SHUT IT.
@user-sy6hz1mu9n 4 ай бұрын
I admire the way you clean and organize. It makes total sense ! Very similar to the way I do it. And I LOVE your dry humor-makes me laugh so hard sometimes. Thank you!
@kathyvettraino2267 8 ай бұрын
So much relatable info here today. The cleaning tips have helped me!
@thegem4103 6 ай бұрын
Listening in at about 6.40 mins, and yes you're spot on. I've discovered these type of your videos, and I think they're great. So easy to listen to, plain terms plus includes the little indiosyncrasies of the disorders. Keep at it ❤ From nz
@ashleyrosegentrymaidensmit9719 7 күн бұрын
OMG!! She just started talking and even the bathroom thing is ME ME ME EXACTLY!!! AND I GET SOOO BALLED UP INSIDE!! My family thinks I'm a spaz and I also have sensory issues and have been diagnosed with things like agoraphobia bc it's draining just thinking about the aspects involved in leaving. So, 2 hrs later...I finally leave, shower, or psych myself up enough to be able to handle the critical issue of not quite fitting in.
@purelightapologetics4930 Ай бұрын
I SO relate to the need to needing to knit or crochet while watching TV.
@barbarajackson9483 5 ай бұрын
I only recently started watching you. I too am ADHD, and will be applying your techniques. Thank you very much Barbara
@merrydeth9527 8 ай бұрын
I highly recommend Crime Scene Cleanup on youtube? I was obsessed with that channel for a while.
@cathyjackson5959 8 ай бұрын
I do that with crocheting & knitting!! I think it is the pattern!! Just a constant regular? I also have to have quiet-but not alone. I have to have noise (TV or music) but no one engaging in conversation.
@rebeccanelson5737 8 ай бұрын
Oh Emily! I so get that! I used to do that, I’m old now and no kids, so no disruptions. Disruptions and last minute change of plans used to sooo mess me up.
@zanxstitch 8 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with ADHD and after a year of meds, I was committed to psych for rage issues. No more meds, but lots of OT. ADHD for me is not knowing the steps to take between A to G. I can either see A or G, not the in between. Cooking freaks me out. My method of getting things done is forced distractions. As an example: I will take my craft thing with me to the kitchen, hold it in my hand until I see step A, if I struggle to B, I will pick up my craft thing until I see B. Most of the time I forget about the craft thing and get through it easy and then the craft thing is the reward. I also make lists. I will rewrite that list daily if it isn't done yet, so the list gets longer before it gets smaller.
@KnhoJ123 4 ай бұрын
Love the analogy about ADHD being like reading a huge book that gets closed and you don't have a bookmark.
@mikagirod5148 Ай бұрын
I just found your channel today. I have been out of work since last October and have filed for disability. I am having to try and overcome health and strength issues daily to get anything done. I am so glad to have found your channel as I feel it is amazing therapy. Love that yall are so honest, caring and funny.
@wendyhomes9681 15 күн бұрын
I do the list thing, when I complete it I often make harder lists for my self the next day then get completely overwhelmed and lay on sofa with my dog and blanket😮I have really enjoyed listening to you guys your beautiful couple. 🎉😊
@ginastryker6775 6 ай бұрын
Oh my gosh! Spot on about not wanting to leave the house and do things. Your happy when your -wherever- but the push yourself to go is hard. I dont go more than i actually get myself to. My neighbor is lonely and I want to go over, she is so nice, but I just cant seem to do it. Yet I think about going over so much in the day, but never do. We both are missing out on having good company.
@user-ei8rb7sj6c 6 ай бұрын
I so relate!!
@stephanievantonder1096 7 ай бұрын
I have an ADHD daughter and she is an impulsive buyer as well. But I will help her as long as I can.
@lindacurtis-smith9835 3 ай бұрын
I'm just watching this, but the real big message is forgiveness. You have to forgive yourself if you don't accomplish something . It's okay, really. Holding yourself accountable is the grown-up thing to do, but forgiving yourself is grown-up as well. You folks are special, I enjoy your videos, and I wish you forward momentum in all your goals. :)
@mayloomis9638 12 күн бұрын
'Organizing for People with ADHD' is also a great book. Very useful for reconceptualizing clutter.
@metalkingtohorses 8 ай бұрын
you and detoxing have been super helpful to me in tackling my chores, I'm an artist so my home is art supplies and things in process , I do finish projects but I have a small space and I usually have 4 art projects going at one time so the house looks trashed. YOU ARE SUCH A BLESSING TO ME BECAUSE OF YOUR METHOD I ACTUALLY DONT FEEL SO OVERWHELMED , SO THANK YOU SO MUCH!
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