Money Disorders are Real...and Do I Have One?

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Prepper Princess

Prepper Princess

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There are a lot of mental money disorders I wasn't even aware of. Here is a link to the article I was talking about in this video: www.psychology...
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@vimalou1 3 ай бұрын
You don't have a money disorder or illness. You are actually helping lots of us to be smart in handling our finances❤
@paulveg8524 3 ай бұрын
Excessive spending is way more of a disorder than frugality.
@maryrenaud6732 3 ай бұрын
For me and my sister (now ages 73 and 74+)we went through some terrible periods of extreme poverty when young, particularly when we had no parent taking care of us at ages 16 and 17+and went hungry when we did not have enough money from our Jobs (still in high school) for our shared apartment in San Francisco, utilities, public transit and food. After getting on our feet, we sisters both vowed never to go hungry again and always set money aside for a rainy day. We never acquired a lot of credit card debt, never defaulted on a bill, never hoarded, but always had plentiful food on hand. We both save like crazy and have survived periods with layoffs/no job. I do not think this is crazy, I think it is a healthy normal response to the life experiences we had. There are too many Americans going hungry today, but many others have never experienced true hunger and feel that we who are the squirrels saving for tomorrow are completely totally 🥜 NUTS!
@littleiodine9480 3 ай бұрын
I am very frugal. My humble opinion is this. If you are happy and content, what else is there? I feel that people spend so many years buying and getting things, things, things. They become overwhelmed with where to put it, store it, dust it, move it, etc, etc all the while stressed as they are in debt. THEN comes the stress of down sizing until it is time to perish and leave a mess for someone else to deal with. No I do not think something is wrong with you! Until YOU think something is wrong with you, do not give it a second thought!!! Everyone has an opinion just like me. TRUST YOUR OPINION!!! 🎉😊
@srice3571 3 ай бұрын
It’s not a mental illness. Many of us grew up in ( or lived it in adulthood) in real poverty and scarcity. We do everything possible to avoid falling back into a state of insecurity.
@caseycooper2381 3 ай бұрын
There was a form of ptsd among many of those who survived the depression, especially as children/early teens. Seeing droves or transients walking the streets, bank failures, no security/safety net AT ALL from hunger/homelessness took its toll. Im 44 and my grandparents/great grandparents had it... 100k saved yet convinced that starving to death was just around the corner. My grandfather kept "hard times" cash in a safe to the tune of 40k plus in the 1980s! I think something similar may happen to SOME of those who escape extreme poverty in general.
@gypsywine 3 ай бұрын
There is no doubt in my mind that being raised in extreme poverty, and being ridiculed at school and by neighborhood children has colored my life choices. As Scarlet OHara said "as God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again"
@jackieo8693 3 ай бұрын
And home school your kids!
@tbunnyshy1 3 ай бұрын
Sometimes it’s because you did without growing up. Money is SECURITY, which is much more comforting than ‘stuff’.
@KellyWeyd 3 ай бұрын
All I could think when watching this is.......I wish I had been smart with my money like you. How is being smart and responsible with money a mental illness? You are not mentally ill or suffering from a mental health issue. You are focused and that is not a bad thing.
@milliealford8968 3 ай бұрын
AMEN!! She is a smart cookie.
@karenherring8883 3 ай бұрын
I am anxious and having money in the bank and owing my home does make me feel better 😊
@mandysimmons2769 3 ай бұрын
My husband is on the Autism spectrum and he was raised poor. He sometimes has a morbid over reacty fear of going hungry again. I was raised so much more Po and I will cut back in those times to try to reassure him. He could have ten Mil in the bank and still worry.
@raulrxr6058 3 ай бұрын
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” thank you for your videos 😊
@lanas8066 2 ай бұрын
OCPD is a personality disorder characterized by miserliness and lack of generosity. They do things like refuse to spend money on simple repairs, leading to things falling apart even more or completely. that is even if they have money for repairs. They can refuse to spend money on food even if they have a lot in the bank. Eat expired/spoiled or almost spoiled food (not canned and "okay") and risk getting sick and going to the hospital but that is totally lost on them. Refuse to call a doctor/get medical help in emergency to avoid bills leading to a bigger disaster. Refuse to discard and replace broken things that don't have sentimental value. Can also be generous and very generous other times. Miserliness is only one aspect, there can be others like constant criticism towards others, excessive need to control, excessive need for order and cleanliness, can't live with others. It's the most common personality disorder but very little is known about it but it's tied to childhood trauma, autism, or narcissism or severe untreated ADHD. I have someone close to me that probably has it along with some explainable financial trauma.
@susanlippy1009 3 ай бұрын
Are you happy with the life you have? When you decide to spend money can you do so without guilt? Are your choices being made by rational considerations? Do you have the ability to choose? Sure some people are unable to spend money do to irrational fears. Choosing to be financially responsible isn't a mental illness. Your needs are met, your pet needs are met. No one is suffering. You have a fully functioning home that is being renovated and frankly is nicer than many homes.
@tameikag.8358 3 ай бұрын
Do I agree with everything you post,. No. But I can say you are a smart woman. I Don't think you have a mental illness. You know what's not cool, when you get laid off randomly with few savings in the account. Or you have to return earlier from a scheduled medical leave because your savings is low. So this woman is doing something right.😃 When we don't save for a rainy day we can get drenched. Inflation is way out of control. Finding strategies to cope with these times is not a mental illness. Living paycheck to pay check is not fun. Thank you for posting
@davidandrew3006 3 ай бұрын
Whatever it is, I want to have it. Can't see myself ever waking up and going "Oh no, I've saved too much money! I better see a doctor to find out what's wrong with me!"
@SYoung-sd4ub 3 ай бұрын
I hoard money because I have no family to fall back on in an emergency. So yes it leads to less stress and a peaceful life so I guess I'm crazy lol. To me it is a way of life. I raised four kids with no help and we didn't go without. Now that they are all gone I still do it mostly out of habit. I love finding deals on something I need because the thrill of the hunt is like the best adrenalin rush ever. Friends think I'm nuts but it makes me appreciate what ever it is even more.
@charlenewolford2887 3 ай бұрын
You are not mentally ill! You are smart and obviously have educated yourself. I only wish I had seen your channel when I was younger. As a retired therapist, if you are crazy then I wish I were too 😅😅😅❤
@parsellart7805 3 ай бұрын
I am on SSA only and I have turned money into a game. No matter how expensive things are now I manage to save. Money comes in batches for me as I also have a art business which brings in a couple of thousand a year. When I get ahead I treat my self to something nice. Also I am a retired therapist and some times feel the DMS-5 gets carried away with its proclamations. I follow you and others from time to time to get IDEAS for myself and then get on with my life.
@stephaniehenderson6631 3 ай бұрын
If money issues rule your everyday life and prevent you from functioning, you may have a mental health issue. I do not see that here. I see a woman who leads a full life, with good family relationships, friends, hobbies etc. I also see a woman who cares for others, both human and canine. I see a woman whose carbon footprint is very low compared to most US citizens. PP is not entrapped by materialistic ideals or social status anxiety that leads to overspending, I say her mental health is better than most in our Western World.
@ccmum22boyz 3 ай бұрын
You seem perfectly normal to me. In fact, you seem not just normal, but intelligent/wise.
@judyopp7485 3 ай бұрын
I am in my 70's and I learn new ideas from you with each new video! I enjoy your younger views! Your thrifty ways and with all your improvements to you home inspires us in our new retirement life. We are currently enjoying downsizing our home and lifestyle....there is evidently a too far side to minimalizing also or so we have read. I think some people can find fault with anyones lifestyle if they try! As long as we are happy and not harming anyone else....dont pay a bit of attention to their opinions. Who is the normal person we are all measured to in the mental health realm anyway? Just my thoughts....they used to call our differences our is what made us unique and interesting!
@alycedrimer6922 3 ай бұрын
We love you just the way you are. Personally, I’m very proud of you. Wish I had known what you’ve taught me when I was young. At 81 it’s really too late for me. Seems I’m always playing catch up but it makes me feel good knowing what you’ve done and that there is hope for all the youngers who are following you.
@annoravetz5188 3 ай бұрын
Extreme couponers, I thought was fantastic at the time, because I was a coupon clipper all through when the kids were little, even when I was married. My mother always clipped coupons and made us run around the store to find the items. I watched those extreme frugal shows, and they were dumpster diving, eating thrown out, uneaten food from restaurants.
@PrepperPrincess 3 ай бұрын
A lot of it is fake and they get paid a lot for each episode. They are under contract for a certain amount of time where they can’t say the stuff was made up.
@lissetteramos1761 3 ай бұрын
Prepper Princess, What you are is simply Blessed and a financial unicorn. Rare because you at a young age made a money mistake and learned from it and opened your eyes, mind and didn't repeat, that's what makes you a financial unicorn. You were also placed in a unique situation and you made the best of it and made the best financial decisions to the best of what you had at the time. The unique & blessed situation was you were young and healthy. You got yourself out of debt, made a promise to yourself & never broke it (to never go back into debt ).Worked hard while you were young, invested wisely by doing your research and hiring the right fiduciary brokerage firm and let them do the rest. The hardest part is wait and watch. That's not psychologically disturb or any psychological issues. That's mental and spiritual growth .God put you in the world and gave you with what ever you had start with and make the best of it, with whatever the circumstances it was and you did. You grew, you learned and you succeeded.
@suefleming 3 ай бұрын
Hi Princess!!!❤❤❤ People that think you have a mental illness are just very very jealous of you. You're doing great!!! Love your doggies!!❤❤❤❤
@marialopez4105 3 ай бұрын
My understanding of your videos is teaching people how to save. Specially for those of us that are not earning much and have to deal with this horrible economy. People should pay attention before making their comments
@marcialitebraus6192 3 ай бұрын
You do not have a mental illness in regards to money you help a lot of people you certainly help me and I think there are a lot of trolls online and a lot of jealous people out there and you just have to ignore comments that aren’t helpful. I think you’re super smart and based on your childhood and certain conditions, you learned major lessons and I think you should be very proud of yourself
@conniekline9881 3 ай бұрын
I have an aversion to spending money, everytime I’m tempted I think, can I do without or do I have something already that can be used. I also hold onto to “useful” things, in case of that of need. I’m not a hoarder but hope to become more minimalist.
@lisapainter525 3 ай бұрын
You are fine. My mom is a hoarder. Stuff up to the ceiling. Paths everywhere. No thank you.
@nancynichols8659 3 ай бұрын
one person's 'metal illness' is another's 'common sense'.
@bobbiefrank5043 3 ай бұрын
Like you said before a preper princess money is a tool that you use for things that you need. I thank you manage your money very well you use your money to grow more money for your future you look for ways to save you look for ways to do things a little bit different to make your life comfortable and to allow yourself financial freedom so that you can be happy I think everybody should be that way so we don't have to worry or be stressed out.
@sandylewis8897 3 ай бұрын
I don't think people's beef is she "saves too much." It was just baffling to watch her sit in a 50 degree room and not wanting to put heat on in one of her videos.
@catherinekhalili4412 3 ай бұрын
I definitely have money anxiety stemming from some financial disasters in the past.
@sandyz3466 3 ай бұрын
I don’t think you have mental illness but I also believe that mental illness is not something to joke about. What does it matter anyways when half the world suffers from mental illness of some kind? I don’t Iike the word “crazy” and don’t think people should use it when talking about mental illness. Some of the flippant comments posted on here are offensive. Having said that I really like your videos and I have learned tons from you, especially the cooking and budgeting ones, please continue.
@Jasmine-nf5bk 3 ай бұрын
✨ 🤗 ✨ " Do What You Can With What You've Got." I overheard a neighbors' young children say that. And she later informed me that their older brother (18 year old...and he is her son) is "teaching" his younger siblings to live by that rule, after watching KZbin videos from a girl called Prepper Princess. I thought you might like to know that your lessons are being used in a very good way, Prepper Princess.
@connievaughn8468 3 ай бұрын
In all the time I have watched you, it never entered my mind that you had a mental problem about money (or anything!). I think you are just smart about money. That is not common these days.
@fernandarodrigues2467 3 ай бұрын
@isabelkassan5244 3 ай бұрын
You are my favourite on You Tube! You inspire and help others! Not mentally ill and love your followers! Keep up the good work! Aussie Lady!
@ragdollpreppers2648 3 ай бұрын
I agree ❤️🎉🎉🎉
@sonjamccart1269 3 ай бұрын
You are a great "anchor point" for me in that I love watching your videos to remind myself how I may be wasting money. I personally don't follow all of your food ideas, but your shopping challenges have helped me pay attention to how much certain food items cost and I can assess if I value that more expensive item or not. Plus I am totally on board with not paying for social media or entertainment channels, good grief! I can get all the movies I want for free, or I find DVD's locally for $1 things like that. Love your various videos and ideas, and I especially love how you end your videos: relaxing with your adorable pups.
@danicegewiss862 3 ай бұрын
I like the tips you give. It's up to you how much you spend or save. I would be more worried if all of a sudden you bought a $200,000 car because that would make you borderline bipolar. Or started threatening people. You are normal and healthy from what I can see.
@pamdee8454 3 ай бұрын
My parents have mental illness with money. Always have and always will.
@tayatay6501 3 ай бұрын
I love your content pp ❤ we wait for your weekly posts don't ever leave us 😅
@vickieclark5931 3 ай бұрын
It's pretty bad when people think that those that don't drown in debt with car payments, student loans, & credit cards have a mental disorder. It's sad that people have come down to that kind of thinking. That being a saver and planning for a comfortable retirement means that you have a mental problem. Budgeting and saving were the norm in the old days. Now they look at you like something from another planet just because you don't spend more than you bring in. SMH
@srice3571 3 ай бұрын
We are conditioned in our society to see these as “ normal@. It is not normal to be broke or send a large chunk of your money to corporations/ banks in only interest
@Naturenerd1000 3 ай бұрын
Work all week. Think I'm rich. Then the week end reminds me of how expensive everything really is. 🤯 1 hour of work for 1 restaurant meal. 2 to 3 hours of work for a tank of gas. 5 hours of work spent at the grocery store. 🤯
@azgardenlover370 3 ай бұрын
I try to do the best i can with what i have. Its all Gods money. Its my job to take good care of it, including giving appropriately.
@laurabrown5983 3 ай бұрын
if you are happy with your spending and quality of it!! ps love the hair n makeup today!
@milliealford8968 3 ай бұрын
No way, your just a smart cookie. Love your videos and the pup's. Keep doing what you're doing. God bless!!
@ashjoma 3 ай бұрын
You are just very smart and street wise. You certainly have changed my attitude to money. I used to love shopping. I could have shopped for hours. It was like an escape. Not any more. Haven’t seen the inside of a shopping centre or department store for a long time and have absolutely zero desire to shop or add to my ‘stuff’. I have way too much ‘stuff’ that I’m slowly going through but it’s frustratingly slow. Can’t stand looking at piles of ‘stuff’ and I’m using up and wearing out what I have before any more comes in. I wish I had been like you from the time I had my first job. I never thought I’d lose my job, get divorced, and need that backup of a good financial plan.
@bozenastarosciak1632 3 ай бұрын
Thank you PP, love all your videos
@spaceballs44 3 ай бұрын
You are financially responsible.
@suredeydo 3 ай бұрын
I have a trauma when it comes to money. Every month during bill pay time I get massive anxiety and stress over having to do it. It's mostly because my husband and I are not on the same page with saving and paying down the mortgage (our only debt). We eke by. You've helped me so much with being frugal though @PrepperPrincess. I thank you for your channel.
@PrepperPrincess 3 ай бұрын
Bill time comes and I get annoyed. When I say bill time, I mean quarterly taxes.
@royalpitamamma 3 ай бұрын
I like to say my son went through the Great Depresison thrice. He is 15 years old. He reminds me of the people I knew when I was seven that were born in the 1800's. I'm not kidding. He saves "the good butter dishes" and "use a coatser" and "don't put things on the floor they will ruin." He appreciates everything including the time it takes to make something. He and his dad rigged his desk of plywood, and he uses a coaster to protect it. Compared to his peers he is strange, but he says he just appreciates everything because he did without. His goal is to become a mechanic and never have to worry about the basic needs of life...oh and eat steak.
@heavyhitter2289 3 ай бұрын
Prepper I love your channel been following for a long time ....I love your way of thinking and your hair looks amazing....
@belindaresor.78 3 ай бұрын
Hair color looks good 👍 don’t over lighten it. Cuz, then you’re going to have to color it more often $$$ Yes, Christmas Carole😂🙏😇 take care. Ceiling looks good, nice semi-gloss….pretty. I like blue-gray so it’s more emotionally uplifting 😊
@Suzy12678 3 ай бұрын
FYI - FDIC is not per account. The below applies. It’s important if you have multiple types of savings etc at one bank. Important to keep separately: The standard deposit insurance coverage limit is $250,000 per depositor, per FDIC-insured bank, per ownership category. Deposits held in different ownership categories are separately insured, up to at least $250,000, even if held at the same bank.
@terrybritton1258 3 ай бұрын
You are not mentally ill. If anything, you are mentally intact and able to make good decisions with grace and power. I've learned so much from you. Especially about not having things. A good life lesson is this: " If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice." Most Americans don't live by this and are paying the price. I am amazed at what you are able to do in California. Keep it up. I appreciate you.
@rubysrue2085 3 ай бұрын
Many people have an unhealthy relationship with money, on both ends of the spectrum.
@user-io4ut5gn5b 3 ай бұрын
and that's translates to mental illness, misery, and whole lot of mind control😊
@searobin25 3 ай бұрын
I've notice it with my nephew. It's a sort of compulsive anxiety illness where he can't stay focus on one task and bombard me with questions unrelated to what he's doing.
@Frugal_fitchic 3 ай бұрын
I feel like my mother and I have a money disorder. We go Thrifting or shopping to forget about our current problems. It’s like a form of escape. Then we end up with less money and stuff we don’t need. I would rather have the mental illness of frugality 😂 I’m definitely working on it.
@prettybullet7728 3 ай бұрын
Both my late sister and I had/have bipolar disorder and overspending during a maniac/hypomanic state unfortunately is a problem. I've learned through the years to get a better handle on spending but it was a bigger problem when I was younger. My late sister's spending habits were totally out of control and she would buy things even if she didn't need them.
@katehorrell8732 3 ай бұрын
I can so relate to this because I too am bipolar, I wish I had back even a quarter of that money I be so much better off. My problem was buying things I didn't need like CARS. I bought a BMW, a Jeep, and 2 Sebring Convertibles, before I was finally diagnosed with bipolar. I'm now living on a disability income of $1100 n have so much more control of my spending n have a savings account, but knowing how much money I wasted breaks my heart
@prettybullet7728 3 ай бұрын
@@katehorrell8732 I wasn't properly diagnosed until I was 40 years old and the damage I did to my family financially was terrible. I also bought a car that I didn't need in the mid 1990's. Drove past a car dealership while I was in a hypomanic state., saw a little red used sports car that I just had to have and immediately went back and bought it with no concern as to whether I was placing myself and my family in a financial bind. I paid the car off but ended up spending around $ 5000 dollars in repair work over a period of several years. A total waste of money on something that I didn't even need and just bought on a whim. I would give anything to have that money back.
@evana2511 3 ай бұрын
I have a relative with a money disorder, IMO. She pays all her bills like she's supposed to, but then it seems she's driven to spend every cent after that. Spending until all of it is gone, every paycheck. I really believe it's a compulsion. I WISH she would hoard money. :0)
@redbird4 3 ай бұрын
It's not a mental issue. You can save as much as you want and it's no body's business, because it is just for you to know. These people who are asking just want to know.
@sandeerahBee 3 ай бұрын
When my life went up in flames 10 years ago, it made me realize that I really wasn't crazy trying to save money, or set things aside for my later years. Once my ex was history, all of my efforts were super effective and saving money was super easy! I don't think using common sense or planning for the future is a mental disorder. It is the inevitable. We will get older. We will slow down. It's not so easy to hustle when you're in your 50's and have slowed down due to health or just being tired! I know my ex has not curbed his spending addiction, and it has already caused him a bankruptcy. Guess what? I never have to work again. He will never be able to say that, and he's turning 60 next month. Not worried if people think I'm hyper focused on saving money. My life is good, and I never have to hustle to pay my bills. Oh! and guess what? I still have fun!
@RustyDice 3 ай бұрын
Today's pathologisation of rejection of modern financial methods is brought to you by Citi Bank - for all your crippling debt needs Friend of mine is a therapist - is convinced the mushrooming of diagnostic categories is so money oriented clinics can upsell a diagnosis - irony.
@craigvillani1605 3 ай бұрын
I guess someone should call Dave Ramsey and his Financial Peace University/Smartvesters, and ask him if he's mentally ill. I can just hear his chuckle!
@conniekline9881 3 ай бұрын
I have an aversion to spending money, everytime I’m tempted I think, can I do without or do I have something already that can be used. I also hold onto to “useful” things, in case of that of need. I’m not a hoarder but hope to become more minimalist.
@kellyrudd1920 3 ай бұрын
Charles Dickens wrote about poverty in Victorian England. His father was in debtors prison therefore the topics of extreme poverty and orphanages. Oliver Twist and a Christmas Carol.
@anissiabalistreri9612 3 ай бұрын
Ridiculous, you have stuff and take care of yourself. Lol. You did what you had to intelligently. Wish I would have known what you knew early in life. You're doing great
@DW... 3 ай бұрын
Over spending is one of the causes of going into debt & paying high credit card interest rates! Thank u PP for your wise wisdom, teaching us one video at a time‼️
@cherylkimbley3992 3 ай бұрын
No mental illness, but you do seem a bit obsessed. I am frugal - but not hyper about it and have plenty.
@PrepperPrincess 3 ай бұрын
This is a frugality and mo why saving channel. What would you prefer I talk about?
@sarahgrooms5606 Ай бұрын
Saving money and how you do it is up to you. As long as you're healthy and happy then how frugal you are is up to you. Ignore people, do what you want.
@melindalancaster9648 3 ай бұрын
I am extremely frugal .. my husband not so much…I’m tired of buying planned obsolescence…
@luciaimparato9390 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for this message, sis! I use to spend money on so many things I really don't need thinking it would make me happy having alot when it doesn't, now I've gotten rid of or donated alot of things, I'm learning where my true Happiness and Joy, thru Jesus! I'm learning to simplify, less is best! But I have a long way to go to eliminate my clutter! Blessings!
@charlotte241000 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad you didn't do extreme cheapskates that show ruined one womans life by making out she was crazy because of the way she saved money and although some of the things she did were pretty extreme your not like that because the way you save is sensible and reasonable like you don't pull you own teeth or kill frogs for frog legs of cook food in the dishwasher or eat cat food instead of tuna or make one cup of Starbucks coffee last a hole week even when mould starts to grow on it
@lindahendricks1868 3 ай бұрын
Cool puppers! Love this prepper princess! Thanks
@Maurice1151 3 ай бұрын
You have a great approach to the meaning of money; I get a lot from your videos. Keep up the good work. Take care, your Aussie admirer. 👍😁
@amywoodard2852 3 ай бұрын
If disorder includes overspending would you think most people are mentally ill? Because most people don't have sinking funds and live paycheck to paycheck yet spend on non-essentials.
@JoshuaTrinityWolf-dc4up 3 ай бұрын
When we were kids this old Snider guy lived in our mining village.He looked like apoor Winston Churchill and he had an old station wagon full of junk. Turned out later that he owned lots of rental buildings and did not have a a family or life buy he had 3 million dollars when he died a few years later. That would be 30 million dollars today.
@mandyburns-iy7lx 3 ай бұрын
You just aren't into stuff unless its going to enhance your life. Thats sensible and healthy, I think.🙂
@daniellekreiser7999 3 ай бұрын
Actually you do gamble if you own stocks
@user-wo1en8ip3s 3 ай бұрын
I have money in the Wall Street Casino. One of my fellow gamblers, er-investors, lost half his stake during the '08 crash. Then cashed out. Actually would have come out ahead if he stayed in.
@christinewallace9251 3 ай бұрын
Gambling is very different from investing
@featheramericangoodeagle 3 ай бұрын
Scorpios put a lot of stock in their stacks. It's the way we are wired. We don't worship money, but we rest easier when we have a cushy balance.
@Leah20048 3 ай бұрын
Your hair looks beautiful!
@maryroberts6311 3 ай бұрын
its needs vs wants and wants won out with gov help
@Karen-tr8jo 3 ай бұрын
Being frugal or wise with money should never be considered as a mental illness…or even being stingy.
@sharonstork9599 3 ай бұрын
Great video & great article. You are an inspiration. I have learned so much from you about getting & staying out of debt ( 3 years & counting) and frugality. Thank you!
@aliosman5994 3 ай бұрын
I remember the extreme cheapskate episode where it featured a flight attendant. I used to fly and take home uneaten food, but she was really extreme taking home half eaten packets of nuts!
@lilypeterson7465 3 ай бұрын
Preppper Princess I love you so much
@sallyjackson4480 3 ай бұрын
People have evolved into spending and living paycheck to pay check, you are doing things correct back in the day everyone respected their money, saved and lived within a budget. I enjoy your videos and find them educational
@faheeta5036 3 ай бұрын
If something makes you happy and doesn't harm you or anyone else, how is it a mental illness?
@popsworth 3 ай бұрын
Look at Benny Hill, an English comedian and TV show, worth millions and dies alone in his flat, having access to money, unfortunately brings such sadness. You can't buy respect, we might not be rich in cash, but having dignity is respectfully never worth selling,
@judemathieu3717 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for educating America about what being frugal is like.
@lowtiertactical7701 3 ай бұрын
I don't know if you ever grew up around or knew people that grew up during the great depression. I knew two brothers that grew up during the great depression. Also most people that I knew that lived in the great depression ok well usual story. Dirt floors or living on the river bank. Total squaller or if not they just had a real nasty hard time with really tough jobs if they could find them. Well I knew of one these two brothers that wouldn't flush the toilet more than once a day to save water. The other brother that used to have the same kind cheapness also liked to play the commodities market. So he wasn't really risk adverse. The one that played the commodities market told my mom once that he'll never be poor again. He was poor and he knows never to be poor ever again. But as for me my cross the rubicon moment came during covid. I decided I wanted the ability to wall myself in from the rest of the world if need be. After my stint prepping. I decided that it's going to be money not my dennison's chili collection that will get me through the next one. Although I did have a impressive what amounted to a grocery store in my bedroom. I also found out that I wasn't going to be getting what I thought from my pension. So I been acquiring assets. I was investing for a few months before covid rolled up. But also when I got covid and also lost my dad to covid. It was really when I knuckled down on it. Now I do full contributions every year. Just this year I picked the Berkshire Hathaway shareholder meeting for my vacation destination.
@claudiacoracini9460 3 ай бұрын
I think that people who went through traumatic experiences can develop good and bad habits that give them a sense of control. Control over finances is a good one, in my books.
@annsaunders5768 3 ай бұрын
I spend emotionally, causes problems!
@amymarie8999 3 ай бұрын
nah, youre fine! if it wasn't for my un frugal husband and 7 children (still at home) i'd have a frugal money disorder myself lol
@chrisrussell3038 3 ай бұрын
I think you have been Very Conscientious about Saving money up to this point, and have given us a lot to think about!!. I have thought Maybe go to extreme sometimes, but I guess everyone needs a hobby! Lol
@maryroberts6311 3 ай бұрын
you're fine, its everyone else and the tv shows are extreme so yes they do but you are what should be normal
@katiel3457 3 ай бұрын
You're so pretty!
@jessie7601 3 ай бұрын
So you don't have a mental disorder if you have tons of debt, no savings, no budget. So that is normal? Budgeting and investing your money is what we all should aspire to do. You are smart with your money prepper and you have helped me manage my money. You should be the normal.
@Pam_NV_Miller 3 ай бұрын
Money makes the world go round ... so a little frugal focusing makes your money go farther. After struggling thru a childhood with little to nothing ... yes, I might focus on money too much ... sometimes
@dixiebell7011 3 ай бұрын
Psychiatric labels for everything. Sometimes, it is just a lack of education or bad information. Soon, minimalist will have a psychiatric label if not already. We are ALL different. Having an emergency fund is supposed to make a person experience less anxiety.
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