No, the issue with the clutch claw was that it was so powerful, either by a debuff weakening the monster's hide, or yeeting it into a wall for a knock down, that if you opted to not use it, it drastically slowed your hunts down, and if you did use it, regardless of your weapon, you have this samey mechanic that needed to be upkept and reapplied all the time on every hunt. Some found it fun, some found it obnoxious and hated feeling like they needed to use it.
@rasmus9017 күн бұрын
Ontop of that, some weapons were more hindered than others. Hammer gets a clutch-claw attack as regular easy combo-finisher to its Level 3 charged smash attack, the mechanic is pretty smoothly integrated into the weapon's playstyle. While ranged weapons or lances for example on the other end, have to completely disrupt their combat flow. Have to essentially stop to play a minigame 1 (or more) times every 3 minutes to keep your damage up
@Sl1vers Жыл бұрын
The name of the game for the monster climbing game is Leviathan Wilds and I'm super excited for it to come back vastly improved later this year!! This video makes oh-so-silly-excited for Iceborne. Absolutely outstanding interview and video. MHW is our most played game for 2023 with over a dozen plays in the past couple of months since receiving. And we are just as excited to do the next hunt / monster now as we were with with our very first Great Jagras !! The game is just so incredibly easy to table, fulfilling to play, and just plain fun !!!
@guitarguy1357 Жыл бұрын
Skulk Hollow and Maul Peak are the more accessible monster climbing games at the moment.
@Sl1vers Жыл бұрын
@@guitarguy1357 both great games if you are looking for non-coops.
@oliverlam5208 Жыл бұрын
So happy for this. Thank you and I can finally get everything I missed. (Hopefully they will bring back all the content)
@The8bitSammich Жыл бұрын
I'm really glad they're changing how track tokens work! Currently, we're finding that the least painful behaviors require fewer tracks... Which creates a weird situation where we're tracking the monster, but trying to avoid picking up tracks...
@danielgeorges3048 Жыл бұрын
Got my Monster Hunter all in yesterday!
@siriactuallysara Жыл бұрын
I am kind of suprised they are doing an expansion. Props that they delivered. I ordered primal and it didn’t deliver yet. I’ll che k out the game play and I might get this new one since I missed the first KS.
@freakyfriday5620 Жыл бұрын
It's not an expansion, it's an entirely new game, unrelated to the first one. Insane decisions. Borderline laughable.
@felidonis_4z40 Жыл бұрын
Wow I didn’t realize it was a new game (no interest whatsoever) that’s a very strange decision
@freakyfriday5620 Жыл бұрын
@@felidonis_4z40This coupled with the fact most people are still waiting for their all-in pledge from the first project... It's a hilarious decision, poor taste, bad timing. And, coupled *again* with the fact they didn't even finish releasing all the zones from the first game is... staggeringly stupid.
@ryanpower1291 Жыл бұрын
The standalone iceborne expansion seems odd. I hope that they turn back a little bit on that and allow people to play it as a standalone, but also have special rules to make an extended campaign across the base and iceborne. I don't mind too much that you can play it by itself, but it seems like wasted potential if you simply cannot mix and match the sets.
@Mathroy Жыл бұрын
Will we be able to purchase the original KS in the Pledge Manager of this one?
@carpenoctem82 Жыл бұрын
Scaled it down to 0.75 and it was fine. I hope SFG adds 0.25 to the time until the Iceborn KS start. Advantage: I have saved enough money until then and SFG has enough time to eliminate any errors *sideswipe* until then.
@fracture4047 Жыл бұрын
I havent played the board game but a lot of people seem upset in the comments about how the devs are advertising a standalone expansion before they have gotten their base game sent to them. I get it. It feels crappy. But what is it really changing in the end. This isnt really fomo because it isnt really backwards compatable with the original game. But isnt that a good thing in this instance? This means that you dont need to have bought into previous expensive sets or have been backing them since the start to be able to use iceborne and it is a very different experience. And i think even the video game reflects this a bit. If you think of the clutch claw in game, (if i remember correctly) you dont have acess to the clutch claw in the base game of world if you dont own Iceborne Expansion. So you can still enjoy the vanilla experience. And this doesnt make the new thing bad or anything, its a standalone expansion. Standalone. It can be played by itself. Other than that, i understand the fruatration by having the next thing thrown in your face before getting the original thing yet, but you can just pledge later on or get it when,it comes to retail a year or so down the line if you really need to have it.
@dazir_solo_board_gaming3840 Жыл бұрын
Wow, was not expecting that to happen that fast! Great interview. I hope they will increase the variety of hunts with events etc. Also they should do something about crafting and make it more fun in the long run.
@maxf.7262 Жыл бұрын
Ty for this video!
@BoardGameCo Жыл бұрын
Absolutely :)
@raortiz73 Жыл бұрын
So close to the shipping of MHW. I haven't received my pledge yet. I won't even have 30 days to see if I truly enjoy the game before deciding if I want more. Sigh. I guess it's a $1 pledge. EDIT- Got through the whole interview, there seems to be a lot of interesting new things going on. Definitely will look closely at the campaign.
@ryanpower1291 Жыл бұрын
You don't have to back day 1. I'd assume it's going to be on a kickstarter for awhile (could be wrong I don't know if they have said the specifics yet) but if it is a long kickstarter campaign you will have plenty of time to decide whether you wish to back or not. But if it is a pretty short kickstarter campaign then yeah that feels bad.
@raortiz73 Жыл бұрын
I'm going to check it out to see what are the changes. If it looks like I can mix, even with a light house rule, I might be in. Like you say I can always do a$1 pledge.
@freezebanana1865 Жыл бұрын
Without an official support system to play between two games, It seems I don't need both.
@TCGHeroes Жыл бұрын
I cannot stand this. I haven't even gotten to enjoy my game and they want more from me? The older I get the more I think the boardgame microcosm has the worst monitzation practices in any entertainment industry.
@BoardGameCo Жыл бұрын
How so? In video games you get call of duty every year, in phones you get new versions every year...I understand not liking it but how is it worse?
@TCGHeroes Жыл бұрын
@BoardGameCo I don't buy a call of duty 3 months after the first one comes out. They don't even announce it that early. And majority of people do not buy new phones every year. I actually don't know a single person who buys a new phone every year. The single reason in board games announce new games early is not because they have some passionate idea the fans will love but it's because the first game is delivering and they are trying to prey on people's excitement. Oh you like monster hunter and you got the all in? Sorry there is actually more, you didn't get it all. Better pre order now or you will literally miss out on gameplay for the next one.
@p.henrique9088 Жыл бұрын
Agree with you Sean.
@Cekatiba Жыл бұрын
@@TCGHeroes I'm sorry but you're just blaming the devs because of your own fomo? There will always be more, just like the next phone is always around the corner. The reality is that by the time these games deliver, it's been in its final state for a long time. You cannot expect these companies to just wait and do nothing. As for yourself you just have to ask yourself, do you really want more monsterhunter boardgame after you've received your giant pledge? If yes, back it. If not, don't. If you're not sure, wait and get it second hand. It's quite easy actually.
@ledpowz Жыл бұрын
@@BoardGameCo Call of Duty has each time different settings, is designed by different studio, and plays differently and is on sale later on for a fracture of the price. People buying phones, are buying into the technical developments that push tech further. They are mass market products and the price point here too is a fracture after a few years. You answer is really ignorant tbh If you want to compare it with video games? It would be like backing a video game that will come out in 2 years, and while its not even live, they ask you if you want to back version 2 of it, while you haven't even played it or got the time to got into the meat of it.... and with phones the same. Why not back a phone 2 years in advantage so they can announce and sell you the next one without even having seen it?! I am not the one who said it's worse, but what mental gymnastic did you do to bring up these comparisations? I am glad we pay for phones which we exactly KNOW what we are getting 100% at the time we buy them....
@vegardnygard9125 Жыл бұрын
The minority of Industry can use many years on soly developing, but the majority have to keep a income flowing as of selling new games. As I know, it doesn't pop up buying option during you gameplay. So any complain in this regard is unjust, with most of the industry trying to create a business structure going. Like the complaint seen with Beast. The result of an evergrowing capitalism. But fair the point of it not being an exp, as I also prefer to make the use of the most games as possible. And would be nice with some proper feedback from players for what this game should improve upon.
@mremixed Жыл бұрын
So I've got a lot of feelings about the things discussed. First, I'm still confused why there's Iceborne coming out when there are still so many monsters and areas from the base MHW game that haven't been done for the board game yet. So much room for expansion content with the Rotten Vale, Coral Highlands, Elder's Recess. A ton of monsters from all those regions that are not in the board game not to mention, the wandering monsters with Deviljho and Bazelguese or special event monsters like Kulve Taroth. I've brought this up many times in the comments of the kickstarter but I do not understand why Kushala got the big figure. It wasn't a significant encounter in the game compared to, oh I don't know, the flagship monster; Nergigante! Or maybe even the actual giant monster Zorah Magdaros. About video game releases, you named all the games that fall into a category I call "jock games". Games that make actual gamers cringe when you ask someone what they play. Games that get played by a crowd that doesn't want to seem nerdy. Call of duty and sports games, yeah they're churned out every year with very little upgrades or updates and it's precisely because they're trying to be a cash grab. Hearing someone say they're a gamer but that's what they play is the equivalent of someone saying they play board games but then tell you they play monopoly, yahtzee and phase 10. Monster Hunter World as a game had so much content added to the base game long before they finally released the full expansion that was Iceborne. So I'm excited to play the game that just came out, but I too share concerns about this announcement. An entirely new game that has no official cross play with the one that just released and a focus on the expansion without looking at any of the other content.
@henrycheung2942 Жыл бұрын
Will there be better art?
@BoardGameCo Жыл бұрын
I don't think so, they tend to use video game assets in many of these
@jcapo5 Жыл бұрын
This game is amazing. I will absolutely get more of it.
@itsMARTIKAI Жыл бұрын
I had a choice between Monster Hunter and Primal. Not necessarily regretting my decision but seeing I still haven't received the product I'm kind of wishing I backed this one.
@waltermak2890 Жыл бұрын
Naah, don't you worry, Primal will be *awesome* too! (Backed both, or rather....all three, including Oathsworn!)
@felidonis_4z40 Жыл бұрын
Prima will be worth the wait
@derekgarcia3069 Жыл бұрын
I went for Primal myself (and Oathsworn, lol). That said I definitely wanted MHW and may jump on Iceborne. At least will do $1 pledge to let reviews and feedback on the original settle and see what people think.
@mitch-TO Жыл бұрын
I feel the same. I was convinced Primal was the better choice, but the delays worry me. They obviously didn’t have a game when the crowdfunded. MH:W, on the other hand, looks great. But almost everything is coming to retail, so I’ll get it eventually (and still before Primal arrives).
@liesureleeminis8268 Жыл бұрын
I know I'll likely get suckered into this all in as well, however, I don't see this doing amazing. Mhw is quite old at this point. Excited to get the current all in, however, I don't know how I feel about it being announced so soon with people just getting their hands on the first one. You'd think they'd want it in the world for 2-3 months for people to play and become bigger fans of the original.
@borisguy1986 Жыл бұрын
I think they are making a bad move. To be honest I only purchased the original set for the miniatures. I’m a fan of the game and wanted to paint them up. People don’t want stand-alone games. They want to make their one game epic. I thing the reason they are doing it cause the system wasn’t designed last it’s original set. Armor gets into the way.
@klissattack Жыл бұрын
I actually liked the clutch claw. Glad to see it here
@kazegaijin Жыл бұрын
May 18th?!?!?!? At least give us a 3 month heads-up! People need to set money aside, don't do this again steamforge! More time next time, please!
@felidonis_4z40 Жыл бұрын
Agree this is bad taste. They can’t even wait for their game to make it to tables enough for many to even decide they need more. Very unfortunate indeed
@TheAntiSanta Жыл бұрын
That's what $1 pledges and updating it in the Pledge Manager are for.
@eriklindqvist9923 Жыл бұрын
It's worse that many of us still don't have the previous game yet. 😅
@Zorogundam19 Жыл бұрын
Anything for G rank quests? G rank armor and weapons?
@derekgarcia3069 Жыл бұрын
I passed on MHW because I went all-in on Primal 3 months before it, but was always interested. This one sounds like it will feel even more standout vs other similar games. One important factor for me though; how does this play as plug-and-play one shots? I'm not interested in the campaign all, lol.
@ledpowz Жыл бұрын
At the moment there's arena mode with preset weapons/armor used for your characters for one-shot sessions... but than part of the game is missing, which is how to develop and progress your character over the campaign to achieve the 4* hunts which is the overarching goal. But for sure you could house-rule that und just equip your characters as you like and play it that way
@derekgarcia3069 Жыл бұрын
@@ledpowz thanks! Hopefully it's easy enough to house rule because part of what out me off originally was the campaign, because it's also one of the elements of the VG I don't care for (grinding for resources).
@Boss-zo4lw20 күн бұрын
This game has probably the worst player boards ive seen in the last decade.
@BoardGameCo20 күн бұрын
Lol what's so bad about them?
@sticksZin9 ай бұрын
what can we wait? ill tell you what we got, 30 ish + minutes hunts, repetitive mechanic that are used with all weapons, and are so powerfull it made a diference when someone opted out of it, a quadruple to sextuple hp buff to all master rank monsters, to balance the clutch claw mechanic usage, same monsters with 2 to 4 times the speed and the same animations, a calm frost fang barioth is quicker calm than a enraged regular barioth, whenever i started master rank quests, the fun went out thru the door, if i had a mod to rebalance every iceborn creature and put it on high/low rank, id be satisfied not playing master rank all together
@Lexgamer Жыл бұрын
I for one, hate textured/terrain bases. Like, the monsters move, why would they take their rocks with them...? So hearing Velk will be on a big rock for some reason is a bummer for me :/
@GI-JOEs Жыл бұрын
great video but yikes i can't understand the guy in the middle.