My ship is coming along nicely. I found a pleasure craft that had an arcade cabinet. The pleasure craft is quite large, so I'm stripping the floors and the walls to expand.
@Makake013 ай бұрын
@DocHogan3 ай бұрын
Yes, during a hull breach, it’s paramount to disable the O2 alarm. Turning off the O2 *pump*, not so much 😂
@inicsan41253 ай бұрын
Hi there Monte. If you are afraid of pirates dashing into your ship, put a password on the door (an easy one, like 1111), when you get out, lock you door so if the pirate is out of oxygen is no going to be able to enter your ship. when filling your bottles/cannisters, slow time just to make sure they don't explode on your face 😄. You don't need the CO2 scrubber jet, all the CO2 you generate is cleaned by the station when you open the doors an let the air from you ship get mixed with the station atmo. But if you are going to travel long distances or have a crew, then it's a different story. If you find a towing brace(2 parts), install it on your ship so you can stop the spinning when you dock on a derelic or even move it to where you prefer (it consumes more fuel than normal tho). But you need to secure the towing brace before you move the derelic (that's important) Thank for the video.
@MontePlaysGames2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tips. I will try and remember to add a password in the next few episodes. Great idea on slowing time for filling bottles. I keep forgetting to slow below x1. I did just notice last time I played the towing brace and look forward to adding that function soon.
@84venom2k3 ай бұрын
Hm, according to your stat meter the atmo in your ship is not critical. I'm not an expert but an atmosphere that consists of mainly oxygen sounds deadly to me. On earth at sea level our air consists of rougly 20% oxygen and 80% N2. Much higher prolonged intake of O2 causes hyperoxia which leads to death.
@MontePlaysGames2 ай бұрын
So many ways in space to die :) Will keep an eye on the balance