Ezt az ötletet azért Laár Pour L'art-ék igencsak lenyúlták (lásd Boborján rekord-kísérletei).
@valaha11 жыл бұрын
Bazdmeg, ez de geci :''D "Nagyon bízom benne, hogy Ron megdönti a föld alatt maradás világcsúcsát." :''DD
@daviddeak17007 жыл бұрын
kicsi hibák vannak a fordításban:)
@FireEyedMaidOfWar13 жыл бұрын
By the time the Pythons made this jest, it was just satire but today such things are permanently shown on television and of course on the internet, too! Totally ungifted, normal and boring people do ordinary and vulgar things or worse try to sing and getting money paid for it; but unlike the misfortunate wretch in Monty Python they don’t die while doing it and so the worse thing which usually happens to them is that no one knows them in a half years while at the moment everyone does.