MORE PRIEST CARDS?? Hunter goes holy! Parrots! | Paradise Review #16

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RegisKillbin Hearthstone

RegisKillbin Hearthstone

20 күн бұрын

More Perils in Paradise cards have been revealed, and here are my detailed thoughts and star ratings for them all.
Star Ratings: 23:28
#PerilsInParadiseReviews #PerilsInParadise #RegisKillbin
Card Review | Hearthstone | Perils in Paradise Card Review #16

Пікірлер: 84
@alex2d 18 күн бұрын
Yesterday left me wondering where the other actual Priest cards were, since half of them may as well be DH cards. Turns out they were hiding in Hunter the whole time!
@mlp_firewind8129 18 күн бұрын
I pretty strongly disagree with this. Like sure it’s easy to look at the self damage stuff for priest, and then look at arrana and just think of them in that context. Same thing with the one cost stuff here. But priests have had self sacrificing agro in their identity since before scholomance and hunters have messed around with cheep nonsense and deck manipulation and shuffling copies before. I don’t disagree that the design of these cards is influence by the tourist mechanic but I don’t think they just put half the class cards in the other class where they don’t belong. I promise you wild players will be using all the self damage priest cards in priest decks running priest cards and be very effective with it because that is a theme that exists in while and has historically been very successful.
@electricVGC 18 күн бұрын
I don't think any of those cards are going to be good in Demon Hunter if that helps - looks like it'll be a dead class for at least until the miniset
@Jaxsin7 18 күн бұрын
I initially thought the Tourist mechanic seemed cool, but I’m pretty underwhelmed at this point. Making the cards dual class would remove needing to craft Legendaries/add in sometimes unsynergstic ones. And they all go in only two classes anyway so why not just be dual class? Any card being able to be a Tourist so that one set could have for example: Shaman cards that visit multiple different classes based on their flavour and effects would’ve been cool.
@Pikaton659 18 күн бұрын
Making them not dual class means they don't even need to try to flavour them to both classes like how they did with dual class cards
@hearthstonerevealed3990 18 күн бұрын
Do you think blizzard is constantly defrauding you? Do you think hearthstone is a global mega-scam? Don't you understand why in the arena you meet people with nicknames like "redshark" or "greengloblin"? Or in any case all of them that seem like pre-packaged names? Even arena meetings nicknames like siofhsoifbhwoonsfio? You are in the Blizzard scam trap, with which it ensnares millions of people by sending them into a system that welcomes KZbinrs who draft in chains to make videos, or Chinese who live buried to play night and day and then sell the accounts. If you want to reply to blizzard download "hearthranger" set up the bot following the online guides and blizzard will never track you down, don't believe the ban threats, only idiots who don't know how to use bots get banned. Never give a single dollar to blizzard again thanks to bots
@ducovanbeek7364 18 күн бұрын
I actually think so far there is quite a bit of support for the new amalgam in a lot of classes. Rogue with magnetize; paladin with the summon from your deck spell and the location to give rush; Hunter with this new weapon, the secrets package, the chameleon mount spell and perhaps the always bigger jomungar. Seems cool, definitely gonna try to make it work.
@mangouschase 18 күн бұрын
I'm betting on the mini set being "invader" and just reverse cycle tourist cards
@ryanmoore8346 18 күн бұрын
Also! Priest got that 5/6 that sets the cost of your top card to 1. So, theoretically, a priest could see the top card w the fortune guy, already have the weapon equipped, and then play three copies.
@KidOmega-iv4tp 18 күн бұрын
"Do Warrior cards traditionally synergize with Hunter? No." Umm, Regis?! Have you forgotten The Grimey Goons?! XD
@hearthstonerevealed3990 18 күн бұрын
Do you think blizzard is constantly defrauding you? Do you think hearthstone is a global mega-scam? Don't you understand why in the arena you meet people with nicknames like "redshark" or "greengloblin"? Or in any case all of them that seem like pre-packaged names? Even arena meetings nicknames like siofhsoifbhwoonsfio? You are in the Blizzard scam trap, with which it ensnares millions of people by sending them into a system that welcomes KZbinrs who draft in chains to make videos, or Chinese who live buried to play night and day and then sell the accounts. If you want to reply to blizzard download "hearthranger" set up the bot following the online guides and blizzard will never track you down, don't believe the ban threats, only idiots who don't know how to use bots get banned. Never give a single dollar to blizzard again thanks to bots
@gugugugu3371 18 күн бұрын
20:25 I was listening to the video and I heard " I lost my family shoot sad about that " lmao
@magik3087 18 күн бұрын
It feels like every class is locked behind a mandatory tourist craft just to be able to use the cards you want. I’m really disappointed with the design of this expansion to be honest. Some of these are just priest cards.
@Attilat 18 күн бұрын
Indie company has to earn money somehow
@evanmcdonald9134 18 күн бұрын
My interpretation of it to look on the upside is that it’s almost like every class got twice as many cards this expansion. Not all 20 have to work. In duel class it’s like half of the cards are released so the tourist mechanic seems fun
@TreesPlease42 18 күн бұрын
They should have been epics instead
@ryanmoore8346 18 күн бұрын
The thing though is that, to have most decks, you need a mandatory legendary. Quests, you know? Beyond that, I feel like 1 expansion has a "oh, now one of the legendaries you'll NEED" each season, like Titans, Collasals, Quests, Questlines, etc.
@sheildingepicness 18 күн бұрын
@@ryanmoore8346yeah but if you didn’t have colaque, you were still probably fine to play armor Druid, but now you have to get these tourists to get the dual class building (which seems poorly implemented)
@Boyce18 17 күн бұрын
Important to note that the weapon is another way for Priest to damage themselves for the "Damage taken" synergy cards they printed for the class.
@barcster2003 17 күн бұрын
You know i didnt think about that but you are right if you want to take damage you can swing it into a minion.
@charlethus748 18 күн бұрын
pet parrot is nice tech for the secret hunter getting an extra copy of the secret draw minion
@Im_Aeros 18 күн бұрын
getting a more controlish hunter is pretty cool
@mica4977 18 күн бұрын
Makes sense to limit Sasquack's ability since Hunter has the 5 mana Egg & 4 mana double a deathrattle to make several coppies of this for 2 mana. Also unlike Tes, Sasquawk has many more chances to be generated through Hunter's several "Discover/battlecry/deathrattle: get a random beast" style effects. Could also play 2 Toy Rex on turn 8 if you got them through the Eggs followed by this or by the 8 mana spell to revive all 5+ mana beasts followed by this again for another set of burst or just a big board.
@Doom1491 18 күн бұрын
Sasquak also looks kinda good with Hot Coals and Acupuncture played in the Turn before
@barcster2003 18 күн бұрын
Sasquak is good for Priest it can get multiple copies and some plays are defintely worth doing over. If it copies battlecries it's defintely incredible.
@MultiKesis 18 күн бұрын
Wronchi card reveal was so good with these hunter cards!
@taliongaming4340 18 күн бұрын
Pet Parrot will be in every priest tourist and hunter deck. Also, I share the complaints about the tourist mechanic. It feels like you need to craft 1 legendary to have access to two classes (or at least two decks) because the cards alone don't work well in said class. Dual class cards have been better
@andredepadua8799 18 күн бұрын
Costume Singer, Southsea Deckhand, Miracle Salesman, Adaptive Amalgam, Vicious Slitherspear, Tram Mechanic and Corridor Sleeper are all great zoo-ish 1-drops that don't care about battlecries
@mica4977 18 күн бұрын
Loved Sasquawk but not fond of the majority of these for the control hunter style of deck I enjoy playing. I am glad Ranger Gilly introduces a new way to buff minions since most of the ways to make better use of King Plush rotated out, unfortuntely Ranger Gilly truly feels weak/slow. I would have loved it a bunch more if it was an "At the end of your turn buff your hand by +x/+x" style of effect instead. To truly make it a treat worth killing and worth replaying with Sasquawk or through other means.
@coffeedudeable 18 күн бұрын
Idk why you reviewed the cards in reverse order lol. More confusing to evaluate individual cards this way with all the jumping around to "cards we are gunna see" instead of cards we already looked at.
@mr.floofles3100 18 күн бұрын
He’s reviewing them as they are getting released, and technically there’s no way to reveal the cards in a “correct” way without showing them all at once
@TheMikester9 18 күн бұрын
Yeah, it's mostly just that the way hearthstone sets are designed now, almost everything is part of a "package" So it's kind of hard to evaluate individual cards in a vacuum a lot of the time. It does feel like this particular format of a review doesn't make a lot of sense anymore, so I wouldn't be opposed to something a little different being tried out with the format. I think TrumpHS has a pretty good format for breaking down "packages" as opposed to cards, but honestly I think the thing that makes it most difficult is reviewing the cards as they come out, instead of waiting for more complete "chunks" or just until they are all revealed.
@CrustyDonutts 18 күн бұрын
I'm really excited for Hearthstone to embrace the concept of "Houses" (MtG obviously formalized this with "Guilds") - beyond the multi-class cards from before which felt like "splashing" another color, the 'Tourist' keyword feels more like defined structure. "Welcome to our first Ravnica (for better or worse!)"
@barcster2003 16 күн бұрын
I like the bird theme.
@mica4977 18 күн бұрын
Trusty Fishing Rod along side Pet Parrot will be fun cards in Wild for an Elwynn Boar combo deck XD
@Azkadaz 18 күн бұрын
Furious Fowls would have been great if the 3/2's also had Rush in addition to Immune
@adrenali_n1607 17 күн бұрын
0:50 I don't look at this type of card like "Tess", I look at this type of card like Priest's former dragon, Murozond. Figures Priest gains access to this too. :D (Yes I know Murozond was your opponent, but a singular turn is a lot more alike than the whole game.)
@KidOmega-iv4tp 18 күн бұрын
I'd love to see Regis and Zeddy rate the Tourists in a collab stream. Maybe they could discuss the entire expansion for more VOD/YT content.
@tortorugo 18 күн бұрын
This 1 cost sinergys kinda works with the new amalgaman, especialy the weapon
@sheildingepicness 18 күн бұрын
These tourists are really disappointing, it just shuts down certain classes in favor of the tourists not being useless, but they end up just blocking deck building behind more dust
@Nafghar 18 күн бұрын
Did you notice that furious Fowls can be cast face? That is a huge upside. Also I heavily disagree regarding the location. If you play it late it does nothing. If you play it early you lose an important turn and might not even be able to regain your mana in the next turns since it only works with battlecry minions and those are usually situational. So I can only see this being played for some sort of combo or in a control deck that doesn't know what to do early on
@TW-fs3fj 18 күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure Hunter is going to have a really strong combo with Bunny Hopper, Octo-Masseuse, and Always A Bigger Jormungar. The +2/+1 discover and the +2 from bigger jormungar means that suckers hitting for 40 damage to a minion and the rest is at their face. Realistically its easy to tutor out and you can still run the traditional secret hunter deck but have an actual way to close the game out besides hoping the opponent is an idiot.
@KidOmega-iv4tp 18 күн бұрын
You could also bank the 3 mana discount across six turns ith the Sanctuary, but I don't know what situation would warrant that.
@beornwagner1 18 күн бұрын
Well, five turns rather than six, and it might possibly be useful if you get it out on curve to play a good nine drop on turn six. But the more useful case for stacking it is if you have two of them, or getting a six drop on turn 4.
@KidOmega-iv4tp 18 күн бұрын
@@beornwagner1 fair point. I don't know why I imagined a third close step in my head when I know locations break after the durability drops to 0. Maybe the miniset will include another neutral location and a way to incrrase their durability. They've already introduced the Vulpera who copies them
@marcusc9931 18 күн бұрын
Imagine getting deathrolled by a parrot.
@barcster2003 17 күн бұрын
Its going to happen.
@Drakon500 17 күн бұрын
The crafted 1 cost Potion could go Well with the pet parrot
@TheKilogram1000 18 күн бұрын
Sasquak seems fun in egg hungter. That said, why is it a legendary? Is it just the effect? Does Sasquawk exist in Warcraft?
@barcster2003 18 күн бұрын
Sasquak is a pretty good effect
@danielgosse2129 18 күн бұрын
I don’t think it’s time for adaptive amalgam yet but soon.
@ignacioariza8886 18 күн бұрын
Man really hope this doesnt end up being a set with double the priest cards and no hunter cards, that would be really sad to see.
@fossy365 18 күн бұрын
Trusty Fishing Rod is such a cool card but it needs to be 2 mana.
@junshanluo14 18 күн бұрын
😮 regie you forgot the egg is in the standard. 2 mana sazauawk+ -5cost big beast seems a legit deck
@alcodark 18 күн бұрын
Delicious worm is sus.😂
@LowkynTheBroken 18 күн бұрын
Really seems like every expansion hunter gets the most reliable and good cards
@vinnythewebsurfer 18 күн бұрын
“This feels like a priest set”. Well yes, because half of the new priest cards are fucking unplayable and clearly just meant for demon hunters masochist archetype with Aranna
@losttoubadour2559 18 күн бұрын
Great more parrots.
@uff4634 16 күн бұрын
Dont know why a WARRIOR Tourist card like Ranger Gilly does not have taunt. Taunt wouldnt make that card op and would make it be more playable
@zalanmarkus4939 18 күн бұрын
Gilly can give you a bunch of (mediocre) cards to put in a sandwich sandwich and even if he dies right away you still get a buff to your sandwich
@bpbp7407 18 күн бұрын
nah ...sasquawk will be used in OTK combos and wild. Its not gonna be used to play on curve
@mangouschase 18 күн бұрын
playing sasquawk on curve is just having a 6 mana turn on 7 and a 4/5. Not good enough for today
@benjaminlasater1870 18 күн бұрын
so you lied previously saying all tourist cards are at least 3 stars
@sassymonkey6929 18 күн бұрын
Jeeez hunter got shafted. These all seem like priest cards (except the "meh" ones). Hunter didnt even get the pity secret card it usually gets 😂
@FredGoldust 18 күн бұрын
I think Sasqawk might actually be better than Tess because it's hunter and hunter go face
@alexeygrankin8327 18 күн бұрын
Amalgam Hunter incoming
@KidOmega-iv4tp 18 күн бұрын
Yeah, Hunter cards are just Automaton bait this expansion. Vol'jin is already autoinclude everywhere
@samtrue3 18 күн бұрын
Wait isnt that temporus?
@AquaLantern 18 күн бұрын
The infinite drake that gave your opponent 2 turns? No, these are parrots.
@samtrue3 18 күн бұрын
@AquaLantern no the priest card that replayed all cards last turn, I forgot that it did your opponenst last turn instead
@AquaLantern 18 күн бұрын
@@samtrue3 Oooh, you're thinking of Murozond! Yeah, he replayed all your opponent's cards the previous turn, the parrot will replay your own.
@samtrue3 18 күн бұрын
@AquaLantern that's the ticket thanks
@letbloodline 18 күн бұрын
I don’t know why but I found out that I got de-subscribed from your channel 🤔
@imverytired1164 18 күн бұрын
Three mana one attack weapon lol
@barcster2003 18 күн бұрын
It's meant to summon the 1 cost minion. There was a situation shown where it was good.
@OptimisticRealizer 18 күн бұрын
Looks like Priest will once again be OP after the release of the new expansion.
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