AMEN 🙏!!! Great Trues !!! Blessings to You All from France 🇫🇷!!!
@RocketsharK725 күн бұрын
If jesus couldn't be without sin if Mary wasn't; then Mary couldn't be without sin without her mom being without sin as well. And on up the chain until we get to eve and Noone ever sinned. Rather, blessed are those who believe in Jesus Christ.
@jeffmusselwhite963125 күн бұрын
Jesus didn’t have a human father. God the Holy Spirit provided 23 perfect chromosomes to match the 23 chromosomes that would normally come from a man. In Adam all die, giving us real spiritual death at birth.Jesus was born as Adam was created. Body soul and human spirit. No person that had a human father had a human spirit. The human spirit is only created by the Holy Spirit after you believe in the lord Jesus Christ. Mary did and was born again.
@jeffmusselwhite963125 күн бұрын
You should read the Bible, for in Adam all die. Mary had human parents therefore she had an old sin nature and was born just as you and I were. spiritually dead. However, if you read in her prayer she acknowledges Jesus as her savior. She was regenerated, or born again by believing in Jesus Christ. You can as well. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
@srich750319 күн бұрын
Of course Mary needed a savior. Just because she was born sinless does not mean she didnt need a savior… You are certainly welcome to believe and profess whatever you want to believe, there are plenty of differing beliefs in the world today based on the Bible, just pick one. But to glean this from the historically decidedly Catholic Trinitarian book is just plain frivolous… History shows us that Jesus didn't leave us a bible, - the apostles didn't tell us which books belong in the bible, - the church fathers never agreed on the 27 books, and ONLY the 27 books of the NT through the 4th century, - not only did they not agree but their individual lists of would-be NT canons were GROWING during this time. Therefore, if it wasn't the Catholic/Orthodox church, guided by the Holy Spirit, that compiled the 27 books of the NT in the 4th century, and preserved these scriptures by laboriously hand copying them over and over throughout the centuries before the invention of the printing press, the “rule of faith” for many, please tell us who did? And if this church no longer exists today, what good is the text which came forth from her if she couldn't sustain herself? Peace!!!
@jeffmusselwhite963119 күн бұрын
@@srich7503 the problem still exists. In Adam all die… God did not say all but Mary ! Real spiritual death is the problem man has at the beginning and can only be rectified by Faith Alone in Christ alone. The council of Trent in acceptance of their anathemas especially the one that states “ if anyone accepts, regards that faith alone in Christ alone is sufficient for salvation, let them be cursed! This one statement alone destroys the very essence of the Gospel and makes the Catholic Church a Religion. Christianity is not a religion, it’s a relationship with Jesus Christ Himself. You must be born again and there is only one person that can accomplish this for You. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. That’s the good news.
@cesarerinaldi675019 күн бұрын
🟡 Man has Fortitude, Justice and Peace, woman has Temperance, Prudence and Wisdom. United man and woman have Faith, Hope and Charity.
@justthink895225 күн бұрын
*Immaculate conception of Mary* This dogma means Mary was conceived without sin. she had neither original sin nor personal sin. The doctrine can be formulated by studying the typology in the old testament. We believe that the original sin is transmitted through flesh and blood from Adam and Eve to their progeny. So, if Mary had inherited the original sin from her parents, then Jesus too will inherit it from Mary because Jesus took his flesh and blood from her. However, we all believe Jesus was without sin. This begs the question of where and how did the transmission of the original sin stop in the case of Jesus. Catholics believe the New Testament is superior to the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, we have Adam and Eve created without sin. In the New Testament, we have Jesus and Mary. If Jesus is the new Adam and Mary is the new Eve, we believe Jesus and Mary will be superior to / better than Adam and Eve and so they must be without sin. Adam and Eve succumbed to temptation. The serpent defeated them. But we read that the devil could not tempt Jesus when he was fasting in the desert for 40 days. We read in Revelation chapter 12 that the Woman defeated the dragon, meaning the Dragon could not make Mary fall into sin. Mary defeated had the Dragon, the ancient Serpent. So if Mary is superior to Eve, it means that there is no sin in Mary. In Luke gospel we read that Angel Gabriel addressed Mary as hail full of grace (hail, highly favoured one in Protestant Bible) even before Mary had said anything. This indicated that God had bestowed full of grace (overflowing grace) on Mary right from her conception. Paul said that God's grace is sufficient for him to overcome the affliction of the thorn in his flesh. Now, if we are to believe God's grace can help us overcome trials and temptations, won't God's full of grace keep Mary free from all sins and temptations? In Revelation chapter 12, the woman received outside help such that the dragon could not defeat her. This outside help is God's intervention, God's grace. God preserved and protected Mary for the sake of Jesus. God will not be mocked, right? So, God will not let the Devil mock him by saying that he had defeated Jesus' mother Mary? For the sake of his own honour, God will create Mary immaculate and keep her free from original sin or personal sin. Catholics view Mary as the Ark of the New Covenant. She had in her womb Jesus Christ the word of God, Jesus Christ the high priest, and Jesus Christ who gave his flesh for us to eat. This corresponds to the Old Ark of the Covenant which had the stone tablets of the 10 commandments, Aaron's stick that sprouted leaves, and the manna. The Ark was so holy that those 70 men who had peeped into it were instantly killed by God. In another instance, a man who tried to catch hold of the Ark from falling from a moving bullock cart was also instantly killed by God. So, if the Old Ark is so holy because of God's presence overshadowing it such that defiled hands can't touch it due to God's protection, the holy spirit who overshadowed Mary will keep her holy and undefiled as well. Israelites took the Ark of the covenant box to war. Mary is waging war against the dragon to protect us which we read in Revelation chapter 12. For Isaiah to prophesy the coming of Jesus Christ, in a vision, the lips of Isaiah was cleansed with a live coal taken from the temple in heaven. To be the forerunner of Jesus Christ, John the Baptist was filled with the holy spirit even from his mother's womb. Thus, if God has taken this much of care to make Isaiah and John the Baptist holy in order to prepare the way for Jesus, how much more will he keep Mary holy such that she will be fit to bear the holy child Jesus? Catholics view that it is most fitting that holy things be kept in a holy vessel. Thus, Mary must be made fit to bear the holy child Jesus. With God's full of grace, she defeated the dragon. Eve brought hate, sin, enmity and death but Mary brought redemption, life, love, peace and joy through her son Jesus. Mary is immaculate, the masterpiece of God.