Thank you Transport NSW for implementing filtering. Thank you MCCof NSW for lobbying for it.
@g1hau10 жыл бұрын
Now we just need a tutorial explaining cars shouldn't turn across bus lanes ... i.e. lane change first, then turn left normally.
@benchiswell263510 жыл бұрын
Hope there's going to be some sort of awareness campaign about this. Any driver with a chip on their shoulder is still going to cause problems, regardless of whether or not Lane Filtering is legal.
@MotoSwiftGaming10 жыл бұрын
I've been riding every day for 3/4 years, in all weather conditions any time of day or night, i am only on my P2 license and i can tell you that riding in rainy conditions are more complex compared to lane splitting/filtering. P2 riders should also have to legal ability to lanesplit/filter just like the open license riders, simple cause it takes 2-3 years to get your P2 license. However it should remain illegal for L and PC license holders
@raplayford10 жыл бұрын
A sensible traffic congestion rule.This should keep the bike riders in front of the traffic and safer.
@KameronZ1610 жыл бұрын
P platers can't filter? Just when I thought we were taking a step in the right direction you make up some rubbish like that. The whole point of changing the lane filtering rules is that it's SAFER. Take a look at England - the first thing you do on the streets when you're learning to ride a motorbike is start filtering traffic. All this is going to do is rack up the statistics against P platers and pave the way for more strict rules to narrow their freedom. It should be noted that I live in Queensland, so this isn't coming from a "poor little old me" perspective, but of genuine concern.
@auzzierocks10 жыл бұрын
amazing idea RTA, hopefully no motorbikes don't get squished now