My Thoughts on the Oscar Winners

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@richardcahill1234 6 ай бұрын
Billie Eilish has more Oscars than Hitchcock, Kurosawa, Welles, Scorsese, Renoir, Ozu, Lynch, Truffaut, but even she can't touch The GOAT - John Ford.
@Renegade-kf8fp 6 ай бұрын
Jordan esque
@r2d2rxr 6 ай бұрын
That feels wrong somehow, but best song is a young person’s game tbh.
@Hyper129 6 ай бұрын
Maybe they shouldnt be shitty musicians.
@uchil3916 6 ай бұрын
I´m just glad the 90's trend of "giving it to whatever Disney made this year" is finally dying
@jesusjavierondo6774 6 ай бұрын
I think kurosawa win 2 oscar for best foreign film
@thecinemascribe 6 ай бұрын
My favorite part of moviewise is that even when I disagree with a take, it’s well articulated so I’m inclined to respect it and most importantly I come out of it feeling like I’ve learned something (which is the real mark of quality for me). As an aspiring filmmaker I take notes on the stuff discussed in these kinds of videos so I might hope to make something of quality someday.
@LycanVisuals 6 ай бұрын
I would be honored to make my first feature and have him rip it apart one day. 🙏🏻
@PolyVarro 6 ай бұрын
Moviewise making us all into future filmmakers.
@cube2fox 6 ай бұрын
Regarding the immature/mature film criticism: Another instance of "mature" may actually go like "it is good" --> "but I still don't like it." It's like thinking Bach made good music but also that it isn't for you personally. For example, The Lighthouse is probably a great film by pretty objective standards, but I didn't really enjoy watching it.
@Kevin_Street 6 ай бұрын
Yes, someone has to be a mature critic by definition to see the artistic value in a work they don't personally enjoy.
@Tyler12905 6 ай бұрын
@@Kevin_Streeti get enjoyment out of the artistic quality so as long as that’s there it’s good enough for me at the least
@oscarinterprises 6 ай бұрын
That being said, it’s astonishing (perhaps unsurprisingly) how so many people throughout time have been so transfixed by the experience of listening to Bach, which in turn helped canonize Bach as a master of his craft AFTER the fact. It is true what Moviewise and that quote he included said, you wouldn’t know or even care about the direction if his name wasn’t attached. You also wouldn’t care if the direction was phenomenal BUT his name wasn’t attached to it, either, which is sort of the point he’s making. We’re not celebrating great direction per se, but rather cinematography, acting, wardrobe, set design, etc.
@fredr. 6 ай бұрын
I love your channel. No 30mn pseudo-philosophical BS with a depressing eunuch voice over to sell bad cinematography. Always straight to the point with a pinch of wittiness. 🙌
@tomasmaniago5832 6 ай бұрын
Have you met many "depressing eunuchs"?
@rosezingleman5007 6 ай бұрын
If I get stranded on a desert island without my DVD collection, electricity and the player and a little bottle of that spray to clean the discs, I hope you are shipwrecked at the same time so we can discuss films.
@daftyfunky 6 ай бұрын
Happy to see you also enjoyed The Teacher's Lounge as much as I did. It's a perfect representation of the idea that "movies aren't what they're about, they're about how they're about them." The subject matter isn't what decides the quality of a film, the crafting of a film is what it's all about and where the magic happens. The Teacher's Lounge is basically just about a series of petty crimes at a middle school. Which sounds dull and mundane on paper. But the way it's told and presented combined with an outstanding central performance from Leonie Benesch completely pulled me into this film and had me on the edge of my seat the whole runtime as if it was a thriller like Seven or Zodiac.
@that1guy375 6 ай бұрын
You both have really sold me on this film and I need to watch it. I don't know how I missed this one lol.
@daftyfunky 6 ай бұрын
@@that1guy375 Damn. Now I worry that I may have oversold the film lol. I was just geeking out about it tbh. I do recommend watching it but go into it with realistic expectations please haha ;D
@that1guy375 6 ай бұрын
@daftyfunky Oh don't worry, I usually do. Unknowns like this film I keep an even temper with. There are only a few directors I really get hyped. It really does sound like me kind of film though, so I'm not too worried.
@that1guy375 6 ай бұрын
I meant more even keeled lol. I don't have a temper
@augustafpeterson1459 6 ай бұрын
I just don't understand how you can have only 37K subscribers. Thank you for your blunt and truthful observations. Love your humor and the lessons.
@Pepperoni-Tony 6 ай бұрын
You mentioned Buñuel!!! He never gets any love 😢❤❤
@JohnMoseley 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, his '50s stuff especially. It's as if that was all just stuff he did on the cheap to earn a crust in Mexico.
@Moviewise 6 ай бұрын
I’m gonna make a whole video about him someday ;)
@saidtoshimaru1832 6 ай бұрын
@@JohnMoseley His work in Mexico is his best.
@JohnMoseley 6 ай бұрын
@@saidtoshimaru1832 I actually haven't had the chance to see much of it, but based on what I have, I nearly agree. Criminal Life of Arcimboldo de la Cruz, Los Olvidados and Exterminating Angel are superb, but Discrete Charm and Belle du Jour still win in my book.
@JohnMoseley 6 ай бұрын
Yes please! Soon, I hope@@Moviewise
@JamsODonnell100 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely best channel for re igniting one’s fatuation with the art form.
@LegendaryCWL 6 ай бұрын
You truly are the best film channel on KZbin. As someone preparing to start his own film channel, I hope it comes off as half as good as yours.
@Selrisitai 6 ай бұрын
@diegoalfonsomendozagutierr4416 6 ай бұрын
Nolan shouldn’t have won best editing nor cinematography, those should have been for Killers Of The Flower Moon, but Nolan not winning the best adapted screenplay was the one that hurt me the most
@TheVid54 6 ай бұрын
I cannot disagree. Your analysis of the so-called award season is superb!
@trorisk 6 ай бұрын
There are between 8,000 and 10,000 films produced per year in the world. And around 1000 films produced in the USA. So just to see American films, those who vote for the Oscars should see 2 to 3 films per day. Which they don't do because they have a job that takes up their time (director, actors, editors, costume designer, and so on) So they only see their friends' films, go to their studio's premieres, etc. Those who win Oscars are those who have done the most lobbying, and therefore spent the most money, to buy the Oscar. There are people whose job it is to see films every day, they are called film critics.
@hpoonis2010 6 ай бұрын
I despise movie awards: they just exaggerate the overly large egos the movie types have. However, as I see it, the 'oscars' (no capitals for things I despise) are voted for via an American organisation by members of that organisation. I have no idea how members of that organisation are decided upon (probably by some masonic-style cadre of wankers who act/direct/etc) but, it is highly unlikely that your average niche movie gets a look-in from the people who cast the votes. Most likely they are too busy looking at themselves to consider life outside their egos.
@gelchert 6 ай бұрын
3:02 That's a pretty good description of every Billie Eilish song I've ever heard. For the life of me, I can't understand how she got so big.
@suzp2265 6 ай бұрын
What a relief to listen to someone not fawning over Nolan
@jessiejess-sj8pv 6 ай бұрын
Yes, it’s amazing to see someone not praise someone for their incredible work, we need more of this, we need more cynicism and purposeless hate
@kennydolby1379 6 ай бұрын
Exactly, Nolan is overrated. He has only 2 good movies, and the last one was from 2006.
@suzp2265 6 ай бұрын
@@jessiejess-sj8pv Don't be daft, how is it 'hate' to have an opinion on someone's work? 🙄 Especially when that person is routinely lauded as one of the great filmmakers of our times.
@jessiejess-sj8pv 6 ай бұрын
@@suzp2265 What is the opinion, your opinion is it’s nice to make vapid critiques and lament how the movie Nolan wrote, directed, produced and carried as his passion project is “good” despite of him, what other filmmaker is getting criticism about how good his films are but not because of him lol. And then, the idea that the film had great cinematography but is marred by Nolan’s blocking and composition? That’s literally what cinematography is, at some point it becomes clear people like you and the fella below my comment aren’t interested in any real substantive analysis just excited to hear someone not praise someone for their work(while having to admit, okay it was a good film, I just don’t like Nolan bros and some of the scenes “aren’t blocked well” hahah
@jessiejess-sj8pv 6 ай бұрын
@@kennydolby1379 thinking Batman Begins is one of Nolan’s best movies is a totally dense take, please get help
@willywonk846 6 ай бұрын
Great video as always. I've learned so much from you. But there's something I want to share with you. You're absolutely right about Nolan's weakness in blocking and composition of each frame, but it seems to me that his focus is more on the overall feeling of his movies. Yes when you look at singular shots of Oppenheimer you find them messy and most of the time seeming unplanned, the blocking is not meticulous and the frame isn't perfectly designed. But when these singular shots combine together and form a sequence, the overall feeling is so powerful that make you forget about those things. He can make you care about his story and his characters. Something that in my opinion Scorsese couldn't do in killers of the flower moon. His shots are beautiful as you said, he planned each frame with extra care and blocked every scene great. But with all this, when I was watching the movie I couldn't care about any of the characters in the movie, the story didn't affect me and didn't make me feel anything. Every murder was done without any impact, I didn't know who was killed and why should I care. The main characters and events felt empty at most of the times and everything was happening so anticlimactic in the movie. Scorsese couldn't make me feel The gravity of the crimes they were committing, or the pain and suffering lily Gladstone character was experiencing. Everything felt so flat. So the overall feeling of this movie wasn't so powerful and when singular beautiful shots combined together they didn't make a compelling experience, as beautiful and perfectly made they were. You forget the movie after you watched it, and you only remember the perfectly good frames and blockings. So I think the overall feeling of a movie is more important than single shots, and what makes a memorable impactful experience is how the movie made us feel through its whole journey.
@Moviewise 6 ай бұрын
Careful not to confuse the screenplay with the direction. I also prefer Oppenheimer’s script. And thank you for enjoying the channel!
@recetasfaciles2816 6 ай бұрын
Now i need you to do a video about the boy and the heron. I found it was amazingly directed. Normally i don't notice this in animated movies, but this time, after seeing a lot of your videos, it was too notorious.
@halimghani 6 ай бұрын
Nolan should've won the best screenplay not the directing.
@davidfernandez8515 6 ай бұрын
If anybody else had made Killers of the Flower Moon they'd given best directing to him
@halimghani 6 ай бұрын
@@davidfernandez8515 I feel like you're right.
@Renegade-kf8fp 6 ай бұрын
@parthibbiswas3730 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, give Scorsese the Best Director award every single year he makes films. In fact, rename the Best Director award as Scorsese award
@AstatineSulpherRadium 6 ай бұрын
​@@parthibbiswas3730He literally just won 1 time so what are you talking about He deserves more
@JohnMoseley 6 ай бұрын
Great analysis as ever. I really appreciate the new ways you've given me to look at movies.
@fastbowler 6 ай бұрын
Awesome as always, @Moviewise! Yes, living in a world of Nolan Bros is exhausting, and one of the best outcomes of Nolan winning Best Director/Picture, is that we don't have to hear how he he has been robbed/not recognised for his genius ANYMORE. What Branagh could have done for Oppenheimer is a fantastic prospect! And, I liked Maestro… but I won't be Immature Movie Buff about it… 😄
@edom7817 6 ай бұрын
Why do you not make films of your own? Genuine question.
@gatomiodasandra 6 ай бұрын
Oh yes!!!!
@manikn4585 6 ай бұрын
Man this channel is sooo useful I am hella ignorant about cinematography I only study character psychoanalysis (character ideologies etc) Soo to learn about all this feels like a new world
@edemerperson6199 6 ай бұрын
I, for one, would watch the $h1t out of 45 movies about great scientists.
@bartolomeus441 6 ай бұрын
Albert Einstein will return
@thetrison 6 ай бұрын
You perfectly captured my attitude when you begrudgingly give Best Makeup and Hair to Maestro. 😂 I agree, but I've been saying all award season long that that film is 2023's most beautiful piece of trash.
@Dayvit78 6 ай бұрын
I'm glad you called out that Hoyte van Hoytema piece.
@heartjakehotel9955 6 ай бұрын
Amazing as usual
@shashwatpatil6993 6 ай бұрын
I would love to see you analyse the direction of akira kurosawa especially his staging and blocking. love your videos😊
@nihaalsandim9986 25 күн бұрын
Finally, someone hit it on the nail for me regarding oppenheimer . I just couldn't enjoy the film because the film almost made no distinction between then small stuff and the big stuff. Everything is given the same value , also tge movie never really settles , it goes on so fast with constant conversations , i felt like i didn't have time to take in things , the movie doesn't let you feel it fully
@MahRahman1 6 ай бұрын
Moviewise brings back the mental peace in all of us
@Shah-of-the-Shinebox 6 ай бұрын
Better late than never to post. Thanks Moviewise.
@stevechoi8005 6 ай бұрын
I think it would be cool if you did a video on Shyamalan, aspects of his direction are interesting but then other times it's just abysmal. His movie Old was particularly terrible in direction.
@N_Loco_Parenthesis 6 ай бұрын
Shout out to Megan Fox. She won Worst Actress AND Worst Supporting Actress (at the Razzies).
@EdDy-yr8yn 6 ай бұрын
Hey Moviewise, before I started watching you, I have only seen one classical black and white movie - The treasure of Sierra Madre. But I don't think you mentioned it even once in your videos, even in passing. How about a "Why it's a classic" episode dedicated to it? I like the movie but I'd like to know if it is good. Also you are amazing, good job with your channel!
@treasonouspigeonpeckers957 6 ай бұрын
11:26 "We Are No Angels" is one of my favorite comedies and still holds up to this day
@Kevin_Street 6 ай бұрын
Imagine if there was one Oppenheimer-level movie (or streaming series) per year on great scientists! They could do the first one on Isaac Newton. There's a guy who created the foundation of modern science, and his story is full of brilliance mixed with dumb-ass eccentricity and conflict with his peers. It would make a great movie. Actually I think there was a streaming series like this. They did their first season on Einstein, but as I recall they focused too much on the historical era and not enough on his ideas. Sorry, lost myself for a moment there. Thank you for another wonderful video! Your commentary on the Oscar winners and your own picks are much appreciated. I was particularly intrigued by your thoughts on the two types of movie buffs: "I like this movie, so it's good" vs. "This movie is good, so I like it." This explains one of the most annoying comments that comes up over and over whenever people talk about storytelling in a critical way. There's always somebody who's like "It's just a sci-fi/monster/romance/disaster/cowboy/urban drama/whatever movie. You're supposed to turn off your brain and enjoy it." That always makes me so mad. The problem isn't that they're engaging with the movie in an "immature" way, it's that they're criticizing the idea of anyone else taking the movie seriously. Still. I think there is something to the thought that you should turn off your brain (if possible) and pretend to be an immature movie buff when watching a movie for the first time. After it's made its impact and made you feel whatever it's trying to make you feel, then subsequent viewings are the place to develop an appreciation or dislike of the artistry and craft involved. Somebody like Christopher Nolan is (I think) more interested in the overall emotional journey than particular details like framing. You could make the argument that getting details right is how you create an emotional experience, but I suspect he'd be more in favor of an intuitive approach.
@N_Loco_Parenthesis Ай бұрын
Shakespeare in Love was a delightful movie. Comedies deserve awards too.
@of1300 6 ай бұрын
The milktoast-observation is spot on.
@nimantvardhantanwar3268 6 ай бұрын
Pls make the next video on the Modern Indian masterpiece '12th fail' or maybe be Tarantino. Love your videos
@anirudh5157 6 ай бұрын
It is a very good movie and I think if the odds would be in our favor it might even won the first international film oscar for India.
@nimantvardhantanwar3268 6 ай бұрын
​@@anirudh5157 yes felt the same, hopefully someday a like director like Chopra or Rajamouli could pull it off
@fincorrigan7139 6 ай бұрын
45 movies series about scientists? With the set design of Poor Things? Yes please...
@EspyGee 6 ай бұрын
I've always been partial to the perspective that "I like this movie" ---> "I like this movie." I try not to assume objective value just because something strikes my fancy. In fact, I have trouble recommending most of my favorite films to people without a whole bagful of asterisks and conditions to go with them. I'm ruled by subjectivity, but I find objectivity fascinating and important (hence my love for your channel). So yeah, not sure which kind of movie buff that makes me, but I do recognize quality (or a lack thereof) as something separate from personal appeal or interest.
@biscuit2349 6 ай бұрын
I really enjoy your videos but here’s the thing - it seems weird to me that you insist Oppenheimer should win for so many categories while trashing the actual directing. The director is responsible for all aspects of the film and it all exists because of his creation. And in this case, it seems like you put no weight in whether a director writes the movie? Scorsese never writes entire scripts - he’s co-written only 8 of his movies. In theory, he should have much more time on and before set to work on shot composition. And The Zone of Interest basically had no script - the director had all the time in the world to think about his shot composition. I say this because Killers of the Flower Moon is one of my favorite books and while the movie is okay, it was about as bad as this story could have been. Focusing on Leo’s character, who is boring in real life and the movie, seemed like a shoe-horned decision to reward his buddy Leo. The romance was weird, we still don’t know if Burkhart loved his wife at the end. Deniro so obviously has evil intentions that it misses the point that the Osages legitimately trusted him and thought he fought for and protected them. Scorsese might have framed shots well, but he made mistakes on so many other aspects of the film the Director is responsible for (and I like Scorsese overall so I’m not ripping on his entire career). Oppenheimer exists because of its director and gets so many things right that to me claiming Branagh could have directed it better is pure silliness. He is currently making mediocre Agatha Christie adaptions (that if Nolan was making would surely be better films) and will never make a movie as good as Oppenheimer.
@animeking1853 6 ай бұрын
Yeah you are right first job director have to do a create a impact of any scene and Nolan nailed it.
@rathodkaran6190 6 ай бұрын
Was waiting for this essay after the oscars, thank you moviewise
@Chiller11 6 ай бұрын
Well argued episode. Thank you for expressing intelligent opinions even if the occasional one is wrong, terribly wrong.
@bimblebee 6 ай бұрын
This youtube video is good, I like it.
@steffengerlach8395 6 ай бұрын
This is movie wise simply THE channel and it's wise. I absolutely agree with your statements. That one was fun and straight on point once again. Great. Thank you! PS: "Lehrerzimmer" would have been a great pic. 😉 And it is a shame they did not release "Killers of the flower moon" on Blu Ray / 4K UHD. I hate streaming,
@Kevin_Street 6 ай бұрын
I hope "Killers of The Flower Moon" will eventually be released on physical media at some point. It deserves to sit on a shelf with the rest of the Scorsese collection. The idea that major artistic works can be exclusive to particular companies basically forever isn't cool.
@AvatarYoda 6 ай бұрын
@@Kevin_Street I work at a library, and in January, Killers appeared on the order list, meaning the studio was planning a physical release and it was available for preorder through our distributor. Poor Things was on the December list, and it and others on that list just came in last week, so judging by that, Killers might be out in April. I suppose the studio could cancel the DVD/Bluray, but I hope not. I'm a supporter of physical media. Many of our patrons can't afford or don't want to spend the money on streaming, so they get all their movies free from us. It's always disappointing to have to tell them that we cannot get an item for them because it's a streaming exclusive. I think libraries are a large market that studios forget about when they don't want a physical release.
@Kevin_Street 6 ай бұрын
@@AvatarYoda That's good news! Glad to hear they're both coming out on physical media, and you make an excellent point about libraries.
@Y.B.Y. 6 ай бұрын
Brilliant video! Persuasive and funny - what more can one ask for? Thanks 🏆
@graveyardshiftfilms2076 6 ай бұрын
Aaannd he's back. He is fucking back. Man, couldn't agree more on those Oppenheimer observations (including best actor point). And yes, ambition is why Nolan's work still matters despite his many flaws. Great video.
@jokingbat5 6 ай бұрын
Hey, Moviewise, I would like you to consider analysing the style of Edgar Wright!
@LycanVisuals 6 ай бұрын
Aside from losing 100 dollars due to Oscar betting, the results were as expected. HOWEVER I will die on the hill that Godzilla Minus One should have been nominated in more categories. Also found it weird how KOFM left with with absolutely nothing. Edit: Funny that you stated KOFM should have gotten best production design because that was exactly what I chose with poor things being my second while thinking the academy was probably going to give it to barbie for the barbie world they built. Of all the Oppenheimer wins, cinematography felt a bit odd to me because I thought that maybe KOFM would win.
@James-Tanner 6 ай бұрын
God damnit you’ve done it again! Thanks for hanging out in the sauna with me today!
@marvintran7813 6 ай бұрын
Oppenheimer is my favorite movie of 2023! I’m glad it won big!!!
@isaacs3822 5 ай бұрын
God I love this channel
@spider-ball 6 ай бұрын
The part about mature vs immature film criticism needs to be clipped and sent to most subreddits for review ("Right, Adum? Do you see what happens when you are a Stan for "Past Lives"?)
@ashroskell 6 ай бұрын
Well, you had fun and so did I. Thanks. Really enjoyed that.
@LittlePhizDorrit 6 ай бұрын
Your ongoing struggle with Nolan is worthy of its own epic film. I support you, sir! I'm so tired of people using artist intention to claim something is good. If you have to guess an artists intention to make something good, it's a fail, pure and simple. The audience should NOT be doing the work of the story teller. (I look forward to that future overly verbose video)
@olafsigursons 6 ай бұрын
Can wait for you to talk about Dune prt 2
@Jared_Wignall 6 ай бұрын
I’m happy with the wins Oppenheimer won. Phenomenal film with direction, writing, acting, editing, score, cinematography… really everything involved with the film is truly astonishing. Nolan, Murphy and RDJ truly deserved their awards, though Nolan and RDJ should have won prior to Oppenheimer, but at least they finally won.
@anirudh5157 6 ай бұрын
Please make a video on Indian parallel cinema. It is something which is very less talked about in the modern film circle and needs to be looked at and maybe appreciated even. The Indian film industry is the biggest in the world but often what comes out of it is of rather poor quality. But there are still a lot of gems in it and If they get more attention at a much larger scale it would encourage the Indian filmmakers to make more good movies.
@pancho1993 6 ай бұрын
I've always wondered, have you altered your voice for the videos? Doesn't sound natural.
@hpoonis2010 6 ай бұрын
Why un-natural? 'Cause it isn't Amerkin? The world is FULL is varied accents. Travel the small landmass of the United Kingdom and you could find more variation than enough. A Bolivian would sound different from an Argentinian who would be different from a Spaniard. Not everyone needs to sound like a gameshow host or a boxing announcer.
@whatwhatwfeenfeen 6 ай бұрын
oppenheimer winning for best editing is crazy. thats like the only movie this year i saw that actually had noticeably bad editing
@JamesInfinity 5 ай бұрын
Hey Moviewise! I've been watching your videos at an unhealthy rate recently and you are definitely my favourite channel on youtube. I've been meaning to contact you personally, but I can't find any contact details on your channel. Is there any way we could get in touch?
@Moviewise 5 ай бұрын
There’s an email available in my channel description and I am also on Twitter. You can contact me either way, and thanks for the comment!
@dutchhistoricalactingcolle5883 6 ай бұрын
thank you for this
@endresee 6 ай бұрын
I enjoyed Oppenheimer but best picture it is not IMO. The movie was long on celebrating Oppenheimer’s genius, which it mostly established just by having a bunch of characters say he’s a genius. That was all tolerable in service of the manhattan project story, though it’s pretty standard stuff. But the whole second half, to me, landed flat. Never does Oppenheimer’s character or anyone else offer a nuanced reflection on the moral implications of building an a-bomb. It all becomes a shallow exploration of Cold War politics and personal ambition. It would have been a stronger film, imo, if they cut out pretty much everything that happened after the military seized the bomb at los alamos.
@brenobluhm 6 ай бұрын
You sounded a little too hurt commenting best director lmao
@oobrocks 6 ай бұрын
Murray wasn’t good?! Holy crap. One of us is ignorant of film acting.
@nelisezpasce 6 ай бұрын
Nolan femboys need correcting
@dino_matt 6 ай бұрын
Amazing analysis as always! Sidenote: Was this your first video discussing best animated feature?
@Moviewise 6 ай бұрын
I discussed it in my 2022 video but not last year
@PerfectHandProductions 6 ай бұрын
Another great video. Keep it up!
@Rahru 5 ай бұрын
Emily Blunt could've been great, but guess we'll never know, she sorely lacks any scraps of a character to work with. She's mostly a collection of reactions and I find it sad she was even nominated.
@daisydaisy...4562 6 ай бұрын
You know what they say about opinions.....
@BloodyMary74 6 ай бұрын
Cillian Murphy is great in the role. I would like to see more of him teaching astrophysics or managing on the conflicts at Los Alamos but he is believably confident in those scenes. The real guy was awkward nerd who surprised everybody with his leadership skills during the Manhattan project. I dont get what is do specjal about RDJ. He plays a boring, competent public official who is shockingly vain and paranoid. Its a character hard to sympathise with. RDJ is believable but nothing more.
@RaysDad 6 ай бұрын
I can't wait for the hula hoop movie!
@The_ChosenOne0001 6 ай бұрын
Can you make a Stanley Kubrick Video!!!
@jigglesox320 6 ай бұрын
I have learned a lot from your channel but …. Speaking as a woman creative storyteller… you are wrong about DeVine Joy Randolph. That performance was nuanced and perfect.
@thepagecollective 10 сағат бұрын
I'm surprised you have jumped on the contrived anti-Maestro bandwagon. That's going to be one of those where when everyone forgets the pretentious reasons they hated it, it will be remembered well.
@alexalexis7899 6 ай бұрын
Mature film criticism, as per your words, comes down to being able to evaluate the quality of a film regardless if you liked it or not. You absolutely do not have to like something that you recognize has high craft and/or artistic merit. E se dúvidas houvessem, agora tenho a certeza que és brasileiro. Estava ali entre o português e o brasileiro, mas dado o sotaque, brasileiro garantidamente.
@mrink8822 6 ай бұрын
i am surprised that you praised the zone of interest because in your screenplay video you were mostly negative about it
@TheSwordfish-g3r 6 ай бұрын
I agree with your leading actress opinion, she did well but it felt like the minimum in a movie of minums
@Matthewcmiel 6 ай бұрын
Shakespeare in love is overmaligned.
@nicoquet. 6 ай бұрын
Nolan's femboys
@pullpulse123 6 ай бұрын
Something occurred to me: I think the proper way to be a movie buff might be an interplay between the immature and mature chains of logic. For example, I do not like courtroom dramas, no matter how well staged, acted, and written they are. Therefore, I found Anatomy of a Fall boring. I also thought many of the problems with the filmmaking itself (as pointed out in your video) muddied the experience for me. But even if it had been made brilliantly, I still would have found it an accomplished movie that bored me, and therefore a subjectively bad one.
@of1300 6 ай бұрын
Don’t take the Oscars too seriously. Or any of those awards.
@iansmart4158 6 ай бұрын
I get the pushback on INTENTION. But does breaking form not count for anything? Is a Bob Fosse Musical worst than an old school MGM musical because he allows his editing and framing to accent movement instead of allowing elaborate dance sequences to playout in wide shots all the time? Is the languid formal drive of say MCABE & MRS. MILLER make for a worst Western than THE SEARCHERS because it doesn't seek to honor the tradition of grandiose movie-making that has characterized American Westerns up until that point? I'd argue no. The aesthetic principles are shifted based on the preoccupations of the director. The Intention doesn't negate poor filmmaking, but they do give a standard by which to judge what you're seeing. The final shoot out in MCCABE is brilliant because of how minor / pathetic it feels in comparison to the grand and exciting shootouts in say an Anthony Mann Western. The Action of John Wick is not more impressive than the Action in MI: Fallout because it's all guns. It's about what each filmmaking team seeks to exploit on screen. I get your issues with OPPIE, but I find the power of that film to be in how he uses visual signifiers and audio repetition to ground the viewer in a really disorienting film. He uses sound to identify time and place; a scene we return to multiple times from different angles is made clear because of how he matches the audio to each instance. That's directing. Some of his framing is a bit chaotic, 100%. I'm not here to say it's all good, BUT I will say the way he uses coverage @ meetings and the way he reveals information through that careful coverage / framing exemplifies how much control he has over his images. Oppie's images are all about his act as a magician. He sneaks info into scenes with just a tad bit more time left in them as a way of gradually peeling back hurl for all of us to see the fruit underneath. Little by little.
@prentrupathome5319 6 ай бұрын
Agree. Oppenheimer provoked a reverse lynch-mob. The big question is why? And why IMAX? Dark Knight, OK. But this? Hype. Watch how it stands the test of time.
@erinaltstadt4234 2 ай бұрын
Thank you
@flanderleisen 6 ай бұрын
@johnpaulsylvester3727 6 ай бұрын
I, for one, would be happy to see 45 films about the lives of scientists- as long as it’s done by 45 different directors…
@TS-qr3rk 6 ай бұрын
Who won the affirmative action award?....obvious.
@zacnewford 6 ай бұрын
popping off
@miiiikku 6 ай бұрын
How Oppenheimer also winning Oscar for best picture increases amount of people going to cinemas?
@rdpathan 6 ай бұрын
When you are discussing direction, why are you just taking into account the composition and camera movements? Yes there is a shabbiness present in his direction in that regard, but isn't direction also about decisions? If the film has a great effect overall and all the departments have worked efficiently to contribute to the telling of a story, then who would you credit for that? It should be the director right? Film Direction is choices for me. That is how I assess it. I think you are ignoring a large aspect of what Direction entails. If focus pulling and compositions are your problems, then the Cinematography win is also not fully justified too, because this is the overlap between the two disciplines.
@ashroskell 6 ай бұрын
P.S. Hope you’re not sick of being asked this, but where is your accent from? Each time I think I could guess it throws me off again. I want to say Northern, possibly Eastern Europe? But that’s a lot of countries . . .
@purekinema 6 ай бұрын
I know a lot of Bulgarians and the accent sounds familiar but I'm also curious
@Blacklodge_Willy 6 ай бұрын
Godard not winning at least one MTV movie award is a damn stain in history.
@sanghamithrank9035 6 ай бұрын
huh, Been watching this channel for some time, Though it is Good, have a few things to share. This guy thinks directing is all about composition or something equal to painting, IMHO directing is the choices on which movie to make, scripting, casting your actors (let them bring their creativity), choosing your collaborators (Cinematographer (can compose greater frames than you (Director can block out actors solely based on emotion and cinematographer can modify it acoording to the best lighting and overall requirements of the shot list), Editors (can control pacing) and so on all other collaborators can bring great work to the script. He analyze directing as an intelligent sceintific excersise of photography. As per this guy's knowledge Director is much more like a story board artist or painter, Cinematographer is there to just light ( May Cinematography Gods pardon you (Roger deakins,Conrad hall, emmanuel Lubezki.... ), Actors just move like puppets according to director's blocking and his frames; they don't contribute or think. Take this if you can moviewise. Though this channel is a good resource for analyzing Films and sharing different perspectives on it.
@stealthven2352 6 ай бұрын
Could you do a video on your top 10 favourite directors
@hpoonis2010 6 ай бұрын
One could probably guess 3 of them: Billy Wilder, Martin Scorcese, Akira Kurosawa. I WOULD be interested to get his thoughts on Clint Eastwood as a director.
@Shah-of-the-Shinebox 6 ай бұрын
​@hpoonis2010 don't forget Kenneth "The Great" Branagh
@Brandon-a-writer 6 ай бұрын
Proust would've pulled a Sartre who was too cool for a Nobel prize, with his fucking chameleon eyes and his le nausea or whatever sounds like he should see somebody :D you should have the enthusiastic and voluminous support that is unavoidably filtered to the heights of mediocrity. great channel. i really loved your example of character acting with James Dean [different vid, just wanted to thank you for the joke about proust and joyce, and the other guy).
@jerryschramm4399 6 ай бұрын
I finally saw "Dune 2", and it seems likely it will be the "Oppenheimer" of next year's Oscars. But I'm still thinking about the movie, because there are some things that bother me. The main problem I have with the film is that, even at three hours, it somehow feels rushed. Especially the last third, when a lot of things are resolved, and one big thread left hanging. I was especially disappointed in the excessive praise (IMO) of Austin Butler's Feyd-Rautha. There was no character arc at all. He was introduced as an evil maniac. He ends up an evil maniac. Also, the Saudauker were set up in the first movie as the ultimate fighters. Then in Part 2, they are just swept aside. Not to mention not going into the machinations of the Bene Geserit. Personally, I think this should have been a trilogy, so Villaneuve would have had time to develop the world he so masterfully created in the first movie. To be clear, I read the book when it first came out, and was amazed at how good it was. And I thought the first movie was extremely impressive. I was waiting eagerly for the second part. I do plan on seeing it again, and see if my misgivings are borne out.
@TricameralPerspective 6 ай бұрын
lmao don't worry about it. It came out in March. Voters would forget about it by the next award season. I don't know what the fuss is all about. If you are worried it will get awards like Oppenheimer, it won't.
@floydffrogfloydffrog7453 6 ай бұрын
I slept through about 1/2 of Oppenheimer. Was thrilled and overjoyed during each moment of Poor Things (okay, a couple spots dragged but only a little). I can't bring myself to watch Killers because for 'some' reason AKA modern Hollywood I'm worried that it's going to waggle a finger at me for 3 hours. And, finally, I'm saddened that Beau Is Afraid didn't even get a mention. And those are my thoughts on the Oscar winners.
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