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Moving to a Trans Sanctuary - Everything You Need To Know

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Ty Turner

Ty Turner

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@chelseajupiter2103 2 ай бұрын
8 years ago this month, my mom called me and asked me to never go to a nigh club. the Pulse night club shooting had just happened. Now, nearly a decade later, we've gone from not going to night clubs to fleeing thousands of miles. I'm pissed.
@ShadowKhada 2 ай бұрын
My go to line is that I just want breathing to not be illegal for me. That's the direction we are going. We lower suicide rates by insane metrics and get told existing should be illegal
@mentalalchemysubliminals 2 ай бұрын
the night club shooter was a moslem, not a convservative though.
@wolfgang7850 2 ай бұрын
@@mentalalchemysubliminals number 1, as if conservativism is confined to just being a white American and the same types of people. The solution to many of my problems would then be to just leave. Second, yeah the shooter was Muslim but that was once 8 years ago. Since then, conservatives have been on the fucking warpath against not only lgbt rights and other minority rights, but pretty much anything that makes life for anyone not extremely wealthy not miserable. I think I know which one is the bigger problem.
@endor8witch 2 ай бұрын
​@@mentalalchemysubliminalshas to be one or the other? Can't be both?
@mentalalchemysubliminals 2 ай бұрын
@@endor8witch It's usually "the one" all over the world...
@Tom_Alfalfa_Male 2 ай бұрын
I recently went to a museum exhibit that talked about "The great lesbian migration to Oregon" that happened in the 80s and 90s. Queer is completely normal here :-)
@RayDrawzDragonz 2 ай бұрын
why did this make me think of a bunch of lesbian geese flying to oregen 😭
@sleepygyro 2 ай бұрын
I’d f*cking love to live in Oregon 😔
@literaterose6731 2 ай бұрын
@@sleepygyro hope you can join us here someday! ☺️
@banjoboythegreat 2 ай бұрын
It's pretty rad
@Staratopia 2 ай бұрын
What's the name of the museum?
@FrozEnbyWolf150 2 ай бұрын
You bring up an important point that cannot be stressed enough. Moving is expensive and time consuming, and not everyone can afford to do this, especially if they are low income or have difficulty finding employment due to discrimination. This is why the people who shout, "If you don't like it here, then leave!" are coming from a place of extreme privilege. A lot of marginalized people feel they have no choice but to relocate, and that's precisely the point. The forcible relocation of groups of people, well, there's a term for that.
@Nemo12417 2 ай бұрын
It's even worse when they talk about leaving the country. America has a long, proud history of exporting fascism, even under liberal presidents, and living outside of America means you might be subject to its foreign policy.
@MadHatta555 2 ай бұрын
Yes to all that and also there are totally "average" life circumstances where people can't move! Right now I'm stuck in a red state because my fiancé's ex wife is here and doesn't want to move, at least not anytime soon. Their 3 kids deserve both parents around, so we stuck around. Friends, families, schooling, and loved ones being sick, disabled, or on hospice are only a few reasons for someone to stay. The "just move" argument has always pissed me off. It's dismissive and ignorant. I would love to move my entire support system somewhere with me to a more accepting place, but that's literally not possible.
@Him_He_Me 2 ай бұрын
You also make a valid point. Im so worried about where the USA is going with all this.
@kellynemecek5894 2 ай бұрын
Best comment on this video. Fantastic points. There’s so much to think about. The safety of the person choosing to move is so valid and yet it feels funny🥴 bc when they leave they’re giving the transphobes exactly what they want, leaving the other trans people fewer and fewer to make change. Ugh
@speedy01247 2 ай бұрын
perhaps we could get them to pay for that by making an organization which "removes transgenders from the area" (by paying them the money needed for them to escape the hell they put them through) Just make it sound evil and mean, but in reality they cove the costs of transportation and perhaps the first month or two of rent in a new location.
@anewagora 2 ай бұрын
I am a detrans woman and would be at risk for similar safety issues in aggressively anti trans places since they would assume I'm a trans woman mostly due to my voice. It is in everyone's best interest to stand for general acceptance and peace for trans people, because we are all judged on appearances and assumptions first. My internal experience may have evolved, but I did not suddenly become a transphobe after living as a man my whole 27 years of life previously. My history is not erased just because I changed. I'm glad Ty provided this useful and informative video.
@vickypedia1308 2 ай бұрын
I feel like it's so rare for detrans people to be given a voice (and then transphobes like to take it in all the worst ways) so I'm glad that you're here and vocal. The way laws are changing in the US is bad for everyone, not just those who are trans or used to be trans, but also cis people who don't "look" cis. I'm lucky to live in Europe, but I have trans friends who live in US red states, and everytime more news come out, I get more worried. I wish there was something I could do to help from overseas.
@anewagora 2 ай бұрын
@@vickypedia1308 You're right that a lot of people want to censor and ignore detrans people. A lot of trans people and supposed supporters of trans people have dismissed me as transphobic. I've attempted to be diplomatic and extend the olive branch but even that wasn't good enough to reach more people for my trans and detrans support group. Even Ty Turner made a salty sarcastic comment dismissing the suffering of a detrans woman whose video went viral. People are actively prejudiced against detrans people and frankly I think they're the anti- trans bigots. They don't accept any trans experience that falls outside of their aggressively forced positive worldview. They will censor and walk all over you if you don't fit their narrative. People like me, even when I was still trans, are rejected from the toxic forced positive mainstream LGBT culture.
@vickypedia1308 2 ай бұрын
@@anewagora detrans people, like intersex people, seem to be used more as a gotcha in arguments than actual human beings with lived experiences. I don't know why you chose to detransition, and it's not in my right to pry. But it feels like a lot of outsiders like to act like they know detrans or intersex people and their struggles oh so well, when everything they have are rumors and anecdotes. I don't claim to know what it's like to be American, or trans, or both of those things because I'm not either. Everything I say is based on assumptions and the limited pool of trans Americans I personally know. So why would I or anyone claim to know the reason for every detransitioner's choice? At least I know trans people, but I have no personal knowledge about detrans people! There may be statistics about most of you doing it out of family/peer pressure, but it would be stupid to assume that that's always the case. Humans are too nuanced for there to only be one possible reason. And yet, many of us actively disregard evidence of people doing it for other reasons, because it doesn't fit our argument when we're trying to "gotcha" the bigots. I personally like to think that gender isn't wholly static. That you can be trans, and love being trans, and yet still choose to detransition later in life and be happy with *that* choice as well. I mean, we all (I sure hope it's all) accept genderfluid people in the community, so this concept doesn't seem all that foreign to me. So, if you're happy with your choice, don't let other people tell you they know you better than yourself. And if you're unhappy and were forced into it... I want you to know that I and many others are fighting for a world where that will never have to happen again.
@bookgirlny8511 2 ай бұрын
That’s why we plan on teaching “Gracefully Grayson,” a middle school novel. We just need to get the school board to approve it. 🏳️‍⚧️
@autisticbishounen4474 2 ай бұрын
hey thanks for sharing your detrans experience and still being on our side. i hope that eventually your experiences stop being used as a Gotcha and more folks who share your experiences can feel comfortable sharing and also not turn to bigotry.
@sadfaery 2 ай бұрын
As a trans Floridian, yeah, the main thing keeping me from moving is the fact that I would need to find a new job in a sanctuary state AND save up enough money to actually make the move. At the same time, I'm in turbo gear for trying to find a surgeon and get the kind of bottom surgery I want/need for my dysphoria before my state finally succeeds in banning insurance coverage for gender affirming care (they've been trying to do this for the past two years).
@Squid728 2 ай бұрын
1) I believe in you, stay strong 2) i am bit tired so for a secomd i thought "bottom surgery" means that you want to be bottom in Bed and not that you want to transition. Im sorry that i had to share this but it sounded so weord i had to. Stay strong my Brother or Sister :D
@Bloody_Corpses 2 ай бұрын
My gf who is also trans loves Florida and had no issues currently. What have your experiences been in Florida I can't find much of anything that only showed anti trans bills for minors instead of adults I'm in Canada and I've been outed just by my arm scar and not being able to pass well even though I'm 9 years on T
@TC-8789 2 ай бұрын
Consider that some states you move to may have better job markets and better pay. That was my experience moving from Western NC to NH a number of years ago. In NC it was months getting called back just for retail and warehouse positions. In NH I had a job in 48 hours in my industry that my degree is in. So scope out options that could offer you this. One step back, two steps forward.
@cjboyo 2 ай бұрын
Finding a bottom surgeon in florida is so irritating and scary :(
@pagaporvista569 2 ай бұрын
We just moved to FL, I'm disgusted with the politics and them taking away healthcare. Believe me, a lot of new residents are fighting for you! Hope for a blue (or at least purple) wave this next election, I'm now a registered voter in FL.
@trans_Steph 2 ай бұрын
Last year i was homeless in the woods and worked at an Outback Steakhouse in Florida... no gf or anything no school then the owner started developing on the land i was staying at so all i had was 7 days notice when they showed up to start development. So at that point i called the NYC shelter system and they gave me the address to the intake shelter so i bought a train ticket and left... Now i have two jobs in Manhattan and about to get a place... I cant wait. One of the many reasons for me leaving the state I grew up in and spent my entire life in was because im transitioning. Came up here and never looked back... Best decision ive ever made was leaving Florida. So glad I did.
@TyTurner 2 ай бұрын
wow! great job getting out. congrats on the place soon, you deserve it!
@Bloody_Corpses 2 ай бұрын
My gf who is also trans is in Florida and she loves it there and I'm in Canada and I've had multiple problems trying to pass even though I'm 9 years on T it's hard to know a safer place I wish there was a place that she would enjoy too but she doesn't want to leave Florida
@siiiriously3226 2 ай бұрын
it´s just insane how the religion that claims "love thy neigbour" as one of their core principles is responsible for the worst kind hatred. historically and currently.
@TheAsvarduilProject 2 ай бұрын
There is no hate like Christian love.
@nomisspell 2 ай бұрын
@@TheAsvarduilProject as a Christian trans girl, real. Its being massively misused. The bible does not support these actions.
@he.5865 2 ай бұрын
If it doesn't make sense maybe it's bc it's not true.
@NiaLaLa_V 2 ай бұрын
@@he.5865 It's not true. I am a vegan atheist who never found acceptance on the left. They treat me like garbage and tell me to kill myself. The Christians are my besties. I have literally a dozen very close friends who are all Christians. Yall really do love and accept different people, in my experience at least.
@okaygecko 2 ай бұрын
lol ever heard of islam? death sentence
@artpotato9838 2 ай бұрын
I live in a red state. Im trans and disabled. I cant move its so scary. And my red state doesnt like disabled people either, alot of people want to get rid of stuff that i cant live without. Its so scary and i have no idea what to do 😢 so many of us are stuck.
@jennoscura2381 2 ай бұрын
I am trans and disabled too. I hope things turn out ok for you.
@hotwaterisspicy 2 ай бұрын
also disabled and yeah, they cut the programs for those of us below the poverty level and dependent on care first. They dont care about us, we cant move if we have family here that helps us, no other country will take us either (ive done the research and talked to many people in other countries) because we cost too much and they dont see us as a benefit to their country. who gets voted in (not like either candidate is a good choice) will really matter to us because trump wants to cut everything that doesnt benefit white, hetero, cis male, able-bodied christian nationalists. I can't work. I need a lot of medication, injections, infusions, therapy.... I barely get by on what they give disabled people. im so scared.
@mitcharendt2253 2 ай бұрын
Trans disabled thread, yay
@alexthefae 2 ай бұрын
Exactly and the cowards that leave because they have wealth just abandon everyone else to suffer. While the state gets worse and deeper red
@SeverusSnek 2 ай бұрын
As a fellow disabled trans person, my thoughts are with you and I can only hope that the situation in America gets better
@ReneeLenore 2 ай бұрын
They day they killed Roe, I knew they were coming for us next, and asked my Director to move to our HQ in Paris. Tomorrow will be my 1-year anniversary as a Parisian, and while it’s been a tough year, I know it was the right decision.
@teadrinkerfication9160 2 ай бұрын
So glad you managed to escape 🏳️‍⚧️
@ASMR-Economics 2 ай бұрын
Congrats, the city of lights is wonderful 😊
@EmoBearRights 2 ай бұрын
You need to register to vote oppose Le Pen if you can though.
@johnburt7935 2 ай бұрын
We miss you, of course. Sorry we lost you.
@Occam601 2 ай бұрын
Unfortunately the far right is growing in France too, make sure to keep yourself safe! 🏳️‍⚧️
@bigratman_ 2 ай бұрын
i am a young trans man in uk. nobody knows. it is getting scary here too. i want to move away. sending love man
@_dazai_soukoku 2 ай бұрын
Me too dude. It’s especially scary as a minor who cannot afford to move.
@kcio3erene307 2 ай бұрын
@@_dazai_soukoku im a adult who transagender > trans male (alot to explain), neurodivergent and disabled. despite being in a trans sanctuary i have like one of the worst living conditions. i barely make any income and cant afford to move anywhere. i cant really tell my real story of being trans to my family bc they will not understand why. sending love too
@_dazai_soukoku 2 ай бұрын
@@kcio3erene307 I’m also neurodivergent! Not disabled but I can understand the struggle. Hang in there man. We’ll make it out one day.
@chey7691 2 ай бұрын
​@@Wheels36H3WMNo they can't? Where are you getting that from? It's called terf island by other trans people who live there. Just because they aren't rounding them up doesn't mean it's safe at all.
@WordsHandsHeart 2 ай бұрын
​@@Wheels36H3WM That's a lie told by the transphobes, and deliberately spread by JKR to make it seem like "gender ideology is going wild". :/ It's untrue that people would be arrested for mis-gendering. Instead "gender critical beliefs" are protected in law as a "belief". They have just outright banned puberty blockers for all under 18s and politicians have been openly transphobic in both major political parties. It's... not great right now.
@briannamay5459 2 ай бұрын
Trans women here hi I'm also from New Mexico And it feels like we're so out of the way That nobody ever comes here And it's weird Now that my favorite Transgender KZbinr Just moved to my state That is awesome Welcome to New Mexico Make sure you put green chili on everything
@jessicatymczak5852 2 ай бұрын
Where are you at sweetie, I used to live in Santa Fe, miss it a lot. Would kill to get back, being here in Good Old Texas 🤮
@yeahok8259 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, id love to get out of Texas too 😭
@advil9567 2 ай бұрын
I fled Texas to New Mexico a couple years ago. I’m probably never looking back even though I do love my home and my city
@supernova622 2 ай бұрын
Leaving Florida for NYC but Albuquerque was high on the list of places we considered
@WhatANiceMonth 2 ай бұрын
​@@jessicatymczak5852whyd you go to Texas?
@Vahlee-A 2 ай бұрын
I'm a trans girl in Washington State. It's a relatively safe place here, but I'm so scared the right will force Washington to get rid of protections for us via Project 25.
@KJDogluv 2 ай бұрын
Wa state is one of the top accepting states if not the top one. I am trans and I live here. Trump won’t win btw. Hugs!
@novaalistar 2 ай бұрын
@@KJDogluv Yep! WA and OR are two of THE SAFEST places for trans people and the whole of LGBTQIA. I feel our sibling states will be okay.
@MadameSamASMR 2 ай бұрын
Hell, yea! PNW for the win! ❤🎉
@Brain-dead-gamer 2 ай бұрын
As a Washington resident as well, I'd feel safe if we weren't directly bordering conservative states. But hey, as soon as I can I'm fleeing to Sweden
@costconium 2 ай бұрын
@@Brain-dead-gamer i plan on norway, personally. living in washington now, unfortunately surrounded by unsupportive ppl
@Reptiluvsuash 2 ай бұрын
I am a 14 year old transgender, i have been for three whole years since June 8th... my mother is a Christian homophobic conservative who often dehumanizes me for my gender identity... it was just today when she dismissed my gender identity and even used my own fathers behavior normal compared to my identity (he is legally not even allowed to see me) so I think it's ridiculous to dismiss us because we want to have a different identity... it doesn't hurt people, it doesn't affect people (or shouldn't negatively) and this culture war should be put to rest... I am constantly being bullied, recorded, harassed and followed home and I am silenced while being forced into Christan religion... so I appreciate this video on how to stay safe when I grow older, thank you!
@WournosFromTwitch 2 ай бұрын
I hope things work out for you. Stay safe!
@Reptiluvsuash 2 ай бұрын
@@WournosFromTwitch comment made me smile, i will!!
@chatdonut 2 ай бұрын
Things will work out, I'm in the same situation but luckily I live in Europe, my parents are very Muslim and would probably kill me if they ever found out I was LGBT. We just have to survive until adulthood, internet stranger and we'll be free
@WournosFromTwitch 2 ай бұрын
@@chatdonut You stay safe too! There are way too many people throwing around "they will kill me", but in your case I wouldn't doubt it. I'm so sick of violence in name of 'honour'.
@mossypunk4039 2 ай бұрын
Stay safe kido, its scary out here when we are just trying to be our self's, i would recommend trying to find community so you dont have to deal with everything alone I hope things get better
@logan8963 2 ай бұрын
TO ANY GAY/LESBIAN/BI/TRANS/QUEER+ PEOPLE LOOKING TO MOVE TO CANADA, PLEASE READ THIS: 1. housing is extremely expensive, even more expensive than the US. CAD$800 - 1k for rent at minimum. 2. like housing, groceries are expensive. for 2 weeks, 1-2 people, you may be looking to up to CAD$150-CAD$300. 3. the canadian government (both provincial, especially the prairies, and federal) is taking steps to become trump lite. transphobia, homophobia, sexism, privitized healthcare, etc. canada has been losing its liberal status for years now, but no-one but canada talks about that. ik a lot of countries think of us as nice, maple syrup chugging, pancake eating, stoners but for a lot of places in canada its the exact opposite. canada is a great place to live for now, but the increasing conservatism is scary, especially for queer folk. trust me i know it too well. happy pride. you'll always be valid, you'll always be cared for. be the first to throw a brick. love y'all a canadian queer. ps: the only truly great thing about canada is the legal weed, assuming you can afford it. 8g of flower is CAD$40, a 1g cart is CAD$40. edit: spelling.
@maximon3096 2 ай бұрын
commenting to boost because this is 100% accurate. Canada is NOT a utopia, we are a slightly less shitty version of the US. some conservative are talking about banning trans healthcare, banning abortion, scary shit like that. the clinic i was going to for gender affirming care/gynaecology stuff closed down prolly cause our public healthcare system is being defunded. if you’re thinking of moving here know that we are only a couple steps behind the US. while you might be *safer* here, truly *safe* doesn’t exist on this continent
@duncanneal5278 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting! I had thought about moving to Canada but now I’ll have to rethink. This shit is so exhausting.
@arcanadawn 2 ай бұрын
@@duncanneal5278 You're welcome here in MN, we're kinda Canada-lite, only, we've become more and more tolerant lately (thank all that is good in this world). We do get a bad rap for being "Minnesota Nice" (ie, passive aggressive), but that's towards everyone, not just marganalized communities. We're also rec legal if 420 is your thing, with legal dispensaries for the non-medical folks opening next year. I personally make a habit of complimenting strangers when I'm out of the house (which is rare), to combat the negative stereotype.
@cathyreed538 2 ай бұрын
The federal government is still progressive. It's the opposition and some provincial governments that suck. I live in Alberta and where I am from is very orange. Which means further left than democrats.
@dsatt57 2 ай бұрын
I live in one of the red states that more affordable and food and housing is comparable or more than you mentioned. Everything is high everywhere right now.
@dannikamidgley 2 ай бұрын
They're so obsessed for no reason bro
@high_priestess_eclipses 2 ай бұрын
We are a scape goat for the right to control everyone with hate
@Gerardbackupplz 2 ай бұрын
On my mama
@GeraldEatsSoup 2 ай бұрын
Not for no reason in their minds. Conservatives are so deluded that they think they're fighting some kind of battle
@RND_ADV_X 2 ай бұрын
There is actually a reason. It's because dark desert cultures are using their u.v. influence to move death pressure from their skin color to sex organs. Anyone who questions "gender by sex" is a threat to that.
@robotredkitten817 2 ай бұрын
I think some people can't find a thing to fight for so they kinda make up a problem to solve.
@BeingBoringx2 2 ай бұрын
Dude, even here in liberal SF Bay Area I get that shit. I was in the emergency room and my nurse who thought we formed a bond over our love of Sci-Fi, not knowing I'm gay, started going off on those same things. As soon as someone says "I don't care if your black, white, green or blue, but..." you know you're in for a bigoted rant. As I was being released he overheard that my husband was picking me up and glared at me such a glare. It's why I never said anything and just nodded my head because he had my life in his hands.
@jan_Masewin 2 ай бұрын
There's something about people insisting they aren't discriminatory that rubs the wrong way every. single. time.
@jennoscura2381 2 ай бұрын
I am from the Bay Area. Born in Hayward, raised in Livermore, hat bottom surgery in San Francisco. Unfortunately you find bigots everywhere.
@jennoscura2381 2 ай бұрын
​@@jan_MasewinYea. You wouldn't have to say that you aren't a bigot unless there is a reason someone might think you are a bigot.
@honestlythough7250 2 ай бұрын
“Are you not embarrawsed?”
@mitcharendt2253 2 ай бұрын
​@@jennoscura2381I love your avatar. It's beyond cute.
@moffichu9150 2 ай бұрын
when you were talking about the casual racism part at about 4 minutes, I completely felt that. theres something so morbid about being a 'passing trans person' and just hearing the monstrous things cis Christian guys will say so casually - a lot of them aren't beating the Nazi allegations ...
@Luke-zv6bb 2 ай бұрын
Say more
@moffichu9150 2 ай бұрын
where to start ... theres the smaller things like making crude jokes about black people or being upset about seeing too many black people in a TV show, or just belittling and sometimes even confronting people they find to deviate from the gender norms too much the fundamentalists that I grew up with would regularly defend slavery, usually the classic: "they learned valuable skills" line. I've met multitudes of holocaust deniers. Theres quite a few of them i've met that believe in debunked 1900s race science studies, or sometimes they would try to use the Bible to claim they're "Gods chosen race" or something to that effect ...
@moffichu9150 2 ай бұрын
I stopped because I didn't wanna risk my comment being nuked, but I could really keep going ...
@sorane8910 2 ай бұрын
@@moffichu9150 What the hell.. and that's "casual racism" ??? In my country this kind of stuff is said by the most extreme far right people here, and denying holocaust could get you IN JAIL, or having a big fine to pay if you start saying that on media.
@cewla3348 Ай бұрын
@@sorane8910 germany?
@PokhrajRoy. 2 ай бұрын
I’m so tired of doing verbal gymnastics around ‘believers’ but I’m atheist because of the religious trauma.
@Lambda_Ovine 2 ай бұрын
that one, "you're an atheists because of trauma" is particularly funny to me, and by funny i mean outrageous. putting aside the stupid idea that atheists can't be real or that atheism can't be a legitimate intellectual position on its own, don't they think it's a little messed up that *their* religion traumatized you and me and so many people? they are admitting that they are traumatizing people away from their cult! "you're just traumatized" ok bitch, fix your goddamn religion then, it's hurting people, is this what your god wants? why are you putting the blame on me?
@jennoscura2381 2 ай бұрын
That's certainly understandable. Conservative Christians have a habit of scaring certain people away and causing harm. I am so glad I am Jewish and an atheist. The two largest branches of Judaism in the US; Reform and Conservative, are LGBT accepting. Not to mention Judaism being more open to atheism than Christianity.
@LifeSeekingTruth 2 ай бұрын
A tip for dealing with the "bless your heart" types... Tell the you plan to pray for them, that you're sorry to see they have so much hate in their hearts and will pray god will help them find wisdom and kindness. Alternatively, as some will find that icky for trauma or belief reasons, tell them you'll be praying for them to Cthulu or whatever deity you feel like calling upon. Either of these options *usually* shut them up. People suck.
@DonMachado 2 ай бұрын
@@LifeSeekingTruth That would be The Church of the FSM for me. I'm an ordained minister. 😈
@DonMachado 2 ай бұрын
I'm not an atheist because of trauma, rather organized religion is too ridiculous to be believed. My own trauma came from elsewhere.
@chelseajupiter2103 2 ай бұрын
I also just went through this--from Oklahoma to Washington state. To other people considering making this sort of move, please know that your feelings--fear, grief, anger--are more than valid. I am so hurt and angry that I was driven away from my home. I had family there. I had a home that I had bought. Now I had to go through so much pain and stress, and so did my family and my pets. We should be enraged. But, we have to protect ourselves.
@grettam1695 2 ай бұрын
I’m born and raised in oklahoma and would love to end up somewhere like that. Well done getting to a place that makes you feel safe, and I’m sorry for all the loss and grief you must have had to experience. You give me hope.
@crowsong8097 2 ай бұрын
Fellow trans refugee in Washington here. Glad you made it, and hope you are able to thrive.
@dashellburnham2852 2 ай бұрын
Similar story, and I recently moved to WA myself!
@MadameSamASMR 2 ай бұрын
Born and raised in Washington state here. I’m so glad ya’ll have gotten here safe and hope that life will get better.
@MysTaeryColorful 2 ай бұрын
I grew up in Washington! It's definitely a great place to land after fleeing a red State. My family just had to run from Florida, but we settled on NJ. I feel so much rage, sadness, and longing after leaving, but the safety and friendliness here is helping.
@meghan-d1108 2 ай бұрын
Me and my wife literally have a Uhaul in the driveway so we can move from Indiana to Illinois for this reason.
@soulnightingale9443 2 ай бұрын
The people of Illinois here welcome you, I pray safe travels for your journey.
@syrup_n_waffles 2 ай бұрын
I'm a fellow Hoosier that's luckily in a fairly progressive city, so I'm keeping an eye on where things are going for the state while I save up some money to get away from here. I know Illinois is close by, but I don't think I'm ready to live near Chicago (where it's more progressive), so I'd like to save up to move to Minnesota. To those living in Indiana, please know there are some cities still here that are accommodating for trans people. If you can't afford to leave the state, it might be still possible to at least move to a safer city!
@eliweaver2672 2 ай бұрын
@@syrup_n_waffles I live in one of the safer cities in Indiana. I am disabled, nuerodivergent, and trans and I would be fucked if I was a county over even. I watch state and local politics because my life depends on it. I had someone recently tell me to run for office becuase I would be of great benefit not only to my communiyt but the state as a whole. It really validated how I feel about needing and wanting to make a change in my city/state. I can't even get married without losing my benefits, I can't change my name because of the benefits and the immense hassle it will be. Being nuerodivergent I also have a lot of programs to facilitate daily living. And transferring all of that would be a nightmare. But at least in this city/county I feel safe. I feel safe enough to move my partner here from Georgia to protect her.
@chey7691 2 ай бұрын
Know any you can share? If it's close enough it might be doable, because I certainly don't have the money to move to Illinois. ​@@syrup_n_waffles
@TC-8789 2 ай бұрын
Im considering Chicago ❤
@susan_halla 2 ай бұрын
As the head of a trans org (TransParent) we have been working on helping families find safe spaces. I’ve had friends relocate to Minnesota, New York, and Washington, to name a few. If you are needing financial assistance to relocate, look at the STYEP program from the Campaign for Southern Equality and there is a new(-ish) program out of Colorado, the TransContinental pipeline, that is helping people move to that state. Much love to everyone struggling - there are beautiful people everywhere - my wish is for everyone to find safe spaces!❤
@Moonmoon-ws6jo 2 ай бұрын
This needs to be bumped up to the top, people need this.
@novapulses Ай бұрын
yes bump this up
@shedidntthinkthisthrough Ай бұрын
Any tips for someone who might want to start something similar?
@susan_halla Ай бұрын
@@shedidntthinkthisthrough I would reach out to the Trans Continental Pipeline in Denver and get their take. I’m sure they have some great lessons learned from starting their group.
@samlowy78 2 ай бұрын
Oregon has been great Healthcare wise, but it is risky outside of the metro areas and the cost of living is extremely high.
@Factorum... 2 ай бұрын
The risk is there for most rural areas.
@greedbun 2 ай бұрын
same thing over here in western washington. and eastern washington is another place entirely and is completely red.
@hotwaterisspicy 2 ай бұрын
ive had several POC and white people that have lived in Oregon for years or their whole life tell me that racism is very prevalent in Oregon. Have you found that to be the case?
@fomxgorl 2 ай бұрын
@@hotwaterisspicy i made a trip to Oregon recently and the first person i met just outside of the airport was some guy complaining about mexicans. so, i do believe racism is prevalent in Oregon. haven't heard anything else though
@pleasurepanda3285 2 ай бұрын
I'm planning to move to Oregon, and I spoke to a real-estate agent who specializes in helping LGBTQ people. She advised me to stay away from rural areas.
@LifeSeekingTruth 2 ай бұрын
Not trans myself but have loved ones who are. This entire shit storm is unbelievable. I'll be sharing this vid link to a (private) Facebook group of parents of trans kids, in hopes that some of the many folks I've seen asking advice about moving will get some value out of it. It's sickening and terrifying that American citizens are being forced to flee their homes due to political bullshit. Be safe, Friend. Thank you for your courage, and for sharing your experience. It absolutely sucks that you had to move, and I'm glad that you were able to find a much better place.
@Cloud_Eats_IceCream 2 ай бұрын
The fact that a trans sanctuary is just a place where we have human rights and can access the things we need without too much hate is just sad. Every place should be chill with trans people.
@wishfuldeity 2 ай бұрын
"and shit about the rapture and im like 'i wish it would happen now so you would fucking go' " is a crazy line and i might steal that
@_chirp_6108 2 ай бұрын
unfortunately they don't abide by the simple christian rule of loving thy neighbor as they do themselves, so it's really up there if they would be included
@nobody.of.importance Ай бұрын
I've always said "If heaven is full of people like these, then I would prefer hell any day." No amount of physical torture can compare to having to live with these evil monsters.
@craigmcgee 2 ай бұрын
My family moved out of a red state after my biological father turned out to be my mother and my biological mother turned out to be a lesbian. Complicated family situation but i couldn't be happier in my new blue state!!
@AdamZ-vr3eb 2 ай бұрын
🧐 Your biological father is still your father, because he’s a man. Mothers don’t produce semen, because mothers are female.
@SpikeyBagel 2 ай бұрын
how many moms do you have? also, how do you respond to "your mom" jokes now? (i mean this only half-jokingly)
@GonkaGonkaGonka 2 ай бұрын
​@@SpikeyBagel someone i know in a similar situation says "which one?" and it's hilarious
@MortalinaMortifera 2 ай бұрын
Now THAT is a drama worth making a show over! But really, im happy for you 🩷
@baintreachas 2 ай бұрын
Bruno Riquelme de la Mora??
@carinagomezfernandez7473 2 ай бұрын
I am very sorry to hear this is going on in America. I also don't understand why so many gays are also transphobic as hell. Almost as they have forgotten how they were treated in the past. I live in the Netherlands and here it is relatively safe for transpeople, although this can change in a heartbeat with all those right voters and non-western immigrants. I appreciate your videos very much because you give transmen a voice and visibility.
@MandyGee000 2 ай бұрын
It's sad that we gotta deal with this, even in our own LGBTQ+ community
@HorseDe-luxe 2 ай бұрын
Some gay folk think they're safe from all this, because they already got theirs. Got gay marriage, got a modest general public acceptance. I assume they think those basic consolation prizes somehow put them in the in-group, that the bigots have them off their radar now. But none of that is actually safe. I don't recall, and I don't trust google enough to look it up any more, but I believe it was already reported a few times that the nutjobs on the supreme court have been planning to do to gay marriage what they did to abortion, which just makes the conservative or transphobic gays seem even more insane. Bigotry doesn't stop, even when the last out-group is destroyed, since there's always more differences to scrutinize, more reasons for the bigoted to hate, more lines to draw in the sand. I wish more people could realize that all bigotry, no matter who it's directed at or dealt by, takes root from the same rotten core, and absolutely none of it should be tolerated, because none of us are safe until all of us are, straight and/or cis people included.
@jayw.5810 2 ай бұрын
Here in Germany , a lot o lgbgq people get assaulted by non western immigrants. Hit in the face, harassed in the train, etc. Its horrible.
@demoncorejunior 2 ай бұрын
I lived in Amsterdam for a few months and have some Dutch friends. The culture there was exactly the mind-your-business personal responsibility that Americans love to pretend they’re into. It was refreshing to see everyone being polite and respectful.
@HazelwithaZ 2 ай бұрын
So happy for y'all! Happy pride, fam!! 💖🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️✨🔥❤️
@chrismartinez931 2 ай бұрын
Ayeee! Trans guy from Colorado here! I’m so happy for you Ty! 🖤
@squarepegfb 2 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry you went through those experiences in Arkansas and I'm super happy you are somewhere safer now. I'm in the UK and, especially since we no longer have the right to live in other European countries, there is no sanctuary for British trans people.
@tubebrocoli 2 ай бұрын
Immigration is harder but it is possible, especially with a strong passport like the British or the US one.
@bigratman_ 2 ай бұрын
this is so true! im genuinely thinking of moving away to denmark or netherlands but i am young and have little money or autonomy. i know it is scary. we have to stick together. stay safe bro.
@NerfHerder909 2 ай бұрын
There is the common travel area with Ireland. Not ideal, but better than nothing.
@outerheaven2k7 2 ай бұрын
Sadly I'll probably die in Oklahoma, i just can't get the money- legit would have to choose between moving or trying to get my full time and everything, just have nothing I cry every night about it
@grettam1695 2 ай бұрын
Wishing the best for you from a fellow Oklahomo. I would love to leave but have found some community here too. I hope it gets better for you.
@wreckitremy 2 ай бұрын
As a Kansan, I hear you
@taskrabb1t 2 ай бұрын
as a fellow oklahoman, please know there are many of us organizing and working to build community spaces and grasswork networks to uplift and protect each other. our liberation will never come from our legal system, it will come from our radical love and support for each other. we will always, ALWAYS be here.
@DanaTheInsane 2 ай бұрын
Minnesota, surgery is part of the state health. Think about it.
@UntetheredBanshee 2 ай бұрын
​@@taskrabb1t YES. THIS. 💪 Fleeing FL to start one in a safer place in a couple months!
@Friedbaboons 2 ай бұрын
Crazy to think that ‘genocide is bad’ is now considered a political hot take
@SuperDiabloKin 2 ай бұрын
I can’t believe this is where we are as Trans people. Even though I live in an amicable state I’m still rushing to get my surgery done just in case they outlaw transitioning for everybody. I’m glad you were able to move and get out of there. ❤
@jennoscura2381 2 ай бұрын
I live in Las Vegas. Aside from it being crazy hot here in the summer, I like it. Last year a law was passed mandating that insurance companies cover gender affirming care. Other nice things about Nevada. Marijuana is legal. Modern sporting rifles are legal too. If you are thinking about moving to Las Vegas, come visit in the summer when it's crazy hot. The other day I was going to go out and checked the weather to see how hot it was. My reaction was "Oh good it's only 105". Yea it gets over 110°F here. The other day it was 111. That said, I have gotten used to the heat.
@crowsong8097 2 ай бұрын
My partner and I fled last year from the South to Washington state. The only reason we were able to do this is because of a gofundme. I am bitter about having to leave everything I have ever known, but grateful for the chance to try starting again. We are refugees in a real sense.
@TheWarrrenator 2 ай бұрын
As a queer person, I left West Virginia almost ten years ago and I am so much happier now in Seattle than I was back then. I miss my family and old friends but that’s the sacrifices we make for our well being. There are plenty of pragmatic needs to contend with relocating but don’t take anything you wouldn’t save from a burning building. Wherever you go, there will be coffee cups and towels. One thing I wanted to add is that there is a good feeling knowing that the law is on our side here and places like here, no matter what the bigots try to do, even while they claim that states’ rights are a priority (as long as the state is as red as they are.)
@larksmith629 2 ай бұрын
One quick note about prescriptions: some insurance providers through employment will only fill prescriptions in the state where you are employed. So if, like me, you moved somewhere to work remote, you may have to call up the pharmacy where you currently fill your prescription and ask them to forward it to your new city, instead of asking your prescriber directly. Hope everyone moving feels happy and safe in their new home ❤
@yeahok8259 2 ай бұрын
Saving this for when I need it. Thx!
@stasacab 2 ай бұрын
I left Eastern Finland, moved to California, where I became liberated in 1997. For Green Card reasons I had to move back to Finland and the situation was such that I went to Putin's Russia. Then I came back and I have found a place in Finland to live that calls it the rainbow capital of the country. Yesterday far-right collapsed in elections. So, all in all, I have lived like a nomad.
@kriskabin Ай бұрын
Interesting, aren't all the Nordic countries good when it comes to LGBTQI people? Especially Sweden & Norway.? Iceland, too. We'd like to have you back here in California, but it's not even safe here if these radicalized republicons win the 2024 election. Their Project 2024 is another Mein Kampf plan. So, for your safety, stay in Europe!
@salmin1711 Ай бұрын
As a very much not cis-het person in America,it's very relieving to hear that the Finnish far right party collapsed. It fills me with hope for my country.
@stasacab Ай бұрын
@@salmin1711 Many people understand the assignment, both in the USA and abroad. That is a good start.
@avirtualcanvas7584 2 ай бұрын
As a 59 year old gay Trans man I am now looking to leave the UK as under the two main political parties it is simply not safe to live here as a trans man or woman. Ty I know you have spoken about the few states in the U.S that are for now safe for trans people. But If you have the time could you make a video about other countries in the world that are safe to move to for Tans people.(Matt) P.s If Trump wins the election no where in the U.S will be safe for the Trans community under 'project 2025'. I hate that in my life time that Transphobia has gotten so out of control in the world now.
@jayw.5810 2 ай бұрын
Hi, can you explain a little about how life in the UK got worse as a trans person? Thanks, I would appreciate it. I live in Germany. I always wondered how it was to got to Ireland but I heard that they hardly have trans health care and that some ppl even come here to get the operations done.
@ashergibson9969 2 ай бұрын
The UK has gotten a lot worse in the last five years. Back in 2018 we were on the cusp of having self-ID, but once Boris Johnson's government came in they began listening to a lot of very nasty gender-critical lobby groups. Since then, they banned puberty blockers for kids (it happened in 2020, got overturned by the courts, then happened again), are trying ban teaching about trans issues in schools, banned the development of new gender neutral toilets in public (i.e. governmental) buildings, are repressing scientific research into gender and sex, and want to remove anti-discrimination protections for trans people from our Equality Act. That's not to mention their chronic neglect of NHS gender clinics, which often have waiting lists of 7+ years
@avirtualcanvas7584 2 ай бұрын
@@jayw.5810 the two current main political parties have both passed laws and bans the trans community here in the UK,restricting access almost totally for young trans people,they are changing the equalities act to ban trans people from single sex spaces,they refuse to ban conversion therapy for trans people.They blocked a new law which would have made it easier to change our birth certificates and passports etc.Teachers are forced to out trans kids to their parents and there is a version of the bathroom bill passed in America also in operation here in the UK.They want to ban trans women nurses from cis female hospital wards and ban trans male nurses from cis male wards,force them to use the wrong bathrooms and trans patients will be placed on wards of their assigned birth.A trans male MP was forced to out himself because he was being blackmailed,Trans people are banned from all sport in the UK. A recent government commissioned report is now being twisted to justify passing further bans and restrictions on the trans community in the UK including prohibiting anyone accessing trans health care untill a person turns 25.They are forcing young people to de-transition or stopping them from transitioning in the first place,so that there are less trans adults in the future.they are talking about banning trans people from being able to adopt or foster children,they have now made it illegal for families of young trans people to access private trans health care or to go to other countries to get access to trans health care.The government in the UK is also trying to change being trans gender from being a recognised medical condition back to being seen as a mental health conditions that can be cured which is why they won't ban conversion therapy. it's a general election in the UK very soon (July 4th) and all political parties are targeting the trans community.They are mirroring what is happening to the trans community in America and determined to do the same in the UK. There is talk of a trans genocide on the U.S but there is talk of it here in the UK,the press and media also demonize and dehumanize the trans community in the UK spurred on by both main political parties in the UK doing the same thing,and of course sadly JK Rowling is British and also fuelling the anti trans rhetoric in the UK (Matt)
@coal9205 2 ай бұрын
​@@jayw.5810 one person. JK Rowling. She started to get really vocal about her hatred for trans people a few years ago and because of that, people in the UK got bolder with their hate and then the politicians got bolder with their hate. It's probably a lot more that's started the snowball effect but jk Rowling is absolutely one of the people who kicked the snowball that's now becoming a snow boulder
@coal9205 2 ай бұрын
JK Rowling has also done a whole lot of other shit. She's a blatant Holocaust denier, she hangs out with neo Nazis and if you call her out for her Holocaust denial in the UK she will SUE YOU.
@brendanvanpelt52 2 ай бұрын
South Dakota is the same. Some 1940s Germany lovers just marched near our home. My wife and I are moving abroad for her grad school.
@qzamboni 2 ай бұрын
Oh boy
@yeahok8259 2 ай бұрын
@demoncorejunior 2 ай бұрын
Which countries are on your list? Unfortunately the right wing is gaining power in Europe too.
@brendanvanpelt52 2 ай бұрын
@@demoncorejunior Saint Kitts and Nevis. It may not be better, but at least there are no white nationalists
@ninaschust3694 2 ай бұрын
The same people who don't want you to go to the men's restroom are the same that would scream at you for using the women's restroom. Make it make sense...
@leosullivan9228 2 ай бұрын
is still OK to shit in the bushes. but you do you
@beetlebob4675 Ай бұрын
​​@@leosullivan9228 Have you ever lived in a van in the desert? The gold claims? Be careful which tailings pile you investigate. You might find some of my shit.
@bluejai4212 2 ай бұрын
Honestly thank you so much for this. I’m an Idaho native FtM and shit is getting scary here. The town I live in is increasingly dangerous, to the point where there are very few “out” trans people. There are people on my block that have expressed anti-trans rhetoric and I’m pretty much terrified to leave my house. Unfortunately, my options are pretty limited given that I’m poor 😂
@wurmspaghetti 2 ай бұрын
i'm ftm as well and have lived my whole life in north idaho, and i 100% agree and sympathize. me and my partner are both disabled so it's incredibly hard for us to keep jobs, let alone move away. the disability help here is also basically nonexistent. it's getting pretty scary, especially after the patriot front incident at CDA pride. i hope you're able to get out. hang in there, we're in this together!
@animatedastronaut8967 2 ай бұрын
hello fellow idaho ftm sibling i see you
@FaryaWolyo_ 2 ай бұрын
@UTTPW Weird behavior
@mixtersushi 2 ай бұрын
Always plan on cleaning any new place you're moving into. We bought a house in 2020 and started by cleaning the bedrooms first, including wiping down walls and shampooing the carpets. Do this, even with rentals, because you can't rely on landlords to actually clean up between tenants.
@RowdyZeePAY 2 ай бұрын
This is amazing, two trans dudes uploaded within 10 minutes! (Ty and Jammidodger)
@madalynnjagla5147 2 ай бұрын
@RowdyZeePAY 2 ай бұрын
​@@madalynnjagla5147I just noticed! This is great :D
@chrisbfreelance 2 ай бұрын
Both smug groomers.
@nobody.of.importance Ай бұрын
Both lovely folks. Watching their stuff is hard for me though because of how depressing things have been lately.
@RowdyZeePAY Ай бұрын
@@nobody.of.importance That's rough, I hope things improve for you. You can get through this!
@wakewakey 2 ай бұрын
As a person who moved years ago, my one regret is i had not yet changed my birth certificate and changed my drivers license in the new state. Now my home state, nc, is difficult. So if you can still do it, do it before you leave
@regionalatleast 2 ай бұрын
leaving florida for upstate ny in exactly one week. this shits scary. im so unsafe here but im reeeeally gonna miss my friends the little bits of family i have left. and the beaches tbh 🥲 ive just been struggling to start my transition and i even had to detrans living in florida cause of it lmao. either way i have a really good support system up there, im excited to finally start my life
@Bloody_Corpses 2 ай бұрын
Best of luck 🤗 my gf who is in Florida loves it there and she didn't have any problems currently 🤔 but I'm in Canada and I've had several problems because I don't pass well even though I'm 9 years on T. If it's ok to ask what are your experiences in Florida? What was the scariest parts of living there
@volk4523 2 ай бұрын
If you're near any of the Trillium Health or University of Rochester facilities should go there for treatment. Good activists that'll get you treatment quick.
@itaraaah 2 ай бұрын
If you're anywhere near Syracuse or Oneida, I go to college there :-) I've only had good experiences! I paradoxically go to a really rural college with a super progressive community. It's awesome. I wish you the best in moving
@fearsomebeard4290 2 ай бұрын
Congratulations Ty on your move. I know it isn’t always an easy decision to leave your home but I’m happy, for you, that you did. None of us need to stress of unnecessary policing of private lives. I’m now an older cis white gay man who in 1990 at age 26 left small town Appalachia for the west coast, Seattle first then eventually settling in San Diego, for a life free of discrimination and am so happy I did while I was young enough to live my life. You are young, live your life!
@psychette8846 2 ай бұрын
The way you describe your old home is how I felt in Toronto. I did the reverse and fled to the countryside and life is much better. Unemployable in Toronto, instantly employed outside. Being transexual is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get.
@Bloody_Corpses 2 ай бұрын
I'm also in Canada did you move out of Canada or are you still in Canada?
@itaraaah 2 ай бұрын
May I ask which rural area you moved to? I'm very curious in studying rural areas that are seemingly paradoxically progressive. I go to college in upstate, bumfuck New York, but the town surrounding my college is quite progressive. We even have a coffee shop run by a local gay couple that the queer locals love to attend. It's a really nice combo to be in a beautiful, gorgeous nature-filled area and have a community of queer and allied folks.
@psychette8846 2 ай бұрын
@@itaraaah I am north of you. Honestly and literally. In 'gay friendly' cities people have expectations of you and they want to own your transition. In small towns they don't really want to know and I do know several gay and trans people who live out this area because there is less pressure and you can be lived for being you and not your transition or sexuality. I live stealth and I like it. I suspect my coworkers know but I don't raise the issue and so they don't either. I work hard and smart and that is what matters to them. Kevin O'learly's company Stream is also up this area and there were around 5 trans people working there and there is a military base and several more trans people there.
@itaraaah 2 ай бұрын
@@psychette8846 That's incredibly interesting. I'm always of the belief that no identity is a monolith. Some marginalized folk don't see their identity as a huge part of them, while others do. I fully respect the desire to live stealth. For me, that kind of lifestyle would be suffocating, as I love talking about my identity with those who relate to me.
@psychette8846 2 ай бұрын
@itaraaah Early on I did share, but people will use what they know about you to hurt you. I didn't just lose a job, I lost a career. Even 5 years after losing my job people would destroy new opportunities for me. Transition is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get. Times are different now, but I just continue with what works.
@fawcettliquesgaming2063 2 ай бұрын
This came at the perfect time! I’m working on moving to New Mexico in the next month or so from Kentucky. Definitely helped with some tips!
@christya2488 Ай бұрын
It is so sad that this is happening in America. As a Christian woman living in a red state, I want to say to any trans people that may read this that I am so sorry this is happening to you. I would welcome you as my neighbor, just as God would. Discrimination is unGodly. Bless you all. Sincerely, Voting Blue In A Red State.
@bnanaz 3 ай бұрын
You're doing a great job of looking out for the trans community Ty, respect :)
@TyTurner 2 ай бұрын
Thank you 😭
@GDRhythmic 2 ай бұрын
How is this comment from a day ago 💀
@Phobiaph0bic 2 ай бұрын
@@GDRhythmic Probably was unlisted and was gotten to through a membership of some kind.
@Prieze868 2 ай бұрын
Yes it reminded me of getting a massage and there was a lesbian woman that run this massage place and she was saying transphobic comments.i thought poor trans women and everybody could hear even though we couldn't see her from behind all these curtains where people having massages she was very vocal
@GDRhythmic 2 ай бұрын
@@Phobiaph0bic ohhhh that makes sense. Thanks!
@DoubleOld7 2 ай бұрын
When I moved to Atlanta after college I scheduled a visit every 2 weeks and would plan as many job interviews as I could during those 3 day visits. The second trip I stayed at a hotel where I ran into an old friend's from my town that I did not know was working there. He called another old friend of ours also living there who came to the hotel and insisted I stay with he & partner. When I did get a gig he drove me around to find an apartment then drove me back home 6 hours away in his truck and helped me move my stuff. We became best of friends over the years and I stayed there 25 years.
@jackhyena 2 ай бұрын
As a black trans man in Florida, I definitely plan on moving next year! I do have family in New York but they’re unfortunately transphobic but I have to move in with them bc it’s cheaper. I jst hope they’ll accept me when I eventually socially transition.
@d_lynn421 2 ай бұрын
I lived in NM for a year. It was the best place I've ever lived. I was soo happy. Wound up back east bc of family (the family that I'm not in contact with anymore). And now my job and support network are here so no plans to leave. But if I did... NM would be top of my list. Glad you are in a safe place and can be your authentic self. ❤
@LoganHollowC 2 ай бұрын
I drive a box truck for work and I def don’t envy you that long drive in a storm, glad you all made it safe❤
@shanethestampede 2 ай бұрын
I started my transition in 2010. I am in Wichita, KS which is where I was born and raised, and initially started my transition here too. I have faced discrimination many times, and have severe medical trauma as the hospitals here have left me to suffer, put me through severe trauma, abuse even, lied to me about my results, literally left me to die several times. Other HRT, haven't made much progress transition wise, still need top surgery, etc. I don't really have any healthy support systems, and I have mental health disabilities (AuDHD, CPTSD, etc) along with physical disabilities though I have been fighting to get disability for almost 4 years and have been denied two times. I just got hit by a car May 20th on the way to donate blood while riding my electric scooter which was my only transport. I want to move to Oregon or Colorado, though I don't have the funds or even transport or anything at all, I haven't even visited those locations. I will be 31 this year and the last time I went to visit somewhere for fun out of state, I was 14 or 15. I don't have a partner or close friends either. The laws here are also getting bad as well, and I know that I am hated by medical professionals outside of inclusive locations, the police also don't like me either. My dog is going to b 16 this year, and I have had her since she was a puppy, and I can't imagine losing her, and my three cats also mean the world to me too. Honestly, my four furbabies are the reasons I am still alive and everything I am currently living for at this point. This video is very helpful for those who still have a chance, those who have the means, or those who want to have an idea of what to do.
@GrimmDelightsDice 2 ай бұрын
If you ever need a trans CO contact, I'm inkynewt everywhere ♡
@wreckitremy 2 ай бұрын
I'm in Kansas too, but I can't afford to move.
@tundraillustration 2 ай бұрын
Wishing you all the best. I also love my animals. Good luck my friend.❤
@boombabri 2 ай бұрын
It’s so crazy that being trans is illegal is some lands. how do you outlaw a person?? or a trait??
@IDoABitOfTrollin 2 ай бұрын
They dont see trans people as human, thats why
@mayuuumie 2 ай бұрын
i live in Austin Texas. i feel safe in the city but the rest of texas is unsafe. like a small island in the middle of the ocean.
@sassacrushed 2 ай бұрын
same. i was born here and i love it mostly but it’s gotten prohibitively expensive and i’m tired of it being the only “safe” place around. unfortunately, seems everywhere else that’s “safe” to go are also prohibitively expensive. Shit sucks
@GeekInSequins 2 ай бұрын
I'm near Austin but do not feel safe anymore after someone was murdered in a hate crime close to where I live. I am not trans, but my sibling is. I am bisexual. Neither of us are safe.
@yeahok8259 2 ай бұрын
I’m near round rock; we have a combination of SUPER far right old people / boomers, and queer people. But I almost always see queer people accompanied by parents, or in big groups. Of course I can’t assume anyone is queer or not, but still. The amount of anti small-talk I hear all the time about queer people is awful. I’m closeted gay and I hate having to serve far right wingers
@theduckfather7492 Ай бұрын
Wish I could go there. I'm stuck in the deep conservative small towns of Texas and am so depressed
@DeadDamsel 2 ай бұрын
It’s ironic that I was just disowned by my father for being trans… but he moved to New Mexico and is probably now about to see a bunch of trans people in public. Lmao
@PokhrajRoy. 2 ай бұрын
Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈 WELCOME BACK! Missed your videos and livestreams.
@rw9207 2 ай бұрын
As a British Trans-woman who lived in Dallas for 13yrs with a successful career and many good friends, I regretfully felt, I had to move back to the UK.Although, it wasn't the only reason, Trump and the GOP's increasing hostility towards trans-women, in particular, was finally the last straw..... I will miss Dallas, but, the anti-trans hostility among some, has become to stressful.
@alisonf6478 Ай бұрын
As a mom to a trans teenager living in Dallas, I understand 100%. Thus far we haven’t had any horrible experiences, but the general vibe is definitely not accepting. ❤
@captainpocky 24 күн бұрын
I may eventually have to move back there myself 😣Kinda worried about it and what I'll even do...
@wildbnuuy3267 2 ай бұрын
I'm in the only middle of the road state. I was also 40 before I started the process. I don't feel any negative impact and I live in a Christian household. Big difference is the patriarch of the household spent a good chunk of his life on a submarine under the Alaskan waters so people, all people, had the freedom to live how they wanted. So if an almost as old as Trump military Christian man can accept and love a trans person and "not have to understand to be good to someone" then why can't the rest of the country, it's asinine. I thought the whole point of this country was to not have religion (and other) things and what not shoved and forced upon us. Funny how so many people have forgotten why this infant of a country exists not even 250 years later... if they are so senile maybe they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near any kind of law making choices then they can see how it feels. :D I'm from Oregon, I wanted to get back there, but another trans person told me it was horrible in Oregon and they want to move away, now I don't know where/if anywhere is safe anymore. :(
@DanaTheInsane 2 ай бұрын
@neferiusnexus 2 ай бұрын
I legit had no idea until you said "we". Really puts to bed their whole "you can always tell" argument. GG my dude 😎
@gizmo_gadgets6482 2 ай бұрын
In a weird way, all of this has made me feel very lucky. I’m a trans teen living in Texas, but i’m planning to move to California for college. I feel lucky that i’m almost in the perfect place in my life to pack up and leave, and that my parents are supportive of me and will financially help me, as they are very well off (i do plan to cover most of my own expenses but my parents want to help with tuition and stuff). I’ll be able to transition in peace, as I can’t do it until 18 anyways. To all the trans people who are stuck in red states, I hope you are able to find some peace. It sucks. Your all amazing people that deserve to be happy. I wish I could share some of my privilege with you. (Ps sorry if this came off too gloaty or rich person complex of me. I just sat back after this video and felt very lucky about the fact that I might have a future in this world. I figured maybe it’s be inspiring to someone else?)
@keeshy Ай бұрын
California will be happy to have you! It's awesome here 😊
@almondmilk1500 2 ай бұрын
1:10 honestly, hearing the "small town trans guy" hit me like a sledgehammer, you pass super well. congrats on the transition!
@cheekychulo5220 2 ай бұрын
Transman here, currently living in Massachusetts (moved here w/ family from Puertorico) grateful this state is accepting of the lgbtq community and has good medical coverage, my insurance covered my mastectomy back in 2015 and preparing for a hysterectomy soon. For some years I’ve been looking into relocating to a state with warmer climate like Florida or Arizona but this video really enlightened me that there’s only so many options.. things are getting scary.. aside from the cold winter months and high costs of living especially in the Boston area, this is a really good state for trans individuals seeking medical coverage. There’s many resources, events, and nightlife to meet others too. Thank you for the video!
@williamhealey6862 Ай бұрын
I’m also in the Boston area. MTF. I’ve never had anything bad happen. Once in a great while someone might be a little rude. I have two jobs and never had a problem. Some people at work only talk to me if they need too but never had a co worker been rude to me. Plus the medical here is great. Sadly as you said cost of living here is ridiculous
@dabi332 2 ай бұрын
I'm a 17 year old trans masc person living in Florida. I can't leave for the next 4 years at least due to school but once I'm done with school I am going to leave.
@Flurgarama 2 ай бұрын
Welcome to New Mexico! My best friend & I moved to NM from PA in 1994 and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. I look forward to hearing about your move and how you are both adjusting to the Land of Enchantment. Bueno bye!
@SundayMorning91 2 ай бұрын
I wanna move so badly. Im in Louisiana. I work for a city government, and while my boss is super nice, we start every meeting with prayer, which makes me a little uncomfortable. All of my coworkers seem to go to bible study, which makes me feel a little odd one out. And the state itself is moving to mandate the ten commandments in public schools. It feels like a matter of time before they ban teaching about evolution. Im just on the spectrum and have a hard time conceptualizing and outlining the whole process of relocation. Hopefully this video will help, so thank you Ty.
@lucyj7688 2 ай бұрын
I'm living in Western Australia 🇦🇺 & I've been out as a trans man for 8 months now. I've only just found out that I've got to wait another year before I'm allowed to go on T which sucks big time. I'm 55 years old & loving life. Watching what happens in the US is pretty disturbing to say the least. Watching your show on this overcast Monday afternoon hoping that it will rain 🌧 again. I'm glad you're happy 😊 ❤❤❤😅😁🇦🇺
@DarkPriestessLucee 2 ай бұрын
A year? In Australia? It must be getting worse lately. I wouldn't be waiting. In your position, I'd be asking the gymrats where they get their stuff from. I waited less than 3 months for E. Even then, I paid over $100 to take a one month shortcut.
@lucyj7688 2 ай бұрын
Nope, that's the law here, unfortunately & just because I haven't changed my utube name to my real name now doesn't make me any less a man. 😊🇦🇺
@KonekoNyan Ай бұрын
Informed Consent isn't a thing in Austrailia?
@DarkPriestessLucee Ай бұрын
@@KonekoNyan .. It only takes a 5 minute appointment with a psychiatrist, for them to say "yep, you're of sound mind to know what you're getting into". The problem is having to wait a million years to score an appointment.
@pleasurepanda3285 2 ай бұрын
Congratulations on your move. New Mexico is a beautiful place. It's one of the states I considered. The food there is great too.
@1st1anarkissed 2 ай бұрын
Its very disturbi.g watching USA walk the same path as did Germany a century ago.
@ajlucky0076 2 ай бұрын
It is, and this coming election will decide America's fate
@twig6102 2 ай бұрын
I'm a trans guy in New Mexico and I'm only just realizing how good I have it here! Welcome to the Land of Enchantment, much love
@super8bitable 2 ай бұрын
I wanna move to Minnesota so bad. Fuck my current state!
@elaexplorer 2 ай бұрын
I grew up there. Not a lot of diversity but a lot of left-leaning people. Not much to do either unless you're in the twin cities.
@super8bitable 2 ай бұрын
@@elaexplorer There’s literally nothing to do where I am so it’s a pretty big upgrade regardless.
@GeekInSequins 2 ай бұрын
I'm curious about the Minnesota as well! I am not trans, but my sibling is, and I am a bisexual cis woman. We live in Texas, one of the most hostile states for LGBT+ people. Last year, a lesbian woman was murdered in a hate crime close to where I live, and that was the last straw for me. We're in a more progressive area of the state, but that was not enough to prevent this young woman's death. I am hoping to get myself and my sibling somewhere safe. Another couple of pluses of Minnesota for me would be colder weather (I dislike the heat,) and a chance to get in touch more with my Norwegian heritage. No place is perfect, of course, but Minnesota as a state has been going out of its way to become an LGBT+ sanctuary.
@amberanderson528 2 ай бұрын
Why minnesota
@Decithe 2 ай бұрын
I'm so glad your experience in New Mexico has been so great! I lived there for a period of 19 months or so and my experiences with the healthcare were a pretty mixed bag, and at one point needed to contact a state senator to get some help with what was going on. But the Transgender Resource Center in ABQ was an absolute godsend.
@andyspillum3588 2 ай бұрын
I am cis (an ally), I currently live in NC, all of the casual transphobia/racism/homophobia is really making me want to run, I have a bunch of friends in Seattle and Portland that have been trying to talk me into moving back there, but I keep getting the feeling that if all the people like me leave, will I be making this place even less safe? Would I be "sacrificing" the vulnerable people that, I would like to believe, I provide a modicum of coverage for, for my mental health?
@qh8079 2 ай бұрын
dude, the next step for trans people is banning their healthcare and most likely genocide, from either the government or the civilians, if i were you id round up everyone you can and leave the US before the shit hits the fan
@ratatouille6522 Ай бұрын
Your heart is in the right place By joining your friends in friendly states, you help ensure those states remain hospitable. It’s not your job to convert NC into a sane state with sane policies
@ajaxbird2348 2 ай бұрын
I have been on testosterone for 8 months, and I have reached the point where I get weird looks no matter which gendered bathroom I go into. Luckily, the state I live in currently only have laws about public schools and government buildings. But it's scary. My partner and I plan to move to CO as soon as financially possible, but money, you know?
@Lavender_Academic 2 ай бұрын
Currently in GA to finish my PhD, but excited to move back up to NY or New England once I graduate!
@heyheyhey40 2 ай бұрын
Do you feel threatened in GA? It’s a conservative place that is in transition and becoming more and more democratic. But I feel even the liberals in GA have conservative perspectives.
@Jackie_Sins 2 ай бұрын
Hey Ty, long time no see. Take care, man. Happy Pride 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@Lica_The_Furry 2 ай бұрын
I can relate to the small-talk being replaced with bigotry thing HARD. I used to live in a very, *very* rural part of Michigan with my biological father, who was extremely conservative. Literally *every single time he dragged me to a bar with him*, he would find someone he vaguely knew and just ramble about how much he hates leftists and hates trans people and hates black people. Every time his friends came over? More of the same. The worst part is, virtually everyone in that area was like that, and many would feed him even more disinformation that he could spew at others (a la "they put litterboxes in [local area] high school because one of the students there IDENTIFIES as a furry" [i had to try SO hard not to blow my cover with that one]) Now that i'm out of that place, it's almost abnormal to me seeing actual people having conversations about things they like, rather than things they hate.
@dramonmaster222 2 ай бұрын
Happy Sunday Ty. Glad you moved to a safer place.
@Pvnk_Eternal 2 ай бұрын
It's me. I'm trans in Florida.. and yes, the answer is definitely to leave. Pulse Nightclub is always on our minds. And Pride parades and celebrations are held with tension.. fear of a b0mbing or a sh00ting..
@duncanneal5278 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this. I live in Louisiana and I’ve made up my mind that if we go through a bad hurricane and our house is wrecked I’m moving to Illinois. My family lives in Kentucky and I own land there but Kentucky is not safe. I have a few friends in Illinois through a few groups I’m in. I’m tired of the hurricanes to be honest and last presidential election my city was hit by a cat 5 hurricane. I was able to fix my house but if it happens again I’m out. I’m trying to hold on long enough so my husband can take early retirement from his job. Honestly I’ve thought about leaving America all together and going to Canada. So I’ll see where the winds take me.
@TravisLoneWolfWalsh 2 ай бұрын
I can't even Imagine having to 'look for sanctuary" in my own country
@cattifyed 2 ай бұрын
"outlawing sex or gender transition at any age" these middle aged dudes on T are going to be forced to live with their bodies in their natural state then right?
@Him_He_Me 2 ай бұрын
Stay safe my beautiful USA transbrothers! You are valid and very loved from all over the world and you have our support. Im sooo sorry things have gone backwards in USA. Its so insane. Things in Australia arent transphobic per se, but we dont have much going for trans health here. Stay strong everyone. 🥰🏳‍🌈🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧♥♥
@pikloo4631 2 ай бұрын
To add on to the rant during "should you move;" As a queer minor (I'm aroace, lotta love in my heart for all the queer folk of the world and in my community) I have ONLY gotten flack from conservatives. I hate that the biggest arguments they pull out are "they shove their identities down our throats!" Every class I take has at least two students who only ever make misogynist, sexist, racist, xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic comments. The trans and gay students in that class never say a thing. They don't even correct people on pronoun usage. They just deal with it. When i was taking a driving lesson, the instructor started rambling about officializing trans visibility day on Easter (he actually said "if they had a christian white man visibility day, id celebrate that!" No joke.) Just assuming me and the other kid felt the same way. We're kids. Why are you sharing all of your hate with two highschoolers? Why is being kind, respectful, and supportive politicized? I wouldn't consider myself political, but if letting people partake in harmless activities that makes them the best they can be is political, then fine. It's so exhausting. Its sickening. But i digress. Congrats on the move!! I won't be able to move out for another few years depending on college situations, but this little storytime was very informational and fun. Thanks, Ty!
@chrisholds1 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video! Congratulations on your successful move! I wish you, your Lady & your fuzzy family all the best in this fresh start!
@dreamofbuffalostudio5756 2 ай бұрын
I hope you guys stay safe! Having grown up in NM myself, I can definitely agree it’s a beautiful place! But some areas are definitely better avoided
@jessieh0928 2 ай бұрын
I liked Virginia. I was so happy when I went to the dmv and saw the option for putting Non-binary on my license! I never got to do it, because circumstances made me come back to Texas. I want to move back
@UntetheredBanshee 2 ай бұрын
Virginia is still a red state. They have lots of bad laws and will continue to and might have worse ones again. Find a safer place please!
@cattokai1015 2 ай бұрын
“If you live in Florida, the answer is to leave.” My enby ass is planning to as we speak lol
@babyroe8685 Ай бұрын
you're not trans, therefore youre safe
@robotredkitten817 2 ай бұрын
The "land of the free" thing feels like a joke.
@TheAsvarduilProject 2 ай бұрын
America is a scam.
@Sp0n937rOn Ай бұрын
FReEdoM fOr mE aND NoT fOR tHeE!
@Rose_Daemon 2 ай бұрын
i fled Texas May of 2023. moved in with my at the time girlfriend (now wife) in Ohio. January of 2024 and the governor executive actions a ban on hrt. we now live in Minnesota. i can't stress enough how traumatizing moving twice in less than a year has been for me. like, be ready to need therapy.
@Bloody_Corpses 2 ай бұрын
Wow I didn't know they could ban hrt for adults 😱
@gilesclone 2 ай бұрын
My son and I moved my parent’s stuff from Kansas to Arizona this year. We got caught in the same storm in our U-Haul. lol. Glad you are in a safer space. Wish you the best.
@Shy-xm4kn 2 ай бұрын
Nevada is one of those states where it’s very 50/50. Voting here really matters. I’m scared queer/trans/women’s rights here may be erased.
@ContainerYeast 2 ай бұрын
I really hope Nevadan politicians get it together... it makes me sick seeing people completely wipe out lgbtq+ rights while having zero knowledge on lgbtq+ people.
@Horus-Lupercal 2 ай бұрын
Happy for you bro. ✌️ Much love from New Zealand.
@samanthaamburgey4128 2 ай бұрын
So funny that you mention New Mexico for where you moved to! I moved from Missouri to California (and then back again a year later, but that's a different story.) and almost decided to stop in ABQ because the state is soooo pretty. Fell in love with it on my drive through, and it was such a relief to cross the border into NM after being paranoid driving through Texas all day.
@ghinjar8636 2 ай бұрын
Isnt it bleak that people have to run from their own government? The institution that should protect them?
@qh8079 2 ай бұрын
isnt it sad to know that most of the US is falling into manipulation because people just listen to what the government tells them and not the truth, the US is filled with hate, our kids too feel the same way, we are actually going to have a civil war
@Dimonds456 2 ай бұрын
I'm a Michigander, and I love my state to death, but with everything happening right now, I'm not sure it'll be okay to stay. It's a pretty trans-positive state on the whole, but it's not a sanctuary, not yet. If things keep getting scary, I'm looking into moving to somewhere northeast. I've heard there's better doctors out there anyway, fghjdks. Wishing everyone luck! Keep each other and yourselves safe!
@weallstilldie 2 ай бұрын
As a Michigander, I’ve only had bad experiences by chance when I visit the U.P., and I think that’s where all the bad juju is coming from. (Seriously though, the people up there are REALLY weird and my mom’s side lives up there. The last time we visited was strange as hell, and I do sort of have a genuine feeling that there’s people up there holding back Michigan from being a safe spot.)
@l0stnam312 2 ай бұрын
I've got a couple of trans friends living here in Melbourne Australia coming from other places around the world, including the US, for this exact reason. Most of them have come on a study VISA to study at university or Tafe (our version of community college kind of), until they find a job that will take them after their study VISA has expired and they can move to a work VISA
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