MPIs digital restoration of the Zapruder film / how it was done

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MPIs digital restoration of the Zapruder film / how it was done

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@josephcarlbreil5380 7 жыл бұрын
All of the advanced restoration tools available today simply boggles the mind. And, it will get better as time marches on.
@BRUTUALTRUTH 7 жыл бұрын
well said :)
@RicoChovski7593 9 жыл бұрын
7071t6 asked, "why is the film split, with only 1 side having sproket (sic) holes?" The Bell and Howell 414 PD held a canister of 16mm film which was first run in one direction, with half the width of the film being exposed, then the canister could be removed, flipped and reloaded, so that the other half could be exposed (analogous to half-track audio tape, i.e., audio cassettes). In the developing process, the 16mm negative was sliced longitudinally to print 8mm positives. (I'm reasonably certain only two positives were printed, at least initially.) I've no idea what happened to the negative, but it would be helpful to have it in its entirety to see which bits are missing from the 8 mm positives. (It shouldn't be all beat up from repeated viewing and copying as are the positives.) What we should be asking is, "Where is the negative?" (Unless it's been released and I'm just ignorant of that fact.)
@WAQWBrentwood 8 жыл бұрын
You are right sir! I should have read your comment before doing mine!
@7071t6 8 жыл бұрын
+RicoChovski7593 Why has NARA only have 25 ft of film, when theres 50ft re: 25ft of film on both sides right & copys were made as well at the airport Kodak processing plant, so wheres the copys of the so called Zapruder film, which the secret service agent forest sorrels took straight of Zapruder that day friday 22nd NOV 1963, look up Zapruders own words to the WC Lawyer, he took the film & sent it by army plane to Washington ? There should be at least 200ft of film including the original Negative print ?
@7071t6 7 жыл бұрын
Also check this out about double 8 film its size for each frame ? Here you go, A major Question for all those people who think that the Z film is real, The original frame size for each frame is only 3.3mm in height & length is just under 8mm. so if you have 486 frames, which is to say 486 X 3.3 mm = what people 1603.8 mm, how many ft of film is there at NARA which has only the assassination side 25ft, so 25ft in mm is = to what 7,620 mm, yet theres only 486 frame's so wheres the rest of the film & also the 3 copies made, which all have the same amount of frames, only 486 frames. heres a link to the sizes of 8mm film & you work it out for yourself if you think i am making this stuff up ? Also based on film speeds we only have is just about 26 seconds of film, yet the original has 25 ft of film of about 3 minutes on each side, filming at normal speed 18 frames per second, if your using the 50ft film spools then basically double the time at the same speeds, which you can turn the film can over, which was self contained so that the film can not be damaged, thats how Kodak made the double 8 film & more importantly Zapruder did not take out the film , his own words he started filming when the jfk was turning onto elm st & did not stop till the car drove under the bridge or overpass ? Like most people around the world who think that the film was not altered, then explain these simple facts i mentioned above & he's the link i expressed which confirms what i have thought about, which to date i believe i am the only person who has worked this out. Now Roland Zavarda has not mentioned anything of this nature re: The question of Authenticity & the chain of evidence of the film as well ? Like most people i believe that a) film is altered & b) The film NARA has is totally made up from an original film taken that day & pasted together or basically reshot to make it look like a double 8 film but with the frames that Kodak’s Hawkeye works put together, but even the Math's dont work out in the basic's of double 8 film, 25ft of 8mm film should give you what i have mentioned above. cheers :)
@PassCookie 2 жыл бұрын
i don't think there is a negative. usually 8mm home movies where shot on positive film.
@7071t6 Жыл бұрын
well a positive or negative was shown that weekend using the bell and Howell 8mm projector, so it with the zapruder family for sure, also why time life did not show the color images in the first publications and even the color images in the time life magazine is nothing like the current version of WHAT NARA has, and MPI made the color negative or positive transparency to scan and then make a new version of the so called Zapruder film better quality, yet 6K sans were done as well for future ref copy so that its kept for the future and that's why sydney and sid wilkerson have a 6k scan of each frame and they can clearly see alterations on the frames 313 to 330. black patch on the back of jfk's head, using logarithmic color 2K scans of each frame and you can clearly see what only looks like a quick alteration of those frames especially the back of jfk's head, so if those frames were edited/ altered than the film can not be trusted as timing of the murder of jfk, plus check out this link which explains everything that doug horne talks about start it around the 2.3 hour mark please. cheers :)
@jamesdrynan 4 жыл бұрын
Although great care was taken in rendering this film, the unfortunate aspect is that they were provided with an edited, composite copy. The true original Kodak film was in the hands of Dino Brugioni on November 22nd. It is a matter of public record that the film MPI worked on digitizing was not the same one Mr. Brugioni saw that night. There are two edits of the film after the limousine is first seen that were not done by Brugioni.
@davidpallin772 3 жыл бұрын
Saw Douglas Horne’s presentation where he interviews Dino Brugioni. The film that Dino Brugioni saw and worked on is NOT THE ZAPRUDER FILM THAT WE ALL HAVE SEEN.
@7071t6 Жыл бұрын
agree 100%, thank god the ARRB and Doug hone did the extra work on the medical evidence and also the Zapruder film and the family got 16 million dollars right, for a edited film and altered film as well, so they should have got nothing for it?
@televisionarchivestudios1130 Жыл бұрын
Not true. This is the original
@randyharris3175 Жыл бұрын
That's absolute nonsense Horne is full of it.
@randyharris3175 Жыл бұрын
@@7071t6 Nobody on that same board agreed with Horne.
@hebneh 4 жыл бұрын
4:26 - That darn "Stemmons Freeway / Keep Right" sign that obscures part of the view.
@raymondroberts8709 2 жыл бұрын
@beingatliberty 10 жыл бұрын
could be restored better now.
@richardking6066 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder why they had to go through the first stage using film, rather than doing a digital capture right from the start??
@TAGMedia7 2 жыл бұрын
This music is far too upbeat and happy when one considers the subject matter.
@7071t6 12 жыл бұрын
Notice how the current digital copy, MPI re: when you blow up what every frame, that each Pixals, r blurred, especialy the important ones, sure some with movement of the camera, but the clear frames, when blown up, r blurry no matter what you do. 1 thing you can do, is see how much alteration was done, in each frame, it looks like at least 30 frames have been removed. especaily after the first shot, missed shot / then after sign / Head shot.also after the fact
@PassCookie 2 жыл бұрын
it was shot ln standart 8mm film with a cheap camera. of course its not that good in quality.
@xpert9001 8 жыл бұрын
they should scan these in again in 8k
@truefilm1556 8 жыл бұрын
Yes 8K would be way too much, but there are actually 4K log scans of 8mm and Super 8mm films with the latest generation of specialized sensors - to capture each and every grain in its correct form combined with and enormous depth of color and contrast. This is called oversampling. After digital grading and downrezzing to 1080p, the images look even better than 2K scans (today already the standard for 8mm/S8mm in HD). The method shown here is inadequate since copying film onto film and then scanning again washes out the grain detail and alters the color and contrast information.
@JFKMLKRFKGHWB 5 жыл бұрын
what about stolen missing frames ?
@JFKMLKRFKGHWB 4 жыл бұрын
@Mal McKee as mr Rodgers said "douche I like the way you say that describing your like unkind mindlessness"
@7071t6 12 жыл бұрын
The Meaning of Life; also Zapuder first gave it to a SS agent, Bill sorrels, re: at the NPIC, he used the name of Bill Smith, but the time they got hold of it re: NPIC or in Washington, they had already made 3 copys, which were used at Harwkeye works later to change, so that LBJ/ SS /FBI and WC, can make sure that it's only showing 3 shot's, Q. RE: Radio reporters were there on the day, reporting, so thier voice tapes, is what is needed & channel 1, the real 1, maybe then, Lifes copy is mpi.
@randyharris3175 Жыл бұрын
Zapruder had the film not the secret service agent he arrive alone to have the copies made JFK 40. Zapruder had the original when he returned home Friday night several people watched it then Life magazine took possession when purchased. The copies is where all this nonsense started.
@SenorZorrozzz 7 жыл бұрын
Everyone realizes that this is 8mm color movie film. That's a 16mm 25 ft roll, split in two. You shot 25 ft, them took the film out and flipped it. You shot 25 ft more. The film developer split the film in two.
@bingola45 7 жыл бұрын
The film you got back from the lab was the actual film which was in the camera. Some people think that the lab makes a negative, then prints it. Not normally. In Zapruder's case, the normal developing process was not used. The authorities arranged for the film to be processed, and so anything could have happened.
@7071t6 7 жыл бұрын
Yep yet there's only 1,620mm of total fim which shows you 486 frames so what happened to the rest of the film if there's 25ft for each side ? so just over 1.6 meters of film WTF look at the table they have which is over 10 ft long to hold the film which has even more film on the roll ?
@bingola45 7 жыл бұрын
It has Zapruder's home movies on it. He used a roll that was already in the camera. Zapruder's decision to take some film of the event was a last minute one. He didn't set out to film the whole thing.
@7071t6 7 жыл бұрын
YE right, yet the family side only goes to what 2 seconds which has his staff sitting on the park chair in elm st, so what 36 frames and in fact less than that, the murder of jfk is shown to the world but his home movies are never ever seen and you're talking about 50ft of film in total and then add the copies which were made so over 400 ft of film and yet NARA only has 1.6 meters of so called out of camera original,which we all know is nothing but a made up altered film full stop ? Also the copies look nothing like the so called out of camera original at NARA they do not have the sprocket hole information yet the kodak tech on friday who made the copies for zapruder said that all the copies where processed the same way so all the copies which the 6th floor museum has now should look 100% the same as what NARA has but they are not get the picture champ. if in doubt look up doug hornes work about the Z film and what really happened to it ? Especially the chain of evidence about the processing of the film ?
@swfc13 9 жыл бұрын
I started watching this video at the exact moment it started on the DVD. Conspiracy.
@BRUTUALTRUTH 7 жыл бұрын
@KRex1961 11 жыл бұрын
I miss you Gerda! I wish you would comeback. Please!
@7071t6 10 жыл бұрын
People check out what wiki pages has to say about the film, 1 side has 264 pictures, so even if you double that re: double 8 it adds up to 536 pictures, that's if you filmed both sides which Zapruder did, so how did he get 486 frames on 1 side ? What he stopped then flipped the canister over to film the other side ? Also 3 to 4.5 minutes of filming, @ 16 frames per sec ? Where is all the film/frames gone then ?
@7071t6 11 жыл бұрын
Look up the The camera zapurder was usuing & the spec's for it, Single shot frames, 18 frames per sec, & 48 frames per sec, on full zoom, it's at 48 frames per sec, not 18 frames, thats how John costellas & others were able to prove that the frames were altered in the Z film & some frames did not even come from Z film. cheers :)
@randyharris3175 Жыл бұрын
Nope that's mumbo jumbo the film and camera was analysed found to be the original print.Somebody writing a book you see what you want yo see when you see dollar signs.
@DanielRamirez-md9ry 6 жыл бұрын
A blu ray release please.
@7071t6 10 жыл бұрын
If you look at the frames on the John costellas frames, the Radio Aerials r on the car, then they R gone, what, sure maybe when the shutter is open/closed, but when closed NO IMAGE comes through the film to be exposed, so the film was edited, meaning that MPI just put the TIME LIFE copy into digital form & where is the B ides of the film, what that side is more important than the assinnassion side, which you never see ? Also look up LMh company & MPI company in Dallas or Washington ? folk's the z film was altered, Zapruder's family still have a copy in double 8 film, re: Insurance ?
@ViewpointProd 5 жыл бұрын
1. learn to spell. 2. get your head checked, pretty sure you are missing atleast half your brain
@jacklincoln7786 6 жыл бұрын
That large monitor is hilarious
@randyharris3175 Жыл бұрын
We got a lot of camera experts on here who think if they say their complicated theories long enough and persistently enough somebody will believe them Im sure we got real camera experts that could easily debunk all this nonsense. But this discussion is targeted for the unimformed or the misinformed.
@super-sim1665 5 жыл бұрын
Loads of detail can be found in this film, probably the biggest giveaway is the one frame that shows multiple gun shot holes in the road sign.
@randyharris3175 Жыл бұрын
@Filmpilot 6 жыл бұрын
There should be individual frames for sale for analysis.
@7071t6 11 жыл бұрын
Notice they used a polyester sleeve, instead of a clear plastic sleeve ? also where is the family side of the film & why is the number tag on the start of the film has no number, like #0184?
@1978TVP 11 жыл бұрын
does any1 know what was the year of the restore work?
@lalosoria 7 жыл бұрын
1978TVP Good question
@itogi 3 жыл бұрын
Probably in the end of 90s
@morecomfterblur1390 Жыл бұрын
Anybody know that Zapruder was a dress maker and he designed Jackie's dress? That's right. Zapruder knew the Kennedy's personally. I think that's worth a shake.
@ericcrabtree6245 Жыл бұрын
Zapruder moved to Dallas in 1941 and worked in the clothing industry there. Jackie’s suit was a Chanel design made by Chez Ninon in NYC. Zapruder had nothing to do with it - STFU and quit talking out of your ass.
@morecomfterblur1390 Жыл бұрын
Mr. Crabtree your self importance is proportionately inverse to your intelligence.
@ericcrabtree6245 Жыл бұрын
The origin of the dress and Zapruder’s career is easy to track. Even if you had the skills of Escher, you wouldn’t be able to draw a conclusion.
@morecomfterblur1390 Жыл бұрын
I was not able to find a direct link between Jackie and Abraham however, I did find out that Zapruder's dress shop was located at 501 Elm Street directly across from the Book depository. His business made millions of dollars per year. It is probable that Jackie knew of the wealthiest dress maker in Dallas.
@rollotomassi6374 3 жыл бұрын
There is a post by Leroy Blevins showing something very interesting in the sprocket holes… actually portrays a person on the Records Building shooting at the motorcade……it’s worth a look at……
@televisionarchivestudios1130 Жыл бұрын
That is not true
@rollotomassi6374 Жыл бұрын
@@televisionarchivestudios1130 It’s right in the sprockets…..there is something there and it looks like the figure of a person…..and there is no way it is CGI…’s in the original Z film…..
@televisionarchivestudios1130 Жыл бұрын
@@rollotomassi6374 We've studied this for years. One shooter only. Oswald. End of story
@rollotomassi6374 Жыл бұрын
@@televisionarchivestudios1130 Yes I’m sure you have, however I was fortunate enough to be sitting in on the HSCA back in 1976….very interesting disclosures not completely wrong. In my early visits to the Archives and Dallas we’ve seen a different look at this case. Oswald was involved, but not alone and I do not think there was a shooter on the knoll, the angles do not work, but a shot from the Records building does. This story is far from over…..if it was so cut and dried for what true reason is there to hide and seal everything until 2038…..75 years hides a lot of sins.
@televisionarchivestudios1130 Жыл бұрын
@@rollotomassi6374 The HSCA was about to conclude that the Warren Report was right until someone showed up with audio they claimed proved it was another shooter. The trouble is it wasn't audio of the shooting. It was radio transmission traffic from the Motorcycle at the hospital. Dictabelt audio recording was totally discredited.
@ccchhhrrriiisss100 6 жыл бұрын
The irony today is that conspiracy theorists pointed to the Zapruder film as evidence of a conspiracy and second (or third, fourth, fifth, etc.) shooter. However, as evidence points away from that, they now claim that the Zapruder film has been "edited" with key frames removed from the public. Their entire multi-shooter conspiracy is now a contrived end desperately grasping and seeking evidence for a means.
@danielranger1610 6 жыл бұрын
They don't "claim" that frames are missing. That's public knowledge. But if you are interested in the evidence that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the Zapruder film is a fabrication, watch this:
@super-sim1665 5 жыл бұрын
13 shots have evidence. The concrete manhole cover has 2 shots and one shot was through the windscreen plus the 4 into the car. Remember the guns probably had silencers that are now known to divert the aim. I think multi shooter is a given.
@wallacebell4311 Жыл бұрын
@@super-sim1665Can I buy some of whatever you are smoking because, damn, you are really messed up in the brain!!! Zero, nada, none, no proof of any other shooters and no physical evidence ever has been discovered of any other bullets. You are dismissed for lack of proof and lack of Intelligence!
@normal_media 3 жыл бұрын
someone added a bullet, like a magical still capture of a bullet was mysteriously recovered through this process.
@7071t6 11 жыл бұрын
1997 & ARRB was on their tails re: LMH company, why did the ARRB/ Robert Zavarder did not complete the full, test, meaning to make sure that the film @ NARA/Now at 6th fl Museum test if it was out of the camera ORIGINAL.
@gedstrom 4 жыл бұрын
The thing I found amazing is thinking about a time in our history when only ONE PERSON was filming the President in a VERY PUBLIC setting. Today, there would have been dozens of cameras capturing the event from many different angles!
@lenwelch2195 3 жыл бұрын
There were dozens of cameras confiscated except zaptuders - he was sent to film so the ones that killed Kennedy would have a trophy
@7071t6 7 жыл бұрын
18 frames a second and when you watch it it looks like the car is speeding down hill right, does that look like a normal film taken at 18.4 frames based on the FBI testing the camera or is the original film filmed at 48 frames and the MPI office split frames which showed all the real evidence and they left in what would look like to the world once the film was shown that jfk was hit by the rear only, but the back and to the left is when the car speed off and jfk's body just moved due to the car movement which is why you still can see john connally and nellie move forwards and backwards due to the sudden stop of the jfk car which they still could not remove and john connolly sticking his head up as well after he was shot ?
@raymondroberts8709 2 жыл бұрын
@randyharris3175 Жыл бұрын
The car did not stop.
@raymondroberts8709 Жыл бұрын
😆🤡 Fed says what?
@Filmpilot 6 жыл бұрын
Which version got damage? Very few outside NPIC ever seen the original.
@THE-HammerMan 6 жыл бұрын
It's all vaguely interesting, but since they're digitally restoring the already cut and altered TL film... what does it matter? The original negatives and unaltered print(s) were destroyed after the cuts and alterations were made, so all versions now show the motorcade appearing AFTER the turn and the car briskly moving without slowing almost to a stop for the fatal shot(s). TODAY'S technology is better, but another re-do would encounter the same faults with the end result being an even better version of an ALTERED & CUT film(all that now exists).
@raymondroberts8709 2 жыл бұрын
@randyharris3175 Жыл бұрын
The film was not altered a load of horseshit
@THE-HammerMan Жыл бұрын
@@randyharris3175 Oh? You are the horseshit dealer with your stupendous ignorance and blind stupidity.
@7071t6 11 жыл бұрын
@4:11 notice he has a negative with frame number 135, yet it still has the cop in the middle of the frame, yet the Z film all ready has the GG-300 at least 60 ft down the road & start's at 133?WTF.
@beerborn 7 жыл бұрын
Still using CRT monitor ? This must be old stuff.
@pikgears 4 жыл бұрын
appears to be the mid 90's
@7071t6 12 жыл бұрын
ppl even @5.57, you can see the negative 141, which shows the motorbike cop in the centre of the frame, so what the hell did they do. ?, i think they need to investigate which film they copied into digital,which i believe is the finished product ie: match up to what has been shown for over 35 odd years, what we see now as the Z film. otherwise Frame 141, would not have a motorbike in the Centre of frame. cheers :)
@7071t6 7 жыл бұрын
MPI did not do any or the registration at all, they stuffed it up, they had call someone to come in to do it & thats the only footage you see, registration of each frame was doen by a dotaly different company or ORG, it was not done by MPI, look up John costellas web page & u tube channel to get the facts of how MPI totaly stuffed it up, meaning like he said its was like giving a copy of each frame that was done in the 4 x 5 format to you kids, scanner/ printer & asked to do a job that had to be perfect ?
@allendean9807 5 жыл бұрын
So every step they took had to be sent back to the government, and a Proved before another step could go forward. Seems normal, however, with so many Americans not believing the government’s role in the assassination, should this not have been conducted by an impartial party or parties?
@2666loco 7 ай бұрын
The new and improved film wasn't shown and I assume they worked from the government altered copy of the original film which will probably never be seen again by us. At least 3 original film and copies exist from what I have seen. Since most of us know the CIA and mob killed him, why can't we see the original film after 60 years. I think we can handle it.
@7071t6 11 жыл бұрын
The best thing about all this, is that none of the footage is ever shown in close up, meaning the number of the film & most importantly where is the B side which has the family side to it, why ? the reason is that that side could be compared to the current film & see if the details R the same, light exposure, color, so many thing, that even the Zavarder report does not go into ? what a load of crap & work, outsiders were called in to fix what MPI/LMH companies did?
@7071t6 11 жыл бұрын
check out the programs they were using, even that type of programs, they could have did what needed, the total spec's of the original film, once scanned, based on the light source if were watching through a double 8 film Kodak projector, then we would see the full implication's, cleaning thing's up, removing the upper sprocket frames & the lower left sprocket frames, just shows the film is nothing but the time life copy & they numbered about 8 frames wrong & had them in the wrong place as well ?
@angelomelville9084 5 жыл бұрын
Now you can make Superman to come to the rescue and make those Mothers . pay 4 it.
@drvijil 5 жыл бұрын
Too bad the "original" Zapruder film in the DC archive is an altered version. The common story is that the film went to Time/Life in Chicago. The film actually went to the NPIC lab in DC. The NPIC developed and processed top secret photos taken by U2 spy planes, satellite images, and photos/films taken by the CIA. Time paid Zapruder for the original. The head of Time/Life had ties to the intelligence community. Even though a lot of money was paid for the film, it was hidden from the public until the mid 70's. Even though the gov edited the film with the best technology available in 1963, there are still several obvious flaws that show that the film we all see today is an altered version.
@TruthandjusticeXXL 3 жыл бұрын
First public broadcast of the Zapruder Film (JFK Assassination):
@7071t6 12 жыл бұрын
ppl, Look at the Negaives the bloke is holding up at @4.12 re: Frame 135, shows no JFK/GG-000, whats going on, there you go, they made sure they just copied to show what was always shown, heven then you can see, in the sproket areas errors re: 480/481, Jackies getting on the back of GG-000 in the ghost areas ?
@drbrown5208 5 жыл бұрын
@7:20, i wonder if this is technically correct, on their description about registering each image. specifically, look at this video at 7:24. look at how close the center "plus" sign is to the right edge of the sprocket holes and how far away it is from the right edge of the frame. as i understand it, the camera is centered such that the sprocket holes do not appear in the final picture. those images between the sprocket holes are often referred to as ghost images, at least above and below each sprocket hole for any given frame, but i digress. my point is, where was the center of focus of the camera at this point and what would one see if they were watching the film later? that the "center" of the frame is so close to the sprocket holes makes zero sense to me.
@drbrown5208 5 жыл бұрын
i believe that john costella clarifies this at the duluth conference. i'll have to re-watch his presentation.
@7071t6 11 жыл бұрын
Where is the b side of the film, if they release it, then we can compare it, after all time Life had the film, & they did alter it, but the family side, was properly not touched, so we can compare the frames & the details under the microscope to the 2 sides ? After all, it's double 8 film, not 8mm spliced together, so what zapruder's family pic's R more important that the shooting of the president of the USA ? It's shows how much the 6th floor Powers R still involved, to not release it?
@bradleysmall2230 5 жыл бұрын
The conspiracy will be running for cover now that the zapruder film is undergoing critical analysis with todays technology.
@josed8961 5 жыл бұрын
@Kalle72 4 жыл бұрын
This is a job for Team Negative 1
@7071t6 12 жыл бұрын
SPOT ON MATE, also if you look at the Report of clint hill & his statement to the WC, re: his head had a hole as big as his closed Fist, also look at the ghost images, re: there is no way that frames from 10 in front can be at say Frame Z 353, you can see the shadows of the Hand rails of GG-000 on the back, How is that possiable, it's not, it's 3 cpys and frames put in, but at the time the ghost areas and sproket areas, were not done ? look at Dr John Costellas, Z film altered.
@matthewcostello3530 3 жыл бұрын
and then they don't show it
@7071t6 12 жыл бұрын
ppl, there is court case with the AARB & other's against the Company re: LMH Company, which is the first letter's of the serviving memebrs of the Zapuder family, Why cant the ARRB represetatives that were appointed to get all the Evidence for the JFK issue not allowed to what needed to be done on the z film, at the NARA, yet some High school drop out's based on MPI etc, could get a copy of which Z film, time life's copy, as it mentions frames were damaged, the original is copy no:184. TRUTH ppl.
@7071t6 12 жыл бұрын
1500 dot's per inch, sure it was, the detail would so great that anyone looking at it close up, would be able to even see the bullet exiting JFK or at least see a pressure wave casued by a projectile, so MPI r nothing but kid's that were supervised by expert's, to make sure we can never again look at what's at the NARA or even DSBD museum. cheers :) again going around & around.
@randyharris3175 Жыл бұрын
You're seeing conspiracy ghosts.
@7071t6 11 жыл бұрын
The most important film of JFK's Moment's & NARA has it's own machines to do it, look it up, yet zapurders family started it's own company LMH company, MPI R Kid's & the scan's done, come on, a Xerox scanner, also the film is slit, where is the B side of the film LMH OR MPI, nothing no images at all. cheers :) 3 cut's in the film, which R not shown on this, so whats in the sproket holes, which we see & proof of alteration. cheers :)
@7071t6 12 жыл бұрын
If the Z film is at NARA or at the Sixth floor Museum, based on what i have herd, the sixth floor has the right's to it, but the justice depart has said, re: 1992 JFK Act, it's not a real representation of what happen that day, so it's just a film, nothing more, due to other films show more, re: Frontal shot & GG-300 turning into the wrong Elm st, bullet hitting the Stemmons st sign, the Stop of GG-300, yet the government still paid over 16 Million dollars for it,re: for a Remanufactured Z film.
@JFKMLKRFKGHWB 5 жыл бұрын
Doug Horne?
@davidpallin772 3 жыл бұрын
What about Douglas Horne?
@lenwelch2195 3 жыл бұрын
Zap rider made 3 copies , one for himself and two to govt .the original film zaptuder kept before the other was sent and altered rudely with JFK head towards back was blacked in to hide that jfk was shot from front . In original jfk moves forward not back and to the left . Dan Rather saw the original. The film they are working on here is the altered film so nothing they do sheds light on the truth
@raymondroberts8709 2 жыл бұрын
Spooks altered every frame of the film
@randyharris3175 Жыл бұрын
You're correct but no film was sent and altered since Zapruder viewed the film friday night and many more the same day a fraud would have been easily exposed.
@randyharris3175 Жыл бұрын
@@raymondroberts8709 That was impossible many people viewed the original film it was in Zapruder possession friday night. Any alteration would have been exposed plus Zapruder had already described what he saw on live tv minutes after the assassanation.
@7071t6 7 жыл бұрын
McCrone, direct Link to Ex director of the CIA McCone. :)
@7071t6 12 жыл бұрын
Best comment ever, LOL, the only person, still working for the government, is Gary Mack, & certian ppl running the network system's, like World COM? who said they r gone, they were the main network system's supplier / INTERNET lol. :)
@7071t6 7 жыл бұрын
26 seconds of film in 8mm format even if you had both sides of the film which would = 50ft of film right Side A/ then Side B, yet 25ft of film on a roll = about 3.5 inches of film depending on how large the roll which holds the film, but even so the projector has to run at the same speed the film was filmed in right otherwise you will have either a very slow film or extremely fast film running via the projector, so 25ft of film will give you @ 18 frames a second 3 minutes of viewing of what ever was filmed those are the facts so how the hell did 26 seconds of film become 486 frames, when 25ft of 8mm film = 7.620mm & each frame is only 3.3mm in height, so 486 frames in height which the sprocket holes are in the middle of each frame as well = only 1,603.8mm or 5.26 ft of film ? What the hell is the Zapruder film anyway its a total BS film about the killing of jfk, a made up film which has no evidence of chain of custody & also more importantly it was a film made up at Kodak's hawkeye works which is to say they removed the most important aspect of what happened to jfk in elm st that day full stop. Roland Zavadas work has no barring on the Z film its just an Expert from Kodak so the government has some word from a Expert from Kodak to say his peace about the film, but does not mention anything about basic facts about an double 8mm film & its frame sizes & what NARA has what 25 ft in a single roll My God people must be totaly stupid to believe this crap or they just cant work things out? Other wise 25ft of 8mm film = 2,309 frames not 486 frames those are the facts & if anyone cant tell me different based on those facts i will gladly debate you on jfk best evidence facebook's page. Also i believe i am the only person to date to point these facts out, now we will have people saying that the little black part with in each frame will make up the difference of size or its the other side of the film the Family side, total BS ?
@lordmangalord5984 3 жыл бұрын
all this got interesting
@randyharris3175 Жыл бұрын
Nonsense the original is in the national Archives.
@7071t6 7 жыл бұрын
Check this out basic facts about the z film : Here you go, A major Question for all those people who think that the Z film is real, The original frame size for each frame is only 3.3mm in height & length is just under 8mm. so if you have 486 frames, which is to say 486 X 3.3 mm = what people 1603.8 mm, how many ft of film is there at NARA which has only the assassination side 25ft, so 25ft in mm is = to what 7,620 mm, yet theres only 486 frame's so wheres the rest of the film & also the 3 copies made, which all have the same amount of frames, only 486 frames. heres a link to the sizes of 8mm film & you work it out for yourself if you think i am making this stuff up ? Also based on film speeds we only have is just about 26 seconds of film, yet the original has 25 ft of film of about 3 minutes on each side, filming at normal speed 18 frames per second, if your using the 50ft film spools then basically double the time at the same speeds, which you can turn the film can over, which was self contained so that the film can not be damaged, thats how Kodak made the double 8 film & more importantly Zapruder did not take out the film , his own words he started filming when the jfk was turning onto elm st & did not stop till the car drove under the bridge or overpass ? Like most people around the world who think that the film was not altered, then explain these simple facts i mentioned above & he's the link i expressed which confirms what i have thought about, which to date i believe i am the only person who has worked this out. Now Roland Zavarda has not mentioned anything of this nature re: The question of Authenticity & the chain of evidence of the film as well ? Like most people i believe that a) film is altered & b) The film NARA has is totally made up from an original film taken that day & pasted together or basically reshot to make it look like a double 8 film but with the frames that Kodak’s Hawkeye works put together, but even the Math's dont work out in the basic's of double 8 film, 25ft of 8mm film should give you what i have mentioned above. cheers :)
@skama2010 7 жыл бұрын
7071t6 have you considered battery life? It would have been shockingly bad.
@lou4ny 6 жыл бұрын
So bullshit,still was cut.
@7071t6 9 жыл бұрын
People NARA has had the same process & even better re: 100 times more precise than what they did with the so called altered z film, look it up even on NARAS own U tube channel about how they can restore WW2 films which is 20 years before 1963 & shows you what type of machines they have, which is almost what Hollywood has?
@MrBuntudor 9 жыл бұрын
The Zapruder film reel is like an old cassette tape that hold's music.. What was on the B-side? Please tell me the entire length of the Zapruder film wasnt cut horizontally.. The information on the flip side of the 'cassette' will hold cross talk and a significant amount of information regarding the missing frames allegation. This is getting more and more ridiculous.... are you sure it was a double sided Cassette/reel? (Jokers please dont reply I cant be arsed arguing)
@TheThecyclist 9 жыл бұрын
+MrBuntudor I remember those tapes someone i knew years ago his parents had one of these machines and like you say the tape was double sided like a large music cassette and you could record on both sides but i dont think this format lasted for long this was back in the 80's as can remember watching american graffitti at the persons house which he had taped off the tv it was first showing on british tv of this film it was marketed by grundig as the v2000 model
@WAQWBrentwood 8 жыл бұрын
Home movie 8mm reels (Super 8 cartridge not available until 1965) is kinda like an audio casette. (the original film in an 8mm home camera is 16mm wide) When processed the finished product was returned as an 8mm strip. the splitting of the actual 16mm to get it to 8mm was done in 1963, We are here only talking about a Portion of the original whole original in camera film reel!
@7071t6 11 жыл бұрын
Hey i am ready to DIE, R You, 1 Day i might look like 1 of your Make up artist's renditions lol?
@GmRb79 4 жыл бұрын
phuk windows 3.1.... time for AI to re render at UQHD on a AMD Threadripper.
@7071t6 12 жыл бұрын
Scaning of a altered film, hello, ppl r not stupid, orginal opitcal print, then the spoket and ghost areas, r still the altered, re: time life has a copy, SS /CIA has a copy, where is copy 184 ?
@jameskroeper1759 4 жыл бұрын
Atrocious the way this film is being “restored”. It should be done in a “clean room” envioment. This looks more like a back room or a loading dock.
@itogi 3 жыл бұрын
At that time there was no technology to restore it properly. There were no scanners that could scan film in 4k in the 90s
@robertrust441 7 жыл бұрын
1.Obvious squib going off on a dummy's head, manipulated by the lady beside the dummy. Faked scenes. Multiple takes. 2. 30+ people, for at least 6 seconds of real time, on the left side of the film before the sign don't move an inch nor turn their heads in the slightest at any point in time to follow the limo as it passes by them. Statues in museums move more. Film layering, manufacturing. 3. People at the far end of the film don't move at all either at any point. Film layering, manufacturing. 4. The two or three people that appear on the lawn at the right edge of the film move a little, but they face one direction only and never look at the limo nor track it's passage as it passes right in front of them. Film layering, manufacturing. 5. All of these 60 + "spectators" waited patiently in their positions to do what? Not watch at all the president's limo as it passed by 15 feet right in front of them? Film layering/manufacturing. 6.A film edit/cut occurs when the limo suddenly appears on Elm street. From the cut onward, or perhaps at the cut at the sign, at least, a dummy is playing the role of Kennedy. The dummy is being controlled by the crisis actor beside the dummy. She pulls the dummy's strings/mechanisms that cause it to stiffly wave. The car disappears behind the sign, then reappears, the dummy's arms are pulled upwards, then adjusted slightly by the actress, faking a shot. It can be seen that the actress is very focused on her job. Hollywood set. Faked event 7. The actress fiddles around with the dummy a bit, pulls something to set off the squib, the stiff dummy's head jerks backward and falls stiffly towards the actress. The focusing actress immediately moves to the back of the car to fetch something (squib part, hair piece, etc) that blew off the head of the dummy. She acts as if nothing horrifying just happened to her loved one, or to her. She's all business. Faked, acted out drama. 8. The shape of the squib on the front side of the head is odd shaped, like a flap of plastic. The cloud that blew upwards is smoky and orange coloured, proving a squib. Hollywood special effects. 9. The umbrella of umbrella man is barely shown just under freeway sign, that is the film director. Spinning of umbrella means "roll" the film. Up and down motion means get ready for action. What's a fella doing on a hot, sunny day with an umbrella, flapping it up and down and spinning it? Hollywood clapperboard. Hollywood film. Hollywood, CNN, Mafia, news, drug running, modern art, gun running, front businesses, Controlled Demolition, etc, are well known arms of CIA. 10. The white shirted man appearing beside and just after the umbrella man is the assisstant director. He is holding up his hand displaying counting fingers 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, action to the occupants of the vehicle (driver, co-driver, "connolly", "wife", "jackie"). Hollywood film. 11. Dealey Plaza is almost empty. Take away the statues, and virtually no one is there. It is a movie set, with hired crisis actors playing their parts. Hollywood set. 12. The film is jumpy, the car speed appears to change, lower image parts of the limo are cut off as the limo passes the director and assistant. The film is manufactured. It is made of layers (background, limo, still pictures of people, possibly a few film sections of moving people, not necessarily there) of still pictures from cameras, all sequentially layered to create a movie. Blur added, motion effects, missing frames, etc. Hollywood multiple takes and film editing/manufacture. 13. Car "speed" changes because the car was actually going very slowly for filming the scene. The car was superimposed onto other film of the background, to give the appearance of motion of relatively constant, faster speed. A stop probably occurred. Multiple takes occurred, no doubt. Hollywood film editing/creation. 14. In another film from another angle, the arm of the agent on the back of the car doesn't get as near to "jackie's" arm as shown in other pictures. Hollywood multiple takes. 15. The autopsy photos have been proven to be fake by Mantic. The x-rays also show a huge hole in the top of the head. All people at the hospital claimed a hole in the rear of the head. The Zapruder film shows a flap of something hanging down from the right side temple area, and a shot (squib) exploding at the right side front of the head, by the right temple of the dummy. Hollywood special effects, different teams. Each scene had its story, and was sticking to it. Fake, fake, fake. Crisis actors, etc. 16. Instead of continuing straight down Main St. to the freeway, the rigid, unwavering protocol for a presidential parade, the limo takes a convenient side trip down Elm street through the Dealey film set. The people who set up the route/faked shooting also run the cover up that it was a CIA, SS, Police, gov, mafia, Russian, french, single sniper, multiple sniper, Johnson, oil man, cuban, etc, etc, etc, etc conspiracy. The purpose is to keep everyone believing a president was shot, that's all. Swallow the assassination claim, believe whatever else you want, just keep swallowing, be afraid, don't realize who the bad guys really are - the same ones that own Hollywood, CIA, Gov, Banking, Corporation, Publishing, Media, CNN, Time, magazines, news, Tv, Art, RocknRoll, Sports, Industry, Slave Trade, Stock market, New York, USA, World, etc - elite jew family. 17. John Costella proved beyond any possible doubt that the Zapruder film is 100% absolute fake, frame by frame, manufactured through and through. Not just manipulated or altered, but completely fabricated. Everything about the film is deception. It can only be used to show that the film is deception. It can't be used as evidence that someone was killed, but it can be used to show that no one was killed. Hollywood fabricated film. 18. The freeway sign stays square in its corners when it appears at the edge of the film frames, wen it should be obeying pin cushion distortion. Dead giveaway for alteration/fabrication. The sign is inserted as a layer on top of underlying manufactured scenes. Very nicely obscuring, handy for manufacturing/editing/quick-hiding (quick pictures published by Time). Hollywood film manufacture. The above and hundreds upon hundreds of contradictions and inconsistencies with the film, the assassination, the story around it, the events surrounding it, and so much more prove that the "assassination" was a staged, faked event. No one died at all. The Vietnam war started shortly afterward, and the Cold war/social unrest/world shock/story-time/probably bible prophecy got a plug. It was a 911 type of intelligence run project. No planes hit the demolition demolished buildings, but it is endlessly pushed because the terrorists are needed for the war. The perpetrators, the same clan that owns, runs, and controls Hollywood, staged the event just as they staged the hundreds of events of "history" (eg. fake Lincoln assassination - impossible, overly dramatic dramatic story too) and continue to do so today with 911, Boston, Sandy Hook, Charlottesville, Kent State, Bundy, Kazinsky, Murrah Building, Columbine, and a thousand others. Keep the people in fear, confused, divided, dumb downed, etc, and sell goods, get money, profit, gain interest, gain power, control, make war, etc. The usual. The elite family jew, the world controlling parasite of humanity. The fakery of the video is 100% clear. The fakery is so obvious throughout the entire film that it is embarrassing. Only the completely brainwashed, the afraid-to-accept/admit-what-they-see, and the scammers in the plot and coverup, including shills that populate discussion sites, stubbornly/deceptively hold to their idiotic claims. Even a Bugs Bunny cartoon is more realistic, certainly less embarrassing to watch. Believers get sucked in by peer pressure, political correctness, tv fakery, obvious hollywood effects, shills posing as researchers and commenters, and so forth. Consider the 18 obvious points above, and see how they cannot be explained away, they stand as observed facts and sensible conclusions. Look with critical, considerate, fact seeing eyes, not biased, preconceiving, obeying eyes. Don’t drink the Koolaid. .....
@Kinopanorama1 9 жыл бұрын
A waste of time.
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