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@eileenchang20964 күн бұрын
@juncui5243 күн бұрын
@qj2003fall3 күн бұрын
@dragonraion41962 күн бұрын
@@qj2003fall 你就好好捍衛惡人們的人權吧!
@jamesamber60094 күн бұрын
@wittie284 күн бұрын
@lake67393 күн бұрын
@sunnyliang4073 күн бұрын
@RaceKing-dy8cz3 күн бұрын
@@jamesamber6009 年薪上千万美刀,刀刀都有雪
@RaceKing-dy8cz3 күн бұрын
@@lake6739 非赢利?!红十字都乱七八糟,这世界上有谁和钱过不去?
@mackma-dn1pq4 күн бұрын
@jims88284 күн бұрын
Due to Obama's mandatory medical insurance. Otherwise the market should be able to reject a seller of bad service.
@給給二世3 күн бұрын
@donnal48622 күн бұрын
@jims88282 күн бұрын
@@donnal4862 There are laws mandating health insurance companies have to pay out at least 80% of the premium collected. So it's not possible to avoid paying out entirely, and it would be in the insurance company's interest to run up cost as high as possible in order to pocket that 20% if the client list never changes: 20% of 2 billion dollars is more than 20% of 1 billion dollars (just like weapons makers do when there is a 10% profit margin cap). The primary reason for the insurance company to deny medical procedures is controlling cost (denying unnecessary procedures) in order to have lower insurance premium (and attract more clients) . . . Lower insurance premium is what consumers are forced to flocked to when there is a mandatory insurance required by law ("Obamacare").
Excellent example regarding the grossly over-priced ointment. The high cost of medical care in the US is due to government licensing requirement creating a monopoly/oligopoly. It's the same reason as government licensing/regulation creating monopoly /oligopoly making gasoline grossly over-priced in China.
@jackpan99013 күн бұрын
美國企業高管的年薪動輒上千萬美元。但美國醫療體系卻長期存在不合理的保費和昂貴就醫費用。兩者均位居全球榜首;是全世界最可惡的醫保体系(The most outrageous healthcare system in the entire world,其花費是台灣的30倍,但國民所得卻僅為台灣的3倍左右)!