多謝依個qna令我地睇到更多既behind the scenes.. 喺鏡頭面前睇落去即使係懷孕既liz都可以開開心心 照常生活 同小巴西又協調得好好 但依個qna就可以睇到原來你地都會有人類一般既煩惱 你都會發大肚婆脾氣 love this video so much🥰最後一個月啦!all the best + 辛苦了 會等你一家四口回歸喔!
Little Brazil should definitely write a song for mong mong 🤣🤣🤣 I’m just so obsessed with his music. Cute and Casual🧡🧡 支持左Liz 好好好好耐 加油 你一定會係一個好媽媽 少啲出片都唔緊要 一直會等你💕💕
I love that Mr Silver is involved in this video~!! We got to see sides that Liz hides from audience, coz she always had her smile, talk about everything in an optimistic way, but as the closest one of her, Mr silver you tell us her hard side XD Love all four of you!!