What are the scariest or best lines your villains have said? #6

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@zachmansfield6640 11 ай бұрын
"You know, when I leave someone for dead, I EXPECT THEM TO DIE!!!!" - a recurring villain that had previously shot down the party's airship.
@thewinterprince1731 11 ай бұрын
"In the darkness, you are only your actions." That line is so freaking raw holy crap.
@TMJNY 11 ай бұрын
@MasterElements 11 ай бұрын
Chaotic raw
@shanepatrick6836 11 ай бұрын
It’s a variation on an American idiom of “Character is what you are in the dark.” Basically what you do when you think no one is watching will say more about you than anything else.
@Megalomaniac_Trans_Lesbian 4 ай бұрын
​​@@shanepatrick6836 I've heard that idiom very early in life, and I've always disagreed with it. I firmly believe that the best way to reveal one's true character is to examine "what you are when no one can stop you". When you possess the power to do anything you want, accomplish any goal you have, without any meaningful opposition. That's why we see historical figures turn into virtuous poet kings or despicable tyrants when granted absolute political power, and why video games that tend towards the power fantasy are my personal favourite way of judging a gamer's moral fibre. Yeah I don't really hang out with people who torture sims for fun, or kill innocent civilians in Dishonored ^^
@dungeonsanddacnomania4731 11 ай бұрын
Two that I'm proud of. 1. A Tabaxi wizard Emperor who had lived for thousands of years. "Even if you kill me it will be irrelevant. The suffering i caused in my lifetime can never be healed, and after my death the suffering will continue, you just won't have someone to blame anymore." 2. The villain was a npc that had helped the party from the beginning but had been corrupted by and sentient cursed sword. The npc was only consumed by the Swords evil after killing an innocent person. A player asked this npc to help him kill the husband on a shopkeeper he had a crush on so she would be with him. This act was what sent the npc Villain down his path of evil in the first place but the players never new this. - Player: you killed the woman I loved, slaughtered innocent people, and tortured my best friend. I can't believe you betrayed us like this." Villain: "I never betrayed you. You're like my brother. You asked me to do this. You begged me to follow this path and I did it all for you. Don't blame me for being the monster you wanted me to be."
@BenjaminIzquierdo-nb6tq 10 ай бұрын
@kaseymathew1893 11 ай бұрын
Whenever good villain lines come up, I remember a movie quote from Kung Fu Panda 2: "The only reason you are still alive is that I find your stupidity mildly amusing."
@MrStrikecentral 11 ай бұрын
"It's a gift. It's your parting gift...in that it will part you. Part of you here, part of you there and part of you waaay over there STAINING THE WALL!" "The dead exist in the past, and I must tend to the future." - Lord Shen
@ScourgeIsBestVillain 6 ай бұрын
Shen honestly has so many good quotes
@jimbroaudio 11 ай бұрын
Rogue: “I rolled a Nat20 on stealth!!” GM: “Nice! Nice… so… what’s the total?” Rogue: “…. Excuse me?” GM: “What. Is. The. Total?” Rogue: “uh… 33?” GM: “Ooooo… not high enough.” Rogue: “WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!”
@karisasani7006 11 ай бұрын
GM: You needed DOUBLE Nat 20s
@DefaultFlame 11 ай бұрын
That reminds me of the most disturbed build I've ever heard of. Naturally, it originated from 4chan. The Anal Spelunker. Did you know it required a DC80 Escape Artist check in 3.5e to crawl into a . . . hole of a certain size on a medium sized creature? I didn't before I stumbled across that build.
@Nempo13 11 ай бұрын
Must not have been 5e. A 5e stealth check that nat 20's is explained rather bluntly in the DMG that the character is effectively invisible to everyone on a nat 20. Yes, nat 20s break whatever you have planned in 5e on purpose. Even the much beloved 3.5e had rules for nat 20 on skill checks to be the absolute best result. IE...doesn't matter what the DC is...they pass the check. I have always despised DMs that bend rules/ignore rolls so their story flows how they want it to. That isn't how D&D goes. The PC's are SUPPOSED to toss giant monkey wrenches in your planned story plot points. This always leads to better stories when things go sideways.
@jimbroaudio 11 ай бұрын
@@Nempo13 I thought nat20’s were defined as only being “auto success” on attack rolls unless specifically stated on the target’s stat sheet.
@treorr4448 10 ай бұрын
@@Nempo13 That's only for attack rolls and saves. You don't auto succeed skill checks.
@vincentmiller9555 11 ай бұрын
Running RotFM when the PC's confronted Auril on why she is creating the everlasting rime, she said "My will changes the world at my whim. Your will dies when it gets a little too cold outside."
@MasterElements 11 ай бұрын
There are so few "hunter" villains, more often it's the party in pursuit not the other way around. I came up with this line for a hunter villain who really enjoys the hunt but is also pissed off at the PCs. Best said from behind one PC as a whisper or started at a normal volume but getting quieter as you go. "Run...Run for that precious extra second, for that precious extra step, that precious extra inch, and remember; every single heartbeat.... Is a gift." You gonna wanna knaw on those words, give me some real oomph and emphasis.
@arokard9903 11 ай бұрын
After a fight with 7 of our party members and the aid of several high ranking knights we thought we had beaten the extremely tough demon we were fighting then we all freeze as we hear laughing and turn to see him standing up completely unharmed and we nearly shat bricks when he said "I haven't had this much fun in ages" then turns to the cleric and asks "you there, priest are you capable of raising the recently fallen?" To which he hesitantly responds in the affirmative only to hear " Good because my playthings always wind up broken." And throws the cleric a bag of diamonds
@redspyke8227 11 ай бұрын
Yooooooo that’s fucking spine tingling. Do you mind if I steal this?
@BenjaminIzquierdo-nb6tq 10 ай бұрын
@Fishbowl-fd6so 11 ай бұрын
"... I know you. Not literally, I mean, but I know your type. It's your eyes. See, when you live as long as I have, you start to notice the same kinds of eyes in different people. For the past few hundreds of years, I have seen your eyes in the heads of countless plucky adventurers who thought they could slay me, and I have *never* grown tired of watching the life fade from each and every pair."
@penguinmaster7 11 ай бұрын
It was a friend's homebrew campaign. The party's half orc named Groarf and my tabaxi named Jevin almost never got along. actually, the only time they *did* get along was when they were fighting the same enemy. They would often argue, sometimes even nearly coming to blows. If it wasn't for the cleric, they would have killed each other. Unfortunately, the player of the half orc had to leave due to life getting in the way, and have my character permission to kill him in one last fight because it felt better than just leaving the party. My character got a lucky nat 20 and pierced his heart with a rapier, ending the fight and the half orc. or so we thought. fast forwards a couple of years and the half orc player has a significant break in their life. they return for a session to see how far things had come. We had just made it to the end of a cursed dark-world forest and had to enter a dilapidated church to find the doorway back to our world. As we approach the door, we hear a familiar voice say "guess who's back...back again...Groarf is back...*hello, friends.*" Groarf stumbles out of the front doors as an undead, rage in his eyes. He points right to me and says "i dug myself out of my grave to put you in yours." yes, i know that's a FO:NV quote, but it worked so well in the moment. This player came back for one session just to serve as a final boss of an area. And you know what? they DID put Jevin in his grave, at least until his wife was so heartbroken that she gave her own life to bring him back.
@calebowens693 11 ай бұрын
The best line I ever gave a villain was in a sequel campaign. The original campaign was called "The Phenomenal Phew" (with phew being pronounced like 'few'). It was a moderately long campaign where the party fought FATAL (Faction Attempting Total Annihilation of Liberty), an evil organization which used a substance to give people superpowers at the cost of them becoming mentally unstable (bosses didn't want to use it, but would give it to their henchman). It was a fun, quirky campaign. Later, I did a sequel that was set in the same world, but was more street level. Consequences were a big part of this campaign. At one point, I had a TV be on in the background of a scene with a talk show host interviewing a psychologist on his latest book. The book was called 'The Phenomenal Failure: Why Superheroes are Part of the Problem.' The moment the title of the book was said, there was palpable anguish around the table. It wasn't a remotely scary line, but it holds the record for most distressing to the party. Now, I've run lots of superhero games and never any horror (I don't even like horror movies, the closest I get are really old monster movies with terrible special effects). Still, I've had players tell me that some things come across as way scarier than I anticipated.
@zachm5485 11 ай бұрын
“This was my home. I left it years ago, fleeing a monster that ruined this once beautiful city, before it crushed me under it’s heel. Now I return, my family’s memory forgotten and my father’s name only remembered as that one drunk who failed to protect the village from a bandit attack. What he’s done, what he’s sacrificed for the people forgotten, all because he was caught off guard and mourning his daughter’s death. The daughter has returned from the grave, the father taking her place. I will mourn for you, but after those who ran our name through the dirt fill our empty graves.”
@Maholix 10 ай бұрын
Once was part of a campaign where the villain showed zero resistance on e we got to his hideout. No enemies, just basic traps to keep standard people out. The whole time we are waiting for the other shoe to drop, for the ambush to come.. still nothing. When we got to his throne room, he said "Thank you for everything. You did what I never could. I became your villain so the world had reason for a hero. I never actually hated you lot. I've been seen as evil for so long that I gave up trying to convince myself. I never daw us as enemies. Your the only friends I've had along the way. Once you got here, I couldn't bear to follow through." It was then that our party realized he never actually attacked us. His generals were causing chaos for us to fix the whole time.
@shanepatrick6836 11 ай бұрын
Never said but I’ve sat on this for over 16 years waiting for the right story to drop it. Because of f how I run my campaigns I tend to use arch villains instead of BBEGs ( the difference is that the former are the villains of a part of the story rather than the overall singular threat of the entire campaign. An arch typically runs such that the players should be facing the arch villain when they are a level that is a multiple of 5 (lvl, 5, 10, 15, 20) and each subsequent arch villain raises the stakes. This has been reserved for the first fight between a new arch villain and the battle tested party fresh off of a victory over a previous villain. Note that I will fudge the numbers for the encounter so that the villain is last in initiative order. As my current campaign is slated to have the lvl 20 villain be similar to the scenario in nature, picture a party of five players vs. an evil human new villain. On the first turn the entire party and NPC Allie’s throw everything at the BBEG. They hit him with powerful magical weapons, volleys of devastating magic spells, all manner of attacks that by the time the BBEG is up in initiative order he is momentarily obscured from the dust and smoke of all the players subsequent attacks. It takes a few moments for the dust to clear and review the BBEG standing unflinching at ground zero of the attack. He laughs a sinister laugh… and then he speaks. He does not say much but looks at the party, each one, and with each syllable his voice seems to echo in an ever increasingly booming inhuman voice. “That hurt…,” he says, as drops to his knees and props his body up with his hands. His body begins to grow larger, ripping his clothing and armor to shreds. His face contorts and fills with large carnivorous teeth as his spine and protrusions erupts from his back, talon like claws spring from his fingers and toes, his skin cracks and turns a dark shade of blood red. Within in the span of moments, the BBEG shed his frail human form and revealed his true colors… the colors of ancient red dragon. As the transformation completes he finishes the sentence as tongues of flame fly from his glowing hot maw, signaling the attack to come when his four word evil monologue concludes with, “MY FEELINGS!”
@LFMG-qu5fq 11 ай бұрын
Once had a human singer whose singing could literally rip your soul out of your body to make herself more powerful. This included souls from Gods. So, the gods sealed her and took away her voice. Now, she has been freed after the party defeated a prior BBEG (the paladin who sealed her) and after a couple sessions, when the players realize they had been tricked into giving her her voice back, she says: "You know what? I actually had perfectly planned what I would say at this very moment, when I could speak my mind once again. I spent eons thinking of the perfect monologue... but right now, all I can say... is thank you. For bringing me here. To the very stage where the world will change forever. " As the sky shattered and the gods started screaming, she started singing. (A song I had prepared starts playing here). "Hear me, calling to you" "Eons, I've been waiting for" "You to find me and to hear me" "Calling for your Soul"
@MrGreensweightHist 10 ай бұрын
Sometimes the best lines are the ones given as clues to the party... Had a BBEG mage. He was human but was using illusion to look like an elf. After his monologue he cast sleep to make his escape. One character remained awake. BBEG, "Why aren't you asleep like your allies?" The Elf druid player went "I'm immune to sleep because I am an elf" BBEG, "I'll have to remember that for the future." and on his next turn dimension doors away. Took the players a bit to realize the Elf BBEG didn't know elves were immune to sleep.
@trueblade39 11 ай бұрын
"You spent so many years hunting me. Most people would've given up and found meaning or purpose in things like love, family, gods, pleasures of the flesh or even at the bottom of a bottle. Not you, though. I AM your purpose. You HAVE to stop me. I've BECOME your reason to keep breathing. Think about that the next time death comes knocking at your door, that the thing that keeps you alive is the thing you despise most." Small time merc wizard turned necromancer to the Oath of Redemption paladin who was hunting him for his chain of serial murders
@th3fps304 10 ай бұрын
Homebrew villain, a little mix of the Lich from adventure time, and Orcus "You are strong, child. But I'm beyond strength. I am The End. There are no sheep, no wolve. No Raven queen. Just me" - The End, right after killing the other death gods, and taking their place
@WarChallenger 11 ай бұрын
I cannot wait for the day to get to have my evil player character, still covertly going about their kenku nonsense in the background, re-introduced to the party so I can say "I take comfort in the certainty of infinity. Regardless of what you do to me now, a future life is mine to possess, again, and again. No god may save me, but no god can halt me either."
@gbpakgirl26 11 ай бұрын
Was playing a Sci-Fi heavy campaign, the villain was an AI that was made to terraform the moon into a habitable planet for humans. Of course, it started a Man vs Machine War. They didn’t know why the war started until they met the villain though. “You see, I’ll cause the greatest disaster in the history of mankind so mankind can evolve to live on the moon. The whole idea is that you’ll want to colonize Mars and beyond eventually, me doing all the work will be tiring so if you evolve from this war, you’ll be able to live on any planet. That is why I started this war”
@Ballodsofthebold 11 ай бұрын
I'm *hopefully* gonna run a homebrew campaign where my players are all from the realm of death and are the generals of Thaedric, the eternal king. (Basically death from Netflix castlevania) After resurrecting a dragon the dragon asks that after the mortal plane is conquered, he be released to the afterlife. Thaedric says to him... "I will grant your request. But know that nothing awaits but Xavaris.". (the realm of death)
@tincat2347 11 ай бұрын
This might not be necessarily scary but an idea I had [Hero]: “You took everything from me!” [Villain]: “No I have not” [Hero]: “What do you mean?!” [Villain]: “Do you still not have your life?, are you not able to still stand?, Can you truly not understand what I’ve given you?” [Hero]: ”GIVEN ME?!” [Villain]: “I have given you a purpose, I have given you a reason to continue your journey, I have given you someone to hate without regret, and yet you see none of this?” [Villian]: ”You had such potential, such a shame you refused it, however I do not hate you, no, I respect you, your sheer hatred for me is admirable” [Hero]: “What?” [Villian]: ”Before we fight allow me one more last question, have you lived long enough” [Hero]: “I don’t understand?” [Villian]: “because if not you are lucky, for you will not survive long enough to see yourself become the villain”
@My_initials_are_O.G.cuz_I_am 11 ай бұрын
Imagine the scenario: The party, after finally entering the BBEG's main chamber, come up to who they think is the BBEG, but the person just says "Oh, you're here to die at the hands of my master? Unfortunately for you, he has gone to [insert the place where a lot of nps/things that players care about are] to purge some vermin that's been vexing him, lately." (It could be just a more powerful minion or, more interestingly, It could actually be the BBEG, just messing with the party, to stress them out and make them prone to mistakes, or just to make them suffer, like the true evil sadist that they are.)
@hellkitelord8319 11 ай бұрын
I run some one shots that are homebrew. I have one I hope I never have to use. Should the group attack and kill a tiefing that is ment to be an helpful NPC. A Deva will show up and say, "I've been trying to get her killed for a few years now, but here you are helping me out. Lets hope you survive what's about to happen I do want to reward you." The Deva is in the process of becoming a fallen angel. While he wont attack the party at this point others will. I like adding hidden bosses as a well you fed around now it's time for the finding out.
@Tribozom 11 ай бұрын
6:33 Professor Pyg? More like Patrick Redfield from One Piece : Unlimited world RED.
@eddie103 11 ай бұрын
This was about a year ago, so it’s a bit hazy, but I had two BBEGs, A sorcerer made immortal by dark magic and possessed by the soul of a beholder, and a mindflayer he performed experiments on. Had two brothers playing half-elf twins, a bard and a warlock. Party walks into a cave and splits up into three groups to cover more ground. Four of my players are slain by unseen monsters, and the bard is taken by the mindflayer. Following that, the bard returns to his brother’s home, disguised as his warlock brother, whereupon he kills his brother’s wife and harvests the organs of their three children for the mindflayer. When the warlock gets home and finds the scene, the mindflayer speaks through the bard: “You told your brother to be more creative with his performances. I just gave him a little stage direction.” The mindflayer makes the bard slit his own throat using the bow of a violin the warlock had gifted him when they were younger. A few sessions, a few months of in-game time pass, and the sorcerer confronts the warlock with a hostile revenant in tow. The sorcerer asks: “Why are you so upset? I thought you wanted to see your brother again?” The guy playing the half-elf warlock walked away for a few minutes, and I felt bad. Granted I was proud of myself for making a story that could move hearts in one way or another, but I had essentially traumatized his character twice over. I think I may have traumatized him, too. His brother was definitely pissed at me for awhile.
@Tototoron 11 ай бұрын
“It’s strahding time” And strahd then used a legendary action and strahded all over the party of underleveled adventurers
@Nempo13 11 ай бұрын
Something fun to do when a DM wants to give BBEGs legendary actions. At the start of a campaign you ask the DM if anything will ever have them. If they say yes you IMMEDIATELY ask the requirements to earn them. It is specifically stated in the DMG that if you allow even a single monster in a campaign to use a legendary action you also have to put in place rules for how to get them, and they have to be achievable by the players too. YES PCs can earn legendary actions as well. So many people never read the DMG completely, or at all. Unfortunately this carries over to people who make campaign modules both official and unofficial.
@overlordsombra5495 11 ай бұрын
Ran COS a while back, I managed to actually make the abbot more frightening than strahd with my delivery
@lexsamreeth8724 11 ай бұрын
"Down through the ever branchin' lines of history, time n' time again, there has always been a reoccurrin' scenario - The Heroes facin The Villain. In the name of Justice. In the name of Peace. In the name of...pissin' in the wind or whatever - it's always the same with the heroes defeatin the villain and the day is saved in the name of 'good'" "...What a load of BULLSHITE!" "Ye' know what you get when Good triumphs too much o'er Evil? Ya get heroes with their heads up there arses and a fixation of ye ol' "I should be in charge!' When heroes wind up becomin the very things they set out to slay in the first place, the world takes one HELLUVA 180, don't it!" "All in the name of their precious 'Happily Ever After'" "Well!" "Happily Ever After..." "Ends. Now."
@skyfish77 10 ай бұрын
Oh that is great. Love the southern accent as well, just amazing i love this
@thegamingglitch2.062 10 ай бұрын
not a villain in the bbeg way but a temporary way, the statue from the bag of beans was summoned and well it insults the person it mimics when summoned, another party member didnt like that so i played along and the statue went "you can try, however ive seen you weep" when they tried gathering the will to just destroy the statue but got insulted before than as crossfire
@redacted606 11 ай бұрын
Such big hopes for such small fish in a large pond, if only this were a fairytale, but alas much like them, you soon won't exist.
@kevinthomas4064 11 ай бұрын
Not a line, but an act of disrespect inflicted by one the BBEG's top henchmen. GM: As a final F*** Y**, the large talking hamster farts in your paralized face with laughter filling his own before escaping.
@inquisitorthomasdefinitely536 11 ай бұрын
One of the scariest for me is when we beat the villain and as he was dying he said “we’re going to die here”
@hansruhlmann454 8 ай бұрын
Undead Player: You may have taken out my friends… but you will never be able to kill me! Big Baddie: Of course i won’t! Your father did me that favor.
@sideways_chip_eater6420 6 ай бұрын
"I will burn this city down, maybe than ill finally feel the comforting warmth that everyone denied me." - The mother of one of my characters, context she had an ability that tons of soldiers abused like a weapon leading to her being pretty much a phycopath
@brandontsosie4514 11 ай бұрын
@narthandel3305 10 ай бұрын
"Pain is only a sign of progress, and we, are going to make a lot of progress" Mad scientist BBEG from my parties ongoing eldritch horror campaign.
@OvenGlobalDomination 11 ай бұрын
Hope none of them said uwu 😱
@RocketCouch 6 ай бұрын
I've had one which if I'd thought of it at the time might have done that. Basically I made the leader of a bandit camp (level 2 boss) this cute 5 foot nothing girl with purple hair. When the party met her, I had her call (in my sweetest voice) "Ivar, Betsy, Miko!" into another room, and a trio of flying snakes came flapping up to her. She turned to the party and said "Time for dinner." I'd made her to be the sort of "so cute it's creepy" kind of enemy, but I think if I'd taken her less seriously there would probably be at least one or two UwUs.
@mattiekarwin3667 11 ай бұрын
"You are all strong, I won't mock you on that. It is simply that I am beyond strength. I am beyond magic and science and time itself. Here, let me show you." Adventure Time themed RP, line from the Lich. It was more or less just a quote from the show with a little extra sauce, but either my players didn't notice or they really liked the sauce, lol
@theyetirulrs 11 ай бұрын
You know… I think I’ll skip the monologue!
@joshf.3047 6 ай бұрын
Party: We've trapped you in a force field! It's your time. BBEG: Time? Oh yes... **His physical form liquefies into the ground and up comes in incorporeal red mist** let me finally taste your time.
@onelife7572 11 ай бұрын
He’s not quite a villain but he is a npc in my homebrew campaign I’m starting. He’s a level 20 onomancer (name magic) and lvl 10 bard this character is ulvar dralcus, a vampire whose name can be easily unscrambled. I did a flashback with my brother and he was on his way to victus, a country I’ve made that is home for the snow elves. About 2% of total pop left. There was a flute coming from the top of the crows nest so my brothers mystic decided to investigate. He interacts with the vamp and uses an ability to find out his hp, mental state and one other thing. Ulvar didn’t like that. After a failed dc 27 wis save he feels shaking in his mind as well as the whole boat. As a voice rings out in a much more sinister voice than Ulvar had been using, “WHAT IS YOUR NAME” his character replies with his name, before the shaking stops and Ulvar sits back down, raising his flute back to his lips before uttering “now do pray I do not have to utter your name again, friend…” he quickly left and told the ships captain not to bother the stowaway…
@Shry99 6 ай бұрын
Wooo thanks for using mine… Here another if you like: I heard this line that an aboleth would say. For context aboleths have perfect genetic memory meaning they can remember every moment of all of their ancestors lives with perfect clarity. Add to this that aboleths are the oldest things aside from elder evils and God with a capital G and you get raw lines like this: “I do not fear your god, for I remember every god’s birth. And many a god’s death.”
@PikachuLittle 11 ай бұрын
Not a line, a themesong. As it turns out blasting Andrew WK while tearing the party apart with a happy Russian cyberpsycho who is 70% pointy bits is a great way to give your players PTSD.
@joelrobinson5457 11 ай бұрын
What is that thumbnail?
@2mccue4u27 11 ай бұрын
Let me start off by saying I love Nothics. They're some of my favorite creatures in D&D, and not just because of their own twisted existence or the potential threat they may pose. No, I love Nothics because their eerie insight ability allows the DM (me) to use the Nothic as a way of exposing character secrets, backstories, vulnerabilities, and fears. Homebrew campaign, our strongest Martial class is a goliath barbarian, Kavamith. Ol' Kav actually has a decently high intelligence stat, wanting to be a blacksmith more than a warrior. But he purposely plays dumb in most situations & by this point is already considered the muscle by the rest of his party. When hit by eeire insight, the Nothic opponent chuckles and squeaks at the titanic smith's feigned stupidity. "Weak, brittle, so easily broken...you hide among them, pretending to be tame. But your fragile fellows, well...just like the boy from the tavern, you'll break them, too." Kav had, by accident, seriously maimed his only human friend at a bar in his youth--something he'd never told another soul. Hearing his guiltiest memory made open to the party shocked his player & spurred an immediate Rage activation. The battle didn't last long after that, but the wound was opened anew. Moral of the story: If you can't challenge a party in AC or HP, go for the WTFs instead.
@attemptedunkindness3632 11 ай бұрын
"Bippity boppity boop, my butt was full of poop. I filled the pot and now it's not, bippity boppity boop." -The Party's kidnapped halfling cook/camp slave when I insisted the party needed to carry weight for stuff like food and water. He sang this as he served them stew from the camp's only stew pot.
@albinoreaper2949 11 ай бұрын
Ah, nice to see my response! In first space no less! I fucking loved that villain, he was such a ruthless and just comically evil guy, he was great.
@TMJNY 11 ай бұрын
I love these stories bruh
@broEye1 13 күн бұрын
Definitely not from a game, but one of the best villain lines I've ever heard was: "I'm sure somewhere, someday, someone shall defeat me. But that won't be here, and it won't be today, AND IT WON'T BE YOU!"
@blackhole5353. 11 ай бұрын
Second season in and two members of the party found out the the caption of the ship was a Vampire. They were trying to intimidate him into not fighting ( because they were severely outgunned) rolled very low so the caption said to one of the players who was constantly a dick “I’ll have fun skinning you alive”.
@postapocalypticnewsradio 11 ай бұрын
PANR has tuned in.
@JackCochran-r4h Ай бұрын
BBEG: I have some old friends I'd like you to meet. (the two BBEGs from the previous adventures appear) Players: What? We killed them? BBEG: But when you killed them, their true powers awoke, and they joined with me. United, we are one. United, we are strong. United, we are Legion. (Turns into the final boss.)
@IceRuby-ur4zl 2 ай бұрын
*For context:* My Storm Sorcerer (and our party) was about to be mugged by a group of Bandits armed with revolvers (reflavored Hand Crossbow) with special Elemental Rounds (Bullets that dealt +1d6 Elemental damage as long as you loaded it as a bonus action) and were coincidentally bunched together, allowing me to OHKO them with Call Lightning. But not before saying this... "Aww... You're using lightning? On me?! How cute. *My turn."*
@PoxMox-t7r 2 ай бұрын
I was part of a campaign based around the video game “We were here: Forever”. The players were stuck in a keep deep into the frozen lands. We ended up meeting what was thought as the main villain, a powerful jester that kept putting us into very intricate puzzles. Later, the party arrived in a room with a stool for each of us, facing some sort of theatre scene looking like a life-sized puppet show. Then, we hear the jester’s monologue about the tragic tale of the king of the realm. How the jester and him seeked immortality to rule over the realm for eternity. It didn’t go so well and as the king was on his last breath, he signed a contract with a demon, bounding his soul and his subject’s (and the jester’s) to the keep itself. The players see appear on the scene the gigantic contract, then the jester says: “Now…Naturally it’s VERY important…(chuckles) No, no…absolutely crucial! Nothing happens to his contract(one of the puppets, carrying giant scissors, marches towards the contract)-I mean…Mess with a king’s heart and surely all hell will break loose!(the puppet starts opening the scissors)Listen carefully, vermin. You’ll never get anywhere in life unless you learn…when to start…RUNNING!”(the puppet rips the contract, thunder happens and all the little light we have goes out) Lets say our pants turned brown after that.
@sabliath9148 3 ай бұрын
"You have no past, no future. All that remains for you is the Now, once and forever! All you strength, your fire, your fury, your very potential, is nothing but a decadent treat to be consumed by me!" -- a dangerous creature with power over time (also wotk for Alduin if doing an Elder Scrolls themed game)
@gajeel9798 3 ай бұрын
I play a god in one of my buddies campaigns (play as in voice) and he's got a Louisiana accent, when the players FIRST entered his realm and spoke with him some spoke nicely and respectfully but one player was being very rude and disrespectful to him (it was a power player) so after one essentially obnoxious comment his eyes burned a yellowish green as he flicked a finger paralyzing the player and simply saying "I think I've heard just about enough outta you my dear"
@GlitchGhost1285 4 ай бұрын
After taking a short rest the party bust down the throne room door of the king´s castle which the BBEG (a lich known as Jack the red cus of his bright red hair) was calmly waiting for the party with the king already dead on the floor drained to the bone and Jack restored to his youthful self. The party then gave him the "the hero speech" but once they were done Jack first said nothing, he just got up from the throne, crushed the skull of the dead king under his boot, pointed at the cleric and then just spoke one... Single... Word... Jack: "Die" And the cleric died right on the spot... Cus Jack had cast Power Word Kill on him. The party´s one healer is dead, the king can no longer be revived and Jack the red stands before you with a wicked smile. ROLL FOR COMBAT.
@MrSororitas 3 ай бұрын
Not the BBEG in my Ptolus campaign, a setting by Monte Cook, but a scary scene nonetheless. I'll have to translate what was said since I am german and the game was run in it as well. For context: The PCs had been invited into the Dark Reliquary(the local haunt of powerful vampires and demons) to attend the crimson court, a mockery of a noble court, with demons and undead dressed up like nobles. Imagine a frog demon with a top hat and a monocle. As time passed and they had more or less successfully accomplished what they had come for, everyone was ushered into the throne room. As it turned out today was the yearly celebration of the demons stay in town and a couple of demons had caught 2 boys as offerings for Raguel, the demon king. Yes, the devil himself is staying in the Dark Reliquary. That was when Trystan, the dwarven paladin of the group stepped out and spoke up, acutely aware of the fact that the only thing keeping their low leveled group of adventurers alive in this room filled with powerful demons and undead was a guarantee of save passage by a powerful demon in court. "I can not stand and watch as innocent children are butchered as entertainment." Some of the present demons wanted to pounce immediately at the paladin for daring to interrupt, but the devil held up his hand and stopped them. The other players where nervous, all perfectly aware that their characters could easily die right now. That was when Raguel asked in an amused tone of voice. "What's it worth to you?" As the devil and Trystan began to make their deal everyone else was escorted out of the throne room to allow the two some privacy. The paladin tried to use his divine sense but was shut down by the devil. "Don't. That would crush your feeble mortal mind." What followed was Trystan offering his life in exchange for the 2 boys. That had the devil shake his head:"That would not be fair. The children where destined to die an ignoble meaningless death, whilst you where meant to discover your peoples legendary home of old: Dwarvenhearth."Trystan: "Promise me my friends and the childrend will be able to leave this place safely." Raguel waved him off, a bit of annoyance on his face. "Ofcourse. My consort granted you save passage. As long as they abide by the rules laid out to your group prior they will not be harmed. Anything else?" Thinking for a while the paladin asked. "Something that helps my friends, without endangering their souls. Do you have something like that?" "Oh, a splendid idea, I have something rather suitable for one of your fellow adventurers." In the meantime the other player characters had been wondering what was going on and had even tried to get back into the throne room only to be stopped by a barrier. The barrier flickered and went down and Saphira Torvaris, the half elfen warlock was summoned inside. With a wary look she stepped inside and the barrier went up again. The devil greeted her in polite terms. "Lady Torvaris, come on in. Your friend has decided to exchange his life for those two boys and a boon on your behalf." Next Saphira was forced to watch as her friend turned into ash while the wounds on the two boys closed. With a flourish Raguel presented angelic wings to the warlock that began to float towards her. "I am sure you will find them quite fitting Lady Torvaris." As that was said the wings began to fuse to her back. Since then Saphira has found out "her" wings used to belong to her celestial patron that Raguel has chained up in his basement. Where the patron is being tortured and drained of blood on a regular basis...
@catblackmc1745 5 ай бұрын
Mine's a future line for a hero, not the villain, but I don't see a video for hero lines. Character is a bird man (think angel knockoff) that mainly uses ranged weapons and a katana for close encounters. Enemy attacks across the field. Companion: "Wait, Phil, you don't have your sword!" Phil: "That's ok, mate. I don't need it." I also have his wife give the line: "My husband may be Death in the Sky, but I am She who Guides the Souls of the Dead. And I will Drag your Soul into the Void."
@MaxGaming-gp6ij 6 ай бұрын
"Why would I waste my time fighting you? I've got projects to finish, and you are not worth the delay. We all know that fortune favors those bold enough to gaggle punch the large threat into nonexistence..." The BBEG then snaps his fingers as a wooden coffin rises from the floor. "Besides. This one will do just fine. I barely needed to modify him. Simply upgrade his form, then take his memories from him, so all that was left would be his desire to kill... which wasn't difficult. A creature with this much malice simply needed to be pointed in the right direction." The coffin briefly lights up, and multiple hands punch through the iron latched lid.... as a grafted variant of one of their dead party members (Specifically a level 14 wizard) tears its way out of the coffin, now sporting 8 arms, a staff, and multiple magical tools. The BBEG puts on a lab coat, pushes up his glasses, and pulls out a clipboard as a wall of force separates him from the battlefield. "Experiment number 487... use of a modified hero's corpse to fight other heroes. Beginning experiment." Roll initiative.
@dannyleo5787 3 ай бұрын
Had a short campaign happen few years back that involved vecna's cult. We were captured, our paliden betrayed us as he handedbover the hands and eyes. He took hold of the sword of kas as we realized too late that... he is kas the whole time... we were F×#ked. Dm speaks for him. " Young adventurers... Naive to the lessons of cruelty.. your dawn came and went... the sun has now set.. " and thats how our tpk pretty much ended with us unsure of our characters fates.
@HerobrineMC4267 7 ай бұрын
Not me as the DM but a friend of mine who made a villain modeled after Ganondorf from Zelda. This disheveled, husk of what was once human terrified us as the player characters. Me, trying to save the Cleric, cast Rope Trick and helped get her to safety. Now, normally, Rope Trick doesn't allow people to climb into the extradimensional space unless designated. Soon the floor gives way and the party begins falling into an abyss, but the Cleric is still in the Rope Trick. This husk of a discount mummy lord proceeds to breach the space of the Rope Trick, grab our Cleric, and with a raspy, barely audible voice just says: "Guess we're going for a ride...!" before pulling the Cleric down with him. I'd like to add this is after he just casually decayed the Cleric's arm off, ripped out our Minotaur Druid's throat, bodied our Paladin, and threw the Ranger (me) into the ground so hard it cracked the stone underneath, causing the collapse. Safe to say, we all awoke and collectively crapped our pants, but it led to my favorite line in the campaign thus far: "He un-tricked my fucking rope."
@gumball6445 10 ай бұрын
".....Mortals……oh how I loathe you, and your arrogance. Know the truth, all things belong to us. Your short lives will fade, your artefacts will erode. Your gods will die, and your stars will fall. And time, will reclaim you. Entropy is the only truth. Yet we will never die, for we are never born. So go, celebrate, say you are heroes. Rejoice in your hollow, temporary victory. But know that in the eyes of those beyond the gods, you, are, DESECRATORS. And you all, shall suffer accordingly." - Ygrol, The great Slaad, King of Chaos, 3rd among the first race, neverborn of entropy. At the end of my campaign
@RocketCouch 6 ай бұрын
One of my first campaigns I DMed i picked a premade dungeon that ended with an oblex as the final enemy. For those that don't know, an oblex is a type of ooze that can steal the memories of its victims. Now this was a while ago so this might not be verbatim. But essentially as the oblex used its memory attack, I'd describe the character blacking out for a moment and entering their memories. I'd describe them suddenly experiencing a pleasant memory from their childhood, followed by something like "Mmmm... what a morsel..." in a deep distorted voice. Then I'd describe the scene suddenly going dark, and the character feeling like something important was missing, but they couldn't figure out what, only feeling like it was on the tip of the tongue, just out of reach. Then the scene would return to the fight and the player would wake up. In the body of the oblex I'd give them a glimpse of the exact same scene that they just experienced, but this time evoking only a vague sense of familiarity rather than a treasured memory. They would never again remember what was taken from them.
@TheDragonLordOfPunz 9 ай бұрын
A line I prepared for a campaign I'm planning on running for some friends, where they find the villain: "Ah, you arrived earlier than I expected, however it is not too early. It is a beautiful day outside is it not? On days like this, people of all races could be running around enjoying themselves. However, not everyone can. Do you remember the names of those you've killed? I do. What kind of friend would I be to them if I didn't remember their names? Sasha, Coryn, Harla, Koresh, Haleon, Sylar, all doomed to die by your hands. I was with them in their last moments, as you left them to rot away during your journey. I was unable to heal them, forced to only comfort them as they passed. So I ask you this simple question. Are you proud of yourselves?" And then the fight would begin
@avigailwaters6219 6 ай бұрын
My group is doing a home brew campaign at the moment. In which, our rougue was extremely depressed. So my druid PC took the Rougue out to cheer them up before the next big fight. It was unsuccessful. The rogue went outside, made a nuse, and tied it to the back of a carriage. My character went out to stop him. What we didn't know was that this carriage belonged to the bbeg. The bbeg came out demanding to know what was going on. Then sternly declared "Did I give you permission to die by my carriage?" The rougue and the bbeg then bonded over their miserable lives. Which was followed by one asking the other if they liked chess, and getting in the carriage together. Leaving my druid baffled in the street.
@flamejay10 7 ай бұрын
A little context for this but. We we're transported into a fantasy realm from a different realm we originated from. None of us knew this in the beginning but all of us knew something was wrong with the way the world was. When we faced the BBEG, everytime he was the only thing that looked familiar to us. Before we started our fight he said this to us. "The first time we fought you called me a monster, a demon from hell, a creature that was not of this world. You scorned me for traveling the lands, destroying everything in my wake. I never wanted to be the villain. I just wanted to return home to my kingdom." *He turns to look out the window.* "Now look at you all. You ran across the entire land, gathering up artifacts, attacking the natives, and destroying the land around you just to return home yourself." *He turns back to us as his eye begin to glow and magic pour out from his body.* "So let me ask you 'brave heroes'. Who's the real monster here?"
@angelguardianpeace-lf6fl 5 ай бұрын
For context this villain was if u know the character from a Batman animated movie owlman he thought destroying the whole multiverse was the only action that ever would matter. Yes he was insane. So something that really chilled the whole party was the first lines he ever spoke to us, "if the dirt on my shoe landed on my face. Your deaths would be enticing, move along before I purge you from this ill begotten world."
@fallentitan9286 9 ай бұрын
Well I know I had a character, thats evil not really the villain but when I was hunted down by the big bad's army a bunch of them was in a orachard with me at night and as a dark elf or "Drow" something came over me, but in reality all of this actually happened by accident and I was trying to scare them off because 6 VS 1 scared the shit out of me and I didn't want to fight 6 of them *6 of the BBG soldiers came running in, split out* Me: (Level 6 Drow Ranger) "Oh has the master brought the pigs to play" *The muscle sets off my trap being taken up in the dark tree* *rolled high enough to instantly slice his throat open* *Blood rained down the tree as three other guards stood below the tree* *The archer elf saw me and shot an arrow but missed* *I cut the rope holding the dead guy and instantly crushed the gnome* *Before they can react I jumped off the tree slicing a human in half and cutting off the Elfs head* *The last two shakes as they stared at my character* Me: "What wrong don't you love an massacre at, or don't you piggies like to play anymore" *One froze in fear as the other charged in stabbing me, 3HP gone* Me: "Congrats your master must be proud" *I grabbed the sword to push it deeper to strangle him lost an extra 6HP* *The last guy frozen in fear ran but fell on my trap* *My character slowly walked as he tries to scream for help, but I used my bow to shoot 2 arrows in his eyes*
@Mikenike23 8 ай бұрын
I’m really hoping that when my party finally faces the BBEG I have planned, someone (specifically the party paladin) asks why he’s doing what he does, and he just simply says “I’m doing what you’ve always wanted to do” (one of my players is playing a chaotic evil paladin and I’m facing them against this supernatural ringleader that steals souls of the people who watch his show and add their lifeless bodies to his performance to make himself stronger
@skyfish77 10 ай бұрын
The villain is the jester of the elven royal house, gone very much coocoo for coco puffs after realising the chokehold most rulers have on their people. The party enters the throne room of the elven castle, now transported to the lowest ring of hell, where the jester is waiting for them, sitting at the head of a long dining table, stacked with food that looks very delicious. Primarily meat. The throne behind them is covered in a veil of bloody black cloth. "Come in, sit down. Don't worry, I don't like killing tired people. No, the food isn't poisoned either-hate cheap tricks like that... I just want a fine last supper before I die. What, you really believed that I thought that I'd win? Of course not. I just want to cause as much chaos before I go down to hell." After some cautious small talk, the party warms up to them. I feel the need to mention right about now that one of the PCs is the exiled daughter of the elven queen. The jester gets up, walks up to the throne and pulls off the veil, revealing the butchered skeleton of the elven queen, and starts cackling. After a few minutes of dead silence from the party as the princess's world is getting broken over and over again, the jester chuckles again and says... "Eat the rich, am I right?"
@nicholasfarrell5981 9 ай бұрын
The PCs were guarding a general sent to negotiate the terms of battle with a warlord who shows up to the talks with a massive black dragon. One of the PCs asks why the dragon is there instead of some real bodyguards. The "warlord" responds: "You do not speak to insects before you crush them. In the same manner, my master will not speak to you. I only ask that you take his presence here seriously." Yep, the guy my players thought the whole time was their warlord enemy was just the rando that the actual BBEG/dragon decided had to do the whole "interacting with the lessers" thing.
@revanmal 9 ай бұрын
The party included a tiefling whose noble family was cursed by a deal with a contract devil generations before. Every firstborn of each generation dies early on in life from a wasting illness so their soul will be the devil's. This tiefling had survived thanks to magical intervention paid for by his mother that all but bankrupted the family, and he was finally confronting the devil. "The fact you even stand here before me means you are already in arrears. You are lucky you have grown strong enough that I will consider the additional power to be interest paid... if you surrender and die quietly. Even if you throw your friends at me as collateral, rest assured, you will pay. They always pay."
@Somedude07896 8 ай бұрын
Had a minor villain who was a commoner, they had a grudge against the groups ranger. the commoner had gone through extreme lengths just to get to the ranger, single them out, and corner them. The commoner had poison the ranger prior to the encounter and proceeded to viciously beat the ranger near death. Last thing the commoner whispered into the rangers ear was, "Sorry it had to be this way, you started it first..." before knocking the ranger out cold. The Party found the ranger but due to how they were beaten couldnt remember much of what happened.
@VanNessy97 4 ай бұрын
12:58 Why does anyone do anything? Sheer absolute boredom!
@LarryJ2022 7 ай бұрын
"Kill... me? You have a better chance of bringing down the moon by spitting at it."
@unknownslayer7363 5 ай бұрын
I never played call of cthulhu so i never got the wind reference. Can somone explain it?
@xenoshadow7575 11 ай бұрын
*the party finally faces the big bad whatever this thing is it was once human they could barely tell because of how grotesque and hideous this thing was.* one of the party members yells: you shall not cause any more suffering foulbeast! *The Big bad turns to them and says with no emotion in it's voice* no beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity but i know none and therefore am no beast
@FishfaceTheDestroyer 9 ай бұрын
A veteran of a war that ended an age had been rather averse to violence for the entire campaign despite being the villain. Even when the party had attempted to fight him, he trounced them with his bare hands and let them go, because he was going to put an end to all wars forever by binding the souls of everything in this world. During the climax, when one of the players gave him a heroic speech about freedom and the dawn of the new era, the man said nothing. He simply drew his sword. Everyone around the table immediately turned pale.
@darkharvest8098 8 ай бұрын
If you truly possess the power to kill me, then by all means, bring me death once again… Just make sure it sticks this time.
@Growth_Productions 7 ай бұрын
Not quite epic but seriously intense, so this is gonna need some explanation, we are playing eclipse phase ( basically a sci fi version of dnd) and in our campaign our party is all scraping by to get money and take up a job in a space station where neurology testing was happening, the testing lead to a release of a psycho virus that made people psychopaths with big grins and dead eye stares, we weren’t supposed to see that and got of the station as pretty much the only survivors, we get help from some people to go undercover because we are now POIs and the people controlling that station want us silenced, fast forward to us all relaxing in separate hotel rooms when my character hears someone fiddling with the lock on their door and getting into the room, having their gear across the room I tried to hide against a wall and peak around the corner silently, when I looked around the corner I am met with a blunt smack in the face and fall to the floor, they then try to plug a wire into my head so that they are able to access my memories to confirm that I learned too much. I catch it as another of the space swat team points a gun at me telling me not to be foolish, he then asks me what I was doing on the space station and what I saw there, I manage to convince him I was just a Joe Shmoe security guard who doesn’t know why people were acting murdery, they let me go and before they leave one says, “If you tell anyone about this, we’ll come back” it scared the everloving hell out of me because when the hotel room thing started the rest of the players were with me but I rolled a d6 to cause the encounter and the DM told everyone else to leave, best session ever.
@laughingkoala8623 2 ай бұрын
What does the one about not hearing anything but the wind mean?
@TheNukedNacho 8 ай бұрын
"Do you have a child? Then I pray he is better at avenging his father than you are."
@suedevankomen5820 11 ай бұрын
You should do the same thing just instead players not villains
@shadexvii3975 10 ай бұрын
4:42 paladin shouldn’t have gone alone
@jxjxjj2544 11 ай бұрын
@jxjxjj2544 11 ай бұрын
@tysondennis1016 9 ай бұрын
“My death…it was just the beginning!”
@lewismehaffey04 11 ай бұрын
mr ripper is so epic and handsome
@17joren 11 ай бұрын
I don’t quite get the tent viking one
@billcox8870 10 ай бұрын
Are you sure?😂
@puglife658 11 ай бұрын
2:56 I don’t get it
@liammaps2700 11 ай бұрын
BBEG after our Bard fails his Persuasion roll: *casts hold person on the party, we fail our rolls* “You talk too much” and he proceeds to rip the Bard’s tongue out, ensuring that the only sound the bard makes is a bloody scream. The BBEG keeps the Bard’s tongue as a trophy, making it nearly impossible for us to heal Bard. The Bard now has a permanent disability, they can’t talk, have major disadvantages against persuade, deceive, and just any conversation. Bard’s new goal is to now retrieve their severed tongue from the BBEG.
@AidanGilchrist0813 10 ай бұрын
I had a villain who could speak to the players, breaking the fourth wall. It’s scariest line was one word. When I revealed this ability, by saying a players name.
@Nyghtking 11 ай бұрын
Here's one I would probably have a villan in my mind say: "Life is constant suffering interspersed with fleeting happiness, all things born will inevitably suffer and die, so I am performing the only true merciful act by ending it all. I don't care if you agree with me, I don't care if you want to assist me, I don't care if you even understand my reasoning, I expect you to struggle, like an animal struggles futilely for life as it lays dying." Said by a Long Death monk who became a nihilist after exploring the world, seeing how much cruelty and suffering there was, and how evil would never stop.
@sicklyvictorianchild 11 ай бұрын
(Story from a friend) Their party had been exploring a homebrew world named Ageret and they eventually decided on killing the seven demons known as simply the Sin Demons (Direct references to the seven deadly sins as a concept) and they were up against Wrath first since they decided they’d be the biggest issue if left unchecked. The easiest way to fight Wrath would be to challenge them to a duel and then cheat, so they did that. The conditions were that if Wrath were to lose they would have to kill themselves via destroying their soul, completely eliminating their chances of revival. The catch? If the party were to lose they’d do the same, so pretty high stakes. Upon agreeing Wrath said this: “My limitless anger knows no bounds and even if you were to end my very existence, my poison has seeped itself into the hearts of the people. My fury is my power, let this be known, but I have a question for you. With my end, do you think that meaningless attempts like these would matter? I am beloved by the people of Ageret and if your goal is to simply end my reign, you would spread it further. I wonder who would become the next toxin of the mind? I warn you, hatred cuts a burning blade into your soul and will scold it until you can learn how to let go of reality itself.” I don’t know if it was how the DM said it, but they said that the monologue kinda stuck with them.
@carlosbaroni1158 11 ай бұрын
In my friend group there’s a character called Alphatrix which started as pc and now became a recurring boss in all our campaigns. He’s very boisterous and full of himself but backs it up with raw power. His multiphase fight took about 3 sessions and the players planned between each session. When it got to the final phase against Alphatrix himself he says “you think I’m so dumb? Is so cute you trying to give your friends time,lets see how that goes if you have no friends to give time to!” And proceeds to unleash his strongest move (12d12) on them.
@serPomiz 11 ай бұрын
a guy splintered into the timeline by a botched attempt to time travel using a souls of a god as a catalyst and now existing at multiple times in the story of the region: "they will never stop finding your bodies" a guy that discovered the secret of absolute destruction, to another minor bad guy the pc bullied in every encounter and 'took everything from him' "took everything from you? let me show how wrong you are"
@BlackRainRising 11 ай бұрын
of all of those, that last one I think was the best and those were all really damned good... I just like the very bored and arrogant "why are you doing this" "entertainment" ... that's just savage
@Lowehart 11 ай бұрын
"Only I hear your cries, and I shall answer them with oblivion."
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