Muhammad in Deuteronomy 18?! (Adnan Rashid)

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Dax Van Der Wal

Dax Van Der Wal

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@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
Is Muhammad in Deuteronomy 18:18? Challenge - what reasons can you give to show that "brother" in this passage refers to a non-Israelite? Reminder - if you're going to argue that Muhammad and Moses are similar, use the criteria given to us by the context of Deuteronomy.
@theluckyone6580 9 ай бұрын
the brother of israelites is ishmaelites who is prophet Muhammad from ishmaelites
@theluckyone6580 9 ай бұрын
Deuteronomy 33:2 "The Lord came from Sinai and dawned over them from Seir; he shone forth from Mount Paran. He came with myriads of holy ones." Mount Paran is in Arabia. -Matthew 21:43 "Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you (Israelites) and given to a people who will produce its fruit." Kingdom of God is not in Israelites again but to other people. -John 4:19-21 "Sir,” the woman said to Jesus, “I can see that you are a prophet. Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.” “Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem." Today we worship not in direction to Jerusalem again, but direction to Mecca (Valley of Baka). -Isaiah 42 “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice to the nations. He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his teaching the islands will put their hope.” This is what God the Lord says- the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it: “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. “I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.” Prophet Muhammad was sent to the Gentiles and he invited the idol worshipers in Mecca to return to worshiping the one true God.
@shaheempashua6924 9 ай бұрын
​@@theluckyone6580 there shall be no comeback expect for your comment to be deleted.
@childofgod4862 8 ай бұрын
Did not our Lord Jesus claimed Deuteronomy 18:18 in Matthew by saying "And Moses wrote about me"??? So that claim is already take by my Lord Jesus! Case Closed!
@shaheempashua6924 8 ай бұрын
@@childofgod4862 I'm sorry Moses never believed or advocated for the belief of a man god So no it's not about your roman produced pagan man god
@nils740 9 ай бұрын
Greatly displayed, keep it up! God bless ❤
@daxvanderwal 8 ай бұрын
Thank you friend!
@painfullysoothingtruth1941 9 ай бұрын
@Dax Spot on! Solid reasoning.
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to watch
@mammid9622 9 ай бұрын
Can you actually talk to muslims on their live streams? some examples are "The muslim lantern" and "EFDawah"
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
I plan on trying to call into the Muslim Lantern this summer, after I finish this series
@mammid9622 9 ай бұрын
​@daxvanderwal BTW they wrote a whole book about Muhammad(pbuh) in the bible called "Abraham Fulfilled" its online free download by Adnan rasheed and 2 other authors
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
@@mammid9622 Thanks for the resource! I'll check it out. I'll use it to help me prepare for my next vi
@tmmmtmm05 8 ай бұрын
​@@daxvanderwalYes, that's what I hope.
@lightofilm6228 7 ай бұрын
What exactly did you mean when you say Deuteronomy 18:5-6 “expands” on Deuteronomy 18:2? Deuteronomy 18:2 is clear. The “brothers” of the Levites are not the Levites, but the other tribes of Israel. Similarly, Deuteronomy 18:15-18:18 is addressed to the entire tribe of Israel therefore the “brothers” there can only refer to the brothers of the entire tribe of Israel collectively (like in Deuteronomy 2:4). The ambiguity of Deut 18:15 is something even acknowledged by biblical scholars, including the famous Jewish “sage” Maimonides who admitted that on a plain reading, the verse could be interpreted as referring to brothers outside of Israel. As for Deuteronomy 17:15, it does even belong in the book of Deuteronomy as no such laws about monarchy were ever given by Moses. Deut 17:15 actually comes from the incident in 1 Samuel 8:4. Thus, the “brethren” spoken of in Deuteronomy 17:15 are the brothers of the elders of Israel in 1 Samuel 8:4 (similar to 1 Chronicles 15:16). Read the Septugiant of Deuteronomy 18:15. It clears things up. The Masoretic version has clearly been manipulated.
@daxvanderwal 7 ай бұрын
Yo! Thanks for sharing your insight, I haven't heard some of these arguments. 18:2 my point is simply that "brother" refers to fellow Israelites, which it doesn't seem like you disagree with. So, from the immediate context the word is being used to refer to a fellow Israelite. 18:15 perhaps a small minority of biblical scholars, but the vast majority (I've explored as much as I can get my hands on) say that brother is clearly a fellow Israelite. This section is about Israelite leadership and this is how the word is being used consistently throughout this section. But I do appreciate you sharing the thoughts of the Jewish scholar, I will have to see what his actual arguments are. But from what you just said it sounds like he's just saying "it is possible", which is the same thing I said in my video. Sure, it's possible, but the context makes it highly improbably. 17:15 can you actually prove this is taken from 1 Samuel? How would this have been possible since Deut is dated to before 1 Samuel? You'll notice in the video I didn't use the key word i"from your midst", this is the term that is in the Masoretic text but not in the LXX. So my video already adjusts for that.
@lightofilm6228 7 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal Deuteronomy 17:15 couldn’t have originally been from Moses otherwise it would’ve been referenced in 1 Samuel 8 when the Israelites asked for a king for the first time. Yet 1 Samuel 8 shows no awareness of any law about kings in the “book of Moses”, proving that it dates later than the book of Samuel. The fact that Deuteronomy 17:15 is a later addition is also acknowledged by biblical scholars. I’m not saying there was some type of conspiracy. Deut 17:15 could’ve just been added into the book of Deuteronomy by later prophets and/or sages as part of the commandments in the “Torah”. My point was that it’s clearly not from the time of Moses. The context for it is 1 Samuel 8, so it’s irrelevant in this debate. You misunderstood why I referenced Deuteronomy 18:2. The construction of that verse mirrors Deuteronomy 18:15. “Levi” is spoken of in the singular, and the brother of Levi there refers to Israelite tribes OUTSIDE of Levi, not Levi himself. Similarly, Deuteronomy 18:15 addresses all of Israel with singular pronouns, so Israel’s brothers in that context refers to tribes OUTSIDE of Israel, not israel himself. Verse 16-17 make it even more clear as it references the event in Exodus 20:18-19 where all of Israel witnessed God’s presence. This is why the masoretic text had to add the phrase “from your midst” (despite the awkward wording) because the verse doesn’t limit the “brothers” to the nation of Israel only. This fact that this prophet will appear from outside of Israel is strengthened by Deuteronomy 34:10 which states that no prophet like Moses ever arose again in Israel.
@daxvanderwal 7 ай бұрын
@@lightofilm6228 17:15 that's just an argument from silence. In fact, it's clear from 1 Samuel 8 that the only one following the Torah obediently is Samuel, this is why in v6 he is displeased with what they want. These elders are rebelling against God's law and if anything are willingly ignorant of it. To say "they for sure would have referenced it" is a pretty massive jump. Also, The NT and the Quran assume the Torah is trustworthy so from a religious standpoint we have reason to accept all of it, regardless of its formation (you're taking a critical approach which I would only expect from a non-religious person, but if you're a Muslim I hope you take the critical approach for the Quran as well). So, despite your point about 18:2, in this section talking about Israelite leadership - the only examples we have of "brother" always refers to an Israelite. I mean come on, this book is for the Israelites. Most scholars say this is talking about the office of judge/king/priest/prophet, and how this role is fulfilled through Israelite leadership. All of this is for Israel, and then all of a sudden the goal is to communicate about an Arabian prophet coming thousands of years later? Huh? Regardless of who you think wrote Deuteronomy, that is a really strange side step from the narrative. 34:10 only applies to up until that point, it doesn't say there will never be one that arises in Israel (even in the LXX).
@lightofilm6228 7 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal So tell me, why were God and Samuel displeased with the Israelites asking for a king if Deuteronomy 17:15 already allowed for them to have one? Why were they rebuked for invoking their God-given right? A similar situation happens with Gideon in Judges 8:23. The only reasonable explanation is that such a law didn’t exist as of yet. But even assuming that Deut 17:15 was original, that doesn’t make it unambiguous. There’s a Mishnah story found in Sotah 41a that narrates the Edomite king Agrippa weeping after hearing Deut 17:15 being read but is reassured by the Israelites who say, “You are our brother”. _”The only examples we have of “brother” always refers to an Israelite.”_ Your claim is falsified by Deuteronomy 2:4 and 23:27. Also, I agree, pointing to Deuteronomy 18:15 & 18 alone as proof for an Arabian prophet would not be strong. But Deuteronomy itself speaks of a “fiery law” coming from the land of Arabia (Deut 33:2) where Ishmael lived (Gen 21:21), which is repeated in various prophetic books, including Habakkuk (3:3). When combined with God’s promise to make a “Great nation” to Ishmael in Genesis 17:18-20 and elsewhere (defined by the Bible itself in Ex. 32:10 and Deut 4:6), then it becomes hard to deny that it speaks of an Arabian prophet who would similarly guide the “12 tribes” of Ishmael and the world as Isaiah 42 suggests.
@daxvanderwal 7 ай бұрын
@@lightofilm6228 That is a great question and I think 1 Samuel 8:7 answers it, the reason they want a king is because they reject God as their king. God knew Israel would continue to rebel and would eventually want a king like the nations around them, so he revealed the qualification that it needs to be an Israelite (basically saying "this is against my will, but if this is what they want then at least let it be an Israelite"). He knew they were going to ask for a king, but this doesn't mean they were justified in asking for one. In fact this is in line with the entire OT narrative, God revealed the Torah to them with certain teachings that were never meant to last forever (Jer. 31). They were revealed to help the Israelites function and progress (this answers the Gideon example as well). When I said "brother" only refers to Israelites I'm saying in the section that talks about Israelite leadership, from chapters 17-18. Yes, brother can refer to a non-Israelite, but the reason most scholars reject that reading as it relates to Deut 18 is because it is in a section that is purely talking about Israelite leadership. This is why I would say Muslim apologists are ignoring the immediate context of this verse. I would love to study the Gen 21 passage to see how Muslims demonstrate that Muhammad is a descendant of Ishmael. What historical evidence is there of that? Is it just Hadith literature? Also, I'm about to post a vid about Isaiah 42, I would love to hear your thoughts on it.
@migranboyz 9 ай бұрын
32 Christian scholars have agreed after much analysis and research that the Trinity was a fabrication in the Bible. They also discovered that the Bible has 'serious and grave defects'. 1. Most of the Bible has been edited, changed and corrupted, very few original teachings and words of Jesus remain. Examples of original words of Jesus and Bible that remains is: a) Jesus orders you to only worship the Father , the One and only God. b) In the songs of Solomon Chapter 5 verse 16, 'Muhammad Im' is mentioned. c) Jesus tells you that the 'comforter' will come after him. Therefore, this comforter is another person, the final Messenger of God. 2. Even your very own 32 Christian Bible scholars have documented this fact. It is not Hindus, nor Jews nor Muslims that say this, BUT 32 Christian Bible scholars. This record is in the Revised Standard version of the Bible 1952 in the introduction dear. 3. Here is proof for to show how much the Bibles have changed: for example the Roman Catholic Bible contains 73 books inside BUT the King James Bible contains 66 books. The Catholic bible preceded King James Bible yet the Protestant world threw out 7 books and reject these 7 books from the Catholic bible. 4. Another evidence and proof that the Bibles have been chopped and changed is that there are 2 Revised Standard Versions of the Bibles. The RSV ( Revised standard version) which was printed in 1952 and the RSV printed in 1971. The Revised Standard version of 1952 rejects and throws out the ascension of Jesus into Heaven as 32 Christian scholars declared the ascension of Jesus as a fabrication. Thus, the ascension was removed from thus RSV bible of 1952. Then the evangelicals protested about the removal of Jesus ascension into Heaven, then the verse of the ascension of Jesus was put back in the Revised standard version which was printed later in 1971. In these Revised standard versions of the Bible, in the introduction the 32 scholars wrote that the RSV bible was needed because the King James Bible had 'grave defects, the defects are so many and so serious that a revision is required.' 5. So the Bibles have grave errors and fabrications, many core principle concepts have been edited, removed and added over the years. 6. Further evidence is first epistle of John Chapter 5 verse 7 ,which talks about the Trinity has also been deemed a fabrication by Christian scholars and so it was removed from the Bibles, this is another fabricated verse: 'For there are 3 that bear record in heaven, the father, the word and the Holy ghost and these 3 are one' Didn't you know these are fabrications? 7. So the Bible is not the word of God for God's word does not chop and change.
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
1. I don’t have to prove to you that the Bible is trustworthy, since Muhammad is telling Jews and Christian’s to look at their scripture and find him in there, the Quran assumes the Bible is trustworthy enough to What does this have to do with Muhammad in Deut 18? I appreciate you commenting but I’m here to talk about this passage.
@kalidmujeteba7538 8 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal again you are lying about what the quran is saying and you even changed the bible version in the prophet mohammed time to even start the conversation prove that the one you have now is the same as the one at the time of prophet mohammed pbuh
@daxvanderwal 8 ай бұрын
@@kalidmujeteba7538 I’m lying about the Quran telling Jews and Christians to find Muhammad in their scriptures?
@kalidmujeteba7538 8 ай бұрын
give me a reference where mohammed pbuh or a verse in quran commanding the jews and Christians to look for mohammed pbuh in the bible infact here is what it says. it indeed claim there is mohammed mention in the bible but the quran also said they concealed the truth surah al maaidah 5:15-16 so do your research throughly before you interpret the quran in your own way
@daxvanderwal 8 ай бұрын
@@kalidmujeteba7538 the reference is 7:157. This says Jews and Christians can find Muhammad in their scriptures, this is why Muslim apologists try to argue that Muhammad is in the Bible. The verse you quoted is saying the people of the book are trying to hide the fact that he is in the book, but that still means he is in it. So, where is Muhammad in the Bible?
@iampakistani4092 8 ай бұрын
Whatever you do it doesn't matter If you follow your desire and hide a truth Then God know what is in your heart He will put you accountable
@Nyamala 9 ай бұрын
With context, Deutronomy 18 speaks of the prophet who will replace Moses. If you read above, the Israelites were afraid of God's wrath after what they witnessed and they were scared of what will happen after Moses died. Hence, God told Moses He will raise another prophet from among them. This prophet was none other than Joshua. In the long run, the prophecy can also be used for Jesus, but with context, this is a direct prophecy of Joshua. One main reason it cannot be Muhammad is verse 20. Muhammad preached in another God's name Allah when the God of the Bible said that YHWH was His name and was to be used forever.
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
Exactly right! I do think that is the best interpretation. I emailed a scholar about this passage and they said this is most likely a line of prophets that starts with Joshua, and then ultimately fulfilled in Jesus as the ultimate mediator. So you are spot on! This also makes sense because Moses is preparing them as they enter into the promised land, so this is directly encouraging them that they will continue to have prophets as they enter the land.
@Nyamala 9 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal Exactly. Thank you for this, it means a lot to me.
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
@@Nyamala Of course man! Why is this topic so personal for you? Did you used to be a Muslim?
@Nyamala 9 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal Nope, it's just because I hate lies to be honest. And Muslims are really good at this. If you listen to them, you would even question yourself of what you believe. But I love defending Christ and the Bible
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
@@Nyamala Amen bro, well keep up the good work!
@theluckyone6580 9 ай бұрын
Deuteronomy 33:2 "The Lord came from Sinai and dawned over them from Seir; he shone forth from Mount Paran. He came with myriads of holy ones." Mount Paran is in Arabia. -Matthew 21:43 "Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you (Israelites) and given to a people who will produce its fruit." Kingdom of God is not in Israelites again but to other people. -John 4:19-21 "Sir,” the woman said to Jesus, “I can see that you are a prophet. Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.” “Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem." Today we worship not in direction to Jerusalem again, but direction to Mecca (Valley of Baka). -Isaiah 42 “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice to the nations. He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his teaching the islands will put their hope.” This is what God the Lord says- the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it: “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. “I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.” Prophet Muhammad was sent to the Gentiles and he invited the idol worshipers in Mecca to return to worshiping the one true God.
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
I'm making a video about Isaiah 42 next! The Duet 33:2 passage is not a prophecy, it's talking about what God has done in Israel's past, it has nothing to do with the future
@jhfghgh4606 7 ай бұрын
all of those verses were out of context and have nothing to do with muhammed
@daxvanderwal 7 ай бұрын
@@jhfghgh4606 agreed
@severussnape4151 9 ай бұрын
4:08 The lord will raise up for you a prophet like me among "you", from "your brothers"... I dont know the book and definitely do not know enough but if the verse is like and Moses is speaking the Israelites in this verse why would it say from you, from your brothers.or this just a translation error. And if we apply your criteria to Bible's Jesus it defnitely has contradiction what was revealed before such as trinity
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
Hey! It just seems like Moses is clarifying who he is talking about, I don't think it's anything to get stuck on. But something else to note is the first "from among you" only ever refers to fellow Israelites as well. I don't totally get what you are saying about Jesus, can you explain?
@severussnape4151 9 ай бұрын
​@@daxvanderwal sorry english is not my first language. For first one it seems weird that he is mentioning two times about saying from you, from your brother. It seems like it indicates different meaning.The second thing I tried to said I do not BELİEVE Jesus pbuh said that but Christians claim that he said that and accept Trinity. If your claims about Jesus pbuh preaching trinity is right means there is a contradiction between Old Testament and what is revealed to Jesus (Jews accept that as well old testament preaches only one God). From your criteria of "not having contradiction" would not fit. On the other hand, apart from being Israelite- which can be interpretable from Deutoronomy as it is discussed in the video- Prophet Muhammed pbuh totally fits your criterias as well. I hope that is more clear.
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
@@severussnape4151 Yeah that is more clear! Thank you for explaining. Yes I believe Jesus revealed that God is triune, and I think that Old Testament communicates the same idea. But I will definitely study it more and make a whole video series on it sometime
@zozieone7578 9 ай бұрын
The bible verse has make it clear for us to accept Muhammad has our final prophet, but ppl rejected him because they didn't get the message well, indeed.
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
what bible verse? this is what I'm trying to understand, I don't see Muhammad talked about in the Bible.
@zozieone7578 9 ай бұрын
My brother you are out of context, it means you are doing your research with partion not open minded thinking please,i will be grateful you will listen to your own self and surely Allah will guide you to the straight path.
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
How am I out of context? I just explained clearly from the text how to properly interpret this passage.
@abdullahal-nahian 8 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal You are not using any references for your interpretation. It's all your whims and desires. You are so full of yourself that you have put a lid on the idea that the brethren can be brother nation in your conclution.
@daxvanderwal 8 ай бұрын
@@abdullahal-nahian 1. I referenced multiple scholars and can give you more if you’d like. For example, Libby Blackfish (PhD in Old Testament) and David Schreiner (PhD in Biblical Studies), and really any popular commentaries on this verse say it’s obviously an Israelite. This is hardly debatable. 2. I noticed that you don’t have any references in your comment, so what evidence do you actually have? Don’t just complain about my argument because you wish this was talking about Muhammad. If you study the context, it’s clearly not.
@TGC1023 9 ай бұрын
It’s simple. Exodus 15 has the song of Moses, referring to Moses leading Israel during the Exodus from Egypt. Revelation 15:3 states they(Israel) will sing the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb. The song of the Lamb is Messiah Jesus leading Israel at the Greater 2nd Exodus, at His 2nd coming. Isaiah 42:10 teaches us they will sing a new song, referring to this Greater 2nd Exodus. This Greater 2nd Exodus from all the nations He has scattered Israel throughout the nations. When understanding the entire Bible, Genesis to Revelation, it teaches us a Greater 2nd Exodus. This Adnan Rashid is being deceitful to insert mohammed, in an attempt to replace the Biblical Messiah Jesus.
@theluckyone6580 9 ай бұрын
But the jews until now don't believe in jesus and they don't believe their messiah is God.
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
thanks for sharing man! This is good content, I will save your comment for future reference
@tmmmtmm05 8 ай бұрын
​@@daxvanderwalFrankly, I personally will not respect someone who puts the flag of a genocidal state. It's like taking information from a Nazi, that's disgusting. I won't do that.
@moafro6524 9 ай бұрын
Your premise if faulty. You assume the bible is error/corruption free, when the consensus of biblical scholars agree its most def corrupted, Bart Ehrman " the biblical manuscripts have more discrepancies than words in the whole bible" . Your whole Theology stance is based on a faulty book. sorry to say bro
@-ChrisD 9 ай бұрын
Actually, many scholars seem to agree that the Bible is at least %99.5 accurate. You're speaking of Bible critics and quoting someone who has said to once be a "liberal Christian" and then agnostic/atheist.
@moafro6524 9 ай бұрын
@@-ChrisD we can all make up stats but the sincere seekers of truth dont do that. christian scholar, after studying the history of the bible and seeing the level of corruption, becoming agnostic/atheist is the logical progression. You say 99.5%, how did u arrive at that number when one bible has 66 books another 77, updates new versions Jehovah witness bible multitude of bibles and they all say they got the holy ghost . even if 99.5 was true wich is not, thats .5 corruption my point stands.
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
I accept the Bible as error free because the Quran accepts the Bible as error free. Why would it tell Jews and Christians to find Muhammad in their scripture if their scripture is corrupted? Why would Muhammad affirm a corrupted book?
@majoraspirit6139 9 ай бұрын
@@-ChrisD 99.5% accuarate according to how similar it is to the greek codex from 400 years after Iso(Jesus)? Is it being 99.5% accurate when there are contradictions in the genealogy of Jesus? Is it when there are contradictions on the literal crucifiction i.e who carried the cross when Iso died? Is it being accurate when there are contradictions as to how Judas died? Is it when it contains clear numerical errors? When Iso is said to have both rode 1 donkey and 2 donkeys at the same time? Man we are really banking a lot on that 0.5% huh?
@majoraspirit6139 9 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal Thats a strawman of what is said in the Quran. It never claims the Bible is error free, it claims the opposite and curses the ones who changed the scripture with their hand. You also commit another fallacy, just because a book is corrupted doesn't mean we can't find Muhammad in it. I don't need the Quran to tell me the bible is corrupted or Bart Erhman for that matter its blatantly obvious. The oldest codex is from 400 years after Iso(Jesus). Iso spoke Aramaic. The Quran talks about the Ingeel not the gospel of Mark, Luke and John. Its widely accepted that there are unequivocal flaws and contradictions in the bible, that at least most authors are anonymous. I already listed some of the many pointed out contraditions in this thread- it is far from error free and is nothing like the Quran in either preservation nor structure. Peices of the truth still exist in the bible but they contradict your theology.
@iampakistani4092 8 ай бұрын
It means you believe Jesus is not God If you say that this verse fulfil Jesus Christ What a nonsense
@daxvanderwal 8 ай бұрын
Believing that Jesus fulfills the role of prophet does not mean that he is not God, he fulfills both roles
@tmmmtmm05 8 ай бұрын
​​@@daxvanderwalThat's the problem. When a person is a human being who is not a god, when a prophet is not a god, when something is an orange, he is not a human being, and when someone is a cow, he is not a human being, and he is not a god. Being a human denies being a god or being a cow or an orange. That's the idea. If we want to say that an entity can be a human being and a god at the same time, I mean to say that it can be An entity that is not a cow and a god at the same time or a human and a cow at the same time this is illogical when I say that I am a human I deny that I am a god or a cow or an orange for example Also, when Jesus, peace be upon him, says that he is a prophet, he denies that he is a god Because the prophet described a human being, such as saying that you are a priest, for example, this negates the character of the god Jesus, peace be upon him. He did not even say in the Bible that he is a god or that he is a human being and a god at the same time. This idea is only from the church. When you read the Bible alone, let's say you are on an island and you found the Bible in a shipwreck for example, when you read it, you will not reach the idea of the Trinity, no matter what you do. I mean, how will you reach the idea that God is one and has three persons? And that Jesus, peace be upon him, the Holy Spirit and the Father are all equal, and yet they are different persons?! The idea of the Trinity will not be reached by a reader of the Bible without the church, and this contradicts the fact that the Bible is for all human beings because it does not convey the idea of the Trinity, my friend. I mean, I personally did not know about the Trinity because I did not go to church or talk to a Christian because it does not exist in the Bible, so I learned that the Bible is not enough to understand the Christian religion because it depends on the church and this problem..
@decoded5464 8 ай бұрын
The Name Mohammad is mentioned in the song of Solomon
@daxvanderwal 8 ай бұрын
My last video is about that, go watch it if you have time!
@decoded5464 8 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal So are you muslim by now , i invite you
@decoded5464 8 ай бұрын
I hope you are sincere in this journey, and better would be if you try to have live discussions with some muslims, because i realised you are missing something
@daxvanderwal 8 ай бұрын
@@decoded5464 I'm going to talk with some local Imams this summer (those won't be recorded though), and I'm planning on Muslim Lantern as well to talk about Muhammad being in the Bible
@decoded5464 8 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal i appreciate, we want to see some live discussions too, i believe if any person seeks truth with sincerity he will be guided to straight path, As a muslim we believe if person was sincere and did not find any satisfactory evidence, Allah will be his judge on the day of judgement and will be done justice to him
@theluckyone6580 9 ай бұрын
The brother of Israelites is Ishmaelites who is prophet Muhammad is from Ishmaelites
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
"Brother" is used in the Bible to refer to fellow Israelites or a brother nation like the Ishmaelites. But in this passage it is clearly talking about a fellow Israelite. If you are going to say this is talking about Ishmaelites you have to give evidence
@theluckyone6580 9 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal Then who is the prophet who looks like Moses in Deuteronomy 18:18? Even in Acts 3:19-23 discussed again that a prophet similar to Moses will come after Jesus is ascended to heaven. Who is a prophet after Jesus? He is Muhammad. "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the Messiah, who has been appointed for you-even Jesus. Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. For Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you must listen to everything he tells you. Anyone who does not listen to him will be completely cut off from their people.’ -Moses had biologicl dad & mom, Muhammad too. -Moses had wives & children, Muhammad too. -Moses was a warlord, Muhammad too. -Moses can split the sea, Muhammad can split the moon. -Moses spoke directly to God, Muhammad did it too on Night Journey (Isra' Miraj). -Moses had a scripture given by God which is Torah with Laws, Muhammad too which is Quran with Laws.
@theluckyone6580 9 ай бұрын
Then who is a prophet like Moses in Deuteronomy 18:18? Even in Acts 3:19-23 discusses again that a prophet like Moses will come after Jesus is ascended to heaven. Who is a prophet like Moses after Jesus? He is Muhammad. -Moses had biological mom & dad, Muhammad too. -Moses had wives & children, Muhammad too. -Moses was a warlord, Muhammad too. -Moses had a miracle can split the sea, Muhammad can split the moon. -Moses spoke directly to God, Muhammad did it too on Night Journey (Isra Miraj). -Moses had a scripture given by God (Torah) with laws, Muhammad too which is Quran with laws.
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
@@theluckyone6580 if you watch my video you will get your answers. Acts 3 quotes Deut 18 and applies it to Jesus, so the Bible literally says this is Jesus. I specifically address the list of parallels you give in the video, skip to the se one half of it
@theluckyone6580 9 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal But jesus for christians is God, not a prophet. So you have to choose Jesus is God or prophet.
@Hassenbdurehman330 6 ай бұрын
It's confusing for Christians. I think u forgot who Jesus is according to ur belief. now u are claiming Jesus as prophet. That is disgrace for u
@daxvanderwal 6 ай бұрын
That is not disgraceful for me, that is orthodox Christian belief. He is technically a prophet, but he is not JUST a prophet. He is also God.
@Random-rv3wi 9 ай бұрын
So how did you come to the conclusion that Jesus is a prophet like Moses??? at least there were valid similarities between him and and Mohammed, but with Jesus, there are no similarities
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
Hey! This video is just refuting the idea that Muhammad is the prophet in Deut 18, you are right I didn't spend much time talking about why I think this is Jesus. I feel like that is a whole separate video and I didn't want this video to be 30 minutes. But based on the right criteria it does seem that Jesus was more like Moses - Jesus was an Israelite (Muhammad was not), he spoke in the name of Yahweh (Muhammad spoke in the name of Allah), Jesus brought the Gospel which is perfectly in line with the OT (Muhammad contradicted all these prior revelations), Jesus knew God face to face and performed many signs and wonders (Muhammad mainly talked to an angel and the Quran says he didn't do any miracles... yes I know there are hadith that says he does but those came hundreds of years later) What do you think?
@majoraspirit6139 9 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal I think you are misinformed and bank on a lot of recycled arguments. The hadith and chain of transmission in Islam is Iron clad. The bible contains nothing like it. To refute you on the evidence that it needed to be a not isrealite but brother blood: 34:10-12 "Never again will there arise a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face, who did all the signs and wonders that the LORD sent him to perform in Egypt-to Pharaoh, to all his officials, and to all his land. For no one has shown such mighty power or performed such awesome deeds as those that Moses did in the sight of all Israel." This is mentioned in Abraham Fulfilled but what is conveyed by the hebew is that Israel won't ever again see a prophet like Moses. Jesus never once spoke YWHW can you bring the evidence? Yahua(by meaning and analogy) is the Arabic equivalent which is believed to be one of the most important names of God according to some Islamic Scholars. Regardless is your claim that its suddenly a different God because he's called a different name? Does God not have many names? In truth Iso the Arameic called God Ellaha which is equivalent to the hebrew name Elohim and the Arabic name Allah. I think you should really educate yourself before you jump into the comparative theology realm because you seem to get both Islam and Christianity wrong with all do respect. The book that Jesus brought didn't contradict the old testament but what Paul did does in fact contradict. The Quran is more in line with the OT than what Paul and anonymous authors brought. Iso seeing God face to face is something you can't even add to this argument cause it presupposes your theology.
@tarik6507 9 ай бұрын
​​@@daxvanderwalHi Dax few problems with your comment and either it's ignorance or being dishonest on your side. You said "Quran says he didn't do any miracles"? Here there is a clear verse in the Quran about Prohet Muhammad (pbuh) doing miracle. "The Hour has come near, and the moon has split [in two]. And if they see a miracle, they turn away and say, 'Passing magic' (Quran 54:1-2). And then you made a second statement the hadith "came hundreds of years later" and did not provide any proof or source to support your point. And lastly no hadiths were not written hundreds of years after the death of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). If you are interested I can attach a link or 2 to prove you wrong. Thank you for always keeping it civil and respectful and please do reply when you get a chance.
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
@@tarik6507 Where does Surah 54:1-2 say Muhammad did this? It just seems to be talking about the final hour, or judgement day. The reason people claim Muhammad did this is because Hadith's say that he did this, Sahih Bukhari correct? (written 200 years later). If I'm wrong about when this hadith was written then yes I would love to read any helpful sources you have! Thanks for responding.
@tarik6507 9 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal When you study and understand Islam you have to look into both Quran and the authentic hadiths and of course the context of the surah and the verse. Vast majority of Islamic tasfeer scholars accept the narration that this verse is talking about the Moon split that happened. Following verse mentions miracle. And yes it is true we also accept this because of authentic hadith/hadiths. That's where I would like to correct you about hadiths. You are completely wrong when you say hadiths are written 200 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Sahih bukhari didn't write the hadiths he simply collected and complied them. And he was not the first person to collect them. I can give you proof for that. Even if there was no sahih bukhari we would still have all the hadiths. Some of the early hadith collections and books which contain hadith, all by scholars born before the year 200 AH. 1. The saheefah of Hamam bin Munabbih( born 19 AH, meaning only 8 year after the Prophet’s death, studied directly under his companions.) 2. The juz ibn juraij (born 80 Ah) 3. The muwatta of Imam Malik born 93 Ah 4. The Mashyak of ibn Tahman (died 168 Ah) 5. The Jami of Maumar bin Rashid (born 93 Ah) 6. Kitab Al Athar by Abu yusuf Al-Ansari (born 113 ah) 7. The Musnad of ibn Mubarak as well as Kitab Al Zuhd Wa'al raqaiq, and al jihad (born 118 Ah) 8. The Musnad of Al Tayalsi (born 133 Ah) 9. Kitab al zuhd by abi Muhammad al absi ( born 120 ah) 10. The tafsir of Yahya bin salman (born 124 Ah) These are only some not all, and all of them are by people born less than 200 years from the Prophet’s death and before Sahih bukhari. Thank you for your response as well.
@kalidmujeteba7538 8 ай бұрын
your argument in the first place doesn't have a solid foundation I will tell you again even if mohammed pbuh is not mentioned on the current bible doesn't make the quran false because the current version you have is not the Torah it's people's written book if you say we have the one on mohammed pbuh time that argument is so horrible to the extent it shows you don't know your own bible . here are some of the problems you need to fix before going further 1, bring in the original jesus taught scripture not the one written by the humans. 2, if you want to know the qurans tafsir learn the Arabic first don't just give the meaning that goes to your favour you say I read the quran but clearly you haven't even read surah baqarah you just jump on to the verses Christian apologetics bring 3, if you refute this bible verse doesn't refer to that bring a much better sensual meaning .the last video was at least better but in this one you are just trying ao hard to refute it specially the part on senai kedar Be sincere in your arguments and don't jump on places do a deep research good luck
@daxvanderwal 8 ай бұрын
The Quran assumes that Jews and. Christians can find Muhammad in their scriptures, this is when the Quran was revealed in the 7th century. What we have in our bibles today is what they had then. This means that without a doubt, we should be able to find Muhammad in our bibles.
@kalidmujeteba7538 8 ай бұрын
how do you know some scriptures weren't missing other than the one you have now?
@daxvanderwal 8 ай бұрын
@@kalidmujeteba7538 we would need historical evidence that shows scripture is missing. Regardless, the Quran is assuming that what we have is enough
@kalidmujeteba7538 8 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal I don't need historical evidence tho. But even if I search and found nothing I can say they concealed it because the quran said so but you have to bring evidence that it wasn't concealed to say quran lied about some texts being concealed
@kalidmujeteba7538 8 ай бұрын
No it's not again stop giving your translation to the quran on your own way how can you say what you have is enough when it is saying some scriptures were concealed
@achmadijazi1632 9 ай бұрын
Deuteronomy 34:10 kick out israeilis as the new prophet like moses. U should watch debat zakir hussein with Brown.
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
Hey! Yeah I watched that debate. I can’t find any scholars that agree with Zakir Hussein on that, so I have no idea where he’s getting that from. Jews expected this prophet to be an Israelite, why would they believe that if Deut 34:10 said it won’t be?
@kashifmash135 9 ай бұрын
Well done brother . Blessings in Jesus name 🎉amen
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
Thank you bro!
@ramishahossain6865 8 ай бұрын
Conclusion : jesus(pbuh) is a prophet not the son of god. You just proved islam right🙂👍
@daxvanderwal 8 ай бұрын
Jesus himself says he is the Son of God and claims to be God in human form - Islam cannot possibly be right because it gets Jesus so wrong.
@ramishahossain6865 8 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal are you literally Associating partners with god? But that doesn't support your hebrew bible claims. Okay i had to add it that islam gets jesus(pbuh) logically right. You urself showed the verse and concluded that jesus is the prophet. God doesn't have to limit himself in a human form to show us his mercy. And saying that islam is wrong bcz we believe jesus is just a prophet, doesn't make christianity right either. We don't even take bible as a reliable source. It wasn't preserved well and has numerous textual variants/versions( Quran has different styles of recitation but the meanings are always same). To conclude, i'm not claiming that islam is the absolute truth. Bcz i'm still sincerely searching the truth and so far no other religion has been able to give me more accurate and logical answers of my questions than islam.
@ramishahossain6865 8 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal also, if u are sincerely studying islam then u don't need adnan rashids intellect to find the truth. U have ur own.
@daxvanderwal 8 ай бұрын
@@ramishahossain6865 Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I'm not associating partners with God, I'm saying God is one being shared between 3 persons (this technically isn't saying he has partners, it is that within his own nature there is plurality). And this doctrine does not violate the monotheism of the OT. Are you admitting that this passage is clearly talking about Jesus and not Muhammad? In that case, do you think Muhammad is talked about in the Bible? The problem with "the Bible isn't a reliable source" is that's not what the Quran says. For example, the reason I'm doing this series is because 7:157 in the Quran says Jews and Christians can find Muhammad in their scriptures - this assumes their scriptures are reliable and authoritative. If you look into it, there's actually not much evidence early Muslims (including Muhammad) believed the Bible to be corrupt, in fact that assume it's reliable again and again and again.
@ramishahossain6865 8 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal i'm sorry my brain cells still couldn't digest the triun concept and the defenation u just gave is still associating partners with god. However, i will try to answer ur ques, once i'm done with my own research. I haven't read the book of deuteronomy yet
@YeshuaisEMET 9 ай бұрын
This is talking about the sons of Jacob "Israel" this adnan is a joke all Islamic apologists are just taking chances
@daxvanderwal 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to watch!
@YeshuaisEMET 9 ай бұрын
@@daxvanderwal thanks for taking your time to study islam so that all the filth can be exposed, CP and a few abrab speaking Christians have really inspired so many to start bringing these things to the light its by time more Westerners realize what type of evil is in islam.
@Pope1111rh 6 ай бұрын
Come in Muslim lerntern livestream And Please show Face In Livestream
@ronniefarris8561 9 ай бұрын
Song of Solomon was written waaaaayyyyyy before Malcolm Muhammad or whoever you say it is. This whole book is about the sin in you that takes you away from God. Also the whole Bible can and was proven to be the most correct manuscript out in publication. The thing is you are going by someone else's sayings. The truth is and it's been proven that the name Jesus heal, and casts out devils. Muhammad's name does absolutely nothing. There are no miracles in Islam or in Muhammad's name. The problem that most face is you won't go spiritually at all. The Christ is spirit that was made flesh and walked. It was crucified in a mortal body that was raised from death to sit at the right hand of God as his right hand man. His title is son of man, his Father's title whom is our God is the ancient of days. It is spoken of in Daniel. Muhammad is NOT mentioned in the bible at all or in the quran he would have described Jesus. The jews did in John chapter 8. So why wouldn't Ole malcmuhammad say what Jesus looked like? Because he's telling stories from slaves he sold and traded daily with the jews. In the quran itself it says Jesus is Christ and messiah. So now you are against your own quran. To say Muhammad is like Moses is like saying P Diddy is like Moses. The other names are pedophiles and rapists only Moses was pleasing to God. In the quran Muhammad said Allah cuts the aorta of them he hates. He said on his death bed my aorta is being cut off. Jesus was accepted body and all by Allah in the quran but none other was accepted at any time. This is complete bullshit.
@theluckyone6580 9 ай бұрын
read matthew 7:21-23 if you call jesus is lord and use in the name of jesus , jesus will says "I never knew you, you're evil !" different word aorta in arabic hadith and quran, quran told that muhammad is true messenger of God and seal of prophets (Surah 33:40)
@ronniefarris8561 9 ай бұрын
@@theluckyone6580 no it does not. Matthew chapter 7 covers faith by his works in you. You do remember we continue his works because he went to the Father. Now prove in the quran it dies not say Jesus is Christ and messiah. Also Muhammad died due to poison lamb. He was buried because he stunk. Jesus was accepted by Allah body and all. Not Muhammad or Moses or any other. In acts it covers who is using the spirit of Christ and in Roman's chapter 8 it covers how you know you are walking in Christ. Because it's only in spirit. His spirit that he said was his comforter is the same one that we are blessed with. Christ Jesus is the key to heaven. In both books literally.
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