Mundaka Upanishad | ब्रह्मविद्या का रहस्य | जीवन का अंतिम उद्देश्य

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Yog Aadhaar

Yog Aadhaar

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क्या आप जानते हैं कि हमारे प्राचीन ग्रंथों में जीवन के अंतिम सत्य और ब्रह्मांड के गहरे रहस्यों को समझाने का मार्ग है? मुण्डक उपनिषद में वर्णित ब्रह्मविद्या दो महत्वपूर्ण पहलुओं पर आधारित है:
1️⃣ परा विद्या - उच्चतर ज्ञान, जो आत्मा और ब्रह्म के एकत्व को समझने का मार्ग है।
2️⃣ अपरा विद्या - सांसारिक ज्ञान, जो भौतिक जीवन को सुचारु बनाने में सहायक है।
इस वीडियो में जानें कि कैसे मुण्डक उपनिषद के ये महत्वपूर्ण विचार आपके जीवन को बदल सकते हैं।
आत्मा की शुद्धि, गुरु भक्ति, और निष्काम कर्म के महत्व को समझें और अपने जीवन को आध्यात्मिकता और सफलता के संतुलन से संवारें।
वीडियो को अंत तक देखें और हमारे साथ इस गहन ज्ञान की यात्रा पर चलें।
🔔 चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें और नए वीडियो के अपडेट्स पाएं।
👉 वीडियो पसंद आए, तो लाइक और शेयर करना न भूलें।
#Brahmavidya, #MundakaUpanishad, #ParaVidya, #AparaVidya, #SpiritualKnowledge, #IndianPhilosophy, #HinduPhilosophy, #VedicWisdom, #UpanishadTeachings, #SelfRealization, #Spirituality, #Moksha, #YogaPhilosophy, #GuruBhakti, #Tapas

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@RadheyKrishna-w8u Күн бұрын
🙏 Radhey 🙏 Radhey 🙏
@prof.pramodpandit7535 Ай бұрын
हरिः ॐ ।🙏 श्री गुरूभ्यो नमः ।🙏
@abhishekpansaniya4147 4 күн бұрын
@PremChand-db4dd Ай бұрын
@BhupinderSingh-jt9ln Ай бұрын
@situbirdscare Ай бұрын
@as8084 Ай бұрын
जय मातादी ऊं सब जीवों की ओर से जारी
@surendrakverma555 2 ай бұрын
Ram Ram ji 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@rajkrbahl6959 Ай бұрын
Thanks sir 🙏
@yogaadhaar Ай бұрын
Most welcome
@anilmarathe5647 7 күн бұрын
The origin of Vedas are unknown, it is assumed timeless as it is the knowledge of the universal existence and its source, Vedas thus originate with the universal existence and dissolve with the dissolution, till then it is the enquiry and solution for each existence manifested by pure presence, the depth of Vedas is seen in Upanishads it is said, the summary of Upanishads is the Bhagavad Geeta. Krishna as the pure presence is the all attractive, tells Arjun why one must do, what is required of one to do, irrespective of the outcome, as not doing the required, brings false well being and more chaos later, it is vivek buddhi, the wisdom. As also abstaining from doing the unwanted when in path of doing is focus and clarity of deed. Doing it without anger, jealousy, fear, attachments, desires, ego and ignorance brings in purity simply in doing for the sake of well being for one and all. The skills of such karma brings the union/yoga with pure existence described in Bhagavad-Gita as karma yog. Surrendering to providence with undiluted awareness keeps oneself near pure conscience to realize and witness it within and in everything, the knowledge of the universal existence and its source comes naturally by such, thus known as dyan yog. Undisturbed peace is ones nature when one simply rests in pure bliss irrespective of anything, as the union of the self with original purity in any form/formless, it is the bhakti yog. All three yog are actually one in essence, the yog of self existence, of pure presence is the Raj yog that is the union of all three. Such a one is pure presence itself, the universal being and beyond, it is pure existence, conscience and bliss that self exists, thus the potential and propagation of all creativity, versatility, the all attractive, its characteristics are strength, success, detached attachment, wisdom, completeness and beauty. Krishna is the pure presence, thus effortlessly simply universal and beyond even though functional in one form for the mundane, hence is sahaj for him to show universal form to yoshada his mother even when in child form and later to Arjun at kurukhshetra. Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita shows how the universe is the manifestation of pure presence only, thus each form in universe is lively with such presence that pervades everything within and without. Although each form is not the presence but the virtual reality, the existential reality of the true conscious reality, thus actually by itself inert, its the pure presence that generates sustains and dissolves the manifestations into constant evolution, it seems to bring life in the forms. No evolution can occur without prior existence of presence, as also inert cannot self exist, it ultimately implies self existence of presence, everything that exists, has its source to presence at any point of time, thus inert cannot validate its source, we can validate inert but presence can only be realized by ones presence This is Maya that coexists along with pure presence, here comes the concept of God by ignorance, as if God is some entity ultimately superior to everyone and everything that created the universe for us to enjoy and serve him on earth and wherever throughout the universe. However if God hadn't created us then question of pleasures and pain would not have arisen, as also did God need us to serve him, then God seems also dependent. Thus God is nothing but a concept, however the self existing pure presence, does influence the infinite manifestations as a natural phenomena by which the universal cyclic existence coexists as a wheel of Maya, wherein the presence becomes infinite by such universal existence, the play of awareness is a natural phenomena as well, the hierarchy of presence is by itself then the natural dimensions of purity, one can say the pure presence is God here but God did not create us, neither did we create God, we separated ourselves from pure presence or God in the play of existence/conscience /bliss and now we strive to regain our true identity, complete liveliness and fulfilled happiness in whatever we do, knowingly or unknowingly an attempt for pure existence, pure conscience and pure bliss, the nature of self existence, the nature of pure presence or GOD. Thus the science that understands the virtual reality, is the inert science, good for the existential well being but the realization of presence in each manifested form that powers such science in the first place is the ultimate well being. During the time of Vedas-Upanishads such presence was known well, thus the science came naturally as well, later the forms were merely worshiped without presence, the ultimate well being lost by ignorance and mere rituals, the science of the inert then became more prominent for ones well being, as importance shifted to existential well being only. Saturation of prevalent science will reach its depths to realize the presence within and without once again. Pure Presence self exists, it simply is, thus is the Brahman which has the universe to coexist in cyclic existence, reverberating as AUM, as it effortlessly realises and witnesses itself in timeless Samadhi, the inexhaustible a freshness of pure presence has infinite universes to coexist as such, thus it is the para Brahman as well, also known as Bhagavan, Narayan, Shiv, likewise, the origin as pure presence. It is utmost still that simultaneously is utmost active naturally. It pervades everything within and without, thus is paramatma. It is ultimately the source, the potential and propagation of all creativity, versatility, thus it is parameshvar. It is the one that is simultaneously infinite, thus is Ganesh. It is the Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh that itself is begin less and endless but the beginning and end of everything, thus always the medium, ultimately the generator, the organizer and the destroyer, as the eternal presence, that has the natural phenomena of transitional virtual existence to coexist infinitely by its inexhaustible a freshness, the perpetual outcome of the existential reality of true thus also simply is. Thus it is the trigunatmak yogmaya, the mul prakriti, the gayatri, the shakti, the ultimate energy as pure presence that propagates the presence by manifestations in multi dimensions and dissolves it back. It is the all attractive Krishna that is always the same pure presence throughout the yog Leela, the inexhaustible a freshness in infinite play of existence, conscience and bliss. Thus it is the purushottam, that transcends the true and virtual realities as also pervades it within and without.
@pramodagrawal7112 Ай бұрын
ब्रह्म शब्द स्पष्ट उच्चारण करें,भम या भ्रम लगता है।
@yogaadhaar Ай бұрын
Noted, will keep care of it.
@quantumgravity639 7 күн бұрын
Not correct entirely , needs to be updated with more efforts to realisation and a complete revision of Abstract Mathematics . As an pure Vedantic unbiased to any tradition or heritage and a Mathematical Physicist , pursuing academic research in USA on Consciousness and Quantum Fields for New Physics of Holographic Universe Theory, I must say it is good endeavour my brother but kind of messed up due to lack of realisation and analysis . Vedas are Apara Vidya . They are filed with Gunas as they exist in objective world, irrespective to existence in higher dimensions . Ganit is considered the king of all Vedangas . Vedanga Jyotisha (Rigveda Jyotisha 1.1) यथा शिखा मयूराणां नागानां मणयो यथा। तथा वेदाङ्गशास्त्राणां गणितं मूर्धनि स्थितम्॥ Translation: “Just as the crest (shikhā) is the most distinguished part of the peacock, and just as the jewel is the most precious part of a serpent, in the same way, among the Vedangas, Mathematics (Ganit) holds the highest position.” It’s only mathematics which can lead you to the door of realisation ( though you have to leave it for final immersion ) of Brahman through pure reasoning free from cognitive biases. For modern times Mathematics is above Apara Vidya but not a Para Vidya which is only and only consistent enquiry of the subject which cannot be done in a great way without pure mathematical informal challenges ( analogous to Neti Neti ) to every objective logical system including own understanding . Then only through informal logical dynamics we can realise Contemplation which is the fundamental matrix of intellect and the system which structure the flow of Mind and Senses is just a summation of three variables ; Conditioning + Exposure + Choice based actions , creating an infinite loop or series of dynamics of mind which appear as a projected world due to the impressions attached as accelerating constants in this infinite but explainable series. First understand we live in a world where none can recall or explain where subjectively his or her life or the world started which is a direct correlation to a an objective based universe of causal sets , directly missing the first set of cause or SET0. This creates a system analogous to lucid dreams where despite things seem too true we are trapped in an objective based world, missing the true subject . which is consciousness. If you read Godel’s Incompleteness theorem then you will know Kurt Godel the most remarkable logician since Aristotle , proved the same in his famous The Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem, which states that any sufficiently powerful formal system is either incomplete or inconsistent, finds a close analogy in the Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad (4.4.19). This verse reveals the limitations of structured knowledge (Apara Vidya) and formal systems, suggesting that truth (Brahman) lies beyond linguistic and logical expression. Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 4.4.19 न तत्र चक्षुः गच्छति न वाग्गच्छति नो मनः। न विद्मो न विजानीमो यथैतदनुशिष्यात्। अन्यान्यत्रेतः सर्वाणि वेदा यदेतदक्षरमिदिति॥ Translation: “There, the eye does not go, nor speech, nor the mind. We do not know how to teach it, nor do we understand it. The Vedas themselves do not reveal It; It is different from all that is known and unknown.” How This Relates to Gödel’s Theorem: 1. Incompleteness of Formal Systems → The Upanishad explicitly states that language, logic, and structured knowledge (Vedas, mind, speech) cannot capture the ultimate truth (Brahman). This is analogous to Gödel’s proof that any formal system of arithmetic will always contain true but unprovable statements. 2. Self-Referential Limitation → Gödel’s theorem arises from self-reference within a formal system, where a statement says, “I cannot be proven.” Similarly, the Upanishad states that the Vedas, the highest structured knowledge, are themselves incomplete in revealing Brahman. 3. Truth Lies Beyond Axiomatic Systems → Just as mathematical truth transcends formal axiomatic systems, Brahman transcends language and structured knowledge. Other Upanishadic References to Gödelian Ideas: • Mundaka Upanishad (1.1.5): “Para Vidya is that by which the Imperishable (Brahman) is known.” → This suggests that true knowledge is beyond formal systems, just as Gödel shows that truths exist beyond provable statements. • Kena Upanishad (1.3-1.4): “That which cannot be thought with the mind, but by which the mind is thought-know that alone to be Brahman.” → This aligns with Gödel’s insight that mathematical truth exists beyond provability. Here comes the refute of your comment on Apara Vidya , the distinction between Para Vidya (higher knowledge) and Apara Vidya (lower knowledge) is explicitly mentioned in the Mundaka Upanishad (1.1.4-5). Mundaka Upanishad 1.1.4-5 द्वे विद्ये वेदितव्ये इति ह स्म यद्ब्रह्मविदो वदन्ति परा चैवापरा च तत्राऽपराः ऋग्वेदो यजुर्वेदः सामवेदोऽथर्ववेदः शिक्षा कल्पो व्याकरणं निरुक्तं छन्दो ज्योतिषमिति। अथ परा यया तदक्षरमधिगम्यते॥ Translation: “The knowers of Brahman declare that there are two types of knowledge to be known-Para (higher) and Apara (lower). Among these, the Apara (lower knowledge) consists of the Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharvaveda, along with the disciplines of phonetics (Shiksha), ritual (Kalpa), grammar (Vyakarana), etymology (Nirukta), meter (Chandas), and astrology (Jyotisha). But Para (higher knowledge) is that by which the Imperishable (Brahman) is realized.” Implication: This passage clearly categorizes the Vedas, Upanishads, and auxiliary sciences (Vedangas) as Apara Vidya (lower knowledge) because they are intellectual and external in nature. In contrast, Para Vidya (higher knowledge) is direct realization of Brahman, which transcends words and scriptures. Para Vidya (Higher Knowledge) is the direct realization of Brahman, the ultimate, imperishable truth beyond intellectual constructs, scriptures, and rituals. It is explicitly defined in the Mundaka Upanishad (1.1.5-1.2.12) as the knowledge by which the Imperishable (Brahman) is realized. Mundaka Upanishad 1.1.5 अथ परा यया तदक्षरमधिगम्यते॥ Translation: “That (knowledge) which leads to the realization of the Imperishable (Brahman) is Para Vidya.” Nature of Para Vidya • It is not intellectual or textual knowledge but direct experiential realization. • It is self-inquiry, leading to Atma-Jnana (Self-Knowledge). • It is beyond all words, logic, and concepts, though reasoning (Tarka) and inquiry (Vichara) help remove ignorance. • It is the knowledge of that which does not change-Brahman, the substratum of all existence. Does Para Vidya involve “consistent inquiry with pure reasoning”? Yes, but with an important distinction: • Consistent inquiry (Atma-Vichara / आत्म विचार) is crucial in Vedanta and Jnana Yoga. • Pure reasoning (Shuddha Tarka), when used to negate false identifications with body, mind, and ego, is valuable. • But logic alone is insufficient-Para Vidya transcends intellectual reasoning and culminates in direct realization (Aparoksha Anubhuti). Adi Shankaracharya on Para Vidya Shankaracharya clarifies in his commentary on Mundaka Upanishad 1.1.5: “Apara Vidya can never reveal Brahman. Even if one masters the Vedas, Brahman is known only through direct experience, not words.” He also states in Vivekachudamani (Verse 11): “शब्दजालं महारण्यं चित्तभ्रमणकारणम्॥” “The vast jungle of words (scriptures) leads to confusion of the mind; true knowledge is self-realization.” Final Conclusion Para Vidya is not merely intellectual reasoning but deep, direct realization through: 1. Shravana (Listening to Vedantic truth from a realized teacher) 2. Manana (Deep reflection with logical inquiry) 3. Nididhyasana (Unbroken meditation leading to direct realization) Thus, consistent inquiry with pure reasoning (Vichara & Tarka) is a tool to dissolve ignorance, but Para Vidya itself is the transcendence of reasoning into direct realization of Brahman. Indians don’t know actually how modern Physics and Mathematics are just proving the same what Sanathana Vedic Heritage found eons ago. I am putting an analysis highly mathematical in next comment. Best from Cambridge , MA, USA. Om Shri HariHaraya Namaha Shivaya
@yogaadhaar 7 күн бұрын
Appreciate Sir, your comments being from Mathematical Physicist. Would be learning more deeply in the context of Maths and Physics with correlation with Vedanta and sharing through videos.
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