Lyrics 歌詞 + Translation 翻訳 青く透き通るこの空も 波打つ白い雲も This sky so clearly blue These rolling white clouds as well 離れて初めて気づいた 当たり前じゃなかったこと As I part from them I realized for the first time something that wasn't obvious before いつからだろう 胸をきゅっと 締め付けるの When did it start That which tugged at my heart 少し背の伸びた影をつかまえたくて 踏んだ I wanted to catch the slightly growing shadow and stepped in 知らんぷりをして 駆け出していく Feigning ignorance I rush forward 時間は止まってくれない 次はいつ会えるかな Time doesn't stop for you I wonder when we'll meet again 言いかけた言葉 飲み込み 大きく手を振り笑った Swallowing the words I was about to say I strongly waved back and smiled 突然の夕立 一人ぶんの傘 A sudden evening rain An umbrella meant for one 並んで 逸らした目と目 Lined up Eyes averted 触れたら 溢れてしまいそう If they touch it'll overflow 気づかないままでいい It's alright to not realize 何も知らなくていい It's alright to not know anything 大人にならなくていい It's alright to not mature こうして 二人で ずっと Like this the two of us forever なんでかな I wonder why それなのに Even so ねえ いつからだろう 君をずっと 見つめてるの Hey When did it start When I started constantly looking at you 少し背の伸びた影に重なりたくて 追った I wanted to overlap the slightly growing shadow and chased it ああ 今ね、私 恋をしている Ah right now, I am in love
@御白零音5 ай бұрын
@Fourplay13894 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the translation!
@三日月-k5d5 ай бұрын
@steward72545 ай бұрын
So fresh, pure, and young as the time when we were teenagers.