I lived in Japan in 1999 - heard this song playing somewhere. Miracle number 1 - got someone nearby to write the artist name down. Miracle number 2 - managed to buy this single, PIKA PIKA and her album! I was hooked and am a major fan. My understanding of Japanese is still pretty rudimentary but I get the feeling, some of the meaning, and the amazing melody and arrangement of her music. I rate her very very highly as a Japanese artist and Ms Kawamoto holds a very special place in my heart! Listening right now, here in Melbourne Australia. Bless you Makoto-san! And arigatou for your music.
これと鈴木あみのlove the islandが日本2トップでかわいいと思うMV動画。同じソニーミュージックの奇跡。ああああ、と言うかこの3ヶ月後にlove the islandなんだ〜、時代の奇跡だ〜。年齢離れてるからか全然鈴木あみとかわもっちゃんって接点なかったけど(音楽番組で)一度でいいから二人が並ぶ姿をどこかで観たかったな〜