スティーブ的視点オリジナルグッズはwww.stevespov.jp で販売中! 限定商品もあるのでお早めに!Steve's POV ポッドキャスト英語版!Apple Podcast Japanのコメディーインタビュー部門でランキング1位!Spotifyでもダウンロード出来るよ!フォローをよろしく!英語の勉強になるよっ! Apple Podcast: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/steves-pov-podcast/id1612682670 Spotify: open.spotify.com/show/6X0San6FrMrUrP7cjrfe2Q Steve’s POV - Thumbs Up Merchandise www.stevespov.com Steve’s Pov Podcast (All English) is #1 in Japan on Apple and Spotify! Please download and subscribe - Available Everywhere! Apple Podcast: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/steves-pov-podcast/id1612682670 Spotify: open.spotify.com/show/6X0San6FrMrUrP7cjrfe2Q
I just found this channel through Kyo-san channel and subscribed it a few days ago, so actually this the first time to watch your video!I really love it!!!! I got shocked by anunexpected thing happened in Japan two days ago and thinking of that nobody knows what will happen to us tomorrow. I’ve been deeply sad in the past few days but you guys’ smiles made me so much better!!Thanks a lot. I couldn’t help leaving this comment. みんなの笑顔素敵すぎます。観てる時、気づいたらニコニコしてました。Steve さんありがとう🇺🇸🐂🇯🇵🗻
@tokyodude27152 жыл бұрын
I love this series you invite your good friends, treat them with Japanese stuff and have a great time. It somehow makes us happy to watch it!