I like how the zilean seems to understand what's going on, and it's fun to see him recognize immediately that you're running in and throws the run fast on you to get your stun. Zilean gets it
@Shillicity7009 Жыл бұрын
This is not a low econ strat you need to hit farm get item/exp to tank, use high movement speed to bait out non-targetable abilities and sums before using e + ul to kill. Kinda similar to Singed in team fight but a lot more ultilities
@richardcoelho Жыл бұрын
What up, hope you get back with chillneace
@justinkilpatrick3138 Жыл бұрын
You should try the taric top roam like crazy stuff. That one guy got korean challenger rank 1 with it at one point this season.
@richyholly5189Күн бұрын
miss ya big dawg
@AbyssalMelody Жыл бұрын
Around 14:00 I think you missed an opportunity to kill. by getting aggro and not waiting for ghost cd, you missed the kill. If you ghost + ult + combo he should be dead no? Minor error, but worth pointing out
@ozmodiuscold Жыл бұрын
Are you still taking build ideas? Because I have one I've been having a ton of fun with in my low elo games (Silver shitter here) and I'd love for you to give it a shot if chill neace is back. Please just let me know where I could submit such a thing. Thanks. Grats on D1, looking forward to seeing you hit KR Challenger and shutting everyone up
@imruss18 Жыл бұрын
How do you get such low ping? I'm on NA and I even live here
@morganwebber Жыл бұрын
He lives in Korea atm, and thus has low ping on a Korean Server.
@thomasnguyen4427 Жыл бұрын
I’m praying at the start he has understood the Hecarim q
@univerchizelz6715 Жыл бұрын
nothing personal but your playing skarner wrong, skarners mechanics are hes stronger in platforms attack and ms. For the first E on lissandra you shouldve autoed all the Elings before autoing liss so you can have a double stun
@HamnetsWorld Жыл бұрын
rip chill neace
@EOMMunaware Жыл бұрын
I am tired of the gaslighting that RIOT, the no life addicts, the pro players, streamers say I can 1 vs 9 solo carry every game. This is literally psychological manipulation in order for riot to keep you playing and spending RP. Another Chinese practices, it’s known EVERY tencent game has EOMM, why would league not have it? There has been a study of EOMM, and it’s been confirmed losers queue exists in the gaming industry, like EA and FIFA and call of duty. Because unfair matches increase playtime
@EOMMunaware Жыл бұрын
This is how majority climb. Spam as much games 500-1000 games a season 52% win rate boom I went from d4-masters. Now next season I have masters Mmr, spam 1000 games a season boom masters-grandmaster… rinse repeat Where is the skill? You are literally rotating games to climb, not skill. EOMM is doing it’s job. Why is it that some games I win when I am 3 lvls down, 50 cs down, and 0/10? Why am I winning? Where is the skill? I’m like ok first time it’s a coincidence, but this happens like 6-7 out of 20 games. This doesn’t make any sense, if it was truly a skill based game. I should be losing. It’s literally about spamming/rotating games in order to climb. This is just EOMM I tested this in diamond 4 and trust me if league of legends was truly a skill based game THIS should never happen. I went 0/12, stole my jungler camp, stole cs, did 0dmg, AND YET MY TEAM STILL WON LOL. So I have to feed steal my jungler/laner cs to win? Nah I won that game because the game isn’t reliant on skill. This is all because of EOMM is rotating the all feeders on one team, giving people winners/losers queue. Let me give example of skill reliant game. If you are the worse player in chess you will 100% lose, There’s no system that will give you the win. And also explain why my main is d4, I can’t get out of it no matter what. And my Smurf is masters? Like the games in D4 are impossible to win, the games in masters way easier than my D4 account. EOMM The game is rigged 100%, it’s not a theory anymore, it’s undeniable at this point
@moanguspickard249 Жыл бұрын
@@EOMMunaware i just had 2 games in a row 0 6 syndra and fiddle supp trolls, 3rd game 0 5 yi jg and then a game where all lanes went 5 0 including bot with rakan god an enemy zyra supp that played like bot. Every game i got most dmg as adc but the 3 were u winnable and 4th i could have played poorly and get carried by fed gp
@EOMMunaware Жыл бұрын
@@moanguspickard249 Bro the system is designed to keep you playing for as long as possible, everytime i link the study of EOMM( being losers queue) it gets censored on youtube. So google study of EOMM, whats been found is that fair matchmaking, is less protiable than unfair matchmaking. So companies are making their rank matchmaking to get players playing long as possible, why is 70% of high elo players average 1000-2000 games a season? and even the average joe, for ex. i am gold 4 would have 1000 games 52% win rate boom, climbed to platinum. You see the pattern? Because EOMM doing its job, it wants people playing long as possible. Dont even take ranked seriously bro
@moanguspickard249 Жыл бұрын
@@EOMMunaware i realise that. Pretty sad
@EOMMunaware Жыл бұрын
@@moanguspickard249 what’s sadder is that, majority are gaslighted by riot and streamers that you can 1 vs 9 carry.. nah game has become too team reliant.. it’s insulting to the intelligence of players, that a company won’t rig matchmaking to increase profit, and players
@silveroflegends7635 Жыл бұрын
Nice vid
@jakecoolio1544 Жыл бұрын
i want to understand the difference in this channel. is neace high while playing so hes more chill or what?
@LazyCatMane Жыл бұрын
@EternalNexxxx Жыл бұрын
Please post neace please
@climbinguptheeverest880 Жыл бұрын
Maybe try vladimir
@abcdefghilihgfedcba Жыл бұрын
The most useless fed Ezreal I’ve ever seen, and incredibly bad jgl.