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My Little Pony Missed The Mark

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@GMDThread8 Жыл бұрын
I really deem that Pipp and Zipp have been improved since the series, while the other characters are not as good as they were shown in the movie.
@Huk256 Жыл бұрын
Yup, right on every count... The biggest problem for G5 seems to be that it lacks someone in charge who really cares and would try to enforce certain quality. G4 had Lauren, Megan, and M.A. Larson in that role, and while the quality wasn't always there (especially in the last three seasons), they were at least trying. It's not to say that there weren't episodes where characters were, for example, holding the 'idiot ball' too hard (I'm looking at you, 'Daring Done'😠!) or that characters were acting annoyingly (many, Many, MANY of the later episodes focused around Pinkie Pie), but for the most part, it was limited to an acceptable level. Sadly, this doesn't seem to be the case in G5. Here, we have characters constantly holding the 'idiot ball,' acting like annoying brats, or being blindly oblivious for the reasons of the plot. All of this points to bad/meh writing. Writers don't seem to care enough to try to make it better than 'OK,' which is pretty sad. Also, maybe it's just me, but G5 doesn't seem to have the same positive vibes G4 had in the first few seasons when Twilight was still writing letters to Celestia. Lessons in these letters that were universal and positive and a cute 'blast to the past' for adult viewers, reminding them the world is not always a cynical pile of crap. For the most part, G5 lacks this, instead focusing on some generic (usually boring) action to drive the plot... Will it get better? Maybe, but at this point, I'm not very hopeful😔.
@VcSaJen Жыл бұрын
G. M. Berrow cares very much. The problem is, she writes good chapter books, but it doesn't translate well into being head scriptwriter. Either that, or executives like Cort Lane meddled too much. Or both.
@PearmareAnimation Жыл бұрын
Great video! Totally agree with liking G5 but at the same time finding it very underwhelming and blegh. the characters' are so well realized and are so good! (at least you know, originally) I really want to love it and have it succeed! Hoping it gets better, maybe with the next chapter coming out. And yeah I hate this whole weird chapter thing they are doing with make your mark, just use seasons and specials like others shows, bruh
@jazminakarainy Жыл бұрын
0:22 my biggest complaint about g5 is is organization How chapter 1 is just a special Chapter 2 is some normal episodes Chapter 3 is a... Christmas special???? Chapter 4 is... GONNA BE ANOTHER SPECIAL Where's the 20 something episodes promised for chapter 2 which honestly should of been included in chapter 1???
@LiIacAster Жыл бұрын
Ye same I prefer the same length seasons like G4 lol
@sweetdreams1028 Жыл бұрын
Feels like they’re trying to make it more expansive, but it’s just more confusing having this many chapters when most of them are just a single special
@guilhermemadureira9083 Жыл бұрын
That's not Twilight, that's Vampire Book
@Tootsie4ever Жыл бұрын
Might as well come back with a bang?
@SunIsLost Жыл бұрын
@jazminakarainy Жыл бұрын
8:50 eeee I made that
@hoshinakinda Жыл бұрын
As someone who likes g5 this video is good
@hoshinakinda Жыл бұрын
Do hate sparky tho
@Place-Holder Жыл бұрын
It's hard to compare given that FiM had 26 whole episodes in its first season, whereas here, after a year and a half, we only have 8 episodes, 2 specials, and a film. It feels sparse, despite the continuous (but still slow) flow of Tell Your Tale.
@TheRavenir Жыл бұрын
I'm not as upset about MYM being pretty mediocre so far as other people because it will never take away what G4 means for me, no matter what. I'm glad FiM ended on a high note, so G5 is just something I watch to pass the time. It's really just another show for me, unlike my complete obsession with G4 in the 2010s. I do hope things start getting more interesting soon, but so far both TYT and MYM are just barely keeping me entertained enough for me to keep watching. I'm also not terribly attached to any particular G5 character, which certainly prevents me from being too disappointed. The worst thing G5 could do is to retroactively ruin G4, especially since it's already not painting Twilight in the best light right now. I'll only be really mad if it completely ruins the lore established in G4. That's when I'll definitely be quick to declare G5 to be non-canon.
@ixiahj Жыл бұрын
A lot of the characters layers and nuance was removed from the movie. So much wasted potential. Even Sunny, who clearly won't address ponies like Starlight Glimmer or Sombra who were clearly dangerous with magic. Even G5 lore seems to hint that Twilight sealed magic away because of dangerous ponies like Opaline. Which kind of hints at the idea that maybe Sprout was right about giving magic back to the ponies. Sunny could've had this nuanced arc but none of it is explored. And that's just the tip of it.
@dashingtothepoint5745 Жыл бұрын
You’re compliant about Sunny becoming an activist confuses me because she was already one to begin with. That was the whole point of her character in the movie and she was even referred to as an activist in articles about the film. If anything MYM downplayed her activism. The only episode that I can recall where she shows that kind of behavior is in Ali-Conned.
@yondaime500 Жыл бұрын
I've seen her being described as a "literal rebel without a cause", and I have to agree. She already got everything she wanted in the movie, so now she's desperately looking for another hill to die on. I mean, building a community garden in front of her mansion? Who was stopping her from doing that anyway?
@VcSaJen Жыл бұрын
@@yondaime500 "Who was stopping her from doing that anyway?" Money.
@sweetdreams1028 Жыл бұрын
Couldn’t agree more Also, thank you for pointing out the overhype with Misty! I don’t hate her, but man has the fandom not shut up about her. Her story with Opaline feels like a knock off of Tangled. In that movie, Rapunzel had an actual personality and Mother Gothel was to us, the audience, obviously the villain of the story, but you can see how Rapunzel has fallen to her gaslighting for years, whereas Misty has no personality outside of being awkward, cute and naive and Opaline is just mean to her 24.7, making her story more than predictable I just can’t put my disappointment of G5 (at least as it is now) into words 😔
@uis246 Жыл бұрын
Pinkie is so not spaz, that she once said "Advamced physics? I thought they really ruined PE".
@SunIsLost Жыл бұрын
They haven't made a mark
@LotusAndGlitch Жыл бұрын
They REALLY haven't.... when will they learned to follow their title of their 3d series and MAKE A MARK...
@SunIsLost Жыл бұрын
@@LotusAndGlitch YEA
@Powerfantasyforever Жыл бұрын
They unmade a mark
@sweetdreams1028 Жыл бұрын
Both the show hasn’t in quality or even in whatever marks the show is about making?
@ninjagolego9017 Жыл бұрын
I don’t care what anyone says sparky is a good character
@TheSimba86 Жыл бұрын
I will never forgive them for what they did to Izzy, she went from my favorite character to my least favorite
@SonicdaShapeshifter Жыл бұрын
Love the title. G5 really did miss the mark. I loved g4 and grew up watching the first four generations of pony on DVD and VHS. I actually even liked my little pony tales! But G5 talks down to the viewer just like g3 did-which is why I hate it. Child me would have been disgusted with G5 the same way child me hated g3. I was 9 when I RANTED about A Charming Birthday to everyone in my family who would listen. I hated being patronized. This generation is back to patronizing baby bs and I notice no one buying any of the G5 pony merch in the stores where I live so I think the people in my area feel much the same. It's so bland it puts unspiced chili to shame.
@ImmaLittlePip Жыл бұрын
I watch G5 with my best friend and honestly me and her like it but it really needs some serious improvements and reworking The movie was so good but the first few episodes of G5 have been lack luster Tell your tale is ok it has some good episodes and bad ones but there's only so much you can get done with a 5 minute show
@GMDThread8 Жыл бұрын
I can feel the immense disappointment towards MYM from Tootsie himself
@MirkoPerovic45 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I agree with your claims! This is was such big failure in my opinoin and represents everything wrong with connecting g4 and g5 together. I hope they'll improve the series or g5 as well! But as of me writing this comment future is not looking bright fot this franchise! My main concern is that this entire g5 becomes such a big failure that Hasbro would go back to its g1-g3 roots! There are already glimses of that💀
@HelloMan181 Жыл бұрын
Twilight looks disappointed...
@Ashindice7 Жыл бұрын
**Dragon Magic Fart**
@alexanderveal Жыл бұрын
While I do like G5, Mark Your Mark has a ton of flaws. Sure, the animation is good, and the voice cast does a great job in my opinion. But, it can also be boring, annoying, or sometimes both. Now, since G5 is still in its early phase, I don't want to be too harsh towards it. Still though, it needs to improve, and fast, otherwise people are just gonna give up on it.
@rendomstranger8698 Жыл бұрын
The animation on its own made it quite clear to me that the only interaction I'll be having with G5 is the tell your tale series and the facfics that this generation spawns. Hearing that the writing for tell your tale is as bad as the animation tells me that I made the correct decision. I love G5 for the fanfic potential it created. And tell your tale is some reasonable KZbin junkfood. But there straight up is no reason for me to invest money, time or energy into keeping up with G5 beyond those 2 things.
@sonicspeedproductions2.04 Жыл бұрын
You act like g5 done u bad
@bucketslash11 Жыл бұрын
Twilight Sparkle mentioned in her appearance that she couldn't stop Opaline, however because of how the timeline works the FiM series is thousands of years in the past, yet somehow Opaline has survived and she isn't shown to be deity-like like Luna and Celestia you are correct in this being too bland and characters being cardboard cutouts, exactly what people expected G4 to be in 2010
@TheCommenterDragon Жыл бұрын
It's true MYM has been terrible ever since it first started and TYT has been dooing way better especially story wise. I mean at this point both the writers and Hasbro itself seem completely uncertain which direction to take the MYM storyline in. But it's like you said Tootsie, Only time will tell if the series will get better. Until then all we can do is wait and hope, And even though i'm not expecting much i'm still looking forward to whatever MYM chapter 4 will bring us.
@SilverSpoonRiche Жыл бұрын
Dependable? You do realize the movie only happened because Hitch is laughably incompetent at his job, right? A. If he had captured Izzy, the movie is over or at least takes an entirely different turn. B. If he had stayed with his town at the height of its PANIC. The movie moves forward with Izzy and Sunny without him. No big bad to defeat. C. If Hitch had put ANYPONY ELSE in charge of the Sheriff's office he could have pursued Izzy and Sunny, had his character arc and we wouldn't have the big bad. So no conflict other than restoring magic and establishing new bonds. Because he failed to do A. B. and C. we got Dear Leader Sprout in a giant mech. Nice guy, Hitch, but a horrible authority figure. The problem is the series took away any intelligence and made him a clown. BOTH TYT and MYM. He has lost his son/pet Sparky 4 times now across both TYT and MYM. The writers once again give the male character the short end of the stick.
@BuizelCream Жыл бұрын
Technically, Hitch did capture Izzy. It was Sunny who set her free and only added to the trouble. Hitch failed to capture Izzy not because of his own incompetence. The rise of Sprout was also not directly caused by Hitch. It was caused by the influence of Sprout's mom. And this is where there's a wrinkle to the story of ANG because it did not give us a nuanced backstory to what really was the relationship between these two stallions to each other. We can only assume Hitch chooses Sprout only because it's what should be done, and it's what a Sheriff should do, and also because Sprout was the only pony directly available that he could depend on within the task force. Sprout deserves the priority, and Hitch is respectable for treating Sprout as such, since he is his Deputy. Hitch also gave Sprout clear instructions on what to do and what not to do. With how Hitch was able to keep the town in order from Sprout's immaturity all these years, it's pretty impressive how Hitch manages to keep him on the ground. But it indirectly caused Sprout to get sick of Hitch, which is now a personal problem Hitch failed to see develop because of who Hitch is as a person. Sprout taking over Maretime Bay happened, once again, not because of Hitch's incompetency, but simply due to Hitch's inherent personality flaw; latching onto friends who are troublemakers whom he should've cut ties with sooner (like what he should have done against Sunny the same way). It's more complex and nuanced than that, and that's what makes Hitch interestingly written both as a sheriff and as a character.
@bobtom1495 Жыл бұрын
I didn't mind grubber, but Flurry heart... it must be burned in the fire from which it was made from...
@GabiShy Жыл бұрын
I like the Sonic Frontiers music
@ninjagolego9017 Жыл бұрын
Pony life is not that bad
@eeveefennecfox Жыл бұрын
I know right? I liked it
@sweetdreams1028 6 ай бұрын
At least it’s better than MYM
@TheAeroAvatar Жыл бұрын
I do not sense the same passion for G5 that I still do with Friendship is Magic.
@ArixOdragc Жыл бұрын
I think I've pinpointed what my main issue with MYM is. With FiM, episodes were mostly centered around a single character at a time, or the relationship between two characters. Yes we got the occasional ensemble episode (mostly, but not always, the season premieres and finales), but for the most part, episodes dealt with one or two characters. The rest of the cast showed up, but it was always in service of the spotlight character of the episode. This really helped develop attachment to the characters, since they had 22 minutes at a time to shine and develop. It also helped the episodes themselves stand out, since the story had a full 22 minutes to progress naturally. MYM, on the other hand, seems to want each episode to feature each character equally. Episodes seem to follow the pattern of setting up a goal for the whole cast, then having them split off into two or three smaller groups and having them each do their own thing, siloed off from the others outside of the larger goal. It makes the episodes feel bloated and packed too tight. And the characters don't have much time to develop, since we're barely with one or two of them for five minutes at a time before being whisked off to a separate group doing a separate thing. And since the episodes have the same length of time as FiM to tell three or four stories instead of a single one, it needs to use every second to push every story forward, leaving little time to develop the characters, making them much harder to get attached to.
@thaddeusr.3967 Жыл бұрын
I don't get what everyone is talking about. Then again G4 was divisive among fans right from the start with every episode having fans and detractors. When I look at G5 yeah the first special is underwhelming but after that it really improved. Expanding on the established characters.
@SilverSpoonRiche Жыл бұрын
I do not agree that it will improve. There is absolutely no incentive for them to spend more money for better writers and CGI quality. If Netflix were smart they would cut their losses. Even Hasbro is not selling any new toys since last summer. Except that stupid mini-fig Marestream Bus playset and the Opaline brushable figure. Which is surprisingly well done actually, I finally let myself have one. No, what you see is what you get. Just from a making money POV this show is a failure. I would not be surprised if it were cancelled. I love the Tell You Tale. Those are some fun short stories. And IDW has created an entirely alternate g5 with no Sparky, Opaline or Misty and instead Discord. But MYM is a wreck. The good guys have not even met nor heard of the big bad yet.
@mylife-23 Жыл бұрын
I mean, personalities in my opinion were expanded.
@sweetdreams1028 Жыл бұрын
Aside from Zipp and Pipp, their personalities were expanded in ways that didn’t make sense with their characters from the film
@PlayABetterGame Жыл бұрын
It feels like the G5 writers are getting paid 15 dollars an hour, working overtime, and can only find inspiration in Super Monsters and G4 (for characters alone), in a nutshell
@leveryawn3949 Жыл бұрын
00:48 slip in 'controversial' tweet like we didn't see it 🙈🤣🤣
@SunIsLost Жыл бұрын
@TheSimba86 Жыл бұрын
Movie was pretty well done, everything else has been kind of disappointing and the only good thing to come out of it is Misty, get rid of the annoying baby dragon and go all in on Misty
@godkingbest7108 Жыл бұрын
Do do you want to know why they made G5 they just want to finish up the lost story in G4 G5 is just a continuance of G4 like what happened to Twilight and her friends Celestia and Luna Discord all those characters just finish up the story what happened to them thats what i believe anyways but I like G5 but hope they can improve their characters and the writing
@ninjagolego9017 Жыл бұрын
If anything it’s good
@theabsolutetrashman3708 Жыл бұрын
No gonna lie, I completely forgot about G5 after the first movie came out, I mostly completely phase out of MLP entirely tbh
@androidps1440 Жыл бұрын
the answer is simple you grow up
@PPEFwatch Жыл бұрын
Wait. Wasn't g5 already tied with g4 to begin with? I mean, in the very beginning of the g5 movie, literally the first thing shown to was the mane 6
@MCLegoboy Жыл бұрын
Yep, pretty much. I've been keeping up with the Tell Your Tale shorts, and they've been pretty fun, whoever's working on that show seems to understand the format, and they've been able to crank out over 50 episodes over the past year and a half where as Make Your Mark has a special, 8 episodes, and another special, with another special coming along the way. If Make Your Mark was supposed to be the main show, have it be the main show, and have a consistent release schedule. Tell Your Tale is where it's at because it's been doing everything the main show should have, and it's doing it in a quarter of the time. That doesn't mean there aren't still changes made to the characters that detract from how they were in the movie, but at least these versions of the characters have been around longer and are what I'm able to get used to and maybe even support, but Make Your Mark still felt off, even from Tell Your Tale. Oh, and speaking of Tell Your Tale, I don't know if I'm immature (I mean clearly I am, I watching a webseries designed to sell toys to little girls), but dammit if I still did not laugh at when Sparky farted on Misty. I saw it coming, it was obvious, it's a played out trope, and it's stupid, but I think I just was not expecting the sheer ferocity of it. It still gets me, and I'm not even actively rewatching it, you threw it in my face for your own jokes, but in a world of magic and dislogic, the amplitude of sheer quantity of that flatus was so great, it broke all reason, and I guess it broke me, too.
@SwaggerMLP Жыл бұрын
i hate shows in 3D its always looks cheap
@sweetdreams1028 Жыл бұрын
Ikr? In the film it was perfectly fine to be in 3D because they had the money and resources to pull it off. But I guess we can’t leave behind the same animation in the follow up show. And yet they still end up doing a 2D side show. Who the actual hay thought this was a good move?
@trevorsinnott123 Жыл бұрын
I like G5, especially the sisterly interactions between Zipp and Pipp in Portrait of a Princess. Does G5 have flaws, of course it does, but so did G4. I wish you had focused on the positives of G5, instead of the negatives. For most of the video I was thinking, we get it you hate G5, move on.
@SmokeTheHorsehog Жыл бұрын
Yeah, Hoof Done It really made me hate Pipp, too. Especially after what the objective best episode, Portrait For a Princess (I still hated Pipp there, but not as much as I did here).
@androidps1440 Жыл бұрын
in other words Friendship is Magic was a one hit wonder
@rafaelavina4104 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but even as someone who casually watches MLP and shows in general I just see way too many problems with G5 to the point where I might consider not watching at some point it's just doesn't capture the same charm or entertainment as G4 or maybe iv Just grown up from ponies I really can't tell
@flamingcandle6881 Жыл бұрын
I agree I hope that the show will get better over time I feel like it’s a lack of a story in the show but I still love the show and the episodes i love every mlp generation there is and will always love it and the fandom
@crazydudegonemad2107 Жыл бұрын
That ending needs to be a meme 9:03
@princianorvz Жыл бұрын
I like no background characters! I love it!
@norsebrony346 Жыл бұрын
The year the netflix movie dropped it was leaked that sunny was going to be an activist in the show so at the time I rolled my eyes because being preached at while watching a show really takes me out of it I thought the movie was fine for what it was but for the show I gave it a fair chance but sunny just kept annoying me it hurts even more because activism nowadays is very much looked down upon for the reasons of being pushy and annoying
@jseden 7 күн бұрын
I was pretty late to the party overall but g4 was great.. ok there's a few I'll skip.. But I can say I was excited for g5 without really holding any expectations. The movie was decent but I just couldn't bring myself to care after an episode or two of MYM. It was bad and I just couldn't. I can't say I ever cared for Equestria Girls either but I would much rather watch any of those than sit through a handful of MYM episodes.
@StarstruckChiroMusic Жыл бұрын
To be honest, I prefer G5 having ties to G4, but instead of completely leaching off of G4, they should treat G4's events like a part of history and build off of what it left behind onto something completely original
@StarstruckChiroMusic Жыл бұрын
If that was what they were going for, they executed it wrong
@eeveefennecfox Жыл бұрын
@@StarstruckChiroMusic I'm 99% sure that was netflix's fault,aren't they the boss for this series? where the hell is hasbro when all of this is happening?
@markheadley125 Жыл бұрын
Cool 😎
@mylittlebrony2130 Жыл бұрын
I really don't understand the sparky hate I like him and think he's cute he's just a baby with powers can someone actually give me a valid reason to hate him ?
@sweetdreams1028 Жыл бұрын
Aside from personal preference of finding him creepy and or annoying, he’s overall completely pointless. Flurry Heart caused lots of crazy magical things as a baby too, but she was a baby Alicorn whereas Sparky’s just a baby dragon that shouldn’t be able to swap cutie marks as Starlight did who is a strong and powerful grown mare
@mylittlebrony2130 Жыл бұрын
@@sweetdreams1028 well the fact is he's not just a normal dragon he's magical because of the way he was hatched same as spike normal dragons are hatched by high levels of heat but both sparky and Spike were hatched by magic and no heat or fire directly involved even more so with sparky because he was on the coast , the argument could be made that sparky is way stronger than Spike but that's not farfetch'd if you once again take how they were hatched into a count Spike was hatched from the collective magical connection between Twilight and her friends but sparky was hatched from a magical blast that was caused from all the earth pony magic being released , magic that has been dormant for long time and has never been used and I'm such a way before as earth-ponies always had magic but this is like a concentrated version making it more useful sparky's abilities just being a glorified/better version of Spike's abilities which they are very similar You could also make the point that sparky is more strong than Spike due to evolution as dragons have apparently evolved to the point where they're born with their wings instead of going through the malt And about his appearance I find him cute and I think ( in most cases ) a lot like with the cake twins people just didn't like them because they were "baby characters" and acted like babies so they are deemed as annoying not saying that's why you find him annoying but I'm sure it's a large region for a lot of people
@androidps1440 Жыл бұрын
simple the fandom hates baby characters since Baby Cakes
@mylittlebrony2130 Жыл бұрын
@@androidps1440 the baby cakes are cute ( at least to me) I still then never got why people hated
@sweetdreams1028 27 күн бұрын
@@androidps1440 I actually like the cake twins and Flurry Heart, but not Sparky. So no, it’s not that we don’t like baby characters in general.
@sergodobro2569 Жыл бұрын
Well, I do fully agree with everything said here!
@vinnie-chan Жыл бұрын
This is so funny! Because I'm really sad that I've wasted my time watching this show.
@SilverSpoonRiche Жыл бұрын
To be fair, these writers lack the ability to write a genius, because they themselves wrote for Pony Life. Zipp is as good a detective as they can write a mystery for her to solve. Spoiler alert, they can't. Zipp remains mostly fooled by Misty. She is without a doubt the worst spy, thief and kidnapper since Team Rocket. Unless the writers suddenly decide she has the agility of the late Natasha "Black Widow" Romanoff. I like Misty.
@Lia_E9 Жыл бұрын
Where is Discord ?
@eeveefennecfox Жыл бұрын
no idea,he's immortal right? so maybe we can see him the future episodes.....?
@mona_love_Lily Жыл бұрын
Izzy the only one how let me see the serie without her am dead
@SunIsLost Жыл бұрын
0:58 uhh
@SwaggerMLP Жыл бұрын
I think better idea was made something like a multiverse in marvel g4 in different dimension
@Stalownik_ Жыл бұрын
elo mordo
@androidps1440 Жыл бұрын
originally it was going to be like that but the big leak happened and everything got changed after that in other words the fandom ruined the future
@jusussi Жыл бұрын
Oh, I hate the G5 so much... It's funny that I have such an attitude towards the new generation because of the 3D series, considering that I had the highest hopes for it. And the characters and plots are as disgusting as possible, only Zipp caused at least some positive emotions, because she is the only character with a brain from the whole group. At least there were no special expectations from the 2D series, it simply did not cause me any emotions, only a feeling of wasted time, and the 3D series, along with this, also caused a bunch of negative emotions
@arcane_spark Жыл бұрын
good vid
@dragongamerboi13 Жыл бұрын
Are you absolutely friggin serious about that fart joke? -.- Did they really do that? :/ God....horrid, absolutely horrid, nah, not forgivable to me.
@littlepipstv4068 Жыл бұрын
I still hete gen 5 because I don't support it because the story is lame and hasbro likes to say oh its set in same universe yeah great but story write ing is off place with gen5 there is no fight ing going round and questions still remains un answers how twilight sparkle got defeat it so easily against apolline which twilight sparkle is the real winner against apolline and what happened to twilight sparkle s friends is they alive the fandom and hasbro wants us to believe oh they died old age but I find hard to believe to be a case one pony we know that died is fluttershy and discord from old age even tho story is not show Canon its fandom kind of makes sense to the story if map is different its same map before when Ponyville was founded and now the way it looks if you try tell that to fandom the fandom will start leaving the mlp fandom because they say oh I don't like because fandom is unimpatient they show and gen 5 as whole they want like it was before they will wait get the hype and the show is comes out be excited to find out what happens next show in my stand how gen 5 can redeem is bring twlight sparkle not in star wars way you know holographic message but in pony in the show person along side her friends applejack pinki pie rarity rainbow dash spike fluttershy if Lorna faust comes back to directed The G5 I am not sure but maybe save it from before complete ly sink it to the see water levels just like just like the Titanic ship went we know how that turn out because the gen 5 might be set in same universe as gen 4 counterpart but each pony and rest maretime bay learns magic while apolline just sets misty to do her bidding but what she will get is a smoothie that is not stealing or take more magic as she climb she wants more magic but she does get herself because she kind of makes sense I don't know to be honest the verdict for gen 5 new generation tail your tail and make your mark is meah I will give credit where is due with new generation movie tell tale hasbro they are trying to grow story with make your mark we are only 2 years in Chapter 3 /4 will be on Netflix on June so I hope they bring twlight sparkle and her friends applejack rarity fluttershy pinki pie rainbow dash spike and rest of the cast of gen 4 where sunset star cot and her friends finds out there is way to past words when twilight sparkle her friends are still ruler ing to get advice how to take down apolline and lest thing the deviantART likes us to believe the twilight sparkle as ruler of Equestria was bad ruler apolline was hero whole time after twilight sparkle been crowded new ruler of Equestria sure her coronation was not perfect because of discord we know twilight sparkle and her friends along side rest of Ponyville citizens Equestria are on her side she over come obstacles time and time again and she defeated so many bad ponys her time as she gave momentum and her with help with her friends she won so many battles so I find hard to believe she lost to apolline she won the fight against apolline we did not know how she maretime and rest of Equestria and what happened to Ponyville we will still don't know about
@jacobgoodman3775 Жыл бұрын
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