My People are NOT Happy! | ASKA Gameplay | Part 3

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@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
Tasks remain as a "keep this many in stock" but only exist while someone is assigned to the station. This is very handy at say the workshop where you can keep a spare tool always ready for when their shit breaks. Just keep in mind storage is the limiting factor so don't make too many of anything.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
Your defences don't count for anything unless a guard is stationed there. The most efficient is to build the barracks and then some guard posts where you need them to patrol. Set up two patrols and start them on different sides of the town and have them circle town in the same direction to keep everyone there happy. Those defensive structures also count as patrol points if you want them there for looks.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
P.S. - In case of emergency, making someone a guard makes them feel proud about themselves and provides a mood boost.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
Night happy people want to be awake at night, so they should sleep in the day. I for example tend to be up late at night watching youtuber lets plays. =P
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
improve her home, food, and make her feel safe with guards around day/night and her happiness will improve. may take a while.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
The fence arrow doesn't seem to matter, I *think* its where the repair station will appear when damaged but you can feed and repair from both sides so it won't matter.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
I build fences around the fishing hot to stop things getting at the food / up the ramp. You can't really do anything about protecting the wet side.
@micheletremonti2434 26 күн бұрын
When you give a task it tells 5hem to make sure that they keep that amount of items at all times
@csmnitemare4532 26 күн бұрын
nocturnal means she wants to sleep during the day and work at night just fyi
@micheletremonti2434 26 күн бұрын
You can add to there name as well just type there name and add after
@micheletremonti2434 26 күн бұрын
Trees do not grow back
@NiklasBengtzen 27 күн бұрын
Add more tasks at your workshop. Have a 1 for each of your tools so your workers can go there to get a new one when it breaks. Also add rope as a task so they always make rope when someone withdraws rope. Same with weapons, bows and arrows. If a hunters knife or bow breaks, they go fetch a new one automatically. Also... to get rid of anxiety, build a barracks and put down patrol markers and assign a guard to both train at the barracks, but also patrol the camp. Also build stone lanterns for light
@caitlynlewinter3648 27 күн бұрын
The only defense of the village is with the people from the barracks and archery. The fences aren't for defense; they are more decorative and only slow mobs down. Give your people a basic club; they will help kill things that attack. Build a wooden altar to help with mood. There are better ideas than building on the beach. You can't remove the stones or the reeds. Up the hill would be a better location, and build a path down to the fishing hut. Be sure to give your cook a knife. Put at most 4 beds in a cottage; any more lowers their morale.
@ImFrelled 27 күн бұрын
You brought that work sled into those tall weeds and you're never going to find it again. lol
@RxDoc2010 21 күн бұрын
Walk along the beach, thatch is plentiful and does eventually regrow. You can also convert bark into fiber for rope.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
"work hours" will always be there, you can just offset it with so many bonuses my villagers sit at 100% happy anyway.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
Villagers may be thirsty at the start/end of the day so I'll put something to drink from near their cottages. I understand due to location you are limited here but there's always some rain collectors to help offset that.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
Yeah small fences are just to keep smolkr out. I try and intercept the invaders before the village using the map but they spawn so close they often reach it.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
Loading and unloading the sled takes time too, I don't bother unless I'm moving resources a long way.
@welshspaceman1 27 күн бұрын
Press Q looking at the building project and it pins the recipe on screen.
@Sinical_Angel 27 күн бұрын
Trees don't grow back, stump or no stump. The cottage can hold as many beds as you can fit in it but I think if it gets too crowded they get sleep anxiety. From what I have seen the work hours is ALWAYS red. Scheduling can be tricky, just tweak their schedules enough to where it says at least slightly increasing one villager at a time. Try adding some leisure time mid shift, apply then check their morale again.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
I would highly recommend getting a farm up near your workshop (and a well) to grow flax all year around. It's going to majorly help with your flax problems, and get you towards having some clothes (Winter is coming!).
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
I use the schedule below, and invert it for nocturnal people so that someone is working during the morning/evening downtimes of the day shift. I also have an emergency shift that's work 24hrs for when I temporarily need someone doing something for a raid or whatever. While there will be some griping about having to work, you can offset that with cookhouse food (I normally rush this) and a cottage to sleep in (no more than 6 beds). Don't forget to have a guard patrolling markers, your villagers will become unhappy and less efficient at their job. I try to keep around 15-20% of my population as combat jobs. * 8 hrs sleep * 1 hr downtime * 6 hours work 1 hour downtime 6 hours work 2 hours downtime
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
Oh I don't rush the cottage but I try to have them up before the first Winter.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
Just wanted to add that with everything else in the village in order (place to sleep, good food, guards day and night) my entire village will be 100% happy.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
You CAN rename characters including adding a surname (I put their job), sometimes do things like the surname "Guard" is for day and "Knight" is for night guards.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
Just look at their details and click their name/cog in the top-left
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
Have also done things like "N'Archer" for Night Archer
@OuabiGaming 25 күн бұрын
Hi, nice series, I'm happy to watch you playing this wonderful Aska. For your info tab (the one with all your villagers), you can expand each villager. This way you'll have all the shedules on the same view. You can even copy/paste. I also place a [n] tag before the name, just use arrows to place the cursor, strangely it doesn't work with the the mouse. A schedule that seems to work well is 13h work / 5h sleep / 6h leisure (3 before and 3 after sleep).
@andreasdietz61 27 күн бұрын
oh and a few more things, some were already mentioned: - Build a farm and grow flax... a lot - Build the barracks immediately! Let 2 of your guys train there. This will make the villagers much more happy, and you will need experienced fighters for the bear attack (and the invasions later) - Build the kitchen/cooking place. - Build sets of clothes for everybody. They will freeze to death in the winter or stop working and sit around the fire the whole time otherwise.
@KJ-9876 27 күн бұрын
Cottage can have firewood storage, food rack and 12 beds. Longhouse you can add 2 long extensions and like 40 to 50 beds in them. Just add patrols, towers, and lots of decor around them to keep housing/defense numbers up. edit: and No there aren't any ill effects to having that many people under one roof.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
> "I need more people." Having more people to throw at problems is always good, with your food surplus you should be good. In this village I'd want a cookhouse, someone making tools at the workshop, and probably a storehouse. Your location has serious water issues, the storehouse can have a water barrel and someone working there will fill it for you... along with getting all your stuff there and improving your stores which are vital for surviving winter.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
I'm giving lots of suggestions but don't worry you're doing fine. I played through multiple villagers and kept restarting and I'm just sharing what I learned from so many mistakes. Its just that kind of game.
@RxDoc2010 21 күн бұрын
I found that villagers are happy with their work schedule if you just turn the last 2 work hours of the day into leisure hours. Your cooks will fillet fish as needed. Click the down arrow for more villager information. Not much better but you can see their happiness from there.
@rokb69 24 күн бұрын
Always have like 2 or 3 builders, you can cut the trees down by yourself and lift your skill and they just pick trees or branches from the ground. And look for the cave and wolfden soon.
@ASSEY_PLAYZ 27 күн бұрын
Love the content... Just would like to see a video where it's not 45 mins long just to put down one structure. I would rather watch you farm for 45 mins than run around getting nothing accomplished
@celesterooker8540 25 күн бұрын
Once you build a house you can build individual beds inside, the house comes with 2BEDS, but it fits a lot more, like 6 to 8 if not more
@rokb69 23 күн бұрын
You have to discover food recipes first. You do 1st cooking of everything and then you can assign a cook to nake them. Write their occupations beside the names
@celesterooker8540 25 күн бұрын
when you are struglling with people's happines, put them to train, either clubs or archery range for a while, they will get major happines boost because they are honored to protect the village 23:35
@micheletremonti2434 26 күн бұрын
For defence build a barracks or archery and put outpatrol flags and put people at duty just make sure all buildings are covered at end of each fighters task
@micheletremonti2434 26 күн бұрын
The cottage has 2 beds in it to start but they will need one fire place storage for heat in the winter, they will get their own fire wood at that point , also add 4more thatch beds so the cottage will sleep 6. That is the max occupancy
@KJ-9876 27 күн бұрын
Fence gates and towers arrows should all face in towards village - adding spikes to walls later will then point out. I learned the hard way. Not sure I want to redo that whole fence.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
Night people are rarer than day or whatever people. My first usually end up as guards and then a healer because raids come in the night and their workshift covers the morning/evening day shift if they need heals too. You might also want a second person working nights in jobs like cooking, bloomery, and smithing to make sure resources aren't wasted when the day shift goes home and doesn't clean up their station.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
Cottages are notoriously hard to place as they're bigger than their footprint appears, and they don't tell you what is in the way. )=
@ChrisPaolini-g9s 27 күн бұрын
For defense, you want to build a barracks and patrol markers (with someone assigned to it) and they’ll come running if an enemy comes in. Walls don’t seem to add to defense value (other than slowing stuff down)
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
> "I'm hoping this thing will hold like a few people." It will come with 2 beds, you can safely add 4 more for a total of 6. If you cram more that that they'll get grumpy. Also build a Firewood storage tucked in beside the fire before Winter hits.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
Yeah you're definitely going to feel behind a lot, but as you get more villagers and automate them to not need to be nanny'd so much you'll start to break free of that juggling cycle.
@micheletremonti2434 26 күн бұрын
As long as there is a work shop worker give then a task to make 2 of each item you and another needs, that way they always have a tool for you and a back up for your workers
@andreasdietz61 27 күн бұрын
Arrow for the fence has to point inwards. Important only later when you add the spikes, as they will point in the opposite direction of the arrow
@micheletremonti2434 26 күн бұрын
To balance the work schedule 😊 give them a break in the middle of the day and a place of worship
@micheletremonti2434 26 күн бұрын
A cook in the cook house would filet the fish but you have to give them a knife so have your workshop worker make those as well
@micheletremonti2434 26 күн бұрын
To keep getting wood you put gathering flags out for your wood cutter and set them up on the shore as well to gather Thatcher
@micheletremonti2434 26 күн бұрын
Also you can adjust the tasks by importance, in work shop, put the most important tasks at the top
@joeelmergreen5121 26 күн бұрын
everything became easier when i started farming flax and now have abundant rope
@micheletremonti2434 26 күн бұрын
Put up another type of religious totem, best is the wooden head, three can worship at same time
@ozzymichael2718 26 күн бұрын
press Q on the current build it will show both what you need and how many stages the build has
@kollosus_NA 27 күн бұрын
IF you deete the beds taht come with the sucker, you can cram 13 inside
@Genin99 27 күн бұрын
Don't forget to add warriors, because a military with a patrol route is more effective at keeping your village safe.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
The invaders *sometimes* drop Yotun stuff, but its uncommon.
@rokb69 23 күн бұрын
Put 4 ppl in cottages, and a storage for firewood beside the fire
@celesterooker8540 25 күн бұрын
You can lay the flimsy fences, and later you upgrade them
@micheletremonti2434 26 күн бұрын
The. Chair symbol on your build menu is for furnishing
@GamingWithGunner 27 күн бұрын
you can break down bark to make fiber and use that to make rope.
@t3dr1c23 27 күн бұрын
Look in the Gatherer's Hut storage for fiber to make tons of rope.
@TrueSighted 27 күн бұрын
According to the dev team, trees do not grow back at the moment.
@darthdirty 27 күн бұрын
You can build the better fence. Don't need the base fence first
@wolfhors3_660 26 күн бұрын
Maybe they need a lunch break and not so many hours in a row
@micheletremonti2434 26 күн бұрын
You can have 6 people in a cottage so the expense is covered
@micheletremonti2434 26 күн бұрын
Nocturnal resilience is same as night shadow
@sippy1850 27 күн бұрын
atleast they added option to show markers now xD
@kaustubhpatil30-12 27 күн бұрын
Give them leisure time in between work hour's
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
They can't cook more than their storage, also having things uncooked buys shelf life as when they're cooked their decay is reset.
@Reoh0z 27 күн бұрын
P.S. That Garlic won't be cookable until you get a cookhouse and "experiment" with recipes, there's lots of youtube guides that explain what recipes will net you something good. But Garlic is great in winter recipes to make you better.
@natedizzle12245 27 күн бұрын
You put the gate in backwards
@rubycandy92 26 күн бұрын
Will this game be on xbox series?
@micheletremonti2434 26 күн бұрын
No one wants to work 10 hours a day
@Gamblarer 27 күн бұрын
Maybe it makes her happy to work more then Leisure or sleep
@Kausten 27 күн бұрын
My thoughts exactly. Back in old times people liked to work. Now not so much...
@comicbooks904 27 күн бұрын
Marfoslie farfoslie
@LNDDify 27 күн бұрын
Nice 😎
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