My Response To KueliMika Channel On Black Egyptians

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7 ай бұрын

This is my definitive response to the channel Kuelimika.
Link to the video I'm responding to:
• Response To Metatron's...
Link to my original video he reponded to:
• Were The Ancient Egypt...
#metatron #blackegypt #response

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@metatronyt 7 ай бұрын
After having read many comments here, I believe a clarification is in order. 1 - To all those who joined and brought valid criticism, praise, expressed agreement or legitimate disagreement with my conclusions in a civil manner, thank you for your contributions! It is very much appreciated. Thank you for watching and for taking the time out of your day to share your thoughts with us. We will review the evidence presented to counter our arguments and dive into research once again as we always do, to find the truth. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 2 - To all those in the comments who have attacked me with all sorts of horrible slurs, insulted me, expressed hatred towards us Europeans and the white skin we have, I only have one word: shameful. All forms of racism are wrong and your intolerance and ethnic hatred towards me doesn't get a pass just because my skin is light. I did not and never have attacked Kuelimika or any proponent of Afrocentricity because of their skin. To me variation in skin tone only makes the world more beautiful. White and Black people are all brothers, and racist hatred is never justified on either side. I hope you can grow as individuals and learn to reject this toxic hatred you have inside. 3 - To those who have accused me of supporting white supremacy just because I respectfully disagreed with scholars such as Diop. Your accusations are baseless. Science and academic research is based on debate. An attack on an argument is the basis of how we learn and grow as a species. To think that either I agree with you blindly, or I'm a racist is an attempt at coercion, and demonstrates you don't know how professional academia works. I welcome all attacks to my arguments as any researcher should, as long as they are presented professionally. 4 - To all those who write that black Africans have contributed nothing to civilization and that Africa has no history, you are completely wrong too. Africa has a rich history and culture and very much to offer on these fields. Check my video dedicated to the top 10 African weapons, or the second part of my video, (minute 10: 08) "Jada Pinkett Smith and Director of Cleopatra: Interview RESPONSE", to see me deep dive on the history of the Kandake. 5 - To my subscribers, once again I ask you to not attack Kuelimika directly, only attack his arguments. I do not support any racist slur used against him either. Let's be civil, he has a right to his opinions just as much as I have a right to mine. 6 - To those who called me a liar and said my team of academics doesn't exist. You are delusional. 7 - To those who say I'm a coward apparently for not "answering their comments". This video as of now has over 10.000 comments. How these people think only their comment matters is beyond me. How these people think I surely even saw their comments in the first place is once again beyond me. Let us all learn to share disagreements in a civil manner, without having to attack and insult people who disagree with you. Considering the fact I need to take into consideration my own mental health, I'll stop reading comments from the comment section of this video for some time. Thanks for understanding and for watching.
@mystoryisbonkers5711 7 ай бұрын
Does this mean the father of Egyptology Jean Francois Champollion would have been considered an Afrocentric??? because to my knowledge, he agrees with the fact that Kemet was a black civilization. I think this whole issue started when his brother who had never been to Egypt countered him on the blackness of ancient Egypt because he refused to believe that the blacks who were slaves at the time could have brought about civilization...hence concluded they Kemet was European and more Egyptologists began to reason along this line. But their is enough evidence to prove Kemet was black
@Africankingson 7 ай бұрын
Although it looks like you tend to be objective and I appreciate it , in your analysis you have your biases, there are also many Europeans who said themselves that the most ancient inhabitants of kemet were black and changed progressively , they include Constantin François de chasseboeuf count of Volney , Gaston Maspero and so on. Your analysis here is too light, it has no in depth analysis, and finally there are many other advanced more African civilizations than Zulus i would like you to discuss if you wish they include Benin city state , Swahili city states , great Zimbabwe civilization and the kanem Bornu empire. ✌🏿✌🏻
@admirekashiri9879 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for addressing the ignorance on both sides. Honestly, these people don't see they're two sides of the same coin. One side feels compelled to insult black Africa, making claims that its history doesn't exist. Then, the other side wants to insult Europeans and claim all cultures on Earth as black. It's beyond pathetic. I'm very much tempted to make my first video on this ignorance of extreme Afrocentrics and Eurocentrics.
@wakandareallyyyyy 7 ай бұрын
u re wrong, search Dexter Caffey, is a descendant of Ramses 3, there aren’t descendant white of pharaohs
@yeetman4953 7 ай бұрын
@@wakandareallyyyyy was his dna test real even?
@SergioLeonardoCornejo 7 ай бұрын
Afrocentrism is the anthropology equivalent to flat earth.
@alexkogan9755 7 ай бұрын
I’d go further and call them Nazis in Black face, because that’s how they act.
@johannesg8959 7 ай бұрын
So is race. anthropological studies deny the existence of race as biological construct rather it is a social construct. so the whole argument between black vs white is stupid since it doesn't exist.
@arthas640 7 ай бұрын
@@alexkogan9755 They really are. The Afrocentrist Nation of Islam literally sounds even crazier than the stuff the Nazis espoused, quiet a few afrocentrists are firmly against race mixing, and many of them are pretty deep into historical revisionism to a similar degree as many Nazis and similar groups, like claiming the Greeks and Romans stole all their technology from Africa, that white people have no culture that they didnt steal, or that most innovations like pottery, agriculture, and metal working all occurred in Africa first or even that things that are widely accepted as being invented separately in different areas were all only invented in Africa and then spread.
@shadowbanned1999 7 ай бұрын
​@alexkogan9755 nazi is such an overused term tho. They are definitely followers of some retraded race theory that modern science can easily destroy. But I don't think they are politically national socialists although alot seem to be racial Marxists.
@sweethistortea 7 ай бұрын
There’s someone in the replies calling everyone who says the Egyptians shared Arab features a liar, and screaming at Egyptian people they aren’t the descendants. The mental gymnastics. 🤦🏻‍♀️
@Rolf97 7 ай бұрын
Geez, what have we come to when "he didn't call me a racist" is a point of praise?
@metatronyt 7 ай бұрын
I know right?
@PatrickFitzgerald88 7 ай бұрын
@@metatronyt Fun fact racism comes from the Talmud which was written by black people.
@Fisherpriest 7 ай бұрын
Especially when he was flinging around the "R" word. Rigor this, rigor that.
@Blox117 7 ай бұрын
we wus kangssss!!!!!!
@EPUEPUEPUEPU 7 ай бұрын
@@metatronyt You had some good points, however you had alot of things missing, and I mean alot. It would be great to have a round table discussion on this exciting topic. I am not an afrocentric however I have alot of people use my resources and references, it would be great to have a discussion.
@KoldKillaC 6 ай бұрын
My man brought the big guns! PhD’s, archeologist, researchers, Egyptologist, etc. My guy was pulling out all the stops! Good for you bro!
@kenstep0439 6 ай бұрын
He got debunked horribly😂
@NaturallyHigh 4 ай бұрын
Now all you need to do is watch Kuelimika’s reply.
@KevinPlump 4 ай бұрын
And still failed. 😂😂
@OnyxKey 4 ай бұрын
@@KevinPlump How in the world do you think Metatron failed??
@NaturallyHigh 4 ай бұрын
@@OnyxKey check out Kuelimika’s reply.
@ludmilajonmuri2760 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for keeping your respons respectfully! That's the way everyone should fight any disagreement .... with respect, facts and integrity! May the Lord continue to bless and keep you ...
@metatronyt 3 ай бұрын
I appreciate that and thank you
@mrpanamera7599 3 ай бұрын
@@metatronytThis is hilarious because the bible that Europeans worship literally says Ham black sons are Egyptians and Kushites (Ethiopians). Arabs and Europeans are not Hamites.
@Alphamaan 7 ай бұрын
I’m African, born in Africa. I’d love to see Africa as developed as let’s say Europe or Japan. But building a strong past based on lies won’t help. The truth makes people stronger, not some lies to respond to a deep complex of inferiority.
@chrisyoung5363 7 ай бұрын
with the technology possible in this era, i can imagine a vast underground railroad system that will beat NYC, my friend. :D
@admirekashiri9879 7 ай бұрын
We Africans aren't Afrocentrics for the most part. You know that right?
@kristianferencik8685 7 ай бұрын
​@@chrisyoung5363its not about the technology, it is about political and economical corruption, instability from cultural factions (such as genocide raids), disease and lack of medical resources and much more. Unfortunately, some of these issues are deeply intertwined within the culture of many groups and while some parts of Africa are well off, the instability as a result of the mentioned above are going to take a lot of time to resolve, but I hope it will.
@BonVoyage861 7 ай бұрын
We know it's not actual Africans doing this don't worry.
@uberdonkey9721 7 ай бұрын
Africa is hugely resource rich and has a growing educated work force. It could easily become a world super power (if people worked together and not just for their own greed), but not through following USA and Europe, but simply by taking what's best and using it. Europe can thank Greece and colonisation from Rome for much of its advancement. Africa doesn't have to be anti anyone, nor pro black, but simply look to the future to be the best for the continent that it can do in the future (using what's best from whatever culture)
@ItzJustHistory1916 7 ай бұрын
Saying that the ancient Egyptians had black skin because their land was called Kemet is like saying Irish people have green skin because their land is called the Emerald Isle
@Duck_Dodgers 7 ай бұрын
I only have green skin is when I drink bad whiskey
@kittehgo 7 ай бұрын
Having been to Ireland, I didn't see any green skinned people. Unless they hide them from tourists 😺
@Angelimir 7 ай бұрын
But them leprechauns, mate...
@wnnfrhrw4452 7 ай бұрын
Ancient Greek Historiography reports/records that The Builders of The Pyramids are a proper subclass of nA nHsw m tA nHsw: "They say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit. Also the statement that all the land of the Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof, in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile; for as each year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the sea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiving the increase. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the colonists still preserving their ancient manners. For instance, the belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practices, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiopian; for of the two kinds of writing​ which the Egyptians have, that which is known as "popular" (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called "sacred"​ is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians, who learn it from their fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians everyone uses these forms of letters. Furthermore, the orders of the priests, they maintain, have much the same position among both peoples; for all are clean​ who are engaged in the service of the gods, keeping themselves shaven, like the Egyptian priests, and having the same dress and form of staff, which is shaped like a plough and is carried by their kings, who wear high felt hats which end in a knob at the top and are circled by the serpents which they call asps; and this symbol appears to carry the thought that it will be the lot of those who shall dare to attack the king to encounter death-carrying stings.​ Many other things are also told by them concerning their own antiquity and the colony which they sent out that became the Egyptians, but about this there is no special need of our writing anything." - The Library of History: Book III - Chapter 3.1 - 3.7 by Diodorus Siculus Further: "Since, to bear witness ourselves, during the time of our visit to Egypt, we associated with many of its priests and conversed with not a few ambassadors from Ethiopia as well who were then in Egypt; and after inquiring carefully of them about each matter and testing the stories of the historians, we have composed our account so as to accord with the opinions on which they most fully agree." - The Library of History: Book III - Chapter 11.4 by Diodorus Siculus Thus, here we have Ancient Historiography observing that both The Priest-Historians of Kamit and The Ambassaors from Ta-Seti recognize that The Builders of The Pyramids are nA nHsw.
@mystic22g4 7 ай бұрын
Ancient Egypt was in fact a heterogenous civilization. Dr. Galit Ben Tovel in the below short KZbin video stated the ancient Egypt consisted of 2 races and that the people in Upper Egypt were black.
@kanekiken5848 6 ай бұрын
As an Egyptian, I thank you for these videos
@mysteryman3479 6 ай бұрын
@metatronyt 6 ай бұрын
My pleasure
@PerceptionisReality726 6 ай бұрын This clearly shows the presence of a all black civilization
@Kwestion36LondoN 6 ай бұрын
You're an Arab not Egyptian.. The real Egyptians are black negro 💯💯
@starwalker8896 6 ай бұрын
You are not Egyptian.
@agatopol 6 ай бұрын
Bravo! I admire the restraint and your patience to explain again, even if it's clear his misunderstanding is willful.
@NaturallyHigh 4 ай бұрын
Have a look at Kuelimika’s reply. Curious to hear your thoughts.
@Danilo-Daniel 4 ай бұрын
@FrshJurassicPrnceYA 2 ай бұрын
@NaturallyHigh They’re not going to watch that video. Metatron’s fanbase isn’t concerned with historical facts or reality. Only with maintaining the status quo. Even metafraud himself won’t acknowledge any of the obvious flaws in his argumentation and will remain ignorant for that reason.
@Timenaught Ай бұрын
⁠@@FrshJurassicPrnceYAconsidering he doesn’t use facts in his videos, routinely strawmans arguments and believes a few pictures from a search engine are defacto proof of anything is more than enough reason to entirely disregard his videos as anything other than afrocentric gibberish that should be laughed at at every turn.
@user-sl8xm4ir3m 7 ай бұрын
The way Metatron turns from Buddha to Augustus in a split second for the sakes of argument is LEGENDARY!!!😂😂
@metatronyt 7 ай бұрын
@user-sl8xm4ir3m 7 ай бұрын
@@metatronyt Salutations from Greece! Love your job!!! Thanks for the effort and the variety of subjects .
@Blox117 7 ай бұрын
almost as mad as the time i made him taste american school pizza
@jimboscooter432 7 ай бұрын
@Blox117 Bach when I was in school pizza day was a banger, don't tell me Michelle Obama ruined that too.
@whiteeye3453 7 ай бұрын
Why budha? Why not Jesus?
@victoriawarren3373 7 ай бұрын
I am native American and afro centrists have told me that native Americans are actually black and we took their culture as well. They are so wanting some shread of significance beyond their own culture.
@301Goldstar 7 ай бұрын
I remember a black youtuber saying that black people rule the world, and made every thing. 🙄
@uniformityofnature1488 7 ай бұрын
Nope the Afrocentric argument is that there were phenotypically black Native American tribes prior to the transatlantic slave trade. Not that all were black.
@Pushing_Pixels 7 ай бұрын
I stumbled upon a YT channel where the creator was claiming that Black Americans were really Native Americans and were not transported from Africa, but were there all along. Their argument seemed to be mostly based on some old photos of dark skinned Native Americans, and concluded that Native Americans were black, therefore Black Americans are Native Americans. I did leave a comment pointing out that skin tone varies in the Americas just as it does on every other continent, and that the Atlantic Slave Trade was pretty well supported with evidence. The couple of replies I got didn't make sense, so I didn't engage.
@Leodachef1 7 ай бұрын
The answer is easy, they dont have anything that contributed to the modern world, literally nothing of their cultures is of any greater meaning to todays world, let alone the ancient. They try to grab every straw they can find to justify their incapability to evolve. I think they are one of the group of people that the modern world would leave behind very quickly if they have nothing greater to contribute, alot of this is defined by other archiements of other cultures and grps of people that dominate modern society. I guess they feel lost in an always growing world, they seek their place, which we took by our accomplishments in the past. Why else would you try to claim time and time again they things other cultures and people did around the world? Because noone cares if your tribe already enslaved people 100000 years ago or built a speartip with iron. Their cultures seem to fade away because they have no significance for the modern world, thats why they try to safe themself by claiming every shit on earth their culture. Pathetic.
@jrmckim 7 ай бұрын
​@@uniformityofnature1488 but there wasnt any black native Americans...
@Contessa6363 4 ай бұрын
Bravissimo Metatron!! I am a student of History and I also share in you Sicilian Heritage. ( Palermo and San Mauro respectively) Thank you for your excellently researched response. 😀👍👍❤️🕊️
@DamienSteiner-om4of 6 ай бұрын
As usual our Metatron does not disappoint. Beautifully crafted arguments delivered with poise.
@eulabell4871 6 ай бұрын
He didn't do any research at all! He didn't really address the other guys arguments! He just angry that this man have good content. Actually, Mr Imhotep was very insightful. He has done very thorough research. I would've given him an A for being so. Melatron a C minus for going off topic, not sticking to the main arguments that HE pointed out himself, and finally, making claims and not providing cites and info. on any professionals that he claims. I am surprised he still have so many followers.
@JD-ev3po 4 ай бұрын
​@eulabell4871 Did you watch the video? Everything except for the last part on the debate was supported by historical evidence and physical evidence, and his disagreement on the debate reference he stated that he will address but at a later time.
@user-by6cs1sy7y 4 ай бұрын
​@@JD-ev3poDid you listen to kilamikas response?.who do you think won?
@johnmonteiro5825 4 ай бұрын
⁠@@user-by6cs1sy7yMetatron. Kilamikas, like so many Afrocentrists is way out of his depth
@user-by6cs1sy7y 4 ай бұрын
@@johnmonteiro5825 what? Really dude..don't be dismissive or suggestive like your typical eurocentris. Did you even listen to kuilamekas response video? Metron won't respond it will be to embarassing
@ghostgate82 7 ай бұрын
When someone steps on your shoe and you call the whole hood for backup. I love this so much.
@thatlittlevoice6354 7 ай бұрын
Kinda sounds, well, like something they would do, but this is only from my multiple experiences.
@ossoduro7794 7 ай бұрын
Especially a stolen shoe, acquired during a Shoeteenth event.
@ghostgate82 7 ай бұрын
@@thatlittlevoice6354 Irony is indeed, hilarious.
@Blox117 7 ай бұрын
bringing their "culture" to a town near you!
@swiftsetrider4543 7 ай бұрын
⁠@@ossoduro7794 Wow, that’s a pretty racist thing to say, exactly the kind of thing that Metatron was condemning at the beginning of this video. This is supposed to be a channel for people of all backgrounds interested in history or linguistics, not a sleazy crevice to spew forth racist drivel.
@LeeTheKnight 7 ай бұрын
I have used similar ways to debunk Afrocentrists in conversations, and in the end they just said I am "not melenated enough to speak on the subject" And only the "African peoples" can speak about this. (It is usually black Americans that have never been to any country in Africa btw)
@Soapy-chan 7 ай бұрын
as soon as you have to use the excuse that you have to be a certain skin color, you admit you lost
@juanpablogonzalezs.v.8319 7 ай бұрын
facts r facts. The only thing that we cant say is what personal experience is like. If its not a walking in ones shoe thing. Its open for discussion. Im mexican id never tell a white or black person that they cant talk about my culture because of their skin color.
@elleanna5869 7 ай бұрын
As a Nigerian scholar, when I debunk Wakanda and fanta-egyptology , black Americans who buy into blackcentrism go ballistic. I wounded some of them very badly telling them clearly that their west African ancestors couldn't care less of being Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Egyptians even if they were aaaaaalll moonless night dark didn't consider themeselves "black" neither "African" like 21st century frustrated people intend the word . But their disappointment was a beginning of healing, they started to read whole paper books instead of drawning in cherry picked messy quotes in poor racist channels and forums. The "Imma gonna see for myself" worked 😁
@bradyanselmi 7 ай бұрын
@@elleanna5869one of the few times telling someone to “do your own research!” Is a valid statement tactic lol
@lachuck2476 7 ай бұрын
@@elleanna5869 Please stop pandering for likes and attention like a good puppy dog wagging your tail for approval. It's despicable. Your argument does not stand up nor does it make sense. Your mindset explains why Nigeria has a corrupt euro-sympathizer and a leader. The reason BLACK AMERICANS speak on the topic is because we are typically first to rebut centries of European lies and intimidation. The evidence is there and clear to see. Just read or LOOK, instead of looking for pats on the head from people who think you are primitive.
@Sojourner.1 4 ай бұрын
Have yet to watch all your videos. From what I watched must admit am impressed by your attention to detail. Continue relying upon the available evidence. Thank you for producing all the discussions regarding variety of topics.
@claymyster12 3 ай бұрын
Too bad he got debunked really bad
@JustMe-no8el 3 ай бұрын
Just curious what you think of this evidence:
@crome1115 6 ай бұрын
so i just came across your video and was curious and i have to say i LOVED IT!! Honestly, i see many Afrocentric "scholars" who love to say how everything came from Africa. They claim all manner of historical things and at least from what ive seen, are usually in correct in their views. The videos you have chosen to argue against, just in the clips shown, are typical of Afrocentric arguments of attempting to speak confidently and arrogantly on topics they have clearly not researched. I have of course subbed, not because of your total destruction of this other individual's attempt top discredit you, but because you are clearly very learned and obviously do tremendous amounts of research in your topics. I look forward to watching more of your videos. Thank you.
@NaturallyHigh 4 ай бұрын
You may want to check out Kuelimika's reply.
@mordrigz4623 3 ай бұрын
My dude, he literally ignores timelines and anthropological evidences that would literally dismantle his whole argument🤣. For starters: "Subnasal prognathism", then look at the Sphinx and tell me if it resembles Caucasian or Mediterranean phenotypes. Oh wait... That's anthropological...
@satori-in-life 3 ай бұрын
The utter desperation with which Afrocentrist historical revisionist seek to appropriate other peoples history is absolutely pathetic and puerile.
@Balla1527 2 ай бұрын
I don't think you understand the years if not centuries of whitewashing history. This is the context you have to place "afrocentrists" in. It's like bartering. You ask for a much higher value than your product is worth and you'll end up coming down through negotiations
@stephanieray5940 7 ай бұрын
“…lack of rigor and academic integrity…” my jaw literally dropped. How could anyone make that accusation?
@Pavewy 7 ай бұрын
Because it isn't about THE truth to the other guy, it's about HIS truth.
@ayoutubewatcher2849 7 ай бұрын
As far as I'm concerned that comment reduced his own credibility as much as if he used the "muh racism" card.
@bladerunner3314 7 ай бұрын
Wonder if he'd say the same to Jada.
@snoox27 7 ай бұрын
​@@Pavewyso so true
@gelflingfay 7 ай бұрын
It makes them fel better
@aric2589 7 ай бұрын
Claiming that the ancient Greeks were black, is like claiming the ancient Chinese were White. Antiwhiteism is sure affecting some peoples view of History.
@lionandwolfboy8714 7 ай бұрын
Actually afrocentrists also claim the Ancient Chinese were black along with the Olmecs , Egyptians , Sumerians ,Canaanites , Persians , Celts , Japanese Samurais and pretty much every other culture that they claim was black before the "White Anthropologists" stole it from them.
@theWhiteBaron866 7 ай бұрын
Exactly! The clear White Erasure of our history has got to STOP!
@aric2589 7 ай бұрын
@@lionandwolfboy8714 Wow, No surprise at all. Jealously and envy will definitely be a motivation behind it.
@301Goldstar 7 ай бұрын
@@lionandwolfboy8714 Jealously and envy
@mynameisnobody5295 7 ай бұрын
A lot of Japanese many look white to me and you could say that some are along with many Chinese you could say look white. This is due to Mediterraneans are considered white have have similar skin tone as many Asians. The eye shapes tend to be a little bit difference. The point in this world should be mute as we are all Homo Sapiens. Until people realise we are all humans. Maybe one day we will all get along with each other instead of exploiting or killing each other. History should remain as history, but, must be back by evidence. This is the curse of the race theory of Europeans in the late 19th and early 20th century.
@dudee5123 6 ай бұрын
I haven't watched such a well researched and articulated rebuttal in a very long time. Thank you for restoring my hope that an educated world is still possible. I just became a new subscriber.
@electrickfuturegod0015 6 ай бұрын
me too!
@alexanderhanooman 6 ай бұрын
Been following him for years, he is indeed a sources of sanity against this global insanity.
@furiousscotsman2916 5 ай бұрын
@@elliottbrown1329 You are a little upset huh, seen you comment something like this on at least 5 other comments, why are you so upset ?
@TransparentOperatingMode 5 ай бұрын
@@furiousscotsman2916 Why do you and your kind still feel so threatened by the idea that so-called black folks were both the architects and builders of the pyramids, not to mention having the first civilization on the planet? Seems you're the one who's upset, if not displaying your insecurity to the degree that it's obvious. I don't run nor do I dodge.
@mauricegad4603 4 ай бұрын
I have not heard so much 🐂💩 in all my life 😂😂 people are so gullible...
@yelbuck 6 ай бұрын
So, I came across this quite by accident and it impressed me enough to actually like and comment. For context, I am of Egyptian origin myself and have been appalled by many a "debate" on this particular subject. You have done some of the best work I've seen on KZbin so far on this topic and it is indeed far more nuanced than the majority of simpleton's would like to admit. We are indeed a very multi-ethnic society although more so in the last 150 years or so than before. However, there are small pockets of the country that are known to locals there that are well-known to have had very little variation in their ethnicity for thousands of years (even before the Ptolemaic period) and I assure everyone here they are NOT black in the slightest. Neither in features or colour. This is further highlighted by many a Nubian who differentiate themselves from the rest of Egypt (as do people of Libyan origin in the Northwest of the country who border Libya today). Although Nubians themselves differentiate themselves from both Egypt AND Sudan (well, the rest of Sudan as Nubia originally straddled the southernmost part of Egypt and Northern most part of Sudan and thereby they differentiate themselves from the both) Also there is a significant minority of Arab/Levantine origins in the ethnicity that dates back from the late 7th century early 8th century due to migration from those places with the introduction of Islam. (Although it took approx. 600 years for the country to become a Muslim majority from it's mainly Christian and pagan traditions) There is a wide variety of 'looks' even within the same families. My own family, for instance, has blond-haired, green/blue eyed, fair-skinned people within it as well as others who you could easily mistake for Northern Indian or Southern Mediterranean. I myself have olive skin and hazel eyes while my direct brother (same mother and father) has lighter skin and (mainly) blue (but actually multi-coloured) eyes. To us this is completely normal. In fact a few years ago I did a social experiment where I showed 100 different photos of people (all from families I knew in Egypt) and asked people in the UK to guess where they were from, when, in fact, they were ALL from Egypt. Some of the answers were wild.
@paytonthornberry1382 6 ай бұрын
It's really unfortunate that so many people still hold the notion that hair, skin and eye color immediately puts you in a certain category, like there aren't plenty of blond Italians (although mostly in the north of that country due to historical reasoning) and blonde levantines like a lot of people from Jordan and Syria who can be pretty fair haired. Not to mention people native to stereotypical white places like Ireland and Norway having little to no admixture from other countries but still having darker hair naturally. Don't get me started on people claiming the Romans and Greeks aren't white or even African smh 😅
@DamienSteiner-om4of 6 ай бұрын
Great to hear from an Egyptian. The demographics are fascinating. Thank you.
@dschehutinefer5627 6 ай бұрын
@@paytonthornberry1382 It leaves me genuinely baffled and fear that it carries a lot of internalized racism that people desperately need to find some kind of historical worth from the color of their skin because apparently they need that validation or they'd crumble. I recently had my first hands-on contact with that debate when I watched a black student of mine trying to call out a classmate for saying she's African since according to him she can't be African because she's too white. The girl had one of the most intense wtf-expressions I had ever seen. She was Moroccan for crying out loud!
@PerceptionisReality726 6 ай бұрын I am as well but on the black side that birthed you & this link is from 1925 showing even after European countries whitewashed our history how dominant the African Presence was in North Africa
@narmar9mm 6 ай бұрын
My point is, if you're gonna tackle this subject, you have to start from the Beginning!!! Ptah was the Egyptian God of Craftsmanship, Who was also Associated with the Primordial Earth! Meaning, Existing at, Or from the Beginning of Time!!! Which is the very point I'm trying to Make! Ptah or the Ptahites, Pygmy Tribes, Setup the World's very first Civilisation! They were the World's very first ppl!!!! And Ruled the Area, From Uganda to Present day Egypt with High Sciences!!! And built the Great Pyramids with the help of the Neteru!!! Their History Predates the 46 Dynasties, As Predynastic Ancient Egyptians!!!!!!! What part of what I am saying do you not Overstand?
@ayyappanchithambaram4575 7 ай бұрын
"...Egypt faces the Mediterranean, I am Mediterranean, my sea, my history to..." Damn Metatron, beautifully put!
@metatronyt 7 ай бұрын
@scarlett19b 7 ай бұрын
@miastupid7911 7 ай бұрын
As a Greek (as I was accused of being a "random" Greek, and my response was from a long line of "random" Greeks and some not so random), this was also my response to an Anfrocentrist in a comment debate as well: EGYPT HAS ALWAYS BEEN IN THE MEDITERRANEAN, RIGHT ACROSS FROM GREECE. EGYPT IS LOCATED ON THE NORTHERN TIP OF AFRICA IN THE MEDITERRANEAN!!!! Just as GREECE is LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERN REGION OF EUROPE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. There are around 3,000 tribes and 2,000 languages and dialects in Africa, with 54 modern countries. I once listed all 54 countries in a response. The current population of Africa is 1,470,668,578 as of Wednesday, October 18, 2023, based on the latest United Nations estimates. Do they all look and most importantly, think the same? Mass, magnificent, beautiful Africa. There are 44 countries in Europe today, according to the United Nations. Europe is home to 87 distinct ethnic groups, 33 of which form the majority populations of the countries in which they exist. The remaining 54 are considered to be minority ethnic groups. An ethnic group is a group of people who share a common ancestry, language, and culture. Ethnicity and nationality have similar meanings and are often used interchangeably, however they are slightly different, conceptually. Ethnicity includes several characteristics, like religion, race, or language, while nationality generally denotes the geographic origin. I'll let someone else look up the stats on Asia. ENOUGH! THIS IS TO ALL READING THIS MESSAGE: BE YOURSELF, EVERYONE ELSE IS TAKEN. HISTORY AND HISTORICAL FACTS ARE IMPORTANT TO ALL OF HUMANITY!v
@Minptahhathor 7 ай бұрын
​​​@@metatronyt "we had sunscreens and shiet" "we had melanoma and shit" "we had african hair as wigs and shit" "our ancestors came from Eurasia but used animals in africa in the hieroglyphics, but not the Mediterranean where we're from and shit" " we wore attire like other africans coz we weren't proud of our Mediterranean origins and shit" "the dark skin, wide nostrils, afro and prognathism is just a branch of the caucasian race and shit.
@scarlett19b 7 ай бұрын
@@miastupid7911 *I am Coptic Egyptian Descent Myself/My DNA doesn't lie..* 💪🏽
@theenclave4981 7 ай бұрын
As someone of Egyptian heritage, thank you. I'm sick of being called an "invader" by uneducated, misguided and angry people who's argument is about as intellectual as saying Iraq is in Asia therefore the Iraqis are the Han Chinese.
@papasitoman 7 ай бұрын
Yep. Or all Europeans are the same therefore The Greeks, Italians, and Albanians built the British Empire.
@sussyangel7492 7 ай бұрын
HAH. They were invaders too. The people with reddish brown skin are the real inhabitants of American Continent.
@kittehgo 7 ай бұрын
I wouldn't say the Chinese Iraqi to loudly, china has a recent history or claiming things as historically chinese. So it wouldn't be surprised if they did agree..
@thetechnocrat4979 7 ай бұрын
​@@kittehgo The Chinese want some of that ' we wuz kangs ' action, too. Unfortunately, as an Indian, there are many Indo-centrists that exist too, who claim that the Pyramids were built by the Induans and that both the Whites and the Blacks are ' sick mutations '.
@kittehgo 7 ай бұрын
@@thetechnocrat4979 India it self is effing brimming with history, a super rich history. It's stupid to go out and try to claim other countries, it's like me as a Swede would claim that Sicilian historical things are actually Swedish.
@mctrustsnoone3781 6 ай бұрын
The gentleman pushing this Afrocentric agenda, and his snide and dismissive snickers in between his critiques, tells me everything I need to know about his credibility. Anyone that has any valid or logical counter-argument will present evidence alone without the need to be belittling or engage in ad hominem attacks. Metatron, in that respect you are a true class act, I appreciate that you take this on with facts. I also appreciate the lesson in the use of logical fallacies.
@NaturallyHigh 4 ай бұрын
I recommend you actually check out Kuelimika’s response before you tar him with the brush of being Afrocentric and snide. His arguments and stance are grossly misrepresented here, in my opinion.
@PC_Simo 3 ай бұрын
⁠@@NamelessMist @NaturallyHigh I thoroughly agree with you guys, after having watched KueliMika’s response to this video.
@Timenaught Ай бұрын
@@NaturallyHighgrossly misinterpreted they say…as he does and continues to do everything the op comment accuses him of doing.
@AlohaVida-oo2mw 21 күн бұрын
@@NaturallyHighhis arguments are pure lies and racist. Trying to manipulate other peoples culture and history is not acceptable. North Africans were never black only the ones from the south are dark skin like Tuaregs. Morocco have the biggest Amazighs natives tribes and Afrocentrism not related to North Africa is constantly insulting and atttacking those people trying to tell them about their own culture 💀
@coldbizzness8935 Сағат бұрын
Bro just stop imhoptep debunks and uses actually science this man just babbled linguistics for 1hr tf are u talking about 😂😂
@emilyconcannon 5 ай бұрын
I just have to say, I absolutely LOVE your channel especially the videos on Roman history and culture 😊
@zeedub8560 7 ай бұрын
That line of, "Egypt faces the Mediterranean. I am Mediterranean. My sea, my history too" was POWERFUL.
@metatronyt 7 ай бұрын
@danda1124 7 ай бұрын
@@metatronyt This (meta) is scientifically a Neanderthal hybrid (scientifically pond : person of Neanderthal decent /4% Neanderthal, which is derived from Eurasian raped around 50,000 years ago, with Neanderthal in Eurasia, only native African don’t posses this gene, meaning you decent from Eurasian continent as a Neanderthal hybrid) (Resulting in the recessive Neanderthal genes traits of excess hairiness, thin libs, and lack of melanin) The question is not wether modern Egypt inhabitants are not from Egypt, as a Neanderthal gene carrier you cannot scientifically be a native of African continent, the question is when they moved into Egypt. (Keep in mind that the modern Egyptian started speaking Arabic after the invasion of Arabic empires ( around 600 bc) Meta is omitting and misusing studies. He also failed to address the race on screen at 19:30 , given his admission of accepting busts and statues as evident; he failed to acknowledge the amarna studies, with likelihood of South Africa and African Great Lakes, for the mummies dna. He also failed to acknowledge that Egypt bans the studies and analysis of sample by the world top universities/ foreign scientists. A basis he himself present by not showing pictures of the old dynasty statues, which he himself agreed as usable evidence in 19:30 of his video. (Since the ancient Egyptians biases haven’t test the old kingdom on the studies that he quotes regularly (over half of the studied samples are from after the invasion of the Arabic empires.) “We extracted DNA from 151 mummified human remains and prepared double-stranded Illumina libraries with dual barcodes22,23. Then we used DNA capture techniques for human mitochondrial DNA24 and for 1.24 million genomic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)25 in combination with Illumina sequencing, through which we successfully obtained complete human mitochondrial genomes from 90 samples and genome-wide SNP data from three male individuals passing quality control.” The 90 were used as a subset data, and include 20 samples from the Roman period. And 48 out of 90 (more then half) are from after after 600bc Arabic invasion of Egypt. “However, we note that all our genetic data were obtained from a single site in Middle Egypt and may not be representative for all of ancient Egypt.” “It is possible that populations in the south of Egypt were more closely related to those of Nubia and had a higher sub-Saharan genetic component” Data set is biased and skewed to one location, but used as a representative of entire Egypt population. “Abusir el-Meleq's proximity to, and close ties with, the Fayum are significant in the context of this study as the Fayum in particular saw a substantial growth in its population during the first hundred years of Ptolemaic rule, presumably as a result of Greek immigration33,43. Later, in the Roman Period, many veterans of the Roman army-who, initially at least, were not Egyptian but people from disparate cultural backgrounds-settled in the Fayum area after the completion of their service, and formed social relations and intermarried with local populations44.” The biased site selection they used for study is a site known for invasions. The time period of the mummies they used is a period that encompasses invasions (not the old kingdom period). “we collated a data set of Egyptian (n=135) and Ethiopian (n=120)” Prior test on amarna mummies , king tut ( and Tiye ) resulted in South Africa and Great Lakes, they should have used sub set data of these locations for testing, and used a location which is not subject to invasions (which they avoided) the study should not be used to subject the whole of Egypt but the location of which samples were collected.
@danda1124 7 ай бұрын
This (meta) is scientifically a Neanderthal hybrid (scientifically pond : person of Neanderthal decent /4% Neanderthal, which is derived from Eurasian raped around 50,000 years ago, with Neanderthal in Eurasia, only native African don’t posses this gene, meaning you decent from Eurasian continent as a Neanderthal hybrid) (Resulting in the recessive Neanderthal genes traits of excess hairiness, thin libs, and lack of melanin) The question is not wether modern Egypt inhabitants are not from Egypt, as a Neanderthal gene carrier you cannot scientifically be a native of African continent, the question is when they moved into Egypt. (Keep in mind that the modern Egyptian started speaking Arabic after the invasion of Arabic empires ( around 600 bc) Meta is omitting and misusing studies. He also failed to address the race on screen at 19:30 , given his admission of accepting busts and statues as evident; he failed to acknowledge the amarna studies, with likelihood of South Africa and African Great Lakes, for the mummies dna. He also failed to acknowledge that Egypt bans the studies and analysis of sample by the world top universities/ foreign scientists. A basis he himself present by not showing pictures of the old dynasty statues, which he himself agreed as usable evidence in 19:30 of his video. (Since the ancient Egyptians biases haven’t test the old kingdom on the studies that he quotes regularly (over half of the studied samples are from after the invasion of the Arabic empires.) “We extracted DNA from 151 mummified human remains and prepared double-stranded Illumina libraries with dual barcodes22,23. Then we used DNA capture techniques for human mitochondrial DNA24 and for 1.24 million genomic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)25 in combination with Illumina sequencing, through which we successfully obtained complete human mitochondrial genomes from 90 samples and genome-wide SNP data from three male individuals passing quality control.” The 90 were used as a subset data, and include 20 samples from the Roman period. And 48 out of 90 (more then half) are from after after 600bc Arabic invasion of Egypt. “However, we note that all our genetic data were obtained from a single site in Middle Egypt and may not be representative for all of ancient Egypt.” “It is possible that populations in the south of Egypt were more closely related to those of Nubia and had a higher sub-Saharan genetic component” Data set is biased and skewed to one location, but used as a representative of entire Egypt population. “Abusir el-Meleq's proximity to, and close ties with, the Fayum are significant in the context of this study as the Fayum in particular saw a substantial growth in its population during the first hundred years of Ptolemaic rule, presumably as a result of Greek immigration33,43. Later, in the Roman Period, many veterans of the Roman army-who, initially at least, were not Egyptian but people from disparate cultural backgrounds-settled in the Fayum area after the completion of their service, and formed social relations and intermarried with local populations44.” The biased site selection they used for study is a site known for invasions. The time period of the mummies they used is a period that encompasses invasions (not the old kingdom period). “we collated a data set of Egyptian (n=135) and Ethiopian (n=120)” Prior test on amarna mummies , king tut ( and Tiye ) resulted in South Africa and Great Lakes, they should have used sub set data of these locations for testing, and used a location which is not subject to invasions (which they avoided) the study should not be used to subject the whole of Egypt but the location of which samples were collected.
@koreyp2845 7 ай бұрын
The ocean wasn't called Mediterranean it was called the Great ocean
@Retro_Rainer 7 ай бұрын
​@@koreyp2845it's not an ocean, it's a sea.
@Tuvok_Shakur 7 ай бұрын
Metatron: I didn't just watch this video response, I completely and utterly debunked his entire life
@mundolioknows6447 7 ай бұрын
You did?
@Pharaoh_Tutankhamen 7 ай бұрын
@garyballard179 7 ай бұрын
Yes he did.
@jimboscooter432 7 ай бұрын
We wuz kangs
@Tuvok_Shakur 7 ай бұрын
@@mundolioknows6447 Metatron said at the beginning of the video something like "I didn't just watch his response video, I watched his entire channel and had a team of whatever whatever" and I was making a joke about that
@cyberherbalist 6 ай бұрын
Wikipedia is not a bad source, when dealing with non-controversial topics at least. But one of the nice points about Wikipedia is that it encourages/requires that articles be _sourced._ This means that one can look those sources up to verify whether they are valid. For example, I was trying to figure out the geology of a particular place in England for a video on my A Yank in Sussex channel. The Wikipedia article wasn't particularly detailed on what I needed to know for my video -- BUT the article referenced a number of scientific papers that I could look up and get those details. Thus, Wikipedia has its valid uses in a debate.
@mandandi 5 ай бұрын
True. The sources provide the references one can verify the information provided in the Wikipage. I would have loved him to use refences of India from ancient Egypt, rather than the time he used, which is not ancient Egypt. Also, I don't understand how one can claim the history of a nation across the ocean. I cant claim the history of a neighbouring nation, no matter how good their history is. He has a problem with the other guy saying 'our' history, yet he uses the words my history. Not sure how this is reconciled.
@RuslanKD 4 ай бұрын
This was a great break down. Well done.
@hendersongalbreath1072 7 ай бұрын
I can't explain what a relief you and your channel are to people who are still interested in historical accuracy, and you maintain a calm head throughout. Salut.
@GilbertGaylord 7 ай бұрын
@anglonationalist8243 7 ай бұрын
I always was known to belief history was history. I nuever thought to my mind we'd had to question our own history. Outsided forces are at work here, they're not European either.
@hendersongalbreath1072 7 ай бұрын
@@anglonationalist8243 Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.
@ConnortheCanaanite 7 ай бұрын
Salut, habites-vous France?
@hendersongalbreath1072 7 ай бұрын
@@ConnortheCanaanite Non, aux Etats-Unis.
@Mammel248 7 ай бұрын
Watching Metatron debunk these dishonest "intellectuals" never gets old
@damianketcham 7 ай бұрын
It is very satisfying!
@mikepette4422 7 ай бұрын
debunk or destroy :P
@Kenny-yl9pc 7 ай бұрын
True. What amazes me is how cordial and cool he is while debunking them. I mean this dude, was so full of himself, patronizing, arrogant and outright insulting/disrespectful but Metatron remains calm like a true Gentleman he is no matter what the circumstances are. Hats off to him!
@sallywag8489 7 ай бұрын
Using Greek text that date 8000 years after the founding of Egypt to get an idea of what the people in the region have always looked liked is ridiculous…anyone who studies history knows human perform population replacement quite often…it’s like looking at the population of America today and assuming it must’ve been a 60 percent white land thousands of years ago…I don’t believe this video talks about mega lake chad and the populations that would’ve lived plus the Sahara being a green land that got plenty of rain therefore no natural land border blocking sub Saharan Africans from North Africa…we certainly haven’t done any substantial excavation of the Sahara to know in totality what happened between mega lake chad drying up and the founding of Egypt
@DimitriHellas 7 ай бұрын
@@sallywag8489 what you are saying is stupid because we are talking about the time of Cleopatra who was a Hellene herself and ruled egypt a few houndreds of years after the Hellenes first occupied egypt with Alexander the Great not the bronze age Egypt, even though we can see that even bronze age egyptians were more white than arabs because you can see them drawing their pharaohs white and the general population brown which means that they tan which means they must be white when not tanned
@dunkirchen1940 3 ай бұрын
I found your channel yesterday, and it is a new favorite! Keep up the amazing work!
@StuartHetzler 4 ай бұрын
your pronunciation of zhongguo was spot on, my dude. well done.
@MrBuns-yi2hk 7 ай бұрын
It's ironic that the same people who are upset about cultural appropriation are using it as a weapon to appropriate other cultures.
@1mTheCat 7 ай бұрын
at this point its no longer apropriation, its vandalism and propaganda.
@carolday3381 7 ай бұрын
@Tallorian 7 ай бұрын
Probably because this whole "cultural appropriation" concept served as a weapon from the get go. But in this case it's not even "cultural appropriation", it's worse - it's "national history theft". Because "appropriators" normally recognize the source and do not pretend to be the original creators/possessors of whatever they are appropriating.
@PotDylan 7 ай бұрын
I don't think it's the same people. Social Justice warriors and Afrocentrists are not the same albeit they are both veteran victim card players because their arguments are always such that would invoke emotions of compassion for some supposed white people forced oppresion. They did have a little bit of a collaboration there with Egypt and Cleopatra but I think it's only since it was made by American SJWs that probably happened to get passionate about the "true land of the oppressed" or something like that and started looking into Africa. Guess a black Cleopatra does sound empowering for their cause ey?
@dirkvanschalkwyk1919 7 ай бұрын
Cultural Appropriation doesn't work in reverse. How is that logical? Logic is associated with Whiteness, so it does not apply. Does this frustrate you? If so, that is the aim of the Ideology, which includes the re-imagining of history.
@c0zycherry 7 ай бұрын
As an egyptian, i applaud you Metatron for your dedication and hard work. Thank you for spreading the word about the authenticity of my country's ancient history
@rafaeldossantos4791 7 ай бұрын
Your ancestors arrived in Africa in the year 639 after Christ and spent 1,200 years without the slightest idea that Egyptian civilization existed until the arrival of the French in 1798. Km t Black!!!
@sweethistortea 7 ай бұрын
@@rafaeldossantos4791 Please stop attacking Egyptians.
@PatrickFitzgerald88 7 ай бұрын
@@rafaeldossantos4791 You can't prove that Toby.
@Getcakedieyoung23 7 ай бұрын
@cooked.gaming 7 ай бұрын
@@rafaeldossantos4791…so they just didnt notice those bigass pyramids?!?
@DecimusCastusSPQR 6 ай бұрын
As a black American, I hate when other black people try to claim the history of other people, Scandinavians, Saxons, Romans, English aristocracy, and Egyptians, just completely deny the existence of other cultures and the people in it, it's straight up disrespectful.
@CevicheGato 6 ай бұрын
Hey. You’re right to call out the history thieves.
@Pamoja1981 5 ай бұрын
but your like it when European claim African history huh?? get the held out here you ain't making sense.
@ichibanmanekineko 5 ай бұрын
It's racist
@ichibanmanekineko 5 ай бұрын
​@kulang7218 like what?
@ichibanmanekineko 5 ай бұрын
​@kulang7218 like what?
@Mrnomentary 4 ай бұрын
Let's go brooo! I love your videos, and thats from a guy who searching history since I was 5.
@MrBowser2012 7 ай бұрын
It’s hard for me to understand why someone would be so committed to rewriting history. Excellent work Metatron!
@Pavewy 7 ай бұрын
Come on, you know why. There is power in history, and if you own the history, then you simultaneously own both the present and the future.
@kathrynsmith3417 7 ай бұрын
It was due to Netflix False Agenda, False Narrative "documentary" about Cleopatra, produced by narcissist Jada Pinka Smith. She believed she could make a lot of money while grasping attention for herself. Smith, the makers of the fake documentary, Netflix - never thought ahead the false representation of Cleopatra would anger profs, well educated, historians, residents in countries where Cleopatra was born, raised, lived, died. Bravo to the countries making decisions to make their own historical films about Cleopatra.
@MW_Asura 7 ай бұрын
Envy, bias, insecurity. It can be for various reasons, but recently those are the most popular reasons
@daniellamunoz8894 7 ай бұрын
because they hate
@Blox117 7 ай бұрын
because they have no real history and contributions other than "we wus slaves"
@geosen114 7 ай бұрын
A wise man once said: You can’t beat logic into someone who willfully wants to stay ignorant.
@FrancisFjordCupola 7 ай бұрын
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
@abraham8354 7 ай бұрын
I agree with your statement because your clearly speaking about yourself!
@nicolethompson8613 7 ай бұрын
​@@abraham8354ok I have ignored a million of these but can't take it anymore - if you are so smart, why don't you know the difference between "your" and "you're"? Do they not teach grammar in schools anymore? No one is going to think that your viewpoint is intelligent when basic grammar escapes you.
@wimsylogic65 7 ай бұрын
​@@nicolethompson8613 Personally for me I don't care enough for KZbin comments to make sure my grammar spelling whatever is correct. Voice to text. Phone changes words, Sometimes duplicates, I automatically fix all that stuff in my head. Usually don't See problems until after I hit send. I don't really worry too much about it because usually the general message still gets across. And it's not really important enough if it does for me to Put the effort into making sure everything is correct.
@johndee2990 7 ай бұрын
@@abraham8354 You state that you want to debate Metatron in the Top Comment but you clearly can't even find the context to place "You're" rather than "Your" @FrancisFjordCupola Well, my Native Ancestors of yore used to have this funny trick where they'd open a Dumb-Dumb's lid and let all the stupid out
@CarloNassar 6 ай бұрын
I used to watch some of KueliMika's content, but that stopped happening when I finally decided to look up the information outside of KZbin to figure it out for myself. But hey, I'm just glad I learned from that mistake. Also, 5:44-5:59 is a darn good point.
@eulabell4871 6 ай бұрын
I have trouble believing that you do thorough research because you're listening to this man. You have to 1st set aside your personal bias before you can see truths. Witch metatron has problem doing. He just wants to be right and doesn't want to admit to era! I like him before when he gave history of Cleopatra. He has the superiority complex that the WS has towards people they feel is less intelligent than them. The way he talks about the black guys give a strong indications of it. It is very common for a white person who is racist to give compliments along with his insults to soften and deceive other black folks. The black folks that are manipulated then turn on their own people while protecting the white person. Because they want the superior person to feel comfortable in uncomfortable situations and the person that looks more like themselves is then ridiculed. That is constantly played out here in America by white women. I would just like for any and everyone to do their own research. Its important for me because my family is mixed.
@CarloNassar 6 ай бұрын
​@@eulabell4871 "I have trouble believing that you do thorough research because you're listening to this man." So I'm listening to Metatron because of one small part about the content in Kuelimika's channel? Either way, you're wrong about me. I rarely "listen" to any KZbinrs (and neither should anyone else), because they're very likely to spread misinformation. Metatron is just as likely to be wrong with his content as Kuelimika or Mr. Imhotep would be with their information. Regardless, it's rude to make assumptions about other people you know little to nothing about.
@NaturallyHigh 4 ай бұрын
Have you seen Kuelimika’s response to this?
@CarloNassar 4 ай бұрын
@@NaturallyHigh I tried seeing it, and I lost patience trying to watch a video that was mostly rambling for over an hour. Some of the evidence he says to look at don't always support his points.
@NaturallyHigh 4 ай бұрын
@@CarloNassar right…
@angelacurry5793 6 ай бұрын
Keep up the good work, the truth will win in the end. Stay noble!
@thee27ion19 6 ай бұрын
That is the only thing that's on our side.
@angelacurry5793 6 ай бұрын
@@thee27ion19 that's a pretty powerful thing, the truth.
@evergreenskinner1949 6 ай бұрын
@johnmonteiro5825 4 ай бұрын
@@thee27ion19also brains, education…
@NaturallyHigh 4 ай бұрын
Have you seen Kuelimika’s reply yet?
@nicobrady1596 7 ай бұрын
The second he said “a quick search on Wikipedia”, it was over 😂 Absolutely no scholar in the world uses Wikipedia as a credible source.
@firefighter_raven 7 ай бұрын
I've always tried to explain it to people that think it is, that it's more like a guide that helps point you in the right direction by the sources listed at the bottom
@TheManofthecross 7 ай бұрын
That depends on the topic at hand. Non political stuff like the Studebaker auto company etc it’s useful especially for a point of reference to get started on other things. The political stuff is what you stay away from on wikip
@TheManofthecross 7 ай бұрын
@@firefighter_raventhat’s what I just said to that one guy as well non political stuff it’s good for that point
@GenuineLhachwen 7 ай бұрын
No one in their right mind uses Wikipedia as a factual resource, for sure!
@sethra777 7 ай бұрын
Agree completely. And it's just lazy. Google Scholar is also free and you would get the actual studies done by actual researchers. But you'd have to read, comprehend, and synthesize the information yourself, and that dude clearly couldn't be bothered. Might take more than the 2-8 minutes his videos seem to average.
@BigBoss-up2fs 7 ай бұрын
I'm a black guy that's from the projects but have some education, nothing spectacular bachelor's degree in exs science from GCU, but I was raised around Afrocentric beliefs, watching your channel for past couple years have been informative and none bias. Keep up your good work.
@henkhenkste6076 7 ай бұрын
none bias, are you crazy?
@IsraeliteJudhite 7 ай бұрын
@@henkhenkste6076that’s a troll account lol
@NoOneInParticular88 7 ай бұрын
@@IsraeliteJudhite LOL poor basketball americans.. 80 iq really got yall LARPing as jewish egyptians 💀☠
@eve29eve29 7 ай бұрын
@@henkhenkste6076he’s a brown nose we have too many in the community kmt
@chey7773 7 ай бұрын
@seamushayday1222 6 ай бұрын
Why is it hard to understand that ancient Egypt was in a very important geographical position and thus was multicultural with several different ethnic groups, with influences from Africa, Europe and the East
@The_Truth- 5 ай бұрын
Because the roots of Egyptian culture started with black African Egyptians who was invaded multiple times. But you don’t want to talk about the roots.
@seamushayday1222 5 ай бұрын
@@The_Truth- its roots where always a mix of sub-saharan Africa Mediterranean and assyrian. It has never been homogenous
@The_Truth- 5 ай бұрын
@@seamushayday1222 😂😂😂 Wishful thinking. Its roots come from black Africans, show me the cultural bread crumbs In Mediterranean regions and Assyrians regions that relates to this culture before the first dynasty.
@seamushayday1222 5 ай бұрын
@@The_Truth- the entire religious structure clearly has far more commonalities with Mediterranean pantheons than african tribalism, they did predominantly live in a river delta that feeds the Mediterranean, so most of their trade was done via sea and river, I highly doubt that they preferred to trade across the desert than with the other countries that dwell on both the Mediterranean and the red sea, trading with and inter marrying greeks, Arabs, Assyrians and nubians. And the argument that Kemet or "black" is called so because of the colour of their skin was black, is like me renaming britain "White".
@The_Truth- 5 ай бұрын
@@seamushayday1222 You’re referring to the latter periods not the foundational. Because clearly we see no commonalities in beliefs before invasions. Where do you see mummification practices in the Mediterranean? And we both know the only thing Mediterranean in Egypt is invaders and foreigners. Remember the Egyptian culture started in upper Egypt, not lower. Sure trade was happening in lower Egypt. You have the Middle East and the Mediterranean Sea right next door. Even if this ancient civilization wasn’t called Kemet, it still was a majority black African Egyptian civilization before invasion.
@Inastewpopotogo 3 ай бұрын
Watching your videos are always entertaining and educational Thank you for existing and making these videos❤
@mallios13 7 ай бұрын
People have to say "Afrocentrism" because "Black Supremacy" gets too many laughs, despite being a very real thing, especially in the US.
@lonewulfmo9128 7 ай бұрын
Black supremacy is real. Not all black people condone it for your information. I think black supremacy is intricately tied to a black person's experiences
@Dussellus 7 ай бұрын
Spot on. And it's an extremely racist and dangerous movement.
@lonewulfmo9128 7 ай бұрын
@@Dussellus yes. It basically enables one to hurt people and prevents one from helping people. I once helped this white Kenyan lady who was in a bad way. A riot erupted at the cbd. White people are minority here so she stuck out like a sore thumb in the irate crowd. She was terrified. Picked her up and dropped her to her parents place. She wanted to pay me and wanted me to meet her folk but i declined as i had to go. Being a certain skin color + encountering racist people can lead to lots of unnecessary suffering.
@colonelturmeric558 7 ай бұрын
As far as i see it, black supremacy and afrocentrism are down to ego and lack of accountability. Not amongst all black individuals of course, but it seems that those who follow ‘black’ culture rather than American or british (for example ) are the most susceptible.
@user-oj5ud6gv3g 7 ай бұрын
Hey Bud, it’s not the Moors fault, caucasians and arabs are recent cultures did not exist when for example, when Egypt was founded. The Abraham calendar cites caucasian history at 6,000 years history while the Egyptian civilization is at 10,000 more like 15,000 years old so there is 4000-9,000 at least when there were no arabs or caucasians in existence.. Probably more like 100,000 years but the point is clear. No supremacy rhetoric, which is employed by recent cultures to rationalize their artificial onion alien introduction into human history. It’s time for recent cultires to grow up.
@UndercoverNormie 7 ай бұрын
You are right. He is, in fact, wrong. Edit: Upon watching the rest of the video, you are spot on. It seems this other guy's entire video is based upon incorrect stereotypes and misinformation passed down by people for a long time. I've heard _most_ of the things he's saying from... well, normal, every day people who are in no way qualified to make videos about the subjects. And you've proven this without being rude, crass, or deceptive. Well done.
@TheManofthecross 7 ай бұрын
True. But we are dealing with people who hate you for existing and nothing you say or do will change there view other then Killing them all cause they will not hesitate to do it to you first
@gustavogoesgomes1863 7 ай бұрын
tbh I think that the best possible culmination of this would be if he got interested into researching history and linguistics, and becoming an academic. I mean, he clearly thought that what he believed was based in evidence, and meta just dropped an epistemological nuke on the poor guy 😅 but that's supposing that he made his channel off of a genuine interest in knowledge and spreading information. he could have created his channel just to garner views and monetize it somehow. but the way he conducted it makes me feel that he really likes history, would be cool if he became a scholar. I bet even meta would be happy for it
@UndercoverNormie 7 ай бұрын
@@gustavogoesgomes1863 ​ Now, I don't _actually_ know what I'm talking about but it seems he's pandering to the very same people desperate to believe that same misinformation and I'm sure there's cash involved. So... Idk man. Lol
@FirstLast-wk3kc 7 ай бұрын
​@@UndercoverNormieto me ut seemed more genuine as these usually are. Not claiming anything
@DarthSidian 6 ай бұрын
"Unanimously? I'm not done." had so much rightful sass to it, keep being based Metatron
@avernion 6 ай бұрын
Lol, what a burn! Wonderful video too. So cool to know you have such a skilled team at your back.
@A.Severan 7 ай бұрын
As a North African, specifically a Libyan, I'm relieved to see this fact addressed directly. Too often, I feel like content creators softly conceded to their ludicrous ideas about North Africa and now the debate is about Greeks not being black. The Book of Seti from 1200 BC portrays the various races of the world, with Libyans depicted as having a fair complexion, Egyptians with an olive skin tone, distinctly different from the Nubians. This, along with numerous descriptions from sources like Herodotus, modern genetic evidence, and the actual appearance of the present-day inhabitants, proves that this shouldn't be a debate. Had I lived in ancient times and been a ruler, say, like the Libyan Septimius Severus, some might inaccurately label me as black. Also, this part of the world has historically been inhabited by Berbers, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Vandals, and Arabs, even Normans at some point. None of these groups were black. What we now refer to as "North Africa" and "sub-Saharan Africa" are divided by the world's largest non-oceanic natural barrier: the Sahara desert. It's natural for populations separated by such a vast barrier to have distinct appearances. Similarly, in Asia, the Himalayas lead to the noticeable physical differences between Indians and Chinese. Sharing the name 'Africa' neither negates history nor geography, and it certainly doesn't grant you the right to distort and rewrite my history or label me, an Amazigh native, a colonizer.
@TheManofthecross 7 ай бұрын
Your dealing with communists who failed to get the Soviet Union utopia the leftists want so they are going to try again with race as there method for power
@alessandrom7181 7 ай бұрын
Septimius was half Roman btw, his mom was of the gens Fulvia.
@jimland7176 7 ай бұрын
I'm curious. How much Phoenician/Carthaginian is there today in Libya? I know Carthage is in Tunis, but Metatron has a Roman thing despite some dodgy history between the Romans and Sicilians.
@therealspeedwagon1451 7 ай бұрын
@@jimland7176pretty sure Carthaginians as an ethnicity are all but extinct by now. The Romans utterly slaughtered them like animals and sold the rest into slavery. There might be *some* Carthaginian DNA left in modern Tunisians and Libyans but it’s been so long and centuries of Roman, Ottoman, and later French rule has resettled people around and introduced newer ancestries into the gene pool.
@Njuregen 7 ай бұрын
@@jimland7176 As i understand they mostly have Berber DNA with some traces of Punic as well, not odd since the Berbers predated them and were more plentiful and constantly there.
@LarryJ602 7 ай бұрын
The problem is he seems like a narcissist with sociopath tendencies. His consending giggles after making statements. His talking down to you. His insinuating you lack intelligence. His in ability to see his own inconsistencies. As Mark Twain once said "Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."
@zatoby6705 7 ай бұрын
He sounds like the stereotypical modern day far left progressive. So utterly certain that they are on "the right side of history" that they think the common man beneath them to be fools and it emanates from them.
@oktusprime3637 7 ай бұрын
"Narcissist with sociopathic tendencies," calm down, armchair psychologist. You have no idea what you’re talking about.
@ihavetubes 7 ай бұрын
Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.
@Dragoncam13 7 ай бұрын
@nickthompson2023 7 ай бұрын
That’s the typical behavior for afrocentrists. They have to have something to point to to make their race seem important
@terryk8853 5 ай бұрын
Hi Metatron, I do agree on your assertion that. Why did JPS. choose Cleopatra as a black idol and not Nefertiti or other Nubian Pharos ?
@123danvc 5 ай бұрын
I just found your site and think you proved your point very well in this debate. It makes sense that the Egyptians would be a lighter black color and somewhat mixed in color because it’s a cross roads to several cultures. I’ll be subscribing and watching.
@Skyebright1 4 ай бұрын
Mixed race I think, Ramses had genuinely red hair
@ProgrammedForDamage 7 ай бұрын
Not only was I thoroughly entertained, but I also learned something. I didn't know the Greeks referred to the Germanic people as "blonde".
@98765zach 7 ай бұрын
I was interested in that fact too, but I suppose it makes sense, the greeks call themselves white, and then they see a german, who's paler than them... what are they really supposed to call him I guess lol
@adambielen8996 7 ай бұрын
@@98765zach It also makes even more sense when we consider that blonde hair becomes more common the further north you go from Greece.
@filmandfirearms 7 ай бұрын
@@adambielen8996 It's also a notably Norse trait, which is why blonde hair is fairly common in Russia today, and the Norse had a strong cultural impact on all of northern Europe
@jonsnow7092 7 ай бұрын
@@adambielen8996 That's true, but we need to take things in context. Greek people had a pretty dark hair on average. For them, what we now call brown hair, was blonde. What we now see as blonde (gold/yellow hair), was always something only a minority had, as you say, becoming a bit more common further north, but mostly, people north of them like Thracians and Dacians, had mainly brown hair.
@DustinDonald-cz9ot 7 ай бұрын
@@jonsnow7092 I was born with blonde hair as was my wife, I am 40 and she is 29 both of our hair is now brownish hers more than mine mine still has some blonde streaks in it hers it completely brown. General exposure to the sun will cause hair to darken same as skin tone.
@UltraEgyptian 7 ай бұрын
As an Egyptian, thank you. You thoroughly debunked the core arguments that Afrocentrists make. I greatly appreciate the effort you put to create this video. I have dealt with Afrocentrisim off and on throughout my life. However, I feel like lately, for whatever reason, Afrocentrism has become 10x worse. It's emotionally, physically, and intellectually exhausting to keep having to defend your own heritage and identity. But it's necessary, because these unchecked Afrocentrist delusions have real world consequences. It's a deeply embedded delusion that is almost impossible to defeat. But mature and sophisticated videos like this help greatly. Thanks again.
@therealspeedwagon1451 7 ай бұрын
I don’t understand what’s with Africans, specifically African Americans beliefs that they all think they descend from ancient Egyptians. Most African Americans were brought over as slaves from West and Central Africa. Places like modern day Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana, the Congo, etc. There is no genetic evidence that those people, and to an extent African Americans come from ancient Egyptians.
@med2904 7 ай бұрын
It's becoming worse in the last few years because Americans are becoming more polarized and extremist. American blacks just want to say "We wuz kangz!" to feel proud of their skin color, and subsaharan Africa isn't enough for them. Egypt as the most famous African country is just the most enticing land for them to claim. They invent similar claims about Europe being historically multiracial or ruled by blacks as well. But it's easier for lies about North Africa to stick and be repeated more often because there's more nuance there.
@bdleo300 7 ай бұрын
"Afrocentrists" today are not even from Africa, but almost entirely from America, so-called "Afro-Americans" /black racists and supremacists... and like most Americans they can't find Africa on the map... or the map. They can't comprehend the idea that so many real Africans don't look like them, because they don't know anything about Africa apart from myths, fantasies and pseudo-science.
@palarious 7 ай бұрын
It's because of the cultural shift in the US. Racial division has been increasingly fanned by the left over the last two decades and educational standards have dropped like a rock. So the black supremacists are largely unchecked and the youth have zero critical thinking skills or historical knowledge to counter their message.
@bigjohn5142 7 ай бұрын
it would help if egyptians were not cucks to arabs.
@virgilius7036 4 ай бұрын
We have thousands of Egyptian mummies in our museums that have been studied by anthropologists, they are not from black individuals. The bust of Nefertiti and the Egyptian frescoes do not depict black people. All discussion is over!
@psychologymajorptsd62 6 ай бұрын
Livestream debate please! I know that debating on a phone call is not ideal, but I’d watch it!
@markimpey102 7 ай бұрын
Excellent rebuttal of an argument that clearly has a political rather than factual basis. I applaud you.
@dablaccseaproductions5279 7 ай бұрын
@metatronyt 7 ай бұрын
Thank you sir
@SlimReaper10101 7 ай бұрын
The jokes in this comment section 😂😂
@wakandareallyyyyy 7 ай бұрын
u re wrong, search Dexter Caffey, is a descendant of Ramses 3
@Aphrodite_ErosLuvChild214-80 7 ай бұрын
@Nermeen. 7 ай бұрын
I'm Egyptian, thank you for your previous videos on this topic and your possible future videos too, thank you for standing for the real truth and history 🙏
@abramlittle7102 7 ай бұрын
You are an egyptian but you are not a kemite
@markhirsch6301 7 ай бұрын
​@@abramlittle7102they still care about that history, they sued that Netflix Cleopatra crap
@shaunsteele6926 7 ай бұрын
@@abramlittle7102 Kemites were as real as Wakandans lol
@Nermeen. 7 ай бұрын
@@abramlittle7102 Oh please.. get a job
@froggi001 7 ай бұрын
@@abramlittle7102 Imagine being so Ignorant.
@texanfilms 3 ай бұрын
A brilliant, highly articulate professional academic versus a basic KZbin hack. It’s like an adult arguing with a child. Love to see real science and sound logic body slamming pseudoscience and KZbin clickbait. 👏👏👏
@JesseWolfboy 2 ай бұрын
New subscriber here, Metatron! I like your style, man. You're like me if I was smart! Seriously though, you decimated that guy. Do you have any videos on your channel where members of your team make any onscreen appearances? Hearing you mention all the specialists you have helping you is very impressive. I would like to see and hear from them as well, maybe roundtable discussions, that kind of thing? Anyway, keep doing what you're doing, noble brother. Rock on.
@greendalf123 7 ай бұрын
Imagine being SO SAD you try to steal another peoples literal heritage.
@NYCfrankie 7 ай бұрын
They do it with literally every culture
@macgeorge8229 7 ай бұрын
Eh you get these with every group in the world like that guy who clamed hawaii had dreadnoughts in the 1850's or those werid russia did everything people.
@greendalf123 7 ай бұрын
@@macgeorge8229 very true. I still have fond memories on the nut jobs from ancient aliens
@macgeorge8229 7 ай бұрын
@@greendalf123 Oh that thing why just why
@therealspeedwagon1451 7 ай бұрын
I honestly believe that they want a more mythical and idealized culture. They don’t want to accept the fact that they came from slaves and criminals brought over from Africa. They have to learn that the past is the past and the future is the future. Your past does not define you and your people, only your present does. You can either continue to live in this depressive state and never let go of what happened in the past, or you can accept it and move on, knowing that you can create a better future in which you can do great things.
@bradroddenham6370 7 ай бұрын
I have tremendous respect for your method of rebutting or debating erroneous information from other KZbinrs. Very classy, polite, and well thought out, without being at all insulting or aggressive in presentation. Keep up the excellent work.
@user-dd5eh5lu3o 7 ай бұрын
I appreciate Metatron's desire to maintain very high standards for himself and others. He is looking for truth. It is a pure pursuit because sometimes you will find things are true that are uncomfortable and upsetting, but that doesn't make them untrue. He's willing to examine facts and back them up with multiple sources. A real historian. Not just someone who plays one on You Tube because they're butthurt about actual history not being what they want.
@punksnotdeaditsconservativ1693 5 ай бұрын
👏👏👏👏👏 to your "dry" humor sir, it was used sparingly and effectively. That isn't my preferred form of humor to engage in, but I still appreciate and enjoy hearing it done well.
@nomercynodragonforyou9688 4 ай бұрын
What a nicely done breakdown response video. Even worse was how great that comparison of logic between the biased nature of his channel versus yours. That and the content that followed, truly sealed the deal for me.
@metatronyt 4 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it, thanks
@rod1320 7 ай бұрын
The bit about non-blacks not being able to work out in the sun made me fall off my chair! I’m Greek, my grandparents and theirs before them worked in the fields just fine. They got more tanned because of their exposure to the sun than those who stayed indoors (obviously wealthier people at the time) but, I can assure that gentleman, people of the Mediterranean can work in the sun just as anybody else without being black. White people don’t spontaneously combust when exposed to the sun. What kind of argument is he trying to make? 😂😂
@melinda6921 7 ай бұрын
Anyone can work in the fields under the sun, some will get sicker than others or will have more difficulties but human beings are not vampires who burn because of a ray of sunshine!
@HaldirMark 7 ай бұрын
40C dry desert heat?
@elleanna5869 7 ай бұрын
@@HaldirMark why on earth should try to *farm* in the desert? Egyptians didn't live in the desert, they used to live in the mild , fertile, and wet regions along the Nile. They left the places were the desert advanced.
@HaldirMark 7 ай бұрын
@@elleanna5869 Farming is not the only work one does in a desert.
@GORO911 7 ай бұрын
​@@HaldirMark Iraq and Saudi's weather is much hotter than Egypt. And still people have been farming there for millenniums. Afrocentric arguments are dumb.
@jenarutberg9323 7 ай бұрын
Facts not feelings! Yes! Rewriting history doesn't make it so. Great job Metatron! Thank you for being the voice of reason in a world that seems to have lost that ability.
@metatronyt 7 ай бұрын
My pleasure
@TheManofthecross 7 ай бұрын
That does not matter to the left cause they know how to use the terror factor and government power etc to force feelings to take priority over facts
@randallfe 7 ай бұрын
@@metatronytbut white peoples whitewashed history all the time. You have no problem with that. Egypt was whitewashed long before people claimed the Egyptians were black
@randallfe 7 ай бұрын
@@metatronytfunny thing is when educated people say Egypt was black they are typically referring to dynasties 0-10. Not when Egypt had been invaded. When most of the trade was with nubia not the Mediterranean.
@Callin-Out-the-Noise 7 ай бұрын
Egypt is in Africa. Therefore they were ALL African. @@elliottbrown1329
@hossamelsharqawy3991 6 ай бұрын
You are an amazing analyst, go for it man…Egyptian here
@auramatic77 5 ай бұрын
The moral of this story: don’t try to debunk metatron unless you enjoy public embarrassment
@b.r.52 7 ай бұрын
As a South East Asian (Filipino specifically), I always enjoy historical break downs from you since I won't be disappointed with the research work you go through. Also inspires me to be a better educator knowing that you continue the practice of academic honesty on youtube.
@reigenlucilfer6154 7 ай бұрын
i wish he would touch on our history. southeast asian history is so underrated, even though we have great empire pre colonial )": cambodian history for example. they're glorious, as an indonesian speaking here.
@InfernosReaper 7 ай бұрын
Honestly, with how far the Philippines is from Asia, it always seemed odd it doesn't qualify as Pacific Islander, but something like Timur-Leste isn't considered part of Oceania, which is the politically neutral term for Australia and some of the locations nearby that aren't part of that country. Geography is a surprisingly murky subject
@silverchairsg 7 ай бұрын
@@InfernosReaper Phillipines is in Asia dude, what are you talking about?
@mememanbehindtheshadows546 7 ай бұрын
@@silverchairsgyes in ASIA, where do you think the Philippines is located from? North America? From North Pole?
@mememanbehindtheshadows546 7 ай бұрын
@@silverchairsgthat is why he called it in what asian location Philippines are located from, and where The Philippines was located? Yep southeast asian thank you
@bigfootisjustreallyshy 7 ай бұрын
Afrocentrists have provided me hours of entertainment on Twitter in the past. Some of the stuff they say is truly fascinating... Disturbing and sad, but fascinating.
@TheManofthecross 7 ай бұрын
And they will try and physically murder you or terrorize you in to silence if given a chance
@davefoss6201 7 ай бұрын
Newflash. The first people to describe the ancient Egyptian civilization as black were white scholars including Jean-Francois Champollion who deciphered the Rosetta Stone who was a genius. Ancient Egypt was in fact heterogenous many of them were in fact black. Egyptians didn’t wasn’t a race it was a culture. Ancient Egyptian civilization was fundamentally African, as evidenced by both language and culture.
@TheLonesomePagan. 7 ай бұрын
@davefoss6201 Of course there were black people in Egypt most of them being slaves especially in the early periods but to call Egypt a black civilization is to call the Russian federation a Asian civilization just because they share borders with Asian people.
@MagcargoMan 7 ай бұрын
I bet you don't feel that same sentiment towards lies spread about Sub-Saharan Africa though.
@TheLonesomePagan. 7 ай бұрын
@@MagcargoMan can you give an example of such lies spread about sub-Saharan Africa?
@setmose5344 5 ай бұрын
Great video. Thank you so much
@juanitalouw3958 3 ай бұрын
Amazing job, Sir! This is the most entertaining lambasting I have ever witnessed. Bravo!
@PraiseJ-Pope 7 ай бұрын
What the hell? I feel like I stepped into a parallel world - not only a video but an entire channel AND the comment section based on facts, logic, proper argumentation AND it's still polite and humane? WOW.
@metatronyt 7 ай бұрын
@MagcargoMan 7 ай бұрын
You definitely haven't seen many of the comments if you think that. Maybe you should find the comment chain about Olmecs and have a look at stewpitt's lovely comment.
@councilestateproduct 7 ай бұрын
​@@MagcargoManall channels get questionable comments it's the nature of the beast (free speech) and hardly worth your post tbh... the vast majority here are decent, reasonable people.
@jamesjameson4566 7 ай бұрын
Why do we have to be polite with deluded spiteful charlatans
@ulfberht4431 7 ай бұрын
A very rare sight in this toxic platform where rude is nice and nice is rude.
@thebigone6071 7 ай бұрын
The Metatron is interested in one thing and one thing only: the truth!!! Keep clapping those historical cheeks Metatron! Even the haters know you’re the best there is!!!!
@anonymousf454 6 ай бұрын
Thank you😂😂😂 much needed
@albi7894 6 ай бұрын
Incredibile che il più grande baluardo della difesa della verità storica su youtube sia rappresentato da un compare siciliano. I miei più sinceri complimenti, from Calabria
@manueltesting 4 ай бұрын
peccato che il video non risponda a nulla in merito al video originale
@PC_Simo 3 ай бұрын
@@manueltesting True 🫤.
@mariellelita 7 ай бұрын
I'm a black woman (American), and I agree with you 100% Metatron. It is weird, especially since ancient Egyptian empires are just like any other (dead people long gone), so why keep focusing on it? They are not everybody's ancestors...and that's okay.
@metatronyt 7 ай бұрын
I appreciate your comment and contribution. Thanks 🙏🏻
@jerrymartin7019 7 ай бұрын
The Egyptians were at one point a powerful empire, so people who want to think of their group (race, nation, etc.) as the "superior" group will latch onto them in an attempt to prove how great they were to others and themselves. It's something that's hardly exclusive to afro-centrists, but Egypt is important to them in particular because it's embedded into pop culture more so than any other empire on the african contient. You see it a lot when it comes to inventions, like the brazilians claiming that the wright brothers were a fraud and that they actually invented powered flight, or the high levels of shitflinging between europe and america over who invented X thing. For an example of the inverse of the subject of this video, I remember when Forgotten Weapons posted an april fools video about vikings discovering gunpowder and a bunch of people latched on to it because they wanted desperately to believe that whites invented gunpowder instead of asians.
@greggoriii5729 7 ай бұрын
same reason people are still religious
@JJ-wh3rh 7 ай бұрын
It’s important to them, not us, because they are suffering of inferior complex.
@Cre8Peace 7 ай бұрын
@QigongParadigm 7 ай бұрын
I've had run ins with Afrocentrists online recently. The sad thing is that our current culture seems to embolden them to spread their views without critical pushback.
@fetusbelt6851 7 ай бұрын
Lord i know, you'll get tar'd and feathered for using logic and reason with them
@blackhaze8233 7 ай бұрын
@@fetusbelt6851 don't let call u names or anything like that. Just tell them Thay can keep coping all Thay like. It isn't going to make them right.
@shaunsteele6926 7 ай бұрын
because telling a black person they're wrong is "racist" or something.
@bilbohob7179 7 ай бұрын
It sounds me to a "believe" and "faithful"....
@EVPaddy 7 ай бұрын
@@shaunsteele6926 My mother was called a racist decades ago because she dared telling a black women that she was putting the trash out a day it wasn't collected.
@ampsa84 4 ай бұрын
I’m a black man who spent a large part of my 20’s reading a lot if Afrocentric literature in a bid go delve deeper into my African identity. After don’t own research and start to sea the world from a non bias perspective I can say a lot if the Afrocentric literature are political and bias based emotional reasoning rather than reality or science. Most of this is a reaction to white supremacy that African Americans having to endure.
@metatronyt 4 ай бұрын
Hey man. I appreciate your comment and personal experience. Thanks for sharing it
@dareal05 4 ай бұрын
Great comment, and like you we were all indoctrinated with that ideology. Like you said when looking at the overwhelming evidence from a non-biased perspective it becomes clear a lot of it was just plain pseudoscience to counter white supremacist ideology. A problem is we don't like to air our dirty laundry on forums like this, and it does bring out the worst in posters on both sides. In reality, all that is left with "Kemet" are Egyptomaniacs indoctrinated in a "Kemet Cult" -- yelling in an echo chamber but being laughed at by the rest of the world and embarrassing us. They have been so indoctrinated they can't see the irony in calling people like us sell-outs -- because we moved on from caring about a Near Eastern, Mediterranean, North African country they spend all their energy on that we have nothing to do with. And they mostly have nothing to say about our real story from West/Central Africa. They will never stop, as many have built an identity (some even careers) on "Kemet", so the charade will continue. Sad.
@The_Truth- 4 ай бұрын
Did you really see it from a non biased perspective, or did you get blinded by his-story?
@The_Truth- 4 ай бұрын
@@elliottbrown1329 🤣🤣🤣 Exactly
@gabrielboi3465 4 ай бұрын
@@elliottbrown1329 man did you expect him to write? a written apology for it?
@vrillionaire88 6 ай бұрын
I vocally exclaimed “Gawddamn” at the end. Smashing arguments.
@metatronyt 6 ай бұрын
Thanks 🙏🏻
@NaturallyHigh 4 ай бұрын
Would be interested in hearing your thoughts on Kuelimika’s response video if you’ve checked it out.
@metatronyt 4 ай бұрын
@@NaturallyHigh I will oblige soon. Thanks
@NaturallyHigh 4 ай бұрын
@@metatronyt great to get a response from you! Was hoping some of your audience could also see Kuelimika's thorough reply.
@fishfighter2 7 ай бұрын
I am black, and love your channel for it is usually factual and to the point. Keep up the good work! Also I have no idea why KZbin has not been giving me your videos for the better part of 2 years, I'm glad to see you on my feed again.
@rafaeldossantos4791 7 ай бұрын
You must learn to detect aversive racism unless you believe that you will be accepted as a target for insulting your own race.
@thetwelfth9987 7 ай бұрын
As we always say to our kids, two wrongs don’t make one right, flipping racism the other way around doesn’t solve racism. Anyone can be racist, anyone can craft narratives in the favor of their own ethnicity, there’s no fixed heroes and villains in history, and they don’t seem to like it.
@juanpablogonzalezs.v.8319 7 ай бұрын
Yea its getting frustrating as i see people complain about racism but only do things propigate it...
@bacicinvatteneaca 7 ай бұрын
*xenophobia.,ethnic discrimination, whatever, not racism. Racism is one specificideology, entailing the upholding of the current western supremacist world order. Racism means white supremacy, according to the racists that invented the word.
@nullshock3381 7 ай бұрын
I get frustrated with this as well considering every human on his planet is distantly related, whether you believe in evolution or creation. Skin color is moot... Or, at least should be.
@claesvanoldenphatt9972 7 ай бұрын
You are absolutely WRONG in your claims that ‘anyone can be racist’. In a racist society such as the US, the dominant racial group that got there through colonial exploitation that invoked racial typing is the one culpable of racism. Blacks hating back is not racism. Blacks hating blacks is not even racism, it’s bigotry. Race is meaningless outside the history of colonialism.
@sjmcc13 7 ай бұрын
​@claesvanoldenphatt9972 you might want to actually learn the real definition of Racism before you rant about what is and is not racism. Racism is hatred and bigotry based on race. There are other definitions, but that one is the core definition, and the one in pretty much every dictionary thay you need to show is not present to honestly claim something is not an instance of racism Any requirement of a power structure is just a lie racists demanded on so they could claim that they are not racist.
@misriya4147 3 ай бұрын
As an Egyptian, thank you for this video. We are so.tired of being attacked and labelled as 'invaders'. I consider afrocentrism as a very racist and dangerous trend and they are totally deluded.
@shafsteryellow 3 ай бұрын
Exactly 😂 these people don't anything THEY'RE the invaders google bantu expansion
@kcnugfan 6 ай бұрын
My favorite part was when he said "before racism existed". lol Gonna go out on a limb here, but I'm pretty sure "racism" has been with us for as long as we have been around. Better to call it tribalism or culturalism.
@blist14ant 6 ай бұрын
@CRT4Dummies 5 ай бұрын
Racism has nevet existed. Race is a political term. There aren't different races of humans. There are different species of humans. Unfortunately, interspecies tension and conflict is a fact of nature. It is what it is.
@Sovnarkom 7 ай бұрын
As an Afro-Arab and student of history; I appreciate your work. I don’t want to belittle your academic effort but most of your videos on this topic reveal very little new information to someone who’s sincerely studied the regions history. You just have the courage to actually post it on KZbin. You have the curiosity to research. The patience to continue AND the courage to speak out. That’s a trifecta of character that I admire.
@mystic22g4 7 ай бұрын
Dr. Galit Ben Tovel Egyptologist in the below short KZbin video stated that ancient Egypt consisted of 2 races north (Lower) and south (Upper) and stated that Upper Egyptian were black. David Wengrow, a European archaeologist and professor of comparative archaeology at University College London, conducted research for nine years on ancient Egypt's cultural unity. He found that Egypt's cultural and economic connections were primarily with other African societies to the south, rather than with the Middle East or Asia. Wengrow suggests that while Egypt was geographically located in North Africa, its cultural and economic connections were with Africa rather than Asia
@elleanna5869 7 ай бұрын
You are correct , this is Metatron's strenght he breaks down for general public the most solid data that actual research and academia (not Trustmebrology sources) provide. The fact that this kind of contents is particularly rare and needed in an ocean of bs on the media is pretty concerning 😐
@Cloud_Seeker 7 ай бұрын
Well. This video is not actually about presenting anything new. Most people have no idea about anything within the subject so even “old” information is new to them. Especially when no one dares to present the information and there is a push to push information which are lies.
@3imx 7 ай бұрын
I don't want to belittle you but I will belittle you then compliment you because I am most noble😂
@davefoss6201 7 ай бұрын
@@elleanna5869 Dr. Gilet Ben Tovel Egyptologist is not a "Trustmebrology source" neither is Prof. Alejandro Jiménez-Serrano who is currently teaching Egyptology and Archaeology of Egypt and the Near East in Universidad de Jaén (Spain). Pro. Serrano team discovered the remains of ancient Egyptian Shemai who was determined to be of Nubian origin. I am not claiming that all ancient Egyptians were black but I do agree with Dr. Tovel that ancient Upper Egyptians were black. Metatron sources primarily look in one direction to support his arguments.
@xtincttv 7 ай бұрын
Speaking as a Kenyan myself (I also do believe KueliMika is Kenyan), I find it extremely appalling how some of us Africans have a distinctive urge to prove our prowess as a people in the historical sense. We do not have to claim everything to sound "better" because it's actually pretty embarrassing. This Afrocentric rhetoric is just pointless and does not serve the African culture and history. The channel's name is Kuelimika which means to educate/enlighten, they should stick to what the name is rather than try to alter actual provable facts. I do understand where this type of sentiment comes from and why it exists but such debates cannot counter antiquated beliefs about Africa which have mostly being disproven by the history community thoroughly throughout the years. I appreciate what you do Metatron, much love from Nairobi.
@brandongnarlow9162 7 ай бұрын
You get it 👍
@jessebrown9739 7 ай бұрын
@sagesof9paths 7 ай бұрын
Nihs like you are scary 🤣🤦🏾‍♂️
@stalhandske9649 7 ай бұрын
Hats off for your voice of reason, and all the best.
@let-live 7 ай бұрын
You took the words right out of my mouth,...even though I'm Ugandan, having delusions of grandeur as regards African history especially Egypt is something I frown upon. Accurate history is better than imagined history. As a fact the 25th dynasty in Egypt was black but insinuating that every other dynasty with those they ruled was black is just disingenuous
@Dr.Bitterbrains-xf9pr 6 ай бұрын
Straight fire 🔥🔥🔥
@neilpinard7545 2 ай бұрын
Well done! Forget politics and bias-TRUTH is what we want. As always, outstanding content.
@teresamerkel7161 7 ай бұрын
Arthur had Excaliber. Metatron's sword is sharper and carries the name of Logic. I have read about Egypt strictly as an amateur most of my life. I could see from wall paintings and statues that Ancient Egyptians were multiethnic. They did a good job of representing themselves as such. Kemet means the black land, as opposed to the red land which is the desert where everything is death. The Nile river's magic was carrying that black soil down the river every inundation so that the farmers could grow their crops. From my amateur stance, Metatron's weakest argument was when he pointed out the hieroglyphs and how they read, since it is my understanding that they are read in the direction that the figures point. However, Metatron has archeologists and linguists on his team; professionals. I am an amateur and I feel sure that they addressed this issue. Kemet was the land people could live on; the black soil of Egypt where life could flourish, not the red land where only death could be found. Thank you, Metatron and your team for their careful work. The sad part is that Afrocentric arguments about Egypt seem to come from a viewpoint that Africa had no other impressive civilizations which is not true at all. It takes nothing from the incredible diversity and cultural power of the African peoples to point out that Ancient Egypt was multiethnic and a blend of many cultures of African and Asian origin.
@OniGarro 7 ай бұрын
Like no African king has ever visited Egipt and accidentally screwed up its economy! 😂
@bschneidez 7 ай бұрын
Have these people never heard of Ethiopia? Sure it's not the brightest crayon in the box these days, but talk about a deep and rich history... How about the Gold Coast? It is literally called that because of its wealth and power (sure it was from selling slaves, but they are hardly the only ones who did that)... They need to actually learn their own culture instead of stealing everybody elses
@cas6811 7 ай бұрын
@mrimhotep you've def got to jump in here. Wow
@Random_Chiroptera 7 ай бұрын
Sharper than Excalibur? Must be Arondight.
@bendover9620 7 ай бұрын
​@@bschneidezThey don't like Ethiopia cause they all wanna be Pharaohs and cosplay as Cleopatra.
@loricline1692 7 ай бұрын
Haters gonna hate. I love it when you speak science. Much love to you and yours. You make history real.
@metatronyt 7 ай бұрын
@EPUEPUEPUEPU 7 ай бұрын
​@@metatronyt there is ample things missing from this subject matter , where these back and forth videos are selective. A better resolution on this topic is an actual discussion. For example your statement on the marshes was taking out of context. The location of the marshes was in lower numbia. So if those people were in between the nubians and the Egyptians , then that would mean the color description would be of upper Egyptians which is from Aswan and up and those people are much darker then tan. I do feel you have some bias in this subject matter however I do feel with a good discussion you will see things you didn't see before.
@BreweryGoblin 7 ай бұрын
but the word used was marCHes not marSHes. It's specifically used to denote the border lands between countries, for example the Welsh Marches, the lands on either side of the England/Wales border. .@@EPUEPUEPUEPU
@EPUEPUEPUEPU 7 ай бұрын
@@BreweryGoblin Sir we have the name of the location it's in lower nubia ( Sycaminus ) sir, not in Egypt, So the people that he was describing as Egyptians were Upper Egyptians from aswan back. Upper Egyptians are darker then Tan. This is why the Roman's depicted them with dark colors. Edit :You are right its marches not marshes thats just my sloppy grammar.
@eponaalbion 7 ай бұрын
In medieval Europe, a march or mark was, in broad terms, any kind of borderland, as opposed to a national "heartland". More specifically, a march was a border between realms or a neutral buffer zone under joint control of two states in which different laws might apply. In both of these senses, marches served a political purpose, such as providing warning of military incursions or regulating cross-border trade, @@EPUEPUEPUEPU
@MrTimothy87 6 ай бұрын
Ok im loving the debate between you and Kielma...I thnk the video he released today put out some very good points..Why dont you watch his latest video and make a response to love to see your response..He made some very good points on the Kemetic beginnings being from the South and that is where the culture started..So address his latest..Cant wait to see that.
@ogun9645 6 ай бұрын
Sorry but he wouldent,kulimika butchred him
@CarloNassar 5 ай бұрын
He commented on another video (a video about this one) saying he'd make follow-up videos in the future. So I'm sure he *will* adress it. But it's probably going to be a big ride, because Keulmika's rebuttal lasts more than an hour. In the meantime, I'll be interested to see one as well.
@MrTimothy87 4 ай бұрын
@ogun9645 I completely agree that's why I'm interested in seeing what he has to say in response..I seriously doubt he does respond or if he does anything that would address what K said..
@CarloNassar 4 ай бұрын
Hey, I actually found out he did a livestream about a week ago, and he said he'd make another response to Kuelimika AND Mr. Imhotep in one video. He also said he didn't use all the material he gathered for this topic, so yeah. I'll give you guys a timestamp. kzbin.infoUVQTIMdKNC8?feature=shared&t=1753
@Grifondorzo 6 ай бұрын
Hi Metatron! Nice job as always! Have you noticed how channels where they don't show their face always share a toxic faceless community,and often believe in some conspiracy theory uniting them in ignorance? 🤣Keep the great work, Sir! and thanks for bringing free content even if YT demonitezed you. No KZbinr I know of would have done that. Thanks. KZbin is nothing without people,somebody should remeber this to all big tech companies.
@metatronyt 6 ай бұрын
It takes courage to show you face on camera
@umar8558 4 ай бұрын
@@elliottbrown1329 he wasn't, Egyptians are not related to Niger-Congo Africans.
@mortadhaouni1198 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Metatron, as a fellow north african it's great to see someone setting the truth stragiht because truth is undeniable, these afrocentrist goofballs should really stuy history now they even moved on to our beloved carthagnian empire and punic history claiming chartage origins is black when its been taught for years that dido (the founder of carthage aso known to us as Elissa) came from modern day Lebanon
@Userkaf_II 7 ай бұрын
You're people are not descendants of any ancient populations of North Africa. My channel continues to expose they everyday.
@Luna-dh6yt 7 ай бұрын
@@Userkaf_IIcry about it, you don’t even speak our native language
@mamabear71234 7 ай бұрын
Afrocentrics fail to realize that most of Egypt is a sub-tropical climate. They can't see that black people are from the tropical climate of sub-saharan africa. They think Ham and Mizraim were black like Cush.
@sweethistortea 7 ай бұрын
@@Userkaf_II Please stop spreading misinformation about Egyptian people.
@Userkaf_II 7 ай бұрын
​@@Luna-dh6yt It's not your history and it doesn't belong to you termites. I'll be uploading on Metatron soon.
@barryhill2836 7 ай бұрын
Bro you're a GIFT to helping the everyday person understand history as it is. Really love the work you and your team does. Keep it up!
@metatronyt 7 ай бұрын
I appreciate that and it is my pleasure
@mystic22g4 7 ай бұрын
If you look in primarily in only one direction then you'll come up with the results of Metatron. However the first people who claimed that the ancient Egyptians were black were European scholars such as Jean-Francois Champollion who deciphered the Rosetta Stone who was said to be a genius, and E.A. Wallis Budge an English Egyptologist. In the below short video Egyptologist Dr. Galit Ben Tovel states that ancient Egypt consisted of 2 races and stated that Upper Egyptians were black.
@wnnfrhrw4452 7 ай бұрын
​@@metatronyt Ancient Greek Historiography reports/records that The Builders of The Pyramids are a proper subclass of nA nHsw m tA nHsw: "They say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit. Also the statement that all the land of the Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof, in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile; for as each year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the sea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiving the increase. And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the colonists still preserving their ancient manners. For instance, the belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practices, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiopian; for of the two kinds of writing​ which the Egyptians have, that which is known as "popular" (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called "sacred"​ is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians, who learn it from their fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians everyone uses these forms of letters. Furthermore, the orders of the priests, they maintain, have much the same position among both peoples; for all are clean​ who are engaged in the service of the gods, keeping themselves shaven, like the Egyptian priests, and having the same dress and form of staff, which is shaped like a plough and is carried by their kings, who wear high felt hats which end in a knob at the top and are circled by the serpents which they call asps; and this symbol appears to carry the thought that it will be the lot of those who shall dare to attack the king to encounter death-carrying stings.​ Many other things are also told by them concerning their own antiquity and the colony which they sent out that became the Egyptians, but about this there is no special need of our writing anything." - The Library of History: Book III - Chapter 3.1 - 3.7 by Diodorus Siculus Further: "Since, to bear witness ourselves, during the time of our visit to Egypt, we associated with many of its priests and conversed with not a few ambassadors from Ethiopia as well who were then in Egypt; and after inquiring carefully of them about each matter and testing the stories of the historians, we have composed our account so as to accord with the opinions on which they most fully agree." - The Library of History: Book III - Chapter 11.4 by Diodorus Siculus Thus, here we have Ancient Historiography observing that both The Priest-Historians of Kamit and The Ambassaors from Ta-Seti recognize that The Builders of The Pyramids are nA nHsw.
@wnnfrhrw4452 7 ай бұрын
​@@metatronyt Thus, Ancient Historiographers have been aware that The Autochthones of kmt comprise a colony of so-called "Ethiopians." This is consistent with The Foundations of kmt being located within tA Smaw [viz, Land of The Reeds] a.k.a. Upper Egypt nowaday: viz, wAset [Luxor].
@Hope...M 7 ай бұрын
@@mystic22g4 keep in mind that the word black used during the times of Napoleon are not used in the same way as today. Even if the term black was used would be odd. Do you believe in DNA science or not? I'm just curious because a lot of people don't believe DNA is accurate.
@DafyddBrooks 5 ай бұрын
love your n64 collection ;)
@danterevan1 6 ай бұрын
this comment is being made at 27:50 so ignore if you refer to this later in the video but i was under the opinion/impression that DNA research has been undertaken which proves the current day Egyptians are matched to those which built the tombs and other structures of the valley of kings i cant say which documentary i got this from but it is a valid point of interest i believe. also thank you for the video and the history lesson much appreciated.
@sacbeme 4 ай бұрын
That's not true. Not sure where you got this _DNA research_ from but there's no such DNA study that proves ancient egyptians _(who existed closer to the time of the construction of the pyramids than to us)_ DNA is matched with current day Egyptians.
@sapsaniy703 7 ай бұрын
A matter really close to my heart as both as a historian with a specialization on Roman Egypt, and a resident of a country where this kind of historical misrepresentation is widespread(Kazakhstan specifically, but common over all Central Asia). I empathize with people who feel that their history is erased and their contribution to human civilization didn’t matter, but we must clearly draw the line at twisting the historical record to fit a specific narrative. Thank you for your work!
@Aldebaran... 7 ай бұрын
What type of historical revisionism is present in Kazakhstan?
@sapsaniy703 7 ай бұрын
@@Aldebaran... It differs, practically every kazakh nationalist will tell you that Genghis Khan is a kazakh, in more extreme cases there will be people that are convinced that it was the Kazakhs that defeated Napoleon in 1812. The funniest probably was when an “academic” declared that Jesus was a Kazakh because he had a specific “kazakh gene”. And many, many more.
@Jimmyjames738 7 ай бұрын
Very Nice 👍!
@z.t.500 7 ай бұрын
​@@sapsaniy703 This seems to be quite typical in semi-peripheric post-nomadic countries. We have the same sort of nonsense in Hungary, only centred around Atilla and his Huns.
@Nick-Lab 7 ай бұрын
An educated person can recognize intellectual honesty and that other guy clearly has an agenda. The reason i was metatron is because game recognizes game.
@chrisrose323 4 ай бұрын
I check in on your channel like twise a year. Every time I ask myself: Why am I not subbed? Then I forget to.. Lets change that!
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