Thanks for the summary of the changes! There were definitely some changes in the patch notes that I completely overlooked when I went through them. One change I think you misunderstood was the tweak to Zekrom/Reshiram/Kyurem's ability. It wasn't a nerf at all. Previously, the damage scaled by 20 x the number of _steps_ of the synergy. Now it scales by 10 x the number of _levels_ of the synergy. For ice and fire, the difference wasn't too huge -- Ice caps out at level 8 in 4 steps, and 20 x 4 is the same as 10 x 8. But for Zekrom, the difference is huge, since there are only 3 steps to the Electric synergy, but it requires 9 levels to achieve, so at 9 Electric, Zekrom actually gets 30 damage over the previous version of the ability. In general, the change makes the scaling more incremental, so you can make immediate improvements to the damage by just slotting in an extra pokémon of the relevant synergy even if it doesn't get you to the next step of the synergy. The change also means you can now scale your damage past the previous maximums if you find a way to cheat extra synergy levels -- especially useful for Fire, which can hit up to 12 synergy levels if you slot in Charmander/Turtonator/Reshiram (13 if you can get an Axew and equip it with a fire stone). There was also a tweak to the timing of the skills, bringing their delay down to 1/4 second instead of a full second. That said, the change isn't that noticeable. It makes the units slightly more flexible, and the timing adjustment makes them a little bit more effective. The scaling change was a decent buff to Zekrom, but only barely effects the other two in a few edge cases.