MYO-REP Training Guide | Time-Saving Hypertrophy Gains

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Jake | That Fit Friend

Jake | That Fit Friend

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@chronometa 3 жыл бұрын
Air drumming is underrated imo
@RyanJCherry 3 жыл бұрын
As a father of twin toddlers and working and in a masters. Much needed! Thanks! So beneficial for the Iso stuff
@thatfitfriend 3 жыл бұрын
Love it, man! Get after it!!
@RyanJCherry 3 жыл бұрын
Any advice for programming them into upper and lower days. Trying to keep my sessions short and sweet (45 mins) if possible. I would assume using them on things like lateral raises, curls, triceps, flies, calves, or leg Extensions? What about hamstrings?
@thatfitfriend 3 жыл бұрын
@@RyanJCherry Great Q - I would say skip em on lateral raises as that's a muscle group that will fair best with much higher volume and for most folks, they'll want a high level of mechanical tension over multiple sets to get the most bang for their buck. The other variations you listed could be solid, and I'll provide some of my faves below! Quads: Quad extension, split squats, single-leg leg press (can work with correct loading!), hack squat (if you want death) Hamstrings: Seated OR prone hamstring curl, hamstring curl on a stability ball (this is BRUTAL) Bis/Tris: Any variation can generally work, but do be mindful of positioning and loading to get the most bang for your buck. Pecs/Shoulders: Lower skill-focused movements, so generally machines will work best for these muscle groups. Hitting a set of DB bench for example may not be the most effective for the goals that generally come attached with an exercise like that, so opting for a chest/shoulder press machine might be a better bet for the goals here. Back Variations: Often better to select variations where there's not a ton of spinal loading, so chest supported rows, seated cable rows, and other machine row variations can be really good options! Let me know if that all makes sense!
@RyanJCherry 3 жыл бұрын
@@thatfitfriend so generally higher rep ranges for the activation set? 12-20?
@RyanJCherry 3 жыл бұрын
@@thatfitfriend and thank you!
@BradleyCTurner Жыл бұрын
I love these simply for the time efficency, intensity, mind muscle connection, and pump, i detest waiting periods at the gym, id rather be doing something inbetween, supersets, dropsets, myo rep sets, all great ways to train. And tho true if you start youll be sore for days, you will adapt to them like any other schedule, ive taken a fullbody workout from 1hr 30, down to 40 minutes with these methods, and the main issue anyone ever has with consistency is lack of time. Tho the method seems to be more benefitial for hypertrophy, and different rest pause would be better for strength.
@CurlyCurly52 2 жыл бұрын
Love this video, super well explained and delivered.
@thatfitfriend 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for checking it out!
@itsagyger468 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this info on myo-reps. I had seen Alan Thrall talk about them a while back, but loved this deep dive.
@thatfitfriend 3 жыл бұрын
You’re welcome! Thanks for watching 💪
@JohnVKaravitis 5 ай бұрын
Hey! I invented this workout scheme all by myself! Wild!!!
@thatfitfriend 5 ай бұрын
Oh snap, like you’ve been doing it without knowing it was a thing? That’s dope!
@cinebeng6597 3 жыл бұрын
Find this Myo rep concept intriguing but I have some questions, hopefully someone will be able to provide me with answers. 1. Activation Set, is it a must to set it at 20? How about 30? 2. It is advisable that the Myo Rep should be within 25 to 50 percent of the activation set. Can I assume that I can plan my progressive overload using this? Meaning that I increase the rep from 25 slowly to 50 percent before I start to add weight on the activation set? 3. Can I totally do away with the normal set/rep routine and just do this for isolation exercises? Coz I thought the time saved for doing Myo Rep for isolation exercises (biceps, delts and triceps) would potentially give me more time to put in more effort on compound exercises thus making the training more efficient (or so I think).
@thatfitfriend 3 жыл бұрын
It's a fun concept to play around with and keep in your toolbox for sure! 1. I'd recommend sticking to 20 as this is the weight that then suggests your following clusters. The loading for 20 and 30 will be much different, so attacking 30 may be too light in regard to pushing hard through clusters. 2. Not necessarily and it's always going to be contextual per your strengths + limitations. You can certainly plan to progressively overload with this by focusing on increasing total reps performed during cluster sets, then increasing load, and you could also play with variables like speed, etc. There are multiple ways to progress this style of training. 3. That depends! You could, in theory, but there are always going to levels of context to consider. For example, let's say you notice your delts are lagging a ton, Myo Rep training will help, but it may not give you enough stimulus + volume to really push the needle forward in regard to overall weekly effort towards a hypertrophic adaptation. It's tough to give a direct answer on this because A LOT of variables should be considered before doing away with all traditional reps/sets for Myo Rep/Rest-Pause Training styles. My advice, try it for a mesocycle and see how your body responds. It's all part of the process of testing, measuring, then scaling. You may notice that some areas of your body respond better to this style of training than others, and in that case, then you can ebb and flow between effective usage of Myo Rep + traditional set/reps. Hope that helps!
@cinebeng6597 3 жыл бұрын
@@thatfitfriend Thanks so so so much for the prompt reply!
@soonerborn7603 3 жыл бұрын
@@cinebeng6597 Something I like to do is a Myo reps/drop set combo. Go heavier on the activation set and shoot for 10-12 reps. Then drop the weight down to do your mini sets. This will be even more time efficient and eliminate more of those “junk reps” during your activation set.
@eah040393 3 жыл бұрын
From what I gather watching dr. Mike isreatel (misspelled) and Sean Nawleywanajy (misspelled) instead of doing 5 mini sets of 5, another way of doing the exercise is: 1st weight that gets you to failure or close to failure in 10-20 reps, then rest for 3-5 deep breathes, 2nd set go for as many reps til (mechanical) failure, rest and repeat until you can’t do more then 1-3 reps. So you can end up doing less than 5 mini sets deploying this protocol. I usually end up doing 2-3 mini sets.
@thatfitfriend 3 жыл бұрын
Another great strategy, indeed!
@stargazer2042 2 жыл бұрын
Have you seen similar improvement in your first set compared to classic sets?
@mr.spicyhotdog 3 жыл бұрын
I just just stumbled upon myo-reps. Wondering how many Myo-reps sets should you do? Is it just myo-reps set? I want to include this on my high reps full body day :)
@BradleyCTurner Жыл бұрын
Usually you can go till your later sets drop in volume, example 15-5-5-5-4, stop here after the 4 rep sets. I think an activation set and then 3 sets after is a good standard, you can always add an extra one as you progress, or up to 6 reps, ect.
@N1Draken 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent explanation :) Subscribed and liked just to support you. Keep up the good work!
@thatfitfriend 3 жыл бұрын
Hell yeah! Happy to have you & thank you 💪
@aldelacruz5526 3 жыл бұрын
Great info.....keep up the great work!!!
@thatfitfriend 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! 💪
@aleksanderkostadinov6809 3 жыл бұрын
nice job on the video. very informative
@thatfitfriend 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Glad it helped 💪
@Jesus_rrs Ай бұрын
I do something similar to what you showed on video. First I do an activation set, But after that, I do sex and keep repeating my sets until failure, until I cannot do more than two reps in a set. I also do the same with compound exercises. But with things like push-ups I also do drop reps (push ups with my knees on the floor) Ia this fine? I do feel like I'm working out.
@thatfitfriend Ай бұрын
It's probably fine. Run in until you don't see gains coming from it and make sure you track that data so you know for the future!
@Sele1908 2 жыл бұрын
I am not an experienced lifter and I'm doing full body compound exercises workouts 2-3 times a week. Is it possible to incorporate myo-rep training in a full body workout or is it going to be overwhelmingly taxing to achieve? How would a complete myo-rep workout look (something like a bro split workout)?
@thatfitfriend 2 жыл бұрын
I would say experiment with doing isolated movements first with this rep scheme. You’re in a good spot as a lifter because you can benefit with so many differently types of set/rep/loading schemes. Treat this like another tool in the toolbox and play with simpler accessory exercises first. They’re easier to control/mitigate fatigue with (think hammy curls, leg extensions, etc.)
@troll2637 Жыл бұрын
I saw your article on Men health. I have to say, it's very very helpful. I have a question if you don't mind. I do 5×20 for face pulls. Can I incorporate it into myo reps as 1*20 + 16*5? I did it that way today. I could hit 16 mini sets. But is it optimal? Thank you.
@PhilippAlex Жыл бұрын
Probably you rest to long between the sets.
@ArmendKrasniqi Жыл бұрын
So, let me understand this correctly. Let's say i wanna do biceps. You do like 20 reps then after that short rest you do like 3-5 mini sets with 3-5 reps each, and 3-5 deep breath rest, and then you finish with the biceps and move one to the triceps (or whatever)?
@thatfitfriend Жыл бұрын
Yeah, and you can even tweak it from there and that's the beauty of these! You can play with a set of 25, then hit 4-6 reps etc. Use it, track progress, and pivot as needed!
@ArmendKrasniqi Жыл бұрын
@@thatfitfriend thank you 👑
@thatfitfriend Жыл бұрын
@@ArmendKrasniqi Welcome!
@zazenforever4940 3 жыл бұрын
This interests me and from the perspective of an active 65 year old, I am trying to maintain muscle mass and enjoy sports on off lifting days. Im going to try this in an 3 day a week, upper/lower split . Want to make sure I have time for recovery.
@thatfitfriend 3 жыл бұрын
That’s awesome, please let me know how it goes! If you don’t nail the flow and intensity right the first few sessions - that’s totally normal! This method should help with time efficiency and getting in quality work for particular movements, so please reach out once you’ve given it a go!
@zazenforever4940 3 жыл бұрын
@@thatfitfriend I appreciate it Jake!
@haithamhesham2514 3 жыл бұрын
When you are using this technique for a specific exercise, should you do only one cycle "set" of activation set plus 5 mini sets and be done with the exercise or you could do multiple cycles "sets"? Keep up the great videos would love to see more hypertrophy tips and tricks.
@thatfitfriend 3 жыл бұрын
Only 1 big “set”, so a warm-up set or two, the activation set, then the mini-sets up to 5. Cap it after that! And thank you!!
@ClemensDorfstetter Жыл бұрын
What do i do if i could go for 7-8 reps in the first mini set? should i intentionally stop at 5?
@thatfitfriend Жыл бұрын
I’d bump the weight up a smidge!
@kawagonzo6951 2 жыл бұрын
a fancy way to say old method of " rest pause"
@zachsmith1973 2 жыл бұрын
What does "MYO" actually stand for?
@thatfitfriend 2 жыл бұрын
Myofibrillar, I believe. In hypertrophy, folks will often refer to two training style as being biased towards myofibrillar hypertrophy (myofibril focused) or sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (sarcoplasm volume within muscle focused)!
@jeffc6059 2 жыл бұрын
As far as number of sets regardless of how you chop them up, the law of diminishing returns applies in all resistance/weight training. For the average Joe, way simpler to just do just one or two sets to failure. The gains will be similar to Myo-Reps IMHO and gains doing a third set is negligible for the average person not training for competition. This is overcomplication for Gym Rats / Muscle Bros. Check out the book "Body By Science" written by a Doctor, not by a bodybuilder, that has the scientific facts that's it's all about going to failure and doing more than one set has diminishing returns (although for some, more time in the gym is enjoyable so go for it.)
@thatfitfriend 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I agree with that and nowhere do I say Myo Reps are an end all be all. They’re just another tool that you can add to your lifting tool box, tbh. More specifically - I’ll use them during deloads for lifters where we’re keeping volume a bit lower and when we’re trying to get in/out of the gym, they can be useful when traveling or when you’re on a time crunch, and they can be useful to implement for a block here and there to create variety when motivation may be low/need something new. I put them in the same bucket as things like cluster sets, pre/post-exhaust sets, giant sets, supersets, etc. They’re all just tools to tackle goals and create variety. Do you necessarily need them to progress? No, but why not increase the breadth of your toolbox so when you get more specific or in contexts where Myo Reps would be relevant (as in examples above) you can better attack your goals. Plus, let’s call it what it is - but these rep schemes can also just be fun to play with and implement to create better adherence for lifters. Will they necessarily be the most “optimal” in every session maybe not for some - but, adherence/enjoyment of training trump optimal in the long-term for most recreational lifters.
@darthghitza8037 Жыл бұрын
I have consistently gotten better results from 3 sets to failure then from 1 set to failure. I gave both a good shot and logged all my workouts during both phases. Progression (and muscle gain) have been considerably faster with more sets. Granted this is a study of N=1. However, the vast majority of studies also support this. Oh and also, I am not a competitive bodybuilder, nor am I super advanced. I’m somewhat intermediate (can bench 225 for a few reps, my arms are close to 16” but not there yet, basically nothing special just a guy that’s been lifting seriously for a few years). So, no, it’s not only the guys that go on stage and that are super advanced that see benefits from more than 1 set.
@jeffc6059 Жыл бұрын
@@darthghitza8037 And I would bet you will get consistently get even a little better results with 4 sets to failure. My point wasn't you won't get better results with more sets, but that the "better" gets increasingly smaller with each set. It's an individual decision to go for optimal efficiency or maximum gains or in between. My opinion is the most efficient benefit is in 1-2 sets to failure - meaning biggest gain in least amount of time. I don't fault anyone in a gym for taking a simple approach that "more is better." Some people enjoy doing strength training to failure. I don't find it enjoyable and would rather be doing other activities. So I'm 2 sets and done, super slow with a time under tension to failure goal, not trying to crank out a certain number of reps.
@darthghitza8037 Жыл бұрын
@@jeffc6059 fair enough, I agree 👍
@zenraloc Жыл бұрын
​​​@@jeffc6059you can't say "IMHO" and "in my opinion" while still using absolutism and speaking as if you're presenting facts, when you're even acknowledging them as opinion. And if youre gonna be an asshat about it by sprinkling in some condescending statements like "this is overcomplication for gym bros" as if gym bros are often ill informed. You even recommend a book by a real doctor and not a "bodybuilder" as if a there aren't bodybuilders with doctorates or loads of research data regarding the effective use of myo reps. You say this methodology isn't effective for average Joe's, in my experience it isn't at all, and is closer in nature to other proven methods of training like overreaching. It's great and all that You like or prefer less time exercising. Whose to say myo reps aren't actually better for You individually than your preferred sets. I mean certainly You are No doctor. But again there's just as much data supporting myo reps as being just as effective. There's always the factor of diminishing returns in every method, so that's a moot point. In my experience Myo reps has tremendously helped even my own clients who you could say are "Average joes". You to consider the facts. Different training methods, work best under different conditions, and you'll never know ALL of those conditions. Especially since we are constantly coming out with further research which only brings us a little closer to generalizing average statistics relating to All types of people. Consider the fact that everyone responds differently to different types of training. You should've focused solely on what you prefer and like. I don't really see any engagement from you comment deeming it even sensible to having fired off at the concept of myoreps with such disdain and elitist opposition/bias. Also for the record I agree with you, in the sense that the video only suggests one cycle of myoreps. I think training conventionally or 4 times tll failure like you suggest works completely fine. From the data I've found myoreps being utilized more within a session yields better results than just One and done
@MR-yp7mu 2 жыл бұрын
New name for old method. 20 rep squat aka widow maker is really a myo rep scheme…
@aldelacruz5526 3 жыл бұрын
Are you a keyboard player?
@thatfitfriend 3 жыл бұрын
Nope, why? Am I missing a joke?
@aldelacruz5526 3 жыл бұрын
@@thatfitfriend but you have the hands!
@thatfitfriend 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciate that! I’m pretty musically challenged sadly…in another life 😬
@zenraloc Жыл бұрын
If you use myo reps the way most professionals suggest youre actually elongating the session
@thatfitfriend Жыл бұрын
For sure, but Multiple ways to approach it and use it not just their way! Plus, most of us aren’t “professionals” and have no desire spending hours just hammering hypertrophy work - ish is so boring, lol.
@zenraloc Жыл бұрын
​​@@thatfitfriendI mean to say that most professionals who mention myoreps, recommend more than just the one myo rep set if you're looking to fully benefit from it. And typically the people who benefit most from myoreps are people you usually find spending alot of time in the gym, focusing more so on hypertrophy (which is what this is used for) than strength training. Not really the most optimal for time management unless it's being used in a casual lifting sense, where in that case, by all means perform one set. The problem is that those of higher genetic capacity for muscle growth and even those who have a tough time gaining muscle through conventional methods don't benefit from breezing through. Theres also a lot of benefits that come from spending more tike in the gym. If anyone finds hammering out hypertrophy boring, then they'll most likely have an awful time working towards that goal, since it can really limit their intensity, mtmc, technique, etc. In summary myo reps based on research data, are best with more frequency. I'm not saying that you should normally approach this method doing a higher than normal set range. Just that one set, is just too low.
@thatfitfriend Жыл бұрын
@@zenraloc 👍👍
@oldnatty61 3 жыл бұрын
what is it with these guys takng something that has already been invented re-naming it and taking credit for the idea? This is rest-pause it's been around since at least the 50's?
@stargazer2042 2 жыл бұрын
It is a specific kind of rest pause. This one goes to failure each time. Others just take lazy breaks so heavier weight can be controlled.
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