Mythos Malmedy Teil 1

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@skorzenygruppen 11 жыл бұрын
The Western powers owe a huge debt of gratitude,too German soldiers for stopping communist expansions.The Katyn forest was a showpiece of communist expansion
@michelringlet5472 9 жыл бұрын
+ Gunther Von Goldfarb skorzenygruppen On a eu le capitalisme , c'est pas mieux !!
@franol7 8 жыл бұрын
Katyn was done due to Polish officers en masse refused to fight against Germans, in ranks of Red Army.That ones who agreed survived vide Berling . Gen. Anders "Memoirs" clearly said that.He mentioned that numerous times there.
@godsadouchebag 5 жыл бұрын
said no one ever, since it provided the soviets with the perfect excuse to invade other countries
@cupcakeewii6583 Жыл бұрын
​@@franol7 fake news
@larspolten 7 ай бұрын
Hui, ein Mix aus Bericht und Verklärung. Bin gespannt. Die einführenden Worte sind ja schon mal teilweise Humbug.
@karlstahl6648 4 ай бұрын
waren sie dabei
@peter9314 3 ай бұрын
Was ist denn daran Humbug?
@MaraDaCoriovallum Жыл бұрын
Daar was niemand zonder schuld.....ik vindt het ongepast om te proberen de SS in een beter licht te zetten.....
@joergludwig8880 Жыл бұрын
Friendly Fire ….🤷
@Killroy76 2 жыл бұрын
Not far away the town of Wereth saw a massacre on 11 Afro-Americans by the SS. This was brutal and also involved mutilation
@cupcakeewii6583 Жыл бұрын
Fake news
@JuergenGDB 9 жыл бұрын
Crap... I wish I understood what he was saying. I do understand that the Americans tried to escape and attacked the guards, creating some chaos as they began to flee. They were fired upon by the Soldiers in the area, as per the Geneva Convention it is ok to shoot escaping prisoners. I believe the ones shot in the head were mercy kills as there was no field hospital in the area. I am a 3rd Gen American, and my relatives live in southern Bavaria. Although Terrible, the Allies would have done the same thing.
@franol7 8 жыл бұрын
The Allied would do the same if Germans POWs not follow orders and not subject.Who ,after surrender want to not obey orders of guys with guns .? Insane explanation ! and stupid.Maybe one of them commenced the shooting? The shooting of Americans commenced when Peiper got appeared on the scene .Until now it is not clear ,was it ordered or some German SSman commenced killing without orders and the spree continued. The 4 survivals which were enough luck to escape testified clearly that it was Peiper regiment responsible fot the killing . I do not believe in the crap that Americans wanted to flee.Where? being surrendered by Germans ! Childish avoidance of responsibility. All this speaking German guys knew that they took part in ignominious act and deny it as it would lower their superiority feeling of good self esteem and cancel their " glorious " past . True man take responsibility for his chest ! ,cowards always veer as eel and try to discharge responsibility for others.That distinguish true man from mongrel !
@JuergenGDB 8 жыл бұрын
franol7 Actually Pieper was no where near the scene for starters. There are many testimonies of the incident even from the US side, the 4 surviving members I am sure had their stories straightened many times. Pieper was not even convicted of the Malmedy crimes, there are also much more evidence to the fact that there was a attempted escape, why you ask, well because the US soldiers were still pretty much near their lines. The only other feasible explanation was the fact that POW's were being sent down the road towards the German line.. this may have caused an accidental shooting in which case the above probably transpired where then the POW's tried to escape. You need to really delve deeper in the facts before you just spew off some rant. By the way the Allies committed many of their own executions, and Partisans, especially the French Maquis.
@franol7 8 жыл бұрын
You twist the facts. If the front line was close why they surrendered ? As per my information the shooting commenced the moment Pieper arrived on scene. Question : was he in person that one who gave order ? or it was insubordination act of his soldiers ? taken by killing frenzy . The question is unanswered because during the trial gave contrary statements Why they were shot all? ! not only that ones who tried to escape.? Why they were shot in head by pistol bullets, just in the nape ?Many without other wounds ? Act of mercy ? rather murder to eliminate eyewitness. Peiper had a terrible records in Russia of many atrocities due to his racist bias However American POWs were shot by Germans, it is for sure fact.
@JuergenGDB 8 жыл бұрын
franol7 You have some really bad sources then. I recommend further investigation. Hell even at his trial they could not even convict. Again, I think you need some better sources.
@deutsche_lyrik 3 жыл бұрын
@@franol7 what? Genau darum geht's doch im Video, genau diesen Mythos und alliierte Propaganda zu widerlegen, in Bezug auf Peiper....allein vom Timetable passt es hinten und vorne nicht. Selbst amerikanische Soldaten, die direkt vor Ort waren, betonen die faire Behandlung während der Gefangenschaft. Selbst wenn es derart stattgefunden hätte, war die Folgebehandlung der deutschen Soldaten in ihrer Gefangenschaft sicher auch keine Glanzleistung. Aber die Glorifizierung der amerikanischen "Heldenarmee" kennt man inzwischen aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart zur Genüge. Tatsächlich vorsätzliche Mörder, die Kinder erschossen (entgegen aller Konventionen) wie E.Hemmingway werden zu Helden erhoben in the land of the free
@gullybull5568 9 жыл бұрын
Real or not ?
@susannesperre9573 3 жыл бұрын
@deutsche_lyrik 3 жыл бұрын
... verdammt echt ☝🏻👌🏻
@Sumerianhaze666 2 ай бұрын
Dummes Gelabere
@mickmctrick5 10 жыл бұрын
Böse Amerikaner - Gute SS..das soll dann wohl die Kernaussage sein? Die Zeitzeugen -Interviews sind wirklich sehr interessant..aber einen wissenschaftlichen Anspruch kann dieses "Doku" wohl nicht erheben.
@chilliams 10 жыл бұрын
Typischer Nazifilm von Nazis für Nazis gemacht.Gut dass der Olle verreckt ist :D Ich werde auf sein Grab scheissen gehen :) . Einmal gegoogelt und ich weiss wo es ist.jihuu :D . Ich freue mich schon auf die Nazikommentare die jetzt meinem Post folgen.Es ist immer wieder wunderschön so viel Dummheit in wenigen Sätzen zu lesen.Auf gehts Nazigesindel,legt los,Ich hole schonmal Popcorn...amerikanisches natürlich.
@MsLoewe1860 10 жыл бұрын
chilliams Idiot
@chilliams 10 жыл бұрын
MsLoewe1860 Angenehm,Chilliams.
@soerenp.e.ziemens5939 10 жыл бұрын
chilliams Herr Gott ist das nicht unter der Würde? Fahr doch auch in jedes andere Land und verurteile sämtliche Verbrechen an den Völkern (Beispiel Kolonialzeit die bis in die 60 er ging oder die USA, Israel, Alle Nahost Staaten, usw. die Liste ist sehr lang). Irgendwann ist auch mal Schluss. Die Deutsche Schuld ist von den Siegermächten heraufbeschwört worden. Wie oft haben US Soldaten und Briten keine Gefangenen gemacht um schneller voran zu kommen?! Ist ja auch egal. Diese Katastrophe des 20. Jahrhunderts ist 70 Jahre her. Hauptsache es gerät nicht in Vergessenheit und wiederholt sich nie wieder. Also verurteile lieber unsere Bundesregierung, welche die Naziregierung in der Ukraine unterstützt als in der Vergangenheit zu schaufeln.
@chilliams 10 жыл бұрын
Soeren P. E. Ziemens Bistn Dummschwätzer.
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