nice, 've waiting for the detail guide about wiring the controller with the internal keytones, hope your website would be online soon
@Minecraftzocker1359 ай бұрын
This is so intriguing. The electrical work is not bad and the 3d printed parts are also good. But the decision to use some kind of rip off gamepad that you just put some tape over the analog sticks... Workmenship 7/10 Design -5/10
@diyotaku9 ай бұрын
I see your point of view, the idea was to give the first generation of n-gage games a chance to be played comfortably, more than on the original console, but thank you for the suggestion, I will try to make use of analog joysticks in the future mods I will do
@Minecraftzocker1359 ай бұрын
@@diyotaku I was thinking more in line of using a SNES controller instead. Maybe even cutting it down the middle and adding the n gage in the middle, which would make it more like a real product
@diyotaku9 ай бұрын
@@Minecraftzocker135 Stay tuned this Sunday :)
@makkarroz71669 ай бұрын
siii siempre quise hacer esto con un nokia pero la mayoria los tengo en buen estado y no me gustaria sacrificarlo para ponerle un joystick