This is a great episode exploring why people should not just justify/explain their behaviours and feelings merely using MBTI/ past experience. People keep growing. You are more than just an MBTI label. Love watching Leslie's interviews. I'm excited for the next episode.
33:01 开始就是这整个采访的summary了!谢谢老师指导,在这社会工作,还要去管理家人朋友的期盼真的很多时候都很想要关闭自己的思绪,直接了断生命,但用第三人者的观点来看自己会帮助许多。当局者迷,很多时候都要把自己抽出来成为“旁观者清”。 - A fellow ESFJ viewer here, struggling much with emotional baggage and learning how not to be affect by emotions around us. Tough journey, but definitely worth the mould here, and that's life journey. Thanks for sharing Sherry!
4:55 答案是沒有,因為至少16可以講的特質傳到台灣只剩兩個: I跟E,比血型還慘 再來分辨I跟E 其實說實話 barely needs any observation skill... 好像還要掛個名詞MBTI才能讓解釋合理化 思考自己和別人的獨特性和群眾相似度真的很難嗎 16 is WAY too simplified...