這兩天才看到這個影片、講到關於減肥,很想跟sherry分享一下神奇的事, 大概從10月初開始我就一直積極努力地想要減重,於是做了很多的努力,像是補充優質營養的蛋白質適度的運動,戒掉糖油炸等食物,當我每次早上喝無糖豆漿跟水煮蛋時都告訴自己,這樣低熱量的食物會讓我更瘦,結果兩個月過去了,我非但沒有變瘦,還變胖將近3公斤,然而就在12月初的時候我決定放棄這一切的努力,停止吃健康餐、高強度運動,就一如往常自然的生活,然後每次吃東西時都告訴自己吃這些量就夠了,然後神奇的事情發生了,經過一個多禮拜我的體重居然下降了1.5公斤,原本常常突出的肚子也平坦了,我並沒有刻意節食或減量,一樣肚子餓了就吃,最大的差別在於自己的心態還有心情,之前因為積極的想要減重給自己非常大的壓力,一天量兩到三次體重,只要多個零點幾心情就非常焦慮,停止量體重及放鬆心情之後整個人也睡得更輕鬆更好了,後來才看到這支影片覺得真的是太神奇了,因此想要跟大家分享這樣的過程跟心情。 我是INFP,在看到sherry的頻道時我的人生都很壓抑並且不開心,總覺得自己就是跟世界上的人都不一樣,也沒有人懂我,然後也常常被當作異類般的看待,之前看完I N F P的講解影片之後我整個人都豁然開朗,找到了自己、也找到了人生的方向,真的很感謝Sherry題供這樣的資訊分享給我們❤
🙋🏻♀️ My severely NPD Chinese mother does this thing where during the process of me gray/yellow rocking and transitioning into no contact (without any explanation from me, of course, she’s fully aware of what she said and did) where she’ll harass everyone around me, including my husband and MIL, blowing their phones up with texts and calls pretending like she’s genuinely confused about why she’s being blocked when in reality she just refuses to be ignored due to the need for control and her ego. What is this behavior/action of hers called? I cannot find anything about it anywhere, it’s so frustrating. What should the people around me do? Should they also block her? Please help ☹️