楽しみにしていたスノーシューハイクをしに、美ヶ原へ日帰りで行ってきました!今回行きに歩いていたルートは夏は牧草地だそうで冬にしか入ることができないみたいです。太陽の傾きによって刻々と様子を変える雪原が美しく、最後のうなぎもおいしく、最高の1日でした。次は王ヶ頭ホテルに1泊してゆっくり夕日と日の出を見てみたい……! I went on a day trip to Utsukushi-ga-Hara for a snowshoe hike that I had been looking forward to! The route we were walking is said to be a pasture in summer and can only be accessed in winter. It was a beautiful snowshoe hike, with the snowfield changing its appearance every moment depending on the sun's inclination, and the unagi (eel) at the end was delicious, so it was a great day. Next time, I'd like to stay at the Ougatou Hotel and watch the sunset and sunrise!
Thank you for wonderful video! It is really interesting and useful! Plus motivate to travel! Cannot wait when all of us start travel easily again! Thank you for helping to promote tourism! xx