Who REALLY Killed Hussain RA?

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@mahmoodtajar9937 7 жыл бұрын
''husain is from me and i am from husain!....said the Messenger of Allah a,s,!
@pakiboyjay5524 9 жыл бұрын
bottom line is common sense..you dont even dare fight the family of the prophet pbuh.. I dont care wether sunni or shia.. who ever killed em n was even involved in anyway is responsible. .going to war with the prophets family is like going to war with the prophet phuh himself
@ArslaanIrshad47 8 жыл бұрын
I am Sunni, I cry for Hussain r.a!! Yazeed was worst of creature!!
@mahfuzahmed4550 8 жыл бұрын
Imam Hasan & Hussain RA = the leaders of the youth in Jannah
@linkzero4653 8 жыл бұрын
Abu Bakr & Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) = The leaders of the elders in Jannah (excluding prophets)
@Saracen-oq6ew 8 жыл бұрын
Your Abu bakr & Umar (May Allah curse them) = The companions of Shaitan in Jahnam.
@melru301 8 жыл бұрын
Leaders in Jannah ? What about the prophet(s) ya kafir!, you lot think the prophet of God would leave out anything as big and important if the s7aba even his wife would betray him, Allah would've let him know that just like he let him know about husseins(AS) fate... what do u follow ? What book ?? Cause it is not the Quran, you have absolutely no guidance except for what ur lying imams of hell fire tell you, you are a lost people, run back to Allah! And Allah alone, your deviants like the khawarij no longer in the fold of Islam.
@iicrywheniipoo 8 жыл бұрын
Why do you hate Abu Bakr and Umar so much? If Aisha is referred to as the 'Mother of believers' in the Qur'an, how can you curse her? Allah is calling her the MOTHER of BELIEVERS and you people are calling her a whore and bitch, etc.
@mahfuzahmed4550 8 жыл бұрын
Umar Ali Brother, I love the Sahaba AND Ahlul Bayt (But the Prophet SAW more than them of course). Abu Bakr RA, Umar RA, Uthman RA and Ali RA were the rightly guided caliphs of the Rashidun Khilafah. I'm a Sunni. I do not curse Aisha RA either. The shia hate her because of a false rumour they heard. And Auzubillah, get rid of those disgusting words which the deviant ones use to describe her. Aisha RA is one of the best Muslimahs to have ever lived. To everyone: Don't judge someone's aqeedah when you don't even know it!
@axd2312 8 жыл бұрын
Brother why have you Titled it "Killed" Hussain Was martyred not Killed
@sandarabian 8 жыл бұрын
Imagine one who slanders and hates the companions and wives of our beloved sAllahu alayhi wa sallam and at the same time expect for him to intercede for them on the day of judgement. SubhanAllah al-adheem
@Ahmed-nz1rw 8 жыл бұрын
"Oh mankind, you came from a drop of semen, and you’ll leave as a piece of dust. You don’t know when you came, and you don’t know when you’re going. So why do you walk around like you know everything" Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s)
@wzulmai 7 жыл бұрын
Well said. I only wish that more of our imams & masjids actually mention, talk about or at least have a khutba once on Imam Husayn (ra) & the ahlul bayt. In Sahih Muslim, the prophet (saws) tells us we should hold onto 2 things after him. The Qur'an & his ahlul bayt. May the blessings & peace be upon ALL the ahlul bayt.
@MrTechnologyCentral 9 жыл бұрын
Isnt it crazy how the people who claim that they love hussein and ahul bait are the one that betrayed them. Learned a lot from this video thanks akhi
@joemark5030 9 жыл бұрын
+MrTechnologyCentral er the shia and the people of kufa are two different groups. The Kuffans invited hussain, then betrayed him but the modern day shia are followers of the shia of medina, ie the people who supported ali after the death of the prophet. The people of kuffa are not shias,
@shiaman3538 9 жыл бұрын
+MrTechnologyCentral Most of what is presented in this video is fairly accurate. However there are some things ommitted and need to be discussed. The Good: - Fairly accurate portrayal of the events that transpired related to Karbala and martrydom of Imam Hussain (as). - Shimr ibn DulJawshan guilty - Ubaidullah Ibn Ziyad guilty - Sinan ibn Anas guilty - Umar ibn Sa'ad guilty - Kufans treachory - Kufans guilty The Bad: - Giving Muawiya a pass on creating fitna in the ummah by going to war against Imam Ali as. There are numerous hadith from the Prophet about only hypocrites hating Imam Ali and you only go to war against someone you hate. It was narrated that 'Ali said: "The Prophet [SAW] made a covenant with me that none would love me but a believer, and none would hate me but a hypocrite." Sunan an-Nasa'i » The Book Of Faith and its Signs Chapter: The Sign of a Hypocrite Book 47, Hadith 38 Narrated Al-Musawir Al-Himyari: from his mother who said: "I entered upon Umm Salamah, and I heard her saying: "The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to say: "No hypocrite loves 'Ali, and no believer hates him." Jami` at-Tirmidhi » Chapters on Virtues Vol. 1, Book 46, Hadith 3717 - Not mentioning that in the Peace agreement between Muawiya and Imam Hassan, the Caliphate would return to Imam Hassan as after Muawiya. - not mentioning that Yazid's edict to the Governor of Medina was to either get Imam Hussain's bayah or his head - failure to mention the brutality with which Imam Hussain was killed. He attacked the army of Umar ibn Sa'ad several times but they could not pin him down. He was shot with arrows; they threw spears and stones. He had so many arrows struck that when he fell from the horse his body didnt touch the ground but rested on arrows. Sinan and Shimr severed his head while he was alive. Post-death, his body was trampled with horses. The Ugly: - Failure to mention the vices and debauchery of Yazid. - Not holding Yazid responsible for Imam Hussain's martrydom. There may be a case for absolving Yazid had he punished Ibn Ziyad and his men but instead Yazid rewarded them. - If Yazid was not guilty, why were the Holy Progeny (Ahlul-Bayt) held captives, paraded from Karbala -> Kufa -> Sham. They were imprisoned in Sham. This included the Prophet granddaughter Zainab bint Ali (sister of Imam Hussain) and others. Why were they kept outside the palace gates for over 24 hours while the palace was decorated. - Did Yazid not say, "there was no wahi, Bani Hashim merely played a trick for Caliphate". - Did Yazid not boast about his victory and did Hussain's son not reply that "As long as people say Mohammad rasoolallah" in azaan the victory was Hussain's and Islam's. - Would the Prophet (saw) forgive Yazid for these transgressions? - How can you say, "We neither curse Yazid nor do we praise him"? What will it take to curse Yazid? - Let's say your love for the Ahlul-Bayt is not as profoud as you claim and you have forgiven Yazid for killing HuUssain and imprisoning the Prophet's family. Do you forgive Yazid for killing thousands of sahaba, tabaeen and taba-tabaeen in Medina? Do you forgive Yazid for his army raping over 10,000 daughters of Medina. Do you forgive Yazid for treating Masjid Nabawi as a stable for his horses? Medina's properties and women were made mubah to Yazid's army for 3 days, you forgive that? Please google Harra or Harrah - So now lets you don't love the Prophet and Sahaba as much either and forgive Yazid. Do you also forgive him for besieging Mecca and firebombing the Kaaba? - Basically you have forgiven Yazid for attacking Allah, the Prophet and his Ahlul-Bayt. You did a good job in presenting the history but saying you dont curse Yazid is an absolute disgrace. Why not hold Yazid culpable? What are you afraid of? I know exactly why you want to 'forgive' Yazid but would love to hear your reasons for it?
@hahahahaha1385 8 жыл бұрын
+rafidhi X ignore the wobbler
@M-O-H-A-Y 8 жыл бұрын
So after all of the analysis you still came out with the conclusion that the Shias killed Hussain a.s. rather than Yazeed or Ibn Ziyad? Let's just stick to the idea that the Shias did kill Hussain but what about the Battle of Harrah???? I would love to see who you blame, for the other atrocities committed by Yazid in Medina (when his army killed the families of the companions, including mass rape) and when he burnt down the Kabba (the holiest site for Muslims). Do you care to analyse that? What about battle of Jamal when the wife of the prophet went to battle with the rightfully elected Caliph of her time??? Care to analyse that??? By your logic would that not make her directly responsible for the killing of over 20,000 Muslims? Wallahi you think you are doing your religion a favour when you purposely and knowingly defend the bastard that was Yazeed and his henchmen by shifting the blame on to those who could not help due to Ibn Ziyads presence in Kufa but Allah is more just.
@jeffstar58 8 жыл бұрын
Imam hussain a.s was a lion and an unstoppable force of God they were scared to attack the imam a.s and by the way imam hussain never dropped his sword he only let go when Allah SWT game imam hussain a.s the sign to drop the weapon and return to the al mighty SWT
@ALI-om2re 8 жыл бұрын
"We the the Ahlul Sunnah are the real party of Imam Husain because we didnt turn our back on Imam Husain" . 80 percent of Imam Husains army was from kufa. Where were the great companions that he mentioned that " didn't want to get involved".The position of Ahlul Sunnah is we didn't want to get involved? Was Sad ibn waqas also part of the army of UbaidAllah ibn Ziyad? Didnt Abdullah ibn Umar give bayt and warned everyone to give bayt to yazid or die the death of ignorance. No doubt the people of Kufa turned their backs and will be answerable on the day of judgment. There is also no doubt ibn Ziyad killed those who tried to make it to Imam Hussain or imprisoned them. To suggest that Imam Hussain did this for worldly rule is false for Imam Hussain said im doing this to enjoin good and forbid evil, to revive the Sunnah of my Grandfather and my Father. If your a companion who knew Imam Hussain would be martyred or a layman from Kufa who knew Imam Husain would be martyred and didn't go and join the Imam, they have to take their fair share of the blame and will be answerable on the day of judgement because Husain is from the Prophet and the Prophet is from Husain, and many traditions that show there is no doubt that Husain is was in the right. The question which position do we take in 2016. Also to say mourning for Imam Husain started from those who turned there back is propaganda. Any one who has heart mourned for Imam Husain. We the shia don't mourn because a fringe group mourned Imam Hussain in Kufa. We mourn because the Household of Imam Husain mourned and we mourn with them till today. Allah's blessing on Mohammed and the Family of Mohammed!
@ноах-я2я 7 жыл бұрын
Love Abu Bakr(ra) Love Umar(ra) Love Uthman(ra) Love Ali(ra) Love Muawiyah(ra) Cause the Prophet(saw) loved them.
@blackturban2566 8 жыл бұрын
Why did you not mention ali asghar the son of hussain (RA).
@Prinxali 8 жыл бұрын
Does this speaker ever back up anything he says or claims? Why is he so anti-shia? He speaks against Shias in an extremely disrespectful manner, it's so disappointing!
@ShawdiR 8 жыл бұрын
This is so wrong. If you really wanted to seek what's true you would look at multiple sources and use your aql. This is sad.
@sharps8726 8 жыл бұрын
The Story of Karbala even makes you cry when you tell it in your wayward style
@McProductionzTV 8 жыл бұрын
If your praying for Allah to forgive both armies then who's side are you really on?
@zahrah4145 8 жыл бұрын
You know what breaks my heart? That all you people know what REALLY happened in Karbala but you still continue to follow the teachings and ways of the person that created all that fitna.
@gamersalman1234 8 жыл бұрын
Zahra Hussaini can you tell me where in the Quran it says to hit yourself for Hussain (RA)
@sulaymaanqureshi1156 8 жыл бұрын
Zahra Hussaini why don't you become qadiani at least they do not lie
@zahrah4145 8 жыл бұрын
Money Maker Is that the only thing you can use against us? Us hitting ourselves? We beat our chest lightly to express our love and pain for Imam Hussain's (AS) tragic death. There is a hadith by Imam Sajjad which explains why Imam Hussain (AS) didn't forbid his sister Zainab (AS) from crying and beating her chest when she found out that he was going to be martyred the night before Ashura. He simply told her to have patience. Now, will you honestly tell me that the prophets family would go against the teachings of the Prophet (SAWS) and openly commit a 'sin'? I don't think so.
@zahrah4145 8 жыл бұрын
Sulaymaan Qureshi What?
@haneenz1032 8 жыл бұрын
+Money Maker can you tell me where in the quran it says to offer two rakat for fajr prayers? can you show me where it mentions taraweeh prayers?
@jeffstar58 8 жыл бұрын
The army of yazid fired arrows at imam hussain a.s they did not pray with imam hussain a.s
@VAPOURIZE100 8 жыл бұрын
Plz rename this video 'who martyred Hussain r.a?' That is the only rightful way to put it. Any other way to put the incident of Karbala is demeaning
@mumbailife2023 7 жыл бұрын
I think till judgement day it will b a mystery for all of us what exactly happen and who is solely responsible for Karbala. 1 thing what I know is we should just love Allah and panjetan paak and stop arguing and wasting time.
@IGamesNetherlands 7 жыл бұрын
I can see in your eyes that you love Muawiya more than Ali (RA)
@mk-mk1hj 7 жыл бұрын
off course he does remember you cant love both imam ALI a.s and his enemys. as QURAN says you have one heart not two.
@SS-xs5vd 7 жыл бұрын
Officially Iroh Equally how can claim you love the Ahlul Bayt more than him when you adopt display pictures depicting them with feminine features?
@chptr3 8 жыл бұрын
Next video on battle of al-Harrah please bro. Looking forward to your explanation of Yazid's command to sack, rape and slaughter the people Medinah a few years after Karbala. Or is it his generals fault again?
@ajazahmad7498 8 жыл бұрын
Masha Allah every single thing happens only and only by the supreme will of Allah !!!!!!!
@firstatomoneatom2481 8 жыл бұрын
Iv never really understood the elders like my dad and uncles talking about this situation when I was at a younger age, but thanks to brother Imran I completely get now. May Allah grant you jannah al firdous
@khairul7861 8 жыл бұрын
I changed from shia to sunni thanks to dawah man
@fasogeeek 8 жыл бұрын
really? MashaAllah 👍
@AliAbbas-zk3cu 8 жыл бұрын
Show me one Hadith that says to follow Qur'an and Sunnah.
@Crille3242 8 жыл бұрын
wtf nigga u high? +ali abbas
@sabafatima5899 8 жыл бұрын
subhan Allah!!... Allahumma barik laha.. Welcome to islam :)...
@sabafatima5899 8 жыл бұрын
+Shy Eyes the ones who course the mother of believers and the sahaba r.a are muslims? stop this hypocrisy.. shias are not muslims..
@AliHussain-fz7pd 9 жыл бұрын
What Hassan (as) did was expose Muawiya by doing what his grandfather (saw) did in Hudaybiya. Muawiya was governor of Sham, he like his predecessors knew how to make use of the treasury to benefit himself, he had 76,000 troops and the power to buy their loyalty. If he had gone to war, the people would be oblivious to the truth, they'd have seen it as simply a dispute where either could be right. So, instead, he signed a treaty that would serve to expose the character of this imbecile Muawiya. Clause number 1) You will stop cursing Ali (as) at the start of the Khutba after all, was he not 4th Khalifa? did that happen, no. 2) You will not change the sunnah of my grandfather, did that happen? no. These idiots prayed Jumma on a wednesday. 3) stop killing the shia of Ali in Kufa, did this happen? no. 4) You will return the unjust spoils of war from the battles of Sifeen and Jamel, did this happen? no. 5) When Muawiya dies, he will give the Khalifah to Hassan(as) or Hussain(as), did he honour this? no. He did not honour a single clause. History shows us that Muawiyah was not a man of principle. Then we come to the issue of Yazid, who was he? It is known that he was the son of a Christian Syrian, his mother, and it is known that he much preferred the company of his mothers family, mixed gatherings, hijabless women, and alcohol to the family of his father. Unlike his father who was publicly very religious, this bastard was privately and publicly secular, that is why nobody was prepared to give him bayaa, that is why even his fathers own people advised against it, it made a mockery of the whole thing. Anyway, Yazid on the back of his father's treachery comes into power, he has 4 governors, Nauman who was made mention of in this deluded video was as patient as described, he was seen as a weak link, because he would not have the audacity to kill the grandson of the prophet, so Yazid relayed his problem to a chief advisor, known as none other than Sir John, yes, a christian adviser to the Muslim Khalifa, when today, people who run Hijaz don't have a single church, he asks Yazid whether he knows what his father would have done, he advises Yazid, in spite of his rivalry with Ibn Ziyad to appoint him as governor and sent him to Kufa. He began massacring supporters, he killed Hani, he killed Muslim bin Akil, he imprisoned Mukhtar. All this was borne out of a vendetta.This was all on the instructions of Yazid. No bayah meant no validity, and its clear that in the face of such circumstance, he felt compelled to order the murder. Yazid, his desire for the Khalifah, the sunni belief that you should just instill democracy into the ummah and neglect the fact that there were divinely appointed beings from the family of the prophet caused this, lust for power and money and status caused this. Not too long later, Yazid fought Abdullah ibn Zubayr who had the loyalty of Medina in the battle of Harrah, culminating in the order by Yazid to attack Makkah, and the cloth of the Kabbah was ordered to be burnt. Yazid died instantly, as a result of a bite from his pet dog that had accompanied him on this particular excursion.
@dilzzy360 8 жыл бұрын
i can't stop laughing from how much crap that is coming out of this guy's mouth. i suggest you read the the speech of Zainab bint Ali in the court of yazid.
@muslimahalislam2949 8 жыл бұрын
dilzzy360 can you explain too on KZbin like brother imran do if you think you smarter then him?
@dilzzy360 8 жыл бұрын
i doubt im smarter then him brother, never claimed to be smarter then him. but there are fields of study that can be more understood by others then this guy. he speaks history through their hypocritical/ sweep under the carpet history. not the clear history. watch sayed ammar nakshawani's lectures, he's an actual historian, thats his field of study and you come to the real history of yazid and "how he never intended to kill hussain (as)" and read my statement before you preach. read the speech that Zainab bint Ali, im fairly sure you respect her as well, but i suggest you read her speech in the court of yazid and obviously this guy talking hasn't read a word of the speech. "Speech of Zainab in the court of yazid" thats what you want to read
@SuperTruthonly 8 жыл бұрын
She is certainly more clever but she does not admit. WHILE this git Imran pretends to be too clever. Ask him to answer the points I have raised if he can.
@nazshah3932 8 жыл бұрын
this guy has a tendency of talking bullshit he's a fukin idiot
@muhammadshahab5205 8 жыл бұрын
+Naz Shah Truth hurted you
@user-ez5kq7yt9y 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, because I never knew about Karbala. May Allah SWT reward you :)
@mohamedhabib4521 8 жыл бұрын
Could I please have the sources you've consulted and got these narrations from please. Would highly appreciate it. Jazakallah
@rayhanshah2624 8 жыл бұрын
I was a sunni muslim and became a shia of Mohamed and Ali Fatima Hassan and Hussayn and the Imams because of people like u so thank you for showing your colours u cant love the devil and ALLAAH don't say we are like this with yazeed in the middle mate Im with Mohammad and badr uhud khanday khayber and im with Ali Hassan and hussayn against you know who and against Muawiyah at Siffien and with Ali at Nahrawan against khawarij isis and with Hussayn at Karbala in 61ah and I was not there so my hands are not responsible for the killing of Imam Hussayn and I will always cry for the tragedy and say LABBAYK YA HUSSAYN may Allaah guide the misguided and forgive us our sins.
@rayhanshah2624 8 жыл бұрын
+Awakened SOUL okay I am using taqiyyaah does that make u happy U in your heart know im not using taqiyaah Allaah Says deaf dumb and blind they will never see the truth so please are you of those who say we are peace makers yet are those who make mischief on earth but your kool I love you don't matter what you are enough love 07448219502 kal me so we can talk salam
@brakenclaw9788 8 жыл бұрын
+Awakened SOUL You stop ridiculing your brother....
@brakenclaw9788 8 жыл бұрын
+rayhan shah And you stop lying
@rayhanshah2624 8 жыл бұрын
+braken claw Saalm brother were did I lie I am being honest sorry if I offended u please forgive salam
@rayhanshah2624 8 жыл бұрын
+Awakened SOUL Would the prophet say your lying ahahahah no he wouldn't grow up and be sincere to Allaah And The Prophet and his Family and against those who hurt Allaah and the Prophet and his family common sense ?
@mrahman1992 8 жыл бұрын
Yazid also has significant liability and has a lot of blood on his hands, he intentionally sent someone he knew to be a ruthless bloodthirsty tyrant to deal with Hussain (ra), he was ultimately responsible for the actions of those he placed in charge. If you send Michael Myers to someones house, you cannot then claim you are not responsible when people end up murdered in that house. Also we should not regret the people of Kufa betraying Hussain (ra), it happened as God willed and Hussain (ra) was better off without such evil people by his side.
@UrduAnalyst 7 жыл бұрын
What is see here in comments is muslim fighting a muslim.i wish we could get united to fight the enemies of islam rather then pointing fingers at eachother. Oh my dear Islam may Allah bless u.
@sharps8726 8 жыл бұрын
Can you expand on the treaty between Hasan Ra and Muwiya. No offence you are not making any sense.
@junaidshareef9670 8 жыл бұрын
wallahi gt tears when u were narrating that hussain ra face was being poked... subhanallah its very saddening and eye opener
@hamzahjameel1348 8 жыл бұрын
and he doesn't cry. SAD WALLAHI SAD!
@weedahturkmani1570 8 жыл бұрын
Imam hassan (pbuh) didn't die. he was poisoned for your information. there was supposed to be a battle between imam hassan and muaiyah but he wanted peace so he gave the khilafa to muaiyah with certain treaties. its a shame that muaiyah has may god be pleased with and everyone has that title in sunni belief. very confusing here. looks like you guys base your religion on the sahabas rather then our prophet (pbuh). very strange.
@sulaymaanqureshi1156 8 жыл бұрын
Weedah Turkmani do you know mufti men?
@camilyare7089 8 жыл бұрын
May Allah increase your Knowledge, wisdon and Taqwa. May Allah protect you and your family. Jazaka allahu khayran.
@Prisondboy 8 жыл бұрын
This wahabi guy is a joke. He has never debated a Scholar from the Madhab of Ahlulbayt (as.) He should try it once in life and set the video here on youtube......
@xxthelegendxxgaming845 8 жыл бұрын
+Ismail Ibrahim exactly he is Sunni he doesn't know anything about Hussein because he is not Shia
@khairul7861 8 жыл бұрын
+xXTheLegendXx Subscribe sunnis love hussein ra more than shias
@minecraftboy3456 8 жыл бұрын
+Khairul Choudhury Look at how many shia muslims that are dying Everyday because of defending the home shirnes in Iraq and in Syria. I am not saying that all sunnis are with isis but the sunnis in Musil welcomed Isis and They dont want them to leave. white millions of shia muslims walks to imam Hussein (as) Every yeah not Carina about bombings
@minecraftboy3456 8 жыл бұрын
+minecraft boy holy shrines*
@zahrashah3493 8 жыл бұрын
Hussain ! Dude your talking about Imam Hussain a.s have some respect
@5maz 8 жыл бұрын
The only thing you have displayed during this 1 hour rant is 1) that you hate Shias and 2) you know nothing about history / and / or you're deliberately leading astray.
@mickyhouse8753 8 жыл бұрын
+Naz Khan I agree, please do not listen to him, but rather hear someone who is more knoeledgable and has studied this, such as sayed ammar nakshawani
@5maz 8 жыл бұрын
+Micky House Yes Syed Ammar Naqshwani is amazing in his knowledge, education and delivery.
@maythamhosain 8 жыл бұрын
@durwaish2 9 жыл бұрын
I think everyone who know Urdu language should search Molana Ishaq on this topic. He has very good lectures and understand why Husaain RA took his family and how he change the course Islam and history. please listen to his lectures as Muslim.
@alibazzi8066 8 жыл бұрын
2:12 so when the prophet says whoever angers Fatima angers me, and it's narrated in Sunni books that Fatima died angry at abu bakr, what do you have to say to that. So since the prophet said that, and its narrated in Sunni Hadith, this means that abu bakr angered Fatima, and since whoever angers Fatima angers the prophet (pbuh), that must mean the prophet is angry at abu bakr, and if the prophet is angry at abu bakr, and you say whoever angers the prophet angers you, then abu bakr should anger you.
@queenbee2229 8 жыл бұрын
But much respect for bringing light to this situation. Many sunnis don't acknowledge this becauese they think it's only a thing for shias. Jazak allah khair
@ha3zim 7 жыл бұрын
9.26 into the video I can't take it no more, so many times he R.A. on muawia pretty much every time he mentioned him vs. Immam Hassan a.s., and the two leader bullcrap one in Kufa one in Shaam is cuz he did Fight a war aginst Ali a.s. he did not obey the 4. Halifa's order of giving up the position, ppl did not love him and respected him as a leader for the same reasons as they loved and respected the Ahli Bayt. I just cant't listen to the whole thing till the end it hurts my soul hearing such things soooo much praise from the get go for the wicked one vs. Immam Hasan a.s. disliked the fighting so much started describing him next to a spineless weakling....Estagfirulah
@frankabacus7375 8 жыл бұрын
Ali's (RA) appointment as successor should have been announced at Arafat when there was the largest crowd. And the Prophet (SAW) should have kept repeating it to people in Madina before he died
@asad13j50 8 жыл бұрын
Your whole story or should I say most of it is twisted and colored for the favor of those that you believe in. You think a governor would carry such an act before going back to the Calipha? You need to restudy the battle of Karbala with an outsider view and don't pick sides until you do a thorough research.
@C--Ray 9 жыл бұрын
Muaviyyah Fought Ali because according to you he wanted justice for the murder of Uthman now my question is this to you or any sunni did he bring them to justice while he was in power for 20yrs of his reign...
@alisarwar9234 8 жыл бұрын
In Respect to all my Sunni brothers, the speech this individual is giving is an absolute Salfism Wahabism state of logic. if we are Muslims and Islam is a religion based upon logic, then how can this man say that" Muawiya...Radhiallah o anh" and "Imam Hussain RadhiAllahhu anh" but history tells us that the Mother of Muawiya was Hind, who ate the heart of Hamza (RA) who was one of the first Companions of RasoulAllah(saw). and Muawiya was the one who raised a son like Yazeed(Alaihil laana) who was the Khalif of the time that ordered the masscre of Imam Hussain (as)and his family (they are the Ahlel Bayt of RsaoulAllah)in karbala. what kind of absurdity is this?, Muawiya was the one who in the battle of Siffin stuck pages of the Holy Quran on spears to stop Imam Ali(as) from finishing him off. Prophet Muhammad’s saying about Imam Hussain (PBUH): حسین منی و انا من حسین “Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain.” This saying was quoted in many Shia and Sunni books including Bihar Al-Anvar V.43 and Sonan Termizi, V.5, p.658. and Prophet Muhammad sayings about Imam Ali (as)...The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, “We were created from the same tree, I and Ali (A.S).” Al-Tirmidhi, 13/178; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 122; Asad Al-Ghaba, 4/26; Al-Riyadh Al-Nudhra, 2/216. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, “Of whomever I was master, Ali (A.S) is his master.” Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/129; Kenz Al-Omal, 6/157; Al-Dilmi....and also this saying that is not denied by both Shia and Sunni school of thought. The Prpohet(PBUH) said من کنت مولای، فهذا علیئ مولای" for who ever I am a Master, Ali is his Master. but this man here sits and praises the killers of Muhammad wa Aale Muhammad. did the Prophet (PBUH) not say " Ana Madinatul Elm, wa Ali un Baabo haa" ( Iam the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate). now read the history of Muawiya and who his mother and father was and who his son was. and what did his Son do to Imam Hussain(as) the very Grandson of our Beloved Prophet(PBUH). when one if RasoulAllah's hadeeth says " Hussainu minni wa ana Minnil Hussain" (Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain.) what does that mean to you my brothers and sisters. a man like this individual are the very reasons why Islam is Branded as a religion of terrorism. the very reasons why ISIS exists. who rape people's women and children. go and read the history of Karbala.
@alisarwar9234 8 жыл бұрын
+Muslimah Alislam my Friend being ignorant, is not the Principal teachings of Islam. if ISIS are the same as Shia, then why is it that they mostly target Shia communities and Masjids in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and many other regions in the Middle East? "Shi’a”alone has no negative or positive meaning unless we specify the leader of the party. If one is a Shi’a (follower) of the most righteous servants, then there is nothing wrong with being Shi’a, specially if the leader of such party has been assigned by Allah. We "Shia" believe in Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala, and in his Holy Quran, His last and Final Messenger Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and are also followers of Imam Ali(as) as his successor and with 11 more Leaders or Imams who succeed Imam Ali afterwards. here is a Quranic verse that mentions "Shia"(شیعه).. "And We assigned from among them some Imams who GUIDE by Our authority since they were patient and believed firmly in Our Signs.”(Qur’an 32:24) And most surely Abraham was among the Follower of him (i.e., Noah)”(Qur’an 37:83) وَإِنَّ مِن شِيعَتِهِ لَإِبْرَاهِيمَ ﴿ الصافات: ٨٣﴾ here is the word of Prophet Muhammad stating the word "Shia" The Messenger of Allah said to ‘Ali: "Glad tiding O ‘Ali! Verily you and your companions and your Shi’a (followers) will be in Paradise." يا علي أبشر فإنك و أصحابك و شيعتك في الجنَّة 1. Fadha’il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p655 2. Hilyatul Awliyaa, by Abu Nu’aym, v4, p329 3. Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, v12, p289 4. al-Awsat, by al-Tabarani 5. Majma’ al-Zawa’id, by al-Haythami, v10, pp 21-22 I hope you find these statements helpful my friend. because I am a Shia, our school does not teach killing and raping. and nor Suicide bombings that the Takfiris do. and I Love all my Muslim brothers and Sisters, whether they be Sunni or Shia. I give Witness that there is no God but Allah(swt) and Muhammad(PBUH) is His Messenger.
@muslimahalislam2949 8 жыл бұрын
Ali Sarwar you know shia today nothing to do with islam let alone ahlulbayt,shia today propaganda iranian political for looking sympathy from sunni muslim who lack religiuos knowledge and faith to convert to their religion made by jew and iranian majusi.
@cudacularry2720 8 жыл бұрын
Ali Sarwar More like Muslim Pariah. 😬😬😬
@TheRaz2023 7 жыл бұрын
Muawiya seem like an eveil person, and it seems that deep down he wants to avaenge his great grand father bloood from Hussain and Hasan and from Ali (as), but this stupid guy thinks Muawiya didnt have anyfink to do with karbala, unbelieveable and supendous logik, was he raised p in india?
@hmdchy 8 жыл бұрын
This guy would be no different from ISIS and to prove my point, here is a common points with those extremists: 1- he spread hate towards Shia, 2- he called them nonMuslims 3- he said that they wish to harm Sunni people 4- no one muslim except his belief.
@JustinCredible786 9 жыл бұрын
I am guessing you've taken out the parts where you repeated yourself like 3-4 times?
@RighteousnRich 9 жыл бұрын
+Justin Credible yes :| sorry about that
@JustinCredible786 9 жыл бұрын
Naseeha Sessions No problem, I kinda liked it like that though.
@opocoyo 9 жыл бұрын
+Naseeha Sessions Baarak Allahu feek for this. I learnt a lot Alhamdulilah. On the previous channel, before it was deleted, there were a lot of beneficial videos addressing issues facing the youth especially. Things like pornography, relationships, peer pressure and the so on. Please consider discussing these topics again as I think they'd be of enormous benefit. I wanted to share some with my siblings but unfortunately, they're no longer available. Jazzakillahu khier.
@shiaman3538 9 жыл бұрын
atif ghalani This guy clearly said Yazid is neither cursed nor praised. I dont get it! His people attacked teh grandson of the prophet, then imprisoned the survivors. Then he attacked Medina, then Mecca and you absolve him of all his crimes. I blamethe ppl of Kufa too, and Ibn Ziyad and Umar ibn Sa'ad and Shimr. But the root cause of all is Yazid. And matam and beating is not changin aqeedah. And even if it is, there is such a thing as good bidah per Caliph Umar.
@talalsiddiqui2061 9 жыл бұрын
+Shia Man We don't curse Muslims, and we don't love people who do evil things. Matam IS changing Aqeedah, because when our Prophet (SAW) says "The ones who strike their cheeks, tear their clothes and cry with the cry of Jahiliyyah are not from us", and Allah (SWT) says "don't make your hands the source of your destruction", then anyone TRULY BELIEVING that Matam is OKAY and HALAL then has changed his Aqeedah and added bid'ah to it. And no, there is no such thing as good bid'ah or bad bid'ah. As we know from the sermon of the Prophet (SAW) where he says "All newly invented matters (in the religion) are a bid'ah, and all bid'ah leads astray and anything that leads astray is in the fire". The Prophet (SAW) didn't ever differentiate between good or bad bid'ah, so even if Umar (RA) meant good bid'ah in the way you are interpreting it, we don't take his word over the words of the Prophet (SAW) because Umar (RA) is fallible, and the Prophet (SAW) is not. If the Prophet (SAW) ever mourned for someone by hitting himself with blades and such, we would never call this action a bid'ah, but seeing as he never did this, then doing this is a newly invented matter in the religion. The Prophet (SAW) has already taught us to not mourn for any man for more that 3 days (except for your husband). He never made any exceptions for any Sahaba (of which included Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar (RA), the greatest of men to walk the earth after him (SAW) ) so how can we ever mourn Husayn (RA) until today?
@yaldaz4217 8 жыл бұрын
This video is honestly disgusting, at the same time he is saying 'may Allah be pleased with them' to the traitors and oppressors of Islam, his mentality is exactly like ISIS. It's because of videos like this, and teachings like this, shias are being killed and persecuted,. It's because of videos like this the followers of ahlul bayt are being killed for their beliefs. Perhaps if he feared God and feared his own sins he wouldn't cast any judgement on another group of Muslims, stating your opinion is fine but it's to the point where you are almost segregating and skapegoating your fellow brethren and are crossing the line. May Allahs curse forever be upon the oppressors of the ahlul bayt. May Allah withdraw his mercury from the oppressors of the ahlul bayt. Ya Allah, Ya Muhammad, Ya Ali, Ya Zahra, Ya Hassan, Ya Hussain 💚💚💚
@bahjakoshin1073 8 жыл бұрын
subhanaALLAH my almighty guide you. You are putting ALLAH and makhluuq at the same time in your pray. and second thing, you people you have to stop dividing Muslims in you own way. the prophet (SAW)never pointed anyone when he was dying. the sahabaas choose ababakar and you people you are arguing over nothing. it's sahabaas's choice. who are we to talk about while the religion is for all not a particular people. no ahlu bayt no any other family. our religion fights with tribalism. so stop tribalism if you really saying you Muslim
@alim-rk7nx 8 жыл бұрын
Is it sahaba's choice or the Rasool's (saw) choice? You're chatting shit bro
@rayhanshah2624 8 жыл бұрын
@syedali-rs8cj 8 жыл бұрын
no shimr ibn Jawshawn killed Imam hussain a.s. on orders from Ibn Ziyad l.a. the governor of Kufa, who worked for Yazid ibn Mu'awyiyah.
@LabeikyaAbbas 8 жыл бұрын
+syed ali The beauty of Imam Hussain a.s sacrifice is that it will never be hidden, and wallah it will hang like a noose to the necks of the followers of Yazid
@HadeelMaksoud 9 жыл бұрын
Jazak Allah khair Brother Imran. May Allah grant you and your team jannat elFirdaus in shaa Allah. I benefitted greatly from this video. May Allah forgive us and make us of those that never turn our backs on Him or His messengers and their descendants in shaa Allah.
@md.110 9 жыл бұрын
I think youll benefit more from hearing the actual story not the sugar coated one that skips the thirst, arrows on him and his familys body, the killing of his BABY and the head on a spear.
@moeyhd1119 7 жыл бұрын
I love how he didn't explain how imam Hasan (As) died, typical Sunni lmao
@aliataya5675 8 жыл бұрын
bro your welcome to any of our mosques to be educated on the true events of karbala for your own knowledge and inspiration all based on facts and references from the book don't take offense to this comment please Salam
@shazhussain1351 8 жыл бұрын
I am astounded (but unsurprised) by the inaccuracy and narrow level of knowledge. The characters of Muawiyah and Yazid can be proven from revered Sunni books and given that we will rise behind our Imam's, I wouldn't want to be in their camps...
@thebestfive632 8 жыл бұрын
My dear brother plz read a bit more honestly, plz brother!!
@zahrashah3493 8 жыл бұрын
Omgg what did I just Listen to !!! He is saying mauwiyyah r.a !! Clearly u can see that mauwiyyah sons still live till today
@tayyabimtiazkhan106 8 жыл бұрын
MAUWIYA RA was the one who was given the good news of jannath in his life by MUHAMMAD (SAW)
@tayyabimtiazkhan106 8 жыл бұрын
but his son(yazeedh) was greedy /HE WAS a curse on muslims
@tayyabimtiazkhan106 8 жыл бұрын
mauwiyah once saw a dreem and in his dreem he was being told that his son will martiyr HAZRATH IMAM HUSSAIN then mauwiyah woke up and started crieng and whent to MUHHAMAD (SAW) and told him his dreem and sayed he wont marry then MUHHAMAD (SAW) answered him that (i already know that but you should marry cause if you dont then how will my grand son achive marrtiyerd status)
@TheRohit2343 8 жыл бұрын
+Tayyab Imtiaz Khan I am Sunni too akhi...Have you lost your mind ,he is not among the 10 sahabas....Fear Allah before you speak anything like that.. where you find the hadith where prophet Muhammad (saw) given the good news of Jannah to Mauwiya
@TheRohit2343 8 жыл бұрын
+Tayyab Imtiaz Khan wallahi either you lack intelligence or you don't understand english...when in the world i called him kafir rather what i am asking you to stop spreading lies and fear Allah ..you said muawiya was given glad tiding of Jannah where on earth you find that hadith..he was not from the 10 sahabas who were given the glad tidings of jannah..
@syedhussainhassani9279 8 жыл бұрын
Asalaamalaikum brothers and sisters in Islam. Question 1: Weren't Shias responsible for killing Imam Husayn (AS)? This is a very serious allegation made against Shia muslims by some ill-informed or ill-intentioned individuals. Invitation to Kufa: The claim is that it was Shias in Kufa who wrote letters to Imam Husayn (AS), inviting him to Kufa and it was they who then betrayed him. Imam Husayn (AS) had sent his cousin, Muslim ibn Aqeel to go and assess the situation in Kufa, where the people of Kufa promptly gave allegiance (bay'at) to him before turning against him once the army of Yazid arrived. The Kufans failed to join the army of Husayn (AS) or go out to protect him from his enemy and now, 14 centuries later, some Muslim and non-Muslim commentators claim that Shias do maatum out of "guilt" for having failed and betrayed their Imam, Husayn (AS), On the day of Ashura. This, however, is a historical nonsense which is designed to try and shift the blame away from those really responsible for the murder of Imam Husayn (AS) and his family in Kerbala. Historical facts: Kufa, contrary to conventional wisdom, was not a "Shia city". According to the famous Sunni scholar and biographer, Shibli Numani, Kufa was a city in Iraq that had been founded by Umar ibn Khattab, during his caliphate, as a military fort for his soldiers and supporters. Imam Ali (AS) then moved there during his caliphate, in order to keep an eye on the rebellious antics of Muawiya ibn Abu Sufyan, in neighbouring Syria. After his death, according to Sunni historian Allama Tabari, the Shias of Kufa, who had accompanied Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) to that city, were rounded up tortured and killed by Ziyad, one of the appointees of Muawiya (and the father of Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad, who was governor of Kufa during the Kerbala tragedy). Abdulibh ibn Abbas, the respected companion and cousin of the Prophet, even warned Imam Husayn (AS) when he was leaving Madinah that the people of Kufa were "deceitful people" who could not be trusted. Then there is the key historical fact that the army of Yazid which first starved and then killed Imam Husayn (AS) and his followers were from Syria, not Kufa. It is narrated by Shah Abdul Aziz, the Sunni scholar: "The Syrian forces upon orders of Yazid and the efforts of Chief of hatred and fitnah - Ibn Ziyad martyred Imam Husayn in Kerbala." The history of Kerbala has been recorded in a number of Ahle Sunnah books, and it is very clear from this history who was and wasn't responsible for the killing of Imam Husayn (AS). Today, those Muslims who pretend Yazid ibn Muawiya was not responsble for it are like those neo-Nazis who deny that Hiler was responsible for the Holocaust. Question 2: Why do Shias cry so much in Muharram? Some Muslims claim that crying, and especially excessive crying is wrong, uncalled-for and un-Islamic. Yet crying is part and parcel of human nature and Islam. It was encouraged by the Holy Prophet (SAW ) and in one famous hadith he states: "May you weep more and laugh less if you understand what is coming". The Holy Qur'an has many verses which refer to the importance and validity of shedding tears: "And when they hear what has been revealed to the messenger you will see their eyes overflowing with tears on account of the truth that they recognize; they say: Our lord! We believe, so write us down with the witnesses (of truth)." Ch. 5: V83 (Surah Maidah) Then there is Surah Yusuf, and the reference to Prophet Yacub (Jacob), Ch.12:V84: "And he turned away from them, and said: O my sorrow for Joseph! And his eyes were filled (with tears) on account of the grief, then he repressed (grief)". In fact, the fourth Shia Imam, Zainul Abidin (AS), referred to this particular verse of the 12th surah when he was asked by a companion why he cried so much for his late Father and brothers. Shaykh Suleman ibn Ibrahim al-Hanafi al-Qandozi states in his book, Yanabi al-Mawaddah: "The grief of Imam Husayn (AS) is the grief on which not only humans, but even jinns, angels, animals, birds, the sky and trees, all lament and weep. It is written that the sky wept for forty days after the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (AS)." Question 3: Why do Shias do maatum in Muharram? "Maatum" is the symbolic beating of one's own chest or head as a physical sign of grief and sorrow. The critics of the Shias claim it is an un-lslamic and extremist practice, a symbol of the pre-lslamic period of "jahiliyyah" (ignorance) that was banned by the Holy Prophet (SAW). But the truth is that maatum has Islamic origins and justifications. Evidence from the Holy Qur'an: Turning again to the Holy Qur'an, we find in Ch.51:V29, in reference to lady Sarah, wife of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), being told she was having a baby: "Then came forward his wife in grief, she hit her face and said (what! I) an old barren woman?" [Surah Dharia]. References from books of Ahle Sunnah: There are many references to maatum-like behaviour during and after the time of the Prophet in the books of the Ahle Sunnah. Ahle Sunnah scholars, for instance, narrate how Owais-al-Qarni, a companion of the Holy Prophet (SAW) who was in Yemen during the battle of Ohud, broke his own teeth when he heard that the Prophet (SAW) had been hurt in battle and had lost some of his teeth. The Prophet (SAW) did not criticise or denounce Owais for doing so. Then there is the aftermath of the Battle of Ohud, in which the Holy Prophet (SAW) established a period of mourning, including maatum, for his uncle Hamza who had been killed in the fighting. Shibli Numani narrates: "The Prophet ordered the folk of Madinah to go to Hamza's house and to cry and grieve over him." Then there is the example of Aisha bint Abu Bakr, the classical Sunni scholar Allama ibn Kathir narrates from Aisha that when the Holy Prophet (SAW) passed away she said: "I got up beating my chest and slapping my face along with other women." Allama Muttaqi-al-Hindi, the Sunni scholar, narrates: "When Hazrat Umar heard of Nu'man ibn Muqrin's death he beat his head and screamed, "O what a pity that Nu'man died". Umar could do maatum for Nu'man, who was one of his military commanders and died in batte, but when Shias do the same for Imam Husayn (AS), the beloved grandson of the Holy Prophet (SAW), it is frowned upon and termed an innovation (or "bid'at"). Does this make any sense? JazakAllah for taking the time out to read this comment and I pray to Allah (SWT) that he guides you to 'siratul mustakeem' Ameen. Salaam.
@duaaali786 7 жыл бұрын
Syed Hussain Hassani .. you are the first person here who has provided references to justify your beliefs....no rudeness or swears.. thank you for that
@Anomaly1111 8 жыл бұрын
YEAH. I think I'd rather listen to a learned Historian such as Sayyed Ammar Nakshawani for the FULL TRUTH
@lifestransitory1 8 жыл бұрын
+Anomaly1111 Ammar Nakshawani is a NOBODY, he is a story teller and an exaggerator.
@Anomaly1111 8 жыл бұрын
Eternally 1 What's this... your biography?
@zahrashah3493 8 жыл бұрын
U don't know about Karbala and the history because ur scholars don't mention what happened in Karbala this is because u don't want anyone to find out real Islam
@thegreatersomaliapresident3171 8 жыл бұрын
The real Islam is beating yourself marrying temporary?
@zulfia6186 8 жыл бұрын
+The Greater Somalia President seem's to me your cherry picking shia beliefs then distorting them and deter yourself away from the fact that Prophet Muhammad's grandson Imam Hussain ibn Ali was martyred with 72 companions...
@aymanimtyaz8529 7 жыл бұрын
zahra hussain Educate us, tell is what happened in Karbala if you're truthful.
@none23517 8 жыл бұрын
His hand gestures are amazing. All the time he uses his hands to show things
@timremmont569 8 жыл бұрын
"The both sides are muslim"- The truth is not in just being a muslim- Sufism - "Know the Truth and you shall know it's people. Imam Ali (as)"
@shehzadsyed3368 7 жыл бұрын
I am going to say something controversial as Shia and hopefully shed some light on some inconsistencies that I have seen and things that I would love to get sincere answers to. First of all, the love of Hussein (as/ra) is imminent in your eyes. The point about when you said "it brings me to tears about Hussein (as/ra) and you hear your voice breaking share great GREAT affinity in my heart and I can't thank you for this sincere gesture as it is not for me to judge but allah in the eyes of Shia this is a great great sacrifice he made and you can see, (and not from your conclusion- which I Will shed some of my views on as a SYED- family of Hussein (descendants) Imam Ali Naqi (as) - Son of the one of the twelvers, one that would stand with HUssien no doubt my life on the line as the Son of Hussein (as/ra) would be of the select few insha'ALllah insha'Allah I can sincerely say yes there would be some to turn away, but not the select 100 or so you mention in your GREAT oration. This was factually some of the best and non biased view points- but setting aside some of the differences of which were 1) Muawiyya had a great and peaceful and tranquil governing- however how close to the principles of Islam was this golden age? please shed light brother 2)Did (according to your beautiful speech) YAzid not choose Umar ibn Ziyad to go from Basra to Kufa? so he had a part to play? You also mentioned When Umar ibn Ziyad was seiged he said a whole army would come and slaughter all the kufans? how do you think that reflects on him... just a view point- please shed and clarify 3) Umar ibn Ziyad was a bad man, shimr was a bad man, anas was a bad man, hURR was a great man- this is very very similar to the ideology of shia. so thanks. 4)AS Hussein being insistent? did he not know that he was to die on the plane of Karbala according to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) prophecy- so I was unsure how to take this, please help and direct me of your sources 5) IS it true all shia came from KUFA- no doubt not every shia would stand up to fight with Hussein and they will be judged according to Allah (swt) however there were 70 that did fight, and of the select few, isn't this the case with the husband of Fatima (as/ra) grandson of the prophet (PBUH) Ali ibn Abi talib (as/ra)?? When there are many hadiths which say about his true Shia being very very small in number 6) Finally all shia are not bad, they want to follow the Sunnah as equally as our brothers in faith (ahle Sunnah), our rituals may not be 100% correct but the love of Hussein we share- brother I would love to invite you for further discussion and enlighten BOTH our view points- where conclusions are drawn some may or may not be legitimate on BOTH sides. So I can address some misconceptions and I would love for you to ELIMINATE my misconceptions. But thank you as LOVER OF PROPHET Muhammad and his Sunnah as lover of ahlulbayt and as lover of the companions of PROPHET Muhammad- I bid you a peaceful peaceful blessing and may you make productive videos like this for all to see Alhamdullilah
@yusraahmed7629 8 жыл бұрын
thank you for guiding me back to my sense
@666goat 9 жыл бұрын
I love you so much akhi I hope you see this. I loved this video please make on about zain alabudeen or Ali R.A . we would like to know their stories if possible
@bilalhussain97 9 жыл бұрын
Bro change the link in your bio its wrong and greaaaaat speech btw!!!
@RighteousnRich 9 жыл бұрын
+BILAL SZN i fixed it bro
@kabbyabbas110 9 жыл бұрын
+Shia Man brother he can't answer you everyday they try to cover up the truth harder and harder but truth always prevails
@asimhussain869 8 жыл бұрын
+Shia Man an excellent objective analysis and I encourage anyone who watches the video by brother Imran to research the points made before coming to a logical conclusion.
@sulaymaanqureshi1156 8 жыл бұрын
BILAL H dawahman dressed like a shia in black
@1972dsrai 8 жыл бұрын
You should listen to sheikh Donald Trump - he speaks the truth.
@hamzahjameel1348 8 жыл бұрын
Look, sir. I appreciate that you are a seeker of truth, but first of all, please understand our faith first. The only fitna that exists in the world is our hate of each other (i.e. Sunnis and Shi'as). However, for the sake of debate, let me ask you this: how is it possible that you say radiyallahu anhu to Ali ibn Abi Tablib (as) when Ali fought Aisha? How can you say radiyallahu anhu to both Husayn (as) and Mu'awya. Second, Ali bin Abi Talib did not like Abdulla ibn Saba' and it's very clear in Shi'a sources; he did not create Shia Islam, he was a great enemy of Ali bin Abi Talib (as). He said Ali (as) was God incarnate but we as Twelver Shi'as reject that. Regarding Mut'a the Qura'an clearly allows it, by saying 'such wives as you enjoy (istamta'tum). This is where mut'a comes from. The one who forbade it is clearly Umar ibn al Khattab. Second, we as Shia's do not believe that Jibril made a mistake, whatsoever. He did not. He is a great friend of Ahlul Bayt. Regarding taqiyya, your biggest knot, I believe, it's not tuqwa, for your knowledge. It's taqiyya and taqiyya is not lying. It's the concealment of your faith only in the face of danger. Ammar bin Yasser practiced it, because his life was in danger. Under your Sunni rubbish governments and "Islamic" empires, we were persecuted when there was no compulsion in religion. How could we not practice taqiyya when we are slaughtered, the same way Imam al Husayn (as) was slaughtered by Mu'awyah (la). Finally, who should we follow? A lineage of no disagreements or the Sahabah, an army of people fighting with each other, a disunited front?
@navedabbas7648 8 жыл бұрын
👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 Wrong info
@mumbailife2023 7 жыл бұрын
Listen, no matter how much you have love and respect for Imam Hussein and entire Able bait, but do not use any such word which may hurt to others. Our beloved prophet Mohammad (saw) said no matter how much ibadah you do if you hurt someone with your words (oral/written) then none of your good deeds will get counted. so stop blaming each other. All are Muslim, but try to become Momeen.
@TheVeganMuslim 8 жыл бұрын
It's impossible for the message to travel so far within such a short time and that's obvious because the reason the grandson of our beloved Prophet mohammed was murdered in cold blood is because Yazid sent the Army with the intention to block and kill Hussain, Besides...if you are speaking of an historic event, i would recommend completing the entire event, as you left out the part where hussain's head is taken to damascus and yazid plays with his head with a stick, you also left out the most important part of this event and that's Bibi Syeda Zainab's speech in damascus where she shared the details of Karbala, the betrayal of the ummayad caliphate and the disgusting acts of Yazid... I didn't expect more from a person who thinks or quotes Ibn-Tamiyaah's work, as he was a sick physcopath and anyone who likes him, is either plotting against the real muslims or is an idiot.
@haqkisada5845 8 жыл бұрын
after watching this video i really proud to be shia because a sunni is claiming he is shia bt shia r not shia is that not funny tthanks God people r coming towards true religion shia islam.....
@haqkisada5845 8 жыл бұрын
by my this coment knw may be some sunni will claim no this guy is agent of shia ......
@LabeikyaAbbas 8 жыл бұрын
Wallahi I swear by every breath that i may breathe and have already breathed, and the ones i am just breathing as I type this; There is only one and only Allah swt The phrophet Muhammad (saw) is his messenger And Imam Ali a.s is the waliullah I invite you all to the path of the ahlulbayt, the chosen leaders made my Allah, not I nicely discourage you from following the leaders made by people. The caliphs were chosen by people and they had the kilafah of the world, just like the pharoah did at the time of moses a.s,,, But i swear to you my brothers and sisters, the household of Imam Ali a.s are the successors of the phrophet.
@el_chilubi7458 8 жыл бұрын
This proves the people of Nahrawan were on the straight line. Those who forced Ali a.s to peace betrayed him and his son, and Muawiya who wanted a revenge for the blood of Othman r.a did nothing to those who killed Othman when he was the Caliph. Muawiyah was just a power hungry sahaba.
@mumbailife2023 8 жыл бұрын
People do not call Muawiya a sahaba. He knew very well what kind of person yazid (dog) is but still he made him the Governor. So according to me Muawiya is equally responsible like yazid for all this incident.
@Arsalan.official0093 7 жыл бұрын
salam bro Imran i love you and i have learnt a lot from you and i believe whatever you do is to please Allah s.w. I just want to remind you that the prophet ignored controversy and focused on the truth, he did not spend his time campaigning against or collecting evidence to expose Abu lahab, or abu jahl, he did not even expose the munafiqoon in madinah. you can choose to spend 10 minutes explaining tawheed or you can spend 5 minustes exposing every single type of shirk that exists today (which will cost you millions of minutes). so stick to that 10 minutes job and all of shirk will be defeated without even mentioning them. may Allah keep you safe and guide us all.
@alanshearer3682 8 жыл бұрын
this man is a liar. complete liar and and he hates Syedna Ali and his families. his completely distorted the truth and he is defending those people who were wrong and did things for this world
@ammar741 9 жыл бұрын
it may be helpfull to use the annotaations to correct where u mention hassan radiallahutaalaan instead of hussain radiallahutaalaan as it confused me abit
@ickyshah7548 8 жыл бұрын
Your completely wrong may Allah guide you. 😡😡
@rayhanshah2624 8 жыл бұрын
are you of those people who pray all night and recite the quran all night and yet not ponder over the verses read surah tahrim
@muhammadhussainbaqeri5794 8 жыл бұрын
i listend very carefully dear, so strange that Muawia would not leave Ummah without a successor, without a leader. makes sense. Now, if that make sense do you believe that Prophet P.B.U.H. will leave the ummah without successor? Will Ali leave the Ummah without successor?!! What a contradiction!!!
@thegreatersomaliapresident3171 8 жыл бұрын
Who said Ali should be leader after Nabi Mohammed SAW?
@alim-rk7nx 8 жыл бұрын
The Rasool(saw) at Ghadeer Khumm even Umar gave bay3a to Ali (as)
@sharps8726 8 жыл бұрын
Mawiya the person who was endowed with the following hadeeths from the Prophet "Please show this man the straight path" and "Teach this man the Quran" has more knowledge then that Prophet (SAW) ----- SARCASM
@muhammadjamil4174 8 жыл бұрын
SubhannAllah, May Allah (SWT) forgive all our and their sins.. Ameen.
@ahmedw5 8 жыл бұрын
Comment section makes me very sad. So much misguidance.
@Zarghaam12 8 жыл бұрын
Wahhaabi / Salafi propaganda won't do! This topic is well covered by many scholars, Sunni and Sh'ia, from the "classical" age till now so you are fightinh a loosing battle by distorting facts and taking advantage of how language and words were used in 7th-8th centuries and how they are used and understood now. The following Sunni texts mention that it was Yazeed and his henchmen, Ubaidullah ibn Ziyaad (Yazeed-appointed governor of Kufah at the time), Umar ibn Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqaas (commander of Yazeedi forces ar Karbala), Shimr ibn Zil Jaushan (a Khaarjite and second in command of Yazeedi forces at Karbala), Marwaan ibn al-Hakm (Yazeed's "lota" in Madina), these are the some of the main characters responsible for the killing of Imam al-Husain. the Prophet's grandson, and his family and friends at Karbala: Here we shall cite the following reputable texts of Ahl’ul Sunnah, that confirm that Yazeed killed Imam Husayn (as): Maqatil Husayn al Khuwaarzmi Volume 2 page 80 Chapter 9 Ya Nabi al Mawaddah page 223 Chapter 91 Tareekh al Yaqoobi Volume 2 page 299 Dhikr Yazeed Matallib al Saul Volume 2 page 26 Nur al Absaar page 139 Al Bidaayah wa al Nihaaya page 219 Dhikr 63 Hijri Tareekh Kaamil Volume 4 page 69 Tareekh Tabari page 408 Dhikr Ibn Ziyad Akhbar al Tiwaal page 384 Tadkira tul Khawaas page 159 Hayaat al Haywaan Volume 1 page 88 Tareekh Khamees Volume 2 page 301 Sawaiq al Muhriqa page 134 Sharh Fiqh Akbar page 73 Tauhfa Ithna Ashari page 6 Ash’at al-Lam’aat Sharh Mishkat Volume 4 page 623 Bab Manaqib Quraysh Shazarat al Dhahab Volume 1 page 69 Dhikr 61 Hijri Muruuj al Dhahab Volume 3 page 71 Dhikr Yazeed Tafseer Mazhari Volume 5 page 21 Part 13 Surah Ibrahim Aqaa'id al Islam pahe 232 ny Maulana Abdul Haqq Haqani Imaam Paak aur Yazeed Paleed page 88 Aqaa'id Nafsee page 113 Sharh Maqasad Volume 2 page 309 Nuzul al Ibraar page 97 Irfaane Shariat Volume 2 page 21 Fataawi Maulaana Abdul Hai page 79 Shaheed-e-Kerbala pages 11-12 by Mufti Muhammad Shaafi Irshad al-Saari (Sharh Bukhari) Volume 10 page 1717 Bab ul Fitan Durre Maarif Volume 4 page 295 Zikr Zaynab binte ‘Ali Sharh al Muneer Sharh al Sagheer Volume 1 page80
@ajazahmad7498 8 жыл бұрын
Thank u so much brother! This story was always a lil contradictory in my mind thanks for clearing any doubts
@bulb123789 8 жыл бұрын
Why don't you tell the people how imam Hassan a.s was martyred brother Imran? Because he didn't just pass away as you implied in the video. Again your a blatantly lying to your viewers by leaving out major details of Islamic history.
@11Taqi 8 жыл бұрын
You are misguided May Allah swt guide you
@riyaz827 8 жыл бұрын
Salam, I left a comment on ur video that has now been deleted, it was a question about salafi, you gave a me a link to watch but I can't remember which video it was 😬, please can u help?
@samsingh6643 8 жыл бұрын
dawah man is not sunni...he is wahabi a minority sect in islam In todays society, the love of Ahle al Bayt has unfortunately and falsely been attributed to something which shia do; this is far from the truth. The love of Ahle al Bayt in reality, is the foundations of the Imaan of Ahle Sunnah wal Jamat, one cannot love The Beloved Prophet (upon Him peace and blessings), without loving the Ahle al Bayt. It is deeply rooted in the core and essence of Sunni Islam and Aqidah. The great Imam “Imam Shafi’i” (Allah be pleased with him) said: When in a majlis the praise of Ali, Hasanain and Fatima alaihi mu sallam is done… then they say O People lets go from here because this is a rafidi talk…. I seek Allah’s refuge from such people who label the love of Fatima’s progeny as rifidi, may the blessings of Allah be upon progeny of the Beloved Prophet, upon Him peace and blessings, and curse of Allah be upon such ignorant people. The Noble Imam also said: If loving the household of Prophet is a sin… Then I’ll never repent on this sin! He also said: “If loving Ahle Bayt, is Rafdh.. Then I’m Rafedhi of the 1st rank!” There are countless sayings and advice of Imam Shafi’i RadiAllahu anhu on loving Ahle Bayt (alayhis salaam), More recently the reviver of Islam in the Indian Subcontinent, Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (alayhi Rehma) loved the family of The Prophet,upon Him peace and blessings, wrote poetry in praise of them, amongst them is a most beautiful verse: “Teri nasle pak me hai batcha batcha Noor ka Tu hai ‘ainai Noor Tera sub gharana Noor ka” “From your blessed progeny every child is Noor (Light), You are the essence of Light and Your blessed Family are Light” Love for the Prophet’s family is enjoined by Allah in the Qur’an, where He says: Say, ‘I ask no other reward of you save love of my next of kin’ (42:23). It is of Husayn (Allah be pleased with him) alone that he declared: ‘Husayn is of me and I am of Husayn. May God love those who love Husayn. When sura 108 (al-Kawthar) was revealed, the Prophet announced this great favour to his close companion Anas b. Malik, on whose authority this tradition is reported. Anas asked: ‘What is al-Kawthar?’ He answered: ‘It is a river in Paradise, but neither those who violate my covenant (dhimma), nor those who shall kill the people of my House will be allowed to drink of it.’ -1 Spread the Love of Ahle Bayt alayhis salaam into the hearts of all.
@sulaymaanqureshi1156 8 жыл бұрын
sam singh he is actually a deobandi
@C--Ray 9 жыл бұрын
now this myth that the kuffans were Shia of Ahlul bayt can be scrutinized and we see in history as the power shifted from one Khalifa to another the support shifted hence they were supporters of Imam Ali at the time of his khilafah just like they supported the khilafah of Uthman in his time they shifted as the power of Khilafah shifted they were not shia in true sense of the meaning it was evident that even at the time of Imam Ali's Khilafah his own "shia" who had done his bayah after uthman were against him ie, they were inclined to give bayah to Imam Ali because of the circumstances
@kabbyabbas110 9 жыл бұрын
Why lying for
@5eek3r0fknowl3dg3 9 жыл бұрын
wonder what rafidhis would say about this?!! that even a wobbler criticise yazidh and like other sunnis, expose ibn ziyad [only tubby yasir qadhi makes excuses for him but says he is makavellian]. he even said muawiyah ra made a biod'ah! i think most ppl know ibn ziyad is a kaffir but they are all with Allah swt so cursing isnt gonna change that ahlus sunnah say Ali RA was in the right side so i wonder how rafidhi shias can justify saying ummaya to sunnis? it is a weird pitch, bakri[rasullulah SAW father in law and best friend] is better
@monikitten 8 жыл бұрын
Dear dawah man, thank you for this lecture. After much research I was enlightened by the truth and realised that your whole "lecture" on the event of Karbala was a total lie (and a waste of 1 hour of my life) but had you not told these lies I wouldn't have found out the truth and because of it I have accepted the truth and gone from Sunni to Shia. You make out like you are very knowledgeable and make false claims. If you really believe what you are saying then I challenge you to openly debate with a Shia speaker.
@a1mz194 8 жыл бұрын
@duaaali786 7 жыл бұрын
Monikitten ok so what have you found out? whats the truth? why do people mouth of over here and not provide evidence or references? if you really want to clear things up and spread the truth... then i suggest you start from there!
@abshamtally 4 жыл бұрын
Aslmlkm. Masha Allah very interesting bits to ponder. Could you please recomend a good book on the history of islam.. jzk
@zainabchaudhry2780 8 жыл бұрын
May God help you, that's all I have to say, may he show the right path inshallah. I have a Sunni father and a Shia mother and I know that what he is saying is not the truth. Unlike some people, I had to read and learn about my religion to see who is right, the Shias or the Sunnis and I'm proud to say it the Shia, I proud to say that I'm a Shia of Ali
@Mr14striker 9 жыл бұрын
Why is this reuploaded ?
@5eek3r0fknowl3dg3 9 жыл бұрын
i cant listen to a wobbler, they go too much the other way! sometimes praising yazidhp[apologetic when he lost support] even though sunni sources are against him, and one even said ibn ziyad wasa young brash person! wot an idiot, he was same age group as the ruler and even today wouldnt be classed as young. the sunni scholars u listen to have more knowledge and will tell u what the old sahaba said to him and other zalims and what he did just like shias take conspiracy too far back to the sahabas, these guys conspire too forward making zalims into rashiduns!
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