If I could I would help Sabrina, Nathan and others with a place to live. I take clothes to the turning point, food to the food bank. I picked apples and took a huge box to the turning point the other day. Staff and clients were so appreciate. I wish I could do more but I live on a very small pension. What I don't understand is why there's so many empty buildings in Red Deer and yet there is nobody willing to help make a decent place for the homeless. I once went to the place that is behind where the canery bingo hall was. People were sleeping on a cold cement floor. It made me so sad but also so angry. Our liberal government can send millions and billions of dollars to foreign countries, bring immigrants here and give them thousands of dollars instead of helping the homeless. Teaching the homeless how to get out of that life, giving them a chance to become a part of society, councilors who actually care, social workers who actually care, safe havens. Geez people, these people are somebody's children. What's wrong with their families ? I never gave up on my son who was a drug addict for a very long time. Everyone said "tough love" even the councilors I went to, my friends said you'll never change him, he's useless, and many other things, but I never gave up on him. He's now clean, getting his life in order and becoming a part of society. I still donate clothes and whatever I can do to help others. Come on people, help is in your control. Don't look down on these people. And parents, help your children.