Ah, the AKG D202 microphone, stalwart of BBC local radio back in the day. Lovely old thing, wish I'd never got rid of mine.
@Sheffield_Steve3 ай бұрын
As much as they were all clambering to claim the 1st radio phone-in, but I know who had the first football phone-in, Robert Jackson, BBC Radio Sheffield "Praise or Grumble" every Saturday during the season, end of! 😉 Even long before Six-o-Six!!
@newforestpixie52976 жыл бұрын
Thanks for uploading this - the one thing which angers me about bbc local radio ( in southern England at least ) is: I realise they need ‘filler time ‘ with music - WHY can’t they play say 3 minutes of folk or electronica or (soft) classical or country or pop or easy listening or old gramophone records BUT NOT THE SAME TUNES BY THE SAME NAMES , FROM THE SAME 3 DECADES....Elton or Rod may just as well not bothered with the other 99% of their work - Surely it may even bring in new listeners as IT MUST annoy more than just me. It is ridiculous - Money For Nothing and Billy Bloody Ocean. This is Solent Berkshire Somerset - ad finitum , repetition repetition repetition. Plus the presenters haven’t a trace of local or regional accents- Emma Britten on Somerset/Bristol - they removed her accent for goodness sake. That’s that right off my chest , love from the extreme East of the Westcountry - Hordle near Sea 😖
@daros1945 жыл бұрын
VHF is the future!
@Sheffield_Steve Жыл бұрын
I wonder what Mr Gillard would be thinking of his local radio experiment being turned into regional radio and the digital first B.S.? Also the stations trying to sound like Crapitol Radio? 🤔🫣 I think he's turning in his grave! 🫣 Bring back the local radio afternoons! 👍
@EdiDrums7 жыл бұрын
Erm, could we halt and do a risk assessment, please? Health and safety? 11:03
@EdiDrums7 жыл бұрын
Sorry, did I miss the joke? 5:46
@polar1993 жыл бұрын
@EdiDrums7 жыл бұрын
Tries too hard with overdone music but fitting commentary, especially the way Buerk says words like 'experiment' 0:23