Traditional Native American (Diné) Teachings on Positive Thinking.

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Navajo Traditional Teachings

Navajo Traditional Teachings

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Navajo Historian Wally Brown, teaches about the traditional view on constructive thinking vs. destructive thinking. The modern person would probably call these positive thinking vs. negative thinking.
There are a lot of teachings associated with thinking. Four affirmations in the four sacred directions the first one is thinking. The others require thinking as well.
There are 22 ceremonies that people still know how to perform. Some have been lost and some are perverted, the words have been changed and they have lost the original ways that they were performed.
The Ceremony associated with thinking or the thought process is the beauty way.
At the other end of the scale is the evil way
And finally is the way of life.
The fourth ceremony is missing. They don’t know that one anymore.
It is thought that everyone has the ability to think . You can think to construct or you can think to destroy. Coyote only thinks for himself. And it always ends up hurting people or hurting himself in some way.
Traditionally you are encouraged to think in a positive way.
Ké is supposed to be what you think around... Kinship!
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@Sheerkat7 3 жыл бұрын
My resolution this year was to take all the hate out of my heart. I am very conscious of what I say and think to the point that I write down every time I say it. I say it only once or twice a day now. I feel better in many ways. Hatred only hurts the vessel that contains it.
@DeliaLRuiz 3 жыл бұрын
Wow. Great insight.
@MrRayholy 3 жыл бұрын
and everything around the thing that hates. Bless you and may we all have a day of love and appreciation.
@Sheerkat7 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrRayholy Thank you Ray. Some terrible things have happened and I've slipped. I'm working on getting back on track. Negative thinking becomes a habit, but if you pour enough pure water in a glass of ink, you can make it clear again.
@Sheerkat7 3 жыл бұрын
@@shawn5996 It wasn't about me. My neighbor across the street was literally bullied to death after a 4 year campaign by the hyenas surrounding him in this neighborhood. They called CPS on him twice last year in the first week of lockdown because his youngest daughter LEFT THE YARD. I talked to the state worker and explained the situation. His wife had died 3 years earlier, leaving his oldest two with him. He was a single dad, doing his best. The bullying was endless. Two decided to try to steal his dog and got caught. He ran into a streak of bad luck late spring. On his birthday, he left the scene of an accident, got arrested, was in danger of losing his license and his job. It all became too much and he possibly committed suicide 2 months ago or it was an accidental drug overdose. The pills may have been laced with fentanyl. He collapsed in front of his kids. The two oldest kids are orphans. The little one went back to her mother. The people here hate renters and tried to force him out to make the owner sell the house. They succeeded. That's who I had been hating. I've worked my way through the hate, but am still very angry.
@Sheerkat7 3 жыл бұрын
@@shawn5996 It was tragic. He had just turned 40. It's a shame that his life was so hard. The hyenas have been after me for years, but I own my house and am not going anywhere. I don't give a sheeet what they think about anything. They can't threaten to take kids away from me. I have Rottweilers instead. It's very "Stepford" around here with a lot of arrogant and aggressive new owners. There's no Homeowner's Assoc. so they use the Next Door App to gang up on people. Can't nag me if I don't join and they are too timid to knock on my door. I wouldn't answer it anyway.
@Aint1S 4 жыл бұрын
I grew up always thinking my way to sickness. One time, I prayed to get sick to get out of going to elementary school and that prayer was answered to my misfortune. It was my prayer and it was answered overnight, I've never been as sick as I was from doing that. By 2am that next morning, I fell out of bed trying to get some water because I couldn't walk. I had a fever of 103 and my father had to carry my limp body for the next 24 hours. I've never done anything like that again. Now, I pray for good and the foresight from God to help me avoid thinking traps that make me sick. I don't know what my native relatives call these tests and traps in life, but my great grandmother who's family managed to escape the round-up to the reservations from Oklahoma could see things and smell things that told her whatever it was about who she could sense was in harm. My Grandpa had his thumb ripped off and his nose driven up into his skull by trying to save a man's life from getting caught up in a "cat tail" in the oilfields. His native mother knew what had happened when she smelled a certain "flower's" scent and which hospital to meet him at as he got there! I think people are out of touch with these natural abilities that were given and we take so much more for granted. I'd really appreciate some insight into what it was that she was doing. Is there a name for people with that ability like her? Thank you for your time, I really appreciate your wisdom.
@malapoyo 3 жыл бұрын
I think all humans have that ability, but it sounds like your grandma's ability was on STEROIDS! Interesting story. Thank you for sharing. 👍 I personally think that since your grandmother's senses were so strong, you should try to develop yours into a powerhouse too. Just be careful of any pitfalls. I'm not sure of what they are but I know they're out there, waiting for us to step into the trap. Safe journey! 👍
@siogbeagbideach 3 жыл бұрын
I find all that so interesting and amazing. Gifted for sure. Clairvoyant is seeing, clairaudient would be hearing beyond normal perceptions and clairsentient is feeling. There might be more I can't remember
@Aint1S 3 жыл бұрын
@@siogbeagbideach I really appreciate the input on this unusual trait. I'll toss in two more from my own past that I have completely forgotten about, but I recalled them as I read your list. My girlfriend had come out to my house to see me after work and as she was leaving, she wanted to take my Jeep Wrangler out for the night. Something, some strong feeling came over me that she was going to flip her vehicle that night and it came down to the point that I was going to break up with her over it... In hopes that she wouldn't go out. She shortened her time out, but didn't listen to the warning. I took a shower and was stuck by tears by 6 pm. At 7 pm, I tell my parents that I'm afraid something bad is going to happen to her and discuss going over to her home to warn her parents with my own parents. Her parents answered the door thinking I had terrible news, not knowing what I would tell them as they looked at my face. I then explained to them that I have a been crying for a few hours and don't have any reason other than I fear that she would be in a terrible accident. She needed to be home before 9 pm and that's all I could feel. I broke up with her that evening over it and told them I would be leaving the moment she came down the road. We waited and her parents called everyone in their family who was a police officer that they could to find her before something happened. 9:45 pm came and a Texas State Trooper came knocking at the door. He explained that she was alive, but she was in shock because she had a bad accident without describing it. He led us down the interstate to the bayou that she flipped her SUV into just around 9:20. The car was totaled, she was cut up, and she was feet from hitting the deepest part of the bayou and the other side was the pylons that held the dirt from washing away. That was the only time that I ever had day of feeling of tragedy; however, I predicted another girl's car flipping 10 years later and just under two weeks before she did it. Not because they were awful drivers, just something I feel when I sense it coming. Now that I've relived this experience I can tell you that I have this feeling of the day that I used to feel when I was younger, but I've been disconnected from it for years. It's a feeling of what the day will bring and of what this day will look like... What the sky, the sun, the birds, and everything around me will look like... It's the same feeling of awe that you may have had back when you were a small child. If that helps you get onto that level, I'm glad because your comment led me rediscovering that feeling that I lost touch with over time. Anticipation of what life will bring each day in the moment. Sort of hard these days, but it's not something that you can do with all this negativity. Thanks for getting me into this with your description of these things.
@Aint1S 3 жыл бұрын
@@siogbeagbideach I really appreciate your comment for reopening my eyes! It's an amazing feeling that I hope I won't soon forget.
@siogbeagbideach 3 жыл бұрын
@@Aint1S awe go raibh maith agat/ thank you. As a child I had this connection with animals, I still do, but what you say about that feeling a child has, to remember it has def struck a cord. I had an imaginary white horse, one that could fly ha. I spent my days happily discovering the world with my pal, yrs later I came across the artist Lorna Carrington, and her paintings and art sometimes depicted the white horse and I figured there was more to it. She was pretty visionary. I visit in my dreams, it's not something I have any control over, for example, yrs ago I dreamt I was in my mams place, and in the shed with our old dog Alf, his head on my lap and I was telling him it was okay , that he was okay but his time had come, and not to hold on because of us. I said I loved him so much and that I'd see him again, to let go, that he'd be alright. Was 7am when I woke, and I felt awful but held off til 9 before calling my mam, she said Alf had died around 8, so he was alive when I was dream visiting and saying my goodbye. I got someone to carve his name onto a slate, so sad he was beautiful. It just came to me as I was writing that, I only dream like this when it's about a death, how did I not notice this ever ever before, mad. My turn to thank you for this realisation. Other dreams are mainly of ancestors, I dream of my grandmother especially, and my mam will also have a dream the same night. Usually it's when a family member is being called and that generally happens around a month or so after. My mam hates them, it upsets her. Mams sisters also have dreams like this. Few yrs ago, I dreamt I had a torch, storm and wild seas, I was looking amongst the rocks trying to clear the area, it felt like danger, running out of time, I rem a little flatbed lorry being there, lights on. That night my mam dreamt of a little boy alone on the beach, again, stormy wild weather. We had no idea, and I didn't think about it again until a guy from the next village at home was missing, his lorry parked by a small pier, search and rescue discovered his body in the sea later that day. That one hit heavy , am from a small island and people there are close, pop is around 270 or so, and the community it's a good one. I don't know, it doesn't feel like a gift as such, as there is nothing that I can do with the info or the clues, it's not specific at all. But its knowing my grandmother and all the others that have passed are communicating and there to welcome us, that's a good thing. I read that book trail of tears maybe 20yrs ago or so, no words really, heartbreaking stuff, I don't understand how people can be so cruel to others. Thank you for your original post and replies, that's really something, to see the future or a possible future. And I'm happy I somehow helped you remember more, you did the same for me, thx a million
@sharonmccomas4173 4 жыл бұрын
I love Native American teachings I love Native Americans
@jimcramer3780 3 жыл бұрын
God bless you.
@sharonmccomas4173 3 жыл бұрын
@@jimcramer3780 thank you and GOD bless you too
@mbrannen9835 Жыл бұрын
Me too
@Torako4266 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you , This was what I needed to hear today .
@thehelpinghand9487 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, sir. - One Feather
@thetimberwolf100 3 ай бұрын
I'm 29 years old. But I will take this lesson into my twilight years . Thank you elder. 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your positive words to our ears & heart.
@JustShirley50 3 жыл бұрын
Good words. Gratitude!
@spyce1102 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so grateful for finding this channel. I feel a deep connection to his teachings.
@micah19951 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you and God Bless
@christopherliedtke1637 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the reminder
@JSomerled 3 жыл бұрын
I was always taught that I was the only one responsible for my own feelings.If I’m sad or happy it’s because I chose those thoughts,nobody can choose them for me.
@maryanndelany8651 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much.Please stay well and may Creator keep you blessed
@randomman2993 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not 100% Navajo I'm around 17 percent the other is European. None the less I'd like to know more about my heritage. My great grandmother was taken from her parents and put in with a white family. My grandfather never told us anymore than that. I'd like to reconnect to that part of my family. Thank you for your vedios I deeply appreciate it. Especially the spiritual aspect of the Navajo.
@donnafrank9240 4 жыл бұрын
Man full of wisdom
@hintoflimetostitochip7978 3 жыл бұрын
This channel is about to go viral.
@whoaaitsjojo 4 жыл бұрын
I appreciate everything you share. Thank you 🙏🏽
@marciejones3538 4 жыл бұрын
What 4th ceremony was lost?
@Ark1j 4 жыл бұрын
As one of the Taken ones, I also am grateful for this wisdom.
@cyn2612 3 жыл бұрын
Like he said it's not known, the known ones we still use today is hoozhooji beauty way, hoochxooji evil (banishing) way, iinaaji Life way
@glynnphillips9703 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Mr, Wally
@kerrypurcell6022 4 жыл бұрын
your thoughts become real,,,,,,
@yolandacolby 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, your words are spoke so wisely. I appreciate you. Hearing your teachings always inspires me!
@ginakelley749 3 жыл бұрын
Much respect, Elder, to your teachings. They do however remind me a lot of our fundamental Christian teachings
@bhards 3 жыл бұрын
They remind me of Buddhism! It seems the truth is available to all, if only we recognize it wherever we find it.
@shayneb3540 2 жыл бұрын
Everything is connected.
@SolzeyeJewels 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I too, needed to hear this today.
@magicbrowneagle8308 4 жыл бұрын
Peace and blessings good to listen to wisdom from a Elder.
@nunukatoney8509 3 жыл бұрын
I’m living my life in a positive way. You’ve changed me, thank you 🙏🏽
@ericthiel4053 3 жыл бұрын
These teachings should be every day knowledge for every one. We need more of this..... So unfortunate that so many people dismiss these teachings and are so wrapped up in the material world and vanity.
@curtisgoss2669 Жыл бұрын
An excellent lesson, Grandfather Wally. Universally applicable.
@kimkracht8936 2 жыл бұрын
How cool is that GOD bless you all
@SkycryEmpathy 4 жыл бұрын
This is much needed today 🙏
@gov683 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, be well
@magicmaiden-cloudtalker9250 Жыл бұрын
the world is so blessed to have you in it,
@Delgwah 14 күн бұрын
Thank you. Strength and love. Balance ceremony.
@brianbouch69 3 жыл бұрын
My wish is for this man to be president and for him to change the world for the better.
@evyiennetla9416 3 жыл бұрын
I love these stories they make me feel so much more connected to my roots 🌈🏳️‍🌈🌎🌅
@quaintlittlemutation227 3 жыл бұрын
@patriciabennett1819 2 жыл бұрын
These wise teachings are so needed. Your guidance and ability to explain so easily is welcomed. This is valued information which is beneficial. Thoughts reflect feelings and can provide us with wisdom of happiness or sadness. We have the ability to decide which path to be on. Strong mindset with focus plus conviction to adhere to being positive. Your guidance is welcomed for sure. Gratitude ten fold. Thank you so very much. Kindest regards. My Mother used to tell us never seek revenge as it will come back with a vengeance. Learn life lessons. Interesting how we can always learn from others. I am so grateful., Wishing you many blessings my gratitude ten fold. Thank you so very much. Kindest regards.
@k8eekatt 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful persied meteor shower tonight💓 bless🙏
@charleswonderling521 3 жыл бұрын
Very much a Truth. Thank you for sharing the experience. Only one with the love of truth can give these directions. It has been my life's work to experience this love .
@joyona7430 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. for teaching us the wisdom of the beauty way.
@d3ad_kat519 Жыл бұрын
Of the wisdom to the native American traditions and beliefs are so beautiful and they really open your heart and mind spiritually that it helps in so many ways
@AnnieCarvalho 3 жыл бұрын
I am not Native American but your teachings ring so true and I'm enjoying learning from your videos.
@chandynplatum6936 3 жыл бұрын
My sisters and I stopped talking to the German side of our family. We went back on the red road , and they hate it , they try to stop us, however we have our own spiritual guide that helps us.
@Christopher-iu6kq 11 ай бұрын
Beautiful. Thank you for these affirming words of wisdom.
@selihter 3 жыл бұрын
These are truth as i have been taught growing up and I grew up in south Pacific islands and it is amazing to hear you talk about your traditional teachings 👍how did all these information come about? My polynesian culture to have the same teaching as yours 🤔2 totally different cultures 🤷‍♀️
@therealjoeirox4052 3 жыл бұрын
These types of teachings can be found all throughout the world, especially amoung Indeginous cultures, because they are teachings from the great mystery, and any who listens, will all say the same thing in various ways.
@selihter 3 жыл бұрын
@@therealjoeirox4052 😍
@timothymeehan5680 Жыл бұрын
He has a video out that tells the story about a group of Dine’ that left with old and young on boats that sailed west and a long while after that the children that were old when they came back talked about the floating lands in the middle of the ocean that spewed fire from them, of course I shortened the story but he tells it much better
@selihter Жыл бұрын
@@timothymeehan5680 thank you. I'm interested in the stories 😊
@greggreg2263 3 жыл бұрын
This is exactly what I needed to hear and I will try my hardest to follow your teachings in this video🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@kathryncarter6143 3 жыл бұрын
Too bad you don't get more followers. You have really awesome presentations. Kinda cool the way you end a lot of them, "or so we have been told". Very humble, not a drop of arrogance. I think guys like you are getting harder & harder to find.
@melanie.l6282 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Wally May you have a very long life we need you It s true that negative thinking can trigger illness even cancer I have a book that a friend had given me about psomatic side of illnesses
@teresalenaandprincessthedo4862 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Wally, you reminded me to feel positive and think positive you are such a great man!! Thank you🙏🌲💙❄🐕‍🦺🦮🚒🌻😇🌠🐾🐎
@marietteberndsen9587 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing these old wise words senhor Wally ❤ Respect ❤
@vinrodney9958 10 ай бұрын
Thinking, you try to get people to think today they look at you like you are crazy and smoke starts coming out their ears
@lyndabuswell139 3 жыл бұрын very much for keeping your ways pure.blessings.
@Sweetest73 3 жыл бұрын
Great teachings; constructive thinking is the way to go; God bless you sir! 💙 PS: I see some thumbs down; what I can’t understand is why???
@jolinermacklin2683 3 жыл бұрын
Keeping the mind clear, and Clearer 🦋
@celsaprado4185 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful and wise teachings. Thank you.
@user-ng3bg7qw2d 3 жыл бұрын
Timely. I am recognizing the truth of this teaching. One day at a time. Blessings, Grandfather, and thank you!
@mysterym444 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks! It’s so crazy how everyone was right. And at the end of the road here I am. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Well not the end but the top of the mountain! (As far as I’m seeing 👀 ) Oddly enough, I miss the climb, the dedication, the lack of insane manic energy 🤪 Now it seems more like a routine and not a race. I’m kind of bummed out with the lack of adventure but I’m ready to see what the future holds! LOL 😆 🤦🏻‍♀️🤡🎉🦹🏼
@TheBanana93 3 жыл бұрын
"You have to just reach inside, Face the fears that you always hide, Altogether on the mountainside, When you reach the top - don't stop, This is not the journey's end, Can you make your own life bend? You are not alone my friend, When you reach the top - don't stop, Start again." - Dreadzone Mountain. Start again I have yet to reach the mountain top but I will!
@erichathaway8953 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your stories and wisdom.
@rebeccacurtis6680 3 жыл бұрын
Very true. Reminds me of Philippians 4:8. Love your teachings & historical insights, Sir. Love Native Americans. Peace to you.
@pennypocket5463 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you . Gosh this one seems to be taking me Ages to learn ...I probably need to go live in the woods for a while. 💫🌻Merry wishes to you
@VanTheuni 3 жыл бұрын
Picking up your words from another clip "don't allow words to hurt you". Also meditation will help to keep your thoughts and feelings in balance. Meditation btw is easy... clear your mind of all thoughts by focusing the pausing between breathing. Thanks Wally and Shane for sharing 🙏
@EquallyElevated 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your wisdom 🙏🏽❤️
@magicbrowneagle8308 4 жыл бұрын
The mind runs the brain-computer brain runs the body temple. Thank you ahehee'
@thechrisricci Жыл бұрын
This corresponds closely with the teachings of cognitive behavioral therapy; used to treat conditions like anxiety and depression. Our actions influence our thoughts, and our thoughts influence our feelings. So it is that we are taught not to dwell on negative thoughts but to practice positive thinking. Timeless wisdom.
@elenafetter9690 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this! 💗
@carolynroberts8564 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I needed to hear this!
@donnadillard7016 3 жыл бұрын
Indeed you are so very right. The thought process of people today is a shame to the human race honestly. I try to stay positive. I'm not saying that I am perfect but I do try. It took many years to realize this bit I do now. Thank You 💖
@jofrazier-hansen4097 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your willingness to share this wisdom. It comes to me at a time when I need it most.
@brendavandyk671 3 жыл бұрын
I cannot get enough of this wise man...thank you for opening my mind
@MustardseedFaithGrows 2 жыл бұрын
Affirmations of wisdom I am learning. Thank you.
@SuperKasper333 3 жыл бұрын
As always, all that you say is full of wisdom and merit. I have chosen purposely to live life of goodness- I (and my family) have come under attack. This has been going on for a few years, every single day- and it has systematically destroyed our lives. I do not know these people, other than what they have done and are doing. There is actually a large group( I do not even know names, just license plates). I have tried to get help, but the "help" is involved(friends). I have even had attempts on my life. The point? What do I do next, Wally? I stay positive, do not retaliate, but we are losing everything at this point.
@blancamoreno-wc7ls Жыл бұрын
🧘‍♀️🌳🙏Thanks teacher!!
@laurielamoore2941 6 ай бұрын
I’m excited to learn more on your channel. I’ve always admired your culture but never taken the time to really investigate the teachings. But in the past 8 years, due to the insurgence of Christian nationalism, I’m feeling the need to know a better way. Christianity has much to be held accountable to, for,not least of all the harm it has caused to American Indians. I can’t scribe to a religion that is as destructive as Christianity. Yet, in these very challenging times I feel a need to tap into my deep core and reconnect in a truer way. I’m looking forward to learning from you, Sir. I’m grateful to have found you
@sonjastaes772 Жыл бұрын
thank you for your wise wurds from your people honor
@rintintin7292 Жыл бұрын
Haudenosaunee aka Mohawk here!! I love to learn about other tribes.
@victormacedofilosofia1403 3 жыл бұрын
Very nice
@fritzblob 3 жыл бұрын
I love this man 👍🏼
@richardcarew4708 3 жыл бұрын
thank you, grandfather... true story.. certainly from my point of view
@labreeskarogers1102 3 жыл бұрын
I enjoy his teaching i do a few of his videos a day
@dustylong7577 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this wisdom.
@normanschmidt8389 Жыл бұрын
Gratitude for all things is a positive (constructive) thought. It can change the negative (destructive) from loss into blessings. Love and peace to all of the people. Holy Father, hear this prayer. In Jesus's name, Amen 🙏
@MegaDCan 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@michaelbaratto7026 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for sharing ! Greetings and Blessings, Michael !
@lorenzoross202 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
@critters16 3 жыл бұрын
Thankful for you & your wisdom shared.
@JR-nm2zu Жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@margaretneanover3385 3 жыл бұрын
This is said correct. However when the process of thought Has interceding . There's more to this to live happy and stop more confusion.
@gomezaddams6470 3 жыл бұрын
Your words are so priceless! The fact that you have listened and you're able to pass this on is so wonderful. I hope there are younger people who are following in your footsteps.
@Ленад-е1ш 3 жыл бұрын
God Bless my dears ❤️❤️❤️🌈☀️😘💞
@nivanelson3129 Жыл бұрын
Good morning from Shiprock, NM
@theomnisthour6400 Жыл бұрын
Better to characterize thoughts as responsible or irresponsible than positive/negative. False positivity is easily tempted to narcissism, while justified negativity is essential to counter tyranny
@andresrtidwell8933 3 жыл бұрын
I use this teaching at work
@benrtinez36 4 жыл бұрын
Osi oh my old friend hope you are well
@benrtinez36 4 жыл бұрын
i would like to know how you feel about how i would prove my heritage. on my dads moms side. i am only part with the cherokee lol
@benrtinez36 4 жыл бұрын
my enrollment shows it but my dads side is dine'
@benrtinez36 4 жыл бұрын
i am the pale horse my old friend if you ever need me let me know with technology
@stevewildeagle965 3 жыл бұрын
May Gitche Manitou Bless you. Love and Light Steve White horse. 🙏🏼❤🌞🐎
@KREN12623 Жыл бұрын
@stlouisramsfan03 3 жыл бұрын
I'm Navajo and Hispanic. I'm not very proud of being Diné. But I do love his presentation of the teachings.
@kgarcia761 2 жыл бұрын
@stlouisramsfan03 2 жыл бұрын
@@kgarcia761 Lucky? How?
@crystalclear6660 3 жыл бұрын
This is a very appropriate video for what I am going through right now. So, does this also mean we can think ourselves into better health?
@kathryncarter6143 3 жыл бұрын
To some extend yes. We can't cure all physical problems by thinking nice things, but it sure can help a lot for whatever ails you. Some scientific research has even done studies & can prove this is true. I think they just can't as easily describe why.
@im3phirebird81 3 жыл бұрын
@@kathryncarter6143 Well I would go as far as saying that when somebody as e.g. a car accident that this person ha drawn that into its life, and that all of these experiences can be prevented by shaping yourself in a certain way. In many old ways of living all the different body parts and organs have a certain spiritual meaning and that for example if somebody loses a finger or similar it has manifested through a long ongoing process beforehand. I think we have to regain our sight in many ways in order to comprehend that better.
@jamestaylor4062 3 жыл бұрын
@lenorahopkins4108 3 жыл бұрын
@benjamindewberry8227 3 жыл бұрын
Great grand children are waitiimg with bright eyes, uncle. B,d
@richarddamnquarles4821 3 жыл бұрын
This guy is damn awsome.
@R3N3G 3 жыл бұрын
East is thinking, cool, What are the other 3 directions? Thnx
@katetalini3753 3 жыл бұрын
Control your thoughts 🙏
@marypulley6512 3 жыл бұрын
When men like this is gone, how true will the traditions stay?
@edwardmarapese4091 3 жыл бұрын
Why doesn’t this man have more subscribers
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