I identify so hard with that compulsion to create! My current book started on the day before Christmas 2023 when I woke up with an idea and had to write down as much of it as I could. Then I finished making and wrapping my Christmas gifts late into the night! By Friday the 29th, I had 28k words of outline and prose, plus some character writeups, research, and timeline info. I'm currently at 30k because I'm working again 😂 no, I cannot stop, but I also have so many other fun things that I absolutely must do that I end up dividing my time between writing, singing, quilting, sewing, knitting, drawing, playing the piano, writing music… so many things 😅
@cashcomposer Жыл бұрын
That creative spirit is so important! After inspiration strikes, maintaining a strong work ethic is tough for even the most seasoned writer- Sondheim famously procrastinated on everything he wrote, heck, even Mozart wrote an overture for an opera on the way to the premiere! It just takes time, focus, and ignoring those doubting voices- or better yet, writing in spite of them.
@guardianfish7718 Жыл бұрын
16 yo me started writing a musical. It was supposed to be 30 minutes long, and would be played once by me and my friends with whatever talents we had. It didn't have to be good, I just wanted it to exist. It didn't work out of course, a musical requires such a vast array of skills I lacked. Couldn't even finish the text before I lost connection with that friendship group. But the story has been with me for over a decade now, it got much longer and intricate, turned into a cycle of 14 fantasy books (named The Impossible Musical 😂) that I'm now slowly writing just for fun. I don't work in that sphere, it's just a hobby for me. But like you said in the last part - I need it. Creating for the sake of creating may not have worked out how I expected it to at first, but it gifted me with a whole world to escape to in my fantasies and I don't know who I would be without this silly project that overtake my life ❤
@cashcomposer Жыл бұрын
I love this concept! You know, even just seventy years ago, that might not have been impossible- the Ring Cycle is still performed now, and that's about 15 hours of music!
@jellog2643 Жыл бұрын
That last point was extremely relatable….
@cashcomposer Жыл бұрын
I hope you mean the point that you should definitely write if you feel that compulsion, that love for the art. And not the one about critics being the worst. I'm going to assume you meant the former, and say, yay, glad to hear you can relate! I hope we're both able to overcome all those trials that come with our calling ❤️
@jellog2643 Жыл бұрын
@@cashcomposer Yes I meant that love for art! And I’m with you, hopefully we get our art out there one day and people actually enjoy it!
@zayasmith1184 Жыл бұрын
What about rock opera's?
@cashcomposer Жыл бұрын
Now you've got to convince the rock music people to come to a theatre, and the theatre people to let you bring rock music into their theatre- and the market is very much saturated, everyone is starting to use those more modern sounds now.