New EMEO Digital Practice Saxophone… OMG

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Better Sax

Better Sax

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@bettersax 5 ай бұрын
SAVE 5% With Coupon Code BETTERSAX/EMEO (email them once you've paid the deposit to get the discount applied to the total bill)
@amelia_briscoe Жыл бұрын
I've had my Emeo for about 18 months and I've used it nearly everyday; it sits beside my desk so I can just pick it up and play when I'm having a break (obviously I do play my normal saxophone every day too). I mostly use mine for silent practice at home as I don't like playing my saxophone around family members, and I get up at odd hours of the morning/night, so I can practice without annoying the neighbours as well. It's absolutely worth the money for the amount of use I've gotten out of it.
@francoiscottaz9213 Жыл бұрын
Hi Amelia, how are you, don't know if you remember but we were on bettersax studio at the same time for a period. I didn't know that you have an EMEO. It will be really nice if you could explain me how you manage the soft and connection part of the EMEO. if you prefer to send me an email or you can write me on bettersax or just explaining here. Thanks very much hope your fine. And Happy new year!
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
Thanks for adding your experience with it Amelia.
@sat1241 Жыл бұрын
@@bettersax Thanks for the detailed review some thoughts a) I don't see any reason, according to the makers of this, that this is any less of a performance instrument despite it being designed for practice b) I used to play sax 15 years ago at an early intermediate level. I live in an apartment now and can't make the amount of noise a real sax makes. I have seen that shell enclosed thing and maybe I could use it but it still might bother my crazy neighbor. So I'm looking at this Emeo. You are going back and forth between this and a real sax, so you adapt to both feels... BUT if I were to it for a few years exclusively > until at some possible point in the future I was not in an apartment and could then play a real sax: I fear that if I played just the Emeo for a couple of years I could get accomplished in fingering but I will have settled into that slight latency, so then if I switched to a real sax that could take a long time to adjust and the other thing is no practice for embosure. So I'm thinking if I played this thing for two years , either like it for what it is and don't switch to a real sax or if I switch to a real sax, accept adding another 1-2 years to adjust to the real sax no latency plus embosure control, to bring these things to the level of fingering accomplishment. Do you agree with this? thanks
@davidbackof Жыл бұрын
I've had my Emeo for about a week (Xmas present to myself) and it is the perfect instrument for those of us living in densely packed/urban environments where noise disturbance is an issue. I've practiced more this week than I have in probably three months and the results are tangible. It's a blast to play because the action is so authentic (so long, WX-5, you were kind to me for so many years). Couple this with a mouthpiece silencer to keep your embouchure solid and you have a pretty darn good practice routine to tide you over until you can get a real horn in your hands. My only regret is not buying it a couple weeks later so I could get the discount code...
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
Glad it's working out well for you!
@bdg7309 Жыл бұрын
Sonny Rollins chose playing on the bridge...
@pierreocvirk7036 Жыл бұрын
Hi can you say something about what computer / ipad setup you use to actually produce the sound?
@tombombadil1892 3 ай бұрын
Hey I rarely comment, but I got an Emeo and it is everything I expected. Had it for several months. Best of all, they have a simplified Respiro partner app on iPhone so I don't even need to plug it into a computer. Though usually I use computer, as I basically use it at night when I would not otherwise make all the noise! The sounds are not performance, it is just practice, and for that IT IS GREAT.
@gerritraupach9059 Жыл бұрын
I have the emeo since November 2022. it feels like a real sax! it’s perfect to be played in a Motorhome on campgrounds or in hotels: nobody feels disturbed in the early morning or late evening like with the normal Sax. The case is much smaller then an Alto or Sopran. Ideal for traveling. It works perfectly as Tenor and Altosax or c melody even with Playbacks from Dropbox or Tomplay. Recording on video (e.g. to send a birthday song) is no Problem. If a question arises, emeo staff directly helps. Great support. I don’t want to miss it as training gear to get musicsheets „into the fingers“ or prepare a performance during holidays. Only soundquality/forming sound is not possible to be trained. All the crazy discussed ideas about how to play quietly/not disturb WITH A SAX found a solution! Thank you emeo!
@TheMrjsax Жыл бұрын
Love my emeo, had it for 2 years now. It is worth every penny to practice anytime with headphones. I recommend using the new SWAM Sax sounds on IOS...FANTASTIC FANTASTIC FANTASTIC
@QalinaCom Жыл бұрын
I just googled it and it's indeed the best sax digital sound that there is. Not as good as the real thing, but just about as good as it gets, thanks for sharing the info!
@craigmcgorry2391 Жыл бұрын
So glad you did an EMEO review. I’ve had one for almost a year. It kept me practicing when my dad was sick and I was caring for him and couldn’t make a lot of noise. I love the feel of an actual saxophone body and key work. To me, that’s the biggest plus and well worth it for that reason. As you said, it makes you want to play it. All that being said, I spent the extra money for the SWAM saxophone audio modeling suite. Not cheap. $200 or so, as I recall, on top of the EMEO price of $1,500. I just can’t get into the Respiro sounds that come with it and, though it will never be as good as a real Sax sound, the SWAM comes close enough for keeping me engaged. I did run into some connection issues that have frustrated me, so I haven’t been playing it recently. EMEO has offered to Zoom with me about it, but I’ve been incredibly busy and I also live in NYC and they are in Israel, so it’s been hard to find a common time. But, overall, when it’s working for me, which it will again, it’s a game changer! Oh, I also practiced with it several times this summer on a 2-hour railroad ride. Just put my headphones on and practiced. I also learned Bird’s solo on “Perhaps” almost entirely on my EMEO.
@gerritraupach9059 Жыл бұрын
I did the update a week ago with zoom. 15 minutes and since then all connection problems have gone. Do it!
@craigmcgorry2391 Жыл бұрын
I didn’t realize there was an update.
@lioneltamayo4705 Жыл бұрын
@@gerritraupach9059 does it sound like a real sax now?
@gerritraupach9059 Жыл бұрын
@@craigmcgorry2391 No that's also not the intention. But a lot of different sound s to chose from. As said,:.the feeling for the fingers is identical, not the sound. But great for travelling!
@donnapearl8202 Жыл бұрын
I love my emeo the company is super responsive and helpful. I also agree the curved neck piece should be longer, it’s uncomfortable to play with the short elbow… but I’m hoping to find something to extend it at my local hardware store. Other than that, it’s just perfect, it feels good and I can use my cell phone and headphones and not bother anyone.
@christophbrylka6256 Жыл бұрын
I'm using the YDS-150 for 1.5 years by now and I evaluated the EMEO as well. I still wonder why your YDS-150 test was so devastating as it still does a very gold job for me at half the price of an EMEO and with the features that you request from the EMEO such as inbuilt sounds and a headphone connector. For me the biggest no-go for the EMEO is the requirement to connect it to some software running on any hardware (PC, tablet or smartphone) in order to listen to what you're playing. I still bet that Yamaha will come up with a YDS-250 that comes with a solid Taiwan hardware and will combine the best features of both practice instruments before the EMEO company comes up with anything that suits your requirements.
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
My YDS-150 was extremely unpleasant to work with. For me it is the kind of instrument that makes me want to stop playing. I'm glad you are getting value out of yours though. I do hope that Yamaha improves the design of their digital saxophone.
@christophbrylka6256 Жыл бұрын
@@bettersax I'm hoping for a practice horn that combines both: Digital features of the YDS-150 like inbuilt sounds, plug for earphone and bluetooth speaker connection with the solid hardware of the EMEO.
@freddyluckily6286 Жыл бұрын
The YDS-150 feels like a toy, and the key action is clunky at best. Practicing on it may help maintain your sax skills, but I find it very frustrating, especially the octave key. I play it much less frequently than I had planned. It just isn't fun to play.
@TheEdgeTS Жыл бұрын
@@bettersax I was a little disappointed on the YDS 150 review as well. I have both, as well as the Travel Sax 2, and the YDS/TS2 are good for practicing fingering as a standalone even though sound is not great. The Emeo was good for the feel and hardware adjustments; sound was great, but only because of the power of another entire device. However, the Emeo needing another device is extremely inconvenient. My disappointment in comparing the two reviews is that on the YDS, it was slammed for not having a bite sensor, but for the Emeo, the bite sensor was downplayed. All three of the instruments state that they are for practice only and not intended to be for live/professional performances. If Emeo had a built-in speaker or headphone port, I think it is worth the extra cost. Otherwise, I think the YDS 150 minus the bell, would be my practice instrument of choice whenever I need to practice quietly. My real instruments are Tenor Ref 54 and Yani AWO2.
@gsd2112 Жыл бұрын
Jay, I bought my Emeo in December based on your recommendation in response to an email I sent you in November. I was looking for a better practice alternative when at our home in Manhattan. (Busking under a bridge in Central Park just doesn't work for me, ha.) I love my Emeo! Connecting it to my iPhone was much easier than using the app on my Mac, and I'm able to play along with backing tracks that only I can hear. (I frequently use Karaoke tracks found in Spotify as backing tracks, in addition to iRealPro and your excellent downloads.) I found that I needed a pair of wired headphones and an adapter to plug them into the iPhone power jack because using Bluetooth earbuds was not a good solution. Using a Bluetooth connection between Emeo and an iPhone or computer is USUALLY fine, (though not always - sometime I must close out other running programs/Apps) but to further connect earbuds or headphones via bluetooth is a total non-starter. Like you, I had the springs on several keys adjusted and had to shorten the stroke on the Octave Key. I also have asked the very nice guys at Emeo to create a longer neck. Hopefully, they will do so soon. I use hot glue on my other saxophones to build-up some of the keypads and to create a "handle", if you will, for my left hand due to my crooked fingers. This was especially important with Emeo since it is significantly smaller than a Tenor Sax and somewhat smaller than the Alto. I would also suggest they move the air hole at the bottom of the Emeo to the front of the circle at the bottom so the instrument can rest on a leg. With the hole at the rear, resting in on a leg covers that hole and makes it impossible to blow. I do not like using a real reed/mouthpiece as it wants to vibrate. The rubber mouthpiece provided is actually fine, but bite control and bending/vibrato would be nice. Adjusting the breath control helps to make practice more realistic in terms of phrasing...i.e., when to take the next breath. My biggest issue (which is really minor/petty) is that I'd like a set of more realistic built-in sounds to choose from. There are some pretty good sax "voices" available for purchase and supposedly they can be added in, but a tech-imbecile like me needs help actually installing and connecting them. It comes with a great case, but I will probably just wrap it in pair of jeans and put it in a carry-on bag for travel. All in all, this was a great suggestion, Jay. I really appreciate it and hope you will consider doing a short course on using the Emeo. The nice guys at Emeo are wonderful, but they do not have your excellent communication skills. It would be great to see how you use it and get your demonstrations on how to get connect and get the most out of the Emeo. Best!
@rfisher89 Жыл бұрын
As a saxophone player who lives in an apartment building, I could really use this. I have the aero phone but it seems like this will better for technical exercise.
@adenolenti Жыл бұрын
Great review! When I ordered mine, it was sent out right away. My only issue is that playing over bluetooth can be glitchy. The rest is just as you say.
@stephenroberts4479 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate the review. I have been following your vids since the start of covid, and even ended up buying a Jean Paul AS saxaphone due to a review made by you. I've taken a years worth of lessons, fallen off wagon, and am currently picking it up again. I have been researching both the emeo and the travel sax. Both for the given reasons of why they have been created for. I would also be grateful of a review made by you on the travel sax, when able. The emeo seems perfect micking that of a true saxaphone feel, but the travel sax offers the convenience of playing anywhere anytime, with and or without (correct me if I am wrong ), a digital source.
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
You can play the EMEO with Bluetooth on a phone or tablet. Travel sax has internal sounds but they are not much fun to play with because of the low quality. For good sounds you need to connect to a more powerful computer with any wind controller.
@mdtcomm1533 Жыл бұрын
Great comprehensive review. This is the most authentic solution I have seen so far and it will only get better and I hope they can focus more on performance playing. Most of the other one controllers look like toy instruments in my opinion. Although, they can sound pretty good using the right plug-in of course. This is Super great for saxophone players. I use an EWI USB which is quite good and inexpensive so I have some experience in this area. And I am a real trumpet player too.
@johnmacneill9005 Жыл бұрын
This looks intriguing, but I'll wait to see what they come up with for a second generation, as I would really like more performance features. I totally get the initial focus on a practice-oriented instrument. I play the Roland AE-30 (and AE-10 before it) and I need the bite sensor, octave keys and additional controllers it provides for expressive performance playing, but honestly the feel of the Roland could be much better.
@Kirktracy Жыл бұрын
I’ve been looking forward to this review, Jay. Sounds really good. I’d like one. Disappointingly, I have Yamaha YDS. I wanted a solution to having limited practice time during the day. However I don’t enjoy playing it, it feels a bit too dead in the hands and the constant glitches makes it a bit frustrating to play. An emeo might be a future investment.
@maveri.k Жыл бұрын
Take a look at the Travel sax 2 of Odisei Music. Got mine a month ago and I am pretty happy for the price I paid
@CO8ism Жыл бұрын
I live in a small apartment with thin walls and have no shot at practicing my saxophone here without disturbing everyone. I also have a full time job and sometimes I would like to practice late at night, which is difficult as a beginner. This is perfect for me.
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
This is how most people will get good value from this device I think.
@bobthedeadguy7400 Жыл бұрын
Can't you buy a sax mute
@PurveyorOfCuriosities Жыл бұрын
@@bobthedeadguy7400 mutes are certainly more cost effective, but I think because the EMEO offers silence as an audio output, it better addresses concerns of practicing late at night.
@fablekiller Жыл бұрын
there is also Travel Sax 2, much cheaper and nice for practise.
@artmartinez7227 11 ай бұрын
I sometimes practice in the car and I bought the mute where the sax goes inside of it.
@5pp000 Жыл бұрын
Haven't tried the Emeo, but I do have an Odisei Travel Sax 2. It's the same concept -- a practice-oriented instrument -- but made of plastic, much smaller and lighter, and about 1/3 the price of the Emeo. I'm sure it's not as satisfying to play, but for what it is, I think it's pretty impressive. It has all the keys -- really -- and supports "common" altissimo fingerings, though I wish they would say exactly which ones. It's thoughtfully engineered, with a headphone jack and an aux input, and an internal speaker. The built-in voices are not that great, but it is supposed to be able to do MIDI over Bluetooth; I haven't tried this. The most impressive thing is the breath sensor, which has far more dynamic range than the EWI5000's. I'm sure a serious saxophonist will be happier with the Emeo, but for novices like me, the Odisei is easily good enough to enable practicing without risk of divorce :-)
@Sugharon Жыл бұрын
I honestly can't wait to get one of these. Once I save up the spare cash i'm definitely putting in an order for one
@tyronesettles8128 8 ай бұрын
I wasted 15 hundred dollars on this product. Save your money. This instrument is not easy to set up. I contacted the company asking them to help me get it to play, and he was not nice at all, and he was the CEO! I felt like I was scam.
@jesseserranoll39 Жыл бұрын
Going on Month 5 of my 2nd round of Bells Palsy, which renders me unable to play a real sax. [BLAHST!] I have finally started playing out with the AE30. As an untrained musician who just wanted something I could pick up and play (with almost no embouchure or compression from my cheek) the AE30 has had a higher learning curve than I had hoped. There are so many settings, sounds, configurations that I am sure add great flexibility for people with a greater understanding of "Synths" but muddied the waters for me. THe EMEO, though limited, certainly seems to be a great alternative that is more natural to transition for sax players. I am VERY thankful to have an option to play, which I did not have in 2020. (thank you for the encouragement and direction, Jay!) I wanted an AE20 as it seemed simpler, however, there were none available even new (supply chain issues) and I found a used AE30. The ability to reduce the "Breath" Sensor and "Bite" Sensor to minimal settings allows me to play out the side of my mouth, but the "Bite Curve" makes for some odd dynamics and different "Instruments" react differently with the given settings... hopefully figuring it out! This EMEO looks like an excellent launching point for future versions more geared toward performance. It is hard to believe they did not include a headphone jack, but I imagine that is handled by whatever device is being used to provide the patches, correct? It seems without the need for Bite Sensors, it might be more easily played by someone with Bells Palsy. Wish I had an extra $1500 to experiment with, but for now, will have to work with my current AE30 investment. I have not been paid fo a gig or recording since August, so that fund is unavailable! Before contracting Bells Palsy, I had never given a 2nd thought to windsynths, but thanks to your guidance, Jay at least I can continue to make SOME kind of music. I cannot be the only sax player in the world to have been affected by this, so I hope this encourages someone else to keep pursuing the passion of sax depsite the crippling depression and compromises of this neurological disorder. After 40 years of playing I could not imagine life without it! The old saying "It takes more muscles to frown than to smile" may be argued by some, but I can confirm, if you cannot frown, you cannot play the sax...those same muscles are requisite! Nevertheless, playing sax always makes me smile.. praying to be back on a real horn soon.
@talmoskowitz5221 Жыл бұрын
Jesse, sorry you are going through this. As a neurologist, I'll keep what you said in mind. Maybe I can help someone apply what you've learned the hard way.
@joepellerito2898 Жыл бұрын
The Synthophone by Softwinds blows this away. It is a real yamaha alto saxophone with built in midi. It appears to work in a similar manner to this. It has extended range, tranposition, a real reed, bite sensor, can pay up to 5 part harmony, pitch bend, and much more. I have played mine for about 10 years, including live performances.
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
I’ve heard of that. Will have to try one out.
@afuternik Жыл бұрын
I would expect that a $4,000 device be more capable than a $1,500 device.
@djp11111 Жыл бұрын
Would the Synthophone serve the purpose of silent practice that is the focus of this Emeo device, or is it just a saxophone that outputs to a midi controller? Also looks like it may be out of production anymore.
@Retro_Rocket_Music Жыл бұрын
I bought a black one today. It is shipping tomorrow.
@nb3channel 10 ай бұрын
I'll wait for the next gen before buying, which hopefully will include performance features such as bite sensor and least one onboard board sound for alto, tenor, and soprano sax.
@EddieEWI Жыл бұрын
Nice review Jay! Glad you got your hands on the EMEO. ⚡️🎷 Gotta love those ES2 Saw patches. Have you tried it with EVI-NER/Lyrihorn2?
@JustAnAcre Жыл бұрын
It would be good to have a screw-on or snap-on bell to rest in an instrument stand. Also, an expressive emboucher would make it into a performance synth. Maybe, EMEO can make another model to fill that end.
@harddriverecordingandfilmsNY Жыл бұрын
I'll def. consider getting one, once it's set up for live stuff, as in midi out to use with a tone generator. I've been playing on the WX5 since 2004
@JeffreySaxophoneTallNewton Жыл бұрын
I just ordered mine. I'm in the "February" batch (ships at the end of February). FYI, it's PayPal only (although you can use your credit or debit card), and the Better Sax coupon does not "show up" anywhere on the $300 initial deposit page. I emailed Emeo and let them know that this video assisted me in my purchase decision, and they wrote back that the coupon discount will be applied to the balance to be paid when the instrument ships. So, don't worry if you don't see the discount on the deposit page. I'd email them as I did... They advised that orders placed by today will be in the "February" batch for sure, but they didn't know about orders placed after that. So, order today or at least ASAP if you want to be in the "February" batch!
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
Congrats. Let us know how it works out for you.
@JeffreySaxophoneTallNewton Жыл бұрын
@@bettersax Shall do!
@lioneltamayo4705 Жыл бұрын
Does NOT sound like a sax...It's a synthesizer that looks like a sax
@llamapicante Жыл бұрын
Very tempting... until the cost. $1500 for a practice sax as compared to a Roland AE-20 or 30 at a lower or equal price point seems like a miss. Granted, the Roland doesn't feel exactly like a sax and has some drawbacks, but it's studio ready and extremely versatile. The major benefit I see from the Roland mouthpiece is I get the same lip workout due to the simulated reed, where that would be missing here. That being said, I'm excited to see where they go with this. I love the niche market starting to grow so that we have options as sax players. I hope they have great success and maybe someday I'll pick one up. Thank you for the work you put into these reviews!
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
thanks, yes the Roland Aerophones are great despite their drawbacks. It really depends on what you need. When it comes to just practicing, the EMEO does better for me. The mouthpiece on the Aerophone is not going to help you keep your embouchure muscles in shape though. Only a real saxophone can do that.
@darryldixon5794 Жыл бұрын
I use a Yamaha WX7 to input information into Finale for my arranging jobs. Can I do this with the EMEO?
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
Yes it communicates midi.
@MosquitoMade Жыл бұрын
Interesting, this Emeo is so far the only only one that I've seen that I might actually be able to get onboard with. Though I've got a place I can play my real instruments, that $1550 price tag would go a long way in buying another saxophone (I paid less than that for my used tenor)
@MettleHurlant Жыл бұрын
That’s a beautiful horn!
@herculesmwp7983 7 ай бұрын
Man, I love it but was not expecting that price. Makes sense though, it looks really nice
@V081WLBlue Жыл бұрын
3:15 Ahhhhh!!! Jez, over a year after getting my first sax at last I discover what that metal 'lump' with the little screw on the side of my saxophone is for!!!!!!! A lyre holder!!!!! To fekkin dear though!
@biedera7 7 ай бұрын
Freaking awesome! I have been waiting for this for centuries! Why was Yamaha not able to produce something like this?! This is it! It just really needs a pressure-sensitive mouthpiece, for sure. I would like the mouthpiece to be tone-tuning like the real thing. But it is so beautiful! I love it! Thank you for showing it! Edit: why do I want a bite pressure sensor? Because training to play the Saxophone has a lot to do with training your lips to push a reed that is thick so it (Stan) Gets this sound. I love his acoustics so much. That is why I am convinced that a "training" digital sax should not come without. But just my 2 cents. By the way - I do have a completely other opinion on whether this will get a performance model. It will. Thank you for your sensational Videos!
@gib321 Жыл бұрын
I always envied guitar players who could just pick up their instrument and practice for five or ten minutes at a time when the opportunity arose - some thing not generally available to sax players. I think I might struggle with the tech aspect of this however.
@NeilPeers Жыл бұрын
If it doesn't make any sound at all without external hardware software it is at best a MIDI controller, not a saxophone. Not only that but the software included doesn't include a saxophone sound so you have to pay even more to make a sound that a sax player would expect.
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
Yes, precisely, this is a midi controller with the keywork of a saxophone. There isn't a saxophone patch in existence that sounds close to a real saxophone. The best emulators require a lot of processing power that would make a device like this much more expensive. The solution most people accept is to use alternative sounds which are better and to connect to a more powerful computing device. The EMEO is meant to be a practice tool, not a saxophone replacement.
@HereIsmarcus 5 ай бұрын
My concern is the openness of the airway. Is it like a real sax or does it feel blocked?
@Endlesssssss Жыл бұрын
Isn’t a bite sensor make or break, especially for practice. I can’t fathom an item of that price- point missing what some would consider essential features.
@ArsRoch Жыл бұрын
Great review. Agree longer neck would be amazing. Did you adjust key heights on yours. I contacted the company about this and they discouraged me from having a tech do it. I feel like the key height feels like a tenor but when I hold it like my soprano. My ape brain says my fingers shouldn’t move as much. Yeah I’d play it more with onboard sounds, built in feature so that I pick up my real horn.
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
I adjusted the key height on my octave key which helped reduce glitching there.
@scottlane8157 Жыл бұрын
I added a length of thick walled rubber hose that fit over the neck and into the printed mouthpiece to have a longer neck. its flexible so it seems a little silly but works great
@jackihorton8532 Жыл бұрын
This was so cool to see. Thank you!! I need something like this since I have roommates.
@c.l.4895 Жыл бұрын
At first I thought this would be a silly question, but now I’m not so sure. If you’re blowing warm air through and it has real pads and pivots, would this thing need a “real” overhaul at some point?
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
No. Nothing gets wet and the pads don’t need to seal. The mechanism doesn’t need to be perfect either although these are reasonably well setup anyway. You may need to make some adjustments in case the thing falls or gets bumped hard.
@QalinaCom Жыл бұрын
@@bettersax but the moisture needs to go somewhere...
@colasalz2 Жыл бұрын
happy new year and keep up grooving :)
@johnnyharrison5760 19 күн бұрын
I bought a emeo and it keeps getting a error out of range on the low registr but with the octave key I can play fine how to fix this problem?
@alonfrimer339 Жыл бұрын
Finaly! Iv been wating to this video
@aboutdesoufflegourdonmusiq5805 Жыл бұрын
Hi Jay, it only serves for practicing the fingering and not as much the embouchure and breathcontrol. Which seems to make it uncomplete to me. What do you think?
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
That is correct. You need a real sax and mouthpiece to develop sound and embouchure strength.
@jackphantom Жыл бұрын
Bought the Odisei Travel Sax II. This is intriguing but won't fit into a carryon the same way that one will. But this does seem to be identical to the keywork on an alto.
@briandurandwood Жыл бұрын
I’m also a TS2 owner, but will probably get an emeo. The action on the TS is okay, but still a pretty different experience from a real horn. Also IMO they got the position of palm Eb quite wrong. I often hit it when intending to play palm D.
@gogogao Жыл бұрын
I have a question. I assume the sound is not produced by vibrating the reed like a traditional saxophone. So how do you do "tonguing" on this instrument to create a brief break? Or is there any other method that is only used on this instrument and other wind synths? Thanks.
@kentGrey Жыл бұрын
June 2023 still only available for pre-order.
@and7barton Жыл бұрын
I had an EWI - Too heavy for me. This looks like a good device.
@C.JFletcher Жыл бұрын
Who would the normal routine repairs on this product?
@MartyKeil Жыл бұрын
It looks extremely cool, but if I wanted to use it for live performance, I think I would like to have a standard MIDI out so I could go straight to my MIDI rack without needing a host/laptop. Someone should mention kindly to the manufacturer, "needs standard MIDI out!!!"
@TheWrassler Жыл бұрын
So there is no headphone jack on the Emeo?
@pierreocvirk7036 Жыл бұрын
Oh no the apple store for the respiro app says: requires M1 or later. Thats quite a letdown (I have an older one)! What alternatives are there, not too pricey, for respiro replacement on the mac?
@brandonnoffze4595 Жыл бұрын
Great video. Unrelated but does anyone hear a gnarly low bass frequency anytime Jay is talking? I think it’s a G. Mic Feedback?
@aristevons Жыл бұрын
I like it cause its always in tune.
@larseikind666 10 ай бұрын
The Emeo looks a lot like my soprano. I think I would be very confused if I played it with a baritone sax sound. :D But thanks for the informational video! I will look into this instrument a bit closer, since I don't have a practice horn right now. Edit: Looked at the price. Decided it's a no-go.
@Salty24 5 ай бұрын
I must have one!!!
@Barbarossa_67 10 ай бұрын
I tried one in a music shop last week. Whilst it felt good, I found that the latency made it alnost unplayable. Ended up buying a TravelSax.
@parisax Жыл бұрын
Hi, thanks for this. What is the adjustment that you made to the octave key? I have a glitch problem when switching registers, perhaps your adjustment would solve that problem? Thanks in advance
@korra76 10 күн бұрын
I have that problem too and I contacted the emeo support. I had a video call with the founder and he had bben very kind explaining me amny things. He explained that the glitches are natural and they did not filtered it out because the player has to learn how to move the keys in perfect sync. He sayd that happens also on the real sax but we don't hear it very much because changing octave, the real sax, does jump one octave down and then one up. It goes naturally to the upper octave ore the lower. I would say that is a little annoying but I am used to it and I reduced it a lot. So no big phisical adjustment, the solution is simply more sync between fingers. @Bettersax do you agree?
@PurveyorOfCuriosities Жыл бұрын
Have you done or do you plan to review the Travel Sax? I returned my Yamaha YDS-150 and this is just too pricey.
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
Will Do soon.
@christophegger29 Жыл бұрын
Has is actually a Yamaha key work? It looks like that.
@davidskey Жыл бұрын
Two questions: Does it recognize altissimo fingerings? Is there a way to incorporate vibrato into playing the EMEO? Thanks!
@wwoodard8 Жыл бұрын
If it responds to breath pressure (I'm sure it does) then you can do breath vibrato. It will depend on the sensitivity of the breath sensor as to whether that comes off naturally or not...
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
Yes, it comes with altissimo fingerings pre programmed and with the firmware update that is currently in beta you can program your own altissimo. I have all my personal fingerings programmed into mine which is great. You can do a breath vibrato like on flute which I did at some point in the video. You can also add vibrato to many of the patches.
@KeelayPlaysIt Жыл бұрын
@@bettersax I had no idea they had a beta out for that!! That's like, the one thing I had beef with. Otherwise it's so good for apartment living
@evenglare Жыл бұрын
This is awesome. As a person who plays sax 90% of the time in the genre of Synthwave or Vaporwave I deal with synths and then my real saxophone most of the time. I know its said that this isn't a performance instrument, which im assuming to mean that this is probably not good in a Live setting; however is this a good synth to record something in a electronic synth capacity? I mean I can put together a sax synth, change the attack , sustain, decay whatever to make it sound as close to a real sax as I can, but its a pain in the ass to get it juuuust right to sound real and even then the nuances are just too hard to get right. So with the detailed mechanisms to a real sax, would this EMEO give me a more accurate sax sound? As you mention with the pads closing affecting the notes in a subtle way I can't REALLY do on a pure synth sax sample? Hope that makes sense. Oh also one more question, does this output midi when its connected with the PC? That would be really nice to natively record in a program like fruity loops. Anyway, long post, hopefully that made sense. Thanks in advance for a response (if you can lol)
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
a convincing sax patch does not exist still and may not ever exist in our lifetime. Nothing but a real saxophone sounds like a sax. Yes you get midi info through the usb c cable
@foodini Жыл бұрын
The EWI and I didn't get along very well and the portable options for sound generation for the Yamaha were pretty terrible when I was trying it. If I want to practice on the bus, using an android tablet as my generator, what's the most satisfying solution you've found? I actually prefer not to use bluetooth and am happy to be wired up like a telephone switchboard when practicing.
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
Most satisfying is to be connected to a computer that has the processing power for high quality sounds.
@anthonysteinerv Жыл бұрын
Jesus I don't even have a real saxophone and this practice one costs almost 3 times or a little bit more than 3 times than a jean paul US sax which I might buy in a month, finally I'm getting my first instrument.
@iLumberjack Жыл бұрын
Good luck, bud. Remember, there will always be opportunities to spend money and it's easy to get gear fever. Do what you can to avoid that as much as possible. Congratulations on your upcoming purchase.
@thomassicard3733 Жыл бұрын
ASIO I/O drivers will reduce latency.
@YohanQuillet Жыл бұрын
Hello, thanks for this review ! where put the reduction's code ?
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
After you place your reservation deposit, you will email them and they will apply the discount to the final amount.
@uhoh007 Жыл бұрын
I pre-ordered an Emeo. Coming from clarinet I now have alto and tenor too. I just got a WX5 and VL70m Turbo. It is pretty fun really, even on the first night. Will the Emeo ever get a mouth-piece sensor upgrade, or does that need to be a whole new instrument?
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
I know they are working on it. Would be great if they can find a way to offer it to existing Emeos with a software update...Not sure how this would work though.
@lukethegreatest Жыл бұрын
Hi jay, on your course master bundle, what is the best order to do them in ? What is the best to start with?Thanks!
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
Here's a link to the suggested order of study
@lukethegreatest Жыл бұрын
@Better Sax thanks so much ! Started on the pentatonic foundation this morning !
@JoeLinux2000 Жыл бұрын
Does it have a reed?
@wwoodard8 Жыл бұрын
I love the sound you get. What is your audio setup - I understand you are using computer for patches, but what kind of gear do you use - amp etc.?
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
Just my Mac and some Yamaha speakers.
@tristanalonzo Жыл бұрын
i just switched to alto sax do you have any tips?
@dongutheil9310 Жыл бұрын
People are finally admitting that all the wind synths are NOT sax practice substitutes. For that main reason I bought a Synthophone years ago and it IS a real saxophone. It can be a performance and a silent practice sax. It took most ANY sax you had and put the goodies inside of it. It was the most expensive synth at the time but I believe it has come down a lot since then. Have you ever tried one? One main drawback is the weight… heavier than a regular alto. But since it’s a real sax, a neck strap will solve that. Also, as ALL wind synths, the sounds are limited to the sound modules.
@Netraven001 Жыл бұрын
I am interested in getting a Wind Synth of some form, but it's so I can practice Saxophone playing, and not annoy the heck out of my neighbors in the apartment complex! So did I miss the part where you sampled the Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bari Sax sounds? I don't recall hearing anything but the synth sounds. I mean, as much as I'd love to use it for practice, I'd really prefer if it sounds like a Saxophone, too!
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
I demoed a baritone sax sound in the video. It is from the audio modeling software which is a separate purchase. There aren’t any very good saxophone sound available so most saxophone players prefer to use other sounds.
@Netraven001 Жыл бұрын
@@bettersax DOH!~ I'll have to rewatch to hear that part again. There are some pretty good Yamaha WX5 demos on YT that made me VERY interested in that one, but considering the separate controller/interface purchases puts that one at about the same price range as the YDS. I'm interested in the AKAI EWI USB, but like you said, there didn't seem to be very good Sax sounds on it. I WANT to play.... I just Need somewhere to do it that doesn't terrorize the neighbors and their pets. (Let alone, my own cats!) So I was hoping an EWI of some sort could be my key. But that's looking less and less of a possibility. Thank you for the videos and for your response!
@alfisher8939 Жыл бұрын
Hey Jay, wonder if you could help me out with this. I am currently using a Roland Aerophone AE-05 running a stand-alone SWAM Tenor Sax connected via wireless Bluetooth Midi in a "Live" environment. Being wireless gives me the opportunity to move around the stage and I would like to do the same with the Emeo but experiencing a lot of latency glitches with this setup. Been told I could alleviate the latency problem with a direct wired connection, but that would somewhat hinder the ability for stage movement and the connection to my iphone would be cumbersome compared to the wireless. Please advise what I might do to get the best of both worlds. You also said that you experienced a slight delay or latency with the Emeo. Did you do anything special to make it work better with B/T ?
@jerrykitich3318 Жыл бұрын
How well does it allow you to develop your embochure, if you can only play a regular sax 4 days a week?
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
No digital sax can develop your embouchure. Only the real thing can help with that.
@aaronjaben7913 8 ай бұрын
it looks cool too
@brianbutler9775 Жыл бұрын
Seems pretty expensive for what it is and the limitations.
@WobblePizza 8 ай бұрын
How do you clean it?
@SynthRockViking Жыл бұрын
I know guitar and stuff, basically Could I jump into this, or would one Have to be born a wind-bender?
@artgutierrez5745 11 ай бұрын
Where can you buy this sax?
@HonestSaxSound-unEdited- Жыл бұрын
Mmm... for half of this price i prefer to do a good "insonorization" (soundproofing) of my practice room (in case i had problems with neighbours).. and so continue blowing my real sax that sounds thousand times better than any of this digital things, AND allow me a correct embouchure and thonging practice that is so important, or more, than fingering. OR, i would buy a 2nd real sax for practice (and not need to clean so much) Only for practice in travel can be useful this digital aerophones. (But, no way, i don't like his sounds, may be because i tend to compare it with my real saxes)
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
Soundproofing a room cost several thousand dollars for a small room. A real saxophone is always preferable of course, but for many people it is not always an option. That's why there is a strong demand for instruments like the EMEO.
@fndrkFanClub Жыл бұрын
Fully agreed. Excellent Portable molded booths like Best Brass e-Mute (no affiliation here, I m sure there's others) are at 1/3rd of the price of this midi controller.
@tperry5839 Жыл бұрын
Nice instrument
@staalefo 6 ай бұрын
I've always wanted to play sax, but I don't want to make all my neighbors aware of it... I play organ (yup, I'm that old) and use my laptop so it would be cool to try it.
@LogicalQ 10 ай бұрын
Does the G# key stick like a real saxophone?
@lilredvevo5126 9 ай бұрын
How much is that
@aristevons Жыл бұрын
Have I really won something? Could I see what it is that I have won? Well here I am messaging you back cause I am keen to see what I have won!!😃
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
Sorry. There are spam bots all over KZbin. Please report those and ignore. You haven’t won anything from us.
@anthonypierre2094 Жыл бұрын
This looks so cool but that price tag is out my range 😔
@aristevons Жыл бұрын
The sounds are better with Logic Pro X
@bigliftm Жыл бұрын
looks very nice but the price of rhis thing sends me to the hospital it scared the.......outta me
@mobettameta 10 ай бұрын
Why does this video have a low freq buzz going the whole video? Gotta ground that noise.
@bencetomhauser679 11 ай бұрын
Can anyone of the EMEO owners tell me how reliable is this instrument? Has anyone sent it back to repair?
@QalinaCom Жыл бұрын
Looks like beheaded sax somehow... I wish they there were more convincing sounds for it though. I only started playing sax because its sound can't really be digitised as well as flute or brass...
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
I only demoed 4 or 5 sounds here, there are countless patches in existence all of which can be edited and customized. There is not a saxophone patch in existence that sounds convincing.
@ToolTechSoftware Жыл бұрын
No pitch control. Slow BT midi. No built in sound. You are far from beeing portable. You basically have to use respiro or swam. In the beginning there were bugs in midi output so swam didnt work. I tried a LOT of ewis and landed on aerophone pro.
@bettersax Жыл бұрын
Yes, depends on what you need. I think it's actually smaller than the Aerophone pro though.
@ToolTechSoftware Жыл бұрын
Agree but if you need that complete setup with laptop, chords, airphones its just as good to practice on your real sax. You Will learn wrong if you replace your sax practice with emeo practice. When out travelling you want to practice light. Just like an aerophone. Just plug in your airphones and practice scales
@saxyrep1 Жыл бұрын
OK, I don't wanna be the negative A-hole in the comment section but the price point for the instrument makes it a hard pass for me. I mean, if it's for practice at low volume, I'd rather buy a 500€ SML soprano with a 38€ saxmute and call it a day. Granted it seems to be the most sax-like electronic instrument out there and props for the creativity and result but I can't see this as anything other than a luxury purchase. That's just me though, you do you.
@Jaujau933 2 ай бұрын
Well it has a sax key setup, apart from that it's not good, just blow a "real" horn.
@saxophoneman123456 Жыл бұрын
Not worth $1500 bucks for only a practice version saxophone. But pretty cool design, should be no more than $400 bucks for that.
@Tuttodunfiato.N.A.F 11 ай бұрын
Ok progress is nice! There is the convenience of studying without disturbing anyone and without being disturbed! But do you want to put a real saxophone!!!!! Since I've had it I've had a lot of configuration and compatibility issues with many apps. Especially Swam. Sold immediately! Don't waste your money like this, with useless mirages. Don't be like me.🎷 Ok il progresso è bello! La comodità di studiare senza disturbare nessuno e senza essere disturbati c’è! Ma vuoi mettere un sassofono vero!!!!! Da quando l’ho avuto ho avuto molti problemi di configurazione e di compatibilità con molte app. Soprattutto Swam. Rivenduto subito! Non buttate via i soldi così, con miraggi inutili. Non fate come me.🎷
@robtalbot3852 Жыл бұрын
The problem is that it does not take embouchure into account. I'm wondering if the manufacturers os the newly released "clarimate" for the clarinet (to fit any clarinet) will later make one for the sax?
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