New US Vit D research

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Dr. John Campbell

Dr. John Campbell

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@eoggblaine9725 Жыл бұрын
Sadly I can not understand why I would have to confirm that I was okay with watching this video, because it contained information on suicide. This is a positive message filled with hope. 👍
@TheZodiacz Жыл бұрын
youtube are part of the depopulation agenda, they are responsible for much harm through censorship. Pure evil.
@wendytesulov6083 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! Wonder how many of these that we click on that register to our account and then we are flagged as wanting to have information on suicide… When clearly, this is a very positive, encouraging topic, that helps us learn more about health and mental well-being. Really not liking the algorithm or tracking on what they’re trying to do with all this.
@taz0k2 Жыл бұрын
google who owns youtube is satan, that's why. they hate all that's good and love all that's evil.
@anahitaa6042 Жыл бұрын
It’s insane, isn’t it?
@GeoffsPhilsInfo Жыл бұрын
Maybe youTube wanted to deter a lot of viewers, from the point of view that vitamin D maintains a good immune system, a good robust immune system doesn't need Covid vaccinations or any other vaccines for influenza, it's only when the immune system is compromised with an underlying other virus or bacterium, an example is Bronchial Pneumonia affecting the lungs, then it is this occasion anti-biotics are used. I'm pretty sure my message will be taken down like some other ones I made.
@samwiseknows Жыл бұрын
My Nan used to say to me "never trust banks, pharmaceutical companies or politicians" and it still holds true today!
@montanagal6958 Жыл бұрын
my grandparents said the same
@LTPottenger Жыл бұрын
They used to call them patent quack medicines now they are supposed to be a replacement for your immune system. People are so gullible.
@mmm-mq3zr Жыл бұрын
That's anti-Semitic! . . . P.S. Get your boosters! 🤣🤥💉☠️🐀💩🇮🇱🤡
@cdaddyh3135 Жыл бұрын
So true
@terriejohnson6498 Жыл бұрын
@kenc9236 Жыл бұрын
As a Canadian vet with PTSD, tinnitus, blown left knee and injured l5 in my back. I would like to tell you kind sir that your channel has helped me greatly. Good job.
@fuerchtnix1 Жыл бұрын
@charlestoast4051 Жыл бұрын
MDMA is the most effective treatment for PTSD, held back by the recreational use of the drug and a hugely misleading early study that was possibly sabotaged. In the study on primates, they mistakenly gave them methamphetamine, at very high doses, causing serious adverse reactions. Even tho the study was eventually withdrawn, it's false conclusions still influence medical opinion.
@pullo5518 Жыл бұрын
Research Stuart McGill you maybe have heard of him before, he is a Canadian back expert, his book 'back mechanic' has made me pain free, it's an amazing source of information.
@christinakuczora4862 Жыл бұрын
Always good information given by Dr Campbell to the best of his honest, impartial ability.
@davemi00 Жыл бұрын
I never realized how debilitating Tinnitus can be. I now know firsthand. God Bless ! Liposomal D3/with K2/or MK7. Infrared Radiation from Sunlight Is Healing, too!
@littlemissmisses2981 Жыл бұрын
I recently was diagnosed with huge vitD deficiency. After being prescribed 40k iU a week for 7 weeks, I’m now on 1k iU a day maintenance. I felt borderline psychotic at one point, absolutely cannot describe the feeling, like depression on steroids. I feel so much better now
@indianasb59 Жыл бұрын
How are you doing now? Why were you on steroids? I ask because was on a high dose of steroids before the neurologist figured out that I had Guillain-Barré syndrome
@KallePihlajasaari Жыл бұрын
Daily dosing is preferred for the full benefit of Vitamin-D3 because it has a half life of only a day and you do want to gain the full effect. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0140370 "Dietary Vitamin D and Its Metabolites Non-Genomically Stabilize the Endothelium" DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa623 "COVID-19 is, in the end, an endothelial disease"
@littlemissmisses2981 Жыл бұрын
@@indianasb59 I wasn’t on steroids, the depression was unbelievable which was the analogy I was trying to make. I do have autoimmune diseases though, Crohn’s and Psoriatic Arthritis, which is probably why my vitD was “through the floor” as my rheumatologist put it.
@StalinLovsMsmZioglowfagz Жыл бұрын
Yikes glad your better!
@Oilofmercy Жыл бұрын
Omgs I'm so sorry that they didn't pick up onThis sooner. Glad ur better
@SLPkelly Жыл бұрын
My sons who suffer with depression, are always low in vitamin D. The doctors don’t ever measure this unless you ask for it. They need to test everyone for vitamin D.
@LTPottenger Жыл бұрын
Fasting and phototherapy also help. So does vinegar, weirdly enough. It is the pure energy fuel that can go straight to your brain and perk you up.
@AwakenedOne447 Жыл бұрын
Stop ALL vaxxing! ALL!
@theselector2310 Жыл бұрын
Yes they need to be tested since the recommended FDA levels are way too low.
@pilarsilver5601 Жыл бұрын
I am sorry to say that English doctors are lazy and I say this cose I have good reosons
@Jasonsadventures Жыл бұрын
I've fixed almost every sickness and immune system condition I've had in my life with vitamin D. The only thing it hasn't changed is my generally highly autistic brain. But I like that how it is anyway.
@thrushvalley Жыл бұрын
Dr. John Camlbell should be nominated for a Nobel prize in Medicine. He has helped millions of people.
@sammywhite9906 Жыл бұрын
Well said, I agree
@LostSockDrawer Жыл бұрын
You're absolutely right. His contribution unfortunately will probably be ignored by the big guys. His knowledge will live on through YOU if you let it and who knows maybe you'll change the world.
@mortenpetersen5635 Жыл бұрын
The nobel prize is given for important discoveries in medicine. What har John Campbell discovered?
@andrewlilley3660 Жыл бұрын
He's helped millions of people get vaccinations that in hindsight they would have been much better left alone, so which planet are you on, by the way?
@JureDoon Жыл бұрын
Make it the Peace category and I'd say he at least deserves a nomination 👍
@neelyohara88 Жыл бұрын
after taking 4000iu of vitamin D3 for the past three years, i’ve noticed interesting stuff-healthier, thicker hair, ease of weight loss, less arthritis pain, all sorts of little things. taking the K2 as well, thank you dr. campbell. 🙏🏻
@davidwho7847 Жыл бұрын
I was talking to a psychiatrist once, back in the 1980's, and he was telling me that March was the big month for depression. Now I know why! March is at the end of the cold, dark winter when vitamin D levels are at the lowest. Thank you, Dr. Campbell, for your great videos.
@helen677 Жыл бұрын
I’m always really depressed in March and had put it down to the long winter months. I have been taking D3 for about a year and I feel it’s helped this year.
@battleready5890 Жыл бұрын
My family started on vitamin D and other supplements during the plandemic and continue to take it. We also get plenty of sunshine when possible. You are a rock star Dr Campbell. Telling the bold truth is unpopular. Thank you!!!!
@LTPottenger Жыл бұрын
When insulin is high, D stays locked up in the fat cells, so do some fasting to get it down if you can manage. It also has many other amazing benefits. Some of the many benefits of doing occasional extended fasting: Blood clotting is reduced and blood clots and arterial plaque are reabsorbed into the body. Blood pressure is quickly and dramatically lowered. Fribrosis/scarring is reversed over time and telomeres are lengthened, which also helps with lung fibrosis. Fasting increases nitric oxide. Fasting stimulates phagocytosis, the ingestion of bacteria, plaques and viruses by the immune system. It will also remove any 'foreign material' that is not supposed to be there. Reflexes and short term memory are increased. After 72 hours or more fasted, your body recycles as much as 1/3 of all immune bodies and creates new ones, rejuvenating your entire immune system. Vitamin D plasma levels are increased, and vitamin D in turn increases autophagy. Fasting increases anti-aging Yamanaka factors! Fasting can help with MS, Depression, BPD, Autism and seizures. Thymus is regenerated, which suppresses aging and renews the immune system. Weight loss from fasting only loses10% lean tissue and 90% fat compared to the typical 25% lean tissue and 75% fat lost when calorically restricting for long periods. The hunger hormone ghrelin lowers with extended fasting and rises from dieting. Blood sugar and insulin are lowered, allowing white blood cells to move more freely throughout the body and do their job. Ideal blood sugar is around 80. Some viruses activate glycolosis (the release of sugar in the body) and clinically it has been shown that decreasing glucose metabolism in the body weakens the influenza virus. When you move out of MTOR your body shuts down the building blocks of the cell which are used to produce organelles and proteins. This means the mechanisms needed by viruses to replicate are by and large unavailable when you are in a deeply fasted state. What breaks a fast? Anything with protein or carbohydrates in it will break a fast, though if the amount is tiny you will go back into ketosis very quickly. Most teas and herbs are OK. Most supplements and meds will either break ketosis directly or contain a filler that will. Many medications are dangerous to take while fasting so you may have to talk to your dr. about discontinuing them during a fast. Fasts of several days will not affect short term female fertility and may increase long term fertility, especially in women with PCOS. Does fasting lower testosterone? No, it raises it when the fast is broken by increasing lutenizing hormone and helps build muscle by increasing insulin sensitivity! The hormone Leptin is an immunomodulator that keeps the body from attacking itself and obesity causes leptin resistance. Fasting very quickly reduces leptin resistance and leptin levels and one day of fasting can cut your leptin levels in half and gets your immune system working properly again! Does the body preferentially prefer glucose as a fuel? No, your body always runs mainly on fat except for brief periods of very intense exercise. Your brain also prefers to burn ketones at a rate of around 2.5 to 1 when they are available in equal quantity to glucose. Fasting stimulates the AMPK complex and activates autophagy. Autophagy (literally self eating) will cause cells to recycle foreign matter such as viruses and kill cancerous and senescent cells. AMPK does many helpful things in the body including activating the body's antioxidant defenses. Deep ketosis virtually eliminates chronic inflammation in the body. This can offset the life threatening symptoms of viral pneumonia which effectively kills you through inflammation. This also creates BHB ketones in your body, which also help your immune system and anti-oxidative system, especially in the brain. Ketones also provide an additional energy source during infection, which is critical when trying to fight off a bug. In fact you can have as much as three times the total energy available in your blood when you are in deep ketosis, or even more. It increases mitochondrial function and repairs mitichondrial DNA, leading to improved ATP production and oxygen efficiency and thereby making cells better able to fight off infection. Increased mitochondrial function also has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism and cancer prevention! When you fast, this stimulates apoptosis in senescent or genetically damaged cells. This kills these cells off completely. Senescent cells are responsible for the effects of aging and are the root cause of the development of cancer. If it were possible to destroy them all it would completely stop aging and cancer. That is not possible but fasting can help limit these effects by killing off many of the affected cells and limiting the future effects of aging. In fact, the biochemical regulator of BDNF production is beta-hydroxybutyrate, which is the same ketone the body produces to nourish the brain while fasting. Fasting also increases telomere length, negating some of the effects of aging at a cellular level. A fasting mimicking diet for 3-5 days in a row also provides many of the same benefits as water fasting. FMD usually has 200-800 calories, under 18 g of protein and under 18 g of carb. Exogenous ketones can aid with fasting, making it easier in healthy people and allowing some people with specific issues to fast in spite of them without worrying as much about hypoglycemia. Children, pregnant or nursing women should not fast for periods longer than 16 hours. People with pancreatic tumors or certain forms of hypoglycemia generally cannot fast at all. Type 1 diabetics can also fast but it is more complicated and should be approached with caution as it could lead to ketoacidosis. Those with Addison's disease may also be unable to fast without liberal use of exogenous ketones, depending on severity. If you experience extreme symptoms of some kind, especially dizziness then simply break the fast and seek advice. Resources: This list compiled over years of research by the user known as Pottenger's Human on youtube but feel free to copy and paste this anywhere you like, no accreditation needed! My channel which will always contain an updated version of this list of fasting benefits on the community tab. I also have playlists on fasting and health topics.
@TheTerijo1960 Жыл бұрын
I hace to stay out of the sun. I burn so easily. I wear hats and sunscreen. Vitamin D saves me.
@TheTerijo1960 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Campbell, I appreciate you so much! Thank you!
@benniesmith6260 Жыл бұрын
I've been taking Vit D3, Vit K2, Vit C, Omega 3, Zinc and Magnesium every day since before the plandemic started and so has my elderly mother. I also take Gentle Iron once a week and NAC around 2 to 3 times a week. Neither me nor my mother have been ill at all during these past few years...not even a mild cold.
@worldsendtimes Жыл бұрын
If you look at his pandemic posts he was all about getting the jab and said nothing about supplements and exercise.
@winnietheshrew2957 Жыл бұрын
I used to get a cold at least three times a year. After a really bad cold in 2014, I started taking vitamin D (3000 I.U. per day), vitamin K2 and magnesium. Since then I haven't had a single cold and no Covid either.
@IesKorpershoek Жыл бұрын
same here
@gokuryu Жыл бұрын
Same since 2020. 5000IU and no covid and only slight cold symptoms ever. (Runny nose)
@eleniantono4573 Жыл бұрын
Me too
@josephdahdouh2725 Жыл бұрын
I don't take any supplements or medications whatsoever, and I haven't had covid either. It is really luck and has nothing to do with contracting the virus.
@kathybartlett624 Жыл бұрын
Take 50,000 units a week. I am 69 and have had covid but made it. Never went to hospital, went to my Dr. Never had the jab.
@daisyholzmacher6948 Жыл бұрын
My loved one has been self harming for years and has made several attempts. She has been diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency, but has refused to take vitamin D. I will share this with her. Thank you for all you do.
@khawksey5466 Жыл бұрын
Imagine how many lives and peoples sanity you’ve saved through sharing this information? You’re one of the best men we’ve got, thank you for all your hard work.
@huskymom234 Жыл бұрын
With my D level rising fron 25 to 37 by taking 5000 units daily with the K2, my doc here in the US wants me to double that dose to 10000 per day and repeat the level in 6 months - she want me at a level of 50 - I am 77 years old and healthy as a horse thanks to a great doc
@evelyngott2056 Жыл бұрын
You're lucky, because my doc is a pill pushing quack
@mmm-mq3zr Жыл бұрын
That's anti-Semitic! . . . P.S. Get your boosters! 🤣🤥💉☠️🐀💩🇮🇱🤡
@ChickadeeBird Жыл бұрын
my doctors (regular and neurologist) all think level 30 is good. i researched and that is far too low. i am taking 10,000 per day and get tested by request or i can order at a local lab and pay for it. my vitamin D was 13 and 15 on average. I have got it up to 49 with 10,000 per day with vitamin K2. working to get it up more.
@terriejohnson6498 Жыл бұрын
Puritans pride in NY state has D3 with K2
@lindagallaher5814 Жыл бұрын
@rayoflight62 Жыл бұрын
"Vitamin D3 is 'safe and effective', to coin a phrase". You are a jewel, Dr. Campbell...
@hittitecharioteer Жыл бұрын
@31michelle64 Жыл бұрын
Interestingly young students of medicine & nursing are cautioned that too much D is toxic, and supplementation is to be used cautiously. I say this based on my young nurse daughter. She is constantly worried about my D levels being too high... I was up to 63 ng/ml, and it terrified her, while my Dr was cheering me on. I also live in the Pacific Northwest, and we aren't known for a lot of sun! Glad there are positive studies coming out. I developed skin cancer in 08. After having it removed I was told by my derm to take 5000 iu. No return of skin cancer, and a better mood. I think we are so D deprived because of over use of sunscreen, just my thoughts.
@hoosierwilliams Жыл бұрын
Dr. Campbell should be knighted. He is a global treasure.
@Vashti0825 Жыл бұрын
I am 61 years old and recently diagnosed with Vit D deficiency. My mood swings were so intense. I've never been prone to depression, but I'm obviously just as susceptible as anyone. I felt the difference after one week of taking it.
@anderander5662 Жыл бұрын
My joints felt better in three days of 50,000 per day...
@onyxnatural1797 Жыл бұрын
Dr Campbell, your videos have been very helpful in my academics. Great work 👍
@BillSchimmer Жыл бұрын
As a Veteran, a VA employee, and the spouse of one who suffers from depression, I really appreciate this report and video.
@yes_man_lol 5 ай бұрын
how is your spouse feeling right now?
@chinookvalley Жыл бұрын
I tried to get my neighbor, an older veteran who was very depressed to take D3 and K2, but his doKtor wouldn't recommend it. I'm still reeling from his suicide as of a year ago. Such a kind man. Such a terrible shame. The VA doKtors need a better sense of understanding our sweet, and forgotten, veterans. RIP MLD.
@lohnro Жыл бұрын
Im so sorry to hear your story. 😢
@sharonkerr3482 Жыл бұрын
So sorry for your loss.
@andrewlilley3660 Жыл бұрын
I doubt that would have made the slightest difference, if the man ate dairy products he would have had enough of that anyway. I think it would be more due to his military activities and the things he'd done and seen, sweet is not a word I'd use to describe soldiers, their job is to kill people first and foremost!
@andrewlilley3660 Жыл бұрын
@@sharonkerr3482, It's his neighbour, not his father, the virtue signalling on this site is sickening!
@erikt9677 Жыл бұрын
doKtors used to heal ,now the just urn monny selling pills and b.s.
@vitaly6312 Жыл бұрын
A few years ago I began feeling weak, tired, and for the first time in my life, depressed. I went to my doctor and let her know about some of the symptoms. Her being super on her game, tested me for all sorts of stuff and found that I wasn’t only insufficient, but I was deficient. Started taking vitamin D 2 and D3 (with K2) and now take about 10,000-15,000 per day usually most days of the week. I feel TONS better and have for a few years now.
@melcostin866 Жыл бұрын
And yet most GPs would go straight to an anti depressant with your presentations. Awful. Im glad you found a good GP x
@_.dace._ Жыл бұрын
why ks2? im taking d3 i was found defficent too recently. im going tot ake magnesium too to increase absorption
@KeyofDavid5778 Жыл бұрын
When I feel super stressed or a cold or weakness I up it to a 100001 day dropped to 60000 the next day 40000 and then back to 10000.
@CraftingNannie Жыл бұрын
​@@_.dace._ k2 helps the d3 be absorbed into the correct place , its also advisable to take your d3 and k2 first thing on a morning with food, ideally something from the " good fats" ie chia seeds or walnuts , the d3 attaches to fats and is absorbed better .
@jimskeuh Жыл бұрын
10 to 15 000 is wayyyy too high. you dont need so much, let alone per day.
@sephardim4yeshua155 Жыл бұрын
I can say that when I started taking D3 I went from feeling down all the time to feeling very happy. Im a %100 disabled vet and it is hard to keep yourself upbeat, because you feel worthless.
@KD-ug4jp Жыл бұрын
We just started D3 with K2, and some B - I didn't think it was doing anything... until I missed a couple days. What a huge difference! Thank you for helping us with this - the world is difficult and expensive right now, the D3 will help us get thru it!
@KD-ug4jp Жыл бұрын
Maybe once summer hits the D3 won't be as big of a deal, but I think it's really the combo with the Bs that are making the biggest difference. Sincerely, the supplements are making a HUGE difference. I've literally stopped drinking caffeine - I don't need to force myself awake anymore.
@docm5314 Жыл бұрын
Vitamin D is a hormone that regulates over 813 genes impacting immune function, brain chemicals etc. 👍🏻 Doing a great job John 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@andrewlilley3660 Жыл бұрын
If he'd only pushed the Vit D and not the potions, then he might be worthy of your commendations, but he didn't, so I doubt the old vitamin D will protect against umpteen doses of god knows what! Nor will it exonerate Campbell of the fearsome push to get people vaccinated!
@Fummy007 Жыл бұрын
It is not a hormone you dummy.
@hobolobobolo Жыл бұрын
I live in Austria, we have cold and clouded winters here. Last winter at the end of december I got my VitD levels checked and they were at 59. I am a 28year old male and my hobby is doing calisthenics at the park which gives me sun exposure all year around. The doctor said to me she never saw a VitD level thst high in a male and asked me how much I supplement. I thought this was funny because I never supplemented VitD in my life. I am not saying it is bad, please get your supplements but if you can, get pit in the sun, get out in nature and fill up your system with those good vibrations. Also it is really fascinating to me what grounding does to the body. As an engineer this makes perfect sense to me. But hey, just read the literature yourself or even better. Get outside barefoot as often as possible! Your body will thank you ❤
@sharonlawrence4830 Жыл бұрын
59 is low, I'm 101 living in the UK taking 2000iu daily. We don't get the sun and I'm out all the time. So please don't make assumptions Asians cover themselves, hence why India as a nation is 90% deficient.
@ms-jl6dl Жыл бұрын
59 of what. UK and USA use ng/ml we in Europe use nmol/L. The corelation is 2,5. Healthy blood level of vitD is 125 nmol/L (or 50 ng/ml in USA/UK). In 2020 this level of vitD had 94% reduction in covid deaths from the observational study by Heidelberg University and was shown on this channel too in 2021. To achieve those vitD levels adults over 50 need + - 100mcg vitD3 daily AND ca. 50 mg vitK2 to prevent hypercalcemia. Big Danish population study (ca.2015) showed that higher vitD levels give 30% lower cancer mortality,40% for lower weight people.
@sarahwalkerbeach6985 Жыл бұрын
Yes I live in NZ. I go barefoot most of the time, I just put my shoes on to go to work (as a school teacher). The children have bare feet too.
@alexk48 Жыл бұрын
Johannes, you are relatively young. Older skin does not make vitamin D as efficiently. As one gets older supplementation may be a good idea, even medically necessary.
@Ghost-fe1vp Жыл бұрын
Don't forget sun exposure can give you skin cancer and supplements can't. I'm yet to see any evidence that being outside is necessary especially with the increase risk of cancer.
@cwman2145 Жыл бұрын
I have COPD. Started taking Vit D and K2 around a year ago. It has made a big difference. Stopped using inhalers months ago. Just come through a long, wet winter in north of England and not a sign of the usual lung problems I used to get. Works for me.
@erinmiller7327 Жыл бұрын
@@mythtree6348 there’s a reason why your KZbin name is “MYTH tree”…
@anderander5662 Жыл бұрын
Those steroid inhalers are not good for you either ....I'm glad you're able to get off them
@joannewebb4974 Жыл бұрын
I am 54 and teach in a school of 11-18 yr olds. My entire drama class came down with a nasty cold that lasted over a week for most of them. I just started taking Vit D3 a few weeks now. Normally I come down with whatever my class are suffering (evidenced by 31 years of teaching), I was totally unaffected by their "bug". I know this is "cold" related, but I am increasingly being converted to the positives of taking Vit D. Thank you for your very informative videos.
@missvagnere Жыл бұрын
Vitamin D has truly changed my life. Just a few months ago I had all sorts of weird symptoms - dry, red and itchy patches of skin, pain when urinating, abdominal pain, extreme fatigue and very depressed mood like never before, to the point, where I truly was thinking:"I would just rather die." Fearing it was cancer or something, I finally pulled myself together and went to do all sorts of blood tests. Everything came back in perfect order, except for vitamin D. I was severely deficient. As soon as I started taking vitamin D supplements my overall well being dramatically improved within couple of days. Firstly, the fatigue and depressed mood went away, everything else improved within next 3 weeks. And now taking daily vitamin D supplements, I'm feeling better than ever.
@jane_7777 Жыл бұрын
How much vit d are you taking?
@missvagnere Жыл бұрын
@@jane_7777 for the first two weeks 10000-15000 IU per day. Now 5000 IU per day.
@namastea Жыл бұрын
​@@missvagnere do you know if there are side-effects for taking vit D3 ? I'm sure I have a deficiency
@missvagnere Жыл бұрын
@@namastea have you done a blood test to determine the deficiency? Blood test is the only sure way to determine a deficiency. Some people on rare occasions can have allergic reaction to vitamin D3, like Dr.Campbell explained in video. But overall it's relatively safe, unless you overdose in a long-term. It's better to consult your doctor about your concerns, nobody can give you a tailored consultation over the internet.
@LlibertarianGalt Жыл бұрын
Are you taking K2 with it to help place the calcium from your blood into the proper places?
@grumpyoldveteran7286 Жыл бұрын
Deep depression appears to be a family failing. I personally suffer from depression, kicking in around the clocks going back (SAD). I have been taking vitamin D and K2 for 2 years now and I realised a couple of weeks ago that I had not had my usual depression during that time.
@hattiedraper1061 Жыл бұрын
@cynthiastogden7000 Жыл бұрын
Funnily enough I get more depressed when the clocks go forward.I prefer the darker nights when I light the wood burner( if I am allowed), lock the door and keep cosy( electricity permitting). Also living in a very popular tourist area in Winter much more space, parking etc. Summer heaving with tourists so feel a prisoner. Have taken Vit D/ K2 for several years.
@andreafong9952 Жыл бұрын
I just think the time change is disruptive to all of us. I hate it and have considered moving to avoid it. One more way thé US government is trying to kill us.
@annaclements3390 Жыл бұрын
thats great
@keithsmith9833 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for everything you do Dr. C. I have been taking D supplements since I listened to a Brett Weinstein podcast with Gruff Davies and Linda Benskin and it has literally changed my life. I’m bi-polar and was on antidepressants. Since supplementing with D and meditating, I have seen my low swings go from being unable to function to barely noticeable and I did it without the pharmaceuticals.
@sitascott8446 Жыл бұрын
Good for you!
@realitywinner7582 Жыл бұрын
well done & God BLess !
@LlibertarianGalt Жыл бұрын
What a positive story. Thanks for sharing. Good luck with your successes!
@whatta1501 Жыл бұрын
@tumbleweeduk7479 Жыл бұрын
You could do even better if you also supplemented lithium OROTATE and there are plenty of videos describing its benefits for bipolar and many other things. It is the natural lithium not the one you get on prescription which has side-effects. Namaste 🙏
@jessicadavis1391 Жыл бұрын
Love the D3 statue and Winston! You are a vault of information Dr. Campbell. Thank you for all your long hours of research but, most of all, thank you for caring to help us all.
@simonbroddle754 Жыл бұрын
I'm celebrating three years of high levels of Vitamin D. I've been in a parallel universe for the last three years as I've not tested positive, never had Covid either, worked as normal. Regular blood tests and I feel great. Do not be put off by your GP, Vitamin D tests are easy, relatively cheap and freely available.
@MetalheadAndNerd Жыл бұрын
Same for me. It feels eerie, that everyone around me either got Covid several times or at least got it once in the Omicron phase while I still never had a positive test. Even a friend who jas an extremely healthy lifestyle and was angry at his doctor for not approving a 5th booster for him now has an unusually bad case of Covid. This insecurity of not knowing whether or when it will hit me is disturbing.
@jeninlight Жыл бұрын
@@MetalheadAndNerd even if you do get the vid, it could be a complete nothing for you. I’m unjabbed and when I did catch the vid it was a total nothing. Super mild fluish type thing, less bad then the head cold and prolonged chest cold I had had for thee weeks before catching the vid. Miraculously, a day and a half after testing positive for the rona I felt better then I had in weeks. Dare I say the vid cured my prolonged chest cold.
@nickt6627 Жыл бұрын
@@MetalheadAndNerd While Vit D can prevent catching C-19 largely due to increased antimicrobial peptides, the real value of the vitamin is in a reduction of C-19 symptom severity. Ideally a serum concentration of 110 nmol/L will provide optimal adaptive immune system regulation.
@marklucas1898 Жыл бұрын
Do a Blood test for covid and you will find that it is positive for covid infection in the past! Many of us do not show as positive for covid in those useless nasal swabs... and have (or have had) no signs or symptoms! We all are positive for COVID if tested... unless you have lived on top of a mountain in the Himalayas with no neighbours, or visitors, for the past 3 years!!
@simonbroddle754 Жыл бұрын
@@nickt6627 Hi Nick, My levels are at 137nmol/L and I test twice a year, February and August. It is widely available although not on the NHS. I would urge everyone to get tested. How else do you know how much to take?
@ceecee9155 Жыл бұрын
When my first blood test for Vitamin D revealed nearly non-existent levels (3), I started on prescription D weekly. My numbers gradually rose to the 20s. Now, after combining prescription D2 with OTC D3, my levels are in the 70s. My overall health and my fibromyalgia pain has improved significantly!
@LTPottenger Жыл бұрын
Fasting is also very helpful for your immune system. Fybromyalgia, too! Some of the many benefits of doing occasional extended fasting: Blood clotting is reduced and blood clots and arterial plaque are reabsorbed into the body. Blood pressure is quickly and dramatically lowered. Fasting stimulates phagocytosis, the ingestion of bacteria, plaques and viruses by the immune system. It will also remove any 'foreign material' that is not supposed to be there. Reflexes and short term memory are increased. Fasts from 36-96 h actually INCREASE metabolic rate due to norepinephrine release! After 72 hours or more fasted, your body recycles as much as 1/3 of all immune bodies and creates new ones, rejuvenating your entire immune system. Vitamin D plasma levels are increased, and vitamin D in turn increases autophagy. Fasting increases anti-aging Yamanaka factors! Fasting can help with MS, Depression, BPD, Autism and seizures. Thymus is regenerated, which suppresses aging and renews the immune system. Weight loss from fasting only loses10% lean tissue and 90% fat compared to the typical 25% lean tissue and 75% fat lost when calorically restricting for long periods. The hunger hormone ghrelin lowers with extended fasting and rises from dieting. Blood sugar and insulin are lowered, allowing white blood cells to move more freely throughout the body and do their job. Ideal blood sugar is around 80. Some viruses activate glycolosis (the release of sugar in the body) and clinically it has been shown that decreasing glucose metabolism in the body weakens the influenza virus. When you move out of MTOR your body shuts down the building blocks of the cell which are used to produce organelles and proteins. This means the mechanisms needed by viruses to replicate are by and large unavailable when you are in a deeply fasted state. What breaks a fast? Anything with protein or carbohydrates in it will break a fast, though if the amount is tiny you will go back into ketosis very quickly. Most teas and herbs are OK. Most supplements and meds will either break ketosis directly or contain a filler that will. Many medications are dangerous to take while fasting so you may have to talk to your dr. about discontinuing them during a fast. Fasts of several days will not affect short term female fertility and may increase long term fertility, especially in women with PCOS. The hormone Leptin is an immunomodulator that keeps the body from attacking itself and obesity causes leptin resistance. Fasting very quickly reduces leptin resistance and leptin levels and one day of fasting can cut your leptin levels in half and gets your immune system working properly again! Does the body preferentially prefer glucose as a fuel? No, your body always runs mainly on fat except for brief periods of very intense exercise. Your brain also prefers to burn ketones at a rate of around 2.5 to 1 when they are available in equal quantity to glucose. Fasting stimulates the AMPK complex and activates autophagy. Autophagy (literally self eating) will cause cells to recycle foreign matter such as viruses and kill cancerous and senescent cells. AMPK does many helpful things in the body including activating the body's antioxidant defenses. Deep ketosis virtually eliminates chronic inflammation in the body. This can offset the life threatening symptoms of viral pneumonia which effectively kills you through inflammation. This also creates BHB ketones in your body, which also help your immune system and anti-oxidative system, especially in the brain. Ketones also provide an additional energy source during infection, which is critical when trying to fight off a bug. In fact you can have as much as three times the total energy available in your blood when you are in deep ketosis, or even more. It increases mitochondrial function and repairs mitichondrial DNA, leading to improved ATP production and oxygen efficiency and thereby making cells better able to fight off infection. Increased mitochondrial function also has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism and cancer prevention! When you fast, this stimulates apoptosis in senescent or genetically damaged cells. This kills these cells off completely. Senescent cells are responsible for the effects of aging and are the root cause of the development of cancer. If it were possible to destroy them all it would completely stop aging and cancer. That is not possible but fasting can help limit these effects by killing off many of the affected cells and limiting the future effects of aging. Fasting also releases BDNF and NGF in the blood which stimulates new nerve and brain cell growth, helping a great deal with diseases like MS, peripheral neuropathy and Alzheimers. In fact, the biochemical regulator of BDNF production is beta-hydroxybutyrate, which is the same ketone the body produces to nourish the brain while fasting. Fasting also increases telomere length, negating some of the effects of aging at a cellular level. A fasting mimicking diet for 3-5 days in a row also provides many of the same benefits as water fasting. FMD usually has 200-800 calories, under 18 g of protein and under 18 g of carb. Exogenous ketones can aid with fasting, making it easier in healthy people and allowing some people with specific issues to fast in spite of them without worrying as much about hypoglycemia. Children, pregnant or nursing women should not fast for periods longer than 16 hours. People with pancreatic tumors or certain forms of hypoglycemia generally cannot fast at all. Type 1 diabetics can also fast but it is more complicated and should be approached with caution as it could lead to ketoacidosis. Those with Addison's disease may also be unable to fast without liberal use of exogenous ketones, depending on severity. If you experience extreme symptoms of some kind, especially dizziness then simply break the fast and seek advice. Resources: This list compiled over years of research by the user known as Pottenger's Human on youtube but feel free to copy and paste this anywhere you like, no accreditation needed! My channel which will always contain an updated version of this list of fasting benefits on the community tab. I also have playlists on fasting and health topics.
@deerlow1851 Жыл бұрын
this is awesome
@tylerh7647 Жыл бұрын
​@@LTPottenger best yt comment ever
@LTPottenger Жыл бұрын
@@tylerh7647 Comments like this make my day!
@MsGenXodus Жыл бұрын
I live in the Pacific Northwest of the US. We get zeros UV for 7-8 months out of the year. I began using sun beds when I was 13-14 years old for vanity reasons during the darkest times of year. In my 40’s I began heeding the advice to avoid sun beds and developed depression and anxiety to a debilitating degree. I now take 10,000 IUs of vitamin d3 daily during the dark months and am “cured” of all my mental health problems. I’m able to work again for the first time in years! Correlation may not be evidence, but I’m not giving up my vitamin D3 again. I guess if it does become illegal or too expensive, I’ll go back to using a sun bed. Not ideal but better than nothing.
@bobandy3097 Жыл бұрын
We chiropractors have been touting the benefits of D3 for some time now. I love it when the research unequivocally backs us up. Thanks for the video!
@buteykobreathingcourseswit2561 Жыл бұрын
I live in New Zealand and have been taking vitamin D and K2 for over 25years. Havent had influenza or any respiratory infection in that time and have never taken a flu vaccine. I test my vitamin D levels annually, at the end of winter. I did go overboard one year taking 5,000 IU /day and levels reached 160mm/l. However, generally it sits between a healthy 100-120mm/l. The advice to include vitamin K2 is so important. Thankyou Dr Campbell. You'd make a great health minister. 😊
@Automatonable Жыл бұрын
Most people who research it have been suggesting keeping level between 120-150mm/L (50-60ng/mL), so I think taking 4,000-5,000IU per day might be optimal.
@firstamendmenttshirt4768 Жыл бұрын
How does your body absorb if you need calcium to help the D
@nickpapageorge344 Жыл бұрын
Aye a great health minister!
@twangology Жыл бұрын
@@firstamendmenttshirt4768 K2
@tomatom9666 Жыл бұрын
Interesting, I took 4k for maybe 6 months in winter and in the end only had 46mm/l, which is ok but not amazing. I guess everyone has a different absorption rate? I've heard that in winter 7k is actually what you need to increase your concentration at a decent rate, but then you can overdo it at a certain point.
@theredboneking Жыл бұрын
I really wish this was pushed in early 2020. The natural solution is always the best.
@evelyngott2056 Жыл бұрын
Can't make any money on the natural solution.
@TrickyVickey Жыл бұрын
It was a known part of the protocol against the bug in 2020. I was taking Vit D3, Vit K-2, Quercitin, Zinc and IVM (& my whole family) in January 2020. I knew what was up in October 2019 when Event 201 met. Just look at the roster of attendees.
@Military872 Жыл бұрын
@@evelyngott2056 %100
@worldsendtimes Жыл бұрын
Yes you may ask why Dr John wasn't promoting it then.
@brandonspostma Жыл бұрын
He was very early
@shawnadams1965 Жыл бұрын
I started taking D3/K2 after watching your channel. I feel alot better and the one time I got the flu this year it wasn't as bad and I got over it quicker as in the past. Thank you Dr. Campbell!
@andrewlilley3660 Жыл бұрын
A lot of people took more than vitamin D on Campbell's advice, and sadly many of them are suffering from that decision.
@shawnadams1965 Жыл бұрын
@@andrewlilley3660 Oh really? A bit of proof would be nice.
@andrewlilley3660 Жыл бұрын
@@shawnadams1965 Oh really, my arse, are you seriously trying to tell me that his one-man potion-pushing campaign spanning two years didn't influence many of his massive flock to indulge? Or alternatively, are you trying to suggest that the indulgence of said potions didn't exhibit some very nasty health conditions, or many deaths, which, by the way, is now irrefutable, and has appeared as the cause of death in alarming numbers, take your pick.
@shawnadams1965 Жыл бұрын
@@andrewlilley3660 still no proof... I can't come to an conclusion without proof.
@andrewlilley3660 Жыл бұрын
@@shawnadams1965 What exactly are you disputing?
@agblife Жыл бұрын
Dear Dr Campbell Thanks so much for your video and sharing your personal story. I have taken Vit D since you have covered the topic during Covid times. It made a huge difference in my life. Keep doing what you're doing.
@agogecoach8790 Жыл бұрын
Years ago, I managed a small personal training studio that had a large number of professional athletes as our client base. One year, one of our athletes got the flu really, really bad, Nearly every client we had got sick, and both myself and the other strength coach got sick. This was a week before spring training, it was bad news. The next off season, we had done some studying and came across some research that there might be a correlation between D3 levels and getting the flu. Long story short, we started including D3 in all of our supplement recomendations and never had an outbreak like that again. That off season was the last time I had the flu. (and yes, I realize this video was not about the flu)
@habibmate-qc3lv Жыл бұрын
stop eating processed food/sugar and get out in the sun. you don't have to be Einsteins nephew to figure that one out. people will pop pills and write their wills before they change their lifestyle/diet. sad world this 21st century. your food and water is so tainted and nobody gets out in the sun anymore no wonder there is an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency and autoimmune disease.
@kerrylewisRN Жыл бұрын
But it’s good to prevent all viruses, including the C-19
@janet5610 Жыл бұрын
Well... Seems to be some good information.... Thanks.
@leebarnes655 Жыл бұрын
Another anecdotal testimony if I can. Before I was taking vit D3, the annual flu shot gave zero response, I often forgot which arm was selected for the injection 3 days after. When I was taking adequate vit D3, that is when I noticed (for the first time) an actual response to the injection site and I didn't need to remember which arm then. Mild pain reminded me instantly which arm had the shot for at least a week after starting the day after. And by this reaction, I can take it that one of the components of the flu shot was lacking in my overall defense system. Thus a good thing I'm at least partially immune now to which ever flu it was modeled for that brought out the reaction. Having no reaction could mean my immune system isn't up to date and even this statement isn't one of actual fact at all. Since I can't know that, but I would rather have the sore arm with taking Vit D3 than the way it was before I took Vit D3 seriously. Proper Vit D3 levels are vitally serious. As is adequate K2. At least in the USA, one can still buy a blood test for Vit D3 among many other tests. Entry level price is north of 75 dollars and you should search for the topic on goggle since I'm not getting blocked due to urls posted here. You can see how YT has blocked one comment already by the miscount of replies shown. That poster can see his own post, but nobody else can thanks to the yt bot.
@wenluo8863 Жыл бұрын
I have been taken vitamin D more than 3 years, and I have no problems at all. Thank you for your program.
@ZZ-ix5ot Жыл бұрын
I have so many problems. I'll better start taking vitamin D 😂
@linda487nc Жыл бұрын
We've been taking Vitamin D3 for longer than I can remember, but ramped it up in 2020.
@jannettenovice7469 Жыл бұрын
In Australia GPs can only check Vit D levels in blood if you are at risk. I told my GP that my skin colour and not spending much time outdoors is reason enough, so she filled out the form to see if they would process it - and they did. Need to get a veteran's group into sponsoring a study into this!
@lvanpelt1685 Жыл бұрын
@@mythtree6348 you apparently missed the main point that between her skin color and not spending much time outdoors is the reason she was checked. Not everyone Is able to be out doors at the peak of the day to get a healthy dose.
@juliewoodman2439 Жыл бұрын
@@mythtree6348 Not if you burn easily, or like me, just can't cope with the outdoor heat.
@bengunn3698 Жыл бұрын
@@lvanpelt1685 Consider the time you spend out of the sun , travelling to work by car or train , working indoors could be office , factory , inside buildings etc . Going to work before sun-up , coming home after sunset . Most of the time wearing clothes it would be very hard to get adequate vit d3 of the sun even in Australia.
@louisfaust5957 Жыл бұрын
There has been a veteran study completed. Wow, social medicine doesn't seem so great if one can't get a simple vit. D chemistry test completed.
@g.y.o5419 Жыл бұрын
For many years I have suffered with SAD. In the spring of 2022 I started working night shifts and knew that at some point the SAD type symptoms would probably catch up with me due to the lack of exposure to daylight. Surprisingly, during the summer I was fine. Going into autumn I did notice a change in my moods and overall well being. When I noticed the change I started taking multivitamins (which I have just checked, and contain Vit D and K). I would say that my SAD was not as severe as previous years, even though I had forgotten to take them some days. I think there is certainly some benefits to taking them. Thank you for this video and raising awareness.
@HarryJensen-kr4qz Жыл бұрын
(From USA) I've been watching most your videos since 2021. You're one of the few I trust on this planet, a truly honorable man.
@sandramasson123 Жыл бұрын
I live on the Isle of Skye and I when asked my doctor for a Vitamin D test there was no problem. It came back as 23 and I was given 600 iu per day. I listened to you and did my own research, also reading the Caduceus article 103 on nutrition and now I buy my own and take 4,000 iu per day. Also co-enzyme q10 as I am 75 years of age.
@tomatom9666 Жыл бұрын
600 iu is such a pitiful dose.
@Hulalulatallulahoop2 Жыл бұрын
I live in the NW of England (Chorley) as well and I also take 4000 of Vitamin d3 daily and have been doing for a few years now. From one Northerner to another, I thank you, Dr John.
@candyisforgirls Жыл бұрын
I was routinely tested for a number of things by my GP and was found low in Vit D I was subsequently told to take supplement for the rest of my life. This was pre COVID. Thankyou NHS doctor. And of course, thankyou John Campbell for your wisdom and helpful advice always.
@ShropshireLass Жыл бұрын
When I told hubby John's VA doctor in 2011 HOW much D3 he was on to get a level of 120 ng/ml, he was shocked.. now HE, the doctor, does 50,000 iu x 2 per week and he looks-and feels- so much better. Inside of a year of starting this he was back to competitive mountain biking! He told us that he RARELY sees anyone above 30 ng/ml.. most are between 10 to 20 ng/ml, yet patients are hardly ever supplemented in the Veterans Administration. Despite Agent Orange-induced issues, under MY care, the GP reckons my hubby, at 78, is their healthiest patient!
@artspark7697 Жыл бұрын
That's too much did you mean 5,000?
@kevinrtres Жыл бұрын
Sounds like waaayyy tooo much...typo?
@gregbravo4951 Жыл бұрын
@@artspark7697 No, she meant 50,000 x 2 = 100,000 IU PER WEEK. That is, 50,000 twice per week. 100,000/7 = 1428 IU per day, which is perfectly reasonable.
@gregbravo4951 Жыл бұрын
@@kevinrtres No, she meant 50,000 x 2 = 100,000 IU PER WEEK. That is, 50,000 twice per week. 100,000/7 = 1428 IU per day, which is perfectly reasonable.
@gregbravo4951 Жыл бұрын
How much do you give your hubby? You told us how much the DOCTOR takes.... but how much does your hubby take?
@spyder7758 Жыл бұрын
as Pfizer still says "that's not Myocarditis, it's just your heart swelling with pride every time you get boosted" 💉💗
@blueslover1711 Жыл бұрын
Omg that is hilarious
@LeeGee Жыл бұрын
How original.
@FriendlyTalking2 Жыл бұрын
😂. How dumb do they think we are
@chickenlicker1973 Жыл бұрын
Gotta love Jimmy Dore
@breakupgoogle Жыл бұрын
@@chickenlicker1973 not that kind of door!
@marcia6190 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your continued support in this everchanging world. I take vit D religiously after finding out 12 yrs ago i had a severe deficiency. I was having severe pain in my joints and depression. I went to rheumatology nurse clinician. She was very smart to check levels. I live in Minnesota and of course have long dark cold winters. I am also a retired nurse. Nutritional deficiencys have always intrigued me esp. in socalled modern countries. Again enjoy your reporting in and sharing across the pond. Peace and light to you✝️🕊️
@dingbop963 Жыл бұрын
I take my vitamin D antireligiously 💕🙏
@wendytesulov6083 Жыл бұрын
Excellent information! Really bizarre how they put a warning on it for information of suicide that I have to accept before I’m allowed to watch this. This is excellent information, and we have appreciated you from day one! Years ago!
@Spamkromite Жыл бұрын
D3 and K2 are the combo of the winners 🏆 A friend that has some mild obesity couldn't even convey himself to even do any exercise, therefore his obesity got him beyond 120kg already. When I suggested him to take D3 and K2, in a week he recovered the energy, felt less "bloated" and found the strength (and mental readiness) to do exercises every odd day because we know that forcing him to workout with such a huge weight on him would bust his joints before he can even start to burn the fat. He's down to 110kg after three months, so we are hoping he gets back to his normal 75kg slowly and with the power of those vitamins and a daily mini-barrel of water! He also started to sleep much better and his apneas improved, feels more awake and recovered his quick wit and his will to live. It's almost like a miracle, John, for his 39 years I never saw him so revitalized with just adding these supplements to his diet 😭
@rawspeed1678 Жыл бұрын
Wow. My Normal is 120kg and full of energy. I get slow when over 125kg and have got down to 105kg with rigorous exercise and diet but can't maintain it. I have always been oversize (born 13lb9oz) and I guess never really fit the norm. I will need a + size coffin I guess but not my concern. :)
@larik325 Жыл бұрын
​@@rawspeed1678 Живите долго и счастливо
@danam.5433 Жыл бұрын
Suggest low-carb diet to achieve ideal weight; Dr Eades or Dr Michael Mosley.
@rawspeed1678 Жыл бұрын
@@danam.5433 I am on my third run with Keto which is great. My wife doesn't support it which is why it's my third time. Separate meals was just too hard, but now is the only way. Always feel better on Keto (no/low carb, high fat) (after the first month anyway)
@someinternetdude4159 Жыл бұрын
I used to get SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) while living in Scotland. I just rented a sun bed and adjusted my diet and solved the problem. Yeah, lack of vitamin D is a big issue in places that do not get a lot of sun. There was a lot of suicide in Scotland when I lived there.
@ms-jl6dl Жыл бұрын
You can not get sufficient vitD blood levels that way. Check those out and find out.
@emil5884 Жыл бұрын
Likewise, John. I used to feel terrible in the many uneventful winters of the past. Over the last years I've made it a point to supplement over the winter and in spite of the many depressing world events as of late I've found myself quite resilient.
@paulatudor691 Жыл бұрын
In the USA always will be grateful for you helping us in the pandemic Dr. Campbell
@catherinehuffman9406 Жыл бұрын
My medically complex son has an 87 vitamin D level His allopathic physicians are appalled His naturopathic physician is thrilled Allopathic know very little sadly
@wellinever1558 Жыл бұрын
Even 100 is not harmful. Listen to the coimbra protocols
@tomunderwood4283 Жыл бұрын
Are the allopathic physicians appalled because they are ignorant or because the know it will destroy their business model.
@catherinehuffman9406 Жыл бұрын
@@tomunderwood4283 they are so unaware under-educated that they sink 87 is borderline toxic
@juliehoward7396 Жыл бұрын
My elderly dad is at 89 range and they said 80 was tops. He has been talking 10, 000 per day, and not stopping.
@maggielandow2686 Жыл бұрын
I started taking Vitamin D when my Rheumatologist told me to take it. I can attest that it has truly helped me. I am not one for taking drugs or vitamins, but I was miserable so I tried it. I will not ever stop the Vit D unless I am told to by the doctor, which I don’t think will happen. It worked for me. Thank you.
@boysrus61 Жыл бұрын
I find it interesting that your title says nothing about deleting oneself and yet YT feels it necessary for me to click the button before I could continue with your podcast. I am so thankful for all your research and the way you present it to us.
@cocoM1 Жыл бұрын
John, this is really interesting. I'm a mental health nurse and a prescriber and I totally agree with you re big pharma. I always like to start with health from the bottom up so to speak, so nutrition and any deficits etc. I think that sometimes we can be too quick to px meds that can come with side effects poorly tolerated.
@IsaardP Жыл бұрын
I typically get several colds during the winter, this was the very first season I didn't. Also the first winter I've been taking Vitamin D, K2, turmeric and biopiperine. Thank you doctor!
@mattiasdahlstrom2024 Жыл бұрын
Similar from, but also from switching away from “light butter” and seed oils to real butter and olive oil.
@gomonkey Жыл бұрын
​@@mattiasdahlstrom2024 Beef Tallow > Olive Oil. Check out CarnivoreMD
@therespectedlex9794 Жыл бұрын
Bit of K2 jelly never goes a miss!
@adriennem5358 Жыл бұрын
5 years now without a cold, 5 years taking 10,000 I.U.'s of Vitamin D3 and 200 mcg of K2. Be careful with turmeric with pepper, for some reason my liver enzymes went high while taking Turmeric with pepper. My Dr. asked me if I was taking large amounts of Tylenol. I immediately stopped taking Turmeric with pepper and my liver enzymes are back to normal.
@johnbethea4505 Жыл бұрын
I am a disabled USA 🇺🇸 veteran who has PTSD , I have been taking D3, C and Zinc for several years. I also am a diabetic type 2 who is low carb. Thanks for all of the info that you have given us..
@ms-jl6dl Жыл бұрын
Stay strong John !
@johnbethea4505 Жыл бұрын
@ms 13 I am 76 and right now I am tough like a lighter knot....
@patrycja2696 Жыл бұрын
​@@andyc7747 same here. High fat carnivore!
@1timbarrett Жыл бұрын
Thank you, John, for your service.🙏🙏🙏 Best wishes for your ongoing health journey.🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
@patrycja2696 Жыл бұрын
@@andyc7747 thats very tough one. I'm carnivore two years now. Just bought easy to digest keto books for my family. Will approach them last time for them to learn about insulin resistance and consider low carbs, not a chance for carnivore. Then it's up to them
@rochellemcdonald9646 Жыл бұрын
I had a friend in Alaska, who was sick for several winter months. They couldn't figure out what the problem was. It was around March, when she and her daughter had their blood checked, and it was found out they had really low vitamin D. I understand the number they needed was 50, but their scores were 4 and 2. Three months of doctor visits, because of low vitamin D.
@robertdabob8939 Жыл бұрын
Wow! The results are so compelling that it's bordering on unethical to even have a clinical trial since we're talking about such severe outcomes. Not to mention it's already common sense to take it for known health benefits like attenuated symptoms for respiratory illnesses.
@anonymoussource7999 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Campbell- Can you also do a discussion about the benefits of taking MAGNESIUM? Studies have shown that it helps lower blood pressure esp. when taken in conjunction with D3 and K2. But sadly, the majority of the population are deficient in magnesium! Another great update on Vit. D3 as usual. 👍
@MR..181 Жыл бұрын
Medicare does not pay for magnesium tests???
@andrewfinlay5160 Жыл бұрын
Dr Gina Searrioco utube loves magnesium most of us are low ..Dr Carolyn Dean book The Magnesium Miracle will save your life
@kevinsyd2012 Жыл бұрын
Why not just eat a balanced diet, of non-processed foods?
@VivienBowling Жыл бұрын
@@kevinsyd2012 because it isnt always possible and a fully balanced diet is incredibly difficult to achieve. it isn't just about survival these days, our lives are full of distractions that make it almost impossible to spend the amount of time it needs to produce the necessary diet
@kevinsyd2012 Жыл бұрын
@@VivienBowling Sounds like you've fallen for the supplements' industry's propaganda. Of course its easy to live well - it's just that people can't be bothered.
@LouieLou998 Жыл бұрын
That’s great! I have multiple sclerosis and my D3 levels are low every time I get blood work, which is every 6 months. I already take 2000IU of D3 and B12 daily. My neurologist prescribes me 50,000IU of D3 once a week, for 8 weeks when my levels are low. I’m not sure if the prescription is absorbed easier, but I can tell a huge difference in my mood and fatigue levels. It makes my blood boil that doctors don’t talk to patients about diet and supplements more often.
@Jasonsadventures Жыл бұрын
People with MS have been getting into remission for decades with megadoses of Vitamin D they are the heros who figured out Vitamin D first. I've seen them take such high doses that they need to be on a low calcium diet to compensate
@vitaly6312 Жыл бұрын
Why only 2,000iu? You can easily take 5-10,000 iu daily safely. If you’re already diligent in getting your vitamin D levels checked, try it out and see if that helps to keep your levels higher than now that you’re taken 2,000iu.
@DramaMustRemainOnTheStage Жыл бұрын
They aren't. Taught much about it in med school
@kekibannmi6054 Жыл бұрын
Dude, just take 10,000 IU's a day...your body will just dump what it doesn't need/use. I need 5,000 a day just to BARELY keep it at whatever level it's currently at. I need 10,000 over 6 months to raise it because of my chronic fatigue.
@angelinekilborne34 Жыл бұрын
I also have MS. Have been on D3 for years. Early on was told it didn't really help. I ignored the medical advice of the time and have done very well. Have added in the K2 for the last few years and my level stays closer to "normal".
@briansadlier9727 Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate your great work I haven’t always agreed with your conclusions, especially in the early days, but even so, I massively respect your approach and how you articulate what you find. You have proven that logical thinking and science is still alive. Thank you!
@2010Sanctuary Жыл бұрын
Thank you! Very important information. The numbers here are amazing. This should be broadcast everywhere, so many would benefit greatly. You sincerely want to help people and it really shows. Abundant blessings to you!
@zvonkom Жыл бұрын
Have been taking 5000IU D3 + 1g C + 50mg Zinc since mid-2019. Wasn't sick at all since then. No mask, no vax, never even tested... Lived in NYC, been in contact with a lot of people. And yes, no depression or mood swings despite some rough life events recently. Regular exercise also helps, for sure. But talk to your doctor, of course... 😄
@kxmode Жыл бұрын
I recently started on 5K IU D3 but was concerned about developing kidney stones. Have you experienced them?
@zvonkom Жыл бұрын
@@kxmode No, never. Recently I started taking K2 as well, that regulates calcium so should help with that if I'm not mistaken. Niacin also.
@kellyemontana62 Жыл бұрын
They got my husband on Vit D at the VA a few years ago. He literally had rickets from living in the northern USA. I noticed a significant difference in his energy and demeanor after, too, in a positive way. Glad to hear these results!
@robinwells8879 Жыл бұрын
I love the statue and the gift of love it plainly represents. I always look on your window sill to see the subtle subliminal messages. I am also glad that you have this outlet for your inner natural educator to work on. A gift like yours cannot be left idle.
@lianecugley1433 Жыл бұрын
I was gardener in Western Australia, and was Vit D deficient.
@threeofive9401 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Campbell is the greatest man on earth. I'm proud to have him lead me on my path through medical science. He is a treasure beyond belief. God bless Dr. Campbell.
@jacksfavorite4808 Жыл бұрын
I used to put him 2nd to Jesus on the all-time list of magnificent people. Now I'm starting to think he might get to #1.
@AttRandyReynolds Жыл бұрын
@@jacksfavorite4808 Dr. Campbell deserves more praise, more accolades than Jesus.
@carolj471 Жыл бұрын
@@AttRandyReynolds I'm sure Dr. Campbell would tell you don't be an idiot...............Jesus is and always SHALL be........No. 1!
@mikewalters3048 Жыл бұрын
@@carolj471 I wouldn't be too sure about that.
@parazatico9030 Жыл бұрын
@@carolj471 No.1 with me.
@nessa6859 Жыл бұрын
My Vitamin Routine is D3 - 3000 UI, B-12 - 1000mcg, NAC - 500mg, Biotin 10,000 mcg, Magnesium - 50g, and a few months after I started never had more energy, depression basically gone, hair stronger, a better glow, more growth. SO glad I started this routine.
@jimskeuh Жыл бұрын
you should just eat healthy you dont need all these pills
@UTAH100 Жыл бұрын
@allancarter6449 Жыл бұрын
How do you know vitamin d tablets have the vitamin in them. Can you recommend a brand
@freddibnah1830 Жыл бұрын
John, Many thanks again for all your hard work. In my 20s I started to suffer from depression/anxiety, more anxiety really. Went to the doc who instantly prescribed an antidepressant (prothiaden), well yes the anxiety went away and so did everything else; look back at video of myself from that time and its like I have been slowed down. Now I had nothing to be anxious about, in the RAF for a 22 year stint so job security, money, housing all okay, beautiful wife good food so why anxiety. Well the doc knows best so I carried on taking the drugs despite my wife saying "but your not depressed". Anyway after about 30 years of on and off various antidepressants a doctor decided to do a full blood test and is was found to be hypothyroid by quite a bit so was started on thyroxine OMFG different person. Also now taking Vit D and I'm pretty sure you can feel the difference in mood and outlook. Reason for writing all this is, please everyone get your thyroid checked, it runs your whole body and modern diet and life screws with it.
@kronos4136 Жыл бұрын
Personally I take Oct - April 40,000 iu of D3 with K2. April - Oct 1,000 iu maintenance dose, with as much exposure to sunlight between 11am - 3pm as possible, without burning of course. I am now 61 and have followed this for over 25 years. I have not visited my Doctor (except for kidney/liver/heart tests, as routine) for over 25 years! I fast and exercise daily. Never eat fruit or veg . High fat, and protein daily. Works for me ! I have worked in Biochemistry/Toxicology all my adult life. Well done John for your honesty and dedication
@eulalia3446 Жыл бұрын
How many years have you been eating like this. Please share what changes you noticed. What made you start this way of eating - it wasn't fashionable until recently (carnivore diet). What does you rdoctor make of it. Are your family carnivore? Please share if you are comfortable to do so.
@kronos4136 Жыл бұрын
@@eulalia3446 As a research Biochemist I understand, in part, the mechanisms and pathways of nutrition and the chemical needs of the body, the inter relation of the innate and secondary or adaptive immune system. Essentially, while sugar/glucose was touted as 'Beneficial to people for energy' in the 70's, it became clear that sugar was the main driver for inflammation of the vascular system. Something I had seen and researched in my early years. Also involved with many hundreds of cadavers I became aware of the diets of people and the consistency of the nature of illness most seemed to die from. Getting involved with Orthomolecular Science ( nutrition of cells) understanding that vegetables and fruits are not beneficial from a chemical perspective, especially focussing on the pathways and the blood brain barriers. That is the say the benefits touted as 'Beneficial' depend on the bioavailability of the vitamin or nutrient of the fruit or veg, how it was grown and whether the soil was right for that particular food. In the main fruit and veg do not necessarily benefit everyone. I consider that fruit is pure sugar and veg contains too mainly toxins, such as oxalates etc, and you would have to eat tens of pounds of say Broccoli to get any benefit, but then that benefit is not bioavailable in the first place!! Looking at our ancestors meat and fats were the main source of food and by that reason I became a Carnivore where I eat mainly fatty meats, cheese, eggs and butter. Also, intermittent fasting is the greater benefit than keto in my opinion. Restrictive eating over only 6 hours allows the body to enter autophagy where damaged proteins are repaired or disposed of and allows the digestive system to rest at ease. With regard to my Doctor, I do not have one as they are not advocates of health but mere allopathic reductionists and the Health services are merely disease management money spinners at best. Obviously some emergency life saving procedures are needed as are pain relief and other connective procedures.
@jessetonhauser3516 Жыл бұрын
The way you summed up why I also believe the carnivore diet is one of the best is great. Along with Vitamin D. My struggle is trying to show people that red meat is not bad for you, and that veggies and fruits aren’t these healthy foods everyone touts them to be. It’s impossible to get the point across without being deemed crazy.
@eulalia3446 Жыл бұрын
@@kronos4136 Thank you for sharing this - very interesting. I have come to a similar conclusion myself - I became exceedingly unwell after some years on a (well planned) vegan diet. I don't eat carnivore but my diet leans towards high fat animal products and I have stopped eating any plant which tastes toxic to me (brassicas, spinach, green beans and some raw plants). I use an 8 hour eating window. I am intrigued to see how people do long term on a diet which excludes plants - you are obviously thriving - good for you.
@nebojsa1976 Жыл бұрын
@@kronos4136 So, that life extension doctor says 100% opposite. No protein, even exercising too much is not good, no amino acids. They activate mTOR pathway, and that's not good. He is backing it up with mice studies. Interminent fasting, cold exposure and of course NMN supplements. Maybe he is lying, but I don't think so.
@micheandmikey Жыл бұрын
I work for a large oil company that starts with the letter B and we have an onsite medical facility. It used to be run by the company but of course this too got out sourced to a contractor. When it was company run I'd get a blood draw twice a year and have vitamin D tested, it was great! Since the contractor came in these tests are now subject to my insurance company and most of the time they also do not want to pay for this test unless requested by my family doctor. It's kind of a joke really, an easy test to keep people healthy and happy has now become yet another hurdle to leap over. I take 5000 - 10000 daily but I hadn't been taking the K-2 until you mentioned it in your first video. Thanks Dr John, always looking out for us! And to think you can do that from England and KZbin.....huh. 😁👍👌
@abrin5508 Жыл бұрын
Just take the vitamin D which costs pennies - no point taking the test which costs more than the supplement. No downside all upside.
@colinbaldwin3833 Жыл бұрын
I’ve followed you avidly for a couple of years now. For the last Year and a half I’ve taken the 4000 units of Vit D3 and 100mg of K2 you suggested. I’m 70 and live in the South East of England. This next bit is purely anecdotal but I thought you would be interested. Since Christmas I have not eaten anything with refined sugar in it or highly processed food. I’ve also cut out alcohol and basically just drink water. So no cakes, biscuits, chocolates etc. I eat meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, porridge for breakfast etc. And I feel so much better both physically and mentally.
@denofpigs2575 Жыл бұрын
Refined sugars and processed foods are poison. Avoid in general or eat sparingly. Enriched is a lie.
@Dandan-tg6tj Жыл бұрын
When I was a child, I ate all possible fruits straight from the trees (fruits that are usually growing in my country). Used to wait patientrly until my grandmother was finishing to make cheese then grab as much as I was able to and run with my capture. Picked a few tomato grabbed some bread (or not) then eat the thing while it was still warm. Used to eat eggs from under the chicken. It was called stealing the eggs from under the chicken then my grandma' fried or boiled them nicely. Never had any problem vitamin related. Never had any bone fractured. I'm 54 now and I am still wearing shorts and slippers with no socks when is minus 10 degrees Celsius in winter.
@swally4704 Жыл бұрын
Great story x
@martinej5142 Жыл бұрын
Interestingly, when Covid hit I was on antidepressants. There was talk of not being able to get prescriptions, so I decided to wean myself off, as this would be better than just suddenly not taking them. I stayed with my partner through the first pandemic. I started watching your videos and started supplementing Vit D. This period was one of my least depressive periods going. When everyone else was depressed by lockdowns, I was my happiest. I think this was a combination of Vit D, meditation/breathing technique and company! I've noticed though that Vit D price has escalated somewhat, especially with Vit K. People will always cash in, but its cheaper than medication.
@ljones2087 Жыл бұрын
Is it maybe that the world slowing down and coming to a standstill contributed to your feeling better? It might be that you lack fulfillment and life-satisfaction.
@jackypackham7666 Жыл бұрын
My grandad used to say, " Get the sun on your back boy!". He suffered every February as do I. God bless to you, fight the good fight. Xxx
@WiscoMike920 Жыл бұрын
Great info!! Vitamin D obviously should be a staple for everyone
@johnsmithers8913 Жыл бұрын
Proper diet and vitamin supplements if necessary should be top of the list for all GPs. Unfortunately, they seem to jump first to expensive drugs.
@davidchedzoy7587 Жыл бұрын
@sufyb6432 Жыл бұрын
When I began taking D3, my whole life changed. I felt much better in almost every way. Had more energy and lost weight. I can personally see why feeling better about life would drastically cut suicide attempts.
@tracysmith245 Жыл бұрын
id take normal vit d not the one with calcium
@seubertz Жыл бұрын
Why the heck do I get a pop-up note that says this may be risky to watch, and I have to bend click a button to confirm this risky endeavor of watching some good honest medical reporting. What the hell KZbin. There's so much garbage on here but I get a warning for this? Dr. Campbell, please keep up the good work you do. It's been so helpful to hear clear calm and knowledgeable voice on all of this.
@siand4504 Жыл бұрын
It's worth saying again, I'd had painful plantar fasciitis for over a year and with that last bout had almost lost hope of it ever going away. After two weeks of D3 supplementation it started to get better. I also started K2 and magnesium glycinate at the same time, that was 9 months ago. Plantar fasciitis went away completely after about 3 weeks. I couldn't believe it! Other aches and pains receded too and just generally feel better/sleep better, nails strong and even my hair seems thicker. Im 64 this year. Thank you so much for this resource which enabled me to help myself when all the pharmacy could offer was full dose round the clock paracetamol or codeine.
@1timbarrett Жыл бұрын
Did you change your diet in any way?
@Jewel087 Жыл бұрын
​​@@1timbarrett I didn't. Just started taking this, because of calcium issues, getting it where it needed to go, and out of where it shouldn't. This was an unexpected Bonus.
@benniesmith6260 Жыл бұрын
I've been taking Vit D3, Vit K2, Vit C, Omega 3, Zinc and Magnesium every day since before the plandemic started and so has my elderly mother. I also take Gentle Iron once a week and NAC around 2 to 3 times a week. Neither me nor my mother have been ill at all during these past few years...not even a mild cold.
@rogerpritchard Жыл бұрын
Good you are taking care of your mother. I'm sure she values all you do.
@richardmurrayjr.2338 Жыл бұрын
Mr Campbell, amazing that KZbin is screening and warning viewers of your content.
@gailbuchanan836 Жыл бұрын
Hi Dr John, taken me 4 attempts to get this particular blog, finally got it and it came with a Suicide warning which I had to click on to say I was willing to receive - Lifeline NZ - guess its via the constant S word that was used in your message. Thanks for all your podcasts, and yes D3 has been my go to since listening to you near the beginning of Covid, plus the others K and C and Z
@grahamvenn2774 Жыл бұрын
I received the same message too - I’m from Canada
@Lauri226 Жыл бұрын
Wow that's a great thing to hear. I hope its helpful in preventing veterans from thaking their lives ❤🙏👼🏻
@LezliByrum Жыл бұрын
Outstanding! My primary is very happy with my ROBUST D3 levels. I use your dosage here in sunny Southern California. No signs of dementia almost 70 years old.
@tactileslut Жыл бұрын
Persuading them to bother to look is the hard part.
@laowaistudieschina7470 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Campbell, you are a wonderful source of reliable information. Thank you for all you do!
@lisettebordeleau3765 Жыл бұрын
Dear Dr. Campbell, at least we can count on you. Thanks for your generosity and honesty!
@sarabazlinton9820 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been taking 4000 units of vit D and 100mcg of K2 since last autumn, having watched one of your videos, on the basis that it couldn’t hurt. I’ve always suffered from seasonal affective disorder, but not this winter. I had already come to the conclusion that it was probably the vitamin D, as nothing else, diet, job, lifestyle etc, has changed., so it was interesting to hear you mention vitamin D as a potential preventative for SAD. I am also now wondering if it’s the vitamin D which has made such a change to my Raynauds syndrome. Since my teens (I’m now 57) I have really suffered with this, I get it in my hands but my feet are by far the worst affected. I used to get an attack of it at least daily, sometimes multiple times a day, in cold weather, but this winter I have had only a few episodes, even during the prolonged period of cold weather.
@larryc9617 Жыл бұрын
try adding magnesium to that Sara, it all works together, personally i take 10,000 iu of d3, 200mg pf k2 and 500 mg pf magnesium, seems to have worked well for me, stay safe and well 🙂
@silviebreber1523 Жыл бұрын
If I may suggest, please look into vitB1 (thiamine). Someone I know benefited greatly from it for that condition. There are some good youtube videos about thiamine.
@golden.lights.twinkle2329 Жыл бұрын
I've been taking a multi-vitamin for 35 years. I have also taken extra vitamin D for the past 10 years. I live in Phoenix, AZ, the sunniest place in the world.
@sarabazlinton9820 Жыл бұрын
@@silviebreber1523 I already take a multivitamin which includes Vitamin B1, apparently the level is 1.32mg or 120% of the RDA. Do you have any idea if that’s enough before I add a further supplement?
@silviebreber1523 Жыл бұрын
@@sarabazlinton9820 No, that would not be enough. I was referring to thiamine at much higher doses and also, most likely, a different form of thiamine. The KZbin channel EONutrition explains it really well and in detail.
@PhoticSneezeOne Жыл бұрын
Dr Campbell, i just wanted to say that i truly love you Sir for everything you did for us during these lunatic times. Thank you!
@davidchedzoy7587 Жыл бұрын
He's a sellout Judas goat aka SHILL...beware of Wolfe's in sheep's clothing
@davidchedzoy7587 Жыл бұрын
@PhoticSneezeOne Жыл бұрын
He deserves knighthood like no other
@davidchedzoy7587 Жыл бұрын
@@PhoticSneezeOne seriously time to wake up !
@Macam2macam Жыл бұрын
my mom always say that getting into the sun can lift up the mood and chase away depression. she s right.
@hilltopgirl2665 Жыл бұрын
God bless you, Dr John! You have helped so many!
@glendadevlin4480 Жыл бұрын
It's criminal that this is not being investigated further. Thank you for the information Dr John
@michaeldawson6309 Жыл бұрын
Thanks John this makes great sense. Just out of interest for everyone. I suffered with gout for 30 years, which is due to an over active enzyme and runaway inflammation. It appears that my enzyme is now working normally and I do not get inflammation. Gout has effectively gone since taking D3/K2. Also gone is Hay Feaver which is an auto immune issue. My mood is much better like a summers day every day so I am an experiment of 1 that says it works for me. I take 8000IU a day aiming to keep my D3 levels around 60ng/l. I would say it works a treat and thank you John for bringing this to my attention back in 2020 I am sure it has help with lots of other situations too like when I get a bad cold it lasts 48hours and also no Cold sores ! so it really is boosting the immune system and controlling its response. 🙂
@LTPottenger Жыл бұрын
That's very interesting. My gout stopped when I started to fast, but I never heard that v D could help!
@allalphazerobeta8643 Жыл бұрын
Correlation does not necessarily imply causation, meaning that just because two variables are correlated, it does not mean that one variable causes the other. However, if a correlation is predicted by a mechanism of causation, it suggests that the mechanism may be true.
@rchelge Жыл бұрын
I live in Canada and this video was just blocked from the government. Justin wont let me watch your video. Thanks for all your hard work Dr. Campbell
@alyn369 Жыл бұрын
I requested a 25 hydroxy vit d check at my doctors in Birmingham. They were reluctant but they did do it . Turns out I was 133 nmol/L I think that's ok .I am a red head. Have been managing some heavy anxiety last few months due to some circumstances. I have been using Vit d3 And K2. I have noticed a huge difference using Inositol Vit b8 along side NAC and Ashwaghanda too. Definitely noticing a benefit. No antidepressants though I was once on SSRI for over 10years. Hope this may help somebody.💛
@ms-jl6dl Жыл бұрын
That's 3 times over the advised levels of 50 ng/ml. Or are you talking about nmol/L in which case you're right on target (125).
@alyn369 Жыл бұрын
@@ms-jl6dl bless you yes! the later .So I'm good lol have now changed original comment to show your point .Thankyou
@Nexus_Sage Жыл бұрын
Thank you John for your tireless pursuit of providing us stellar healthcare advice!!!
@ArthurPill Жыл бұрын
Do you consider John's advice of getting the shot as stellar too.?
@OhSoddit Жыл бұрын
@@ArthurPill He'll have BLOOD ON HIS HANDS for it, but (it's a big but) we have to give him a little bit of credit for changing his tune (belatedly) in line with the data, the overwhelming majority of medical professionals still have their heads in the sand.
@Lily-Bravo Жыл бұрын
People who are taking the maximum recommended dose need to also take into account the amount they are getting in their diet, and from the sunshine. Excess Vit D is not water soluble and so excreted as is Vit C but is stored in the liver. With a proper diet it will store enough for four months of winter.
@normadevilbiss9522 Жыл бұрын
I thank God for ur careful study and research, and for breaking info. down to a level where ordinary lay people can understand. Dr.Campbell, ur a national treasure!! God bless u! ❤
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