DUNGEON MASTER Reacts to Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

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Newfie Movie Reactions

Newfie Movie Reactions

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@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
I love this Dungeons & Dragons Movie. Everything about it made the geek inside me happy. Comment below with your thoughts on the film and if you have ever tried D&D around the tabletop. 👕 The T-Shirt I'm wearing in the video is from my merch shop. It's NewfieStyles on Etsy. Click this link ➡ www.etsy.com/shop/NewfieStyles If you want to keep watching more of my videos check out my movie playlist here kzbin.info/aero/PLnNWSHvmmGzgoHKZ05oBodCUzhXptPk7S
@TheBunnyodeath 2 күн бұрын
Lol wrote campaign modules for Garry gygax i have a version 2 unpublished on my computer now and my own illustrations. The relics of dyriany
@RicardoKopperschmidt 9 ай бұрын
Holga is from the Elk tribe, the same tribe as Wulfgar, one of the Companions of the Hall. The wizard that Simon sees when he tries to atone with the helmet was supposed to be Elminster (but it's only a reflection of Simon himself). Themberchaud was allied with the Duergar, and worked on their forges, being paid regularly in treasure, protection of his lair, and disobedient slaves as a snack. The duergar tried to keep him happy and fat.
@ThemeOfSecrets Жыл бұрын
You know, the fact that Bradley Cooper is playing a Hafling - a small version of himself - technically makes him a Mini Cooper.
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
*Ba Dum Tissssss* LOL Good one.
@arnigubjartsson7778 Жыл бұрын
Wonder if he was hired just for that reason😄
@coleslade Жыл бұрын
What got me is that he has this and Rocket Raccoon. Getting typecast as a CGI half pint is such an oddly specific and weird direction for a career to take.
@FullmetalAsian Жыл бұрын
Kinda like how Mike Rowe technically has a Mike Rowe penis.
@jaserror Жыл бұрын
I wish the dislike button was still working.
@daveemerson6549 Жыл бұрын
The pudgy dragon was a masterstroke. What does every single party since the original edition yell when the host's fat housecat jumps onto the tabletop? "DRAGON!"
@pfcblint3171 Жыл бұрын
Themberchaud, the dragon, is actually in the lore of D&D and was conceived by Gary Gygax in 2e. He improvised Themberchaud when his cat jumped on the mat, so you're not wrong at all!
@filthycasual8187 4 ай бұрын
@@pfcblint3171 Gygax had nothing to do with 2e.
@riftwalker9296 Жыл бұрын
Themberchaud, the fat dragon, is actually a lore character from Forgotten Realms. He was kept by the deep dwarves to keep their forges hot and they fed him copious amounts for his work. He ended up getting fat and lazy since he didn't have to do much and his fire breath required him to make a spark which at his size he couldn't do often. He instead breathes a combustible gas that the spark in his throat would ignite. They just used the candle trick to light the gas and blow their way out,
@baeleth Жыл бұрын
I was so excited when I saw that Themberchaud was in this. I loved running him for my party in Out of the Abyss.
@goldexperiencerequiem776 Жыл бұрын
Another fun fact, Gary Gygax himself improvised Themberchaud during a 2e module, when a players cat jumped onto the board, and he thought "Yeah, this is the boss now."
@filthycasual8187 4 ай бұрын
@@goldexperiencerequiem776 I thought the story was that it was 1e and it was Gygax's cat.
@Zeithri 3 ай бұрын
Thank you all for this lore tidbit. I did not know this ^^
@TarossBlackburn Жыл бұрын
The intellect devourer bit was golden. If you stop to think about it... NONE of them has a class that requires INT as a core class stat. Charisma for Paladins, Bards and Sorcerors, Wisdom for the Druid and probably a lot of Strength, Dexterity and Constitution for whatever class Hulda is. :D
@MasterrangerABR Жыл бұрын
Hulda is a barbarian, so sounds right.
@MiosPanties Жыл бұрын
@@MasterrangerABR Holga, not Hulda
@cobaltsable1800 Жыл бұрын
The hands: one's Bigby's hand, the other is Maximilian's earthen grasp
@drakeloki4214 Жыл бұрын
It is ashame the movie didn't do well in theaters. It deserved success.
@averyofhousejade1176 Жыл бұрын
Did it really not do that well?
@drakeloki4214 Жыл бұрын
@averyofhousejade1176 it made 208 million, it cost to make 150 million, but that doesn't count things like advertising so the rule of thumb is you have to at least double the budget to find the break even so it lost 100 million.
@ErdTirdMans 2 ай бұрын
@@averyofhousejade1176 It released up against The Super Mario Brothers movie, didn't get enough promotion, and it just so happened that Wizards of the Coast tried to reneg on a decades long open content policy and fleece third-parties who build out their system. There was a huge boycott and one of the biggest PR disasters I've ever seen Like: I can't emphasize how colossally stupid it was. They made a game where the main focus is "You can do anything." The very core of the game is that every group has a person who designs, builds, narrates, and works out the mechanics of the world. Naturally this spawns an extremely vibrant ecosystem of mini-designers who tweak and twist their rule system to better fit their friends at the table. WotC saw that market and said "Damn, we need to get even more of that money" and tried to significantly change the terms of access to their rule system to make it super paywalled... Like, idiots: Every 3rd customer of yours IS a minidesigner. You're telling like a third of your customer base that they might technically owe you money if anything they did is really good. AND you're doing this at a time when entire publishers are built, running, and ready to step into your place and financially motivated to broadcast how dangerous your move is to every game and table Needless to say, they had to roll it back because they lost a ton of money to it and caused their biggest advocates to create their own tabletop games now (Critical Role, Matt Colville) and create their own open gaming license (ORC)
@SSgtJ0hns0n Жыл бұрын
26:53 - I think the science behind it was that the fat dragon had the ability to breathe out the gases, but is impaired in igniting it himself, as seen several times before by the sparks in the mouth not doing anything. The only time he did breathe actual fire was when there was a lava waterfall in the way. So in the enclosed space, he could only breathe out the combustible gases which built up, then prematurely ignited by the flame finger trick. The saltwater thing just gives Edgin the knowledge that they were below a sea that they may escape through by swimming. Hope this clears that scene up. Great reaction from a passionate player!
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
Thanks! Now it makes sense! Haha. :)
@rfresa Жыл бұрын
It really should have blown Simon's finger off.
@Dakarn Жыл бұрын
Fat Dragon is actually a boss fight from Underdark campaigns involving the Duergar. His name is Themberchaud, Wyrmsmith of Gracklstugh.
@Dakarn Жыл бұрын
@@rfresa He succeeded his DEX save. *wink*
@cadence1331 Жыл бұрын
@@Dakarn Ah, so that's his name. I misheard when I saw the movie. And he is now known as Thunder Chad.
@moviemaestro800 Жыл бұрын
My whole D&D group went together to watch this in theatres. We were among only a handful present there, and we had an absolute blast. We could relate so much to what we were seeing. As someone who twice campaigned as a bard with this group, it was super validating to see one as the focal character, as well.
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
Bard makes for a great main character for a movie IMO. :) That sounds like a lot of fun with you and your friends. :)
@cyanide7270 Жыл бұрын
Let alone one that ISNT just your "hey i wanna seduce the entire realm" type.
@lordnul1708 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: Themberchaud actually debuted in 2e lore, his previous den before the movie was a dwarven smithy. They would give him food and occasionally gold, and he would keep their furnaces lit. With food and treasure being so easy to come by, he got understandably fat. However, he was not the first, and when Themberchaud what happened to his predecessors he made his escape.
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
Ohh wow. Coool stuff. Thanks for sharing that story. :)
@skakried7673 Жыл бұрын
@@NewfieMovieReactions Thw whole story can be played through in Out of Abyss, It's pretty cool actually. Technically htye aren't dwarves that keep him captive, the Duergar are kind of like cousins of dwarves but with grey skin, a pretty nasty attitude and Gracklstugh, their capital is essentially one giant forge, the ash and smoke making it hard to breathe when not in a building. Themberchaud was getting too old and too smart to be kept at bay much longer so the Duergar procured another Red Dragon egg to hatch in order to replace Themberchaud. Themberchaud found out and wanted the players to steal the egg to bring it to him so he could eat it and keep being treated well by Duergar. This is Canonically what happens with the Themberchaud storyline, although the party can choose not to help Themberchaud and even actively work against him in their campaigns if they wish. Canonically Themberchaud stays in Gracklstugh for a while after killing the unhatched dragon but eventually gets tired of being a glorified furnace, as he is now too fat to fly or walk and he hasn't developed much mentally since being locked away, he inlisted others to help him escape deeper into the underdark.
@jaysondixon923 Жыл бұрын
As someone who isn't that knowledgeable about D&D, I LOVED this movie. The casting were amazing, the chemistry between actors was on point and just an overall fun movie
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
I'm glad! It's a great movie anyways. :)
@shawnadams1460 Жыл бұрын
As someone who has played for over 30 years I can say I only have one complaint about this movie....never...and I mean NEVER has a group gotten this much done in 2 1/2 hours!! LMAO....seriously though, they NAILED this movie. Enough storytelling in the right way to keep those who dont know engaged. And so so SOOOO much for us players. Fingers crossed for a sequel!!!
@laigron7884 Жыл бұрын
What i liked about Boss fight that Edgin mentioned that Simon countered her time-stop and not just Kira sliping her antimagic bracelet.
@OldtimerOfSweden Жыл бұрын
I've played D&D for 48 years now and I just love this movie.
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
48 years! I thought I was epic with 30. The crown is yours. :)
@castoputa Жыл бұрын
@IvanTheTerrible77 Жыл бұрын
I went in with low expectations and left absolutely loving this movie. It's sooo good. I'm hoping for a good sequel.
@eclat4641 11 ай бұрын
I knew it would be great.
@ujamaa4 Жыл бұрын
The lady screaming "JARNATHAN" is still the funniest thing in the whole move lol
@GuukanKitsune Жыл бұрын
He realized that Holga WAS Kia's mom, he was indeed not raising Kia's mom, he was raising HIS WIFE. His daughter had never known her mother... she'd only ever known Holga. So he did what he said he was going to do: he made them a family again. He brought HOLGA back so his daughter could have both her mom and dad again.
@Wired4Life2 Жыл бұрын
I loved how the fat dragon is not only refreshing, but our laughter fades away as it becomes apparent that the fat dragon knows how to navigate through that space to capture and eat its prey. The expected comedy precedes the surprising badassery.
@phtevenj Жыл бұрын
I love that they had approved the pardon but they broke out too quickly
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
Yeah. Haha That was great. :)
@jordanpeterson5140 Жыл бұрын
It's a very D&D thing to happen.
@briandalke5946 Жыл бұрын
Players didn't like their rolls, panicked, and did something stupid. :p
@karonbeilunka6845 Жыл бұрын
GM was like "yeah... I have to pardon them - otherwise we can just all go home... But I'll let them sweat a litle.
@sheldorleconcher8870 Жыл бұрын
I've been playing this game for around 40 years and this movie was fantastic! Love the way the writers and actors portrayed the characters - it really felt like a was watching a game in progress. You're so right about druids - one of my current players is always getting into trouble sneaking into places.
@Dakarn Жыл бұрын
In my campaign I played as a Rogue (Tabaxi Swashbuckler), I always succeeded stealth roles when in combat. (It helps having +13 to stealth.) However, when I wanted to skulk around town after curfew to "see the sights" I always rolled a Nat 1. It became a running gag.
@sheldorleconcher8870 Жыл бұрын
@@Dakarn lol, like my players' inability to safely climb down anything!
@joeywood9333 Жыл бұрын
I'm an old school gamer (elf was a class when I started), and I loved everything about this movie. It's the D&D movie I've been waiting for.
Honestly I feel this movie should win an award for the costume and practical effects alone. It made Dragonborn, aarakocra and all the other non-human races seem legit and normal
@jessc.994 Жыл бұрын
This movie is so great! It’s fun for people who know everything about D&D and also fun for people who know nothing about it. They made it a movie for everyone to enjoy! Doric is my favorite character.
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
I agree. I like Doric as well!
@reighniz4488 Жыл бұрын
22-year veteran dungeon Master here. There are many many things I love about this movie.
@avsiii7661 11 ай бұрын
This is the best G&D movie that's out there. I was 19 when I was first played D&D. The group that I was play with was just moving from the AD&D to the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition. It was 1989 when I first purchased the Player's handbook. Which I still have at the moment. I was working at McDonald's, it was the most stressful Of my time and playing D&D helped to get rid my mind off of somethings and some of the stress that I was faced with.
@Ncyphen Жыл бұрын
regarding the underwater explosion, the dragon likely breaths out methane and would ignite the methane with a sparke from its mouth. They utilized the dragon filling the chamber with gas as a means to destroy the wall between them and the ocean.
@3Kings_Industries Жыл бұрын
The other team in the maze was actually dressed like the cartoon D&D group from the 80s animation. There is also a Volkswagon commercial, though I think it only aired internationally.
@BossTripp1 Жыл бұрын
I just realized that he's a chaos Sorcerer 🤔. That's why sometimes he casts and other spells happen.
@Alliebutt 9 ай бұрын
He's not a chaos sorcerer, he's a wild magic sorcerer.
@BossTripp1 9 ай бұрын
@@Alliebutt yea, ur right…
@ModernDayMagus Жыл бұрын
The situation with the flame finger in the cave. It was shown earlier that the dragon was having trouble ignighting its breath it succeeds earlier when it spits into the lava but it's ignition doesn't seem to work on its own. So they were just ignighting the accumulated dragons breath.
@TheBenperri Жыл бұрын
I am with ya! The more practical effects the better!!
@frownmastr Жыл бұрын
It hurts so much that the Paladin was supposed to be Drizzt, but there was too much licensing issues or something
@eclat4641 11 ай бұрын
Really??! Wow!
@spock686 5 ай бұрын
That would've been so cool to see.
@TTHBLOX_ Жыл бұрын
A friwnd whos really into dnd took me to see it. Now im in 2 campaigns he runs
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
That's awesome! :)
@FullmetalAsian Жыл бұрын
This movie was great. Other than the fact that I saw this 2 weeks after my wife had died and did not know that was a main plot point. But it was genuinely good. Having watched it a second time now with more time having passed i do appreciate him having to make the choice to move on.
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you found some enjoyment in the film. :)
@johankaewberg8162 Жыл бұрын
Very cool how ”Speak to the Dead” actually briefly resurrected the corpses :-)
@ctakitimu Жыл бұрын
Oh I missed that until now, "The great Simon Aumar"! So he's of the famed Elminster's bloodline?
@Alliebutt 9 ай бұрын
Chris Pine's character outright says he's a part of Elminster's bloodline, as they try to convince Doric to join them on their mission.
@ctakitimu 9 ай бұрын
@@Alliebutt Yeah, I missed that
@lauraw2526 Жыл бұрын
I love how much of the lore they got right. Really the only lore-based criticisms I've heard were minor nitpicks, they put a lot of effort into making it a movie for fans but also just good and understandable for casual moviegoers. I think this might be my favorite fantasy movie... ever.
@topherwhite370 Жыл бұрын
I started playing D&D 43 years ago! I went through a lot of systems, but I really fell in love with GURPS. This movie is super-fun!
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
I still think that GURPS is the best RPG system ever made. It's complex, but the best IMO. :)
@Orcca779 Жыл бұрын
i saw this movie in theater with my D&D group we had an absolute blast and loved every minute of it.
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
I bet! Such a great movie for RPG geeks like myself. haha.
@Hanmacx Жыл бұрын
They always says "Simon, hold it" Because Simon has "Bag of Holding" :p
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
Ahhhh okay! Nice!
@johncheshirsky8822 Жыл бұрын
I think I've watched this movie like 3 times and also pretty much every reaction to it on KZbin, lol. Been waiting for you to react to it! :D Awesome movie and a great reaction!
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
Thanks! Yeah I just had to check this one out. :)
@johncheshirsky8822 Жыл бұрын
@@NewfieMovieReactions oh, also, it wasn't the salt water that was flammable, it was the dragon's breath :D It was shown earlier that he has trouble sparking up his breath into fully-fledged fire. So Ed's plan was to use Simon's finger-candle trick to light it up and to explode the cave they were in, because leaking salt water meant they were under sea, which meant they could escape :)
@johncheshirsky8822 Жыл бұрын
@@NewfieMovieReactions oh, and also, here's the obligatory "Rege-Jean didn't hear the director call 'cut' because of the waves, so he kept just going in a straight line, and they found it so hilarious, they kept it in the film" comment :D
@Tomcatt817 Жыл бұрын
I started playing D&D in '79 and have loved RPGs ever since. I loved this movie. i have seen a few reactions to this movie, but all were those who did not know D&D or RPGs. This was great to see the perspective of someone who does understand it all. One thing I really liked is that even those who had no knowledge really enjoyed it as well.
@Oiyuki Жыл бұрын
I saw this movie with my DND group and we had a fantastic time. One thing I really liked about it is that, even though we never see the players behind these characters, you can almost hear them in your mind, making jokes about what’s happening as the story progresses.
@gacchan Жыл бұрын
So glad you watched this. As a fellow D&D nerd and RPG nerd, this movie was so much fun! The right around of camp, heart and lore.
@firstmatefyrefly Жыл бұрын
Been playing for about 30 years, and this was the best D&D movie that I could have imagined.
@robertporter6683 Жыл бұрын
I love Themverchaud! Can't believe they used him.
@RedwoodTheElf Жыл бұрын
Gotta love the Wild magic sorcerer. And that staff is totally a portal gun.
@ChuckUFarley90 Жыл бұрын
As a D&D player, I recognized it for what it is: an Arcane Gate spell, literally on a stick. The range & duration were tweaked for plot reasons, but it's still a 6th level spell at its core.
@dragoon3219 Жыл бұрын
Themberchaud is a canon D&D dragon and yes, he is canonically grossly fat for a dragon. He's the best thing ever put in D&D as far as I'm concerned.
@isbammoi3358 Жыл бұрын
Not sure if anyone brought up the 80s animated dnd show party being in the games easter egg yet, but that was easily one of my favorite bits! And I LOVE pracitcal effects! To see some puppetry was AWESOME. And for something so intrinsically creative as DnD, the mix of many crafts just added to the films faithful spirit. I'm favored towards a mix of all mediums, and this film nailed that for me
@HH-hd7nd Жыл бұрын
14:37 Well - depending on the edition she's either level 20 (in 5e - until level 20 druids only have 2 wild shapes per day, she shifted 7 times during this chase) or epic level (3.0 or 3.5 - 7th wildshape comes with level 21, and the ability to shape into magical beasts like an owlbear is an epic level feature as well). Regarding the fight with the dragon - don't forget that Paladins have Smite Evil. Not to mention that in Pathfinder (yeah I know, not exactly D&D) their first attack against their smite target deals double damage if it is an evil outsider, dragon or undead.
@kielomariamaja8334 Жыл бұрын
I only now saw your reaction video! I have played tabletop role playing games for 37 years - and this movie was perfect. It was made with such love and care, so many of the chilchés set in there with care and appreciation. It is so funny and touching and sweet. I just hope we will see many more of these adventures.
@1amazeme Жыл бұрын
Buffy season 6 discussed the returning from the dead and it’s consequences of happiness there.
@kevinmunguia7381 Жыл бұрын
There are so many subtle additions that may or may not have been on purpose regarding things like good or bad rolls. for example, delaying the story until Jarnathan arrived, getting trapped in the sand pit and unable to get out, when the guard was about to execute them in the alley holga was able to delay him giving her time to get the brick, the fact that Edgin kept trying but failing to cut the ropes tying his hands... just to name a few lol really well made movie and surprised me Also your comment on not being all that invested in his wife at the beginning when she died is on par with the theme of the ending, the audience was in the same position as his daughter.
@pascaleelliott63 5 ай бұрын
My good friend and I love this movie! One of the things we enjoy about this movie, is the fact that they went with practical effects and make-up for the non-human species characters instead of CGI.
@dustinhogle3844 Жыл бұрын
Best Film of 2023. People are SLEEPING on it. They're missing out on this PERFECT FILM.
@InkyPetrel Жыл бұрын
As a long time DnD player, this film was a delight start to finish. Well cast, well filmed, beautiful, interesting sets, well LIT (I tell you what, being able to see everything on screen makes a nice change from other recent fantasy shows, they probably also had beautiful sets, but you couldn't SEE them) ALSO shoutout to the costume department for not dressing everyone in shades of "Ye Olde Mud". The choice to use a lot of practical effects was a great one, it means this film won't look ridiculous in a year, and practical effects are always better for immersion. Everything was interesting to look at, you got a great sense of the world without needing hours of infodumping, and it was just...fun :D It's been immediately added to my rotation of "movies to watch when I need to improve my day" which honestly is a short list. tl;dr: loved it, 8.5/10, loses points for Hugh Grant because I just can't stand the guy (don't at me, he's a fine actor, I just don't like most of his work), but it's great. Have you considered reacting to The Legend of Vox Machina animated series? (if you haven't watched it already, your recognition of the FCG reference makes me think you might have) based on Critical Role's first DnD campaign, and produced and voiced by the same cast that played those characters for years :) Do recommend if you want more DnD-based goodness.
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
I started to react to Vox Machina, but it didn't perform well on my channel. I hope to get back to it someday. :) Thanks for watching.
@InkyPetrel Жыл бұрын
That's a shame, it's a great series :) Worth watching in your own time if not as a reaction.
@glockenrein Жыл бұрын
You know, I LOVED Hugh Grant in this film because he plays just the sleazy git I love to hate him as. Normally we’re meant to like his characters so this was cathartic. 😂
@Zeithri 3 ай бұрын
This movie makes me so happy. I absolutely love it. It's the best one since the first D&D movie in 2000's. " _She's throwing a potato!_ " Kills me 😂 Oh poor Jarnathan :D _Not fortune found, nor fate divine,_ _Come close to toping the juice of the vine._
@robertbunting3117 Жыл бұрын
considering today's C.G. I'd say we got very lucky with how this movie turned out. If they had used c.g. i can only assume it would have been so cheesy bad. The practical effects are awesome. and the fight sequences are so cool. Holga's stunt double kicks ass
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
Yup I agree with all that. The CG was good when needed in this film. :)
@thajocoth Жыл бұрын
You guessed at levels a few times. There are official statblocks for characters in the movie. The four party members are all CR 5. Forge is CR 8. Zenk is CR 10. Sofina is CR 15.
@misteryman526 3 сағат бұрын
The thing I find most unbelievable is the amazing competence of the Neverwinter Guard. Being able to detect the druid as an intruder when she's in full armor was maybe possible, but no way they'd be able to detect her as a bird and try to shoot her out of the sky.
@Ravenpoe121 Жыл бұрын
I'm sure this has been answered already, or you found it in the edit, but the combustible part when they were cornered by the dragon was the dragon breath. The dragon had been trying to blow fire the entire fight but couldn't manage to get it to spark.
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
Ohhh I didn't think it was that, I thought where he said. This is Salt water, I have a plan! I thought it was something to do with that. Haha okay thanks for explaining it.
@ZeniaRose Жыл бұрын
@@NewfieMovieReactions The salt water was just that he knew they were close enough that if the rock blasted apart, they'd be able to swim to the surface of the ocean and escape.
@thebishopofme Жыл бұрын
I've been playing for over 15 years, my wife started playing about 4 years ago. What we loved about this movie is it's serious when it needs to be, but never takes itself seriously, just like a D&D campaign. The way the party finds overly complicated ways to overcome the problems is such a real at-the-table situation. Just such a good movie.
@GageEakins Жыл бұрын
So this movie uses a lot of lore from the official D&D campaign setting the Forgotten Realms. For example, Thumberchad, the pudgy red dragon, is an actual dragon from the campaign Out of the Abyss.
@avatar80239 Жыл бұрын
I used to play D&D while in the military in the early 90's. I also read most of the books from both Dragonlance & Forgotten Realms and played a lot of RPGs on the computer & consoles.
@nugget3687 3 ай бұрын
What I love about this movie is that if you don't know anything about dnd, the movie is just a very fun fantasy movie BUT if you know a lot about dnd, you can see the matrix lol. You can see the rolls, you can tell the paladin is a DMPC, that the bard gives pep talks so much because he's using bardic inspiration, it genuinely feels like when they were writing this, they kept thinking about what the actual players were doing behind the scenes, and that's why it succeeds, it FEELS like a dnd campaign come to life
@shampoovta Жыл бұрын
Yes practical effects and CGI is the way to go. I use to be a big fan of Fangoria magazine. Practical effects always amazed me. 😄
@seth2854 Жыл бұрын
somebody might have mentioned already, but I'm a real fucking nerd when it comes to dragons, so here's what I saw. The reason why the air combusted is because the dragon "breathed out" methane (most likely) which is highly flammable. Also fun fact, If dragons would have existed irl, they most likely would have been used methane as it's both lighter than air (helping in flight) and flammable. :D
@slaaneshhedonite7068 Жыл бұрын
I knew what a D20 was before I could count that high. I had the original little white box for D&D. And Traveler. I also used to write for Games Workshop. Ran the tournaments and stuff. Loved going to all the cons, watching people play games and drinking adult beverages for a living.
@averyofhousejade1176 Жыл бұрын
Currently in a Dragonlance game. Been going for 9.5 months at this point. And that's literally the extent of my TTRPG experience so far. I'm loving it.
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
Awesome! I recently started a TTRPG KZbin channel. Here's the link if you are interested. www.youtube.com/@RadiantPathGaming
@MisterMcDaunting Жыл бұрын
Playing D&D for over 25 years now and I loved this movie. The subtle easter eggs like the D&D cartoon series characters as well as the boogie man that is Thay (which I learned to know well in the AD&D 2E campaign I was in back in the days. I love how they managed to make everything easy to grasp for someone who does not know anything about D&D as well as warming the hearts of die hard fans. That is also why I think they did not make bard or druid spellcasting a thing, it would have confused the average movie goer (like "Wait... he/she is now a sorcerer too!?").
@JDnD80 Жыл бұрын
D&D player here, haven't been table-topping for too long little over a year. Definitely loving the difference. From games to rp. Love this movie 🎲
@cindydoe1663 10 ай бұрын
I’ve played dnd for 13 years now (26/m) and I loved every second of this
@jefferickson5833 Жыл бұрын
This movie was a real surprise. I really enjoyed it. I wish it did better at the box office.
@Dakarn Жыл бұрын
"I told you he'd get us out!" You: "Yeah, against his will though." Me: "Every great party knows that the best plans always contain an element of surprise."
@jenny_of_oldstones3523 Жыл бұрын
I loved this movie especially the Easter Eggs,.. the talk to dead shpele was so funny I had to pause the movie because it is so something my last Adventure group would do.. All the cock ups SO D&D. Effing great.
@709mash Жыл бұрын
This movie was WAY better than it had any right to be. It really felt like a D&D campaign around the table, humor and all!
@princebloodgrave8097 Жыл бұрын
I play D&D and have been for about 4ish years. & I love this movie. :D
@matthewhull5876 Жыл бұрын
The explosion was his breath weapon. He couldn’t spark it and kill them. So Simon did.
@Vijay-tg7hf Жыл бұрын
Am in Newfoundland too and just found your channel! Great reaction and glad you enjoyed the film :)
@bujler Жыл бұрын
This was such a good film. Really enjoyed it. And a great review!
@Fairyhell Жыл бұрын
I never got into the circle of RP DnD, only played a few related video games like BG and the movie still got me hooked into its universe.
@StarvingArtist600 Жыл бұрын
I love this movie. Been Playing D&D in my friend's game for the last 20 years, and been DMing in my homebrewed world for the last 15.
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
That's awesome! Same world for 15 years, that's epic! :)
@StarvingArtist600 Жыл бұрын
@@NewfieMovieReactions I'm gearing up to a big apocalyptic story. I've been laying the groundwork for it for a few years now. When that's done, we are jumping 700 years into the future to see how the world has changed.
@thomasluke-wp8or Жыл бұрын
The science behind their escape from themberchaud (apologies if I misspelled the name) is that they were beneath the sea and that igniting the gas that themberchaud was breathing would blow open the roof. Themberchaud can't light his own fires as shown earlier when he used lava to ignite flammable gas that he breathed out
@AnimeSquirrel Жыл бұрын
I started playing DnD during 4th ed. This movie was everything i cpuld have wanted in a DnD movie.
@maddwitch Жыл бұрын
I’m glad that they didn’t make Holga and Edgin a thing. I like that they’re close, loyal friends who raised a kid together without there having to be a romance involved.
@dehro Жыл бұрын
the prison structure they escape from is called a Panopticon, and was a real project someone made, I believe in renaissance times, as a concept for a more secure prison, where the guards would be in the central body of the prison and the prisoners on the outer ring.. also able to see each other and be a bit more social... not sure if it was ever built though. doubt it.
@ASADragon Жыл бұрын
I started D&D back in the old days of Basic and Advanced rules - I had all of the basic box sets. From there, I spread to all other RPGs - my favorites have been Shadowrun (I love the way they did the NPC comments in the sourcebooks) and the Palladium books (including the classic TMNT, which I own a first edition of with the Not-PC Insanity tables). Of those two, I own nearly all of the original books - took me forever to find some of them - like the Tir sourcebook for Shadowrun.
@macxgames 3 ай бұрын
This movie's my new guilty pleasure and I recently started to dive in at playing the game.
@sailiealquadacil1284 Жыл бұрын
I loved this film, it made me laugh several times. I've been playing D&D for a few years now - I didn't get all the Easter Eggs, but noticed things like botched up saving throws and stuff ^^
@samanthasierra314 Жыл бұрын
Love D&D! Played a human paladin with an enemies snake familiar that rode along wrapped in my glaive.
@dkfrito Жыл бұрын
Going to heaven and being dragged back was the plot of an entire season of Buffy
@D0nut42 Жыл бұрын
The nearest I can figure is that salt water has a higher boiling point, or the salt indicated that above them was open water and not an underground lake or something.
@erose6844 Жыл бұрын
I really want a series and cinematic universe for these characters.
@keyanblyler04 Жыл бұрын
D&D player and Dungeon Master, been playing d&d since 2017ish been playing ttrpgs since 2014-2015 ish
@markusbelden4569 8 ай бұрын
I love dungeons and dragons and I love this movie
@kaneosaurusrex3171 Жыл бұрын
one of the best parts is the reveal of the mini cooper
@omega311888 11 ай бұрын
we've been playin since the early 80s. this is the best D&D movie ive seen. my only real complaint was that we never saw any real powers from the bard and that the only thing the druid did was wild shape but overall, i enjoyed it.
@alanjhargreaves Жыл бұрын
Great review. I loved it too. You missed Simon's last name and there was another easter egg with the wizard (sage perhaps?) he saw while trying to attune. His last name is "Au Mar". I would assume the person he saw was Elminster.
@JinxedPixie88 11 ай бұрын
He thinks he sees Elminster, as the figure says, "I am also an Aumar.", but it's not, it's just Simon.
@Alliebutt 9 ай бұрын
Like JinxedPixie pointed out, he was seeing himself from the start. He himself was the only obstacle in the way of him getting better as a sorcerer, and he needed to stand up for himself to attune with the helmet.
@fpeterlaskey332 Жыл бұрын
Never played Dungeons and Dragons but I loved this movie.
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
Yeah it's a great film anyways. :)
@BrowneePointz Жыл бұрын
In the end, he chose his Kid's Mother, over his Wife.
@ne0fenris Жыл бұрын
did you miss that one of the other groups in the maze was supposed to be the kids from the 80s D&D cartoon?
@NewfieMovieReactions Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I didn't watch the D&D cartoon as a kid. I wish I did.
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