Thank you for continuing to post. I've wanted to do a newt tank since childhood. Going old school hybrid Walstad method for next 30 long or 29 gallon just trying to figure out the terrestrial portion. How are your newts doing over winter? Do they require a dormit / hibernation period? Do you use a chiller over the summer or just keep the tank @ room temp? I know my Newts up here in Renns Co NY go deep in the ponds or gather around the spring heads (@ 55F) once the water temps get above 78 F. When the water temps is @ 60-70 F they are in the shallows then disappear as the temp rises.
@4me3 күн бұрын
I released my newts back to the place where I found them. Kept them for about one year. I pick them at the end of the September. Getting them into room temperature aquarium in the autumn definitely messed up their natural cycle. They start mating games almost right away. I did not want to use coolers for this tank for keeping them on the natural cycle. And by the end of the next Summer my whole family decide that it would be right to let them go back to nature. Taking care of them was great year long adventure my family and I enjoyed. I was planning to visit their natural place once a season - just to keep on observations. Though, my trips were interrupted by the limited access (bad snow storms messed up trails - some are still closed). Still have more videos about newts to work through 😉 Eastern newts certainly make one of the most interesting pets for aquariums. I may get them again in the coming years - will look for babies (Efts) to raise.