Ni vs Si Productivity Styles

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Casual Cognition

Casual Cognition

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@mentusanarih 3 жыл бұрын
As an ISTJ, when you said that Si/Ne don't see the future as real, that really clicked - my INFJ boyfriend can clearly imagine the future as if it's right in front of him, but I can't see it at all until it's right in front of my face. Great video and explanation! :)
@ArchimondetheDestroyerofWorlds 3 жыл бұрын
according to socionics the 2 of you have a super-ego relationship, which has a 0.5 star rating. You dual (ideal) type would be an ENFP.
@ccs1229 3 жыл бұрын
Same with my sister and I She absolutely CANNOT see the future. I, on the other hand CANNOT see what's right in front of me!
@RaidenShogun.. Жыл бұрын
In my opinion, Istj people are very scary. I am scared of them. They have dominant Si and can remember so well about life, themselves and some people. This means they can say out embarrassing Si memories that are in the past. Or point out people’s mistakes in the past which is scary. ISFJ people too, like my grandma who tells me about my past so many times. The past is the past. You can’t change it so why bring it up? You can just do it on the future or the present. Even if ISTJ use past to set Te goals, it would be innacurate cuz the past can be very different from now or the future. Weather 3 months ago or 10 years ago. Nothing to reminiscence about. Move on, you old folks. Instead, You all can set Te based on what you think the future is gonna be like. Easy. It’s good to set goals but why bruh, it gotta be on past stuff that happened before. Today my Istj (he said his type is this based on cog functions) teacher was talking about his past experiences and what he did with the others YEARS ago. It feels weird cuz I don’t do that weather for a fun reminiscence memory or setting Te goals. That’s weird. We should think of the future with Ne or Ni. -intp who rants and criticises people for fun haha and have undeveloped Si. Bye
@karalewis388 2 жыл бұрын
Ni: the future feels more real than the present 🤔 Si: the past feels more real than the present 😪 Se: the present feels vividly real 😲 Ne: nothing feels real 😐
@H3XED_OwO Жыл бұрын
@RaidenShogun.. Жыл бұрын
I think my ISTJ teacher is weird because of dominant Si.
@RaidenShogun.. Жыл бұрын
Bruh who wants to think about the past? Si doms should use Ni or Ne instead to make their Te goals. How even is reminiscing about the past fun. Si doms are weird. I can’t understand them. Logisticians are RipOffs Logicians. They even copied and changed the name a little. Even their name is longer.
@SAR-ec8fr Жыл бұрын
Ne: Anything is possible
@branver1172 11 ай бұрын
@@RaidenShogun..people with Si have a huge amount of detailed knowledge from the past and they use that to understand the knowledge in the present and get things done. All the ISFJs I know are very productive.
@kuro_tadori 3 жыл бұрын
Your description of Ni Se type of productivity is very accurate in my experience (INFJ here). I think since Ni is good at seeing the bigger picture it therefore somehow 'knows' whether something is reachable or not, giving a level of trust. I notice with myself that when I have a goal in mind and my actual Se progress doesn't match the Ni vision; I just keep going and adjusting, until it does. I think for Ni users there is definitely a level of frustration when the Se progress doesn't match the Ni vision. Which is a source of motivation.
@tigress1girl 3 жыл бұрын
what does it mean "the Se progress"?
@kuro_tadori 3 жыл бұрын
@@tigress1girl I mean when you are working towards a goal, the progress towards it which is observable in reality (and therefore relates to Se)
@tigress1girl 3 жыл бұрын
@@kuro_tadori And in what way the progress of Se would not match the Ni vision? Could you maybe give an example?
@kuro_tadori 3 жыл бұрын
@@tigress1girl Say you have a vision of having a succesful company in the future. But your progress doesn't match this vision (yet); because at the moment, you have barely even set up the company or made any success
@tigress1girl 3 жыл бұрын
@@kuro_tadori What if the Se is a savior function and the Ni is a demon? Would the Ni change to match the Se progress? Also how can you know when an Se matches Ni? Ne usually does it from project to project, so I'm confused as to how you know when an Se progress fulfilled the Ni visualization or goal? If what I wrote here makes any sense, I might be completly off about it...
@benjaminfast5496 2 жыл бұрын
When you said Si-Ne users feel like the future isn't real but the past is, while Ni-Se users feel like the past isn't real but the future is, it made SO MUCH sense to me! I can pull things from my past that no one else remembers and become lost in that past memory, as if the present has stopped for a moment. Ask me about the future and I'm like "I have plans to hang out with so and so on this day... and one of my favorite shows is on tonight... and it's my birthday soon...etc." When I think about the future the only things that come to mind are things that already have a set place in my future timeline. Ask me what I want to do a year from now and I can't even begin to answer it because I don't know where I'll be a year from now. I feel as if I don't have that much power to determine where I can be a year from now. That is beyond my capabilities and understanding. If you said I HAD to make a decision about my future I will get so stressed out and feel like I need to asked everyone I know what their opinions are the do endless research and then make a decision that I feel very little confidence in. Why make such a definitive decision? It removed the possibility for change. It's like claiming you have control of time. Anyways... this really clears up for me that I have Si-Ne in my stacking. I've been bouncing between the NFPs for a while. Leaning towards INFP because I don't think me Ne is my dominant. I know for a fact I'm not a dominant Si.
@Chierushi Жыл бұрын
It's not really that the future feels real like in a sensing way. I have no clue what it would look like for me to be 35 when I'm 25 - unless I wanted to practice making something up, and I would definitely look at someone or have a role model to point to that is basically providing all the specifics I can point to - I would literally see in the present, the future (desired characteristics of the person or image of a person that exists now). Does that make sense? Also if you just ask me randomly, I typically don't know what's coming up this week unless I look at something that's right here right now, for instance, my calendar, where you can see a month at a glance. That's what Ni is doing, at least in terms of being successful and reaching future goals, in my case. If I know it takes a person 4 years to do X, and I know all the steps to do it, and then use tools like a calendar or some sort of dashboard, and then I set SMART (emphasis on measurable, specific, time-bound) goals, I tend to be a lot more successful. But I'm pretty sure that anyone could do that! I think Ni sees or visualizes the trajectory or the present "outlook" on the future - because Ni is just tracking the process, not deciding on anything as a judging function would. It's like your GPS knowing you're 5 miles out from your destination and telling you to turn left at the next light. You're in control of your speed and stuff like that, and your hand's on the wheel, you just decide to turn when you're supposed to and go the speed you choose to and you'll get there. Save any obstacles on the road. Ni is looking at that map, and seeing very clearly the highlighted blue line basically, that trajectory or path, and, often, plotting the path.
@chisaki8368 10 ай бұрын
But INFP's have Ne-Si? Your description sounds like Si-Ne. There is a difference
@lena007_ 3 жыл бұрын
"When Ni/Se user think about the past it kinda feels like watching a movie": so true ! and tbh I thought that everyone experiences the past that way, lol ._. hahah, glad to find out thats certainly not the case
@andyroobrick-a-brack9355 3 жыл бұрын
For me, an NeSi user, reality itself feels like watching a movie, and memories and the past are the intermission.
@valzugg 3 жыл бұрын
That Ne Si style of productivity hit hard for me, that's how I get stuff done. The most annoying thing though, is when that process I'm trying to get going is somehow interrupted by others, it can sort of stifle the trust in the process.
@MrChiefKakashi 3 жыл бұрын
As someone with higher Si, I find I do the checklist approach to productivity, but I think it's more focused and specific than someone with higher Ne. I think of it like this: Ne goes to a hardware store and buys every tool because, hey, they could all be useful eventually. Si buys what will probably be needed at some point, but not with any project in mind. Se/Ni figures out what to build first, then buys the necessary tools.
@NoOne-wt6om 3 жыл бұрын
LOL I literally want to buy every tool.
@RaidenShogun.. Жыл бұрын
Hmmm. Bias tho. Cuz some poor people will have to think of what to buy first and for the project and then buy it cuz it saves a lot of money. Rich people will buy everything and waste money and then when they want to do the project, they find the tools they need (Si)
@RaidenShogun.. Жыл бұрын
Interesting explanation. It’s a good idea of how those functions work.
@PowerRedBullTypology 3 жыл бұрын
I've noticed that It's much easier for me to achieve things in unconventional manners rather than conventional manners. Ne likes to react on things and be creative and it wants to outsmart rather than following a 'boring' path in the way Se bulldozes towards it's goal in a straight and consistant line. So Ne's strength is indeed not that it's as strong as Se, but rather that it is creative and smart. It's Ne's strength to expand rapidly and think of 1000 ways how something could work or how something could done. However in some circumstances this works counter productive. The more open the goal is for Ne, the harder it becomes to choose a path. So I think Ne might work best when in a way it's almost cornered, because it's strength is to find a way out (creatively/outsmart). And indeed I absolutely agree that looking further in the future does not work, because then again the possibilities become too endless and Ne can sees 10000 options without a clear preference. In a way the way the individual then freezes as explained in the video seems similar to a computer that freezes if you give it too much calculations at once. I think that is what Ne tries to do. Ne always wants to incorporate all data into a calulation and then freezes if it's too much. If you set yourself hours this creates some restriction and restriction typically works, because it lowers the amount of data Ne can calculate with and thus reduces the chance on freezing. Ni and Se are a much more easy function combination to understand, as Ni is imaginative and passive and Se is active and concrete. So the "movement" that Se does is very real and the steps it takes are quite consistant and easier to predict. In the Ne/Si combination the concrete world is seperated from movement as Si is introverted and thus passive in nature and the imaginative part is active (Ne). I think it seems like Si is moving because you see Si types do things in reality. However, in a way that activity can not really be considered 'active' because when a high Si user is going through their routine, in a way that is a passive state for them. The movement is almost a trance for them, like it is almost like the muscle memory is on autopilot and their mind is fully seperated from the task they are doing. That is why I think they enjoy doing their routines the whole time. In a way they are in a passive state when they are physcically moving and when they are standing still the Ne is activated and then the mind becomes very active again. This is the opposite of the Se mind that is constantly highly aware and in a concrete way "improvising" in the external world. In the Ne/Si individual the body should be moving on autopilot but the mind is almost seperated from the body and actively imaginating things only somewhat related to the activity.. Ok, I forgot what I wanted to type since my Ne just took over! I've not really figured out how to move myself in the way Ni/Se users do, but I do have the impression that lately I more understand these functions hopefully we'll figure it out sometime how this all works ideally
@modifyingthemedium 3 жыл бұрын
As a fellow Ne/Si user, this is incredible illuminating, thanks for the write-up! I have also found that artificially limiting my options makes 'movement' so much easier. I always use the example of learning everything about shades of red before moving on to blue or green. I still have all the variety I need not to feel restricted with salmon, maroon, burgundy, wine, brick, ruby, etc. Then, when i'm ready (and I have to watch out for analysis paralysis & moving the goalposts in determining this), I can ease into blue, forming all the clarifying connections I need beginning with magenta, plum, eggplant, etc. Being consciously aware that I'm doing this restricting on purpose, and that it is temporary and for the sake of something greater, takes away the horrifying FOMO that comes from limiting my (higher) Ne, and makes the little picture bearable and even enjoyable. Now that the future is divided into little chunks, I can look forward to it because I have a comfortable map for what 'movement' towards it looks like based on what I've already done. I know nothing about green at this point, but I do know what it is like to break down shades (and all the fun and variety within), transition between colors (reducing the chance of 'freezing' between blue and green), and have a sense of expertise on a color (since I've mastered red at this point). I read once that the point of Si is to open up possibilities for Ne to pursue later, which if you think about it, is the point of pursuing any goal, less now for more later. And what a great way to put Si: passive movement as separate from the active imaginative process of Ne. A meditative autopilot trance that takes you out of the Ne chaos. I've struggled so long to describe exactly what Si is doing and this really hits the spot. I can't express how useful this feels.
@CasualCognition 3 жыл бұрын
Totally agree that restriction is liberating to Ne! "Write a story" is hard but "write a story about covid but set in a different time period and also use the word orange" becomes paradoxically easier.
@viktorianagudi4459 3 жыл бұрын
This is very fascinating. Is there anything else about the Ne/Si experience ("phenomenology") that a Se/Ni user wouldn't assume? I think it's very difficult to intuit these differences in the spatiotemporal experience of consciousness without being primed by models such as those of Jung and Sandoval and making an effort to discuss modulations. These types of mind's eye discussion exercises (i.e., "when you imagine a word, where does it hover, how transparent are the letters, and how long does it stay?") are now being developed in France and elsewhere under the field of "micro-phenomenology". We interact based on externally perceptible things but have little language for the internal part of reality, which must be inferred through proxies. I think that art and particularly musical signatures are some of the most effective proxies for the transference of incommunicable mental states, but an Se saying that of course means nothing. When I listen to Si music I can temporarily take on a narrativistic, procedural, and chronological frame that's pent up with the sense of something slowly yet steadily accumulating or culminating in the manifestation it was meant for, but I don't know if this is actually what it is or if I'm BSing myself. There seem to often be themes of loss of purity, glory, honor, hegemony, valor, original form, etc. which usually come with an implicit redemption/restoration imperative. The subtext is "You can do it...prove yourself! Fight to the finish!" For Ne-heavy songs this moral economy/undercurrent will still be firmly present but in a less literal way. The energy will be higher and the conflict might take place in the fantasy realm or be tinted juvenile in a way that makes it clear that these gratuitous braveheart affectations aren't to be taken seriously. But for Se/Ni I find that the same thing, which I'd loosely characterize as a chronological moral economy, doesn't exist much. Things like moral redemption and reestablished honor are of course conceivable and occasionally desired but don't seem to create an ongoing undercurrent or any imperative that isn't temporarily adopted because it fits the mood. For an Se everything happens in scenes/frames, which impose themselves and have their time when it's called for and pass when they must (see Sandoval: cognitive refresh factor). Extroverted sensing allows for almost every type of experience, as one eventually finds that nearly every mood or orientation has to have its day. But as soon as the next arises, another frame settles in and takes its mandate. I think being an Ne/Si is like being Player 1 in a miscoded videogame with a malfunctioning reCAPTCHA insert, while being an Se/Ni is like being the protagonist in a sci-fi thriller...on psychedelics, but simultaneously God and a dog.
@atomnous 3 жыл бұрын
that's exactly it
@Y77-7 3 жыл бұрын
I relate to this so much as an NE/SI user, so well articulated!
@Cynthia-dd7do 3 жыл бұрын
Not knowing how the future is going to be but focusing on the day-to-day plan is so relatable and very much preferred when I’m trying to be productive. (Ne-Si user here)
@MariaM-qq6kv 3 жыл бұрын
Very interesting. Si Ne user. MBTI is so useful for productivity. I appreciate the value of Ni Se but it also makes me feel overwhelmed to stay there. I prefer the day to day with a big picture goal in mind.
@tigress1girl 3 жыл бұрын
You prefer the day to day with a big picture goal in mind, isn't it Ni? Big picture? I'm confused
@MariaM-qq6kv 3 жыл бұрын
@@tigress1girl we can tap into any function if we want to, especially if you've been around people who have those functions naturally. Takes a lot more conscious energy to do it though.
@tigress1girl 3 жыл бұрын
@@MariaM-qq6kv Interesting. But as an Ne user, how do you figure out the Ni big picture? What helps you? I'm still learning the functions and it all seems to blend together, which is really confusing to me. So sorry if the questions are incorrect or misinformed ^^"
@vazzaroth 3 жыл бұрын
Ti-Ne here, agree with most "advice" coming from ni-se. My Ni-Fe wife asked me if I ever do/like anything "real" and it's REALLY made me question, like, everything in my entire life up to that point. After a LOOOOOOOONG time I started to realize that she was using Se definitions for that and I was chasing a reality that felt "fake" to me in order to fulfill some kind of standard I didn't understand. Since then, it's played out almost perfectly that EVERYTHING that pings as "real" to me, is something that feels fake to her, and vice versa. Literally moving about in real life feels way more "fake" to me than, say, a well made simulation of a thing.
@NoOne-wt6om 3 жыл бұрын
I think both Ni and Ne create big picture but Ne is more insecure about their picture.
@jrtrackee 3 жыл бұрын
Day-to-day productivity for Ni and Si are quite different in their aim. Ni wants to hit a target that doesn't exist while Si wants to hit an existing target. In other words, Ni is progressive with a desire to (Se) construct a new target and Si is maintenence with a desire to (Ne) improve the existing target. I think the tips mentioned in the video focus on productivity which leads to progress of some sort (visualizing a non-existent reality) rather than maintenence. The best way that I have found to rework this advice (for Ne/Si) is to visualize possible experiences and chose the one that you would want to experience AND remember. This way you're looking forward to a future where you can look back on having completed your (progressive) goal. With this in mind, you're more likely to work towards a new goal because you want to have the memory to recall afterwards. The difference is minute, but this has helped me narrow the possibilities to just the progress I want to remember. Not very many. But just enough to add a little spice to my productive maintenence routine. I hope this offers a different perspective on productivity. It's a struggle, but we'll find better Ne ways to deal with it. (;
@jrtrackee 3 жыл бұрын
The future is pretty much the past that hasn't happened yet.
@flowerchasethesunshine9063 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! Breaking a big task into small ones etc. doesn't help much. The struggle is smaller but a struggle nevertheless. But when I think it as "what kind of day would feel good by the end of the day" I suddenly see clarity and feel motivated.
@jrtrackee 3 жыл бұрын
@@flowerchasethesunshine9063 Very true. I can break down tasks as much as I want, but the discomfort of actually doing the thing stands in my way most of the time. No matter how easy and simple it is. It's embarrassing, really. 😅 Doing something new is seen as a discomfort from an Si-lense so it's natural to be resistant to completing a task if we're already comfortable. But it(resistance) makes progress/improvements an impossibility, even though Ne reveals to us the many possibilities for it. Narrowing those possibilities to reach a new Si-comfort is the only way I've found to deal with the MOMENTARY discomfort of a new sensory experience for the sake of progress/improvements. It's basically about balancing out the Ne/Si relationship; satisfying both of their needs for improvement and comfort.
@darkkyoka5384 Жыл бұрын
This answer seems like a chatGpt one
@jrtrackee Жыл бұрын
@@darkkyoka5384 I'm not sure what the implication of this association is? What about the comment gave you that impression? 🤔
@PowerRedBullTypology 3 жыл бұрын
This is my favourite video by you! This is a subject that keeps me (and I'm sure a lot other Ne users) busy, as it seems the "weapon" Ne/Si seems a quite complicated weapon to control for such purposes as "productivity". It gives me relief to see someone else kind of coming to the same conclusions about the future seeming unreal to us and that working in the Ni/Se style just does not work for us. It freezes me too!
@scarlettwang2655 3 жыл бұрын
This video is so good!! As an INTJ i bought a photo frame thought i could put smth meaningful in the past in it but i just couldn't think of a moment that's related to present me lol. It's still empty after months.
@vazzaroth 3 жыл бұрын
I very strongly believe Ni is where executive function stems from. Ne has always been, for me, picking the next step. I see myself as hopping from stepping stone to stepping stone, and I'm able to quickly analyze where each next individual stone leads me. Then I've lived with my Ni-lead wife and she just looks at the whole puzzle, picks the route that makes the most sense, and goes from start to finish following that plan. Like, she doesn't even forget her plan. What the hell? I've learned in life that planning = a waste of time. I won't remember it. It's so hard to communicate that I JUST ABSOLUTELY CANNOT create and follow a detailed plan from start to finish as intended! No matter HOW hard I try, it NEVER works that way for me. Maybe it's extra bad with an ADHD diagnoses but executive function is just SUCH a challenge. I can speculate for days, but once it comes down to "Make a plan that can be reasonable sure to have a specific result"... that all goes out the window. All I see are options. When I think of a specific future (Not just vague cause-effect cycles which I view as pretty simple and different than Ni) it LITERALLY feels like I'm being asked to dive headfirst into completely murky water. It's terrifying on a physical level. That's unsafe! You might hit your head! You can't tell! It's impossible! So then I'm often left behind in life, on the dock or slowly wading in when the Se and Ni folks are all swimming around having a great time and it's just baffled at how they did that when my body just freezes and doesn't let me. This metaphor has actually happened to me IRL btw, lol. (And sometimes they DO hit their head, or there's a nice deer in the forest nearby that they're missing because they just jumped right in. And then I have a lifetime of feeling gaslit about reality when I try to bring up those concerns at the next swimhole and everyone goes 'NAH, Let's just jump right in!' again! Se especially just feels so damn reckless to me...)
@Chierushi Жыл бұрын
People of all 16 MBTI types use executive function (assuming you mean the prefrontal cortex of the brain, where most executive functioning stems from). For evidence of this, definitely check out Dario Nardi's MBTI brain scans he did studies looking at the brain activity of several people of all 16 of the MBTI types. What you're describing about your experience miiiight be Ne-related, or even being an NP type (intuitive perceiver), "my ADHD won't let me" seems like a classic challenge for NTP, NFP - but also some Se types like ESTP. Side note -there's a cool phenomenon from Dario's work where P types tend to prefer a CERTAIN TYPE of executive function or prefrontal cortex activity. P types like the "excite/explore"-related side (Right side of the forebrain), rather than the "explain/decide" part (left side of forebrain) that dominant J types tend to use more. But basically, it's not a question of Ni vs Ne, every type uses the forebrain, where most executive function stems from. In fact, some Ne types like INTP use a LOT of executive function (I think related to Ti-Si). But I think it also makes sense why you would say that.
@Chierushi Жыл бұрын
As an Ni-Se user, I can say that sometimes I envy the Se "splashing around having a great time" thing as well. It's not so easy for us Ni doms either - because of Ni we often are totally enmeshed in the ups and downs of our current Ni outlook on life is (which, at extremes, can be dreamy and positive, or absolutely nightmarish), and the Se "impact" of whatever that outlook is literally felt like a "bulldozer" as Calypso provided. We get hit HARD with stuff - emotions, stress, anxiety, depression, obstacles, physical objects - and life comes at us FAST. We are not that often splashing around enjoying the world, we are often having THE worst time while everyone else (people with higher sensing) are at least just like "just a regular day, nothing to note." Especially if the overall environment is going through challenging times, or for instance, a person like me is affected in some way by macro-socio-political or economic unrest (which, how can you not be affected), my Ni outlook on life can get distorted bad if I'm not actively working on maintaining my mental health. Not sure if that's just me.
@kabulewanqin4175 5 ай бұрын
Yes I completely agree with you too!!!!! I'm an INFP who uses Ne-Si, and I have to be extra honest that scheduling for example a week of activities doesn't work for me. Somehow the plans always get thrown off and I ended up only doing one task in the whole day, and I'm so pissed off. Now I learnt that planning is also basically a waste of time and what I should actually do is to try to stay present in the moment and do things one step at a time. I am definitely using Ne-Si in this case.
@pearlsb45wine 3 жыл бұрын
If I understood correctly, it's interesting how Ne-Si is & can also be focused on the here & now/ living in the present as Se - but in a very different way. Enjoyed the video!
@hunpo1 3 жыл бұрын
INTJ here. Sounds like you have a good grasp on Ni. Once some thinkers can see where they need to end up, they can auto-pilot a course. Personally I'm not sure how I do this, and it doesn't work in every field, but my intuition can very quickly tell me if I'm on the right track or if I need to pursue other avenues. The end result looks like luck but is probably just my intuitive reflex saving me time.
@nkopanelesedilebona9227 3 жыл бұрын
This was all extremely accurate. I really enjoyed this. I hope you're doing well
@teddypicker7458 3 жыл бұрын
"the more days like this you get in will affect your self image" YES! learned this as an ENFP the hard way.
@ca-ke9493 8 ай бұрын
Im an INFP and i have a similar process to you in terms of productivity! Its hard because usually in a company you have to coordinate schedules with others and bosses usually want a clear picture of whats the end goal and due date. But for me i really just have to work day by day since otherwise Ne will just overwhelm me completely with all the issues that could happen. Another thing i realize is that if someone elses fixes a due date and the end product with a clear visualization (best if someone else has done the exact thing before), Ne will usually skirt around all sorts of issues in weird ninja ways to deliver on time. Works great for one time last minute deadlines. But then the product will usually be barely duct-taped together in the back, very presentable on the surface (near copy of the sample thanks to Si), and pretty flimsy in terms of reasoning on closer inspection.
@Azdaja13 3 жыл бұрын
Whenever I write anything, I always start with the ending, then figure out my route to get there. Even with characters, I need to know where their stories end up otherwise I can't write them. I can't just go in blind, it just kills my productivity completely to not have an end goal in mind. Ni figures out the destination, Te figures out how to get there, Fi is annoying and either helps or hinders me depending on mood and Se does the thing and accumulates additional experience that can allow me to adjust either the details of the Ni destination or the Te route to be more effective.
@JellyIsland 3 жыл бұрын
I always try to write down tasks and make them into tiny steps but somehow I never seem to follow them anyway 🤣 I guess I just work towards a vision or end goal because I still get it done or get closer to my goals, just not the way I tried to plan it out by tiny steps. I guess Ni is like a projector so it's quite easy to see if a task is really important to the vision or if it falls outside of it and can be ignored. So this makes sense. 👏 👏 /infj
@CasualCognition 3 жыл бұрын
Yess forgot to mention in my video that just as Ni big picture can be overwhelming to us Si folk, Si details can bog down Ni folk.
@ChromaticTempest 7 ай бұрын
I suspect that Si demands repetition, or experience, to really find its footing (from an Ni perspective). it seems to know what it knows only. I believe my brother is an an ISTJ and I'm sad say I used think he was a bit slow. I've realized as I've become familiar with MBTI and how different types process info that he's reasonably intelligent. He does get stuff, sometimes he understands things better than I do. What I can't do is try to talk abstractly, or project future events and have him follow. He's not wired that way. What I can do is talk the details of something he's familiar with. He's kind of like an engineer in that once familiar with a system or function for a process, he can understand it extremely well. My Te doesn't do that. Instead all I need is a cursory glance and I feel I get it enough (missing all the details ofc), and my Ni has mapped out everything in advance despite ignoring its lack of hard in the world details that are related. I've come to realize that I need to dial down my Ni. I don't understand everything through intellectual reasoning. And he needs to dial up his capacity for new ideas, as he gets a little too comfortable with the familiar. As far as planning and productivity, well, Ni can plan for days. I really have to push myself to actually get the things done at times b/c I love planning so much. You give me a checklist and I may get it done, but I don't care about that at all. I care about the reason, the purpose for the checklist. Maybe b/c I'm a bit more mature but I have come to appreciate that details, steps, the minutia matters. W/o the incremental progress, the big progress doesn't happen. My Te used to be ever pressing on me and I was quite impatient at times (still can be ofc), but that has adjusted some for me as I have experience a few more perspectives and come to understand that the present is important.
@AnonW 2 жыл бұрын
ENTJ here, Ni users don't "See" the future, they "predict" the future. We know we could be totally wrong but based on the information at hand, we're able to predict what may happen then narrow down the best possibility of what we think it would be like. Personally I don't see the point of doing anything without understanding the larger picture or why it is that I'm doing this so telling me to go and do X for an hr aday without telling me why or what the point is will result in me not doing it. Also Se users store their feeling/memory in objects so although I might feel like I'm watching a movie when I look at my past, I'll feel a lot more if I was in the past around the objects I interacted with in the past. I.E in my childhood house, driving my first car etc...
@ralphgeraldmanapul5911 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah! As an INFP I can very much relate that if I try to visualize the future, I know there are lots of overwhelming tasks to do XD
@therealuwu 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah i feel that the future is more like possibilities, rather than something that's concrete. Like even if I work towards something, I'm always mindful of the possibility where it may not work, so I need to have a lot of faith to not have down times lol I identify more with ne si
@alexfjallstrom6485 3 жыл бұрын
So ppl are intuitive in different ways. I think NI-SE is more like intuition of the future and SI-NE is more like gut instinct (intuition of the now). As an intp, I don’t set goals for the future too often, but I’ll feel out about how my day TODAY could be best spent. I think setting goals for any day past today is hard. At work (teaching), I get ready for the next day but never past that. Does anybody know of something to read (or watch) about instinct vs future intuition?
@kabulewanqin4175 5 ай бұрын
Hah I knew it that my analysis of my fav INFP singer is right!!!!!
@angeline9552 2 жыл бұрын
9:12 omg! I've done the same with the Si-Ne method. When I try to plan my day to the T (minute by minute), I freeze up and get overwhelmed and just end up doing whatever i feel like ATM.. and if i've planned a lot, I end up rebelling against myself and choosing to do NONE of the tasks on my list LMAO. i work better when i just have a general idea of what i should do and not focus on the details too much cuz that overwhlems me, similar to your reaction the Ni-style
@nateo200 2 жыл бұрын
I am an ENFJ and the future feels so so so real and whenever I achieve it it is exactly how I imagined it which fits into that label of being a "psychic" that INFJ's and many ENFJ's get. The past does feel like a movie and often it is in 3rd is very odd for example I was a rower in highschool and looking back I can see one of the more memorable races in first and 3rd person probably because I have seen that river from every angle. I do remember moments in time like when I was in love in a way that feels so real and like yesterday.
@tash4710 3 жыл бұрын
Completely unrelated: I love this top on you! It's so cute.
@sleekoduck 3 жыл бұрын
ENTJ - I play out scenarios in my head to their conclusion before I even start comparing them. Te has more to do with whether it is true or false and just doing things for a purpose, it's a given. For me, Se is more forced and has to do with group dynamics.
@samuelunias673 3 жыл бұрын
My take on productivity, by an Si perspective, is less related to a specific focal goal. I think more about sustainable procedures that gives general resources and habilities that may be necessary in the future. As the time passes and I achieve a good amount of resources I may specialize on something, which leads to the stage of refinement. I think Si is prone to a continuous accumulation, while Ni focuses on stages.
@GokuTheSuperSaiyan1 2 күн бұрын
Si all the way baby, I'm an intp or LII in socionics, planning every detail weeks in advance for my goals
@tigress1girl 3 жыл бұрын
In a way maybe, both Ni and Ne tries to solve a jigsaw puzzle. But how would Ni would approach or observe or visualize that puzzle or goal differently than the Ne?
@Enkvinnasominteheterove 2 жыл бұрын
I’m an entp, does it make sense that neither the future or the past feels real to me? Idk whether the present feels real or not, it kinda depends on the day and my mood. A lot of the times nothing feels real at all, but I could also just have dpdr, idk I haven’t tried to diagnose myself but maybe?
@fivehead 3 жыл бұрын
i feel like gamification would really be of interest to other ne/si folks. its all about incremental progress
@maxfleming447 3 жыл бұрын
Great observations. Ni is very much a see the target and the path sort of emerges. It is not a logical process, in other words, you are not making steps along the way and asking “does this step make sense?” It's more like a jigsaw puzzle dumped on the table. Your mind starts moving certain "important" pieces around and putting them in place, often without even words in your own mind. You cannot explain why - yet. The whole thing is in your mind at once. I have often woken up in the middle of the night with an answer to a technical problem and I'll write it down while it is fresh. When you are moving important puzzle pieces around, it is all about about waht helps help reach the target. I think Se dominants see and remember details pretty much without regard to purpose, better than Ni doms. When people say that Ni users are not detail oriented, it is not really true. We unconsciously discard what is not in the path and latch onto to the details that are, bulldozing is a good description. When I switch into Te mode, it may be forceful and insistent, but I have plans A, B, C and D, the bulldozing is already over.
@tigress1girl 3 жыл бұрын
in a way though, both Ni and Ne tries to solve a jigsaw puzzle. I'm just confused as of how they work differently. How would Ni would approach or observe or visualize that puzzle or goal differently than the Ne?
@maxfleming447 3 жыл бұрын
@@tigress1girl I struggle with this question, but this is my hunch. NeSI: Take Relativity, all of the physical pieces/phenomenon were available and reasonably known before Einstein, whom I believe was INTP. A similar quandary to what we face to unify GR and quantum mechanics today. His thought process was "what kind of model could make all of this make sense and not just isolated unrelated processes?" My outsider’s concept is that Ne takes in data points and ideas, Ti creates and refines models, "does this make sense?", as new data arrives. NiSe: With Fourier transforms, Fourier, whom I believe to be an INTJ, made a claim that any function could be expanded into a series of sine functions. This was far more of a gut feel. Where did this claim come from? It worked well in practical applications (Te), but as I understand the math was a bit fast and loose, and it was another century before it was on solid ground.
@tigress1girl 3 жыл бұрын
@@maxfleming447 Fasinating answer, thank you very much for taking the time to reply! Really insightful :)
@sapphireluna4818 3 жыл бұрын
I am not an Se dom but Se aux, and I remember lots of weird random stuff. My memory is not consistent or neatly organized really, it’s very scattered. But I would say I have an abundance of memories, even though memory is attributed so much to Si. But Si types I know don’t have such a random memory box like I do, they are far better at remembering stuff that is relevant to them in some way, like maybe for a practical purpose. My random memories often have no purpose, though I am much better at remembering stuff that interests me admittedly. Still though, I can hold on to details that can weird out my friends that have no purpose or meaning behind it, like knowing the exact birthday of a celebrity for example because I saw it on wikipedia 🤷‍♀️
@tutlolwow1749 Жыл бұрын
@@tigress1girl Ni observed by processing itself with Se, gut feeling came from related each pattern of abstracts it got from Se, Ni itself without Te or Se is just an pattern of abstraction. Ni received from Se repeatedly, created many perspectives, gained more patterns that led to goal.
@febrasko 3 жыл бұрын
omg this video is golden. I was always frustrated with how I am unable to see years into the future. - INTP
@entropy8000 3 жыл бұрын
Lol LiJos video right below yours was Ne v Se and yours was Ni v Si it was perfect.
@johnknight9150 2 жыл бұрын
Grrrrr, unconscious, not 'subconscious'. I can't stand this about MBTI folk. Putting aside that Freud and Jung disproved the idea of 'subconscious' in the early 20th century, you cannot understand something like intuition through such a faulty lens. Consciousness is clear, crystallised, limited, and focused. The unconscious is an enormous place of interconnection, but that interconnection is murky and scattered. You don't have an under-consciousness, the two states are of completely different qualities. Not even the best MBTI folk seem to be able to grasp this point and it drives me absolutely bonkers.
@johnknight9150 2 жыл бұрын
(I still clicked Like to counteract some of my rudeness.)
@bliss252 3 жыл бұрын
1:30 Yay! My two loves have come together at last: MBTI and LOA 😂 I knew I was drawn to this video for a reason lol. Now all I'm thinking is: if Ni is suited for visualisation, I wonder what technique best suits an INTP? 🤔 Must look into this to optimise manifestations.
@lucianalfaro9170 Жыл бұрын
Something I've realized after some deep NeTi thought: The world was planned by Ni, built by Se, and managed by Si. Ne doms are doomed to have a disadvantage. We are not built for society as it works today. We need to find our own ways to "break the system" to have a good life that aligns with our cognition. Its difficult with all of the peer pressure to follow traditional paths.
@walterking85 Жыл бұрын
As an ENFP, goal setting drives me crazy. We tend to be "River People" vs "Goal People".
@moatemsulongchar8418 2 жыл бұрын
I would have to write down what ever I'm going to do if not I would just forget about it.
@nkopanelesedilebona9227 3 жыл бұрын
As an un-conscientious and depressed INFJ tortured by a perpetual feeling of purposeless, I'd like to know about these supposedly Ni/Se books. Which do you think would be good for an INFJ
@celtic426 3 жыл бұрын
How do you know you're unconscious if you're unconscious?
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 3 жыл бұрын
@zoniachimperium6410 3 жыл бұрын
Hi there, I'm sorry that you feel this way, and here are some books: Atomic Habits 7 Habits of Highly Successful People Reading With the Right Brain (Speed reading book that I think is useful) Mindset (by Carol Dweck) Hope they help, this is a rather short list, but its what I could think of.
@sleekoduck 3 жыл бұрын
I think this is a 2020/2021 thing, I feel it too as an Ni user (ENTJ) because the past couple years have been so very insane and unpredictable. It's like our Ni superpower is failing us. I've been delving into astronomy and physics because Ni doesn't feel broken in a universe of stars and planets and occasional solar flares. Society feels completely broken right now.
@sleekoduck 3 жыл бұрын
@@zoniachimperium6410 Business Insider also has a lot of good articles that are probably better suited for xNTJ types, but I think this might be a bigger zeitgeist thing. When you run on being able to predict things eight moves ahead of everyone else and the whole world turns upside down, what makes you special?
@NoOne-wt6om 3 жыл бұрын
I first create the big picture then break it down to small parts/steps to reach which is the hardest part because I'm impatient. I'm NeSi.
@barbarianx 2 жыл бұрын
The boobest video i mean the best video ever
@_VISION. 2 жыл бұрын
the only reason why I stayed tbh
@matturso2224 3 жыл бұрын
I know you have "request a celebrity" type but would you consider typing fictional characters? It might be harder but...
@theloniusmonk1263 3 жыл бұрын
Pretty good explanation.
@BookofYAH777 2 жыл бұрын
INTJ here. I consider past, present and future to be all real because time is the 4th dimension in addition to the 3 spacial dimensions. If length is real in both directions, and width is real in both direction, and height is real in both directions, then why can't time be real in both directions?
@dimple-sama1948 3 жыл бұрын
i completely agree! literally had a little checklist of things i wanted to get done today next to my laptop while watching this. btw, do you have any productivity books you would recommend to Ne-Si folks? thanks!
@whowatches985 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't realize this when I read it a few years ago, but thinking back, the book Organize Tomorrow Today is totally a productivity book for Ne-Si users. It's all about narrowing down possibilities, being flexible, reflecting back at the end of the day to learn lessons, etc.
@sentienttrash2179 3 жыл бұрын
Great video. And you look really pretty.
@janice9692 3 жыл бұрын
This was super helpful
@superAweber 3 жыл бұрын
7:44 is significant for me
@cass8330 3 жыл бұрын
I remember things through my Se but am terrible at conveying it.
@august8679 Жыл бұрын
I’m an ISFP and I prefer the Si productivity. I have low Ni, so I can’t really imagine things in my head much, and low Te, which makes it difficult to get things done, so routine is really useful for me.
@kabulewanqin4175 5 ай бұрын
Uhhhhh u might be an INFP tho. As an INFP myself, I also prefer Si productivity.
@brocklytodd5317 3 жыл бұрын
@sxept3809 3 жыл бұрын
Have you ever considered isfj
@mattevans8090 3 жыл бұрын
@yourdreams2440 Жыл бұрын
@vigour3899 11 ай бұрын
@fantasizer8473 3 жыл бұрын
Isfp guy. When you free ? 😉
@mooniebo2752 3 жыл бұрын
@ford.06 3 жыл бұрын
As someone who is involved in the masturbation association, I was highly distracted throughout most of this video. I had no ideo wtf you were talking about but i just wanted to say that everything you said makes no sense to me.
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